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2018-02-26, 06:41 PM

Barton's Glen was already a bustle as you step out on to the street. The morning routine was already well undereway for most of the townsfolk; Neesa was throwing out burnt bread from her new assistant, Tarris was pumping his billows and stoking the flames to his forge; and the Barton group was setting up the caravans to make their quarterly trip to Sin Rael for the senate meeting. It was a bright morning, and spring was starting to warm the morning air as you head out to the Raven's Nest with your pack strapped tightly to your back.


The rolling hills of the Western road into Barton's Glen was very calm on this spring morning. It wasn't until you were just outside of the town that you came across being moving about setting up wares, and going about their morning routines. The journey to Barton's Glen wasn't bad, and the thoughts of the notice you had seen a few days back flickered in your mind. But you can't help but think about the angles laid out before you. There seems to be a lot of merchants setting up, and that was always a fun time.


The morning light was shining through the curtain of the window in your room at The Raven's Nest Inn you obtained just yesterday. The accommodations were adequate, and God's know you have slept on worse since joining the Academy. The plan for the day was simple enough; catch a good breakfast, morning training session, stretches, shower, and meet up with the being that called itself Shaeffer Burrfoot.

Your mind wandered back for just a moment to notice you saw posted back home when the smell of biscuits caught your nose, drawing your attention back to your list for the day.


The smell of biscuits were cutting through your dreams this morning, stirring you awake. Your eyes slowly open to the morning light shining through the drapes on the window of The Raven's Nest Inn. Having made it in to the town so late last night, you were still glad to have a roof over your head after the journey from Greenest. You had left the town as some news of a local thieves guild running amok in the streets, and was are pleasantly surprised at the quiet calm of Barton's Glen.


The road had been well to you so far over the last few days. You had made your way into Barton's Glen just a day ago, got set up in The Raven's Nest Inn, and had already made you way around the whole town in short order. The town was cozy and uninteresting for a long stay. You had seen the temple district keep bustling throughout the day and the conclusions could be made that the town had relied on their religion way too heavily, a point that struck home. They were pleasant enough for the next few days as you plan your next part of your journey.


Spring was in its early stages as you moved through the forest noticing the buds sprouting on the irises and dogwoods. There was the familiar rustle of squirrels above you as they came out of hibernation, looking to stretch and bound through the still bare limbs of the trees from the breaking winter.

Ahead, just across the field, was the small town of Barton's Glen and its mortals coming to life in the early morning. The smells they emitted began to fill your nose, even from the distance; the baker burning something, the blacksmith stoking flames for the day, and the smell of the horses and other farm animals that have been held captive.

2018-02-26, 08:23 PM

Experience and failure were the greatest teachers, so the saying went, and Mithra long ago learned to keep her theological findings to herself.

Superstitious fools. How are their precious gods different from the demons the defeated?

History was written by the victors.
Conquerors makes devils of the Gods the conquer.

These were her prayers. Her recitations of faith.

But no matter. She would simply do the job this Shaeffer Burrfoot wanted. Her research ate a lot of coin.

At least with their short lifespans, these monkeys tend to be punctual, she added generously.

2018-02-27, 01:34 AM
Sorra sat brushing out her hair before the mirror. The glass was low quality--distorted and fogged--but better than trying to peer at herself in the side of a battered metal camp cup, she supposed. And it had been so long since she'd had leave that the bed had been almost too soft, like she might sink into it forever.

When she caught the smell of breakfast, though, she snapped back to work, quickly braiding her hair over one shoulder and pulling on the rest of her traveling clothes. She whispered a quick prayer as she left, ducking the low-set lintel out of habit, and headed down in search of food.

2018-02-27, 01:45 AM
Squinting against the harsh light of day, the bleary eyed dwarf made his slow way to the Raven's Nest. Waving hello to all and sundry who came upon his path, the bald faced wizard greeted all with a ready smile and inquiry as to the health of their family. Impossibly happy with his luck in finding a home in Barton's Glen, he always make every effort to be a good neighbor.

2018-02-27, 03:34 AM
Saverwaal snorted at the sight of the town. It was a terrible location; in a thousand years it'd be nothing but swamp as the rivers changed their course. But that was mortals for you - never thinking ahead. As he approached, he brushed stray leaves from his cloak; looking like he'd been sleeping in the woods apparently drew strange looks.

