View Full Version : Miniatures Wargame campaign rules?

2018-02-27, 11:37 AM
I've looked for a while and can't find rules for running a wargaming campaign, with rules for holding territories, building units etc. Is there any good one out there?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2018-02-27, 12:08 PM
Depends, what's your setting? Historical? Fantasy? What level of technology are we talking here?

2018-02-27, 12:43 PM
I've looked for a while and can't find rules for running a wargaming campaign, with rules for holding territories, building units etc. Is there any good one out there?

Thanks in advance for any help.

How about Domains at War:Campaigns (and battles), the ACKS supplement? It's designed to work with 1e, but seems like it wouldn't be too hard to jury rig for other forms of D&D.

Lvl 2 Expert
2018-03-01, 06:06 AM
Depends, what's your setting? Historical? Fantasy? What level of technology are we talking here?

And are you looking for a mod on D&D or something (like 4e with some advanced follower mechanics?), or an actual tabletop wargame? Because there are a few good ones of those. Sure, some of them cost you 5 dollar per miniature, but there are others that come relatively complete in a neat boardgame package and I'm pretty sure there are some hobbyist free alternatives as well. Although I don't have that much experience with any of them...

Lvl 2 Expert
2018-03-03, 02:29 AM
Or are you looking for like an overworld system, where you can shuffle larger units about, create new ones and then at some point circumstances arrive that make you zoom in on one place to play the actual wargame? Details man (or woman, or..), details!

2018-03-11, 12:00 PM
Or are you looking for like an overworld system, where you can shuffle larger units about, create new ones and then at some point circumstances arrive that make you zoom in on one place to play the actual wargame? Details man (or woman, or..), details!

Yes, this one. Want to be able to take land, build assets and units then fight. Like Total War.

2018-03-11, 02:05 PM
Is there a particular game you wish to play after resolving the campaign side of play? That helps make it easier to provide. I created a multi campaign for a Warhammer 30K Heresy Campaign: (7e)

Essentially, split a group of players into half, and have one decided as a GM. GM decides a map to be fought over. I chose a City with several different environs, split into 15 different significant sections, and gave each corner a Campaign HQ, loyalist and traitor.

Each sector provided resources or special benefits to the campaign map.

Each player got 1 Character, who gained a Generalship Score (6+d3), and had to be their Warlord of their armies. The highest generalship character became the Lord Commander, with roll offs, Support of the other players, or Duels fought between the drawing Generals. The Lord Commander gained bonus Generalship.

Each character could choose a Rite of War which had to be used and rolled a Warlord Trait from their list of choice.

Each Character provided a 1000pt army list, which had to be determined beforehand, and could take an additional number of tokens worth 250pts ea, although the army pts value could not exceed that of the Generalship Score multiplied by 250.

Each token had to be determined beforehand, and given to the GM. The character's army list had to be built from the tokens they had available in their stack (I.e Character 'A' had a Generalshio score of 9, so could have an army of 2250pts, and had a stack of Token 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7), and had to be a legal army list.

The tokens once purchased could be switched about between other characters you control but need to be Refitted back at special Map sections or the main camp.

Although each token gave you 250pts, you'd have to spend Resource points to combine into Medium or Large Tokens (or Bronze into Silver and Gold if you want) to let you spend points on units which cost more than 250pts; a unit of Terminators in a Dedicated Transport costs 400pts, and needs to be taken in a larger Token. Any points not used in a token, or characters list is lost.

It was pretty adhoc, but suited the game.

We took influence from Wargame Red Dragon, Total War variants, Dawn of War Dark Crusade, and Crusader Kings/Stellaris.

Brother Oni
2018-03-11, 03:48 PM
Yes, this one. Want to be able to take land, build assets and units then fight. Like Total War.

If you can find it, Mighty Empires (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mighty_Empires) did it for Warhammer Fantasy Battle.

These days, you can pretty much make up your own map and there's sufficient resources out on the internet for you to obtain a version of the rulebook to play.

2018-03-14, 05:43 AM
I like war gaming campaigns and multi-player Games. I have a list of my campaign rules and multiplayer games including campaign name, style and tactical rules. I’ve also written up what I like in a campaign and multi-player game. I typically use DBA, Linked scenarios, 3 Round, Engle Matrix campaigns, although I’ve also got material on a Free For All Campaign and Diplomacy style games.:smallcool: