View Full Version : Is there a Template for a Half-Deity?

2018-02-27, 01:53 PM
Let's say that a deity impregnated a mortal woman and she gave birth to said child. I don't imagine it was be a half-celestial right? Is there a template for such a being, and if so, what's the name? Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you

2018-02-27, 02:12 PM
You could always go about giving them a divine rank of 0, making them a quasi-deity. Godhood in 3.5 is essentially a template after all. There's also the god-blooded template from MMIV, which could be quite fitting. In MMIV there's also the lolth-touched template (which is pretty op for LA+1), and you could perhaps make a custom god-touched template for whatever god the kiddo is the bastard child of.

2018-02-27, 02:13 PM
Paragon Creature (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/paragonCreature.htm) might be good.

Red Fel
2018-02-27, 02:41 PM
You could always go about giving them a divine rank of 0, making them a quasi-deity. Godhood in 3.5 is essentially a template after all. There's also the god-blooded template from MMIV, which could be quite fitting. In MMIV there's also the lolth-touched template (which is pretty op for LA+1), and you could perhaps make a custom god-touched template for whatever god the kiddo is the bastard child of.


If you're talking about the offspring of a specific deity, I agree that you could try to refluff one of the god-blooded templates from Monster Manual V. These are LA+1 templates. By RAW, they deal with mortals who have bathed in the blood of a particular deity; they could easily be refluffed to be templates for mortals who are offspring of that particular deity.

If, you don't want to refluff, Deities and Demigods specifically explains that "creatures that have a mortal and a deity as parents" are quasi-deities or hero deities, with Divine Rank 0. The book outlines the benefits of having a Divine Rank. Although it's hard to find too many examples of quasi-deities in the book, you can find several listed as Einherjar under the Asgardian Monsters section of Chapter 6: The Asgardian Pantheon. That section lists Quasi-Deity Traits:

Immune to transmutation, energy drain, ability drain, ability damage, mind-affecting effects, electricity, cold, and acid; fire resistance 20, DR 35/+4 (4/--), SR 32, immortal.
This is further established on page 26, which lays out "Divine Characteristics." On top of the "quasi-deity traits" listed above, deities receive maximum HP per HD, and a medium biped deity's base speed is automatically 60 feet. There are some traits (such as AC bonus, maximize rolls, saving throws and checks) that are dependent on having a Divine Rank greater than 0. DR and resistances scale with Divine Rank, but there's a baseline even for Divine Rank 0. Most importantly, anything with a Divine Rank is "immortal" - they do not age, do not die from natural causes, and do not need to eat, sleep, or breathe. That said, they can still be killed.

Honestly, the RAW way to simulate a half-deity is with Divine Rank 0. Just keep in mind that that's a massive pile of boosts and immunities, that absolutely wrecks things at low levels.

2018-02-27, 03:43 PM
Honestly, the RAW way to simulate a half-deity is with Divine Rank 0. Just keep in mind that that's a massive pile of boosts and immunities, that absolutely wrecks things at low levels.

It also is a 3.0 source, so I don't know if there is an update to bring the DR more in line with 3.5's sensibilities. Either way, a DM should probably eyeball the CR.

One Step Two
2018-02-27, 06:56 PM
Reading over the Divine Ranks and Powers (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/divine/divineRanksAndPowers.htm) section of the SRD, Divine Rank 0, like much of 3.5 is hard to gauge in power due to external factors.

Divine Rank 0 is straightforward, but it has a slight split depending on the base creature:

A non-outsider Divine Rank 0 creature would be granted:

Max HP her HD
Bonus speed (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/divine/divineRanksAndPowers.htm#speed) depending on size.
A deflection bonus to their AC equal to their Charisma bonus (if any).
Deity Skill Synergy Bonuses (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/divine/divineRanksAndPowers.htm#deitiesandSynergyBonuses)
Immunity to: Transmutation, Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Ability damage, Mind-affecting effects
DR 10/Epic
Fire Resistance 5
SR 32
Immortality (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/divine/divineRanksAndPowers.htm#immortality)

And if the Divine Rank 0 creature is an Outsider, it adds the following:

Gain Subtypes that correspond to their alignment
Natural attacks and any weapons they wield are considered to be aligned to the Deities alignment for overcoming DR
If they have 20 outsider HD, they gain Natural armor equal to their Divine Rank+13

In my estimation, Divine Rank 0 on a non-outsider is worth +4 or +5 LA due to the sheer amount of immunities and other goodies that is provided too it for a PC.
For an encounter, perhaps +2 or +3 CR, depending on what you apply it to.

For an outsider? Add +1 LA and +1 CR to the above at most, because if it has 20+ HD, it's already a challenge, and adding 13 AC and aligned damage isn't causing as much impact at that level anyway.

2018-02-27, 07:22 PM
From Dungeon Master's Guide II, page 158:

Divinity (Su): Whether he realizes it or not, the NPC is the offspring of a deity, though only the tiniest fraction of divinity persists in his mortal body. Select a domain granted by the deity in question. The NPC can use that domain’s granted power as if he were a cleric of a level equal to his character level. In addition, he gains a +2 sacred (or profane) bonus on his choice of the following: attack rolls and initiative checks, all skill checks, or all saving throws. He must choose one of these three options at character creation, and once made, the selection cannot be changed. If the NPC takes levels in a divine spellcasting class, the save DC for each of his spells increases by 1.
This is +1 CR for an NPC or +2 LA for a PC.