Tinwaal chittered, snarling at the sight of the settlement. Saverwaal offered a soothing hand gesture at the reptile. "No one said you had to go in; stay out here and don't make trouble and I'll see if we can get you some cooked meat." (Stay)

He then approached the village proper. Moving quickly made it easy to mistake him for an elderly half-elf, so long as no one looked too closely at almost bark-like skin and eyes a little too wide, face a little too catlike. But clearing out the creatures that linger too close to humanoid tombs was well worth a little discomfort.

He moved with purpose, avoiding merchants and others looking likely to engage him as he approached the Raven's Nest; an ill-fitting name, but one of the many quirks of civilized people.

2018-02-27, 08:10 AM

A few days ago
After having finished his deal with Theodoric, Cederick and Jacob set out on their own find a new goal. His previous plan had gone so smoothly that he actually hadn't had the time yet to think of a next one. He needed to do research into a next target and find some new 'friends' now that he found himself alone again. With nobody else around, the pointy eared man with the parrot was sure to gather some attention whenever he entered a new village and frankly, he couldn't have that. But where to next? With nothing to go one to make a decision Cederick decided to close his eyes and listen, maybe he could pick up a whispered secret, a hint as to where to go to next

He heard nothing. Of course, he knew he shouldn't rely on such guidance, that wasn't how his god worked!

"Eh, boss...?" Jacob spoke up, wanting Cederick's Attention
"Yes?" Cederick replied calmly, as he opend his eyes and turned his head.
"Look to the sky boss"

In the sky there was a message "Adventures Needed". Not quite the subtle message he was expecting, but it certainly did his trick. A tome was exactly the right thing to explore, he had had great luck with his last one after all. Not only that, but surely among the adventures that would apply there would be another light source, someone with a shadow big enough to hide Cederick's bussiness. Clearly, there was much to be gained in the direction of Barton's Glen.

Having arrived in town it was time to find this Raven's Inn so Cederick and Jacob made their way to the city center while trying to pay close attention to the reactions of the town's people. This time being identified as outsider wasn't a bad thing, it might just prompt people to talk about him if they taught he wasn't listening. They too would have seen the message and with today being the day, surely the market would be abuzz with chatter and gossip about this 'Shaeffer Burrfoot', if he's local anyway. Hopefully he could learn something about this person before meeting him.

2018-02-27, 08:15 AM
He was examining one of his “clients“. He waits around the corner of some old bathhouse or the like for him to approach. He liked his job. For one reason or another, his clients were always walking away from the main streets. A look around the corner - nothing. He is late. Then steps. Louder. Biscuit. Biscuit? What a wonderful taste

Baba woke up. It was just a dream. But wait - the taste of biscuits is real.
He stood up, jumped out of his bed, washed his face and ran downstairs.

G'morning Mister! Where's this wonderful smell's coming from? he asked the owner. And thank you for the bed.
How much was it?

2018-02-27, 10:52 AM
In The Raven's Nest Inn
(Baba, Sorra, Mithra)

Joining into the common room of the inn, it is clear the smell of breakfast being cooked was drawing most of the visitors who were staying there. Scanning the room, you will find races of all sorts seated around the large room:

A large half orc is seated near the fireplace ripping the hide off of, what you hope, is a turkey leg with his sharp teeth
3 dwarves with bright, fiery red hair are in a corner half way through a dark morning ale. Their eyes keep darting to the half orc and their whispered words were becoming not so whispered the more they drank
A human woman with a shiny armor moving down the stairs, a braid of red hair tucked into the back
A high elf seated away from the crowd as much as possible, sipping on a watery tea looking beverage
Another dwarf saddled up to the bar with black hair having a conversation with the barkeep/owner
A human, dressed in obvious clothes of a cleric sits by a window, absent mindedly stirring a cup of dark liquid

A young, human waitress moves about the room filling cups and setting plates down in front of hungry guests.


The barkeep/owner smiles widely at the flattery. "I'm glad you are finding everything to your liking, sir. The room's only 5 silver, breakfast comes with a few options but max is a gold for the full boat." He smiles again and holds open a strong hand as he gestures to the room, "Please have a seat and my daughter Stellina will be happy to bring you a plate."


