View Full Version : Empires!4- The Leislurrigan Negotiations

2018-02-27, 06:41 PM
The Leislurrigan Negotiations


In the absence of a suitably neutral venue for negotiations, Lord Ferreth and the Empress had agreed to meet on the ocean. Seeing as Gwitna canoes were generally too small and exposed to afford much luxury, the negotiations were to take place aboard a Sea elf flotilla city named Leislurrigan as it passed by Glen Gwitna in the Uhraiya sea.

Leislurrigen was the name of the city, an enormous conglomeration of triremes, residential barges, and assorted craft the Omanush had presumably acquired from trading with the other peoples of the Uhraiya. Nearly every variety of ship with sufficient space for habitation was present, connected by temporary rickety wooden walkways to other boats, or simply held in place with a tangle of ropes. The city was designed to be able to temporarily segregate for more conscious and directed motion, but today like most days it simply floated lazily with the currents of the Uhraiya.

Upon closer inspection, the city was as busy as it was diverse. As negotiators or observers tied their own boats onto the flotilla and navigated their way to the barge that was the designated site of negotiations, they might notice Omanush children attempting to hawk various pieces of flotsam, an angry merchant insisting that another captain move his ship out of the way so that he could disembark from the city, a young high-class couple haggling over the price of renting a dingy for the evening, or a crew of laborers dumping buckets of waste into the sea or sorting through piles of goods. Leislurrigan felt like a place that never slept, and in the midst of all the commotion, it was easy to see how even with an elf’s lifespan one might not become bored living in a “city” such as this.

The barge where negotiators were to meet was also the ”public square” of Leislurrigen. It was a large wooden platform, interspersed with posts that were used to support a canopy during stormy or rainy weather. This evening, however, the sky was clear, and the poles were bare. Although hostage negotiations and ransom demands were not exactly light party fare, the Omanush had nonetheless attempted to spice the area up for the nobles and other important figures who would be visiting. Tables were laid out along the edges of the barge with many varieties of seafood as well as luxury beverages and delicacies from across Emjata, but the center of the barge remained almost clear of furniture for the discussion. The only thing there was a small desk manned by an Omanush clerk with a pen and a stack of scrolls, whose responsibility it was to copy down any agreements made during the negotiations.

The Time: Evening
The Place: a Giant Sea Elf Flotilla off the shore of Glen Gwitna in the Uhraiya Sea.
The Place(more specifically): a mostly empty barge in the middle of a Giant Sea Elf Flotilla

If at some point an attendee would like to interject into any of the negotiations, feel free to do so. (unless said posters specifically ask you not to) I'm reasonably sure that everyone here is going to want to hear counteroffers or objections to whatever deals they might be making. In general, it can be assumed that the discussions are happening in series, not simultaneously, so you should also all be free to interject where you want.

2018-02-27, 06:45 PM
Gwitna Entrance and The Beginning of Negotiations

The Empress and her entourage were the first to arrive, followed by Lord Ferreth’s delegation.

Lord Ferreth walked across the empty space in the middle of the barge and bowed before the empress. He was smiling slightly. He'd always enjoyed extortion, and an impromptu ransoming was close enough.

“I am Lord Ferreth, ruler of the Gwitna coalition and heir apparent to the Theocracy of Coatl. I am glad that we were able to arrange the time to speak, empress, for I have recently found myself in the possession of multiple things you value and I do not, and I would like to exchange them for favors. The first item on this list is of course Captain Sofrid of the Firethorn regiment, who is not here, but a message can easily be sent to have him delivered to your custody here should an agreement be reached.” He gestured to the magpie on his shoulder.

“What I ask in exchange for the Captain is simple: Gwitna raiders and pirates have for longer than I can remember not been able to access the waters of the Ortassa because of Imperial control of the straight that connects the Ortassa to the Uhraiya. Although piracy or trade in those waters remains impractical for now, I would like your promise that our vessels shall have free passage through the straight now and into the future, in exchange for Captain Sofrid and a mutual agreement not to invade each other’s lands.”

Includes Lord Ferreth, suicide Sandor (tied and bound), and a crew of sailors and guards.

Lord Ferreth’s black hair is greying, and he’s dressed in an elkskin shirt and trousers, with a Chilkat blanket around his neck. Sandor is dressed similarly, but he's not wearing his visor and is wearing a fair amount of rope around his wrists and ankles.

2018-02-27, 07:30 PM
Whitefeather, beginning of negotiations

Liao, matriarch of the Dawntalon family, though a true Whitefeather, was on edge. She arrived with flanked by wingknights and skyfarers, though they kept a respectable distance, so as not to cause any 'incidents'. She had brought along Crexa, as the result of these negotiations would certainly define her future reign, though the scamp was certainly trying to get away from her. She could hardly blame her. At her first major political outing, she had hid in a bush. With Pinkfeather ensuring battle lines remained strong at home, and Mikol acting as a chancellor, that left only Rioj to join her. The Redtail was anxious as he always was, and was usually right to be.

Liao was wearing not the regalia of the monarch of Whitefeather, but that of a member of the royal family: pure white robes with long sleeves fashioned as wings. On her head was a band of silver with an saphire set into it though, to represent her joining, however ceremonially, with House Dawntalon. Rioj was in far simpler red robes, and was fighting to keep Crexa to stay near him and not go out into the bustle of Leislurrigan.

When it came time for negotiations to begin, Liao adressed the Empress sharply."Greetings, Empress, I am Liao Dawntalon of Whitefeather. I do not believe we have ever met before, though I am certain you are familiar with my brother." There was undoubtadly a hint of cold fury.
"It would seem we both have things that the other wants. You have my brother, and we are fighting in land you call your own. If we decide to continue, there is little you can do to prevent us taking the land and also defend yourself from all sides. Similarly, if you do anything to Keat, there is little we can currently do to stop you. So I ask you, do you have a suggestion that does not leave us both as blood enemies?"


Crexa Whitefeather smiled mischeviously as she ducked under a refreshment table, and away from Rioj, who had been caught up in a momentary rise in action at the negotiations. Away from all those who would try and bring her out and into the admitably scary conversations, she went as far under the table as possible, pushing whatever she could find in front of her to create a make-shift fort to hide in. Satisfied with her little sanctuary, Crexa reached up quickly to grab some food before scuttling back under. If there was nothing interesting to do, and nowhere to go off the boat, she might as well try and have some fun.

2018-02-28, 04:43 PM
The delegation of Khirus had arrived with some fanfare. Khirus had never bothered to formally speak with the empire before. They were juxtaposed in so many ways. The empire was old and doddering a creature of the past and the Republic was new not only with its ideals but in its nationhood. The empire was run by the young while the Republic was rumored to be led by the ancient and horrible beasts of ancient stories told by campfires.

Now the warriors clad in the blackest armor bore crests of red which cut a stunning figure on the ten Republican guard who were escorting the consul member Yuval Harari the ancient representative of Khirus who wore a mask of gold and whose eyes contained oblivion. An eldritch horror wearing human skin. Next to him was a man in magnificent armor the black Marshall himself Rishard Whidden murdering thousands of Sattanyaha with a handful of troops in the iron forests of the basin. A general acknowledged not only by Khirus but by their enemies in Azenhal (And chosen by an Azenhal king) stood by the consuls side.

Within the black Marshalls hands was a midsized wooden chest and the entire cavalcade placed their eyes on the envoys of Gwitna and specifically the tied up form of Suicide Sandor. With that they turned back moved to their designated portion of the barge and established their presence only then did they approach the empires place on high.

“We the Republic of Khirus greets the empress of the eternal Avakonian empire! The voices of Khirus want us to reach out and wish you good health and that should opportunity for our two nations to work together come to pass that it be done with nothing but good faith.” What stood before her was an ancient looking man appearing to at least be in his early 70s, he glittered with jewelry, rings of gold and jewels from the various traders in the south and furs from some far off place. Held tightly around his shoulders. What was most impressive about his appearance was the full face mask of god glittering like a sun on his face synonymous with his position as a consul the highest ranking position in Khirus only beneath the chancellor (and even that was in theory only). There was also his eyes, they were hypnotic and as they looked up at the empress the ancient creature looked at her and attempted to purr words into her soul. “We hope that any future friendship be viewed with the most open of minds.” With that he would turn to go and approach those of Glen Gwitna.

“We the Republic of Khirus greets Lord Ferreth scourge of Glen Gwitna, we look forward to being hosted this evening by you and your nation. We know this is a time of peace talks and as a neutral party our involvement will be minimal BUT we have business with you and yours tonight and we hope that you can find time to rendezvous and discuss the fate of one suicide Sandor.” This time Rishard the black marshall opened up a chest revealing the chest of glittering gems an impressive ransom for a man who dared to raid Khirus’s capital.

2018-02-28, 08:31 PM
"I take it that all war participants are invited, no?" The chieftess' accented voice would ring clearly, her youthful figure adorned in all sorts of new, fancy robes of the lightest blues that her recent pillaging had gotten her. Anyone up to date on the Firethorn civil war situation would know that not three years ago she was but a tribal chieftess; part of a government in Derokar (North of the Firethorn capital) that was not really recognized by any others, and considered part of the Firethorn Demesne. That was no longer the case, as her minuscule armies managed to take annex not only a territory of the empire, but the very capital of the Regiment that was supposed to own them. With a brilliant smile and a smooth nod of her auburn head, the woman would take her place among the others that were starting their negotiations. Notably her face was well scarred: horizontally across the right of her nose, beneath her lip, several about her cheek.. She covered the rest of herself up well, but clearly this woman was battered quite badly some time ago.

2018-02-28, 08:51 PM
Forty pegasi flew over the ships. The rush of air that accompanied them left a great noise in its wake, as they banked and landed on the top deck of the ship out of Caleilen that had been moored at Leislurrigan for several days. Most of the riders remained aboard, but seven returned to the air, hovering behind Jannellai and Mallow as they arrived at the pavilion. The new Premier wore a silver robe decorated with the motif of a pair of wings, while the elven leader wore a breastplate over a loose brown tunic and plain trousers; clearly, she had not thought the negotiations merited formal dress.

"Greetings," said Jannellai, saluting the gathered delegates. "For the time being, we of Ti Linnad are here only to observe the negotiations."

She stayed two or three steps farther from the center of the platform than the others. Mallow stood beside her in silence, fists clenched into tight balls.

2018-02-28, 11:22 PM
Teppin arrived at convoy with little fanfare, only bringing his personal attendants. He never really wanted to fight the empire, if anything Teppin believed the Empire to be natural allies. Unfortunately this opinion was rather....unorthodox, much like making overlays to the republic of Khirus. When his position was secured he'd show them, he'd them all, all the ones who though he'd never hold a candle to his cousin. Teppin hated how necessary it was to strike against the Empire. However, its unlikely the theocracy could've procured the technologies, and the markets of the north without joining this war. Of course it helps many of priest Magi posses a deep loathing of the Empire, why those snooty bastards keep grudges for so long Teppin will never know. But, hey whatever helps him stay in power, and Teppin knew how to take advantage.

Teppin walked up to the Empress greeting her with a perfunctory bow "Greetings Dawn Empress I'm here to negotiate, fear not the people of Karys are un-harmed, hopefully they will remain so." With a flourish he altered Tenoch's headress upon his head while rising " I am Teppin, new Exarch of the Theocracy of Coatl."

2018-03-01, 12:34 PM
From the Isles of Lazar schooners and canoes arrived at the floating sea elf city carrying the small shrouded delegation the Isles seemed keen to rely on in diplomatic conversations. The greyscaled lazarite who had led the delegation to Ti Linnad headed this one as well though this time he was not accompanied by the observer pair of greenscales nor a Kiin Paleseh Bor representative. The lazarite leader was instead accompanied by a human, Icoatzin by appearance, dressed in the robes of a Burner, not merely the dull red robes of a Kiin Sareteh member but red robes embroidered with gold and silver thread such that the simple robes seemed to glimmer and burn as a flickering flame when the wearer moved. Rounding out the delegation of three was a rather subdued looking human dressed respectably as a Jalyeong-bo shaman but perceptibly bound at the wrists by copper manacles. The Amham Federation who had declared neutrality in the war might not arrive but they were known to take issue with the Gwitnans and the lazarites. The shaman prisoner had been hand selected for a specific task should the Amham choose to show themselves, otherwise he would remain an idle curiosity.

The Kiin Sareteh had an interest in the outcome of the war against Avakonia where it concerned the cessation of hostilities between Coatl Perijanists and the securing of the plump expanse for conversion that was the imperial heartland from being divvied out to infidels and heretics with more religious power or ability to resist conversion. News reached the lazarites when docking at the floating city of Lord Ferreth's declaration of sovereignty over the Theocracy of Coatl through his marriage to Tenoch's daughter. Such impactful news would necessitate discussion at the Moot before official action could be taken but the greyscale felt confident he knew which way the Kiin Sareteh would go. As kindly as the Theocracy was looked upon for igniting the flame of Xincoatl worship since the decline of Tenoch and the ascension of Tepin the lazarites had been growing more and more frustrated with the Theocracy's actions. Improvements to the faith were delayed and the assistance requested in Ti Linnad for aid in turning the northeast to Xincoatl had been ignored in favor of some half-baked campaign against Avakonia. Gwitna conversely had been acting as an economic guard against outsider intrusions in the Badan and Lord Ferreth owed a personal debt to the Isles for their aid in restoring his rule. To see their neighbor Lord Ferreth at the head of a great Xincoatl Empire was the dream of a number of factions within the Kiin Sareteh though their ultimate path to its realization varied considerably between them. The opportunity presented by Ferreth's marital claim would most likely lead to lazarite endorsement of Gwitnan primacy. Personally, the greyscale wished to speak with Tepin or his representative to get an understanding of the Theocracy's new ruler and determine whether he could be an asset saved and secured within the arising new order or if he was a liability to the unified will of Xincoatl.

As they had no direct role in the war the lazarites arrived quietly, announcing themselves and removing their presence to an unobtrusive corner from which they could witness the unfolding negotiations.

2018-03-02, 05:37 PM
Lord Ferreth approached the Khirus delegation, apparently fixated on the trunk of gems. "I am certainly amenable to handing Sandor over, no questions asked for this amount of wealth, but I need to know this: Are these real? I will still accept them if they aren't, but I would like to know if I have to put any special effort into their resale."

"Yes, all war participants are welcome. Is there something you wish to achieve here, or are you just here to observe?"

Ti Linnad
"Well, I'm afraid that our stuntman is tied up at the moment, so you shouldn't expect too much of a show." Ferreth joked. He noticed Mallow's barely restrained anger and his curiosity got the better of him. "What's the matter? You look angry enough that we should be calling for Chae Jalsi in case you erupt."

2018-03-02, 09:15 PM
The Empress' ship was, naturally, one of the largest non-Omanush vessels present, though it was some ways off, tied into the city. The shipwrights of Avakon were some of the most skilled in the world, short of Izbefe (indeed a good majority of them had ancestors from among that seafaring people), and their masterpiece was the Magnificent Steed, a massive vessel meant to hold 11 files of rowers on either side, complete with horse-head ram, orca-tail shaped stern, falcon eyes painted on the bow, and the sails (all three masts) painted to honor the gods.

The Empress herself arrived with as little fanfare as was acceptable. This was not an insignificant amount, given her status, but it was something she had minimal patience for, given the state of her realm. Her regalia was breathtaking; even on a boat, she was wearing her full armor, bronze chestplate, greaves, and bracers the most significant features, giving off a burnished glow in the evening light. There was an odd texture to it, having been treated with Sedellan glass by Firethorn smiths, but it still had the same designs and imagery that it bore from the Trodjan games. It was for this reason that the perceptive would be able to tell that it bore signs of wear; the Empress, it seemed, had fought personally in some of the battles over the last decade. Despite the white streaks beginning to stain her hair, her age has yet to diminish the aura of authority she projects, and the silver circlet and choker gleamed as brightly as ever. And the beautiful green stones embedded in them actually seemed marginally larger, somehow.

Beside the Empress stand her guards, representatives of each of the kingdoms of Avakonia. Her High Inquisitor, Abdurriken of the Broken Winds, who fought the Glen Gwitna on the sea as they came to Avakonia, in the colorful cloth, jewelry, and leathers of his people. Her rumored consort and guard, Starbreather, from Kuniumi, wearing beautiful silk clothing and layered leather, inked in the traditional patterns of the Chojo clan. Flamekeeper Des, Captain of the Burning Guard, close friend of Sofrid (and indeed served under him for a time), wearing the overlapping plates of Sedellan-lacquered bronze that her people had developed in years past along with the red and gold cloak that marked her status as First Protector of Her Imperial Majesty's person, and the Empress' Shield. The Karysite warrior Basmira, wearing the light bronze armor and interlocking links of leather and cloth that marked her position as the Empress' Spear, armed with javelin, sword, and shield. And finally, Crown Princess Dastatia Vana Zhekurus, heir to the legacy of Dejan, the Avakonian Empire, and Karys, in her own finery. The girl, scarcely more than 11, is attending primarily as a way to see the machinations of state personally, and secondarily because the Empress is concerned about leaving her in Avakon or Kunai, with the Firethorn Regiment in such disarray.

They stood, the Empress refusing to sit despite the weight of her armor. She was a warrior, and still fit to rule; she would not give in to something as trivial as physical weakness.

Gwitna Entrance and The Beginning of Negotiations

The Empress and her entourage were the first to arrive, followed by Lord Ferreth’s delegation.

Lord Ferreth walked across the empty space in the middle of the barge and bowed before the empress. He was smiling slightly. He'd always enjoyed extortion, and an impromptu ransoming was close enough.

“I am Lord Ferreth, ruler of the Gwitna coalition and heir apparent to the Theocracy of Coatl. I am glad that we were able to arrange the time to speak, empress, for I have recently found myself in the possession of multiple things you value and I do not, and I would like to exchange them for favors. The first item on this list is of course Captain Sofrid of the Firethorn regiment, who is not here, but a message can easily be sent to have him delivered to your custody here should an agreement be reached.” He gestured to the magpie on his shoulder.

“What I ask in exchange for the Captain is simple: Gwitna raiders and pirates have for longer than I can remember not been able to access the waters of the Ortassa because of Imperial control of the straight that connects the Ortassa to the Uhraiya. Although piracy or trade in those waters remains impractical for now, I would like your promise that our vessels shall have free passage through the straight now and into the future, in exchange for Captain Sofrid and a mutual agreement not to invade each other’s lands.”
The Empress raised one eyebrow, before smiling politely in return. The gesture betrayed little; not nothing, but not much. Abdurriken, meanwhile, smiled at the sight of Sandor tied up, though it slowly died as Lord Ferreth spoke, possibly less than keen on the idea of casual Gwitna passage through Omanush waters.
"A pleasure to see you again, Lord Ferreth, King of Vagabonds and First Among Thieves. Such a deal would not be unacceptable to us, but it brings concerns. Chief among them is the potential for such piracy to be directed at Avakonian subjects, and the responsibility of the Empire to protect them from such. We would require a simple addition to make this acceptable. Swear loyalty to Avakon, and enter the protection of the Empire. In return, you shall have unfettered access through Vratis, and the aid of the Empire in your time of need. Tribute beyond soldiers to defend the realm is unnecessary. Would this be acceptable to you?”

Whitefeather, beginning of negotiations
When it came time for negotiations to begin, Liao addressed the Empress sharply.
"Greetings, Empress, I am Liao Dawntalon of Whitefeather. I do not believe we have ever met before, though I am certain you are familiar with my brother." There was undoubtedly a hint of cold fury.
"It would seem we both have things that the other wants. You have my brother, and we are fighting in land you call your own. If we decide to continue, there is little you can do to prevent us taking the land and also defend yourself from all sides. Similarly, if you do anything to Keat, there is little we can currently do to stop you. So I ask you, do you have a suggestion that does not leave us both as blood enemies?"

As the Whitefeather delegation approaches, Starbreathers straightens perceptibly, and rests a hand on the pommel of her short blade. These were the people who had cost so many Kunai lives, after all. The Empress, on the other hand, sighed internally at the mutual threats implied by the woman in front of her, both to and from the realm she ruled over.
”And greetings to you as well, Dawntalon. Your brother is fine, and will remain so, particularly if we can come to a satisfactory conclusion to our negotiations here. I can understand your frustration with the situation, but your King knew what he was risking when he marched his armies onto Avakonian soil, with neither right nor provocation.” A pause, to allow that reminder, of wanton aggression being punished by the gods, to mull.
”But you are, unfortunately, not incorrect. To spare troops to meet yours would be to little purpose beyond the death of all our soldiers, when there are more important foes on our borders. Our proposal is this: we will hand over administration of (region 47) to the Whitefeather Kingdom, as well as King Whitefeather. In return, you will cease all offensive activities against Avakonia, agree to a pact of mutual aid against the Picians should they encroach upon the Uhraiyan coast, and acknowledge imperial authority. Neither of our states shall encroach upon the rightful territory of the other.”

“We the Republic of Khirus greets the empress of the eternal Avakonian empire! The voices of Khirus want us to reach out and wish you good health and that should opportunity for our two nations to work together come to pass that it be done with nothing but good faith.” What stood before her was an ancient looking man appearing to at least be in his early 70s, he glittered with jewelry, rings of gold and jewels from the various traders in the south and furs from some far off place. Held tightly around his shoulders. What was most impressive about his appearance was the full-face mask of gold glittering like a sun on his face synonymous with his position as a consul the highest-ranking position in Khirus only beneath the chancellor (and even that was in theory only). There were also his eyes, they were hypnotic and as they looked up at the empress the ancient creature looked at her and attempted to purr words into her soul. “We hope that any future friendship be viewed with the most open of minds.”
The Empress is bemused by the Consul, more than anything, and laughs politely. Perhaps the Empress of the largest empire in the world had a stronger will than those typically influenced by such means? ”I am not so certain your citizens agree with you, Consul. From what I am given to hear, there are rabble-rousers on your streets, stirring up your citizens against anyone and everyone they can think of. I do hope your system doesn’t acquiesce to such mob rule, though you seem to have it well in hand so far.”

Teppin walked up to the Empress greeting her with a perfunctory bow "Greetings Dawn Empress I'm here to negotiate, fear not the people of Karys are un-harmed, hopefully they will remain so." With a flourish he altered Tenoch's headress upon his head while rising " I am Teppin, new Exarch of the Theocracy of Coatl."
The Empress’s eyes grow cold as Teppin approaches, and the woman at her side shifts to display her shield more prominently, painted around the edges with images of warriors and hunters, ambushing prey and enemies alike. She was, of course, Karysite, just as the Empress herself was.
”Of course, the wellbeing of the Karysite people is at the forefront of our minds, Grand Exarch Teppin. You are here, I presume, to return Karys to its queen without further conflict? How very kind of you.”

Crexa Whitefeather smiled mischeviously as she ducked under a refreshment table, and away from Rioj, who had been caught up in a momentary rise in action at the negotiations. Away from all those who would try and bring her out and into the admitably scary conversations, she went as far under the table as possible, pushing whatever she could find in front of her to create a make-shift fort to hide in. Satisfied with her little sanctuary, Crexa reached up quickly to grab some food before scuttling back under. If there was nothing interesting to do, and nowhere to go off the boat, she might as well try and have some fun.
Dastatia was bored. This was boring. The Empress – sorry, her Mother, not that she was ever around, was just talking to foreigners and being very high and mighty sounding. Titles and assurances and blah blah blah. Father took her on adventures and how to know if someone was lying and let her look at his projects. Uncle Kenny brought her cool stuff from faraway places and told her stories about her great great great granduncle, even if the maths lessons were boring. Apparently, Uncle Kenny had been a kid when Dejan was around, so he knew what he looked like for real, not just from books. Aunt Star taught her how to be sneaky, and how to poison food, and how to lie good, and where the best drinking places were(not that she’d actually let her go yet…) and all sorts of other stuff Dastatia wasn’t supposed to tell Father she was learning. Even Captain Des was teaching her to fight, even if it did hurt a bit. Or a lot. Dastatia was pretty sure Captain Des was putting lead inside the shield, which was heavy enough already, but she hadn’t been able to approve yet, because the court smith refused to break it open yet. Last time she asked he’d stormed out in a huff muttering under his breath about unappropriation or something. Anyway, the point was, Mother barely ever did anything with her anymore. When she did, she was always super serious and worried-looking, like she thought something bad was gonna happen to her. Mother was always gone, and every time she came back her hair was grayer. It was dumb. But from what she could tell, these talks might help? Which didn’t mean they weren’t boring, it just meant they were important and boring. And Dastatia had never actually been in a ropetown before (Uncle Kenny insisted she stop calling them that, but thus far the old coot had been unsuccessful), so she wanted to explore. She was going to be Empress, right? And the Sea Elves were Avakonia’s allies, right? So she was just learning about their culture in order to better conduct diplomacy with them. Or something. It was really her duty, when you thought about it, to sneak off and go exploring. So when Dastatia was going to get refreshments and her chaperones were distracted (as most of the people who knew the sort of hijinks she would pull were off being fancy with Mother), she ducked under the table and moved quietly, just like Aunt Star had taught her. She still wasn’t great at it, so when she looked back up and saw another person in front of her, Dastatia nearly let out a yelp, dark hair flopping over her face as she fell back onto her rear. "What are you doing in my hiding spot?" she whispered, eyes narrowed. An intruder. Nevermind that the person had been here first, she'd picked it first (probably), and that made her an intruder. Probably. She didn't look like a sea elf, and she'd made some sort of barricade? She really hoped they weren't an assassin, because Aunt Star had only just started teaching her about how to kill people with eating utensils and she'd be so mad if Dastatia died. She'd probably figure out a way to bring her back just so she could kill her again. Aunt Star was scary like that sometimes. "Are you trying to kill Mom?" she asked, again quietly. Just to be sure.

2018-03-02, 11:32 PM

The ancient one smirked from beneath his mask as she dared bring up that disgusting affair... “I assure you empress they are little more then foreign firebrands stirring up trouble.” His voice grew louder and he shrugged off some of the weight of age to reveal a little of the predator underneath. Admiring how easily she ignored the ancient gifts of a being made to devour her. “The Republic stands free and used to such evils, I mean accusations of necromancy and undead horror have been coming from enemies of our nation since its inception we are used to false claims of monsters, this is no different.” He chuckled then. “The value of an educated citizen choosing their own path cannot be understated. We know many kingdoms will do all in their power to spread these false notions so as to protect their thrones. The empire should consider what immense worth a senate could do to further the lives of the common man in Avakonia.” He looked about and sighed. “Alas we are all busy this night and I know how important your presence is here empress.” He bowed once more. “I will not let my humble presence keep you occupied any longer.”

Glen Gwitna

Lord Ferreths exchange amused Rishard who currently kept his face covered but the laughter did rip from his chest. The elder man in the mask of gold however could show no obvious emotion as only his eyes peeked from behind the pure golden representation of his position. “My Lord Ferreth our nation cannot afford to offer fakes considering all the rumors spread about us we must always be as upfront as possible and while we appreciate that elaborate forgeries would please you. You represent a massive nation now you don't need to trick people or be happy with glass anymore, you can demand the real thing.” He smirks and lifts it up. “You made war on Avakonia and might survive and now you demand more then you ever could before... Its very impressive.”