2018-02-27, 07:40 PM
Thank you every one!! I'm going for a Elf child of a mortal elf woman and Erevan Ilesere, the elven god of Trickery, Chaos, Rogues and Change. Any thoughts?? I've already seen and downloaded Erik Scott Dibie's "Trickster-Touched" template, and I'm adding that to the PC, but I need something that shows his divine birth nature. Half-celestial just isn't cutting it.

Red Fel
2018-02-27, 08:52 PM
Thank you every one!! I'm going for a Elf child of a mortal elf woman and Erevan Ilesere, the elven god of Trickery, Chaos, Rogues and Change. Any thoughts?? I've already seen and downloaded Erik Scott Dibie's "Trickster-Touched" template, and I'm adding that to the PC, but I need something that shows his divine birth nature. Half-celestial just isn't cutting it.

Probably because "Celestial" doesn't mean "Divine" - it means Good Outsider.

Short version? Unless you homebrew or refluff existing material, your only RAW options tend to be a bit powerful for the price. It boils pretty heavily down to "ask your DM" territory.

2018-02-27, 09:06 PM
I don't think the Divinity ability is too powerful for its price! If anything, it's a bit weak for +2 LA.

One Step Two
2018-02-27, 09:25 PM
I think Divinity is a nice elegant solution, it's probably a +1 LA at most, or heck the cost of a feat? Especially since one of the effects can't be used without being a divine caster. With that said, I am definitely going to keep it in mind for making Paladins in the future, giving them access to Domain granted abilities by RAW is handy.

2018-02-27, 09:30 PM
A non-outsider Divine Rank 0 creature would be granted:

Max HP her HD
Bonus speed (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/divine/divineRanksAndPowers.htm#speed) depending on size.
A deflection bonus to their AC equal to their Charisma bonus (if any).
Deity Skill Synergy Bonuses (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/divine/divineRanksAndPowers.htm#deitiesandSynergyBonuses)
Immunity to: Transmutation, Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Ability damage, Mind-affecting effects
DR 10/Epic
Fire Resistance 5
SR 32
Immortality (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/divine/divineRanksAndPowers.htm#immortality)

And if the Divine Rank 0 creature is an Outsider, it adds the following:

Gain Subtypes that correspond to their alignment
Natural attacks and any weapons they wield are considered to be aligned to the Deities alignment for overcoming DR
If they have 20 outsider HD, they gain Natural armor equal to their Divine Rank+13

In my estimation, Divine Rank 0 on a non-outsider is worth +4 or +5 LA due to the sheer amount of immunities and other goodies that is provided too it for a PC.
Max HP is +1.5 to +5.5 HP per HD, depending on what your HD is. Say, +3.5 average (which also fits cleric HD and outsider RHD). The immunities, deflection bonus, bonus speed, fire resistance, skill synergies, immortality: those aren't super interesting, worth +1 LA, so call it +2 with the max HP thrown in. Keep in mind that the immunities and immortality can be obtained by simply being undead, except for the Transmutation immunity, which is an expensive armour property.

DR 10/Epic and SR 32 are the big issues here. With that much SR, you are effectively immune to magic that allows SR up to ECL 10, and highly resistant throughout. DR 10/epic is as good as 10/- until ECL 15+, when you might start seeing some epic boss monsters (dragons especially overcome DR/epic at higher age categories).

I'd say the DR takes it up to LA 3, and the SR up to LA 4. For outsiders, no additional LA. If your game is high-OP and high-level enough to feature Persistent buff spells along the lines of incorporealty and undead immunities, LA could be lowered to +3.

2018-02-27, 09:46 PM
If you want a +1 LA option, there's also Graced from Outside, which is a special ability similar to Divinity.

Graced from Outside (Su): Whether she realizes it or not, the NPC is descended from outsiders, and the nature of those ancestors influences her appearance. If her ancestors were celestials, her skin is smooth, her eyes golden, and her hair white or platinum. If, on the other hand, her forebears were fiendish, she might have vestigial horns or a cloven foot, or her breath might smell of brimstone. Though she is not quite a tiefling or an aasimar, the character nevertheless gains resistance to fire 5 and resistance to cold 5. More impressively, she can use a single cleric domain spell of up to 2nd level once per week as a spell-like ability (caster level equals NPC’s character level; save DC 10 + 1/2 NPC’s character level + NPC’s Cha modifier). This spell must be chosen at the time of character creation from one of the following domains: Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. While the spell-like ability is active, the NPC’s otherworldly features become markedly more pronounced.
Most deities have the outsider type, so it technically works. This one is +0 CR for NPCs, +1 LA for PCs.

One Step Two
2018-02-27, 09:55 PM
One of the hazards of Divine Rank 0 (and most +3 or greater LA templates for that matter) is that most of it's impact is felt at levels 1-10, and after that point it starts to drop off a little. Furthermore, it's usefulness is entirely contextual, based on the general power level of the group, the length of the campaign and the character it's being attached to. Give a Melee focused Character Divine Rank 0 and they'll find a nice new purpose to their efforts. Give it to a moderately competent wizard, and it's few fewer buff spells he needs to prepare and cast in the morning.

I think overall? I'd remove the idea of LA from godhood, and look at turning the Divine Rank 0 benefits into something they unlock over time or with quests, as an homage to the 12 Labours of Heracles. Give the character a few of the smaller perks, or scaled down versions, then with each challenge they face, a new ability is granted to them or improved.

2018-02-28, 02:35 PM
It may be a bit specific, but Dragon #288 have the Bhaalspawn template.

Also, Seven Sisters (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Seven_Sisters) are all daughters of Mystra, but don't have much special besides the Chosen of Mystra template and their class levels