Moving down the stairs, you find the room inviting and warm on a spring morning. The room is filling quickly, but there are plenty of seats available. The waitress gives a you a pleasant smile, but you can easily see the stress in her eyes as he carries a set of empty plates back to the kitchen. "Have a seat, miss. I'll be right with you." She turns back as she hip checks the swinging door, "I love your hair." She says as dissapears behind the door into the kitchen area.


You sit with your tea, stirring it occasionally as prepared spells roll through your head and the instances they could be used. Your eyes have poured over the inhabitants of the room, but they keep settling on the trio of dwarves in the corner and the half-orc tearing through the turkey leg. Something feels unsettling about the group and you stay inconspicuously focused on their ale intake.

All inside

The bell above the front door dings as it opens, revealing a squat figure with a bare face moves into the room with a warm smile on his face. His dark hair, and dark skin are hard to distinguish just exactly where he is from, and you could swear he's a dwarf, but the absence of a beard causes a moment of questioning.


Moving inside of the inn, you take the surroundings in quickly noting the inhabitants at different locations across the room. Harris, behind the bar, seems to be a good mood this morning with the presence of so many guests - something that you haven't seen in the short time you've spent in Barton's Glen. He seems to be in the middle of a conversation with a dark haired dwarf with solid muscles and scars from battles across his arms.


You can feel the eyes on you, but as you scan across the town square, those stares never seem to catch yours. There a several pop-up being installed for the day: a gnome jeweler is struggling to get a tent pole to get into the right position far above his head; a human woman is laying out pottery she seems to truly love as she rubs her hands over each piece as she gently lays them and positions reach one; an elf is spreading a cloth over a table and begins laying out books with the spines facing out.

You catch sight of The Raven's Nest and see a heavily robed dwarf opening the door and moving in. You've seen dark skinned dwarves in your time, but this one is almost stone like with dark granite hair, and skin that almost matches. You blink twice to notice there is no beard on this dwarf and can't help but furrow your brow as the thought processes.

As you watch, you can see a series of wagons moving along the road heading out of town. Several soldiers march along, and ride along on horses adorned with -almost- royal attire. Someone of importance must behind the walls of the caravan; more than likely whomever runs this sleepy town.


You move quickly as t not be noticed, but just slow enough to catch the sights of the "civilized" town coming to life. The town square ass it usual creatures milling about, setting up their haberdasheries to pawn goods off on those willing to listen and spend those worthless bits of metal that they cling to so closely.

Your ears catch the sound of a caravan coming down the street towards you as it heads out of town. There are several soldiers surrounding the wagons and coaches. From your experiences just outside of these towns, this must be someone of importance to the people who live here because they seem to be trying as hard as they can to get out of the way. A large, intricate "B" is adorned along the sides of the wagons.

You can also see the sign of The Raven's Nest Inn dangling on broken wood just on the opposite side of the street as the wagons come toward you. A robed figure of an old race moves into the inn, letting the door shut behind him.

2018-02-27, 11:46 AM

If anything annoyed her more than pious humans, it was dwarves. All the righteous arrogance of her people, none of the aesthetics.

The drinking is probably the only way to procreate. I know I’d have to be blind drunk to bed one of those.

They looked like they were about to start trouble with the half-and-half minding its own business.

Racist idiots. That’s why I hate dwarves.

2018-02-27, 11:53 AM
Then the full boat for me Mister! Baba laughed and flipped two gold pieces over to the innkeeper. Keep the rest, thank you.

He walked over to an empty table and took a seat. He waited for Stellina to bring him a plate and then he started eating.

2018-02-28, 02:02 AM
A caravan guarded by soldiers, interesting. He reaches into his breastpocket and takes out a stone. There is still plenty of time, he should ask around a little, see what he can find out about his employer or that caravan. Any extra info could be useful later.

2018-02-28, 03:28 AM
Saverwaal stepped into the inn after the figure, pausing to take in the sights. Realizing he had no idea who to look for, and with no obvious signs of who might be here with meet with him, Saverwaal stepped up to the bar. Placing a gold coin down (usually enough for most things when dealing with simple goods), he said, "Breakfast, if you will, and some wine, if you have it." Then he looked around for somewhere uncrowded to sit.

2018-02-28, 07:59 AM
Dwli moved up to the bar and climbed up onto a stool. "Morning, Innkeep Harris!
It's already a lovely day. How is Stellina?" The diminutive fellow's babbling brook of a voice cheerfully runs away as he continues to chat with the master of the house.