2018-03-03, 09:13 AM
Ti Linnad
"Well, I'm afraid that our stuntman is tied up at the moment, so you shouldn't expect too much of a show." Ferreth joked. He noticed Mallow's barely restrained anger and his curiosity got the better of him. "What's the matter? You look angry enough that we should be calling for Chae Jalsi in case you erupt."

Mallow took a deep breath, inhaling the salty air. A little calmer now, she gestured to Abdurriken. "That pompous windbag. You probably wouldn't remember it - there's not many humans who do nowadays - but there was a time when Mallow Riosoma was one of the greatest captains the Empire knew. I still don't know exactly who it was that framed me, but I'd bet heavily it was him."

She watched the Avakonians, less visibly angry than before - for a moment, before the Empress began to systematically insult everyone onboard.

"Also, that. 'How very kind' indeed," she muttered to Ferreth. Jannellai elbowed her in the ribs, and the elf fell silent.

2018-03-03, 02:19 PM
Avakonia-Drawing in Coatl, Ti Linnad, and Isles of Lazar

Ferreth seemed shocked by the Empress's offer. People usually wanted to kill or conquer pirates, not agree to protect them. He stood still for a few seconds, thinking over the offer. Finally, he spoke. "I will need to consult with my neighbors and allies before I make this decision, but before I do so I have two questions:"

"The first: Do you have any specific plans for the Shushan? It is no secret that your consort is Kunai, and they may seek to kill or capture the Shushan, who I have granted asylum. Shushan assassins were an instrumental part of my escape from imprisonment, and I would not want to betray them after their assistance."

"My second question is this: what would happen if the Gwitna were to rob the empire or her vassals? Would stealing vassals be acceptable, and the empire not, or vice versa? The trick of good piracy and thievery is in not making enough friends that you have no-one to rob."

"I will let you think on these questions while I receive counsel from my allies." Ferreth said, before turning, walking a short distance away, and beginning to shout.

"Exarch Teppin! Premier Jannellai!" he paused and studied the Lazarite delegation for a moment, not recognizing anyone, though the distinctive features of the Lazarites made them easy to identify. "Whoever speaks for Arndok Elbruk! I would have your counsel!"

"The empress has offered me the protection and assistance of the empire in exchange for nothing but a few soldiers and swearing vassalage. I will not lie, it is a very tempting offer. With their help, we could control trade the world over, and because we are the closest brothers in faith with them, they would no doubt allow us to proselytize against Jalyeong-bo, the Dejanic cult, and whatever other heathen faiths are inside their borders. However, I would like to hear your opinions on the possibility of the Gwitna Coalition becoming a vassal of the empire." Although I know what some of you will say, Ferreth thought as he looked at the Linnadi delegation. "It is a decision that will of course impact all of us, so I will try my best to follow your wishes. Remember that whatever we decide here today, I will be loyal first to my people and Coatl, and only secondly to the empire. So, what do you think?"


Lord Ferreth smiled as the Khirese delegation buttered him up, until they mentioned him waging war on the Avakonian empire. "Whoah whoah whoah, there." Ferreth said, checking over his shoulder suspiciously. "You got the wrong fellow on that one. Sandor's the one who attacked Avakon, not me. I'm just the guy who captured him and his war loot. But, with a chest of valuables like that, the man who attacked Avakon is yours. For that much money I'm also not even going to stipulate what you do with him, though of course I'd prefer execution." Ferreth gestured to the guards to bring Suicide Sandor forward and hand his ropes to Rishard. Lord Ferreth then dug around under his blanket and pulled out Suicide Sandor's visor. "Here, you can have this too."

Despite the Gwitna's skill at raiding and thievery, their government was still quite poor, since all the wealth from raids went to the raiders themselves, and thieves were of course loath to pay tribute to the government. A chest of gems like this was thus a very large amount of money for the Coalition.

2018-03-03, 07:27 PM
"Yes, all war participants are welcome. Is there something you wish to achieve here, or are you just here to observe?"

The Chieftess chuckles at his response. "I only wish to achieve the understanding that we will not be returning the land we have taken, and that the rekindling of the Firethorn Regiment is to be snuffed out like the failed movement that it is." With a shrug of her shoulders, she glances at the delegates around the boat. "Though it is also smart to see just what each person here represents. The intelligence of my homeland is strikingly limited to the local area. With your permission, I might make an announcement. I promise it will not be long, and I believe you may take great interest in what our men have found upon their occupation of the Firethorn citadel in Varjik." She narrows her eyes to him seriously, indicating quite well that this was not a request she wished to see denied.

2018-03-03, 07:51 PM
Avakonia-Drawing in Coatl, Ti Linnad, and Isles of Lazar

Ferreth seemed shocked by the Empress's offer. People usually wanted to kill or conquer pirates, not agree to protect them. He stood still for a few seconds, thinking over the offer. Finally, he spoke. "I will need to consult with my neighbors and allies before I make this decision, but before I do so I have two questions:"

"The first: Do you have any specific plans for the Shushan? It is no secret that your consort is Kunai, and they may seek to kill or capture the Shushan, who I have granted asylum. Shushan assassins were an instrumental part of my escape from imprisonment, and I would not want to betray them after their assistance."

"My second question is this: what would happen if the Gwitna were to rob the empire or her vassals? Would stealing vassals be acceptable, and the empire not, or vice versa? The trick of good piracy and thievery is in not making enough friends that you have no-one to rob."

"I will let you think on these questions while I receive counsel from my allies." Ferreth said, before turning, walking a short distance away, and beginning to shout.

"Exarch Teppin! Premier Jannellai!" he paused and studied the Lazarite delegation for a moment, not recognizing anyone, though the distinctive features of the Lazarites made them easy to identify. "Whoever speaks for Arndok Elbruk! I would have your counsel!"

"The empress has offered me the protection and assistance of the empire in exchange for nothing but a few soldiers and swearing vassalage. I will not lie, it is a very tempting offer. With their help, we could control trade the world over, and because we are the closest brothers in faith with them, they would no doubt allow us to proselytize against Jalyeong-bo, the Dejanic cult, and whatever other heathen faiths are inside their borders. However, I would like to hear your opinions on the possibility of the Gwitna Coalition becoming a vassal of the empire." Although I know what some of you will say, Ferreth thought as he looked at the Linnadi delegation. "It is a decision that will of course impact all of us, so I will try my best to follow your wishes. Remember that whatever we decide here today, I will be loyal first to my people and Coatl, and only secondly to the empire. So, what do you think?"

"I think you think you know what I am going to say," Jannellai chuckled. "And you would be right, were you Sandor. He was present at the Conclave, and promised - unofficial as it was - to aid us, and I would hold him to that. But now I think you have the right to reconsider."

"Do not misunderstand, I still strongly suggest you refuse. The Linnadi are moving on [Region 17] and once we control that our allies will have passage through the strait whether the Empress will or no. I may be able to hold back the storm if you do not move to defend the Empire, but there will be little I can do to stop the Council from war against you if you oppose us on the field of battle."

"I have told you my opinion," was all Mallow responded.

2018-03-03, 09:41 PM
Xincoatl's Corner

The greyscaled lazarite had listened with rapt attention to the offer and counteroffer of Lord Ferreth and the Empress. Indeed the red robed representative had been most overjoyed that Lord Ferreth called for the Isles counsel. Along with the Burner the lazarite moved to join the huddle of delegates who represented adherents to Xincoatl's guiding light. The scaled humanoid listened and nodded softly at Lord Ferreth's words as he mused. Indeed it would be a great benefit with little cost at the offer the Empire had made. If Xincoatl could spread unhindered through Imperial lands while its great bastions merely paid with the blood of mercenaries willing to fight for Avakonian coin for the privilege... Yes, soon in such a grand scheme perhaps might the armies of the Empire find themselves enslaved to Coatl's religious yoke, yes, or even the lazarites...

These thoughts were interrupted as Linnadi spoke. Ah yes, those who made war with the Empire. But what the Linnadi sought was simple was it not? And competing with Dvatla as equals struggling paled next to having a reinforced Empire backing their claims. No doubt Dvatla would seek control of (Region 17) but if as a vassal Ti Linnad was granted it...

"Thisss one wishes to speak. Lord Ferreth speaks wissse words in recognizing this great offer laid before usss. Premier, Lady Elf Mallow, your blood boilsss with war against the Empire but think with a clearer mind. The Premier did not win in Obrossslo through war, she won through peace and treaty. The Empire did barely defend their flank to your attack and allowed easssy seizure of their land. Now they offer our brother in faith, Lord Ferreth, their protection and their boon for little but mercenariesss?"

The silvery-grey and black spotted reptilian eyes flicked now from the Linnadi to Lord Ferreth.

"We must of courssse not fight between our own faithful. Such would run against Xincoatl's will. So many yet remain to bring the torch of knowledge to. If Avakonia offers peace to Gwitna let it offer it too with Ti Linnad, and grant in thisss lands to Linnadi rule that might otherwise be won through bloody terror. Explain to the Empresssss that accepting the faithful of Xincoatl would bring with it not only the direct lands of your Coalition or your Premiereship but in mossst likelihoods the Isles among othersss," as his tongue flicked his hissing word he looked towards Tepin making abundantly clear his opinion on Tepin's position as a vassal to Glen Gwitna.

2018-03-03, 10:11 PM
The Empress’s eyes grow cold as Teppin approaches, and the woman at her side shifts to display her shield more prominently, painted around the edges with images of warriors and hunters, ambushing prey and enemies alike. She was, of course, Karysite, just as the Empress herself was.
”Of course, the wellbeing of the Karysite people is at the forefront of our minds, Grand Exarch Teppin. You are here, I presume, to return Karys to its queen without further conflict? How very kind of you.”


Though he attempted to hide it Teppin responded with a cat like smirk "One does not become an Exarch by being kind, though the Karysites will be fine I assure you. You can trust that Karys will fall back into the fold of the Empire. Whether it does so peacefully or violently is up to you of course."

Teppin shifted his stance using his bravado to push these demands forward "If you follow my demands the Theocracy will leave Karys undefended for the Empire to reclaim at its leisure. Don't worry Empress my terms are simple, the theocracy would gain preferential treatment in the arena of trade first and foremost. Next we would like a free passage for any of our missionaries."

Teppin decided to pause in order to let the Empress take note.

Avakonia-Drawing in Coatl, Ti Linnad, and Isles of Lazar

Ferreth seemed shocked by the Empress's offer. People usually wanted to kill or conquer pirates, not agree to protect them. He stood still for a few seconds, thinking over the offer. Finally, he spoke. "I will need to consult with my neighbors and allies before I make this decision, but before I do so I have two questions:"

"The first: Do you have any specific plans for the Shushan? It is no secret that your consort is Kunai, and they may seek to kill or capture the Shushan, who I have granted asylum. Shushan assassins were an instrumental part of my escape from imprisonment, and I would not want to betray them after their assistance."

"My second question is this: what would happen if the Gwitna were to rob the empire or her vassals? Would stealing vassals be acceptable, and the empire not, or vice versa? The trick of good piracy and thievery is in not making enough friends that you have no-one to rob."

"I will let you think on these questions while I receive counsel from my allies." Ferreth said, before turning, walking a short distance away, and beginning to shout.

"Exarch Teppin! Premier Jannellai!" he paused and studied the Lazarite delegation for a moment, not recognizing anyone, though the distinctive features of the Lazarites made them easy to identify. "Whoever speaks for Arndok Elbruk! I would have your counsel!"

"The empress has offered me the protection and assistance of the empire in exchange for nothing but a few soldiers and swearing vassalage. I will not lie, it is a very tempting offer. With their help, we could control trade the world over, and because we are the closest brothers in faith with them, they would no doubt allow us to proselytize against Jalyeong-bo, the Dejanic cult, and whatever other heathen faiths are inside their borders. However, I would like to hear your opinions on the possibility of the Gwitna Coalition becoming a vassal of the empire." Although I know what some of you will say, Ferreth thought as he looked at the Linnadi delegation. "It is a decision that will of course impact all of us, so I will try my best to follow your wishes. Remember that whatever we decide here today, I will be loyal first to my people and Coatl, and only secondly to the empire. So, what do you think?"

Teppin seemed nervous at the idea of Ferrath submitting to the Empire seemed quite disturbing. While he might try to use the Empire for its own ends for now, what of his successor? What if the Empire uses us for their purposes? "I do believe we could use them for our own aims, but be careful the might be just as inclined to use you as you are to them."

2018-03-04, 01:14 AM

"Please, make your announcement. I'm absolutely certain that you wouldn't want to bother everyone without a worthy topic, so go right ahead." Lord Ferreth smiled and winked at chieftess feather, and then stepped aside to make room for her announcement.

Coatl- Prior to the Negotiations with the Empress and suspiciously close to the Lazarite Delegation

Lord Ferreth walked up to meet Teppin. He was carrying a ceremonial bladed canoe paddle, and his expression was uncharacteristically flat in attempt to look serious and important. Even the Magpie on his shoulder was looking down its beak at the new Exarch with a haughty expression.

Ferreth pounded the butt of his paddle on the floor once, gave a stiff bow, then looked Teppin in the eyes and spoke with a regal tone. "Have you decided whether to honor my claim to the Theocracy of Coatl, Exarch Teppin?"

Avakonia Et Al

"So, one for, one against, and one..." he raised an eyebrow at Teppin. "... abstaining? It would seem then that the final choice must rest on my shoulders. If I make the wrong choice, may my ancestors forgive me."

Lord Ferreth left the company of his brothers in faith and walked back to the empress. "Do you have answers for my questions?"

2018-03-04, 08:36 PM
Relevant to everyone attending - Firethorn Artifact Announcement

The red haired woman steps up onto a nearby platform after a few minutes of gathering her courage, getting a good look across the crowd once she got there. Her blood ran cold at the possible thought of screwing things up, but if she was to remain in such a position there was no room for weakness. Raising her right fist into the air above her head, she calls to those across the room. "Hear me, leaders of the world! I am Chieftess Feather of Inkia, rightful ruler of the Violet Forests of Derokar, and I come bearing unsettling news." She pauses for but a moment to take a final breath before retrieving an object within her robes, an ominous mask that is clearly in the style of the Bloodied Hands handiwork. The object itself was black with terrifying features on it, blood running down from the eyes and traces of dark magic still lingering around it.

"During the raid my soldiers conducted on the Firethorn citadel in Varjik, this artifact was found in no place other than Captain Sofrid's private chambers; locked away among his most precious possessions. It is a mask imbued with strong blood magic, a symbol of the Bloodied Hands, and one that we believe is representative of a higher ranking official in their network, based on what we know of their cult. Coupled with reports of sending men in secret to foreign lands on covert operations that I would gladly share with any interested, I would hereby accuse Captain Sofrid and his Firethorn Regiment by extension of corruption, blood magic, and the execution of terror attacks against civilians across the western coast. Let none who value their honor or reputation consort with what little of their number that remain. The world is a brighter place without their schemes." She gives a look of disgust at the mask in her hand and waits for but a few seconds, gauging the reaction from the crowd of diplomats as she would start to descend to their level.

Flamekeeper Des, the man who came as part of the Avaknonian assembly to represent his people, hissed harshly under his breath as soon as he saw her go up, muttering no shortage of silent curses upon the woman as she spoke. He looked to the Empress with his brow furrowed gravely, still miraculously maintaining his composure but with emotion plain on his face. "That snake." he hissed, looking again at Feather with disdain on his face. "She slanders our people and arrives with an unholy artifact? What I would not give to end this war here and now.. Errgh." He clasps his hands together. "Her lies will not go unanswered for. Not on my--" He sighs, relaxing his posture just a bit, catching himself before emotion overwhelms him. "My lady Empress, how shall we handle this?"

2018-03-04, 09:25 PM
Chieftess Feather's announcement was quite the shocking accusation, to be sure. If the accusation was true, it meant not only that the Firethorne Regiment was a front for the Bloodied Hands, it would mean that one of the Empire's staunchest supporters was trafficking in blood magic. At best, such horrors were considered distasteful. But Avakonia's great claim to fame was Dejan, and his legendary conquest of the world accomplished by antimagic. The Firethorne Regiment was similarly known for its own antimagic armor.

At worst, such hypocrisy would be a blow beyond recovery to the Empire's reputation. More realistically, it would be an end to their legitimacy, and push them even closer to collapse. This was a grave moment for the Empire, one that could spell doom for them all.

And Starbreather giggled, like a schoolgirl discussing her first crush.

"What a shocking revelation. This certainly answers a fair few questions I had, coming into this place. But are you certain your view of events is accurate, my fair lady?" The Chojo woman asked sweetly, an innocent and pure smile on her face. There was nothing in her tone to suggest a threat.

... And yet, given that Chieftess Feather had just declared her intent to utterly discredit the Regiment and the Empire, it was too little.

2018-03-05, 02:15 AM
Coatl- Prior to the Negotiations with the Empress and suspiciously close to the Lazarite Delegation

Lord Ferreth walked up to meet Teppin. He was carrying a ceremonial bladed canoe paddle, and his expression was uncharacteristically flat in attempt to look serious and important. Even the Magpie on his shoulder was looking down its beak at the new Exarch with a haughty expression.

Ferreth pounded the butt of his paddle on the floor once, gave a stiff bow, then looked Teppin in the eyes and spoke with a regal tone. "Have you decided whether to honor my claim to the Theocracy of Coatl, Exarch Teppin?"

Noticing that they weren't quite alone Teppin decided to play his reaction up. In all honesty the deal seemed decent, and the theocracy could stand to benefit from partnering with a larger power. For now at the very least.

Teppin stood straight and looked the honorable lord Ferreth in the eye "Know your place pirate, and Exarch does not bow."

Teppin paused relaxing his stance "But an Exarch knows the value of a more formal partnership."

2018-03-05, 05:16 AM
Avakonia Et Al

"So, one for, one against, and one..." he raised an eyebrow at Teppin. "... abstaining? It would seem then that the final choice must rest on my shoulders. If I make the wrong choice, may my ancestors forgive me."

Lord Ferreth left the company of his brothers in faith and walked back to the empress. "Do you have answers for my questions?"

"We do. While theft of Imperial goods is obviously illegal, favorable rates with appropriately licensed merchants may be arranged. Feuds between Imperial subjects, whether military or economic, are for them to resolve in their own fashion. The Empire will not intervene except, perhaps, when a crisis presents itself as a result, or it threatens the stability of the Empire as a whole; so long as your piracy does not threaten Imperial stability or solvency, it can be overlooked."

She pauses, and glances to Starbreather, her lover, caretaker of her children, and bodyguard, before continuing. When the Empress looks back to Lord Ferreth, her eyes are just a bit brighter, more filled with joy despite the trials of her station and the present time.

"I may have close relations with the Kunai, but from what I am given to understand, it is the Satsujin who so disliked the Shushan. My bodyguard is of the Chojo clan, and my husband from, well, Amidasu. The Shushan were installed by the Empire in the first place as rulers of the area, though they've done so only in name for some time now. The feuds of the clans of Kuniumi are their own to resolve; the Empire will take no action for or against the Shushan; for this you have my word. I can, of course, make no such claim for the Kunai themselves, though I do not believe Amidasu will abuse imperial resources to do anything of the sort; he is too concerned with his Names, I'm afraid." Her smile is warm, for once. A strange thing to see on the Empress, in all likelihood, who normally holds herself so distant.

Though he attempted to hide it Teppin responded with a cat like smirk "One does not become an Exarch by being kind, though the Karysites will be fine I assure you. You can trust that Karys will fall back into the fold of the Empire. Whether it does so peacefully or violently is up to you of course."

Teppin shifted his stance using his bravado to push these demands forward "If you follow my demands the Theocracy will leave Karys undefended for the Empire to reclaim at its leisure. Don't worry Empress my terms are simple, the theocracy would gain preferential treatment in the arena of trade first and foremost. Next we would like a free passage for any of our missionaries."

"Trade concessions are certainly possible, and travel through Imperial lands by pilgrims and priests has always been allowed, should they have the appropriate documentation. Do you mean you desire to preach to Imperial citizens? So long as they do not cause trouble or interfere in Imperial divinations and sacrifices, that may be possible yet. However, we would prefer, Exarch, if you might hand over control of Karys of your own volition; the citizens of that fair land have seen enough violence, and I do not wish to force more soldiers, who as we both know well are rarely disciplined enough to avoid pillaging if they believe they may get away with it, to seize the region from any overzealous holdouts; besides which, our armies are rather occupied at the moment, holding off the assaults of certain parties into Imperial lands. Was there anything else?"

The Empress is not quite dismissive; her manner is too polite for that. But the message is clear: if they were done here, they both had other business to attend to, as rulers of their respective states. While the Empress was versed in the trials of diplomacy that often marked such agreements, she was hopeful that they would be unnecessary; war was a tiring endeavor, and she was no longer youthful, in all honesty.

Relevant to everyone attending - Firethorn Artifact Announcement

The red haired woman steps up onto a nearby platform after a few minutes of gathering her courage, getting a good look across the crowd once she got there. Her blood ran cold at the possible thought of screwing things up, but if she was to remain in such a position there was no room for weakness. Raising her right fist into the air above her head, she calls to those across the room. "Hear me, leaders of the world! I am Chieftess Feather of Inkia, rightful ruler of the Violet Forests of Derokar, and I come bearing unsettling news." She pauses for but a moment to take a final breath before retrieving an object within her robes, an ominous mask that is clearly in the style of the Bloodied Hands handiwork. The object itself was black with terrifying features on it, blood running down from the eyes and traces of dark magic still lingering around it.

"During the raid my soldiers conducted on the Firethorn citadel in Varjik, this artifact was found in no place other than Captain Sofrid's private chambers; locked away among his most precious possessions. It is a mask imbued with strong blood magic, a symbol of the Bloodied Hands, and one that we believe is representative of a higher ranking official in their network, based on what we know of their cult. Coupled with reports of sending men in secret to foreign lands on covert operations that I would gladly share with any interested, I would hereby accuse Captain Sofrid and his Firethorn Regiment by extension of corruption, blood magic, and the execution of terror attacks against civilians across the western coast. Let none who value their honor or reputation consort with what little of their number that remain. The world is a brighter place without their schemes." She gives a look of disgust at the mask in her hand and waits for but a few seconds, gauging the reaction from the crowd of diplomats as she would start to descend to their level.

Flamekeeper Des, the man who came as part of the Avaknonian assembly to represent his people, hissed harshly under his breath as soon as he saw her go up, muttering no shortage of silent curses upon the woman as she spoke. He looked to the Empress with his brow furrowed gravely, still miraculously maintaining his composure but with emotion plain on his face. "That snake." he hissed, looking again at Feather with disdain on his face. "She slanders our people and arrives with an unholy artifact? What I would not give to end this war here and now.. Errgh." He clasps his hands together. "Her lies will not go unanswered for. Not on my--" He sighs, relaxing his posture just a bit, catching himself before emotion overwhelms him. "My lady Empress, how shall we handle this?"
The Empress smiles slightly at Des's fervor; the man would know it as practically a grin on her face, given the situation. The Empress had met the Chieftess just once before, perhaps a decade ago, on her ascension to the position. It had been partly to honor the girl, in the hopes of making her feel more welcome as an Imperial subject, partly to remind her of her place in the wake of her father's death as an enemy of the empire, and partly to get a feeling for how troublesome she would be. Well, the girl had had fire then, and she retained it now, though it had become a bonfire, falling to ash in it's own heat, rather than the torch it had once been, which Vana had hoped would help bring the light of civilization to her people. It seemed it was too late for that now, though. Unfortunate. But still, the Empress appreciated Des for his loyalty and his resolute manner in the face of all odds. "Why, we will indulge her, of course. And she will be crushed under it."

As Starbreather spoke, though, the Empress smiled wider still. Ah, there was a reason she loved that woman, beyond her beauty, which had not changed despite the twenty years they had been together. The wit and the cunning hadn't changed either; nor the brashness that had originally driven her to compete at those games, unlike every other member of her clan attending. But there were many ways to dissect the girl's accusations, and the Empress was glad to employ all of them. Vana Zhekurus, daughter of Rafæla Zhekurus, Nearest Heir to Dejan the Magnificent, Uniter of Emjata, Empress of Avakon, Lord of Raesija and all it's cities, and Queen of the Karysites, had not reigned for 30 years without learning how to speak.

"How convenient then, Chieftess Feather, that the accused is not present to defend themselves. And your sworn enemy, no less! You bring to us an unsettling visage of a mask and claim it to be found in the belongings of Captain Sofrid. You bring no evidence of this beyond your word, the word of a chieftess of a single, traitorous tribe, who has let temporary victories inflate her ego and forget her station. This mask, which you claim to be representative of high-ranking members of an organization of spies, assassins, and saboteurs, which is so patently imbued with heathen magics as to be dripping, was supposedly found in the belongings of the Captain of the Firethorn Regiment, an organization whose disdain for magic and possession of one of the few means of disrupting divine and spiritual energies is both well-known and well-documented.

Lord Ferreth, did she not just say to you, moments ago, that the intelligence network of her people was poor outside of their homeland? How is it that you determined this mask was representative of any position in particular within the Bloodied Hands? Is the mask not made of wood, and in a tribalistic style of carving? Is not the violet oak of Derokar sacred to your people, Chieftess? What is to say that it is not made from the sacred trees of your people, whom may yet worship dark and bloody gods of which we know not behind closed doors and amongst hidden groves? To twist such blame onto your enemy would be a keen stroke indeed, in such a case. If the Captain, whose predecessor and whose actions have displayed naught but utmost loyalty to the Empire, which I am presently in the process of rewarding by making concessions for his return, were an agent of that despicable organisation, why would he leave such a valued item among his personal belongings, rather than having it accompany him on campaign?"

The Empress stops, letting this all sink in for a few seconds, before speaking once more, more softly, though still audible to all present.

"But, in the interest of generosity and the preservation of your ego, as well as the preservation of the good faith of the negotiations at this meeting, let us indulge you. Let us presume that you did, in fact, find this among Captain Sofrid's belongings.

As my dearest safekeeper brings up, have you considered, perhaps, other reasons that they might own such an item? For instance, the Firethorn Regiment, as Firekeeper Des's presence proves, is responsible in large part for the security of the royal family, and myself in particular. The Bloodied Hands are, as I hope we have all determined by now, an organisation of assassins and death-bringers. It is without doubt that there have been token attempts made on my life by them at some point over the last few decades which were foiled by the Burning Guard and the Regiment; the acquiring of such a mask from slain or captured operatives is not unlikely. Further, I would point out once again the, in this case quite reasonable, distrust of magic the Regiment bears, which no one here is, I would hope, likely to contest. In such a situation, keeping an item such as that until it may be destroyed close at hand is by no means inconceivable.

You claim that the Firethorn Regiment has become corrupt, but up until a few short years ago, it was led by the venerable Lady Amerah Kren, whose valor in fighting off the Bloodied Hands during the Gathering of Minds in Regno is well-established; in fact, speaking of which, do you not think it likely they may have held onto an item recovered after that tragedy in order to learn about such an adversary? Do you mean to claim that in the time between her death and your treason, not only did Captain Sofrid become corrupt, but that he corrupted the entirety of the Firethorn Regiment, including those factions that until yet more recently were at war over the manner in which they should serve the Empire? Did you not stop to consider the possibility that this was recovered during a raid on the Bloodied Hands?

You pose the single most incredulous possible explanation for such an item being in the possession of the Captain, simply out of desperation for some inkling of legitimacy in your rebellion. You are fortunate that this meeting respects the diplomat's peace, Chieftess. The sole reason your head does not sit rotting on a pike for your treachery is because We have been preoccupied with enemies both more immediate and more respectable."

Enemies that may not have been hounding them were not for her rallying call, the Empress does not say. No need to let the poor girl's ego inflate even more beyond it's present proportions. Once, Vana had believed she might have liked the girl, had she the opportunity to know her better. Sadly, that was impossible now. Traitors must be dealt with appropriately. The potential for her to actually be a member of that blasted cult was besides the point, but made it all the more important. Though if it were true, she had no doubt that everyone in that meeting (save, perhaps, the Linnadi, if only for their obstinacy in all things) would find the Chieftess' death immediately desirable and acceptable. The Bloodied Hands had already shown themselves to care not for the sanctity of negotiations such as these.

2018-03-05, 02:41 PM
The Empress' ship was, naturally, one of the largest non-Omanush vessels present, though it was some ways off, tied into the city. The shipwrights of Avakon were some of the most skilled in the world, short of Izbefe (indeed a good majority of them had ancestors from among that seafaring people), and their masterpiece was the Magnificent Steed, a massive vessel meant to hold 11 files of rowers on either side, complete with horse-head ram, orca-tail shaped stern, falcon eyes painted on the bow, and the sails (all three masts) painted to honor the gods.

The Empress herself arrived with as little fanfare as was acceptable. This was not an insignificant amount, given her status, but it was something she had minimal patience for, given the state of her realm. Her regalia was breathtaking; even on a boat, she was wearing her full armor, bronze chestplate, greaves, and bracers the most significant features, giving off a burnished glow in the evening light. There was an odd texture to it, having been treated with Sedellan glass by Firethorn smiths, but it still had the same designs and imagery that it bore from the Trodjan games. It was for this reason that the perceptive would be able to tell that it bore signs of wear; the Empress, it seemed, had fought personally in some of the battles over the last decade. Despite the white streaks beginning to stain her hair, her age has yet to diminish the aura of authority she projects, and the silver circlet and choker gleamed as brightly as ever. And the beautiful green stones embedded in them actually seemed marginally larger, somehow.

Beside the Empress stand her guards, representatives of each of the kingdoms of Avakonia. Her High Inquisitor, Abdurriken of the Broken Winds, who fought the Glen Gwitna on the sea as they came to Avakonia, in the colorful cloth, jewelry, and leathers of his people. Her rumored consort and guard, Starbreather, from Kuniumi, wearing beautiful silk clothing and layered leather, inked in the traditional patterns of the Chojo clan. Flamekeeper Des, Captain of the Burning Guard, close friend of Sofrid (and indeed served under him for a time), wearing the overlapping plates of Sedellan-lacquered bronze that her people had developed in years past along with the red and gold cloak that marked her status as First Protector of Her Imperial Majesty's person, and the Empress' Shield. The Karysite warrior Basmira, wearing the light bronze armor and interlocking links of leather and cloth that marked her position as the Empress' Spear, armed with javelin, sword, and shield. And finally, Crown Princess Dastatia Vana Zhekurus, heir to the legacy of Dejan, the Avakonian Empire, and Karys, in her own finery. The girl, scarcely more than 11, is attending primarily as a way to see the machinations of state personally, and secondarily because the Empress is concerned about leaving her in Avakon or Kunai, with the Firethorn Regiment in such disarray.

They stood, the Empress refusing to sit despite the weight of her armor. She was a warrior, and still fit to rule; she would not give in to something as trivial as physical weakness.

As the Whitefeather delegation approaches, Starbreathers straightens perceptibly, and rests a hand on the pommel of her short blade. These were the people who had cost so many Kunai lives, after all. The Empress, on the other hand, sighed internally at the mutual threats implied by the woman in front of her, both to and from the realm she ruled over.
”And greetings to you as well, Dawntalon. Your brother is fine, and will remain so, particularly if we can come to a satisfactory conclusion to our negotiations here. I can understand your frustration with the situation, but your King knew what he was risking when he marched his armies onto Avakonian soil, with neither right nor provocation.” A pause, to allow that reminder, of wanton aggression being punished by the gods, to mull.
”But you are, unfortunately, not incorrect. To spare troops to meet yours would be to little purpose beyond the death of all our soldiers, when there are more important foes on our borders. Our proposal is this: we will hand over administration of (region 47) to the Whitefeather Kingdom, as well as King Whitefeather. In return, you will cease all offensive activities against Avakonia, agree to a pact of mutual aid against the Picians should they encroach upon the Uhraiyan coast, and acknowledge imperial authority. Neither of our states shall encroach upon the rightful territory of the other.”

Liao paused for a second, then nodded. "That is indeed an agreeable proposal, that would do well to put bad blood behind us. We have no eternal enemies, and so let us return to peace then. Hopefully some of the deeds Avakonia has done in the past will remain there as well. So I do indeed wish you fortune in the rest of your negotiations, and battles. I will note though that to recognise Imperial authority: that your Empire is legitimate, that also requires you to recognise Whitefeather, otherwise the claim is meaningless to any who care."

Liao was still tense, but far less so. She seemed more to be seeing if there was some trick, or hidden angle to the offer, but as of now, she couldn't see it. Keat would be far more useful here, able to calm minds and persuade far better than herself. Alas, it was her duty to ensure that Whitefeather remained strong.

Dastatia was bored. This was boring. The Empress – sorry, her Mother, not that she was ever around, was just talking to foreigners and being very high and mighty sounding. Titles and assurances and blah blah blah. Father took her on adventures and how to know if someone was lying and let her look at his projects. Uncle Kenny brought her cool stuff from faraway places and told her stories about her great great great granduncle, even if the maths lessons were boring. Apparently, Uncle Kenny had been a kid when Dejan was around, so he knew what he looked like for real, not just from books. Aunt Star taught her how to be sneaky, and how to poison food, and how to lie good, and where the best drinking places were(not that she’d actually let her go yet…) and all sorts of other stuff Dastatia wasn’t supposed to tell Father she was learning. Even Captain Des was teaching her to fight, even if it did hurt a bit. Or a lot. Dastatia was pretty sure Captain Des was putting lead inside the shield, which was heavy enough already, but she hadn’t been able to approve yet, because the court smith refused to break it open yet. Last time she asked he’d stormed out in a huff muttering under his breath about unappropriation or something. Anyway, the point was, Mother barely ever did anything with her anymore. When she did, she was always super serious and worried-looking, like she thought something bad was gonna happen to her. Mother was always gone, and every time she came back her hair was grayer. It was dumb. But from what she could tell, these talks might help? Which didn’t mean they weren’t boring, it just meant they were important and boring. And Dastatia had never actually been in a ropetown before (Uncle Kenny insisted she stop calling them that, but thus far the old coot had been unsuccessful), so she wanted to explore. She was going to be Empress, right? And the Sea Elves were Avakonia’s allies, right? So she was just learning about their culture in order to better conduct diplomacy with them. Or something. It was really her duty, when you thought about it, to sneak off and go exploring. So when Dastatia was going to get refreshments and her chaperones were distracted (as most of the people who knew the sort of hijinks she would pull were off being fancy with Mother), she ducked under the table and moved quietly, just like Aunt Star had taught her. She still wasn’t great at it, so when she looked back up and saw another person in front of her, Dastatia nearly let out a yelp, dark hair flopping over her face as she fell back onto her rear. "What are you doing in my hiding spot?" she whispered, eyes narrowed. An intruder. Nevermind that the person had been here first, she'd picked it first (probably), and that made her an intruder. Probably. She didn't look like a sea elf, and she'd made some sort of barricade? She really hoped they weren't an assassin, because Aunt Star had only just started teaching her about how to kill people with eating utensils and she'd be so mad if Dastatia died. She'd probably figure out a way to bring her back just so she could kill her again. Aunt Star was scary like that sometimes. "Are you trying to kill Mom?" she asked, again quietly. Just to be sure.

Crexa turned around quickly. A young girl, so quietly that she had barely heard her approach, and was approaching her barricade.
"Hey," she whispered back, slightly louder, "I was here first!" She barely could remember who this could be. It wasn't one of the Sea-elves, though she didn't know what their young looked like, and she wasn't from Regno, that much was clear. To Crexa though, it barely mattered if she was some strange Pician: she was about the same age, and by far the most interesting thing on the entire boat.

"And I don't even know who your Mum is," she continued, "I'd be a pretty bad assasin anyway. I've barely learned how to dive ." That was a slight overstatement, she had caught her first mouse over a year ago, but she was nowhere near her mentor Kiolo's level. Shuffling slightly, Crexa pushed a small crate acting as a doorway into her hideout aside.
"Do you want to come in?" she asked, "grab some food and we can try and make this more fun!" There was a definate smile on her lips now. "Rioj is really funny sometimes" she noted, pointing at a man in red robes, who was making a slightly paniced walk around the boat. "He gets all jumpy over nothing!"

2018-03-05, 04:21 PM
Earlier in the night with Lord Ferreth

Suicide Sandor with pomp and prestige was handed over and forced to his knees before the devilish retinue of black armored Khirus warriors and for just a moment he was granted the horror of a flicker of fang from beneath the mask of gold. When the ancient undead being turned away, it was to return his gaze to lord Ferreth. “We hope all our future business can be so productive.”

The Empress vs the chieftess

The back and forth between rebels and empresses was an amusing one. By the gods above and spirits below it made for an entertaining evening but it appeared Khirus had no interest in being an idle spectator in this passion play of queens. The elder Yuval in his massive gold mask and wild fineries stepped out of the crowd hearing this back and forth exchange. He was most impressed with the tongue of the empress the poor rebel girl was on the back foot. It appeared the Republic however had a bone to offer the girl. “We can speak to the legitimacy of the Chieftess feathers claims at least that it does have some nefarious intent… She did not make that mask, we did!”

He raised his hands before accusations began to fly, “and before more claims of our alleged evil begin to be thrown through the room like arrows let me explain. Masks are a VERY important part of the emerging heritage and society in Khirus.” He tapped his own mask to prove his point, “and our Jaelong-Bo shamans have begun to carve elaborate masks for those spirits, the mask before you was stolen from one of our high shamans who was attempting to commune with a powerful obsidian spirit. Sadly without the mask he had to abandon the communion and the spirits punished him for it… Most unsatisfactory for all involved. It appears to have been warped somewhat the magic twisted but it remains the piece that caused quite a stir in our little Republic. We have the fine woods in the basins region.”

He stepped forward next to the girl and before the empress. “I would humbly request empress and to you chief feather that the item be returned to its rightful owners. That would be ourselves and we will investigate as a neutral third party whom might be responsible for these crimes… I am shocked it fell into the hands of one so far up north.”

He coughed, “we would also have the empress and the chieftess know that any concerns of legitimacy be assuaged by the fact we are allies with the Coatl Theocracy. We would do nothing to harm our allies during these important negotiations. In fact we plan on formally acknowledging our mutual defense at THIS very event.” He placed his hand out for the mask. This would give the claims of the little chieftess some legitimacy but nothing that drove a knife into the gut of the empire and for the empire it returned focus to the proceedings and not on accusations and declarations. “I am sure neither side has reason to object?”

Rishard and Yuval both shifted slightly their eyes landing on the Whitefeather delegates. In that moment the elder monster wondered what their king would feel when he heard the news Khirus was allied with the Picians and now the serpents… Did he feel a noose slither around his throat? Would peace from them and Azenhal arrive on their doorstep? Or did they believe in the strength of their blades? Would he dream of three sets of fangs ripping out his throat?

2018-03-05, 05:08 PM
Starbreather frowned, and looked to the Khirus delegate. "I very much doubt that. Were I a ruder and more suspicious woman, I would think you're lying to get your hands on an unholy artifact."

She had good reason to. Khirus was a democracy in name, but many dark rumors flowed from that land. Mumei had more than once warned Lady Chojo to keep her people far, far away from those lands, despite how ludicrous it would be to send anyone that far to begin with. She would not say why, but Kunai rarely lied to each other directly (mostly they did so through omission.) And Lady Chojo had confided in Starbreather that she thought Mumei was scared of that place more than any other, despite its distance.

There was another reason to doubt their story, of course, but she'd keep that to herself for the moment.

2018-03-05, 07:55 PM
Something about the smugness that lay in the Avakonian delegation's faces left Feather was a rather uneasy feeling. She was halfway descended from her position when the Empress started speaking, causing what must have been the longest pause on her life. Not because she didn't have anything to say, but because her explanation seemed to span decades. Though she did have time to interject between Starbreather's comment, she elected not to - standing on the side steps with a hardened look on her face. Not even totally sure where to begin her argument, another addition was added by.. Some stranger in a golden mask. It earned him the most absurd of looks before melting into solemn understanding. This mask, which was once theirs, was stolen and made corrupt. Interesting.

Still before putting her thoughts into words, she descended to ground level and lightly tossed the mask into the hands of the Khirus representative. Blood stained her hands where she had held it, and upon closer inspection it would seem as thought permanently fresh and flowing blood served as the tears for it. She was glad to be rid of it. "Consider this a gift from the Inkia clan; may you learn to tame it before the darkness claims your mind." With a glare towards Starbreather, she retorted. "And with what alternative, return it to the Empire? If they're so easy to find as your empress says they might be, then go ask her for another." Her eyes shifted, having been given enough time to think of a couple ways to counter the Empress' arguments. They were.. Very good, actually. It encouraged her to think of the situation in ways she had not before. Sometimes her passion clouded her reason. However, she seemed to truly believe what she had said before, and it would take more than a few pushes from her sworn enemy to change her mind.

"That the empire has left such a prominent source of evil infect and harm people from what I hear to be many places is unforgivable. It is your responsibility to deal with these threats, yet I have not heard so much as a denouncement from either you nor the boy who took over Commander Amerah's position. No tales of attacks, no promise to keep them at bay.. Only silence. To wind up then with this mask in the room of one of your great vassals is.. Terrible; I can tell you agree. Our violet oak on the other hand is sacred, but surely if it were made of such a material it might be.. Oh, I don't, know, violet?

I know little about these Bloodied Hands, but the men I captured in the assault have told me that this is what it represents. An enemy to peace, a wicked killer that hides behind masks, and one who raises the dead to do their bidding. Who's to say that this 'mask' does not extend to their reputation, identity, and position? It was only after the Regiment suspiciously took off to northern shores that the terror attack at.. Uhm.." She swears, forgetting the name. "The birthplace of Initia was held. If she truly brought it back with her, then I suspect that intentionally or not, the dark magic of it may have killed her and twisted the minds of those in her service-- Unless such chaos naturally ensues so soon in the founding of supposedly 'authorized' imperial factions like the Firethorn Regiment, in which case I recommend that the next military division you set up be smaller in both scope and ego. Perhaps they'll cut down fewer sacred trees on the way."

Her body was.. Shaking. Visibly. Her speech was bitter, afraid, and yet courageous. It would likely be her death in the coming years, so said her brother, who warned her not to come here. Something between fear, anticipation, and hated clawed at her being from tip to toe. She was unable to stand still, knowing all eyes to be on her in this improvised battle of the tongue. With a moment's hesitation she added, "It comes to me as no surprise that you would defend the reputation of your vassal so fervently - but when you find active blood magic and secret missions to foreign land in the hands of your trusted leaders, perhaps it is you who should be making the accusations before your enemies do. Give it an improper twist of the knife, and one might even think you supported them through their depraved actions." With a scornful look away, she wasn't sure if she should leave or not.. Sticking around only gave them more opportunities to break her accusation, but she might also want to show that she was not afraid of the empire. But oh, she so was. For now, she stayed.

2018-03-05, 09:06 PM
"A gift?" Starbreather repeated, tilting her head. "But it is not yours to give. You just admitted to stealing the mask from the Regiment's commander, good chieftess, and we have little reason to believe the Khirus delegate who claims it as their own. If anything the Mask should be going to Avakonia or back to the Regiment; they have antimagic capability that Khirus lacks, to keep it in check until the truth is determined." She glared at the Khirus representative. "Meaning no disrespect, of course."

She turned her eyes back to the Chieftess. "And while the good Empress did suggest that Amerah could have picked it up during the battle in Regno, she also mentioned it could have been taken in a raid. I find the latter more likely." She smiled. "I think it most likely that the mask came from a Bloodied Hands hideout that the Firethorn raided."

"In fact," She mused, bringing one finger up to her chin and waving the other, as if trying to recall some small detail. "I'd put good money on... someplace out to the west, near Regno but not quite in it, so that staging an attack there would be simple. Somewhere mountainous, and difficult to search. A place known for being steeped deep in magic."

Her eyes flashed. "Oh, how about Havre? Specifically the west half of the island, [region 57]?"

"But oh, what would be the odds of that when I don't know anything that you don't?" Her tone implied the exact opposite.

2018-03-05, 10:40 PM
"If this is considered stealing, then I think we should also accuse everyone here negotiating hostages of kidnapping. This is war, Riksha, and I would be a fool to hand it over to you." Her brow furrowed. "And I don't think I'll be buying any of the excuses you have on behalf of your ally. You are as biased, if not moreso, than I am. At least I came with an inkling of evidence to my claims -- And if anyone wishes to see the rest, come speak with my people about the documents we found. They are as real as the earth and the sky, and I, unlike your clans, have nothing to hide." She spoke to Starbreather critically, having had enough of her smug attitude. With a huff she shook her head, looking out over the crowd to size up their reactions once again. She was clearly a bit worried, judging by the look on her face. Her shaking resolved a little bit as she spoke, seeming to stabilize the more she talked. She could hold her own against them. They were all just people: empress, leader, lover, or not.

2018-03-05, 11:27 PM
"If this is considered stealing, then I think we should also accuse everyone here negotiating hostages of kidnapping. This is war, Riksha, and I would be a fool to hand it over to you." Her brow furrowed. "And I don't think I'll be buying any of the excuses you have on behalf of your ally. You are as biased, if not moreso, than I am. At least I came with an inkling of evidence to my claims -- And if anyone wishes to see the rest, come speak with my people about the documents we found. They are as real as the earth and the sky, and I, unlike your clans, have nothing to hide." She spoke to Starbreather critically, having had enough of her smug attitude. With a huff she shook her head, looking out over the crowd to size up their reactions once again. She was clearly a bit worried..

"An inkling that you presented as an ironclad flood." Starbreather's smile faded, and she pulled a letter out of her robe. It seemed she'd had enough of this, as well. "I, on the other hand... Shortly before I arrived here, Mumei contacted me, and told me that the Satsujin had conducted a raid on the Bloodied Hand in [region 57], utiziling Sedellan glass. I admit, I did not understand why she told me this, at first... but given that you've just tried to discredit the Empire's staunchest ally, I think I know now. It's not much, I will grant, but given that it is highly secretive information and I wouldn't have had any reason to forge it before arriving..." Her eyes narrowed. "I would consider it far more reliable than 'this mask proves my captain is a traitor to everything he stood for'."

This is what happens when you make your motives public, dear. You become easy to outmaneuver.

"You claim it is folly to hand a dangerous magical artifact to a faction that literally conquered the known world with the strength of its antimagic. I don't think I need to explain why that is a foolish thing to assert."

"Further, you are not at war, you are in rebellion. Nothing more. Do not claim legitimacy that you do not have."

"Oh, and as to the Clans?" At that, Starbreather's eyes grew dark and cold. That insult, she took personally. "Yes, the Satsujin kept their plans hidden, because Mumei is not brain-addled. Announcing ahead of time that you've found an enemy stronghold and plan to attack it will simply give them time to prepare for you. It is stupidity."

"'Tis the word of an arrogant traitor who has already demonstrated her willingness to lie AND her foolishness... against the word of the Empress' personal bodyguard. And frankly, dear, we all have our secrets. If you truly believe that an honest woman has nothing to hide, then by all means, take off your clothes."

With that, Starbreather took her own step back to her Empress' side, and waited. The crowd was entirely too quiet for her tastes.

2018-03-06, 09:47 AM
Empress vs Chieftess

“Well let me make something clear to you about foolishness secret keeper. Declarations of lies against official envoys of foreign nations when you're trying to make peace with others... Is foolish, especially one who came here as a friend.” He practically slithers over to chieftess feather and stands directly behind her. “I did not realize the Avakonian empire was interested in competition with someone they declare a traitor?” He placed his hands on feathers shoulders after slipping the mask of blood into his furs. Feeling the nubile human female with her breath and blood still coursing reminded the haggard immortal of times long ago before any in this room had parents who were twinkles in their mothers eye. “I was not supporting her claims, I am merely informing you that the mask is property of Khirus. However if the empress and her retainers argues with her on equal footing then by the gods above and spirits below this girl must have some standing I missed.” He looks down on her with a grin before turning to his allies the Coatl theocracy. “It appears my friend we have another nation present for when we sign our treaty, marvelous.” He turned to the girl. “What do you call your nation?” He smirked over at the shadow weaver his terrifying eyes now on Starbreather. “Unless of course you wish to STEP BACK, end this debacle and move on to real business? I mean you are at war last I checked. Are you so confident of your victory you have the time to bicker?”

2018-03-06, 10:19 AM
Empress vs Chieftess

“Well let me make something clear to you about foolishness secret keeper. Declarations of lies against official envoys of foreign nations when you're trying to make peace with others... Is foolish, especially one who came here as a friend.” He practically slithers over to chieftess feather and stands directly behind her. “I did not realize the Avakonian empire was interested in competition with someone they declare a traitor?” He placed his hands on feathers shoulders after slipping the mask of blood into his furs. Feeling the nubile human female with her breath and blood still coursing reminded the haggard immortal of times long ago before any in this room had parents who were twinkles in their mothers eye. “I was not supporting her claims, I am merely informing you that the mask is property of Khirus. However if the empress and her retainers argues with her on equal footing then by the gods above and spirits below this girl must have some standing I missed.” He looks down on her with a grin before turning to his allies the Coatl theocracy. “It appears my friend we have another nation present for when we sign our treaty, marvelous.” He turned to the girl. “What do you call your nation?” He smirked over at the shadow weaver his terrifying eyes now on Starbreather. “Unless of course you wish to STEP BACK, end this debacle and move on to real business? I mean you are at war last I checked. Are you so confident of your victory you have the time to bicker?”

"I DID just take a step back."Starbreather raised an eyebrow, not wavering despite his gaze. "I did not accuse you of lying, I told you a ruder woman would have. Frankly, this mask was about as far away from Khirus as it is possible to be."

She fell silent anyway. He was half-right, she'd spoken too freely.

But as to coming as a friend? The Khirus delegate could get naked, too. If this was how he reacted to a traitor to one of the parties he was meant to negotiate with, he didn't come to make nice.

2018-03-06, 12:05 PM
Avakonia V Feather
"How convenient. I would shed my robe for you, but the scars your empire has left on me are too grave a sight for the many fine men and women here." The Chieftess replied flatly, eyes following the paper in her adversary's hands. She was heavily scarred on her face - And it seemed that they did not stop only at her neck. The man of Khirus spoke from just behind her, and her unstable expression became more resolute with every word. In response to his smile she even returned a small one of her own. "Call my nation that of Inkia for now; but expect the particulars in that to be reformed in the future. ..And thank you for cutting these wolves off before they managed to spread their fleas." Despite their desire to turn the tension back a notch, she took a bold step forwards. "Now allow this brain-addled fool to make one thing very clear, woman of shadows. If peace is not made with Inkia before we leave this boat, then I am not afraid to tell you that I will march my armies right into your borders and desecrate your lands just as much as the empire has desecrated mine. I can picture the great woods aflame in my mind already." She stifles a bitter laugh. "Perhaps I'm sure you'll find somewhere to hide away from battle amidst the smoke."

2018-03-06, 02:40 PM
Avakonia V Feather
"How convenient. I would shed my robe for you, but the scars your empire has left on me are too grave a sight for the many fine men and women here." The Chieftess replied flatly, eyes following the paper in her adversary's hands. She was heavily scarred on her face - And it seemed that they did not stop only at her neck. The man of Khirus spoke from just behind her, and her unstable expression became more resolute with every word. In response to his smile she even returned a small one of her own. "Call my nation that of Inkia for now; but expect the particulars in that to be reformed in the future. ..And thank you for cutting these wolves off before they managed to spread their fleas." Despite their desire to turn the tension back a notch, she took a bold step forwards. "Now allow this brain-addled fool to make one thing very clear, woman of shadows. If peace is not made with Inkia before we leave this boat, then I am not afraid to tell you that I will march my armies right into your borders and desecrate your lands just as much as the empire has desecrated mine. I can picture the great woods aflame in my mind already." She stifles a bitter laugh. "Perhaps I'm sure you'll find somewhere to hide away from battle amidst the smoke."

"I prefer to think of myself as a large cat, personally." Chojo smiled at her own joke. "But if you wish to escalate this meeting from insults to outright threats, by all means. Far be it from me to tell you how to run your rebellion."

... Or did she say 'ruin your rebellion'? It was hard to tell, exactly.

Starbreather would say no more. But then, there was no need to respond further. After all, flea bitten she may be, but a wolf did not concern herself with the threats of a sheep. Least of all one with such brain damage as to declare her intent to invade so openly.

2018-03-07, 04:20 AM
With a bemused expression on her face, the Empress waited patiently through the exchange of Chieftess Feather and her lover. Their verbal sparring was amusing, and let her learn more about the girl whom had chosen to rise in rebellion against her.

The Empress waves off Khirus's claiming of the mask, though an eyebrow rises, ever so slightly, when Starbreather talks of a joint raid. She had not been informed of this. With the present times, it wasn't exactly an affair that merited her attention, mind, but warning might have been nice. Though, it sounded as though Starbreather had barely had such, so the blame really lay with Mumei, not that it was really out of character. She did let out a brief snort at the dramatic flair Star had, however, under her breath (of course). It was what made her different from most Chojo, that willingness to be so straightforward, but at the same time, it made for poor stateswomanship.

