View Full Version : Discreet magic items for mingling with nobles

2018-02-26, 04:26 AM
I'm making a PC that expects to spend significant amount of time using social skills and interacting with Nobility. She's a social-focused lv6 Human Beguiler/Mindbender and expects to spend a significant amount of time using those social skills on the rich and influential. She's pretty vain, too, and wants to avoid combat whenever possible.
Finding gear for her is an issue though (she has 13 000gp). Mingling with these people will presumably require dressing the part, which means that most magic gear is right out due to the demands of fashion and impressing people. Furthermore, all forms of magical storage are unavailable (this is an E6 game and so they can't be crafted) so she can't just buy a ton of outfits and switch between them when needed (doing so would require a home, which would tie her down to a location and is impractical is this campaign).

For the clothes problem: a "Vestment of Many Styles" from Races of Eberron costs 500gp and grants +2 Disguise. Conveniently, this seems to literally be shapeshifting clothes, which neatly resolves issues of looking clean and neat after travelling and always being fashionable in a high society function. No mechanical bonuses, but should help avoid circumstance penalties to Diplomacy!
However, I would not be averse to spending more gold on something better.

Cloaks, gloves, armor and visible weapons are right out (inappropriate for most occasions she would want to be involved in), but items like belts (that can be worn with many clothing styles and underneath others) or rings are good possibilities. Any suggestions? I'll definitely be taking a healing belt, but beyond that...
A hat of disguise might be good. Sure illusory clothing is a faux pas but it often won't be noticeable (minor nobles may not have constant Detect Magic going on and I may need to mingle with peasants or hide or something), it hides itself easily enough, and I suppose it's base form could be fancy if I wanted it to be.
Are there rules for magic tatoos anywhere? Those could be hidden under clothing easily enough.

I also wanted some kind of item that allows for the use of Prestidigitation, preferably at will (Beguilers don't even have it on their spell list). It's just so convenient, and it seems useful for showing off, establishing credentials as a magic-user (rare in the setting) without wasting precious spell slots, and for quick personal grooming. I can't seem to find any items of Prestidigitation, so I tried to make one with the magic item creation rules in the srd but I got something seemingly ridiculously cheap.
Command Word activated Ring of Prestidigitation = 0.5*1*1800 = 900gp!
I know that Prestidigitation isn't very mechanically powerful, but that's insane! Why doesn't everyone buy one?
Similarly, I couldn't find any magic items of Sanctuary. And a command-word item of Sanctuary seems to cost 1800gp*caster level, which is crazily low! Who doesn't every dedicated healer get one?

tl;dr: cheap and unobtrusive magic items, anyone?
This question could also be interpreted as "What magic items would be convenient and appropriate for a Lady?".

2018-02-26, 06:44 AM
most magic gear is right out due to the demands of fashion and impressing people. Furthermore, all forms of magical storage are unavailable (this is an E6 game and so they can't be crafted) so she can't just buy a ton of outfits and switch between them when needed (doing so would require a home, which would tie her down to a location and is impractical is this campaign).
Most magic items are quite fashionable, and any society with magic items should understand the value of them. In real life nobles had fancy weapons all the time, why would a magic item be any different? Anyone who questions why you're wearing the same item over and over again gets met with the answer of "because magic," and then probably looks dumb for having to ask.

The Ring of Arming (MiC) is a ring that stores armor and weapons.

No mechanical bonuses, but should help avoid circumstance penalties to Diplomacy!
Depends on how your DM is figuring them, since neither that nor the MiC version (Shiftweave) specify that they can mimic Noble or Courtier outfits. It might be assumed since even 5 noble's outfits is less than 500gp, but a noble's outfit weighs 10 lbs and a courtier's outfit weighs 6 lbs, while Shiftweave only weighs 5 lbs, so it clearly isn't a full version of either. The rules on outfits and diplomacy checks in the PHB say nothing of needing to update your wardrobe, only that wearing street dress is bad and a new courtier's outfit happens to match current fashions. Once again, magic items aren't going to be street dress, and a magical piece of jewlery easily crushes the 50gp requirement to match either proper outfit.

Which is just to highlight that however your DM is running it, is how they're running it. Though incidentally, under what circumstances is this apparently fantastically wealthy socialite required to have multiple wardobes on her person at all times?

