View Full Version : Shouldn't O-Chul be unparalyzed now?

2007-08-28, 11:16 AM
I mean, hold person works for like 1 round/level right? Xykon is tough, perhaps even level 28 or something, but that's about three minutes, not the half hour or so time that O-Chul has been out of it.

What's going on?

2007-08-28, 11:18 AM
Persisted hold person? :smallwink:

2007-08-28, 11:19 AM
Xykon didn't use Hold Person on O-Chul; he used his paralyzing touch, which all liches have, and it lasts until a spell that can remove it is cast on him.

2007-08-28, 11:23 AM
Forgot 'bout that ability. I knew they had paralyzing touch, but forgot about the whole "Stand there and starve to death" part.

2007-08-28, 11:25 AM
As Asarth said, a Lich's Paralyzing Touch (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/lich.html) lasts forever, unless gotten rid of by specific magical means. Which means that O-Chul would eventually die of dehydration long before the spell ever "wore off".

2007-08-28, 03:18 PM
On the other hand, the specific magical means aren't that difficult to come by. Durkon, Redcloak, Vaarsuvius, or Tsukiko could all pull it off easily. Heck, even Elan could undo the paralysis.

But of course, Haley and Belkar can't.

2007-08-28, 03:40 PM
But of course, Haley and Belkar can't.Redcloak can as well... and since he may have some good information on the others gates, he may get cured so that he can be interrogated.

2007-08-28, 03:57 PM
But of course, Haley and Belkar can't.

Which is, for the sake of the plot, why Rich chose them for the rescue.:smallannoyed:

2007-08-28, 05:19 PM
Redcloak can as well... and since he may have some good information on the others gates, he may get cured so that he can be interrogated.

And prolly kill him afterwards.

2007-08-28, 06:13 PM
On the other hand, the specific magical means aren't that difficult to come by. Durkon, Redcloak, Vaarsuvius, or Tsukiko could all pull it off easily. Heck, even Elan could undo the paralysis.

But of course, Haley and Belkar can't.

Not unless they can find a magic brewey for some Owl's Wisdom potions and a magic shop for some Remove Parlysis scrolls.

:smallsigh: Poor O-Chul. He truly is the coolest Paladin.

basilisk 89
2007-08-28, 07:36 PM
Not unless they can find a magic brewey for some Owl's Wisdom potions and a magic shop for some Remove Parlysis scrolls.

:smallsigh: Poor O-Chul. He truly is the coolest Paladin.

Second-coolest. Bandana Dude with the Flaming sword was much cooler.

2007-08-28, 07:43 PM
And prolly kill him afterwards.Oh, don't be silly. 1. One of the Arcanists uses Bestow Curse to kill O-Chul's Will Saves.
2. Redcloak sticks O-Chul in a Zone of Truth and grills him for questions while his lesser clerics Command O-Chul to answer. A Dominate may be easier, but it's better to conserve the higher slots and make the minor NPCs feel helpful.
3. After getting the desired info, one of the arcanists will use Dominate Person while Redcloak casts Create Food and Water to force feed him and keep him alive.
4. After O-Chul ate, Xykon uses his touch again to stick him in stasis, gives MitD back his toy, and save the imprisoned paladin to be grilled at a later date when further info is required, such as the locations of the Sapphire Guard members abroad or the naval tactics of Hinjo's remnant forces.

2007-08-28, 08:21 PM
1. One of the Arcanists uses Bestow Curse to kill O-Chul's Will Saves.
2. Redcloak sticks O-Chul in a Zone of Truth and grills him for questions while his lesser clerics Command O-Chul to answer. A Dominate may be easier, but it's better to conserve the higher slots and make the minor NPCs feel helpful.
3. After getting the desired info, one of the arcanists will use Dominate Person while Redcloak casts Create Food and Water to force feed him and keep him alive.
4. After O-Chul ate, Xykon uses his touch again to stick him in stasis, gives MitD back his toy, and save the imprisoned paladin to be grilled at a later date when further info is required, such as the locations of the Sapphire Guard members abroad or the naval tactics of Hinjo's remnant forces.

This has to be the most well-thought out theory out there-logical and practical-
-yet if you are correct, I believe *this* is how it will next turn out:

5.Xykon's party runs into the Order of the Stick.
6.He doesn't wish to be bothered, so he Removes Paralysis on O-Chul, Disintegrates him, and raises him to distract the Order of the Stick (however many members are there; Haley, Rcorpsey, and Belkar or Durkon, Hinjo, Elan, Durkon, and Varsuuvius).

(A bit linear, but whatever.)

Nice job, Ganurath.

Also, who's the Bandana'd Paladin with a flaming sword? A link to the comic would be great. :smallwink:


2007-08-28, 08:43 PM
Not unless they can find a magic brewey for some Owl's Wisdom potions and a magic shop for some Remove Parlysis scrolls.Nope, Remove Paralysis isn't on the ranger spell list. Haley would have a better (though still pretty poor) chance of using such a scroll than Belkar. Rangers do get Freedom of Movement, which wouldn't actually remove the paralysis, but would let O-Chul ignore it for about an hour (which might have been long enough to reach the docks).

2007-08-28, 08:59 PM
This has to be the most well-thought out theory out there-logical and practical-
-yet if you are correct, I believe *this* is how it will next turn out:

5.Xykon's party runs into the Order of the Stick.
6.He doesn't wish to be bothered, so he Removes Paralysis on O-Chul, Disintegrates him, and raises him to distract the Order of the Stick (however many members are there; Haley, Rcorpsey, and Belkar or Durkon, Hinjo, Elan, Durkon, and Varsuuvius).

