View Full Version : Planar Ally stone to flesh?

2018-02-27, 11:08 PM
My party rogue has been petrified. I am an archivist and while I don't know stone to flesh I do know lesser planar Ally. I didn't see anything with the spell I need in the list of things I can summon. I'm hoping I just missed one that can help this situation.

I do have teleport so if need be I can teleport us to a friendly city and pay for it at a temple but I'd rather bypass that as we are near the end of the dungeon and I'd rather not spend half of next week's session fumbling around town.

If anyone has any useful advice I would be open to ideas
Thanks as always

2018-02-28, 02:13 AM
Lesser Planar Ally is tough. That gives you a 6HD limit to work with, and there are not many (any?) 6HD monsters that can cast 6th level spells. Even your far more likely bet, Break Enchantment, is nowhere to be found on monsters that weak.

Your best bet, if you can bind something to assist you, might be to have the creature take the Rogue back to town while the rest of you continue on; that leaves the rogue's player with little to do unfortunately so it's not optimal. You may instead want to tuck the rogue statue into a safe corner (or carry it with you somehow, preferably in extradimensional storage or shrunk) and have the rogue's player control the creature you bind temporarily so they have something to do while your group finishes up the dungeon.

Either way I probably would not drop everything to get them restored, no more than I would stop the adventure in its tracks if they died in one of the encounters unless I truly thought the party might wipe without their help. (Without being callous to rogues, this is unlikely much of the time.)

2018-02-28, 02:22 AM
Beg the DM to let you conjure up a celestial/half-celestial maedar (http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?170276-Maedar)? (They were a valid 2nd ed monster, the link is to a 3.X conversion)

Alternatively, conjure up a hound archon or similar, give it the funds to buy a scroll of stone to flesh or break enchantment, and ask it to teleport around until it can make the purchase for you?

2018-02-28, 03:23 AM
Owl Archon is the only thing I know of with Stone to Flesh, but at 10 hd, out of range for Lessor Planar Ally

Lvl 2 Expert
2018-02-28, 04:50 AM
Alternatively, conjure up a hound archon or similar, give it the funds to buy a scroll of flesh to stone or break enchantment, and ask it to teleport around until it can make the purchase for you?

This is the sort of solution I'd love to see if I was DM'ing. It's perfectly within the rules, it has its drawbacks in costing money and being potentially blockable in future encounters forcing them to keep improvising, it solves the party's problem and I haven't unintentionally lead them to a situation where one of them can't play anymore.

2018-02-28, 07:52 PM
Thanks for the help. Hopefully my DM will allow the maedar to be lesser planar allied in, although after reading the personality it is rather likely we will soon be fighting a Medusa and maedar if I get it to cooperate with us as they hate doing other creatures bidding 🤔. Anyway that seems like the best option at the moment. Also having the rogue play as a planar Ally if I don't here access to the maedar will at least keep them occupied until I can get my hands on a stone to flesh scroll.
Thanks again

2018-03-01, 12:38 AM
Thanks for the help. Hopefully my DM will allow the maedar to be lesser planar allied in, although after reading the personality it is rather likely we will soon be fighting a Medusa and maedar if I get it to cooperate with us as they hate doing other creatures bidding 🤔. Anyway that seems like the best option at the moment. Also having the rogue play as a planar Ally if I don't here access to the maedar will at least keep them occupied until I can get my hands on a stone to flesh scroll.
Thanks again

Good luck! I specified one with the half-celestial template so that a) it would be an outsider you could conjure and b) it would be good-aligned. Hope it works out!