Are there rules for magic tatoos anywhere? Those could be hidden under clothing easily enough.
Many places. Psionic tattos from XPH are essentially potions, there's a WotC web article series of psionic tattoo circuitry, and plenty of settings have their own version. Basic 1st party permanent effects? Not so much.

I also wanted some kind of item that allows for the use of Prestidigitation, preferably at will (Beguilers don't even have it on their spell list). . . establishing credentials as a magic-user (rare in the setting)
If magic items that do this at-will exist, how would it be a magical credential?

so I tried to make one with the magic item creation rules in the srd but I got something seemingly ridiculously cheap.
Command Word activated Ring of Prestidigitation = 0.5*1*1800 = 900gp!
I know that Prestidigitation isn't very mechanically powerful, but that's insane! Why doesn't everyone buy one?
Similarly, I couldn't find any magic items of Sanctuary. And a command-word item of Sanctuary seems to cost 1800gp*caster level, which is crazily low! Who doesn't every dedicated healer get one?
Because custom items are custom and require DM approval- some DMs let people make whatever they want based on formulas, and then have crazy cheap items running around, and some don't. Prestidigitation can be easily compared to the Hand of the Mage however, which is already 900gp for Mage Hand at-will. I'm fairly certain there is a continuous Sanctuary item somewhere, but with the standard magic item DC of 11, it's hardly a serious defense.

2018-02-26, 07:14 AM
I'm making a PC that expects to spend significant amount of time using social skills and interacting with Nobility. She's a social-focused lv6 Human Beguiler/Mindbender and expects to spend a significant amount of time using those social skills on the rich and influential. She's pretty vain, too, and wants to avoid combat whenever possible.
Finding gear for her is an issue though (she has 13 000gp). Mingling with these people will presumably require dressing the part, which means that most magic gear is right out due to the demands of fashion and impressing people. Furthermore, all forms of magical storage are unavailable (this is an E6 game and so they can't be crafted) so she can't just buy a ton of outfits and switch between them when needed (doing so would require a home, which would tie her down to a location and is impractical is this campaign).

For the clothes problem: a "Vestment of Many Styles" from Races of Eberron costs 500gp and grants +2 Disguise. Conveniently, this seems to literally be shapeshifting clothes, which neatly resolves issues of looking clean and neat after travelling and always being fashionable in a high society function. No mechanical bonuses, but should help avoid circumstance penalties to Diplomacy!
However, I would not be averse to spending more gold on something better.

Glammered armor. Turns into a set of cloths, requires true seeing to penetrate, and you keep the AC.

I also wanted some kind of item that allows for the use of Prestidigitation, preferably at will (Beguilers don't even have it on their spell list). It's just so convenient, and it seems useful for showing off, establishing credentials as a magic-user (rare in the setting) without wasting precious spell slots, and for quick personal grooming. I can't seem to find any items of Prestidigitation, so I tried to make one with the magic item creation rules in the srd but I got something seemingly ridiculously cheap.
Command Word activated Ring of Prestidigitation = 0.5*1*1800 = 900gp!
I know that Prestidigitation isn't very mechanically powerful, but that's insane! Why doesn't everyone buy one?
Similarly, I couldn't find any magic items of Sanctuary. And a command-word item of Sanctuary seems to cost 1800gp*caster level, which is crazily low! Who doesn't every dedicated healer get one?

As noted, custom items require DM approval. Beyond that:
Magic items default to the lowest save DC possible for the spell. This means that the Sanctuary Ring has a save DC of 11. Your average commoner-1 has a 50% chance of ignoring it, and it only gets worse from there. Anything you're actually worried about attacking you is liable to laugh it off. This is also why I'd recommend against a hat of disguise - it's also will DC 11, and your basic Aristocrat gets a good Will save; basically as soon as you shake someone's hand, the jig is up.

That said: The Hand of the Mage follows the same pricing (standard item in the DMG), so there is that. Also: Beguilers get Use Magic Device, and a wand is both cheap and non-custom.

tl;dr: cheap and unobtrusive magic items, anyone?
This question could also be interpreted as "What magic items would be convenient and appropriate for a Lady?".

