View Full Version : [3.5] Am I missing any +5 enhancement?

Uncle Pine
2018-02-25, 06:01 AM
Inspired by the Razor Boar (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/razorBoar.htm), which despite being in the EHL would probably make for an interesting hunting target in a medium-level game, I've started to look for other +5 enhancement other than vorpal wondering what kind of giant animals would be thematically appropriate to slap them on (razor boar being a giant boar with vorpal slapped on it). If I can think of at least 5 good ones I'm probably going to make a statblock for each of them and make them the totems of a series of dwarven tribes in a future campaign. As such, I'd rather go for a Northern European/Viking-style selection of animals since that's the kind of vibe I had in mind.

As far as weapons go, I have:

Vorpal - Razor Boar (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/razorBoar.htm) as totem - Augmented (Huge) expansion psionic tattoos (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20031225a) being the gimmick I had in mind for this specific tribe of dwarves (here's a couple (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?516162-Augmented-psionic-tattoos) of threads (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?551527-Psionic-Tattoos) about this idea).
Coup de grace - Giant crow as totem - No particular idea right now. (I didn't even know this one existed before today, if you're like me you can find it here in the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/weapons.htm))

Initially I wanted to use only +5 weapon enhancement, but since I could only find two I chose to branch out to armors and shields as well:

Fortification, heavy (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicArmor.htm)
Fortifying defense (DMGII 251)
Freedom (MIC 11)
Power resistance 19 (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/armorAndShields.htm)
Proof against Transmutation (CA 142)
Reflecting (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicArmor.htm)
Spell resistance 19 (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicArmor.htm)
Spell trapping (DMGII 252)
Time buttress (MIC 15)

(If I can find enough +5 weapon enhancement I'll probably stick to those and skip armor ones altogether, but for now here they are)

Does anyone know about other +5 enhancement? I haven't checked all the various Dragon/Dungeon magazines yet. I'll update the above list as new ones are found.

EDIT: Where no totems or info on the tribe are listed, it's because I haven't thought of any yet.

2018-02-25, 06:07 AM
Inspired by the Razor Boar (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/razorBoar.htm), which despite being in the EHL would probably make for an interesting hunting target in a medium-level game, I've started to look for other +5 enhancement other than vorpal wondering what kind of giant animals would be thematically appropriate to slap them on (razor boar being a giant boar with vorpal slapped on it).

Actually the Razor Boar is from MM2. However, it's specifically called out as "Open Game Licence" so the SRD was allowed to use it. Being only CR10, it is indeed a good monster for Medium-level games.

While it's listed as +4 rather than +5, the Tentacle Weapon property from Underdark is good. Critical hit extracts target's brain (Fort DC21 negates) killing it - unless it is a construct, elemental, ooze, plant, or undead. A multi-headed creature needs all brains extracted to kill it.

2018-02-25, 03:51 PM
Just picked up something in the monster entry I never noticed before:

Though some creatures, such as golems and undead other than vampires, are not affected by the loss of their heads, most creatures die when their heads are cut off.

Bolding mine. I never knew vampires had any special vulnerability to beheading? Is this a 3.0 thing?

I know once a vamp is decapitated one of the tactics to permanently destroy it is to cut off it's head and stuff the mouth with holy wafers.

Is there any special effect to a vampire if you cut off it's head before reducing it to 0 hit points?

2018-02-25, 04:37 PM
I know once a vamp is decapitated one of the tactics to permanently destroy it is to cut off it's head and stuff the mouth with holy wafers.
Yep. It's noted under the vampire (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/vampire.htm)'s weaknesses.

Uncle Pine
2018-02-27, 06:31 AM
I guess the answer to whether I had missed any +5 enhancements is no. :smallbiggrin:
Worry not! I decided on a way to settle things regardless of the lack of additional ones and ended up with what I believe to be 5 appropriately-thematic pairs that make somewhat sense:

Vorpal boar (+5 weapon; see above).
Coup de grace crow (+5 weapon; probably psionic-oriented and a lot more shamanistic tribe of the bunch; I've also never used a were-murder of crows against any of my players, so it would be a good excuse to try it out provided I can slot a Small dwarf in the story at some point).
Time buttress goat (+5 armor; because the idea of a culture with a time-defying goat as totem sounded neat and goats are mountain animals, meaning I can slot "normal" dwarves here).
Brilliant energy horse (+4 weapon; I had barbarian dwarves, shaman dwarves and mountain dwarves covered, so something to populate plains or hills made sense to me).
Cursespewing snake (+3 weapon; yes, it had to be a snake as snakes tend to be an overlooked part of Norse mythology; snake-revering people are also generally depicted as Evil, so despite not planning to make these dwarves Evil having the means to use them as foils to the other tribes could come in handy).

I ended up using 4 weapon enhancement for the more unusual dwarves and an armor enhancement for the canonical ones as a nod to the fact that normal dwarves love armor.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who pitched in! Have a good day.