"Lady Starbreather, thank you, but the delegation from Khirus is correct. Please, feel free to keep the mask; consider it a gift on the behalf of the Firethorn Regiment, in absentia. Afer all, your purification rituals are almost certain to be more effective than our own, given your understanding of it's construction. I'm afraid ours are rather...uncomplicated," she says, adjusting the Mrazite-adorned circlet atop her hair, with an almost predatory smile. For a being such as the Consul, the implications are rather unnerving, unintended though they might be; an experience potentially that much more unsettling for it's unfamiliarity. "It is unfortunate that the network of such an unsavory organization reaches so far across Emjata, Consul, and I hope you are successful in ejecting any remainder of them from your lands.
However," she says, and this time there is threat - no, a promise, in her voice. "I would recommend against recognizing the legitimacy of rebels and traitors, lest your enemies view it as weakness, and act as such. Perhaps you might consider extending the good faith you came with to the Firethorn Regiment, rather than allowed any obviously false impression to be left as to the Republic's recognition of anarchy as a legitimate sovereign?" The meaning was clear. Khirus claimed to have come here to deal with Avakonia. 'Inkia', such as it was, would not last the decade, barring catastrophe, and to ruin relations with a power such as Avakonia based merely on the words of a talkative bodyguard would be ill-advised.

And as for the girl...
"The Inquisition's work has been invaluable in keeping the lands administered by Avakonia free of threat, and while I am no expert on magic, I believe wood can be stained even by nonmagical means. But even so, we see now that it is from Khirus. So congratulations, you have not incriminated yourself of blood magic. And yet the same source of information you claim to have obtained knowledge about these criminals are those you are accusing of being corrupted. Further, the men currently swearing loyalty to you served also under the Firethorn, so they would be at least as vulnerable to such corruption, were it the case...in fact, considering their reluctance, from what I am to understand, to wear the lacquered armor of the Firethorn that protects them from such influences, they would be yet more susceptible. And finally, the very fact that you bring up such logic openly, of accusing in order to divert suspicion, undermines your accusations! To make accusations with such flimsy evidence, and a seriously incomplete understanding of the situation, is to invite it on yourself, precisely because it is useful to divert if such claims are not examined in detail. If you desire to know why I am spending such time on as insignificant a creature as yourself, know it is twofold."

I saw in you the potential for greatness, once. The fact that it has been squandered so lies in part on my shoulders, I believe, for not making the consequences of treason clearer when we first met, and the benefits of loyalty."

The second reason she would not say, though her speech left it ambiguous as to if what she had said was one or two reasons. But the girl deserved to get some inkling of how far out of her depth she was. Perhaps it would motivate her to gather up who she valued and leave for uncharted lands, where Vana could not reach her. For if she caught her, the girl and all her family would be treated as all traitors were.
The Empress had heard that the Inquisition had been very innovative lately. A public display of some of it's newest techniques could do some good for morale, to see an enemy so reduced.

2018-03-07, 03:36 PM
"I think I can actually guess the second reason." She would start, facing the empress with a much more confident look about her. The mention of potential greatness bugged her a bit; though she could not place why. It was odd to hate someone so vibrantly, and yet have them say to you that they saw potential for greatness. A pang of guilt afflicted her, if only for a moment. As her voice started it would slowly grow in passion, but a more gentle one than before. "You're wasting your time on me, why? Because I am equal to you, unlike all those in your court. I do not concede to your will. I will not bow to your title; though lacking an empire or even even the sense to bring my guards with me here, I stand before you, already dead, I suppose, but as the only free woman between Iyoni Crescent and the rugged isles off the western coast of Ortassa."

She dips her head, stopping herself from continuing. Her mind raced. She was already screwed, there was no need to tempt the empress into cruelly extending the last few minutes of her life once this was all over - Onto what actually mattered. With a sigh, the Chieftess calms herself once again, voice almost quiet compared to her fervor for the entirety of their argument. "There are no Firethorn men in my armies, but some of their people must remain in the castles. I would not like to see Varjik become a wasteland under my reign. The men there, I question them as a chance to redeem themselves for their very presence as my enemy. It is not.." She falters, finding her words. A second of silence passes. "They are my foes, but I must respect them for their same struggle for freedom years ago. Had they not invaded our lands as the fools they are - or decided to bow to the very power they broke from - perhaps they might have been our allies. You and I, however, were destined to fight from birth."

With that she clears her throat, raising her hand before her lips and shifting on the spot. "My throat is parched. You have heard my message. May the next time we meet be on the field of battle." She would start to head towards the provided snacks after she excused herself, flustered beyond what she had even thought possible. It was not too late for anyone to get some final words in, but it was clear that she was exhausted of her attempts to discredit the empire at least.

2018-03-07, 09:19 PM
Avakonia Private meeting. (After the public display)

This event belonged to the vultures. Yuval knew that he had been sent to this not because he was the best diplomat, he was powerful but so were many in Khirus. No Yuval was convinced he was on this little adventure because he had endless experience, experience even the genius that was the chancellor did not have. Yuval could spot weaknesses and openings and those were discovered from years and years in the arena of kings. Rips and tears in defenses were things Yuval could turn into mortal wounds with nary an afterthought and he saw plenty of wounded on this barge. The first was the Avakonian empire. When this ancient being did approach the empress once again, it was away from prying eyes. He once again felt a small tug and presumed it came from a being chosen by gods to lead what was once the mightiest empire on earth. Or perhaps a trick to their anti magic abilities… His eyes traveled over her like a wolf slobbering with need for meat. Could she see through the mask?

A low bow emanated from the consul member and acting voice of Khirus for this event. “Empress I would request a private audience with you. I understand you are used to your companions, court and hangers on present but I have an offer and it cannot be made with any voices present besides your own. My Chancellor has demanded I not make it unless we’re alone.”

(OOC: If she refuses to engage in private conference Yuval will depart after offering proper apologies. Don’t read the spoiler in that case)

When their space was cleared and they were alone the ambassador would immediately raise himself up to proper height the slouch disappearing. Clearly a means of appearing less menacing, less dangerous to whomever he was dealing with. When the elder revealed this he relaxed some and took to standing admiring what was the empress for a time. While his face was covered his hands showed the signs of age the flesh wrinkled and shriveled slightly over what was a thin surprisingly tall man. Whom may have once cut a fine figure. “You really are magnificent empress. You have become even more impressive then the stories say.” He sighed as if wanting to be trapped in the moment for longer, but alas her time was valuable and so was his. “I do want to apologize for the rather aggressive exchange earlier. You have many enemies and Khirus cannot afford to adopt them on your behalf but we don’t view you as they do.”
He rustled a moment. “My chancellor the voice of the people of Khirus and leader of this most benevolent republic have two deals to offer you. One will be strictly off the books and handled within the year should you agree, the other will require your royal seal for proof should you agree. The first would be soldiers. We have 2500 men currently being trained in Khirus and those troops have no war to fight. We would send those soldiers equipped with imperial arms and armor of course. In exchange for Khirese republicans laying down their lives on foreign soil. All we would request is your salt wagons. We have heard of your innovations and the technology interests the Chancellor. If you agree the troops will march out upon my return home and when they reach your border you will give the technology information to the Marshall who will lead them and he will return home with the technology.”

He appeared unmoved by the drastic difference in value and instead continued.“The second deal involves something called Obsidian fire… I would be surprised if you haven’t at least heard rumors about the technology. We have been covetous of it for its power but we feel the empire could afford the cost. It would be a gamble for its price, it would be immense. We would ask for 12,000 men (5 units) at arms and two trading posts. The trade off is you would not need to deliver on this until the current conflict has ended. We would hand over the technology immediately and you would not have to pay off this debt for six years. This will be in writing of course… For obvious reasons. We don’t want it announced but the chancellor does want your seal and signature for obvious reasons…"

Feather Private meeting (After the Public display)

Leaving the empires quarters, and now approaching the tiny fanfare of this little woman with almost no power was a stark contrast and yet it was almost endearing. “If you were my enemy I would never let you escape these boats alive.” Muses the ancient advisor. He moved forward small and slumped over. “Yet here you are an enemy of the greatest empire this world has ever seen… Or at least its shattered remains and you are going to walk away tonight… Or rather sail off and continue your little rebellion. It truly is amazing.” He smirked. “If you would meet me where the eyes cannot see and ears cannot hear I have an offer for you.”

(OOC: If she refuses to engage in private conference Yuval will depart after offering proper apologies. Don’t read the spoiler in that case)

When they were alone he turned and eyed her intently, “you’re going to die. I am sure you’re aware… But it won’t just be you, it will be your bloodline, your friends, your companions, advisors all exterminated.” He shrugs. “I presume you already understand that otherwise you wouldn’t voice such audacity to their endless armies.” He lifted up the mask she had given them. “You did however return this to its rightful place and I see a leader in you. So I have some offers. We will ship you some economic aid to help fund your armies it won’t be much but it will not be a pittance either; enough to feed your armies for a time at least. For your last grand invasion.” He puts the mask back into his furs and chuckles. “But if you lose your campaign and you don’t get captured or killed I give you one chance. Send a raven and then take everyone, your family, friends whatever soldiers remain and you run, run to the nation of tides where the dreaded Picians rule with an fin of iron, there me and my personal retinue will wait for you and we will bring you to Khirus and sanctuary.” He turns. “If you refuse the opportunity will not be offered again. I can’t spend long with you. I have much business tonight.”

Meeting Lord Ferreth

Words had struck the ears of the diplomat that Lord Ferreth was interested in a very valuable thing… He decided it was best to nip such needs and so he approached the lord directly hours after their initial meeting in regards to Sandor. He showed the proper respect bowing his head and waiting for permission to speak but when he had it he was fast. “My lord I heard about your interest… In regards to Obsidian fire… If we could go somewhere private?”

When they were alone he would speak quickly. “I know you are looking for the formula to Obsidian fire, and we know if you wished to acquire it through less… Lawful means you could so we wish to offer an official trade, if you did this it would be considered a great kindness to our nation. You see we’re looking for something as well… The Iadashin camel riders we heard they have come up with a way to travel atop beasts and we want it. If you could claim it for us we will trade you Obsidian fire for such a gift.”

The signing of the The Serpents Fang Treaty (Theocracy of Coatl and the Republic of Khirus)

This was not meant to contain pomp and circumstance it was meant to have a small comfortable audience of this worlds leaders. Avakonia, The whitefeather kingdom… Lord Ferreth. A good crowd to be sure. The table had been set out as well as goblets to acknowledge the binding of this newfound friendship. Already the Theocracy had been informed the chancellor could not attend due to the risk of traveling through whitefeather and Azenhals territory the safety of their leader could not be guaranteed due to them still technically being at little more than a tentative peace. Still all powers had been granted to Yuval and the signature and seal of the chancellor already decorated two treaties for both sides to sign.

“The voice of Khirus declares to all of Emjata that The Republic of Khirus signs the treaty of the Serpents fangs a mutually defensive agreement and friendship between this Republic and our allies the theocracy. Nations binding themselves into an alliance against those who would attempt to terrorize them. Tyranny can be fought and we in Khirus and the Theocracy of Coatl now tie ourselves together in attempting to make good these truths. All of you bear witness to this historic event. Our lord sends his devotion and endless respect to Teppin The Rightly Guided Exarch Head of the Triumvirate and he looks forward to a perpetual friendship and eternal fruitful exchange with his benevolent theocracy.”

With that his signature would come down before witnesses, beneath his chancellors but above the seal. He then indicates the Theocracys place for their own signature.

2018-03-08, 07:14 PM
Mallow and Jannellai had been holding a whispered conversation for the past three or four minutes. As Feather left, Mallow quietly excused herself from the negotiations and followed the bold rebel to the refreshments table. The elf captain picked up a glass and leaned on the table.

"That was bold of you, Chieftess. I'm sure you know the Empress will not take that very well. And I doubt that your forces are strong enough to really oppose the Empire, at least now. But the enemy of the Empire is our friend, and we're ready to support you. We'll provide some funding to... Inkia, right? - funding as we're able, and if you're able to provide us with economic access to certain resources in Estensule, then Linnadi mercenaries are available to you. And if things go bad, you'll have asylum in Ti Linnad."

With this declaration of support finished, Mallow cast a glance around the ship, and continued in a lower voice.

"If you'll permit me a personal question... that mask that you said came from Firethorn's castle. Do you have an idea as to how it got there?"

Regardless of the answer to this inquiry, Mallow remained quiet and introspective, staring into her glass.

As Mallow departed, Jannellai approached the Exarch.

"Greetings, Exarch," she began, saluting. "I am given to understand that there was something you wished to discuss with me?"

If you'd like to RP the units thing, go ahead.

2018-03-08, 07:37 PM

"Well, in that case, I accept your offer..." Lord Ferreth knelt and bowed his head. "Empress." He made some bird noises to the Magpie on his shoulder, which flew off towards shore. "Sofrid will be delivered shortly, and I shall send the remainder of Ilrasu Sandor's army with you on your return to Avakon to use as you will." Everyone in that army has already betrayed me once. I'd rather they were someone else's problem on the battlefield than anywhere near my seat of government, Ferreth thought to himself.

If you'd like to RP a scene with Sofrid and Feather or the Empress, go a head. If not, then go ahead with that too. Sofrid is just going to be delivered, untied, and handed whatever nonvaluables he had on him when he was captured.

"Uh, of course, your holiness." Ferreth stuttered, his confidence apparently evaporated. "I have recently been taking it upon myself to moderate foreign influence in the Badan. How does the title of Exarch under the protection of the Grand Warden of the Badan sound to you?"

"I thank you for your offer, but I am confident that we can learn what we need to learn for ourselves, without the need for any exchange. Perhaps in the future we might be able to arrange payment for a city in Razak, but at the moment I find my nation rather starved for resources. Shall we stay in touch?"

2018-03-08, 09:14 PM

"Your flattery is welcome after such hardships." She starts, unable to hold down her grin. A glass of what seemed to be the closest thing to ale that she could find in her hand. "The empress is but human after all, and sometimes I do think that those with power forget that daggers affect them as easily as they affect their subjects." With that said, she takes a drink from her glass. (There weren't many 'mugs' at an event like this.) "Though I had only just seen you making hushed whispers to the Empress, it will do me no harm to hear your words. After all, it is thanks to your revelation this evening that the origin of the mask is discovered." She follows him over to a secluded part of their ship, and hears out his offer with the wind gently billowing between the two.