2018-02-26, 07:28 AM
As long as the Disguise Self gives them nothing to interact with, there's no will save. Interaction could be as simple as a hand shake, but I would argue that anything which you don't conceal isn't part of the glamer and thus allows no save - so as long as you're making good "tactical" use of it, you're fine (as with most illusions). And of course if you're foolish enough to make a major change and then let someone clip through it, no save needed. Possibly color and pattern changes should pass physical interaction, though they won't ignore active spot check interaction. Of course, if you're using active spot check interaction, then no part of the disguise is safe once someone starts paying attention.

Security checkpoints should require the removal of all headgear and ornaments, a pat down (including face), or both- but then they should also include a Brazier of Aura Revealing (Magic) [SBG] and someone with the skill to read the auras (an Expert will do). The brazier is cheaper than the hat btw.

One should also figure out how the Disguise skill works in general with the DM. Much of it is written from the perspective of imitating a specific person, but most people aren't actually trying to do that. Seems to me the way it's meant to work is that passing the spot check tells someone that something is "off," alerting them to a disguise or shapeshift without somehow telling them exactly who's under there immediately (which would make no sense).

Uncle Pine
2018-02-26, 07:43 AM
You can find expanded rules on psionic tattoos here (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20031225a).

Keep in mind that for most magic items their looks isn't keyed to their function: for a RAW example off the top of my head, there's a guy in Champions of Ruin with a crown-shaped headband of intellect +6. In fact, as magic items are generally handmade objects crafted on commission, you'd be hard pressed to find two of them who looks exactly the same. Should your DM decide to stick with the idea that every single magic item of a given kind looks the same, at least be sure to get yourself a few masterwork +2 competence items for Diplomacy, Bluff and Intimidate, maybe a monocle, a fancy ring and moustache wax.

2018-02-26, 07:47 AM
As long as the Disguise Self gives them nothing to interact with, there's no will save. Interaction could be as simple as a hand shake, but I would argue that anything which you don't conceal isn't part of the glamer and thus allows no save - so as long as you're making good "tactical" use of it, you're fine (as with most illusions). And of course if you're foolish enough to make a major change and then let someone clip through it, no save needed. Possibly color and pattern changes should pass physical interaction, though they won't ignore active spot check interaction. Of course, if you're using active spot check interaction, then no part of the disguise is safe once someone starts paying attention.Which is the problem.

The specific text of Illusions and Disbelief (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicOverview/spellDescriptions.htm#savingThrowsandIllusionsDisb elief) is:

Creatures encountering an illusion usually do not receive saving throws to recognize it as illusory until they study it carefully or interact with it in some fashion.

A successful saving throw against an illusion reveals it to be false, but a figment or phantasm remains as a translucent outline.

A failed saving throw indicates that a character fails to notice something is amiss. A character faced with proof that an illusion isn’t real needs no saving throw. If any viewer successfully disbelieves an illusion and communicates this fact to others, each such viewer gains a saving throw with a +4 bonus. (Emphasis added)

"Study it carefully" is going to happen - a lot - any time you're doing social maneuvering. Why? Well, a lot of it will be in public spaces, and anyone who thinks you're a person to be watched (your social maneuvering opponents, if nobody else) will be examining you carefully, and thus making saves. The Hat of Disguise is DC 11. Once your opponent knows that you deck yourself out in illusion, if they call you out on it, everyone will be looking with a +4 bonus to the will save. An Aristocrat-1 has a +2 Will save bonus natively. 1d20+6 (at the low end!) vs. DC 11 is bad odds for you. This is without anything resembling a security team involved.

So if you're going to use a Hat of Disguise, make it obvious that it's an illusion. Use it to put a bird's nest - complete with bird - on your hat or something. That way if someone calls you out on it, you can say "Yes. Thanks for stating the obvious. And?"

2018-02-26, 07:58 AM
Ah, but before you said handshake, and now you're focused on studying- and the OP and DM should be well and properly aware of it now if they weren't already.

Ridiculous bird hat is a great idea :smallbiggrin:

2018-02-26, 08:12 AM
Ah, but before you said handshake, and now you're focused on studying- and the OP and DM should be well and properly aware of it now if they weren't already.

