View Full Version : DM Help working on a new campaign, feel like helping m be creative?

2018-02-26, 04:21 PM
so im working on a campaign while 2 of my normal players are taking turns dming. the last few games we played i was the dm and i had a lot of fun but im also enjoying being a player for a change. for my next campaign i wanted to improve my dming in general and really make a great game, more so than before. I however have felt a little tapped on creativity. so i appreciate any help anyone feels like giving.

so, for what i have already.

The players will be starting either doing a delivery or having just completed one to a mage college. im thinking basic supplies but they wanted guards because thieves exist. if i have them do the whole delivery it would probably be a small encounter on the way, with a small payout of coin on completion.

once they arrive at the college and are collecting payment they are requested to come to the deans office, its an emergency. The dean tells the party that a magical heirloom of the kings family was under study to identify any magical properties it had when it was stolen. He requests the party and offers them handsome rewards to find the orb, return it, and bring back the culprit dead or alive.

the dean tells them to talk to one of the staff who is in charge of the wards and guards. he is dealing with two break ins, one into the catacombs under the school and another into the deans office where the artifact was stolen from. he is embarrassed at his failure.

the players will most likely have a hunch that the two security breaches are related. im not planning any hints really, i just assume they should see it. maybe a hint if they dont? idk. anyway once they realize the catacombs are part of it they have to find out who knows about them. security guy or the dean can tell them its maze like and few people know how to traverse the area, few members of a local thieves guild, the security guy, the dean, grounds keeper, and there might be maps in the library.

thieves guild didnt do it but they are willing to help if it avoids bad blood with the mages do to magical item trade between the two org. offer guide to help go through tunnels, ill hit on this a little later. the librarian says the maps were stolen after he goes to look for them. its the truth. grounds keeper was asked about catacombs by new student.

so obvi student stole maps, asked about the wards to the grounds keeper, snuck in stole the orb and went down into the catacombs.

they either give chase, skipped all that and went straight there, or talk to the dean who tells them "good job, go get em"

catacombs are trapped, if they bring the thieves guild guy he sees the traps really easy. the security guy can also come along, he is sort of like a paladin and also good at breaking magical traps. these guys can come with and help, theres also like zombies or something else left to slow down anyone trying to follow thief.

monsters i was thinking are zombies with runic magic engraved in them, they either explode or raise as skeletons once they die. stuff like that. maybe instead of exploding they have random spells that go off when they die? sounds cool.

so they get to the end and its an empty room with a large area that had a spell go on. runes all over the floor. pretty much he teleported out but the spell gives a hint to the area he went, obvious mini boss battle or something here. dean can send them and fronts them a little gold
and they go to this town in a different kingdom, doors one way so they have to get back on their own.

non walled town. entering is fine, towns folk seem uninterested in newcomers, town is along a main road so it sees its fair share of adventurers. has a inn/tavern, a few open air resturaunts and different goods dealers along the main road leading through the center of town. mostly different types of food though any item worth 50 gold or less in any of the the equipment sections can be found amongst the dealers.

-no one wants to talk about the ruins.
1)the inn recently had a theft of a family necklace of the owner. suspects a newcomer who stayed the night before. describes him.
-he is near a jewelry stall. if aproached he hastaily hides something. slight of hand dc 14 can take it without him noticing. its the necklace.
--he will fight, but not to the death, if cornered or caught.
-inn keeper offers a hot meal and the information if asked. info is true and exact.
2) intimidate on anyone dc15, fail gets a lie. paying gets a rough approximate of the location.
3) a dc 15 persuasion can get a rough approximate as well. (im not telling them the dc obvi)

the ruins are about a days travel down the road.
with exact info, 1 encounter.
rough aproximate, 2 encounters.
lie, wrong direction. who knows what happens?


the ruins
upon traversing the woods and entering the engroved ruins the party enters a small vilage. small huts huddle together. the people here seem very native and not very advanced and upon seeing the party they get very defensive. tell them to leave. will fight if forced, dc12 chr check can force them to talk. may talk them down and ask about them and ruins. they are the descendants of the ruined people. they live very basic lives in the shadow of their former demise to remind them to not reach too far or risk falling again.

kingdom fell searching for power to fight neigboring kingdoms. got power but went mad and destroyed themselves. few survived.

they dont know anymore. there is a temple. they say someone else came and went there. is a dark and evil place. should stay away.

if not persuaded they fight, not a big deal either way.

the temple ruins have a familiar trap set up. but these seem fresher. same deal with the monster. though now you dont have security guy and thieves guild guy with you to help so everything's a bit harder.

monsters are a little harder to fight without captain, traps are harder to see without thieves guild guide.

find mage student at the top of ruined temple, he finishes ancient ritual and transforms into a dragon. large beam of light, anti gravity area.

time to fight a dragon who can cast spells in no gravity area. sounds pretty cool.

they have an awesome battle but ultimately loose to an over powered enemy and wake up after being healed by a shaman of the village people who didnt live in the same town in case they killed them off. maybe not from the same tribe if they fought them.

villain is a pretty strong spell caster from a different land and he turns into a cool dragon, i was gunna have the two kingdoms be not super friendly, and as the king who owned the jade orb came to power killed off some of villains friends or family and he wants revenge.

so thats what i have so far and i would love to think tank and fill out everything with a bunch of cool detail. feel free to suggest names and cool traps or monster or really anything that you think should be done differently. thanks.

Armored Walrus
2018-02-26, 07:31 PM
You might get more action on this thread in the worldbuilding forum?

2018-02-27, 12:51 AM
thanks, didnt think of that