View Full Version : Obscure Realms Question

Blue Wizard
2018-02-26, 08:47 PM
A couple of years ago I was doing a read-through of all of the Forgotten Realms RPG books for 3.0/3.5, making notes of spells, feats and magic items for a campaign we were having there. I was trying to be thorough, and read a lot more than just those sections, and came across something I unfortunately did not make notes on.

There was a garden mentioned. I think it was under one of the good deities? I did not write it down because there was no way to access this other than by DM fiat. Basically, if this deity decides to do you a good turn she opens a portal to this special garden that only those she invites can access. There is a fountain in the middle, but the real kicker was that no matter how much time you spent inside, when you left it was always just the round after you had entered. That was the big thing.

Now we are in another campaign where we have serious divine support, but are low level know-nothings who are going up against an epic foe. Our campaign does not run on vague memories, but if I could find that garden again in the rules I could show it to my DM and perhaps gain a spot to do some badly-needed item crafting.

So, help?

Kobold Esq
2018-02-27, 12:02 AM
The Weeping Garden of Ilmater. Champions of Valor, p. 140.

Blue Wizard
2018-02-28, 05:39 AM
Thanks. It would have taken me forever to find that on my own. I'd already reread a half dozen books, but that one wasn't even among the rest of my Forgotten Realms books!

I had it in my stack of cleric/paladin resources, instead.