Ridiculous bird hat is a great idea :smallbiggrin:
A Handshake is simply going to be the first thing in line, and will come up a lot. As will pats on the back. There's actually a lot of touching involved in a lot of different cultures (in some places a kiss is a standard greeting). The point is that regardless of how it happens, a Hat of Disguise will be found out in very short order (whether that's the guard at the gate giving everyone a once-over as they come in, the guy taking your coat, your host shaking your hand, your opponents in social circles looking at you, or whatever), so make sure that nothing about it getting revealed will cause you a problem. One technique - if you can pull it off - is to use a mundane disguise (via something like Guidance of the Avatar (http://archive.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20010504a) or Divine Insight (Spell Compendium page 70 or Complete Adventurer page 147)) to make a mundane disguise that's better than the magical one, and then put a magical disguise over that.

How that works:
Suppose there's two different people I'm OK with framing for something I want to make happen.
I make a disguise of Person A using boosted mundane means.
I put a disguise of Person B over that using a Hat of Disguise (or other illusion - perhaps I'm playing a Trickery domain Cloistered Cleric, and just cast Disguise Self directly).

When I get spotted doing the thing...
If they fail to make the save, they think Person B did it.
If they do make the save, they think Person A did it.
They'd need to make the save and have a good spot check to realize the deception exists... and mundane disguises don't have a clause about knowing exactly what's under the makeup on a Spot check.

2018-02-26, 08:21 AM
Most magic items are quite fashionable, and any society with magic items should understand the value of them. In real life nobles had fancy weapons all the time, why would a magic item be any different? Anyone who questions why you're wearing the same item over and over again gets met with the answer of "because magic," and then probably looks dumb for having to ask.
Hm, I may have to edit my first post. I obviously wasn't clear enough, sorry! This is a low-magic E6 game, and apparently a large area of the setting has a "fear/burn the witch" thing going on. So it is quite likely that most NPCs won't have seen a genuine spellcaster before, nor a half-decent magic item.
Anyway, regardless of setting, you do have a good point there though. So I asked my DM: magic items will be treated as "weapons" when it comes to protocol (which makes sense). So sometimes allowed and even a point of pride, sometimes bad form to carry around. It seems I can get some (especially if they aren't overtly martial like Gauntlets) but that I shouldn't rely on always having them on hand depending on the occasion. It's rude to turn up heavily armed when you're a guest at someone's party apparently ;)

The Ring of Arming (MiC) is a ring that stores armor and weapons.
That looks quite useful! Lemme find my magic item compendium...
Damn, it can't be crafted in E6. Same problem as a Heward's Handy Haversack and such, it requires a caster level and "dimensional" spells that can't be obtained at level 6 :'(

Which is just to highlight that however your DM is running it, is how they're running it. Though incidentally, under what circumstances is this apparently fantastically wealthy socialite required to have multiple wardobes on her person at all times?
Oh, that's me being paranoid. If I have to flee the city or something, I don't want to arrive in the next one with only the clothes on my back. My vain socialite PC couldn't accept that!
Wanting to always be neat and well-dressed seems like a valid objective for a rich socialite, doesn't it?
And if I'm spending gold on an outfit, I don't want to have to change it in three months when it's out of season or fashion. Similarly, in this rather low-magic E6 game I have few guarantees of getting more magic items after character creation. I'm sure the GM will give us some as loot, but relying on being able to buy them at need seems perilous.

Many places. Psionic tattos from XPH are essentially potions, there's a WotC web article series of psionic tattoo circuitry, and plenty of settings have their own version. Basic 1st party permanent effects? Not so much.
That's still quite interesting, thank you! I'll give it a look!

If magic items that do this at-will exist, how would it be a magical credential?
Eh. Low-magic setting? Mostly I want this for convenience and Rule of Cool. And I guess that it's a way of showing that I'm rich and influential enough to have access to magic, which isn't a bad credential to have!
Still, you have a good point and this makes me sad.

Because custom items are custom and require DM approval- some DMs let people make whatever they want based on formulas, and then have crazy cheap items running around, and some don't. Prestidigitation can be easily compared to the Hand of the Mage however, which is already 900gp for Mage Hand at-will. I'm fairly certain there is a continuous Sanctuary item somewhere, but with the standard magic item DC of 11, it's hardly a serious defense.
Thank you!

Which is the problem.