2018-02-28, 01:23 PM
Sorra snagged herself a table in a corner and settled in with her back comfortably to the wall before taking in the room, letting the different threads of conversation wash over her. The dwarves and the half-orc were going to be trouble. She dropped her hand to her belt to make sure she at least had her knife and found herself looking at an elf, also looking at the dwarves. She raised an eyebrow at her.

Then she leaned back to wait for breakfast.

2018-02-28, 02:20 PM

Mithra snaps out of her reverie and notices a red-haired human trying to draw her attention. probably regarding the dwarves and the orc.

Shaking her head, she nonetheless unties the peaceknot on her husband's sword.

Fool idealist will probably get herself killed. I guess it's up to me...

She would not admit that the human looked slightly like Kian.

2018-03-01, 03:42 PM

The waitress makes her way back around to you, and goes to speak, but catches herself and back peddles only slightly. You get the sense she means no harm, only redirecting her approach to you, "Would you like anything more this morning?" Her demeanor and confidence remains constant as she genuinely seems o want to offer as much as possible.

Her eyes move over your clothes as your hand moves to the sword latch, "Is it safe to assume you are here for more than a passing visit?"


The waitress seems caught up at the moment with the elf that looks unsettled. You catch a glimpse of the elf eyeing you, and you can tell she...or is it a he...is trying to take measure of the room. She..him.,..it looks much different than any elf you have seen before having features that are definitively elven, just not in the same hue as many of the elves that inhabit the lands you have traveled so regularly.

You can roll a knowledge Georgraphy, History, or Local to seem what more infotmation you can draw on about Snow Elf races as they are not a typical sub-race


You see the barkeep smile wider with the concept of a tip is laid out before him. He doesn't say much more than a "thanks" before you walk away. You catch the words of the new dwarf that has entered and get a good sense of the jovial attitude of the establishment.

Once seated, you make eye contact with Stellina and she seems anxious to make it to you, but she seems caught up with the elf that was seated when you came down. You make yourself comfortable in the chair, preparing to fill your belly this bright morning.


Harris is flipping over 2 gold coins in his hands as you. You seem to bring him back to the room as he pockets the coins and looks to you with a familiar wide smile, "Diwli, it is good to see you again. The usual this morning?" He reaches for a large glass under the bar as you ask about Stellin, " She has her hands full this morning. I need to go wake up Jasper to help with the dishes that I am positive are piling up in the back."

His eyes move across the room, and you can see them narrow slightly toward Stellina and the conversation unfolding at the table she is standing out. Spot check if you want to look over your shoulder and understand more of what he sees

All inside

The door dings again, and another being enters the room, pausing for a moment taking in the room much as you have this morning.


The man behind the bar seems a bit distracted at the time that you approach. He comes back to meet your eyes as you speak and has a glowing smile on his face, "Certainly, sir. Please have a seat where you like," and he motions to the room."Or, please feel free to join me here at the bar top. Only Dwili here seems to want to hang out and share a conversation over breakfast." His eyes dart to a beardless dwarf seated at the bar as you approach.


You move to the gnome setting up the trinkets and take a look over the items being set out. One catches your eye and pick up a pocket watch and spin it around in your hand trying to play coy. The item slips though and lands back on the table with a thud as the caravan rides by.

The gnome perks up at the noise and the dropping of an item. "I never get used to that gaudy collection of soldiers either." He smiles at you as you look to him, "Lord Barton always travels in style." he looks to the pocket watch and then meets your eyes again, "You must be new here, though. I haven't seen you before."

2018-03-01, 04:53 PM
"Lord Barton you say? Is he in any chance related to the Barton of 'Barton's Glen' or is that just a lucky coincidence?" Cederick looks at the pocket watch and 'subtly' looks around for a price tag. While he does like the idea of owning one (for it makes him look fancier than his Alchemical Sun Stone) he knows that with the little coinage he's got on him it's unlikely to be in his price range. However, he knows that a market pedlar is more likely to keep talking if he believes that Cederick might actually spend something. "You are certainly right about me though, sir. I'm from out of town. A couple of days ago I saw the writing in the sky and I just had to come and check it out. I'm sure you understand the curiousity, I mean what kind of person could make such a thing happen?"

