View Full Version : DM Help Sunless Citadel in Athas 5E

2018-02-28, 03:42 PM
Hi I am trying to immerse my players into the deadly Dark Sun. At this moment I want to run either a one shot or a short adventure to getting familiar with the world of Athas.

Since I couldn’t find any adventure for this setting for 5E. I decided to use Sunless Citadel. Is the only short adventure that I have at hand.

If you guys know of an existing introductory adventure for 5E Dark Sun please let me know. If not can you provide me some tips that I can use?

Armored Walrus
2018-02-28, 04:16 PM
There is no 5e Dark Sun official material. I would recommend looking at older editions and converting. It's not that tough to do.

Sunless Citadel seems to me like a terrible introduction to Dark Sun, though. (no offense meant) Instead of impressing them with the deadly and bleak setting, they'll be going inside for the whole thing, plus there are plants in it. Not really what I picture when I picture Athas.

Doing some Googling, I found a thread on another forum (https://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?468565-Best-Darksun-Adventures) discussing the Dark Sun published adventures. Looks like they're pretty universally hated, but forum-goers hate everything...

I found a PDF of Bloodsand Arena for 4th edition that's for 1st level characters. But not going to link it as it might be pirated? (you probably got enough info from that sentence to find it yourself)

There's also a Reddit thread (https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSun/comments/5sou2x/good_dark_sun_lvl_1_introductory_adventure_add/) about this topic, that seems to indicate that Freedom is a good intro to Athas.

2018-02-28, 04:25 PM
No offense taken! I was planning to use it because it is the only short adventure I have at hand. I do own Princes of the Apocalypse but I don’t want to run it Dark Sun Flavor if my group isn’t interested in the setting.

I will check it out the links that you gave me, and see if my old gm has Bloodsand Arena by any chance.

Thanks for your reply mate.

Armored Walrus
2018-02-28, 04:50 PM
No worries.

There're probably a lot of free or pay what you want 1st level adventures on DMsguild or DrivethruRPG that you could reflavor for Dark Sun, too. I certainly understand just using what you have at hand though.

2018-02-28, 10:48 PM
There is also this link to a 5e conversion manual.


Not an adventure but maybe it would help you convert something 🤷

2018-03-01, 08:12 AM
Thanks I’ll take a look right now.