The specific text of Illusions and Disbelief (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicOverview/spellDescriptions.htm#savingThrowsandIllusionsDisb elief) is:
(Emphasis added)

"Study it carefully" is going to happen - a lot - any time you're doing social maneuvering. Why? Well, a lot of it will be in public spaces, and anyone who thinks you're a person to be watched (your social maneuvering opponents, if nobody else) will be examining you carefully, and thus making saves. The Hat of Disguise is DC 11. Once your opponent knows that you deck yourself out in illusion, if they call you out on it, everyone will be looking with a +4 bonus to the will save. An Aristocrat-1 has a +2 Will save bonus natively. 1d20+6 (at the low end!) vs. DC 11 is bad odds for you. This is without anything resembling a security team involved.

So if you're going to use a Hat of Disguise, make it obvious that it's an illusion. Use it to put a bird's nest - complete with bird - on your hat or something. That way if someone calls you out on it, you can say "Yes. Thanks for stating the obvious. And?"
That's a perfect and awesome use of the Hat. Kudos! I can't believe I'd never thought of that before!
I was thinking of using it to make slowly moving colours appear on my dress, but now I'll also use it for extravagant headgear and insane makeup.

2018-02-26, 08:28 AM
That's a perfect and awesome use of the Hat. Kudos! I can't believe I'd never thought of that before!
I was thinking of using it to make slowly moving colours appear on my dress, but now I'll also use it for extravagant headgear and insane makeup.What's really fun? After you've done that a few times with a few different creatures that could fit on your head, when you later come in with the Wizard's Familiar on your hat, nobody pays attention....

2018-02-26, 09:14 AM
Same problem as a Heward's Handy Haversack and such, it requires a caster level and "dimensional" spells that can't be obtained at level 6 :'(
Heh, funny thing- the fact that extradimensional storage and long distance communication items are printed cheap (at like 2,000gp) despite being based on 5th level spells, drives me nuts. I don't like E6, but it does clear that up in passing.

However!- that just means you want something Shrink Item based (Whispering Sand [Sandstorm] does the job for communication). Something that lets you cast the spell yourself, an Eternal Wand (SpC) or Drow House Insignia (DotU) is one thing, but I could also see a very reasonable "until triggered" effect from craft wondrous with a 50 or 80 multiplier depending on if the DM finds potion price or daily once per five days (1/5 of 1/5) more reasonable. Still pretty spendy, but if you need it to stay hidden longer or just don't need it more than once, there's a place. When considering Shrink Item, one must also check if a bag full of items counts as one item, noting that the spell gives a "burning fire and its fuel" as a valid target- you might very well be able to simply Shrink a great bundle of clothes and supplies into a handkerchief.

And wands are of course small sticks, smuggled as easily as any knife, and there's scrolls. Incidentally, you should also look into hidden spaces in Complete Scoundrel if hidden stuff is your thing. They're dirt cheap and give a very good reason to pay attention to clothing other than just "magic shapeshifting shirt."

And if I'm spending gold on an outfit, I don't want to have to change it in three months when it's out of season or fashion. Similarly, in this rather low-magic E6 game I have few guarantees of getting more magic items after character creation. I'm sure the GM will give us some as loot, but relying on being able to buy them at need seems perilous.
If the character is a proper noble of some sort, they should have a proper income capable of covering the appropriate clothes. If their only income is adventuring that could be a problem depending on timescales, yes. Then again, if using the upkeep sidebar in the DMG rather than tracking individually, even an "extravagant" lifestyle is only 200gp per month, so 2,400 would cover a year's worth of food, clothes, and lodging. For a crafter, the sale of two +1 swords made with the xp from a single CR 1/2 encounter pays the way for a year.

Still, you have a good point and this makes me sad.
I in turn find over-saturation of Prestidigitation rather sad. It should indeed be a rather significant- the effects it creates are put there because "not 1st level combat," but in actuality are super valuable. If it's something only people with real magic (and probably better things to do with their time) can get, it retains the wow factor, but otherwise it just goes on the list of "literally everyone has one of these because they're cheap." As a Beguiler you can easily prove yourself with Open Close, Message, or most dramatically Dancing Lights, and if the 375gp for a 0th level wand doesn't appeal, you can carry some scrolls at 12.5gp each in case your find yourself short on slots from showing off.

2018-02-26, 09:27 AM
Things to get:
Unobtrusive items that go with everything, like rings or small amulets.
Items that are useful but that you don't need to carry around with you at all times.

Things to watch out for:
Magical cloaks/gloves/vests/ect. These things can indeed be quite fitting wear for a wealthy socialite, but they are unlikely to be able to adjust to the variations of fashion. Therefore they are best used if they fit a specific persona: always wearing the same clothes is socially acceptable for an eccentric magic-user (they're enchanted and kept clean with magic), but not for someone hoping to play the games of "proper" nobility.
Items like Circlets or Badges: they can be fantastic enchanted symbols of rank/office, but otherwise they may become socially unacceptable rather quickly.

Things to avoid:
Visibly martial equipment like weapons, armour, gauntlets, bracers, helms... And items that may or may not be socially acceptable: it's rare that people will object to your finely-crafted magical footwear (worst case it'll be out of fashion) but they might well object to letting you wander around with a crystal mask hiding your face.

A few more ideas from the MiC:

Enduring Amulet. Only 1500gp and provides a continuous Endure Elements effect (the element isn't specified, so I presume that it can be selected when put on) as well as higher energy resistance for a few rounds per day. Useful for personal protection, but also to let you wear clothing inappropriate for the current season/weather without goosebumps :D

Amulets seem like good choices actually. Many of them are small and go with pretty much anything, and they can easily be hidden is you avoid excessively low necklines. Just put them on a nice chain, and voilà! Chronocharms are a good pick.

Circlets can be great is you have some sort of reason to wear a crown or circlet - as pointed out here, form doesn't follow function. In my case they aren't convenient, but it's a good thing to keep in mind for Princesses and whatnot.
Same thing for badges or medals: similar magic items exist, and not only are they easy to hide with low-level illusions (just don't hug anyone and no-one should interact with them) but they're often good value for money.

Dreaming Blindfold (7500gp, 1/day nightmare or dream message) seems useful to plotters or petty people who like harassing others every night. There seem to be rather few magic items that don't require a slot and are destined to be used in private beforehand or after the fact :/ Those would be perfect for my PC... Any notable suggestions? A magic bedroll might be nice, for example. A Pearl of Speech seems useful for example, or an Eternal Wand carrying longlasting buffs that could be applied every morning...

2018-02-26, 09:57 AM
Heh, funny thing- the fact that extradimensional storage and long distance communication items are printed cheap (at like 2,000gp) despite being based on 5th level spells, drives me nuts. I don't like E6, but it does clear that up in passing.

However!- that just means you want something Shrink Item based (Whispering Sand [Sandstorm] does the job for communication). Something that lets you cast the spell yourself, an Eternal Wand (SpC) or Drow House Insignia (DotU) is one thing, but I could also see a very reasonable "until triggered" effect from craft wondrous with a 50 or 80 multiplier depending on if the DM finds potion price or daily once per five days (1/5 of 1/5) more reasonable. Still pretty spendy, but if you need it to stay hidden longer or just don't need it more than once, there's a place. When considering Shrink Item, one must also check if a bag full of items counts as one item, noting that the spell gives a "burning fire and its fuel" as a valid target- you might very well be able to simply Shrink a great bundle of clothes and supplies into a handkerchief.

And wands are of course small sticks, smuggled as easily as any knife, and there's scrolls. Incidentally, you should also look into hidden spaces in Complete Scoundrel if hidden stuff is your thing. They're dirt cheap and give a very good reason to pay attention to clothing other than just "magic shapeshifting shirt."

Thank you for these great ideas!
Shrink Item is indeed fantastic. 5400gp for one use a day is pretty expensive, but it does last five days... I could theoretically
Shrinking a whole bag of items does indeed seem possible, but could I unshrink them one by one? Or would I have to unshrink everything and then use my daily use to shrink it again? That would mean 5400gp simply to manage my handbag full of clothes :/
However, I find the idea of using it to conceal a shortsword and a bunch of wands very good! Sure a Haversack would be better, but this is the next best thing! If I rotatedmy shrinking order, I could always have 4 or 5 items shrunk. One bag of essentials, and three weapons. Fantastic!
Especially if I can unshrink parts of a shrunk item (like by unshrinking a bag's contents without unshrinking the bag). I didn't find any RAW on that though.