2018-03-01, 06:06 PM

Is it my pleasant demeanour that keep attracting the rabble to me? Mithra despairs.

She forces a smile that is not at all convincing and looks at the waitress.

"I'll take whatever fruit you have," she answers, hoping it will satisfy the woman into leaving her alone.

2018-03-01, 06:56 PM
Saverwall paused, glancing uncertainly around the room, before taking a seat at the bar. A gathering of strangers...it wouldn't take a lifetime of adventuring to recognize the possibilities for danger...or for some of these people to be his colleagues.

Drinking slowly, barely touching his food, he carefully assessed his surroundings, for who might be his employer, or who he might need to get along with.

2018-03-02, 02:59 AM
Dwli turned to look the way that Harris' eyes were pointed, but even inside the tavern the rays of sunlight caused him to squint in irritation and he failed to notice more than that Stellina was in the common room. "There she is! Good morning, Stellina! The dwarf enthusiastically waves his hand as he calls out a greeting to the lass.


2018-03-07, 12:05 PM

The gnome chuckles to himself,"The one in the same. Some great, great, grandson of Nicholas Barton. He likes to put on a show, but doesn't seem to want to give back to the community that carries his name."

Turning over the pocket watch as he talks, you see that this basically the same thing that you already own, just in a fancy case with a nice chain that clips to your shirt. The price tag on the back has several scribbling of prices on it as it seems this piece has been marked down several times. The only number that is not marked out it 999 gp.

The gnome seems to be more intrigued by the thought of magical writings in the sky, but notices your intrigue with the pocket watch and finally sets down what he was working on to be more engaged, "Magically writing in the sky, huh? That DOES sound impressive and curious. Where was this writing?"

The waitress smiles and makes a short nod before she makes a quick wave to the bar before walking away from the table, heading toward the red haired knight that had been watching the room. Your ears pick up on the dwarves in he corner clambering empty plates together as they seem to be cleaning up their mess at the table they are seated at.


You see the waitress leaving the table with the elf seated, and you can see her straighten herself as she approaches. Your mind still fumbles over the elf, trying to recall a history of the race to no avail, as she stops short. "Good morning, miss. What can I---"

Her words are cut short by a sudden outburst from the half-orc seated by himself, "Oy! Ale here!"[/b] His voice is gruff and muffled as he chokes down another large clump of turkey, "And another leg of dis **** you call food!"

You can see her grind her teeth as she looks to the half orc and nods. "Sorry about that. Wait can I get you?"

Stellina's wave was short, and you can tell she has a lot going through her head. Normally she has a much more cheery disposition, but the amount of people in the inn seem to have reoccupied at the moment. As you turn back to Harris, you catch sight of the half elf that is now seated at the bar top as well.

Harris brings up a glass of cider to you with a strained smile smile as his eyes continue to dart over your shoulder to the room, "Here you go, lad. I'll be back in a bit." He moves away and goes about helping the half elf with a drink before moving back to the kitchen area.

Saverwaal & Baba
Harris, the stout man behind the bar top moves about the room bringing you both a drink and get a place-setting established for you each before the outburst from the half orc. You can see his anxiety running high as the half orc raises his voice above the general noise in the room. He smiles still, but you can each get a sense that he has moreon his mind.

2018-03-07, 05:59 PM
"Don't worry about it," Sorra says. "I'll have whatever you recommend, please." She pauses. "A lot of it."

Unless anything dramatic happens, she'll just eat her breakfast.

2018-03-08, 11:21 AM

"I saw the writing when I was a few days travel to the west of here, if I had to guess I'd say it originated from the city. I'm surprised you didn't seem to see it yourself. Big create letters advertising for adventures to meet in some inn in this city. I believe it was signed of by a certain Shaeffer Burrfoot, does that ring a bell?"

2018-03-09, 02:45 AM
"She sure is busy this morning!" The eccentric dwarf-like figure states as the waitress hurriedly waves in his general direction. "Seems you're busy, too, Harris! Good morning for sales in the tavern." His annoyingly sappy smile remains a fixture on his face full of chin as the barkeep moves along. "By all means, go on! Help others. I'm just biding my time for an impending appointment. I'll be fine." He says, seemingly oblivious to the human's already having moved to help the other customers.