View Full Version : Pathfinder astral deva

Mage keeper
2018-02-27, 12:20 PM
So, I have the canhce to play a astral deva,the campaign will start at level 15 so i would start with just the racial level, did any of you know what feat could i take to make it decent?

And yes, i know that monster classes are underpower but i would still like to play it

2018-02-27, 01:09 PM
1) Will you be allowed to change / retrain any of the existing feats?

2) Will you receive the gear/wealth of a level 15 character to outfit your angel?

3) Is Variant Multiclassing allowed?

2018-02-27, 01:24 PM
It almost writes itself really. You're effectively a 15th level fighter who traded his class abilities for incredible flight, incredible stats, DR, SR, good skills, uncanny Dodge, natural armor, a stun effect if you hit twice, and a bevy of spell like abilities which cover some of martials ordinary weaknesses (lack of ability to see invisible, lack of fast travel/escape ability, etc).

Depending on the optimization level of your group and whether you can switch feats, and whether you get magic gear, obvious things you want:
A. Armor. A simple mithral chain shirt is really nice if you don't switch feats for armor proficiencies. Eventually you will probably want celestial armor or a Monk's belt.
B. Leveling up. When you level up get some unchained monk levels and take advantage of your wisdom and then stack mage armor on top of it and give you evasion. If you get more levels after that, two levels of paladin will let you add your charisma to saves.
B. Feats. You can do much better. If you can trade these out, do so. Flyby attack stands out as an obvious feat to take advantage of your mobility.
C. Other magic items. You start out with a great chassis and can only get better by stacking some relatively cheap (for 15th level) items. Belts for extra strength and Dex and a headband for wisdom (if you go monk) are obvious choices. Amulet of natural armor , rose prism ioun stone etc stack with your AC. Any cloak of resistance will aid your saves against neutral foes.