Conveniently enough, my Beguiler has a high Sleight of Hand skill (to fuel the Cloaked Casting skill trick). That skill would be very useful to hide magic items (like wands) in her clothing, as well as give another IC reason for her to have maxed that skill.

Shapeshifting clothes does seem very convenient and removes a lot of hassle from this kind of game. And a quick trip to google looking for better ones has brought me back to "Lanfeust de Troy", a French comic that featured some damn sweet shapeshifting clothes. They were used to avoid hassle and show off, but could also be used as a weapon or to produce long rope-like limbs. I wish D&D had something like that...

2018-02-26, 10:00 AM
I'd say bracelets ought to fit in as well -that's arms slot, though the vast majority of arm items are styles as bracers or even armbands, as above there's no reason they can't take a different form in the appropriate slot. That brings on Bracelets of Arcane Freedom, which is the sort of thing a covert/"unarmed" operative would like -but they do require Freedom of Movement. And brings up the Ring of Silent Spells which is somehow even cheaper and also provides the Silence effect for you- though it can't be used without the Silence, or in combination with the BAF.

There are multiple hairpin head slot items in other books including one that's a Hat of Disguise, setting a precedent for hairpin as a a general form there. And of course there's the thrice-damned Anklets of Translocation, which even is disallowed to do Dimension Door still suggest anklet form for feet slots items. opening up a bunch of cheap and handy stuff -Landing, Agile Leaping, Sandles of Sprinting, or Striding and Springing are all good, Spider Climbing, 1/day flying (rather than the Boots with 3/day or the Tabard with 1/day), all just as easily hidden down a nice pair of boots as an amulet down a blouse.

Oh, for weirder stuff, from my list of cheap items: Possum Pouch from Complete Adventurer- not extradimensional, just hard to find hidden pouch even assuming they search your bare skin.

Regarding prerequisites: well those kinda just bring up a lot of arbitrary spell picks and divides. Should Bracers of Arcane Freedom be banned but Ring of Silent Spells allowed just because no one had an idea for a lower level spell than Freedom of Movement to put on the prerequisite list? Should Anklets of Translocation be banned solely because there's no Dimension Door, even though Eberron has Dimension Hop at 2nd, and not because they're OP? Should storage be banned because they list Secret Chest rather than the far more appropriate Shrink Item, or Sending Stones because they were printed before Whispering Sand?

It's all pretty arbitrary and shows off why the DM always needs to take a close hand in drawing the lines, even and/or especially when using a smaller (also arbitrary) portion of material.

Shrinking a full bag would absolutely require you to unsrhink the whole bag to get anything (and the printed items clock in at 10.9 or 8.3k). And for whatever reason I was reminded of it, a nice Rod of Escape gives bargain basement daily castings of Knock as well as underwater countermeasures useful for adventuring.

2018-02-26, 10:25 AM
Oooh, Possum Pouch is just awesome. It's effectively extradimensional storage except that it doesn't ignore weight. Still, that's just fantastic, especially when combined with Shrink Item! It's totally craftable too!

Many items requiring level 4 spells are in fact available in E6 by RAW thanks to the various early access cheese that Artificers, Domains or spellcasters with Versatile Spellcaster and that know their entire list (like Beguilers) can get.
The main issue tends to be level 5 spells or high caster level requirements.
FYI, this document (https://docs.google.com/document/d/16JL4nEgTidWybhfLys8kwz7aEYNqAP8G1vlt0-KDtp0/edit) is a good source to know what's available in E6 or not, and you'll see that it has many items (in yellow) that seem impossible at first glance. It isn't even complete (that would be almost impossible, considering how many early entry cheese things exist) but it is quite comprehensive.

Edit: Ring of Silent Spells does seem very good for this character. Any fights she gets into will either be disasters (to avoid) or assassinations where a Silence effect and silent spells would be very convenient. There's no duration specified though :/ Double Edit: Except that she gets Silent Spell for free as a Beguiler, and knows the Silence Spell.

Edit: A Shawl of Bewitching (CA page 135, +5 Bluff and +1CL for Enchantment) seems very convenient to my character, but it runs into the issue of being noticeable so it couldn't be worn every day. Still, something to keep in mind!
A lesser choker of eloquence seems nice but runs into the same issues.
A scarf of warmth seems like the kind of thing a noble lady would want. Cheap and good, if rather unnecessary for an adventurer.

2018-02-26, 11:18 AM
First off a note, I did not read everything here. That said
- Shiftweave: CL 3, 500 gp. Store any 5 outfits in one, change your outfit as a swift action, and any enchantments apply to all 5. MIC page 133
- Glamerweave: Nonmagical
Glamerweave is a fine, light fabric that has delicate illusions woven into its threads. The color of glamerweave seems to shift subtly and is hard to describe, but this property makes for a striking and strangely beautiful appearance. A character wearing glamerweave clothing gains a +1 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks. Glamerweave clothing costs 100 gp more than a normal outfit of the same sort, and weighs 1 pound less (or 1/4 pound less for Small characters). OR
Clebdecher Glamerweave: A specially tailored Clebdecher outfit compares to normal glamerweave as glamerweave compares to mundane clothing. A Clebdecher outfit costs a base 500 gp, plus twice the standard price of the outfit in question. In addition, it must be personally designed and fitted to the intended wearer, which takes time. However, it provides its wearer with a +2 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks. In addition, there is a certain status to wearing a Clebdecher; anyone who recognizes her work knows the worth of the outfit.
- Modular Weapons: Nonmagical, 150 GP
Modular Weapon: Extremely popular with assassins and spies alike, a modular weapon can be carried on the owner's person without drawing attention. A modular weapon is made up of several tiny and innocuous-looking components that snap, twist, or screw together to make a fully functioning weapon. Any simple or martial melee weapon that weighs 5 pounds or less may be made modular, as can hand crossbows, darts, and slings.
A modular weapon has two modular components for each pound of its weight. Each component is designed to appear as an article of clothing, jewelry, or almost any other ordinary wearable object. To recognize parts of a modular weapon, an observer must make a DC 20 Intelligence check. A +1 bonus applies to this check for every two components of the modular weapon that the viewer can see.
Assembling or disassembling a modular weapon takes 1 minute. Redistributing the individual pieces into their proper, disguised locations after disassembly requires 1 additional minute. If any components are missing, the weapon cannot be assembled. Because they are not whole and solid, modular weapons tend to fall apart when subjected to serious abuse. Whenever the wielder rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll with the weapon, it breaks and falls apart. Please do remember that unless they are incredibly smart (unlikely in E6) they can only passively take 10 on an intelligence check, meaning without a 30 intelligence they wont spot it unless they are actively looking for the modular weapon. Or the items are blatantly out in the open.
- Garrote Ring: Nonmagical, 50 GP; I won't quote it nor bring all its stats up, but its an exotic weapon that can be used to strangle creatures, and it looks like a normal ring

- Wands, a gaudy wand will never attract the wrong kind of attention, I suggest the Eternal Variety
- Potions, hide an important potion in an empty alcohol flask; usually social events allow alcohol if it is inconspicuous. Especially rich gala events
Finally I suggest an item of Prestidigitation at will. A cantrip that allows you to flavor foods, make minor illusions, dry or soil clothes and so much more should be a standard for the rich.

2018-02-26, 01:50 PM
i see i was slow in looking through the MIC, anyway i belive items that grant bonuses to skills or ability scores are cheap, you might want to speak about that to your DM

Anklets of Translocation from (MIC p71)

Artificers Monocle (MIC p72) for non artificers too!

Belt of Ultimate Athleticism (MIC p75)

Boots of Skating (MIC p78)

Contact Medalion (MIC p90)

Dimension Stride Boots (MIC p94)

Medal of Gallantry (MIC p116) another item granting sanctuary

Monocle of Perusal (MIC p117-118) similar to the monocle

Ring of Antivenom (MIC p121) usefull both in and out of court!

Retributive Amulet (MIC p121) SUPRISE!!!!!!

Ring of Forcewall (MIC p123-124) SUPRISE, AGAIN!!!!!!

Wand Bracelet (MIC p147) shrink item for the win!

i also recommend wands (especially eternal ones!) and rods!
There is so many things you can do with rods!