With the sudden and harsh starting line when they got there, her eyes fell to the floor and barely to the left of her. Her lips twitch and her brow furrows a bit, almost instinctively taking that moment to figure out some way to defend herself against this truth. Luckily, he continued before she could protest. She relaxed, eyes climbing up to meet his. "Your offer is.. Generous. I know you cannot do much without endangering your people; you have a responsibility to them as well. But even this bit to mine may make all the difference. Men with fins of iron. Khirus. Ravens. I will not forget." She nods to him simply, looking perhaps a bit troubled as her focus scatters to the sea, but grateful nonetheless. It could be a trap. It could also be her salvation if the worst comes to pass. With that a second passes, and she returns her eyes to look at him, determination on her face. "Thank you." She whispers. "May I know your name, before you go?"

Ti Linnad

As the stranger approaches her, she stifles a laugh. "No, but at least I know if I die crushed between the endless tides of her armies that I managed to bruise her pride. Any funding at all that you can provide is greatly appreciated-- At this point men more than anything. Surrounded by enemies as we are, there are few to draft from and it is nearly impossible for us to defend from all sides. Our best strategy is to remain on the offensive as long as we can.. And if we can take those resources and convert them into fuel for even our current armies, all the better." She is surprisingly loose after the exchange that would likely result in her death, though it could be the alcohol in her hands that did so to her. It was hard to tell. "Your offer is.. Simply fantastic. This is the kind of support I've been searching for for years now. I represent the Inkia Clan, yes, and so long as you're fighting the empire on other fronts I'll do my best to keep their armies distracted down here. My resources are yours. Send your traders freely into Derokar or ex-imperial territory we control, and reap the benefits of freedom with me. Ti Linnad. I'll remember the name as long as I live if you are true to your words."

As the conversation got more hushed, she matched the tone, listening intently.

"How the mask got there is an excellent question.. The Firethorn Regiment is just that, a regiment. There is no study nor tact behind their actions - only war, destruction, and conquest. Any magical relics they managed acquired before now have all been destroyed to my knowledge. They broke my forefather's staff and called him a sorcerer in ages past.. But I promise you, the sort of power he used was nothing like the unholy 'thing' my people found. My best guess is that it was not destroyed because it was in use.. Or at least considered valuable enough to not break like everything else they touch. If that fails to prove that they work alongside the terror cult, I don't know that anything ever will. I'm the first person in a long time to have breached their private chambers.. Hopefully, it's the last time it ever needs to be done." She paused for a second. "..May I know to whom I speak? Doubtless I'll learn about Ti Linnad soon, but it is wise to understand which part you play in in their nation. I promise to do my best to remember."

2018-03-08, 11:09 PM
Ti Linnad

As the stranger approaches her, she stifles a laugh. "No, but at least I know if I die crushed between the endless tides of her armies that I managed to bruise her pride. Any funding at all that you can provide is greatly appreciated-- At this point men more than anything. Surrounded by enemies as we are, there are few to draft from and it is nearly impossible for us to defend from all sides. Our best strategy is to remain on the offensive as long as we can.. And if we can take those resources and convert them into fuel for even our current armies, all the better." She is surprisingly loose after the exchange that would likely result in her death, though it could be the alcohol in her hands that did so to her. It was hard to tell. "Your offer is.. Simply fantastic. This is the kind of support I've been searching for for years now. I represent the Inkia Clan, yes, and so long as you're fighting the empire on other fronts I'll do my best to keep their armies distracted down here. My resources are yours. Send your traders freely into Derokar or ex-imperial territory we control, and reap the benefits of freedom with me. Ti Linnad. I'll remember the name as long as I live if you are true to your words."

As the conversation got more hushed, she matched the tone, listening intently.

"How the mask got there is an excellent question.. The Firethorn Regiment is just that, a regiment. There is no study nor tact behind their actions - only war, destruction, and conquest. Any magical relics they managed acquired before now have all been destroyed to my knowledge. They broke my forefather's staff and called him a sorcerer in ages past.. But I promise you, the sort of power he used was nothing like the unholy 'thing' my people found. My best guess is that it was not destroyed because it was in use.. Or at least considered valuable enough to not break like everything else they touch. If that fails to prove that they work alongside the terror cult, I don't know that anything ever will. I'm the first person in a long time to have breached their private chambers.. Hopefully, it's the last time it ever needs to be done." She paused for a second. "..May I know to whom I speak? Doubtless I'll learn about Ti Linnad soon, but it is wise to understand which part you play in in their nation. I promise to do my best to remember."
"Mallow Riosoma is my name, and I’m the captain of the 1st Malva Naval Division. I’ll speak with Jannellai and see what we can do - I expect you’ll have support very soon." She smiled grimly.

"That doesn’t surprise me much. Avakonia has been a den of self-important backstabbers for a long time now. It wouldn’t be the first time. I’ll drink to your hope."

The Omanush took a long, thoughtful sip of her drink. Eventually, she looked up and saluted. "I like your spirit, Chieftess. Good luck. May Trodje protect you and guide your blade."

2018-03-11, 03:30 AM
"Uh, of course, your holiness." Ferreth stuttered, his confidence apparently evaporated. "I have recently been taking it upon myself to moderate foreign influence in the Badan. How does the title of Exarch under the protection of the Grand Warden of the Badan sound to you?"

"Protection", Teepin quite liked the term and frankly, it wasn't the Empire he feared at this point. Hopefully this will put suspicions of illegitimacy at rest. After pausing to ruminate further he added. "I quite like the term, of course the Badan should remain under our purview."

2018-03-11, 05:56 PM
Avakonia Private meeting. (After the public display)

This event belonged to the vultures. Yuval knew that he had been sent to this not because he was the best diplomat, he was powerful but so were many in Khirus. No Yuval was convinced he was on this little adventure because he had endless experience, experience even the genius that was the chancellor did not have. Yuval could spot weaknesses and openings and those were discovered from years and years in the arena of kings. Rips and tears in defenses were things Yuval could turn into mortal wounds with nary an afterthought and he saw plenty of wounded on this barge. The first was the Avakonian empire. When this ancient being did approach the empress once again, it was away from prying eyes. He once again felt a small tug and presumed it came from a being chosen by gods to lead what was once the mightiest empire on earth. Or perhaps a trick to their anti magic abilities… His eyes traveled over her like a wolf slobbering with need for meat. Could she see through the mask?

A low bow emanated from the consul member and acting voice of Khirus for this event. “Empress I would request a private audience with you. I understand you are used to your companions, court and hangers on present but I have an offer and it cannot be made with any voices present besides your own. My Chancellor has demanded I not make it unless we’re alone.”

The Empress was hesitant. She was not afraid of the old man; though she was herself advanced in age, it had not dulled either senses or skills, and though his frailty might be a front, she was confident in her abilities. Nor was she overly concerned with the potential for assassins to take advantage of such an opportunity. But she did not trust the Consul. The Empress could, if he was as slight as he appeared, probably throw him rather far. But he ruled not by divine right, and not by skill at arms or leadership, but by appealing to politicians whose courtly machinations surpassed even those of her courtiers in their attempts to win her favor; as they sought to win the favor of that ill-bred and fickle creature known as the masses, who knew not the necessities of empire. That much, she knew of Khirus's government, at least.
"Very well, Consul; we may speak privately if that is what you wish."

The offers were...interesting, if nothing else. They said a great deal about the Republic, at least, and their profiteering attitude. Unsurprising, for a people for whom leadership was determined by wealth and popularity. But there was something to be said for the sort of cunning that bred, nonetheless.

"Your first offer is, if not ideal, acceptable. Your second offer is less so. We will offer you five thousand-strong battalions and trade rights to one of our present operations, in six years, in return for your...obsidian fire. If that is not acceptable to your Chancellor, then he shall have naught at all, and we will survive without it's use, as we have before."

One had to be firm with merchants; they would scrounge for every ounce of profit, and then more on top of that.
While you had to allow them some, it was important to make it clear that they would have no more than they deserved.


"Well, in that case, I accept your offer..." Lord Ferreth knelt and bowed his head. "Empress." He made some bird noises to the Magpie on his shoulder, which flew off towards shore. "Sofrid will be delivered shortly, and I shall send the remainder of Ilrasu Sandor's army with you on your return to Avakon to use as you will." Everyone in that army has already betrayed me once. I'd rather they were someone else's problem on the battlefield than anywhere near my seat of government, Ferreth thought to himself.
The Empress smiled softly, and nodded in acknowledgement of his decision, drawing her blade and gently resting the flat of it on either shoulder for a moment before sheathing it once more.
"We are gladdened by your decision, Lord Ferreth. Though you shall require a title suitable to your new, elevated position. Within the Empire, you shall be known as High Knavegos Ferretu, Keeper of the Western Passage, and...other suitable titles may be determined at a more suitable location. Your tribute will be received with gratitude, and We look forward to working with yourself and any successors you may have in future; it is a testament to your ability and that of your people that we were able to reach such an accord this day."

Liao paused for a second, then nodded. "That is indeed an agreeable proposal, that would do well to put bad blood behind us. We have no eternal enemies, and so let us return to peace then. Hopefully some of the deeds Avakonia has done in the past will remain there as well. So I do indeed wish you fortune in the rest of your negotiations, and battles. I will note though that to recognise Imperial authority: that your Empire is legitimate, that also requires you to recognize Whitefeather, otherwise the claim is meaningless to any who care."Liao was still tense, but far less so. She seemed more to be seeing if there was some trick, or hidden angle to the offer, but as of now, she couldn't see it. Keat would be far more useful here, able to calm minds and persuade far better than herself. Alas, it was her duty to ensure that Whitefeather remained strong.

The Empress does not laugh openly, but there is mirth in her eyes, for once, as she nods in return to the Inyoni.
"Of course; it would be remiss of us not to acknowledge a Kingdom that proved itself strong enough to challenge us both now and in the time of Dejan. May our people grow closer yet in future."
And then she bowed. It was not the deference shown to an equal; Liao was only a regent, after all, but it was significant nonetheless, despite how little her height changed during it.

Crexa turned around quickly. A young girl, so quiet that she had barely heard her approach, and was approaching her barricade.
"Hey," she whispered back, slightly louder, "I was here first!" She barely could remember who this could be. It wasn't one of the Sea-elves, though she didn't know what their young looked like, and she wasn't from Regno, that much was clear. To Crexa though, it barely mattered if she was some strange Pician: she was about the same age, and by far the most interesting thing on the entire boat.

"And I don't even know who your Mum is," she continued, "I'd be a pretty bad assasin anyway. I've barely learned how to dive ." That was a slight overstatement, she had caught her first mouse over a year ago, but she was nowhere near her mentor Kiolo's level. Shuffling slightly, Crexa pushed a small crate acting as a doorway into her hideout aside.
"Do you want to come in?" she asked, "grab some food and we can try and make this more fun!" There was a definate smile on her lips now. "Rioj is really funny sometimes" she noted, pointing at a man in red robes, who was making a slightly paniced walk around the boat. "He gets all jumpy over nothing!"

Why would you need to dive to be an assassin? That would only let you assassinate fish! Well...oh, that's right, assassins would have to get away and they were on a boat-city, so they'd have to dive into the water. The girl didn't look like a sea elf, though (if she actually was she was probably twice Dastatia's age, and that would just be awkward), so the whole thing didn't make a lot of sense. Anyway. Dastatia nodded at the girl's suggestion and waited for a good opportunity to grab some food from on top of the table. Aunt Star had told her that patience was the most important part of being sneaky. Patience and timing. And good 'situational awareness', though that idea didn't quite make sense to her yet. But Dastatia was pretty good at being patient, if she knew why she needed to be. Like when she was sneaky; that was a pretty obvious reason. When she did finally grab some, she managed to get nearly a whole armful.

She tore off a piece of a roll, which was probably from Karys, given how good it smelled, and asked,"What did you want to do?" The girl obviously had a better idea of what they should do here than Dastatia did, and if there was something fun to do that didn't involve sneaking off to the rest of the city and getting in trouble later, that would probably be the better idea.

When the girl pointed at Rioj, who seemed like he was with the...was that the bird-people? Uncle Kenny had said they were called the in-yawny or something like that, and that calling them bird-people was 'inexcusably rude', but she hadn't really paid attention until he pointed out that they would probably poop on her if she called them that. So...asking her new friend if she was secretly a bird seemed like a bad idea, so she decided to just ask her name instead. "Oh! I'm Dastatia, but you can call me Asha; everyone else does. Except Mom." She rolled her eyes, in the universal gesture of children everywhere. Aunt Star and Dad called her a bunch of other names too but usually they were just whatever she was doing at the moment. It felt like they hadn't quite decided yet, or something, which was silly, since she was already well past ten years old and on her way to being an adult. "What's your name?"

2018-03-11, 10:27 PM
The empresses second declaration is met with a sigh and consideration... They had those damned shadow walkers eventually such ideas would be sold by others or stolen and Khirus would make no profit. They would haggle a little but when it was clear the empress would not budge he would agree and had her place her royal seal on the declaration so the business was legitimate. When their negotiations ended he would bow low and inform her she would have her troops. He then pulled from his furs a small bag of the mixture for Obsidian fire and of course an explanation of how it worked. With that he would take his leave.

“I am Yuval Harari consul of Khirus, we wear the masks of gold and represent the republics life blood. Its wealth and power.” With that he smirks and bows his head and moves on to his next guest for the evening. “I wish you luck.”