(A bit linear, but whatever.)

Nice job, Ganurath.

Also, who's the Bandana'd Paladin with a flaming sword? A link to the comic would be great. :smallwink:

There is a flaw to this.
You can't Animate something that's been Disintegrated... No more body. And, Create Undead needs to be done at night, and takes 1 hour, I believe (that is if he wanted to create an Allip or oter incorporeal undead). This one's kinda no-go.

Kurald Galain
2007-08-29, 06:08 AM
Heck, even Elan could undo the paralysis.
Somehow I doubt Elan would have such a useful yet non-flashy spell on his list. I suspect that he'd rather go "Resist, resist, resist, resist that nasty paralysis spell" :smallsmile:

Which is, for the sake of the plot, why Rich chose them for the rescue.:smallannoyed:
Well, also because they're the only two with decent stealth skills. Can you imagine Mr. Clanky marching through the city without attracting attention? I'd say this qualifies as good plot planning.

Oh, don't be silly.
Great idea, except that Xykon would probably cast something like Horrid Wilting instead, just for the fun of it.
:xykon: I thought you said stop him again!
:redcloak: I didn't mean permanently.
:xykon: Well excuse me for not listening to that crap. We can always animate him if we need him walking around again. Hey, that's a fun idea! (casts telekinesis to make O-Chul's corpse float around...)

2007-08-29, 08:53 AM
Also, who's the Bandana'd Paladin with a flaming sword? A link to the comic would be great. :smallwink:


By your command (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0301.html). :smalltongue:

Banana with flaming sword = best character ever!

2007-08-29, 09:34 AM
By your command (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0301.html). :smalltongue:

Banana with flaming sword = best character ever!

I see a pizza with an ordinary sword...

2007-08-29, 09:37 AM
Somehow I doubt Elan would have such a useful yet non-flashy spell on his list. I suspect that he'd rather go "Resist, resist, resist, resist that nasty paralysis spell"Which would actually work, since Elan is a 12th-level bard and therefore has Song of Freedom. Although I've a hunch that he wouldn't pass up the opportunity to use "Born free" as his song, rather than the usual "verb verb verb verb the adjective noun" formula (that's just what he uses when he can't think of anything better off the top of his head).

Banana with flaming sword = best character ever!Yeah, a banana with a flaming sword would be even cooler than a paladin with one! But for the ultimate character, you'd want a Banana Fruit Pie paladin/sorcerer gish :smallcool: .

John Campbell
2007-08-29, 01:46 PM
On the other hand, the specific magical means aren't that difficult to come by. Durkon, Redcloak, Vaarsuvius, or Tsukiko could all pull it off easily. Heck, even Elan could undo the paralysis.

But of course, Haley and Belkar can't.

For extra irony, remove paralysis is a 2nd level Paladin spell. O-Chul could probably undo the paralysis... if he weren't paralyzed.

Thanatos 51-50
2007-08-29, 02:42 PM
For extra irony, remove paralysis is a 2nd level Paladin spell. O-Chul could probably undo the paralysis... if he weren't paralyzed.

Thinking about a Paladan who took "Still Spell" makes me :smallsmile: a bit.

2007-08-29, 03:51 PM
Thinking about a Paladan who took "Still Spell" makes me :smallsmile: a bit.

It would have to be still AND silent, because O'chul also cannot speak while paralyzed.

2007-08-29, 04:04 PM
For extra irony, remove paralysis is a 2nd level Paladin spell. O-Chul could probably undo the paralysis... if he weren't paralyzed.

Isn't that just O-Chul's life in a nutshell? And isn't it just hilarious? :D

2007-08-29, 05:42 PM
You can't Animate something that's been Disintegrated... No more body. And, Create Undead needs to be done at night, and takes 1 hour, I believe (that is if he wanted to create an Allip or oter incorporeal undead). This one's kinda no-go.

:smallfrown: Sorry. I'm a bit fresh to pure D&D mechanics, and to the franchise as a whole really. I just assumed because of this here comic (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0480.html) it would be feasible.



2007-08-29, 06:26 PM
Disintegrate doesn't actually dust a person directly. What it does is a whole load of damage (or, if they make their save, just a small amount of damage), and if that damage is enough to kill the person, then the person is reduced to a pile of dust. What we saw with Hinjo was a failed save which did a ton of damage, but Hinjo's tough enough that it still didn't quite kill him (though it came very close). O-Chul is said to be tougher than Hinjo, so he could probably survive it too, if he started at full health. If Redcloak then wanted to kill him, he could deal the last few points of damage some other way.

Of course, if the goal was just to kill O-Chul, he wouldn't need to Remove Paralysis, either. In fact, it'd be a bad idea to, since that would give O-Chul a chance to do something, and what he did probably wouldn't be much fun for Redcloak.

Also note, by the way, that since Disintegrate isn't normally a cleric spell, Redcloak must be getting it from one of his domains, which means that he can only cast it at most once per day. So if he runs into Haley and Belkar before he has a chance to renew his spells, it's not an option at all.

Renegade Paladin
2007-08-29, 06:35 PM
He's getting disintegrate from the Destruction domain, as the 7th level domain spell. It's worth noting that since he can cast 8th level spells (that fiendish mammoth was the result of an extended summon monster VII, making it an 8th level spell) he could prepare another disintegrate in his 8th level domain slot, but frankly if I were he I'd take earthquake over a second disintegrate. In fact, I'd have taken it and used it against the city walls. :smalltongue: