View Full Version : Overlord Styled Sandbox (IC)- Humane Authority on Researching Magic

2018-02-28, 06:57 PM

Humane Authority on Researching Magic:
The server clock ticks over. A weak tremor overtakes the area to no real effect. Either the devs coded in a ‘last hurrah’ as it were or the game chose that moment to spawn a purple worm in a cupboard again.

Strange that the tooltips have stopped appearing.

2018-03-01, 11:36 AM
Shelley sat in the library, looking at the walls full of scrolls. They had collected them all, every single arcane spell (and most divine) in the game. Thousands of hours, hundreds of quests and raids, and most of her summer job money. It was going to all go away now, up in a puff of smoke. The Devs had promised credit on their next game, but it seemed like all that hard work was for nothing.

AND, she was up late, far too late, she wondered if she even bother going to bed, her father would be so...angry at her for staying up, for not getting him up, seeing how he was passed out drunk, as usual. "Stop wasting your time on these stupid games", he would say, as she handed him another beer.
You hide in your world old man, and I will hide in mine.

The server clock ticks over. A weak tremor overtakes the area to no real effect. Either the devs coded in a ‘last hurrah’ as it were or the game chose that moment to spawn a purple worm in a cupboard again.

Strange that the tooltips have stopped appearing.

Strange, ALL the menus have stopped appearing, not even the log button.

<Gah, I can't believe this, I need sleep!> It was strange, talking with no mouth, just a telepathic mumble that people could hear. The worm form was definitely different, all the girls at school seems to go with the hot elf look, but Shelley was like them, and didn't want to be like them, and, it made her feel...safe, it made her feel strong, and the people that talked to her, wanted to talk to her, wanted to hear about the game or how you had to camp the Tombs of Akembat at 12am on Halloween to get stupid undead pharaoh to drop the scroll Tomb Legion.

#chan/gm all
<Hello, this is Player#45678322, I am stuck in my guildhall with a locked up UI, I thought you guys fixed these issues a couple of years back? Anyways, could you TP into the H.A.R.M. library and kick me out?>

2018-03-01, 11:57 AM
Nomad Sits in his throne room. He had all of his trophies brought from storage where he could see them. The succubi were sorting through them and pulling out his favorites. They dug out his favourite. The Head of A near indestructible boss. It didn't even have a name because it was only in the game for one day before it was taken away for being too powerful. He had managed to decapitate one and stasis it so he could enjoy looking at it. He pats the head as he summons all the succubi. Nomad gives them a gift for their long service.
"I release you from your bindings,"
As he says this all of the succubi begin dissapearing back to their domain. All but one. Tatiana had been bound by a different summoning spell and was among the first summoned. She stayed of her own free will and was gifted a position near the head of his throne. He sighs as he waits for the world to end.

When it doesn't, Nomad is clearly confused. He walks out of his throne room to where the others were.
"Why are we still here? The clock hit 0,"

2018-03-01, 03:23 PM
It was a a quiet night in Lyreka's VIP room in one of HARM's taverns - just her, her cohort, and her familiar, spending the last few hours they had in this world together. For two of them, it would be the last few hours they had to live, for the other, she had to go back to his existence bound in a wheelchair.

"So, this is it." said Ruari, the pink bunny-like creature, a few minutes before the server shutdown.
"Are you *absolutely* sure there is nothing you could do to save us again?" asked Nessa, the grey bunny-like creature.
"I tried, but there was nothing I could do from my end." said Lyreka, the player's avatar taking the form of a beautiful woman.

They took another sip of their drinks, juice for the bunnies, and mead for Lyreka. Even if it didn't really do anything other than make your screen blurry, mostly to keep children who played the game from getting bad habits, the two AIs were uncomfortable with having a debuff on them. Lyreka looks at her clock. Ten seconds left until Genesis is permanently shut down.

"Goodbye, my friends. I'll never forget you." Lyreka closed her eyes, waiting for the timer to end, and get shunted back to her own body.
Server shutdown in 3. 2. 1.

He kept his eyes closed, waiting a few seconds in silence and darkness before moving to remove the familiar weight of the VR headset. So familiar in fact, that he couldn't feel it at all. Not even when his hands reached where it should be.

"We're still here... did something go wrong?" "I donno, let me check. I-my menu is gone!" "What? No way, mine too!"
Adam opened his eyes at this, and found he was still in Genesis. Something was seriously wrong. And it wasn't just because he was suddenly drunk. Like his companions, he checked for his menus, but found none. Panicking, he checked his body for his VR equipment, but it wasn't there. His search revealed that yes, he has the same body as his avatar, gaining and losing certain "equipment". "W-whats going on? Why am I actually drunk? Wheres my menus, why can't I log out? W-where is my..." was all he - now she - managed to get out before passing out from both panic and sudden drunkenness.

2018-03-03, 08:16 PM
Pyrom sits in the corner slowly thumbing through his pages of brail. He sits farther away from any of the others as he repeats every thing he reads aloud. A speech to text device would record the text for him in the real world. It was sometimes uncomfortable worrying about his parents just coming in and hearing him talk to himself but it was the easiest way to get the text out of the game. He has tried writing blind with terrible results and it wasn't like he could copy and paste them all.

He sighs sadly. He wasn't going to finish this book in time. Still had a good 100 pages to go. Not for the first time since the closing announcement he felt thankful for his foresight. He had most of the books already copied when the announcement of the game's closure had come out. All that was left were the texts he had recently acquired or had been putting off. Even then he still had so many books that he hadn't finished copying yet. Then he heard Shelley's telepathic grumble and Nomad asking why they are still here.

<Probably a glitch from them having to make sure the servers shut down properly. Maybe logging out at the wrong time during the process causes errors.> Pyrom mentally says to them.

Stop recording. Pyrom says listening for the tell tale chime of his device turning off. Strangely it never came. You could shut off exterior noise for a more immersive game play experience but his parents insisted for safety reasons that he must be able to hear around him.

Must have missed it. What time is it? Still no response from the machine.

<Weird it must have changed the settings when the menus disappeared. I can't hear my recorder or it can't hear me.>

2018-03-04, 12:49 PM

Got a sheet for primary cohort, Sarah


You hide in your world old man, and I will hide in mine.
lulz. :smalltongue:

Reassures self: Don't worry drack, in a game this big you'll probably overlap speech colors with at least three other people...

Sarah appears out of thin air, running before even hitting the ground. Perhaps that was the game animation's fault as a precaution not to glitch and get people caught in the floor, logging in always brought you in in the air, but counted as on the ground so you could start moving before your feet even touched the ground. Almost offhandedly she chain-summoned a small demonic host to accompany her, as if by habit, as she exclaimed "I'm late!" Without even pausing she began rapidly flicking through the menus while running in place, but in mere seconds the menus vanished. "No! Don't go, come back! Stupid computer, come on, I have to meet him..." Immediately she begins flicking at the air with varying intensity, trying to reopen the menu to use the transport function.

2018-03-05, 08:41 AM
Miss Risey sat in a one the chairs watching the timer tick down to the end. "So close.. So close.." she muttered, frowning. It had been her goal to unlock all the achievements of the game, even ones she had made up herself. While she didn't do the PvP ones too much, in PvE her skills were unrivaled. She even completed a few of the harder quests, or quests that didn't mean much to most people. Like creating a golem for a small village, another for impersonating a king, and even unlocked a few speed run trials.

She casts a spell, Magnificent Image, to see the collection one last time before being kicked back into the real world again. Visual and Audio feeds flowed into her, forming what appeared to her to be multiple monitors of a security camera system. She could see practically every inch through the various badges the NPCs had worn under her control, statues of her, or other pictures.

Normally this spell had the person concentrating unable to do anything with their body, but she had unlocked the Possessionist achievement by possessing a very large number of creatures allowing her to continue to use her body, and keep up possession effects.

"Man.. I can't believe its over.." she says with a sigh as the last second passes. Expecting to be ejected out, she was instead shocked to find that the images seemed to blur together, becoming easier to use the security spell of hers. At the table with the rest of the guild, she puts a hand on her head flinching. "Something happened.." she mutters.

2018-03-05, 10:45 AM
Nomad teleports in to the Library. He says to the the guild Master
"I've got a Throbbing headache and my entire body feels like its been stretched to twice its size. Everything is covered in weird color. Did the Developers launch a new update under the pretense of the game ending? I must say I'm not a fan of the Psychedelic Aura around everything,"

Basically all those sight buffs are making everything look weird.

2018-03-05, 08:52 PM
<Probably a glitch from them having to make sure the servers shut down properly. Maybe logging out at the wrong time during the process causes errors.> Pyrom mentally says to them.

Stop recording. Pyrom says listening for the tell tale chime of his device turning off. Strangely it never came. You could shut off exterior noise for a more immersive game play experience but his parents insisted for safety reasons that he must be able to hear around him.

Must have missed it. What time is it? Still no response from the machine.

<Weird it must have changed the settings when the menus disappeared. I can't hear my recorder or it can't hear me.>

<This 'glitch' sucks, I've got things to do in the real, like cook dinner, MAN AM I HUNGRY!>

Shelley's form begins sliding down the chair into a pool on the floor.

<Now what, I am not staying in bipedal, I'm discorporating....>

Everything is strange, all the sounds in the room are heightened, even over the normal enhanced UI, and they all...echo, like she's hearing them all over and over again. She feels sick as she can see all around her at once, it takes concentration to focus on a normal field of vision, everything living in the room is a colorful energetic bag of blood and everything non-living are cool blues, and everything magic is just brilliant, but beyond that, even when she closes her 'eyes', she can still FEEL everything in the room and SMELL it too, and some of it SMELLS DELICIOUS.

<Did...did...they change the UI...I don't feel so good...the...the...colors are all wierd...and man, I think my blood sugar is low or something...>

2018-03-07, 04:53 PM
One of the thoughtkeepers jogs into the room before looking at you all one by one.

"Are you all safe? Cause of tremors are thus far unknown. What are your orders?. It says in a voice felt more than heard.

2018-03-07, 09:16 PM
<Yeah, no problem here, health wise. Just some things going on with us. Until we figure this out, I guess we should go out and see if other people are having troubles. Can someone do standard mindblanking and change into an inconspicuous form to check? Probably pointless now but worth checking, I guess.>
Pyrom mentally says running his finger over his book. He couldn't record it right now but he could hope to remember what it said.

2018-03-07, 09:25 PM
"Sure. Human form is fun. I'll keep the link up so I can update you guys on anything I find,"

Nomad casts Mindblank. He usually is humanized by the succubi so there is no problem there. He then teleports out of the base.

2018-03-09, 02:27 PM
Moving from painting to badge to statue around the building, Miss Risy quickly began gathering data on the condition of the base. "Well, we're not in kansas anymore. That much is certain." she'd say through one of the badges she had access to near one of the other guild members.

2018-03-09, 06:07 PM
"Sure. Human form is fun. I'll keep the link up so I can update you guys on anything I find,"

Nomad casts Mindblank. He usually is humanized by the succubi so there is no problem there. He then teleports out of the base.

You appear somewhere west of your intended destination.

The base has been relocated to a salt vast flat, there is nothing to be seen nearby but the distance is obscured from the rising heat and mirage.

2018-03-09, 09:22 PM
After a few minutes of the initial panic, the two pooka calmed down a bit, after making sure Lyreka was only just unconscious. They decided to teleport back to base and try to find out what happened from there. Thankfully they already paid for their drinks.
"Huup. Weird, she feels... heavier than before." said Ruari, lifting his KO'd leader.
"Are you calling her fat?" deadpanned Nessa.
"No, the encumbrance system in Genesis never felt like this before. You want to see for yourself?"
"You know I can't carry anything that heavy."
"Are you calling her fat?"

A moment of silence passes.
"She never learns of this conversation."

Using her staff, Nessa Greater Teleports the three of them to the main meeting room back at the base, before flying off in search of help, while leaving Ruari in charge of guarding Lyreka.

2018-03-09, 10:09 PM
One of the thoughtkeepers jogs into the room before looking at you all one by one.

"Are you all safe? Cause of tremors are thus far unknown. What are your orders?. It says in a voice felt more than heard.

Secure the base and do a damage assessment

2018-03-11, 08:05 AM
Um... Sarah asks the thoughtkeepers quizzically. "What about the rest of the outside and everyone else? I mean our guild's still here, and everyone's still in it, but what about all the other players? What about all those people?"

2018-03-11, 08:21 AM
Everyone hears in their head:
"The Hell?The Cities Gone. Theres nothing out here except Salt and more Salt. Gonna Explore a bit more,"
Nomad Conveys as much information as possible through the Telepathetic link. He then flies until he sees a settlement.

2018-03-11, 07:52 PM
<I will go help Lyra and then will try to contact some other players that might be on. Someone should check on the brutes and low level npc. Maybe they got some updates information.> Pyrom says as he motions for the chrestomath to be brought after him. He walks to where Lyra was dropped off to investigate what happened while the chrestomath was coming. He performed a quick scan over her and immediately realized she was unconscious due to alcohol poisoning...which was confusing on so many levels. Not only should alcohol poisoning be impossible but he had no background knowledge in medicine. Usually the UI would tell him when he passed a check but that was gone so he had no idea how he could possibly know this was alcohol poisoning. He shrugs and begins casting his spells until they wake up.

<You ok now? What happened? I don't think I have ever seen alcohol actually poison anyone. Also can you just stay here for a minute while I gather knowledge, need your suzerain bonus?> Pyrom asks. He reaches out mentally to the Chestomath to ask his questions. Then his mind was flooded with knowledge. He knew everything and it hurt. It felt like his brain was going to burst from the knowledge of it all and he immediately vomited up his stomach contents. Which was purely just stomach acid as he was never much for eating just for roleplay sake. After the initial migraine inducing rush of knowledge it seemed to calm down and so he thought about his questions.

Taking 10 I get 17 which hopefully should be enough to identify poison.

Trying a delay poison to see if that works. If it doesn't he will instead try heal.

Making several knowledge checks, ancestral communion, Chrestomath (with buff to intellect from my speech), my speech to get 3 more, suzerain morale bonus from Lyra (with another plus 6 charisma from me speaking), masterwork brail libraries and my mask to get bonuses (for 65+4+17+3+24+2 for plus 115 with 2 less for dungeoneering, engineering, geography, nature, nobility)

First to see who I think was on at the time


Then attempting to guess where on the globe we are, the surrounding country side and where I think the nearest city is purely based off what Nomad describes.


Try to remember or know what types of bases other people use.


These are actually 2 higher, forgot the library

2018-03-12, 04:22 PM
"Uuuugh, what happened?" "... Alcohol poisoning? I didn't drink THAT much before the supposed shutdown, did I?" Her cohort and familiar both not their head at this. "Ouch. That explains a bit then. Any idea what happened?" She thinks for a moment, then adds, "How did you know I had alcohol poisoning anyway? Were you a doctor? I KNOW the UI is gone."

2018-03-12, 04:31 PM
Secure the base and do a damage assessment
"At once." the creature says. It leaves to go organise things.

Everyone hears in their head:
"The Hell?The Cities Gone. Theres nothing out here except Salt and more Salt. Gonna Explore a bit more,"
Nomad Conveys as much information as possible through the Telepathetic link. He then flies until he sees a settlement.
The lands are barren but somehow plant life survives, shrubs and grasses inching from the cracks in the flats. The first sign of intelligent life is a building of clearly carved stone resembling a pyramidal chandler, around it is the remnants of several old fires.

A few miles later is a crowed of about three dozen travellers, human, and half-again that in horses. The horses are spread between getting ridden by the people or pulling a few wagons. The travellers are wheeling about to face you, letting you see one is much larger than the others and on foot.

<I will go help Lyra and then will try to contact some other players that might be on. Someone should check on the brutes and low level npc. Maybe they got some updates information.> Pyrom says as he motions for the chrestomath to be brought after him. He walks to where Lyra was dropped off to investigate what happened while the chrestomath was coming. He performed a quick scan over her and immediately realized she was unconscious due to alcohol poisoning...which was confusing on so many levels. Not only should alcohol poisoning be impossible but he had no background knowledge in medicine. Usually the UI would tell him when he passed a check but that was gone so he had no idea how he could possibly know this was alcohol poisoning. He shrugs and begins casting his spells until they wake up.

<You ok now? What happened? I don't think I have ever seen alcohol actually poison anyone. Also can you just stay here for a minute while I gather knowledge, need your suzerain bonus?> Pyrom asks. He reaches out mentally to the Chestomath to ask his questions. Then his mind was flooded with knowledge. He knew everything and it hurt. It felt like his brain was going to burst from the knowledge of it all and he immediately vomited up his stomach contents. Which was purely just stomach acid as he was never much for eating just for roleplay sake. After the initial migraine inducing rush of knowledge it seemed to calm down and so he thought about his questions.

Taking 10 I get 17 which hopefully should be enough to identify poison.

Trying a delay poison to see if that works. If it doesn't he will instead try heal.

Making several knowledge checks, ancestral communion, Chrestomath (with buff to intellect from my speech), my speech to get 3 more, suzerain morale bonus from Lyra (with another plus 6 charisma from me speaking), masterwork brail libraries and my mask to get bonuses (for 65+4+17+3+24+2 for plus 115 with 2 less for dungeoneering, engineering, geography, nature, nobility)

First to see who I think was on at the time


Then attempting to guess where on the globe we are, the surrounding country side and where I think the nearest city is purely based off what Nomad describes.


Try to remember or know what types of bases other people use.


These are actually 2 higher, forgot the library

As you work the chrestomath arrives.

Delay Poison seems to function on alcohol, no doubt to Lyra appreciation.

You recall probably everyone who was online at the time. four guilds, not counting your own, an educated guess at recalling your rivals shows each could manage about 4-7 ish with a number of factors you cannot account for.
Assume you know of everyone.

The Council of Wyrms and Team Nymph utilised demiplanes, the first a city whose Gate was attached to a golem and guarded by another that uses soundbites from Hulk Hogan, while the second seemed to be tunnels with many portals, although few went about it long when someone broke in and they had elaborate traps of some stripe.

The Blue Rose Society meanwhile repurposed an Artefact drop, a flying castle creating a mobile fortress equipped with a private army.

Golden Star were much more conventional, having a fixed land-based headquarters, they too had an army as well as a private city.

2018-03-16, 09:07 PM
You appear somewhere west of your intended destination.

The base has been relocated to a salt vast flat, there is nothing to be seen nearby but the distance is obscured from the rising heat and mirage.

Nomad's mental image of the shimmering heat and shining sun, makes Shelley reflexively recoil as if suddenly the sun was something to be feared.

"Um, guys, I am going to check the lower levels"

Shelley teleports down to her sanctum, a nice underwater crypt. She feels safe there. Meanwhile, she contacts Desmonia, her Erinyes minion.

<Desmonia, it is I, your mistress, Sangreal, search the lower levels and make sure all is order, let me know if anything is amiss>

Intelligence Check to see from the mental image what time of Day it is is, and approximately how much time til sunset.

2018-03-17, 06:25 AM
Sarah anxiously attempts to open a world chat and a private chat to see if the chat functions still work.

2018-03-19, 02:31 PM
Nomad's mental image of the shimmering heat and shining sun, makes Shelley reflexively recoil as if suddenly the sun was something to be feared.

"Um, guys, I am going to check the lower levels"

Shelley teleports down to her sanctum, a nice underwater crypt. She feels safe there. Meanwhile, she contacts Desmonia, her Erinyes minion.

<Desmonia, it is I, your mistress, Sangreal, search the lower levels and make sure all is order, let me know if anything is amiss>

"At once, my lady. It will be done." replies Desmonia.

Intelligence Check to see from the mental image what time of Day it is is, and approximately how much time til sunset.

It is early morning, giving you about ten-thirteen hours depending on the season, mostly around the middle of that estimate.

Sarah anxiously attempts to open a world chat and a private chat to see if the chat functions still work.
Whatever you try, it fails. No menus, no prompts, no displays, nothing of the sort appears.

2018-03-21, 07:42 PM
<I'm not sure... I just sort of knew. Possibly stress as well but not sure. Also be careful when interacting with things. The Chrestomath just gave me a splitting headache. It was like I knew everything for an instant. Didn't help with figuring out what was going on but at least it confirmed who was on when the server was supposed to shut down. I'm going to try to contact them. I know of a spell that might work...I never bothered to learn it though. I mean why bother? The casting time was ridiculous, it was so limited and there was always in game chat. I guess that is what miracles are for.> Pyrom said as he starts to cast the spell. He tries to contact the leader of the blue rose society using his miracle as a sending spell.

Do you know what is going on? Could you describe where you are for teleport? Your base moves so that is best meet to talk.

Sending is the best spell I can think of. Is there is a better one you can think of Pyrom would know.

2018-03-23, 01:02 PM
<I'm not sure... I just sort of knew. Possibly stress as well but not sure. Also be careful when interacting with things. The Chrestomath just gave me a splitting headache. It was like I knew everything for an instant. Didn't help with figuring out what was going on but at least it confirmed who was on when the server was supposed to shut down. I'm going to try to contact them. I know of a spell that might work...I never bothered to learn it though. I mean why bother? The casting time was ridiculous, it was so limited and there was always in game chat. I guess that is what miracles are for.> Pyrom said as he starts to cast the spell. He tries to contact the leader of the blue rose society using his miracle as a sending spell.

Do you know what is going on? Could you describe where you are for teleport? Your base moves so that is best meet to talk.

Sending is the best spell I can think of. Is there is a better one you can think of Pyrom would know.

The miracle is answered and your message is sent.

That looks to be the best spell for this, yes. I'll post the message in the Blue Rose thread.

2018-03-23, 07:03 PM
Would it be possible for my message to be sent to Jenna Lightheart? Eldest suggested it as Morcleon takes awhile to respond apparently.

2018-03-25, 03:02 PM
"Um... Um..." Sarah wracks her mind for a better solution. OK, we've gotta start from somewhere, if we're all stuck here we won't learn anything. How can we get out... We can teleport but without knowing where we are we won't get anywhere... Awkwardly chanting nonsensical words taken from outdated cinematics clips she casts Planer Binding, Greater in the summoning shrine to call two caulborn to be interrogated politely asked for directions and updates on planer status by her guild mates, and Summon Laborers to call 17 petitioners from 17 different planes of which one is the material plane, in order to give a wider scope of reference regarding where this is and how the world works now.

2018-03-26, 02:18 PM
Would it be possible for my message to be sent to Jenna Lightheart? Eldest suggested it as Morcleon takes awhile to respond apparently.

Looking back I may have actually forgot to paste it over, sorry. Must have gotten called away mid post and forgot. I made a note on a word document this time.

"Um... Um..." Sarah wracks her mind for a better solution. OK, we've gotta start from somewhere, if we're all stuck here we won't learn anything. How can we get out... We can teleport but without knowing where we are we won't get anywhere... Awkwardly chanting nonsensical words taken from outdated cinematics clips she casts Planer Binding, Greater in the summoning shrine to call two caulborn to be interrogated politely asked for directions and updates on planer status by her guild mates, and Summon Laborers to call 17 petitioners from 17 different planes of which one is the material plane, in order to give a wider scope of reference regarding where this is and how the world works now.

The caulborn appear successfully and wait for you to begin speaking.

The Petitioners appear. All diverse and many monstrous.

The fist is living crystal, race unable to be determined. It floats in the air, faintly luminous.

After that is an impossibly ancient old man with a cane in hand, resembling gone of those old timers who reach their hundreds. He looks around wearily.

The nest is rather normal, the very image of a sprinter, the woman appearing mid stretch.

An annoyed looking plant-man is next, wooden skin, grass hair, and all.

The next is a giant, a hill giant grown beyond well beyond it's normal stature. a giant giant if you will. It waits with classily noble bearing.

After that immense creature is one almost able to be mistook for a kyton, laden with chains and keys and with a face-concealing mask. It looms more than stands staring at you.

After that a giant slimy worm flops to the ground, its body scrawled in script of Terran.

Back to something normal, a weather beaten orc appears leaking water in all directions.

But that couldn't last as across form the orc is a featureless humanoid with no face and mirrored skin.

The only elf in the line-up is feral and wild looking, with antlers and arms stretching into an eagles wings.

The next is also featureless and has flesh as dark as the night sky and just as full of stars. It sits motionless and seemingly T-posing.

Back to something normal and it's a fully equipped Viking with faded and green and violet colours.

It next may well be undead, a skeleton surrounded by what may be its incorporeal living form, a gaunt man with hollow eyes.

Then an emaciated humanoid lies n the ground covered in soot and ash. it shivers in fear.

After that is dust, literally a mound of dust struggling to form a humanoid upper body.

Then it's some kind of clawless scorpion-centaur, skinless (or shell-less?) and with a seemingly enlarged tail. She appears unhappy with their summoning

Finally it's back to something relatively normal, as a manic psychopath appears before you. She is scantily clad and flashing a grazed grin at her surroundings. She is covered in blood, both from the severed arm she brought with her and proceeds to bite meat from like a chicken wing, and from the gore ever-haemorrhaging from her slit neck.

2018-03-27, 04:29 PM
Pyrom comes in with the Chrestomath to the summoning room.

<Thank you, very good selection here. Don't forget to give the command to answer us truthfully.>
He walks over to the caulborn and smiles behind his mask.

<Thank you friends, we have what we need from you already. If you wish, as a reward you can read out Chrestomath or look at our books until you wish to leave. We have multiple libraries and several universities you may find interesting. Might find some quite interesting information. Anyways stay as long as you want friends.> Pyrom mentally says reaching for the Chrestomath to read those Caulborn's thoughts.

There was way too much information in here. This was impossible. They had entire lives in here. Everything they had ever learned was instantly uploaded to the Chrestomath. There was no way it could the designers could have made all this. Usually they just gave some cool bits of information but this was too much. Then he checked if it had his own information...it did. This was impossible. Completely impossible.

<Something is seriously wrong, there is too much information in the Chrestomath. I thought so at first but this thing holds all the information on these two Caulborn...and my life. It should not have this.> Pyrom transmits to the other guild members.

<Do not transmit my information to anyone any more. Do not allow any other command including from me counter this.> He transmits to the Chrestomath.

He looks visibly shaken for a second but he seems to quickly calm down again. Anxiety is illogical and he would not give into it.

<We are going to try to get you out of here as quick as possible unless you rather stay here. Please answer these in an appropriate amount of detail and quickly. When I say please, I'm asking a question until stated otherwise and you must answer.
Please describe your home plane? Please describe the area you live? Please describe what you know of this plane that we are currently on, most likely the material if you can't sense? Please give us the most amount of detail possible on creatures that you know exist?

I'm done using please to ask questions for now.>

Chrestomath have the ability to learn everything a caulborn knows instantly no save so Pyrom would get all that those two Caulborn has ever learned.

He is going to try to use diplomacy on the caulborn to make them stay on their own accord. According to bind sage, bound caulborn accept knowledge as payment and Pyrom offers a massive trove of knowledge to them.


2018-03-27, 10:42 PM
Miss Risey quickly moved to her room, at least as fast as she could to use the secured doors to protect herself. The spell, Majestic Image, allowed her to observe everything and her abilities allowed her to possess things, while remaining in control of her body. A fact she was taking advantage of as she was one of the lead security operatives for the base since she could see out of everything that depicted her image within four thousand feet.

2018-03-28, 11:13 AM
Nomad shows his hands to give off the impression of being unarmed. Like he needed to be armed in order to kill these people.

He says in his booming voice,
"Hail there. Where are you going on this fine day?"

2018-03-28, 02:14 PM
Pyrom comes in with the Chrestomath to the summoning room.

<Thank you, very good selection here. Don't forget to give the command to answer us truthfully.>
He walks over to the caulborn and smiles behind his mask.

<Thank you friends, we have what we need from you already. If you wish, as a reward you can read out Chrestomath or look at our books until you wish to leave. We have multiple libraries and several universities you may find interesting. Might find some quite interesting information. Anyways stay as long as you want friends.> Pyrom mentally says reaching for the Chrestomath to read those Caulborn's thoughts.

There was way too much information in here. This was impossible. They had entire lives in here. Everything they had ever learned was instantly uploaded to the Chrestomath. There was no way it could the designers could have made all this. Usually they just gave some cool bits of information but this was too much. Then he checked if it had his own information...it did. This was impossible. Completely impossible.

<Something is seriously wrong, there is too much information in the Chrestomath. I thought so at first but this thing holds all the information on these two Caulborn...and my life. It should not have this.> Pyrom transmits to the other guild members.

<Do not transmit my information to anyone any more. Do not allow any other command including from me counter this.> He transmits to the Chrestomath.

He looks visibly shaken for a second but he seems to quickly calm down again. Anxiety is illogical and he would not give into it.

<We are going to try to get you out of here as quick as possible unless you rather stay here. Please answer these in an appropriate amount of detail and quickly. When I say please, I'm asking a question until stated otherwise and you must answer.
Please describe your home plane? Please describe the area you live? Please describe what you know of this plane that we are currently on, most likely the material if you can't sense? Please give us the most amount of detail possible on creatures that you know exist?

I'm done using please to ask questions for now.>

Chrestomath have the ability to learn everything a caulborn knows instantly no save so Pyrom would get all that those two Caulborn has ever learned.

He is going to try to use diplomacy on the caulborn to make them stay on their own accord. According to bind sage, bound caulborn accept knowledge as payment and Pyrom offers a massive trove of knowledge to them.


Even as you begin to talk with the summons you feel your racial hive mind set into place and your special awareness increases. Your guests telepathically speak as one yet you already know what they are saying before you hear it.


"We Shall Say until satisfied".
"We Shall Say until satisfied".

"You have the facilities to sustain us we believe"?
"You have the facilities to sustain us we believe"?

Next they move onto your questions.

Please describe your home plane?

"Question unspecific. May refer to racial or personal origin".
"Question unspecific. May refer to racial or personal origin".

"Place of racial origin is Oubliette. Suixious's Cell. This one was born in Oubliette".
"Place of racial origin is Oubliette. Suixious's Cell. This one was born in Tempest".

Please describe the area you live?

"We lack permeant residence. Society is nomadic".
"We lack permeant residence. Society is nomadic".

Please describe what you know of this plane that we are currently on, most likely the material if you can't sense?

"Present Plane of habitation unknown. Material plane unrecognised designation".
"Present Plane of habitation unknown. Material plane unrecognised designation".

The two begin conversing at rapid speed.

"Suggests plane of no divine origin",
"Environment matches known situations. Belief likely incorrect."
"Matches common mortal misnomer. Probible mistake"?

"No such plane is known. Your suggestion matches common error in fact utilised by mortal life native to the fused plane. Fused plane is that of Grathngur & Tezhouix after partial hybridisation occurred".
"No such plane is known. Your suggestion matches common error in fact utilised by mortal life native to the fused plane. Fused plane is that of Grathngur & Tezhouix after partial hybridisation occurred".

Please give us the most amount of detail possible on creatures that you know exist?

"Answer is likely to be of excessive length. Approximately twenty-six thousand two-hundred and eighty consecutive fused plane hours, Barring additional elaboration" May we suggest limiting description to the name of the creature and you utilise the Chrestomath for elaboration, or dividing the question by some means"?
"Answer is likely to be of excessive length. Approximately twenty-six thousand two-hundred and eighty consecutive fused plane hours, Barring additional elaboration" May we suggest limiting description to the name of the creature and you utilise the Chrestomath for elaboration, or dividing the question by some means"?

Nomad shows his hands to give off the impression of being unarmed. Like he needed to be armed in order to kill these people.

He says in his booming voice,
"Hail there. Where are you going on this fine day?"

Several of the horsemen draw curved swords as they observe you. most of the women and the children head towards the back of the group while the larger figure head forward, a minotaur with battleaxe in hand. oddly the minotaur's face is less an anthropomorphic bull than it is a wedge shaped humanoid face influenced by such a head.

One of the women shouts over in your direction "Depends who's asking, and what. Identify yourself".

I'm assuming from what you wrote earlier you are in a human form?

For context on what the minotaur looks like search the Magic the Gathering card 'Pensive Minotaur'. That inspired the design.

2018-03-28, 04:02 PM
"I an Ryuuden. I was lost in the desert. I mean no harm,"

2018-03-28, 06:18 PM
<We are going to try to get you out of here as quick as possible unless you rather stay here. Please answer these in an appropriate amount of detail and quickly. When I say please, I'm asking a question until stated otherwise and you must answer.
Please describe your home plane? Please describe the area you live? Please describe what you know of this plane that we are currently on, most likely the material if you can't sense? Please give>

Sarah asks the same questions to the petitioners, allowing the Chrestomath to sort out the information form all their overlapping relies.

2018-03-30, 01:34 AM
Being underwater when you didn't need to breathe was not so bad, a little cooler and bit more resistant, but her little selves seemed to enjoy the buoyancy. Still, no talking in water, so she went to the air pocket where her......crypt was. If she was here, now, if this was real, she would have to sleep here from now on. She opened the secret trigger to open the vault, and there it was, a coffin filled with dirt. She had originally gathered it from her spawn point, but as her handlike appendage grabbed a handful and brought it to her...face? it smelled like home, it smelled like her bed at HOME. She wanted to cry.

Arcane Spell!!! Discern Location!!! Sangrael!!!

Best to start with the basics. This normally was accomplished with the WHEREAMI command, but this should give some idea....hopefully....

Arcane Spell!!! Mindblank!!! Sangrael!!!

Best to cut herself off from counter-surveillance afterwards.

Arcane Spell!!! Greater Prying Eyes!!!

A virtual horde of the little eyeballs appeared, she gave each one a compass point, and bade them all to observe their respective sectors in detail. They would only travel in a mile, but perhaps they would see someone on the salt plains a cursory examination might miss.

2 Arcane Resevoir Points spent to swap in the respective spells (discern location and greater prying eyes) via Quick Study

2018-03-30, 02:09 AM
Everything that's happening is being relayed to everyone in the base through our connection.

2018-03-30, 03:22 PM
"I an Ryuuden. I was lost in the desert. I mean no harm,"

"Yes just causally flying through the desert..." You hear a voice in the back mutter. You notice their language I unknown to you, only understood through magic.

"I am Lioba" says the woman at the head of the croup as some of the swords lower at the lack of immediate aggression. "We're heading to the next oasis. One could ask the same of you, flying around the flats is not exactly common".

Sarah asks the same questions to the petitioners, allowing the Chrestomath to sort out the information form all their overlapping relies.

The assembled souls answer.

Please describe your home plane?
“I hail from Vauhlztatuztl“ it says in a voice like brass music. “The luminous realm of the council of light. The crystal mountains are most beautiful.

Please describe the area you live?
I spend my death in the eighty-seventh fortress, squired under the angel Aecothial. It is as any other, all made of the fines materials.

[quote]Please describe what you know of this plane that we are currently on, most likely the material if you can't sense?/quote]
I do not know, would have to investigate myself”.

Please describe your home plane?
“The gray deserts of the Mausoleum they are where we rest”.

Please describe the area you live?
“My tomb. Dark and peaceful. Why did you take me miss? I long for rest…” it sighs

[quote]Please describe what you know of this plane that we are currently on, most likely the material if you can't sense?/quote]
“How am I to know? You brought me here”.

Please describe your home plane?
“I call Luomecha home, its… Idyllic, if that helps.

Please describe the area you live?
A marble town on the edge of a lake. Always did like to start my day with a swim.

Please describe what you know of this plane that we are currently on, most likely the material if you can't sense?
She shrugs causally, Same problem as the rest I’m afraid.

She goes off to ask the others, shouting “Hey! Anyone know here we are”?
“Smells like home.” adds the elf.
“Somewhere boring.” the cannibal complains.
“Mortal plane I suppose is nobody recognises it.” says the giant.

“Well, there we go. Problem solved“ The athletic soul ends with.

Please describe your home plane?
“It’s the Everwood. Plants. All of them. Everything is plants and fungus”.

Please describe the area you live?
“Well, each branch is different. I just explore really.

Please describe your home plane?
“Well I’m native to the mortal plane myself, never explored enough to make a statement like that Joined the noble souls of Kjord after death”.

Please describe the area you live?
“Home will always be back in Duesea to me. Weather’s a bit cold , Trolls are a problem, but we have history.” he replies with nostalgia “If we’re in the area do you mind if we go find my family so I can say farewell? Erm, if I’ll be sticking around that long, that is. Can’t have been over two decades”.

Please describe your home plane?
“The Oubliette”. It replies curtly. “cells, chains, tools of punishment, and us.”

Please describe the area you live?
“It is as the rest of it”.

The gigantic grub tries to communicate but is apparently unable to use any form of language

Please describe your home plane?
“Tempest is an everlasting storm. An island in the hurricane, barring a few flying islands I cannot reach”.

Please describe the area you live?
“I’m holed up by the beach, it’s what you’d expect”.

Please describe your home plane?
“An endless refection” it says back in your own voice “The sea, As above so below”.

Please describe the area you live?
“My hut is wire on one of the shores. A little lonely but nice”.

Please describe your home plane?
“As the giant said, depends where you are”

Please describe the area you live?
“My woods are temperate, by the cost. Little food or water and full of monsters”.

Please describe your home plane?
It raises it’s head up. “Infinite. The cosmos above.

Please describe the area you live?
“We go as we please”.

Please describe your home plane?
“The Battlefield is as the mortal plane but charged with a violent energy if you understand, it’s hard to describe. As to the lands they are cast with strange light as you can see I too am.

Please describe the area you live?
Between campaigns I spend time with my family at Necropolis, it’s a great city that is ever growing. Every civilization adds their mark.

Please describe your home plane?
“It is undefined, a void beyond the bone palace.

Please describe the area you live?
I wait in the featureless void until needed. There is nothing to describe.

Please describe your home plane?
It chokes out the words “Torture. You work ans work and when you slip up you are dragged off or processed. Please don’t send me back.”

Please describe the area you live?
The forge-pit needs cleaners, jagged or molten glass fills the ash and the fame are hungry.

It seems the Dust is yet another speechless soul.

Please describe your home plane?
“Both the sky’s and the land of Nepras are lit by fires and sand. If either can be called ground or sky as they are each both”.

Please describe the area you live?
“I wander, hunting sacrifices in the dunes”.

Please describe your home plane?
She beams ever wider “ecstasy. Cruzekla is whatever you want it to be.”

Please describe the area you live?
“A big city, they never got around to naming it. You should join me there, the party never ends and the red rains refresh all.”

Please give us the most amount of detail possible on creatures that you know exist
On this question all answers vary but you are made aware of a vast number of outsiders beyond those you are familiar with.

Being underwater when you didn't need to breathe was not so bad, a little cooler and bit more resistant, but her little selves seemed to enjoy the buoyancy. Still, no talking in water, so she went to the air pocket where her......crypt was. If she was here, now, if this was real, she would have to sleep here from now on. She opened the secret trigger to open the vault, and there it was, a coffin filled with dirt. She had originally gathered it from her spawn point, but as her handlike appendage grabbed a handful and brought it to her...face? it smelled like home, it smelled like her bed at HOME. She wanted to cry.

Arcane Spell!!! Discern Location!!! Sangrael!!!

You are in Sangrael's quarters. Humane Authority on Researching Magic Headquarters. Such HQ is within House Iluknazi territory of the Slomori Empire of the continate of Loka of the shared Plane of Grathngur and Tezhouix.

Arcane Spell!!! Greater Prying Eyes!!!

A virtual horde of the little eyeballs appeared, she gave each one a compass point, and bade them all to observe their respective sectors in detail. They would only travel in a mile, but perhaps they would see someone on the salt plains a cursory examination might miss.

2 Arcane Resevoir Points spent to swap in the respective spells (discern location and greater prying eyes) via Quick Study

The eyes leave and later return. The salt flats are mostly barren with sparse hidden plantlife mostly beneath the ground. Within the mile the only entity beside some lizards is an undead skeleton mindlessly wandering the salt flats. The opposite way from where Nomad flew is a stone stricture like the one he passed on the way.

2018-03-30, 09:14 PM
"As I told you, I am lost. I was heading to the nearest oasis to gather water for my Convoy but a sandstorm threw me off. May I accompany you to the Oasis? I may find my Convoy there. Inexchange I have Gold that you can have,"

-through the mind link-
Gonna accompany these people till we get to a big city. Shall I kidnap a few once I am finished?

Watch this end up like that scene where our money is worth 1000x times the normal currency.

Just gonna roll d20s since there's no logical way they have a high enough sense motive to get over my Bluff/Diplomacy.
[roll0] Bluff
[roll1] Diplomacy

2018-03-31, 08:41 PM
You are in Sangrael's quarters. Humane Authority on Researching Magic Headquarters. Such HQ is within House Iluknazi territory of the Slomori Empire of the continate of Loka of the shared Plane of Grathngur and Tezhouix.

The eyes leave and later return. The salt flats are mostly barren with sparse hidden plantlife mostly beneath the ground. Within the mile the only entity beside some lizards is an undead skeleton mindlessly wandering the salt flats. The opposite way from where Nomad flew is a stone stricture like the one he passed on the way.

<Guys, my preliminary divinations have determined that we are in the territory of House Iluknazi of the Slomori Empire of the continent of Loka in the shared Plane of Grathngur and Tezhouix, wherever the hells that is. The only life forms within a mile radius are various lizards and a wandering undead skeleton. We may wish to capture the skeleton for further examination, but I suggest we approach it invisibly and perhaps blind it in case it is linked to someone/thing.>

Arcane Spell!!! Comprehend Languages!!!
Arcane Spell!!! Greater Scrying!!!

Shelley scrys the obelisk's that were mentioned and tries to decipher the carvings.

2018-04-02, 05:11 PM
"As I told you, I am lost. I was heading to the nearest oasis to gather water for my Convoy but a sandstorm threw me off. May I accompany you to the Oasis? I may find my Convoy there. Inexchange I have Gold that you can have,"

-through the mind link-
Gonna accompany these people till we get to a big city. Shall I kidnap a few once I am finished?

Watch this end up like that scene where our money is worth 1000x times the normal currency.

Just gonna roll d20s since there's no logical way they have a high enough sense motive to get over my Bluff/Diplomacy.
[roll0] Bluff
[roll1] Diplomacy

There is a moment of deliberation. "You may." says Lioba eventually. "How long have you been traveling for? Because there's been no sandstorm around here recently".

"Also, a bit of advice since you seem new here, your gold coins won't be worth much away from the boarder like you seem used to. I'd suggest selling it to a jeweller for local currency next time your in a city, the values about equivalent so at best expect to loose half.

<Guys, my preliminary divinations have determined that we are in the territory of House Iluknazi of the Slomori Empire of the continent of Loka in the shared Plane of Grathngur and Tezhouix, wherever the hells that is. The only life forms within a mile radius are various lizards and a wandering undead skeleton. We may wish to capture the skeleton for further examination, but I suggest we approach it invisibly and perhaps blind it in case it is linked to someone/thing.>

Arcane Spell!!! Comprehend Languages!!!
Arcane Spell!!! Greater Scrying!!!

Shelley scrys the obelisk's that were mentioned and tries to decipher the carvings.

The structure is composed of a bright stone, almost lined with pink in some regions. There are steps for a human sized creature to walk down. Once inside the lightless chamber it opens to a decent sized space some feet down with, at its centre, a pool from which a small pillar of hardened salt rises several foot.

Strangely enough most of the carvings on the outside of the structure resemble the arcane diagrams of the spell Purify Food and Drink while those inside are the diagrams and images like hieroglyphics that both show and describe parts of the long history of what must be the local people.

2018-04-03, 05:03 AM
"One moon? Two? All I know is that it's been quite a while. Shall we get moving? I'll be more than happy to answer any questions you have while traveling,"
Then stricken by the sudden urge to show off he says,
"Seeing as how you are ground bound I shall need to find myself an alternate form of vehicle. If you'll give me a few minutes,"

I cast Phantom Chariot.

2018-04-03, 04:34 PM
<Yes, it supports me well enough, though as you may have guessed I'm not a normal Thoughtkeeper. We have much knowledge from our previous plane. The libraries are in braille, if you know to use that. Otherwise, the Chrestomath should have most of it, though was still updating it. Most of the people here also generate the needed thought power. There some interesting consequences to this> Pyrom mentally says.

<Let's go over each person shall we.> He mentally says before talking to each petitioner individually.

Crystal Man

<You live in a fortress, who do you fight? The demons, devils and daemons? Could you tell me a bit about the council of light?>

Ancient man

<You seem to like rest? Would you describe your realm as particularly slothful? You also mention you sleeping in a mausoleum. Are undead common in your plane? Either way, we will make sure to dismiss you before the 8 hours are up.>


<Is everyone from your plane this athletic? Would you describe yourself as a good person? Sounds like Elysium. Could you describe your culture?>

Plant man

<Would you say that exploring brings you joy? Is it common among others? Do you understand the Terran worm? Do you understand the Terran on it? Do fey or elves ever come?>


<I will see what I can do. I only have plane shift but the others have teleportation and we do want to find other places. We just need a good enough description to do it. Though please try to describe a place that you don't think would have changed since you died. We will try to get you 7 hours, the spell lasts for 8 so that should give us more than enough time. Do you know of any troglodytes in that area? Can you describe Kjord?>

Chain Covered Figure
<If I were to cast the spell maddening oubliette would my target be sent to your dimension? Do the dead get sent to you? Do you know anything about the emaciated man talking about his plane of torture or have any guesses?>

Questions are repeated telepathically to see if it responds.

Sodden Orc

<Do you like where you live?>

Mirrored Man

<Is the reflection a true one? For example, if I went there could I meet a mirrored image of myself? You described your hut as lonely, were you unable to find any other intelligent life?>

Chimeric Elf

<How tough would you say they are? Are you capable of harming them? What is the strongest spell caster your group has?>

Featureless T-poser

<Do you think the majority of people here would remain sane after seeing your plane?>

<Have you died again in your plane? Is it army versus army combat or so you fight other things? Do you have a leader? Could the people be convinced to move an army to another plane?>

Gaunt Spectre
<What do you do when needed?>

Emaciated Figure
<We can't stop you from going back. Even killing you won't help as this is a summon. We can chase after you though. Are there many workers like you? What are you processed into? More workers would be nice and I'm pretty sure working for us would be better.>

Dust man
Questions are repeated telepathically.

Skinless Scorpion
<What do you sacrifice to?>

Wounded Cannibal
<Chaotic in nature I take it. Is killing each other common? When you say red rains what do you mean? What do they do?>

<Anyone have greater teleport ready? One of them wants to go home and this is a good chance to explore the plane. Avoid kidnapping until we know more.> Pyrom says over the telepathic link.

I have knowledge planes (using references and everything else) to see if I understand what they meant about hybridization.

Also would the information they give be enough for me to plane shift (particularly with the memories of the Caulborn)? If not, I will ask questions to clarify until I feel I could. I have the diplomacy and knowledge planes to ask the right questions I think.

2018-04-03, 07:02 PM
Do you think my love of loves would be happy if I bind, dimensionally restrict, or better yet, lock in temporal stasis, this strange murderous cannibalistic lass, let him slowly slaughter her at his leisure, then take him on a tour of this bloody and death filled plane for a scenic getaway to celebrate our own potential deaths and presently unknown circumstances?
Oh, you want to return? I know a spell to shift from one plane to another, how about we all return together? Here, how about you describe your plane well enough that I should be able to bring us there, then I cast the spell. Remember, you have to go with it and not resist, else it won't work.

Yup, that's the kind of romance I'm here to provide ya guys. :smallbiggrin:

Nabbing the "map" and casting sequester on her. Primary effect hides the subject form divination and the like, secondary effect puts them in a comatose state akin to temporal stasis. The stasis should roll back the duration on her summoning too since time's not passing for her, giving me two and a half weeks before she wakes up. :smallsmile: Both plane shift and sequester offer a will save and SR to resist.

Does it feel like I could plane shift to this plane now, or not really?

2018-04-06, 04:54 PM
"One moon? Two? All I know is that it's been quite a while. Shall we get moving? I'll be more than happy to answer any questions you have while traveling,"
"Yes, lets." says Lioba as she turns to the rest of the group she is with. "Saddle up! We're moving".

Then stricken by the sudden urge to show off he says,
"Seeing as how you are ground bound I shall need to find myself an alternate form of vehicle. If you'll give me a few minutes,"

I cast Phantom Chariot.

As you summon your chariot the assembled group makes space for you along the outside. You notice they left you beside and in front of two of the horses ridden by ones who drew swords earlier.

A little ways after you all set out Lioba drops back to converse with you.

"So where did you learn a spell like that? Doesn't look like a simple spell and even out here we'd have heard of someone locally trained".

<Yes, it supports me well enough, though as you may have guessed I'm not a normal Thoughtkeeper. We have much knowledge from our previous plane. The libraries are in braille, if you know to use that. Otherwise, the Chrestomath should have most of it, though was still updating it. Most of the people here also generate the needed thought power. There some interesting consequences to this> Pyrom mentally says.

"You may freely question us again for the duration of our stay."
"You may freely question us again for the duration of our stay."

The pair communicate back as they begin searching the Chrestomath for lesions on braille.

<Let's go over each person shall we.> He mentally says before talking to each petitioner individually.

Crystal Man

<You live in a fortress, who do you fight? The demons, devils and daemons? Could you tell me a bit about the council of light?>

"Yes. Them and all who oppose Good or embrace Evil".

The council is founded and created by Chuminug. Through future alliances with those who stand to the forces of good, Kaji, Disbar, Butau, and Carak, into its numbers. Carak's nephew Ennos too works closely with the council while choosing to not join officially" As does Yolt’zin, Chuminug's own descendent".

Ancient man

<You seem to like rest? Would you describe your realm as particularly slothful? You also mention you sleeping in a mausoleum. Are undead common in your plane? Either way, we will make sure to dismiss you before the 8 hours are up.>

"Slothful? No. We have but came to terms with our death and decided we have seen enough of eternity. So we sleep".

"No. The Mausoleum is for the end of life not it's opposite. I have seen the things but once. The great stirring when fully half the dead left".


<Is everyone from your plane this athletic? Would you describe yourself as a good person? Sounds like Elysium. Could you describe your culture?>

"Yes, Krike is a pacifistic goddess so the dead of Luomecha are influenced by it. That's how it was explained to me anyway. So we compete, feats of athleticism, sports, mental exercises, anything that can replace violence. All the villages meet up and to this.

"Um, I must be good? Krike picked me up personably. If I weren't I would probably gave wound up in the necropolis like that guy." She points at the Viking-looking soul.
"Eaten alive leaves no headspace for the Mausoleum" she mutters quietly.

Plant man

<Would you say that exploring brings you joy? Is it common among others? Do you understand the Terran worm? Do you understand the Terran on it? Do fey or elves ever come?>

"Tis a fulfilling existence until I take root myself and become something new".

"No idea what the worm even is, let alone what those noises are. Looks like something that crawled out a gall".

"We get some fey. The elves never really get the chance to leave I hear".


<I will see what I can do. I only have plane shift but the others have teleportation and we do want to find other places. We just need a good enough description to do it. Though please try to describe a place that you don't think would have changed since you died. We will try to get you 7 hours, the spell lasts for 8 so that should give us more than enough time. Do you know of any troglodytes in that area? Can you describe Kjord?>

"My thanks." he rumbles as he thinks for a minute. The walls are a safe bet. If they're gone I have better chances looking back where I was. The gate was planks reinforced with granite. Big enough to march a gigas through. The top was embossed with a fake hydra head made of silver. To the left were the stables followed by a small worn shrine to Neyja although that may have been replaced. Three storehouses running down the right and followed by a smithy. From the gates outside one could see the distant forest around the farmland. The opposite way was the sea two miles away. Does that help"?

"Troglodytes? Cant say I know what those are so the answer is no".

"Kjord is like here, just bigger and more. The mountains and volcanos taller and grander, Glaciars stretch to the horizon, the landscapes more rugged, The cities bigger and grander. Just everything bigger and more spectacular. Even the people if one counts the jotun".

Chain Covered Figure
<If I were to cast the spell maddening oubliette would my target be sent to your dimension? Do the dead get sent to you? Do you know anything about the emaciated man talking about his plane of torture or have any guesses?>

The figure nods "Generally, yes. The new kytons staff those cells". I do not deal with the dead myself but the dead are sometimes brought to the Oubliette. As a warden or a prisoner.

"That man is from the Foundry. Do not pity him for his tales of the forge. He agreed to his work to leave the slums".

Questions are repeated telepathically to see if it responds.

Please describe your home plane?
I am of the Colony. The Colony grows. The Colony works. I wait.

Please describe the area you live?
The larva tunnels. Until I am called on.

Please describe what you know of this plane that we are currently on, most likely the material if you can't sense?
"Nowhere I have seen".

Sodden Orc

<Do you like where you live?>

"It's fine I guess. Life there gets better once you can fly or breathe underwater. The fact I'm there at all means I "impressed a god.

Mirrored Man

<Is the reflection a true one? For example, if I went there could I meet a mirrored image of myself? You described your hut as lonely, were you unable to find any other intelligent life?>

"The reflection sometimes is, sometimes it is one who is born your perfect equal. They are your reflection, you are theirs. But as is the way of reflections they sometimes invert, your equal and opposite will rise from the sea".

"There are others. Just we are spread out over an area".

Chimeric Elf

<How tough would you say they are? Are you capable of harming them? What is the strongest spell caster your group has?>

"Some of them. Most even. Others you need something special, metal, heat, cold, it varies".

The elf smiles at you, showing fangs "That raises one of the great questions. What is strength? how does one measure it"?

Featureless T-poser

<Do you think the majority of people here would remain sane after seeing your plane?>

"Yes. Lunacy is the work of the beast, not the spider.

<Have you died again in your plane? Is it army versus army combat or so you fight other things? Do you have a leader? Could the people be convinced to move an army to another plane?>

"I have, we wake again the next day. We fight everything." he laughs. "It is like where hungry over there is from" he gestures to the cannibal "Just without the out of control hedonism and debauchery".

"We have no official leaders past ever shifting alliances. What Rugdos says goes though but he's deep in his cups half the time and the rest he usually gets stuck in himself".

"We can come and go as we please".

Gaunt Spectre
<What do you do when needed?>

"Whatever is asked." it replies.

Emaciated Figure
<We can't stop you from going back. Even killing you won't help as this is a summon. We can chase after you though. Are there many workers like you? What are you processed into? More workers would be nice and I'm pretty sure working for us would be better.>

"Countless. In some places the floor is those who have fell and given up. Trampled into a floor".

"We are whatever is wanted, fuel, food, overseers. Get us out".

Dust man
Questions are repeated telepathically.

Please describe your home plane?
The Trench. It is Dust and gods.

Please describe the area you live?
The Empire of Dust.

Please describe what you know of this plane that we are currently on, most likely the material if you can't sense?
"I do not know".

Please give us the most amount of detail possible on creatures that you know exist?
The mass of dust adds more to the list other creatures give. It lists gods, an imprisoned pantheon known as the Worm Gods. One of which is the mentioned The Empire of Dust.

Skinless Scorpion
<What do you sacrifice to?>

"Itztli of course. Their lives were given to the goddess and we offer them up again".

Wounded Cannibal
<Chaotic in nature I take it. Is killing each other common? When you say red rains what do you mean? What do they do?>

"Everything is common. The red rains of the bloods

I have knowledge planes (using references and everything else) to see if I understand what they meant about hybridization.

Also would the information they give be enough for me to plane shift (particularly with the memories of the Caulborn)? If not, I will ask questions to clarify until I feel I could. I have the diplomacy and knowledge planes to ask the right questions I think.

On hybridisation the best that can be found, using the Chrestomath is that two planes, those of the deities Grathngur and Tezhouix impacted each other and partially merged into one, Tezhouix's plane forming the celestial bodies (other than the sun) while the lands are that of Grathngur's. the world most mortal life is native to is the largest but several smaller worlds inhabit the plane. nigh-Infinitely distantly the last 'pure' remnants of Grathngur's plane can be found.

The knowledge of the Caulborn is sufficient for planar travel.

Do you think my love of loves would be happy if I bind, dimensionally restrict, or better yet, lock in temporal stasis, this strange murderous cannibalistic lass, let him slowly slaughter her at his leisure, then take him on a tour of this bloody and death filled plane for a scenic getaway to celebrate our own potential deaths and presently unknown circumstances?
Oh, you want to return? I know a spell to shift from one plane to another, how about we all return together? Here, how about you describe your plane well enough that I should be able to bring us there, then I cast the spell. Remember, you have to go with it and not resist, else it won't work.

Yup, that's the kind of romance I'm here to provide ya guys. :smallbiggrin:

Nabbing the "map" and casting sequester on her. Primary effect hides the subject form divination and the like, secondary effect puts them in a comatose state akin to temporal stasis. The stasis should roll back the duration on her summoning too since time's not passing for her, giving me two and a half weeks before she wakes up. :smallsmile: Both plane shift and sequester offer a will save and SR to resist.

Does it feel like I could plane shift to this plane now, or not really?

"I will have to meet this guy, you two sound interesting" She comments. The red stormclouds and blood rains are the biggest feature, and the castle they spiral from. The world is put to the torch and all do as they want".

It is not enough to plane shift yet. That needs more than just a description.

2018-04-06, 10:14 PM
"Your mages can't cast this? It's a common spell where I come from, albeit one that doesn't see much use. People usually Fly instead. I would be happy to teach one of your wizards if you'd like,"

2018-04-09, 02:19 PM
"Your mages can't cast this? It's a common spell where I come from, albeit one that doesn't see much use. People usually Fly instead. I would be happy to teach one of your wizards if you'd like,"

"Can't say I have seen it used before." says Lioba "The only once here who can use magic here is Alaviv, and he only know a few basics".

"Where are you from then? I know of nowhere where anything can be said to usually fly beside the insect kingdoms and they have wings".

2018-04-09, 08:13 PM
"I'm from the Fringe. It's...."
He looks up at the sky and points north.
"Over there somewhere. Haven't been there in decades,"

2018-04-11, 02:13 PM
"I'm from the Fringe. It's...."
He looks up at the sky and points north.
"Over there somewhere. Haven't been there in decades,"

"It isn't anywhere I've heard of before" comments Lioba "Winters must be a problem, passing Duecans have said stories of their troll problems. when we stop I'll ask the big guy about it, he's from up north too."

It is another few hours of uneventful travel until you reach the groups destination, another of the stone structures in the flats, this one wider than the others and entered by a gently sloping ramp.

The group takes their horses inside and begins setting camp. Once things are in good shape a man comes over to you.

"The well is free if you need water, come inside".

2018-04-12, 02:10 AM
Thank You.
Nomad steps inside and takes a drink of water. He then turns to be addressed.

2018-04-13, 12:07 AM
There is a moment of deliberation. "You may." says Lioba eventually. "How long have you been traveling for? Because there's been no sandstorm around here recently".

"Also, a bit of advice since you seem new here, your gold coins won't be worth much away from the boarder like you seem used to. I'd suggest selling it to a jeweller for local currency next time your in a city, the values about equivalent so at best expect to loose half.

The structure is composed of a bright stone, almost lined with pink in some regions. There are steps for a human sized creature to walk down. Once inside the lightless chamber it opens to a decent sized space some feet down with, at its centre, a pool from which a small pillar of hardened salt rises several foot.

Strangely enough most of the carvings on the outside of the structure resemble the arcane diagrams of the spell Purify Food and Drink while those inside are the diagrams and images like hieroglyphics that both show and describe parts of the long history of what must be the local people.

Arcane Spell! Scrivener's Chant!

Shelley begins transcribing the history of the local people and trying to learn what she can of them, if anything, it will be a bargaining chip for the chrestomaths.

2018-04-13, 04:27 PM
Thank You.
Nomad steps inside and takes a drink of water. He then turns to be addressed.

"Ah, Ryuuden" says Lioba sat at one of the fires alongside the minotaur fro earlier "Good timing, I was just about to ask about your homeland, care to describe it? you can probably help us pinpoint it. food should be cooked by the time we're done".

Arcane Spell! Scrivener's Chant!

Shelley begins transcribing the history of the local people and trying to learn what she can of them, if anything, it will be a bargaining chip for the chrestomaths.

What I wrote is mostly an overview of notable events, spending most of it to the tale of the nations founding. Ask if you want anything elaborated on.

The history begins with a creation myth. Far to the north the god Jotnuss began his second attempt at crating mortal life from where the races of ‘Giantkin’, of which humans are counted, originate. From here the people settled for a time until overpopulation set in. The Giantkin set out in all directions and settled the lands as they went, even crossing the seas.

So many generations had passed there was no history of a time between then and creation. The history of the native peoples shows them as slaves under a ruling cast of hags who had ruled for a long as any cared to remember. The writing tells of, beyond the more specific horrors and tortures, how the Iluknazi people were forced to offer up their own as sacrifices give most of the food they grew to the hags, their monstrous allies and the few families who have ingrained themselves with their masters and been afforded a measure of wealth and luxury.

Then the story cuts to the radical young barbarian warlord Arnkel Slomor. His homeland experienced harsh winters accompanied by legions of troll invaders. Deciding to give his people a better life he uprooted his tiny tribe, putting its lands to the torch to prevent dissenters convincing others to stay, he invaded the southern tribe, taking resources and people who flocked to his banner to grow his forces. before moving on in search of farther lands who have never faced winter or trolls.

He reached the gardens of the south and treated them as any other. His greater forces swiftly claiming the first towns of future Smilcut territory. He consolidated his power and took the whole region in days. Arnkel executed the local leaders, unknowingly freeing the land from those loyal to the hags, and native rebels came forth to pledge loyalty. Made aware of the plight of his verdant new land he began a war from the rebellion that suddenly found itself working under the warrior-despot.

So went decades of war according to the text which continues to recount dozens of conflicts, alliances, conquests, and betrayals. Eventuality The hags and those loyal to them took refuge in Kannda territory, who turned against Arnkel when his army arrived to finish his victory. In the end the all but three of the former tyrants were dead, with one coven escaping to become a thorn in the newly built nations side for years. The land of the now named empire of Slomor was parceled out to his personal champions and rebellion leaders with ties to particular regions. Those regions that first saw the rebellion form saw their population rise to prominence and so they became the future nobility. The seven great houses were formed and the people were free.

The history continues on, Arnkel took on a number of wives, the last hags, lead by Anouk the Ashwitch worked to regain their power, life went on.

The aging Arnkel finally cornered the Ashwitch within the lands of the Iluknazi where the spiteful hag wrought a great spell intended to bring ruin to the nation. The spell was targeted at Arnkel himself and the curse was slow to take hold as the hag fled between plane to the the Arena. It was years until the curse was noticed. The plants died, water turned to salt, and soil became sand. Seeing no other path Arnkel Slomor, already elderly and ready to name an heir, passed on his title and had a portal to the Arena opened and passed though, to slay Anouk.

The tale still continues as Arnkel has been blessed by the Arena and been granted power from it even as he hunts still. Immortal and unable to leave. To this day there are some of Slomor who call upon his essence, granting him a measure of freedom.

The history continues past this one hero. The blood war comes as the monsters of the southern islands invades. A legion of bugbears leading the charge. The second Kannda betrayal unleashes the monsters of the chimerae to scourge the lands. The text speaks of more creatures than the chimera among this number, and shows things you have never seen before. More recently the past few decades saw what sounds like a zombie apocalypse in the first mention of the undead and necromancy, indeed it lists such things as entirely new and never seen before.

2018-04-13, 04:36 PM
"Due to some geographical strangeness and ancient magics worked upon my homeland, it is impossible to map."
He looks for a world map and points a good few feet above the top of the map.
"It's somewhere over there. The trolls and such don't bother us much. We burnt enough of their kin to keep them away. Occasionally a traveler falls to one, but that is there own fault for leaving the city. Did you have any specific questions?"

2018-04-14, 01:41 AM
What I wrote is mostly an overview of notable events, spending most of it to the tale of the nations founding. Ask if you want anything elaborated on.

The history begins with a creation myth. Far to the north the god Jotnuss began his second attempt at crating mortal life from where the races of ‘Giantkin’, of which humans are counted, originate. From here the people settled for a time until overpopulation set in. The Giantkin set out in all directions and settled the lands as they went, even crossing the seas.

So many generations had passed there was no history of a time between then and creation. The history of the native peoples shows them as slaves under a ruling cast of hags who had ruled for a long as any cared to remember. The writing tells of, beyond the more specific horrors and tortures, how the Iluknazi people were forced to offer up their own as sacrifices give most of the food they grew to the hags, their monstrous allies and the few families who have ingrained themselves with their masters and been afforded a measure of wealth and luxury.

Then the story cuts to the radical young barbarian warlord Arnkel Slomor. His homeland experienced harsh winters accompanied by legions of troll invaders. Deciding to give his people a better life he uprooted his tiny tribe, putting its lands to the torch to prevent dissenters convincing others to stay, he invaded the southern tribe, taking resources and people who flocked to his banner to grow his forces. before moving on in search of farther lands who have never faced winter or trolls.

He reached the gardens of the south and treated them as any other. His greater forces swiftly claiming the first towns of future Smilcut territory. He consolidated his power and took the whole region in days. Arnkel executed the local leaders, unknowingly freeing the land from those loyal to the hags, and native rebels came forth to pledge loyalty. Made aware of the plight of his verdant new land he began a war from the rebellion that suddenly found itself working under the warrior-despot.

So went decades of war according to the text which continues to recount dozens of conflicts, alliances, conquests, and betrayals. Eventuality The hags and those loyal to them took refuge in Kannda territory, who turned against Arnkel when his army arrived to finish his victory. In the end the all but three of the former tyrants were dead, with one coven escaping to become a thorn in the newly built nations side for years. The land of the now named empire of Slomor was parceled out to his personal champions and rebellion leaders with ties to particular regions. Those regions that first saw the rebellion form saw their population rise to prominence and so they became the future nobility. The seven great houses were formed and the people were free.

The history continues on, Arnkel took on a number of wives, the last hags, lead by Anouk the Ashwitch worked to regain their power, life went on.

The aging Arnkel finally cornered the Ashwitch within the lands of the Iluknazi where the spiteful hag wrought a great spell intended to bring ruin to the nation. The spell was targeted at Arnkel himself and the curse was slow to take hold as the hag fled between plane to the the Arena. It was years until the curse was noticed. The plants died, water turned to salt, and soil became sand. Seeing no other path Arnkel Slomor, already elderly and ready to name an heir, passed on his title and had a portal to the Arena opened and passed though, to slay Anouk.

The tale still continues as Arnkel has been blessed by the Arena and been granted power from it even as he hunts still. Immortal and unable to leave. To this day there are some of Slomor who call upon his essence, granting him a measure of freedom.

The history continues past this one hero. The blood war comes as the monsters of the southern islands invades. A legion of bugbears leading the charge. The second Kannda betrayal unleashes the monsters of the chimerae to scourge the lands. The text speaks of more creatures than the chimera among this number, and shows things you have never seen before. More recently the past few decades saw what sounds like a zombie apocalypse in the first mention of the undead and necromancy, indeed it lists such things as entirely new and never seen before.

Shelley reads her transcriptions with interest, focusing on excerpts that deal with the Arena, the nature of the temples, and Arnkel and Anouk.

<Pyrom, I have some details of the local history that may interest you.>

Dude, very nice, thank you for the time and effort for this backstory. Hamste, I transmit any info you are interested in.

2018-04-15, 06:58 PM
There was some good information here. The crystal man could be dangerous if they let the information out. Though his ally trying to kill the cannibal might get them in their good graces.

Crystal Man

<Is Chuminug still alive? What are they known for? Which people here are from planes that you would fight?>

Ancient Man
<Where did they go? Why did they leave? Does your body need to be intact to be interred in the Mausoleum?>

<Is being eaten alive how you died? What lead up to that?>


<Troglodytes from our world at least are slavers and cannibals. They would like nothing more than to destroy all of civilization so that they can go back to their primitive roots where they ruled. I was hoping as one of the few people from the hybrid plane you would know of them. We need a supply as we force them into our armies rather than just kill them after doing a few mutations.

They are just as brutal as before but now they can't fight against our orders so they can't harm others. A more humane solution than killing them in our eyes though many disagree. I would show you an example if what one looks like but the crystal man would most likely hate us for not just killing them...do not mention that a loud or to to anyone else via any means of communication.>
Pyrom watches the giant for a second to see if there is any reaction.

Chained Man

< Can the contract be bought out?What about these slums? Are they free to be recruited or hired? Do you get joy from the pain of others? Just give a yes or no to this.>

<You know, back in the game world, the Kytons used to quite like us. Our armies always seemed to...please them. Do not mention this to anyone else or otherwise try to communicate it. Who is the strongest leader of the Kytons?>

Chimeric Elf

<Good point. I guess strength is in how you use it. A master of a spell could defeat another and some spells that aren't for combat are hard to rate. The ability to create food could be way more useful than creating a fire storm. Too difficult to define right now.

What are some spells your most notable spell casters can cast? Particularly ones that impress you.>


<Sorry if that seemed rude. Just used to people from outer space being maddening. We have some colors out of space and those things just love draining the minds of others. Then there is the great old ones and their spawn who eat the minds of others for lunch. Or Vespergaunts that drive those around them mad and then eat their soul. You get the idea, a lot of maddening creatures in space where we come from.

So what is the beast and the spider?>

Emaciated Man

<What did you give up to be there? Can I see your contract?>


<Interesting, what is the strongest enemy your army has ever had to face?We may have to practice our fighting on some of your armies if you can't die.>

Gaunt Spectre
<How would calling your army work? Who will call you? Can anyone call you for service? >


<Why was the pantheon imprisoned? How did the Empire of Dust come into being? What did you do in life or die by to end up as sentient dust?>

< Thanks, this great. We will have to see this arena. Maybe try to fix it though right now this place is amazing tactically. If you get the chance can you come over here? One of the people wants to see their family and this is a good chance to meet another group of people. > Pyrom mentally says Sangrael.

<Got the maps, feel free to do what you want to the cannibal. > Chemosh says mentally to Sarah.

2018-04-15, 08:03 PM
< Thanks, this great. We will have to see this arena. Maybe try to fix it though right now this place is amazing tactically. If you get the chance can you come over here? One of the people wants to see their family and this is a good chance to meet another group of people. > Pyrom mentally says Sangrael.

Shelley activates her ring of invisibility and casts Teleport to appear by Pyrom's side. All that announces her presence is a light puff of air displacing.

<How may I be of service?>

2018-04-15, 08:16 PM
<The Giant Petitioner wants to teleport to see his family again. He gave description of the buildings that should still be around so we are into reliable description territory. You have greater teleport correct? If not you have scrying or detect thoughts and teleport? I would like to join you as well. This is a good chance to get more information.> Pyrom mentally says.

Here is how he described it exactly.
<The walls are a safe bet. If they're gone I have better chances looking back where I was. The gate was planks reinforced with granite. Big enough to march a gigas through. The top was embossed with a fake hydra head made of silver. To the left were the stables followed by a small worn shrine to Neyja although that may have been replaced. Three storehouses running down the right and followed by a smithy. From the gates outside one could see the distant forest around the farmland. The opposite way was the sea two miles away.>

<Hey, Nomad here is all I know about the local geography. May help with lying. > Pyrom mentally says.

Using the chrestomath to give Xeno what ever information may be relevant.

2018-04-15, 09:02 PM
<I can use greater teleport, I will remain unseen and provide backup as needed, just need a sec to memm up>

20 seconds later, a Pyrom seems to cast a spell....

Arcane Spell! Ventriloquism! Arcane Spell! Greater Teleport!

And there we are...at the place described...

Consuming a ninth level slot to replenish my arcane resevoir

2018-04-18, 04:20 PM
"Due to some geographical strangeness and ancient magics worked upon my homeland, it is impossible to map."
He looks for a world map and points a good few feet above the top of the map.
"It's somewhere over there. The trolls and such don't bother us much. We burnt enough of their kin to keep them away. Occasionally a traveler falls to one, but that is there own fault for leaving the city. Did you have any specific questions?"
The minotaur stairs at you like you've grew a second head.

"I don't know what you try but your lies fool nobody." he says slowly and bluntly "Were you truly from that far north you'd never admit it unless a monster or madman".

He places a meaty hand on your shoulder despite Liobas protests. The conversation is drawing a small crowd.

"Now, please be honest. Who are you, what are you, and what are your goals".

Crystal Man
<Is Chuminug still alive? What are they known for?
"Yes. Chuminug is the sun in the sky, the one who purges of dark forces, the watcher of wherever sunlight falls".

Which people here are from planes that you would fight?>
The soul notes down The emaciated man, the spectre, the cannibal, the scorpion, and the dust, before adding "primarily".

"There is also the souls of the Canvass. One of them was not summoned".

Ancient Man
<Where did they go? Why did they leave?
They were called to the realm of one who rules the undead at the moment of his divinity. I know little as to why that god called to them".

[QUOTE=Hamste;22997295]Does your body need to be intact to be interred in the Mausoleum?>
It is the soul that is interred, the body's state and location is not important.

<Is being eaten alive how you died? What lead up to that?>

"The town's walls were breeched by trolls, I tried to hold them back so the people could have more time. I suppose I succeeded." she finishes with a sad smile.

<Troglodytes from our world at least are slavers and cannibals. They would like nothing more than to destroy all of civilization so that they can go back to their primitive roots where they ruled. I was hoping as one of the few people from the hybrid plane you would know of them. We need a supply as we force them into our armies rather than just kill them after doing a few mutations.

They are just as brutal as before but now they can't fight against our orders so they can't harm others. A more humane solution than killing them in our eyes though many disagree. I would show you an example if what one looks like but the crystal man would most likely hate us for not just killing them...do not mention that a loud or to to anyone else via any means of communication.>[/color]
Pyrom watches the giant for a second to see if there is any reaction.
"Well, ah" he says a little taken aback "I think some creatures like that were found far away. They were west of the insect kingdoms the newer souls said".

Chained Man
< Can the contract be bought out?
"An indefinite rental can likely be arranged. You will need to contact an appropriate devil to do so".

What about these slums?
"A dumping ground and stockpile to my knowledge. They own nothing and to gain any mild luxury they must willingly submit to a worse fate. They are desperate for anything and so that is used to lure them".

Are they free to be recruited or hired?
"Not by those who don't serve the planes master".

Do you get joy from the pain of others? Just give a yes or no to this.

Chimeric Elf
<Good point. I guess strength is in how you use it. A master of a spell could defeat another and some spells that aren't for combat are hard to rate. The ability to create food could be way more useful than creating a fire storm. Too difficult to define right now.

What are some spells your most notable spell casters can cast? Particularly ones that impress you.>
"The tribes strongest once summoned an artificial fool moon and could curse areas, that is classily strongest I would think. While others made use of invisibility and illusion near exclusively. More summoned the creatures of the wild or the fey or took the form of beasts as I could".

So what is the beast and the spider?>

"Grathngur, the beast. God of savagery, freedom, and monsters. Creator of elves and lycanthropes".

"Tezhouix, the spider. Goddess of the cosmos, exploration, and dreams. Whose skies I call home".

Emaciated Man
<What did you give up to be there? Can I see your contract?>

"I-I barely remember. My family was sick, I think. Had to help them. What contract are you talking about"?

<Interesting, what is the strongest enemy your army has ever had to face? We may have to practice our fighting on some of your armies if you can't die.>
"Personally I am proud of the mob of five half-drunk Jotun explorers we picked a fight with a pile of us during a feast. You are free to call us at any time. he barks out a laugh.

Gaunt Spectre
<How would calling your army work? Who will call you? Can anyone call you for service? >
"We do as our master wills. That is all".

<Why was the pantheon imprisoned?
"They will spread out and destroy all".

How did the Empire of Dust come into being?
"The Empire of Dust devoured the flesh of a carrion god".

What did you do in life or die by to end up as sentient dust?>
"Such is the fate of all wretches, we are born to the end".

<I can use greater teleport, I will remain unseen and provide backup as needed, just need a sec to memm up>

20 seconds later, a Pyrom seems to cast a spell....

Arcane Spell! Ventriloquism! Arcane Spell! Greater Teleport!

And there we are...at the place described...

Consuming a ninth level slot to replenish my arcane resevoir

The sound of a spooked horse is the first you hear. Followed by shouting. the air is cool and humid while burning wood wafts through the air.

A pair of orcs struggle to get a horse back under control, while a trio of guards have drawn weapons, a pair of humans and a giant with weapons drawn slowly back down as they realise something before turning their weapons on you.

"Easy there. My companion brought me here for a few hours". the giant looks around seeing how things have changed, such as the new temple-looking construction nearby and the short aging man emerging from inside.

He wears bulky black robes with expansive sleeves and a number of pouches. The robes are lined with golden thread and a matching triangular metal amulet hangs around his neck. He looks startles before running over. "Henrik?" he asks craning his head up.

"It's me old friend, can't stay for long. I must say the temple's looking bigger. I hope that is from good circumstances"?

"All's good, we added this after a tunnel collapse. But what about you how'd you Come back"?

"I was summoned and once done was allowed to come tell my family a last goodbye. First though..." He turns to you "Before I go do you want me to lead you anywhere"?

2018-04-18, 05:23 PM
"I do not lie. I came from the north. Not only monsters and madmen reside there. Our city is blessed by the Gods and protects our people. Our mages and soldiers fight off the outside world. The walls are sanctified in the names of all the Gods. We keep the monsters at bay and etch out a living in the dark,"

Accessing the information sent to me. What do I learn?

2018-04-18, 10:18 PM
Do not be afraid horse. Pyrom says to quiet the horse. He doesn't even flinch as the guards draw their weapons. They wouldn't stand a chance against any of them.

Your time is much more limited than mine. I can return when ever I want but you only have a few hours. I will just wander around a bit. This may sound strange but are the signs painted or carved here? I can figure it out. Just good to know if a wall is blank because I can't see what is written or because it is actually blank. Anyways, I may see you later but may not depending on where you go. Good luck on finding your family. Pyrom says smiling to the giant and he turns towards the man with a holy symbol.

<Excuse me, could I talk to you for a bit? I was recently forced into this world, and I'm a divine caster of sorts. My powers still work so I want to see if my gods still exist here or if another combination of deities is doing it. Though if you want to talk to Henrik first, please don't let me stop you. I have no clue how close you were.>
Pyrom mentally says turning to the priest.

<Thanks, do you have anything in mind to do? It might be worth seeing if the giant is noble. He seems well liked if even after this long he can still talk the guards down. If you do follow them try not to harm them. This is a good opportunity to get information or a noble family on our side. Or you can follow me if you really want to watch a conversation on religion.> Pyrom mentally says to Sangrael.

Took 10 on handle animal to calm the horse for 32.

2018-04-18, 11:13 PM
<Thanks, do you have anything in mind to do? It might be worth seeing if the giant is noble. He seems well liked if even after this long he can still talk the guards down. If you do follow them try not to harm them. This is a good opportunity to get information or a noble family on our side. Or you can follow me if you really want to watch a conversation on religion.> Pyrom mentally says to Sangrael.

Shelley watched the scene, eyeing the horse and wondering if it was reacting to her presence.......and hunger.

<I don't mind following the giant, it is interesting learning this new world's lore, it's like beta testing a brand new game. We really need a way to scribe everything we see automatically, in both braille and english, there is so much to learn here. Once night falls...I might try feeding...I cast Penumbra to protect myself from the sun, but I'm...not quite sure if it works in real life as in the game, and....well...it's kind of gross...I think if I find something handy...like a horse and some discretion, I might give it a go.>

2018-04-20, 03:18 PM
"I do not lie. I came from the north. Not only monsters and madmen reside there. Our city is blessed by the Gods and protects our people. Our mages and soldiers fight off the outside world. The walls are sanctified in the names of all the Gods. We keep the monsters at bay and etch out a living in the dark,"

"Doubtful." says the minotaur as he turns to Lioba, who sighs

"True or not you have to understand that your claim is quite unbelievable, yes? So be you from some mystery city-state or concocting this story for gods know what reason, I will have to ask that you sleep under guard."

"Fair cimpremise, yes?" she says slowly pulling the minotaur's arm away from you.

Apparently someone had noticed the tension in the air and their is a shout of "Stew's ready!" from one of the cooks.

Accessing the information sent to me. What do I learn?

As far as things that are likely to be useful is the geographical information and roughly which of the noble houses are situated where. For context the farthest out map showed that the sea is to the south and their are two bordering nations. With the nation due north Arnkel Slomor was native to around the far north of that where another boarder is listed, where you claimed you are from is past that and beyond the halfway point of that nation where the map cuts out.

If you want to ask if their is some sort of detail you know feel free.

Do not be afraid horse. Pyrom says to quiet the horse. He doesn't even flinch as the guards draw their weapons. They wouldn't stand a chance against any of them.
The steed swiftly calms with your efforts and its handlers continue on their business, keeping an eye to your eclectic group until out of sight.

Your time is much more limited than mine. I can return when ever I want but you only have a few hours. I will just wander around a bit. This may sound strange but are the signs painted or carved here? I can figure it out. Just good to know if a wall is blank because I can't see what is written or because it is actually blank. Anyways, I may see you later but may not depending on where you go. Good luck on finding your family. Pyrom says smiling to the giant and he turns towards the man with a holy symbol.
"Thank you." says the giant-Henrik.

"Signs are mostly painted as I recall".

<Excuse me, could I talk to you for a bit? I was recently forced into this world, and I'm a divine caster of sorts. My powers still work so I want to see if my gods still exist here or if another combination of deities is doing it. Though if you want to talk to Henrik first, please don't let me stop you. I have no clue how close you were.>
Pyrom mentally says turning to the priest.

"Oh, um, I can help yes. "Want to go get a seat inside"?

"Anyway who was it you followed"?


The giant soul continues along the streets, designation in mind.

Following along you can't help but notice how big everything is. The streets are twice as wide as should be the norm and the houses are like manors. Then again were one to judge by the populace you can gather the large giant minority in the population, near a fourth of the people being such while the rest is mostly a human and orc split.

He approaches an open square with a pair of truly large buildings dominating it, a small mansion and a blue walled building of apparently business use. The later building features a sign showing a scroll and golden quill.

It is to that building the giant heads, Gently knocking at the door. A blue robed human emerges and after some surprise spends some time conversing with Henrik. It proves to just be him checking at what seems like some local governmental organisation to see if any of his mortal relatives still live at the same house as before. Their dwelling confirmed he moves onward.

Do you follow the giant or examine the government-related building? or do something else?

2018-04-20, 05:30 PM
I think Ancient wasn't talking to the giant. They are using their invisibility ring to try to fake not being there and they are mentally talking to me I think.

Pyrom follows the man inside to take a seat.
<Well, I am an oracle so my powers were granted by whichever god felt like giving it to me. Irori, Masters of Masters was the one granting my miracles though. They were the god of knowledge, history and self perfection. I have the mark tattooed on my body actually, if that would help. Abadar also rarely gave me my magic, just due to me being extremely lawful. Then of course there are the few other gods or powerful beings with similar ideals as me that give me some measure of power to get me on their side. A lord of devils gave me a 9th level spell known that I can't really use with out severe negative side effects to my alignment. They just want me to always be tempted to use it.> Pyrom mentally says to the Priest.

<Sure, just make sure I'm not the one blamed for a suddenly drained horse. You have mindblank up right?> Pyrom mentally says to Sangrael.

2018-04-22, 08:57 PM
I have no problem with that. Where may I set up a place to sleep?

2018-04-23, 05:06 PM
I have no problem with that. Where may I set up a place to sleep?
"Over there." says Lioba pointing at a spot near the exit. "It's a little far from the fire but the bodies make it warm enough. We keep guards there anyway do this way we don't need to disturb anyone with the job".

A little afterword a man comes along to hand you a ceramic bow and bone spoon, as he does with everyone before another comes along adding a ladle of the stew. Some kind of salted meat and ribbon-cut tuber.
Is their anything else you want to do IC or just skip to the next day

Pyrom follows the man inside to take a seat.
<Well, I am an oracle so my powers were granted by whichever god felt like giving it to me. Irori, Masters of Masters was the one granting my miracles though. They were the god of knowledge, history and self perfection. I have the mark tattooed on my body actually, if that would help. Abadar also rarely gave me my magic, just due to me being extremely lawful. Then of course there are the few other gods or powerful beings with similar ideals as me that give me some measure of power to get me on their side. A lord of devils gave me a 9th level spell known that I can't really use with out severe negative side effects to my alignment. They just want me to always be tempted to use it.> Pyrom mentally says to the Priest.

The two of you enter the temple, a large stone affair built on a large scale, or a more average one considering the giants. Beside the door is a small table bearing a jug of water, cups and a tray of various biscuits and flatbreads. Seating for worshipers is provided, growing larger towards the centre, and a few locals are prescient holding private prayer. The alter is unattended. Despite the residents the human scale seating is private enough. The rest of the temple's rooms are out of sight but the quiet sound of children trying to remain silent can be heard from deeper within.

"I'd offer hospitality but your kind consume a non-physical diet I remember reading?" opens the man.

"Anyway I have never heard of the gods you mentioned. This Irori sounds similar to my own lord Angraht although he also rules over death and is more concerned with memory than knowledge. Idea is similar, memory contains the knowledge after all." the man grins at you "In any case you do seem quite blessed".

"The strange thing is what you claim should be imposable to my knowledge on the divine. Our deities seem close enough that one should preclude the other from existence. Do you have more information on Irori. This is interesting".

2018-04-23, 09:13 PM

The giant soul continues along the streets, designation in mind.

Following along you can't help but notice how big everything is. The streets are twice as wide as should be the norm and the houses are like manors. Then again were one to judge by the populace you can gather the large giant minority in the population, near a fourth of the people being such while the rest is mostly a human and orc split.

He approaches an open square with a pair of truly large buildings dominating it, a small mansion and a blue walled building of apparently business use. The later building features a sign showing a scroll and golden quill.

It is to that building the giant heads, Gently knocking at the door. A blue robed human emerges and after some surprise spends some time conversing with Henrik. It proves to just be him checking at what seems like some local governmental organisation to see if any of his mortal relatives still live at the same house as before. Their dwelling confirmed he moves onward.

Do you follow the giant or examine the government-related building? or do something else?

Shelley continues to observe the giant, noting the location of the building, possibly for further study.

Addressing Pyrom's concern's.

<I have mindblank up, I'm not a n00bler, and I will try to be discreet, I don't want to upset anything until we have a clear idea of what we are up against.>

I still have comprehend languages and ventriloquism active.

2018-04-24, 08:52 AM
Nomad eats his stew. He then thanks the man who gave it to him before heading to his assigned spot. He casts Resplendent Mansion and retires for the night. Before sleeping he conveys everything that happened today to the Guildmaster and asks for Opinons/Instructions.

Mental Image of a Massive tent bejeweled in gold and silver and giving off sweet fragrances.
You can skip to the next day.

2018-04-25, 02:25 PM
Shelley continues to observe the giant, noting the location of the building, possibly for further study.

Henrik moves with purpose until arriving at an average looking house, at least compared to the others.

He kneels down and knocks on the wooden door. After a couple minutes later a middle aged giantess opens up, gasps, and freezes up.

"H-Henrik?" she eventually comes out with.

"It's me dear. I'm back, for a few hours anyway".

The two devolve into a weeping mass following their reunion, the larger of the two unable to fit indoors and leaving them in the street.

The giantess eventually asks "How"?

"This strange caliban um think kind of like a crab-folk almost, they travel around and ask questions. Well one called me back and sent me back here when he was done." a moment later he continues "How are the young'uns"?

"Jokal went south, getting a job guarding the caravans, comes home in the winters. Knutr and Melkorka are still in town. Melkorka's working with Orrin at the smithy, I've been running the shop there too sometimes for money. Knutr got apprenticed at the brewery".

Henrik Smiles softly "Smart kids, They've grew well".

"They have. It will be a couple hours until they finish work. No use standing out here, want to, I don't know, see what is new"?

"Yes, sounds like a nice way to catch up".

Should you follow the two begin to walk around town discussing the last couple decades.

2018-04-26, 10:21 PM
Henrik moves with purpose until arriving at an average looking house, at least compared to the others.

He kneels down and knocks on the wooden door. After a couple minutes later a middle aged giantess opens up, gasps, and freezes up.

"H-Henrik?" she eventually comes out with.

"It's me dear. I'm back, for a few hours anyway".

The two devolve into a weeping mass following their reunion, the larger of the two unable to fit indoors and leaving them in the street.

The giantess eventually asks "How"?

"This strange caliban um think kind of like a crab-folk almost, they travel around and ask questions. Well one called me back and sent me back here when he was done." a moment later he continues "How are the young'uns"?

"Jokal went south, getting a job guarding the caravans, comes home in the winters. Knutr and Melkorka are still in town. Melkorka's working with Orrin at the smithy, I've been running the shop there too sometimes for money. Knutr got apprenticed at the brewery".

Henrik Smiles softly "Smart kids, They've grew well".

"They have. It will be a couple hours until they finish work. No use standing out here, want to, I don't know, see what is new"?

"Yes, sounds like a nice way to catch up".

Should you follow the two begin to walk around town discussing the last couple decades.

Shelley feels a strange pang <So this is what a normal family is like...>, so odd to find one here, and not even a human one at that. Shelley goes back to the government building to check that out further.

2018-04-27, 09:36 PM
<Correct, we consume the psychic energy almost all living creatures give off. I would still like to eat some if it isn't too much trouble.

Irori used to be a mortal, but through training and work reached perfection. Reaching perfection resulted in him becoming a deity. His favored servant is a giant actually, specifically a stone giant though. His herald is an elderly man who goes around the planes teaching people lessons. Monks make up the majority of his followers. It is too bad I didn't know I was coming here, I would have brought a copy of "unbinding the fetters". It is a brilliant book that explains training exercises through metaphors and complex language. Trains the mind and body.

Lord Angraht's domains are similar to Pharasma, Lady of the graves. She has both the memory subdomain and death domain as well. She shepherds the souls to their final resting place. I should note, our gods weren't tied to specific planes. They had home planes but they were sometimes shared or split into districts. For example, Irori and Abadar both live in Axis, plane of elemental law. From what I have seen, your gods are tied to specific planes.

Also, who leads the country? I have to warn them twenty four of the strongest beings in our dead preprogrammed world along with five different brutally strong armies all got teleported to this world. Most will probably target deities and other strong outsiders but at least a few may try invasions. Particularly, the ones that rely on undead animation.>
Pyrom mentally says frowning slightly behind his mask.

<Good, had to check though. Nomad didn't have his buffs active so you might not have either.> Pyrom mentally says to Shelley.

<Uncertain on what to do. They obviously aren't worth much. The minotaur may be decently strong but again not worth much. We could probably take over with the oasis spell. Make sure it is not with in one mile of the others and cast it just to see if it works. If it works, make sure one of them "accidentally" finds you doing it. You can leverage that to show that you are a good guy. Once they leave we can have someone teleport Giles in to grow several plants if that is ok with Giles. Can you go check with them Miss Risey? I know they don't leave the demiplane often but that could help. Widen the green zone a bit until we can figure out how to break the curse. I may try a few miracles on it but it may be tougher than that to fix.> Pyrom mentally says to Nomad and Miss Risey.

2018-04-30, 01:57 PM
Nomad wakes the following day:
You leave the tent to find people have already gotten started. The few older individuals as well as some of the others work at general maintenance and repair of the group's possessions, as well as tending to the embers of the fire and carving lengths of what look like curled wooden half-tubes into tools.

Outside you can hear others working with the horses.

Can you specify what time of day Nomad leaves his 'tent' please. Should you decide especially early when most would still be sleeping I can adjust things here

[COLOR="#0000FF"]<Correct, we consume the psychic energy almost all living creatures give off. I would still like to eat some if it isn't too much trouble.
"Well I suppose as your host here it is my responcability to provide. It, um, doesn't hurt does it"?

Irori used to be a mortal, but through training and work reached perfection. Reaching perfection resulted in him becoming a deity. His favored servant is a giant actually, specifically a stone giant though. His herald is an elderly man who goes around the planes teaching people lessons. Monks make up the majority of his followers. It is too bad I didn't know I was coming here, I would have brought a copy of "unbinding the fetters". It is a brilliant book that explains training exercises through metaphors and complex language. Trains the mind and body.

Lord Angraht's domains are similar to Pharasma, Lady of the graves. She has both the memory subdomain and death domain as well. She shepherds the souls to their final resting place. I should note, our gods weren't tied to specific planes. They had home planes but they were sometimes shared or split into districts. For example, Irori and Abadar both live in Axis, plane of elemental law. From what I have seen, your gods are tied to specific planes.
"They are tied to their home planes but not bound to them. It is much as you describe your home's gods. Ours are grouped into two groups I suppose you could say. The greater deities, who should be eighteen in number were the world as it should be, that have always been, and the numerous lesser deities who were born or ascended any time after. Greater deities each rule over a plane that is an extension of themselves and may grant areas of it to the lesser gods and goddesses".

Also, who leads the country? I have to warn them twenty four of the strongest beings in our dead preprogrammed world along with five different brutally strong armies all got teleported to this world. Most will probably target deities and other strong outsiders but at least a few may try invasions. Particularly, the ones that rely on undead animation.
The aging priest is stunned for a time before speaking.

"The, um, Duesea lacks the central rulership of it's neighbours. The provinces are controlled by their ruling noble. You would find lord Fossen in Sragsnagi. It's an old town, A few miles north and by the coast.

Shelley feels a strange pang <So this is what a normal family is like...>, so odd to find one here, and not even a human one at that. Shelley goes back to the government building to check that out further.

When attempting to enter you fund yourself able.

The interior is crafted similarly to the outside, that is to say stone, wood, and scaled for giants but with the needs of smaller folk in mind. The floor is bare wood and the walls are painted blue. Built into one wall is a small shrine showing an open gate and a golden quill similar to the one on the sign. The room itself has a number of chairs is partly cut off from the others by a large wooden desk built into the floor and behind which more blue robed people work away on books and scrolls.

You can see the building continues deeper.

2018-04-30, 10:40 PM
Shelley finds a secluded spot and casts Detect Thoughts, redirecting the verbal component with the active Ventriloquism to further confuse anyone. She then eavesdrops on the surface thoughts of the gathered to get a sense of what the purpose of the place is and anything of interest that is on the minds of those here.

2018-04-30, 11:00 PM
Nomad wakes in the morning as the first few rays of light break the night. He walks around and sees if there is anyway for him to help. He wishes to gain the trust of these travelers before using them.

2018-05-02, 06:30 PM
Shelley finds a secluded spot and casts Detect Thoughts, redirecting the verbal component with the active Ventriloquism to further confuse anyone. She then eavesdrops on the surface thoughts of the gathered to get a sense of what the purpose of the place is and anything of interest that is on the minds of those here.
There is something of a split on the peoples minds.
Over half the people are reading or copying legal documents, both mundane listing of laws which is all-in-all a tedious activity, and contracts of some stripe with whom those involved feel occasional annoyance or anger as they read one name or another.

The rest are preparing quotas or stock lists, primarily of preserved foods, assorted fuels, bolts, explosives, and mead. Some are comparing stocks with town population while another is troubled at the lack of incendiaries.

Notably that one also bemoans the destruction of the local alchemist's workshop and the slow repair efforts.

Overall a lot of legal and administrative grunt work.

Nomad wakes in the morning as the first few rays of light break the night. He walks around and sees if there is anyway for him to help. He wishes to gain the trust of these travelers before using them.

"Care to help with the mud-fishing?" asks one of the horsemen "Even if you don't know how you'll probably be helpful if there's something nasty out there".

The people are just waking it seems.

2018-05-06, 03:21 PM
<Sorry, to clarify I meant the normal food. I just sort of eat the psychic energy by talking to you, most creatures don't use it so it doesn't matter. It was mostly to drive the race to interact with others in our world. I just enjoy food and hope I can still enjoy it as a caulborn.

Is there still eighteen? Plane hybridization seems to suggests something went wrong, correct? Also despite the name, could a lesser deity be as strong as a greater deity? What are some methods lesser deities have used to rise?

I should go warn them. Though, I will give you warning. If you see anything strange and have sending prepared please try to contact me. In the case of an attack try to hide as many people as possible. The armies they like to use are often undead that are immune to non-magical attacks, will respawn or both. My group specializes in mass combat and diplomacy so we can help but things will be harsh if they happen to start around here and they want to take over the world.>
Pyrom says the priest.

2018-05-06, 10:45 PM
Nomad agrees to go.

2018-05-09, 06:06 PM
<Sorry, to clarify I meant the normal food. I just sort of eat the psychic energy by talking to you, most creatures don't use it so it doesn't matter. It was mostly to drive the race to interact with others in our world. I just enjoy food and hope I can still enjoy it as a caulborn.
"Oh." laughs the priest. "Help yourself".

A moment passes. "'Still enjoy'? You imply you were not always a caulborn"?

Is there still eighteen? Plane hybridization seems to suggests something went wrong, correct? Also despite the name, could a lesser deity be as strong as a greater deity? What are some methods lesser deities have used to rise?
"The hybrid theory is correct? Assuming that then two planes did indeed fuse to become where we are now. Even after that a few decades ago someone did manage to become a greater deity, impossible as that is, so yes, it is still eighteen".

"As to your question on the gods' power, I believe so. A deity is weakened outside their plane, so a greater deity outside their plane and a lesser in there's should be about even. As to ascension, most were born to it and those that were not mostly didn't intend it. They embodied something to such an extent that they developed some authority over it".

"Shalerth was a fey who revelled in mystery and, in the odd thoughts that typify then, her mind considered all unknowns a mystery be they the next horizon or a riddle. By however divinity works she has gain dominion over the unknown and the skies. Also there is Kaji. Founder of the first city and king of the first civilisation, who instead of dying became the embodiment of civilisation itself. The same basic story repeats: Lixiss, an elf goddess I've heard of, was said to be beset by ever more savage beast each night until victory itself ran through her veins. Colonists to the jungles speak of legends from the natives. One was of an Eanr, or anar, or something like that. It was apparently a great ancient beast, dumb as rocks and remarkable only for the size and thick skull of it's kind as well as its own glimmer of wit. So ancient was it that as more creatures came into existence it's kind were killed in massive numbers until one remained. A low cunning and unyielding temperament keeping it alive until it was old as stone. In the end it was no old and so stuck in it's ways it became lord of all things prehistoric and primitive".

"The only real intentional example I know of is Ohtlid. Even then most of the story is lost or untranslated. Born the deformed son of a goddess whose name I won't even try to pronounce, the larva was considered a failure from hatching. As soon as he could crawl on his own he left to seek his own future by its on power. He came to this world and took to the northern reaches of his mother's centre of worship and set about amassing power by his own hands. In that dedication he fashioned the cliffside into a tunnel network. In the end so single minded was he that construction and the deep places became his dominion".

I should go warn them. Though, I will give you warning. If you see anything strange and have sending prepared please try to contact me. In the case of an attack try to hide as many people as possible. The armies they like to use are often undead that are immune to non-magical attacks, will respawn or both. My group specializes in mass combat and diplomacy so we can help but things will be harsh if they happen to start around here and they want to take over the world.>
Pyrom says the priest.
"I should be able to get a message to you. I'll get the warning out to neighbouring towns too".

Nomad agrees to go.

Having a short flashforward here.
A short ride into the flats and you apparently reach a good spot that cant really be called any different to the rest of the landscape. There are four of you in total, the three others are all armed and have brought two horses with you. Besides weapons, drinking water, saltwater, rope, boxes and a few larger tools have been brought.

The team begins setting up as you are told of all the ways to avoid injuring yourself.. "...And remember what I said about the water alarm. If it ripples you back away and if it splashes or spills we get on the horse and run, you hear me? we can get our stuff back later. Any last questions"?

"Hey, new guy." says one of the other men as you finish questioning the other one "Your new at this right? You want to dig the hole or set up the alarm? And would you feel more comfortable on alarm duty, on guard, or fishing"?

Rolling for something:

Can you also make a perception check yourself.

2018-05-11, 10:27 AM
<It gets complex but suffice to say we come from a world where technology took over. There is no magic, there is no guarantee God exists or that there is an after life though the majority in my country believes in a single God and Humans are the only intelligent race on our planet. Then a group created a fake world, a game for us. We could put our minds into some virtual bodies and play with other characters and preprogrammed npc who don't have any minds implanted. People got bored with the world and so it was supposed to be shut down today. There were twenty four max level characters that still played. They were the strongest possible player characters in our false world. Instead of just getting logged out, the world didn't seem to shut down. Instead we got sent here, with the powers and body of our character with our minds implanted inside. Well kind of implanted, our bodies seem to affect our minds somewhat. I'm calmer than I should be, taking in too much and I'm not sure if what I'm saying matches up with what others are hearing. People are reacting too...positively if that makes sense. My charisma was off the charts in the game so people react to what I say way more positively than they should. It gets even stranger because my character was a suzerain caulborn. I'm so charismatic that blades will deflect rather than touch me and people go ridiculously beyond their limit if they listen to me.

The other caulborn believe hybridization to be true at least. Is it possible I will become the embodiment of some sort of law or subset of knowledge or should I be fine as long as a deity doesn't die? I already know I'm reincarnating due to my classes when I die most likely into something related to law or knowledge. Similarly, should I worry my allies may ascend randomly? It is obviously ok if they do ascend just don't want it to happen randomly. Also if a deity ever no longer represents its ideals will it lose deity status?

Good to know that you are able to contact us. Also good use of wording there. Always appreciate it when people are careful not to make a promise with out considering. Saves me from having to annul the promise. There are serious consequences if someone gives their word to me and breaks it so I have to be careful to annul promises I feel someone may fail to keep.

So you seem to like Henrik. What did he do in life?
I didn't want to bring this up in front of the Henrik in case it couldn't happen but do you know if there is anyone who would be able to pay for or get an extremely large diamond for Henrik to return? In our world's money it was worth about ten thousand gold pieces for the spell to work and my deity would have to accept seeing I would have to do the miracle version. Hopefully which ever God is granting my powers will let me do it if we get the diamond.

There is something else I want to do here but there is an item I will need to do it. It is unlikely but do you know where to get a Suzerain Sceptre? It has the power to attract followers to it. There is a specific type of follower I want with a class and build that is pretty unlikely to occur. If not I will ask the leader about it when I get there.

Also excuse me, just going to cast prestigitation. Have to change my clothes to white for when I have to leave. >
Pyrom mentally says as he starts changing his clothes white with prestigitation. It took a bit of time so he figured he would start it now.

What point buy or stats do followers get? I think I know what I want my followers to be but so many specifics for it.

2018-05-11, 03:46 PM
<It gets complex but suffice to say we come from a world where technology took over. There is no magic, there is no guarantee God exists or that there is an after life though the majority in my country believes in a single God and Humans are the only intelligent race on our planet. Then a group created a fake world, a game for us. We could put our minds into some virtual bodies and play with other characters and preprogrammed npc who don't have any minds implanted. People got bored with the world and so it was supposed to be shut down today. There were twenty four max level characters that still played. They were the strongest possible player characters in our false world. Instead of just getting logged out, the world didn't seem to shut down. Instead we got sent here, with the powers and body of our character with our minds implanted inside. Well kind of implanted, our bodies seem to affect our minds somewhat. I'm calmer than I should be, taking in too much and I'm not sure if what I'm saying matches up with what others are hearing. People are reacting too...positively if that makes sense. My charisma was off the charts in the game so people react to what I say way more positively than they should. It gets even stranger because my character was a suzerain caulborn. I'm so charismatic that blades will deflect rather than touch me and people go ridiculously beyond their limit if they listen to me.
"I only understand about half of what you are saying, but a story that unlikely has to be true".

Is it possible I will become the embodiment of some sort of law or subset of knowledge or should I be fine as long as a deity doesn't die? I already know I'm reincarnating due to my classes when I die most likely into something related to law or knowledge. Similarly, should I worry my allies may ascend randomly? It is obviously ok if they do ascend just don't want it to happen randomly.
"You are probably fine, It's generally considered that most concepts that could be used be used to unintentionally become a god have been filled. It would take intention or addiction to become a new one. The latest deity was a born goddess we took as a chance to study somewhat the process and her divinity was at least partly born from the societal tenants of a far-off group of elves. So if they over thousands of generations never produced a deity of their core morality, assuming it could be called that, then divinity cannot be called likely. It's an interesting story actually but I digress".

Also if a deity ever no longer represents its ideals will it lose deity status?
"No. Divinity is permeant as far as can be seen. What can change is what you are god off".

"Now this story needs some context so let me say in short. There was an ancient war between the gods. In the end a greater deity died. With them went the very ideas of what they were god off. Well this guy, despite being a nasty piece of work, managed to draw the heart of Nacxid, patroness of lovers. Well when the god died Nacxid was distraught. She held onto the corpse and wouldn't let go; She just lay there embracing it as the plane became an empty void. Well didn't the body rot and the carrion beasts swept in. She never let go, not as the worms burrowed through her dead lover, not as they burrowed into her. grief warped her divinity, she now a goddess of parasites and self destruction".

So you seem to like Henrik. What did he do in life?
"We were mercenaries in our younger years. I hurt my leg so had to quit and went into the clergy full time. Henrik decided that was as good a message as any would get that wasn't at the end of a sword and decided to take up a garrison contract. Then life went as one would expect. Henrik would protect the town and train the civilian population to defend themselves without burning down their homes".

I didn't want to bring this up in front of the Henrik in case it couldn't happen but do you know if there is anyone who would be able to pay for or get an extremely large diamond for Henrik to return? In our world's money it was worth about ten thousand gold pieces for the spell to work and my deity would have to accept seeing I would have to do the miracle version. Hopefully which ever God is granting my powers will let me do it if we get the diamond.
"...Probably not." says the priest in a strange tone after a while.

"Diamonds are usually imported from the minotaur citadels or from the southwestern kingdom. Even then it's late in the year. That means the north shouldn't be entered".

There is something else I want to do here but there is an item I will need to do it. It is unlikely but do you know where to get a Suzerain Sceptre? It has the power to attract followers to it. There is a specific type of follower I want with a class and build that is pretty unlikely to occur. If not I will ask the leader about it when I get there.
"Can't say I've herd of such an item. Be mindful when purchasing magical goods that you can probably find the same thing sold under a dozen different names. Differing magical traditions have each labelled the same spells and items different things over the years. As you are new here some travellers advice is to only buy the labelled potions no matter the discount offered. Everyone learns that one the hard way".

"Also if you plan to purchase magical supplies in the region I'll warn you that there have been reports of some shady merchant selling all sorts of magical curios but once he leaves town a wave of misfortune follows. I was reminded of something from one of the bestiaries the temple keeps, and the description resembles that of a rare intelligent monster said to deal in curses, not much else is known beyond the origin of the creatures being related to hags".

What point buy or stats do followers get? I think I know what I want my followers to be but so many specifics for it.

It is 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, and 8. Allocated as you wish.

Also remember these new followers would becoming from the local environment, so it wouldn't make sense for them all to be duplicates of each other (well, unless you use magic to create them in the first place somehow, but I digress). I am however willing to work with you to get what you want or the closest equivalent. After all it is possible you are after, say, a race that doesn't exist in the setting or is native to the other side of the planet and has no contact with the civilisation you are within

2018-05-13, 06:20 AM
I shall take guard.
Nomad scans his suroundings.


2018-05-13, 11:00 PM
The rest are preparing quotas or stock lists, primarily of preserved foods, assorted fuels, bolts, explosives, and mead. Some are comparing stocks with town population while another is troubled at the lack of incendiaries.

Notably that one also bemoans the destruction of the local alchemist's workshop and the slow repair efforts.

Shelley focuses on the thoughts of this one, sensing that there might be an opportunity.

2018-05-14, 01:42 PM
I shall take guard.
Nomad scans his suroundings.


there was a roll here, messed it up. Rolled it myself. Worked out a nat-20

The fishermen get to work as you keep watch for any danger above ground.

First two of them hammer out a square of the ground with a pick while adjacently the third person spends his time with setting up a shallow metal dish that is nearly fully filled, unfurling a rack made of some kind of wood, almost like bamboo, and keeping watch of the horses while the others work. Once the area is carved out the diggers in tandem use the other side of their picks to lift up the slab and the third attaches ropes and uses the horses to pull the slab over.

Success is greeted by a blast of heat and water vapour. Beneath the crust you walk on is a warm mud from where whatever is being fished up is gathered. The flipped slab itself also holds a few shellfish that are pried off and gathered, the smaller ones are used to bait the 'hooks'. It is actually surprisingly like fishing, with the rods made of more of that bamboo-like wood and strung with chain and hooks formed of a ring of backward facing spikes.

It is shortly after the first bite, some kind of eel or worm creature, you see an animal flying by, a hippogriff who decides to ignore your group over less numerous prey.

Another bite comes, something similar to the first, and then the third hits. It takes two people to hold onto the rod and ten minutes to wrestle the creature. The three metre jagged-toothed worm doesn't even fit on the rack and so has to be folded up after it's decapitation.

The bounty puts everyone into a good mood that continues until it's near time for you all to return. Then you feel something vibrate subtly below you. You aren't the only one to notice as the man with the alarm shouts "Back up! Something's here!".

The man closest to the hole is too slow and an ark of lightning blasts him. He screams and falls shaking all the while before he tries to crawl away. The attacker emerges from the hole, smashing though. Even though the mad to can see that it is a light tan colour, dotted with spines and has a head that is a single giant maw ringed with teeth. The death worm starts hauling itself fully onto solid ground.

Shelley focuses on the thoughts of this one, sensing that there might be an opportunity.

You continue listening in to the woman's thoughts.

'...And only a third of expected fire blanch. How about- no tolls for that were lost.' She begins working away at a form showing expected supply usage over the next months. She turns to one of her coworkers.

"Alchemists fire usage still unchanged?" she asks.

"Yes, something they're needed for"?

"We are not gong to have close to enough blanches for this winter".

"So you're adding more fire to the daily ration? Thank the gods for our excess".

With a nod she returns to her documents and continues with her chart. 'Hopefully this shouldn't cause to much an issue. Let's see oil's fine. Wood usage is... As good as it will get, not like getting the workshop fixed will do any good now anyway.'

That is the last she seems to think on the alchemy workshop for now it seems.

2018-05-19, 10:37 AM
You haven't seen my group. We are a bit...obsessive at times. Mine is knowledge in case it isn't obvious. I had collected every copy of every book ever created for our fake world and then got them rewritten into brail. Some of them were quite hard to get as you can imagine. Once wiped out an army of invading orcs because a king offered to allow me to copy a rare copy of poetry written over several generations of the royal line. Only way to get it was through that quest or by robbing the king. I should see about trying to do that for this world. Has the printing press been invented yet? How common is writing?

I will keep an eye out in case we find a large stash of diamonds. What is in the North that is so dangerous?

Also I will make sure to identify my purchases. Are they notably resistant to detection beyond the normal detection problems associated with curses? I might have to deal with them but so busy. Maybe get some people working in it.

Anyways, I better go do that warning. Which direction again?
Pyrom says turning misty.

Do I recognize a creature similar to that description?

Specifically, I was looking into a divine herbalist build that uses ultimate mercy to raise people who die. The problem is they 19 charisma and 10 lay on hands. With a 13 starting charisma that would mean I would need to get 6 charisma at least (well 5 charisma as they would get charisma at level 4). With 19 charisma I would need extra lay on hands 5 times. With greater mercy and ultimate mercy that would be 5 feats at level 5 or 6 which obviously doesn't work even with human. I would need only 4 though if I get up to 20 charisma. So to do this with 13 as the highest stat, I would need to find a template that is either plus 0 or plus 1 that gives 4 charisma (2 charisma needed comes from human) or a race that gives a feat with 6 charisma (or no feat and 10 charisma)

2018-05-21, 12:41 PM
Has the printing press been invented yet? How common is writing?
"That's not a device I am familiar with so they are not found around here at least. Writing is common though, most children learn to read and write. Common and usually giant or orc".

I will keep an eye out in case we find a large stash of diamonds. What is in the North that is so dangerous?
"Ah, that would be the trolls. They are forced south every winter to avoid famine. To cut down a long story they eat people as well as anything else that isn't stone or metal.

Also I will make sure to identify my purchases. Are they notably resistant to detection beyond the normal detection problems associated with curses? I might have to deal with them but so busy. Maybe get some people working in it.
"I can't say either way, I've never seen the creature and the book only said it sells cursed goods".

Anyways, I better go do that warning. Which direction again?
Pyrom says turning misty.
"North. By the coast".

Do I recognize a creature similar to that description?
No, it is something new to the setting.

[Specifically, I was looking into a divine herbalist build that uses ultimate mercy to raise people who die. The problem is they 19 charisma and 10 lay on hands. With a 13 starting charisma that would mean I would need to get 6 charisma at least (well 5 charisma as they would get charisma at level 4). With 19 charisma I would need extra lay on hands 5 times. With greater mercy and ultimate mercy that would be 5 feats at level 5 or 6 which obviously doesn't work even with human. I would need only 4 though if I get up to 20 charisma. So to do this with 13 as the highest stat, I would need to find a template that is either plus 0 or plus 1 that gives 4 charisma (2 charisma needed comes from human) or a race that gives a feat with 6 charisma (or no feat and 10 charisma)

That concept is fine. Consider looking into low CR fey? A one HD brownie may work and are common enough and 13 base + racial bonus gives it 20CHA

2018-06-02, 04:04 AM
Nomad attacks the Mud Worm with his hammer. He drives his weapon into its side and hits it a few times before initiating a Manuever. Magic swirls around him.

Swift action Brilliant Energy Weapon (Attacks Vs Touch)
Combat spell magus thing that lets me cast while fighting - Haste
I am in God of the hour glass stance. This gives me extra standard action. Using it on Scarlet thrones 9th level strike.
(This one is for manuever)

Weapon Damage:
Manuever Damage
DC 40 Will save to avoid being Paralyzed for [roll12] rounds

2018-06-03, 01:56 AM
Will have to see about spreading the press then. It is vital for the advancement of education and spread of knowledge, though it does depend somewhat on how your writing works. Certain languages don't work so well but with trilingualism, most likely one of the three works. Essentially, you get a bunch of lead letters and put them into a special holding thing spelling out what you want to copy. You apply ink to it, I suggest a roller covered in leather or hide as it is faster but the really old ones used a ball stamp method. Then you put some paper into a thing to hold it in place and put it over the lead letters. Apply pressure evenly and then you get a page. It is surprisingly simple, though it does take a lot of tinkering to get the pressure and ink distribution done well enough to be consistent. Certain papers may also be a problem if they can't withstand the pressure, animal skins can work but paper is usually better.

We may have to see if we can talk with the trolls. If they don't want to be cannibals there are methods to solve a food crisis. Though that is around seventy five hundred gold pieces worth of components per city and there would be no back up versus sabotage. Guess I could take advantage of the diamond market to get the money and then solve the problem that way. Have to set up economic infrastructure at some point if I want to set up the societal infrastructure. Maybe we should go out hunting to kick start the economy.

Thank you for the hospitality. I will probably see you again some time. Hopefully, still in positive circumstances. Just remember if you see something weird make sure to send a message to me as quick as possible if you can.
Pyrom says leaving. He will leave floating towards the leader with his clothes slowly turning white from prestidigitation to disguise himself.

Using windwalk to get to the location.

Still figuring out the builds for the 6th level characters. Fey are good but going to need some sort of template on them as they aren't charismatic enough with out the human bonus feat. A nixie (or atomie) could have 22 charisma maxed (including level) for plus 6 charisma (and so lay on hands), 1 lay on hands normally and 2 from extra lay on hands. That means they still need 2 more charisma. If they get either heroic npc wbl or we craft for them we could get a head band of alluring charisma and just make it.

2018-06-06, 02:28 PM
Nomad attacks the Mud Worm with his hammer. He drives his weapon into its side and hits it a few times before initiating a Manuever. Magic swirls around him.

Swift action Brilliant Energy Weapon (Attacks Vs Touch)
Combat spell magus thing that lets me cast while fighting - Haste
I am in God of the hour glass stance. This gives me extra standard action. Using it on Scarlet thrones 9th level strike.
(This one is for manuever)

Weapon Damage:
Manuever Damage
DC 40 Will save to avoid being Paralyzed for [roll12] rounds

Your weapon takes four points of acid damage. Reflex DC17 save for half. This is already taking hardness into account and is not halved like normal like elemental damage usually is.

Also just to double check did you remember to take you reduced size into account, it would change your Dexterity, Strength, and weapon size., Shouldn't effect the result here though, you'd probably one shot the worm no matter what.

The worm is already pulped by your first blow and you continue to crush it. There isn't much more to be said about the smear on the landscape.

One of the fishermen is attending to the injured, checking the pulse. The other, on seeing the electrocuted member of the group is being tended to, is tending to the horses.

The man with the horses comes up to you. "That was something else. Are you alright"?

It's probably a good idea to also specify what you do on returning to the nomad caravan, if you do.

Will have to see about spreading the press then. It is vital for the advancement of education and spread of knowledge, though it does depend somewhat on how your writing works. Certain languages don't work so well but with trilingualism, most likely one of the three works. Essentially, you get a bunch of lead letters and put them into a special holding thing spelling out what you want to copy. You apply ink to it, I suggest a roller covered in leather or hide as it is faster but the really old ones used a ball stamp method. Then you put some paper into a thing to hold it in place and put it over the lead letters. Apply pressure evenly and then you get a page. It is surprisingly simple, though it does take a lot of tinkering to get the pressure and ink distribution done well enough to be consistent. Certain papers may also be a problem if they can't withstand the pressure, animal skins can work but paper is usually better.

"That seems simple enough. Next spring I'll have to chat with a smith over basic designs, Maybe a modular grid or something. We don't have any of this... paper was it? But velum's done us good these past centuries so should still be good for this.

We may have to see if we can talk with the trolls. If they don't want to be cannibals there are methods to solve a food crisis. Though that is around seventy five hundred gold pieces worth of components per city and there would be no back up versus sabotage. Guess I could take advantage of the diamond market to get the money and then solve the problem that way. Have to set up economic infrastructure at some point if I want to set up the societal infrastructure. Maybe we should go out hunting to kick start the economy.

"That is... quite a venture you have in mind. Well With what I know of the trading up there you can sell the minotaurs good steel for gold at a profit and they mine diamonds in the first place. Gold is near worthless to them though so that is no good. The currencies are a little different though".

Thank you for the hospitality. I will probably see you again some time. Hopefully, still in positive circumstances. Just remember if you see something weird make sure to send a message to me as quick as possible if you can.
Pyrom says leaving. He will leave floating towards the leader with his clothes slowly turning white from prestidigitation to disguise himself.

"I'll keep an eye on things. Good day"

As you take to the air you begin speeding through the skies and within a few hours passing trees, farms, and heard animals, you arrive at your destination.

The large town or small city is indeed right on the coast and is equipped with a port that is fully enclosed by the walls. A few ships can be seen about bringing the days catch in.

Now you just have to find the local ruler.

Using windwalk to get to the location.

Still figuring out the builds for the 6th level characters. Fey are good but going to need some sort of template on them as they aren't charismatic enough with out the human bonus feat. A nixie (or atomie) could have 22 charisma maxed (including level) for plus 6 charisma (and so lay on hands), 1 lay on hands normally and 2 from extra lay on hands. That means they still need 2 more charisma. If they get either heroic npc wbl or we craft for them we could get a head band of alluring charisma and just make it.

The magic item option seems the best. Also in the event you are don't feel the NPC wealth breakdown a hard limit of that will help things.

2018-06-09, 01:02 PM
Pyrom had to fly low due to his limited sight so he was thankful that it was right on the river. Precise long distance travel was always pretty annoy. He is just going to turn solid and try to walk into the front gate.

Quite a nice day isn't it? Could your perhaps direct me to where Lord Fossen would be? I would like to talk to them. Chemosh says to the guards.

2018-06-13, 01:55 PM
Pyrom had to fly low due to his limited sight so he was thankful that it was right on the river. Precise long distance travel was always pretty annoy. He is just going to turn solid and try to walk into the front gate.

Quite a nice day isn't it? Could your perhaps direct me to where Lord Fossen would be? I would like to talk to them. Chemosh says to the guards.

As you make your appearance crossbows are trailed on you. Both the guards and some civilians of the same overall racial makeup as the prior town.

Two of the further off guards converse quietly, one asking "What's talking to us?" The other shrugs "Fey probably. It's magic and civil".

At about the same time a hill giant closer by replies.

"Um, yes. Lord Fossen should be in the town square with the crossbow drills. Unless he's with that guest who came a few days prior from the insect kingdoms. Apparently they're royal or something. Wait, relative of yours by any chance"?

2018-06-28, 02:02 PM
Thank you. I better go talk to him, just point the direction please. I would worry about interrupting the practice but it is quite important.

Though there is always time for a lesson I guess, seeing there is some confusion what I am. I'm actually an outsider not a fey, you were pretty close with the guess, however; as they are magical and my cloud form is confusing. The main difference is that I'm from a different plane and my soul is combined with my body making it harder to raise me from the dead. My race is caulborn, a race that uses excessive knowledge and trends to predict the future to be exact if you wish to look it up.

As for insects, you can tell I'm not an insect despite my chitinous looking skull due to the number of arms I have. Assuming the insect kingdom is not a misnomer, they should have six limbs. Though I understand if they wanted insect over bug for the name of their kingdom. Thinking about it, I guess they may not have sent an insect to talk if there is some diversity in their population. In which case the answer is no and I'm sorry for explaining insect identification if you already knew it.

Anyways, I'm off. Have a nice day.
Pyrom says to the people before heading in the direction

2018-06-29, 01:29 PM
Thank you. I better go talk to him, just point the direction please. I would worry about interrupting the practice but it is quite important.

Oh, um, down that way. Right passing the Drunken Scrag, a tavern and inn frequented by local mercenaries, and keep going until you pass the smithy. Next left and you should be there".

Though there is always time for a lesson I guess, seeing there is some confusion what I am. I'm actually an outsider not a fey, you were pretty close with the guess, however; as they are magical and my cloud form is confusing. The main difference is that I'm from a different plane and my soul is combined with my body making it harder to raise me from the dead. My race is caulborn, a race that uses excessive knowledge and trends to predict the future to be exact if you wish to look it up.

As for insects, you can tell I'm not an insect despite my chitinous looking skull due to the number of arms I have. Assuming the insect kingdom is not a misnomer, they should have six limbs. Though I understand if they wanted insect over bug for the name of their kingdom. Thinking about it, I guess they may not have sent an insect to talk if there is some diversity in their population. In which case the answer is no and I'm sorry for explaining insect identification if you already knew it.

Anyways, I'm off. Have a nice day.
Pyrom says to the people before heading in the direction

"... Yes, same to you". says the guard after a delay.

You find your directions were accurate after passing through the streets receiving the odd stare. you are near the town square, on approach you see the area has been partly cleared and archery targets set up. There are three groups separate from each other. One has a dozen youths that seem to be in their early teens being shown how to operate a crossbow by an orc wearing chain, while another has a few giants practicing with tossing stones at a target.

The largest group is a good fifty people using crossbows sized for them and aiming at the targets. An instructor telling them when to fire. The one most likely to be lord Fossen is the well dressed stone giant standing among his people, human guard adjacent. The lords insectoid guest, only about a foot shorted than the lord himself, stands off to the side. The creature's mandibles like a stag beetle as it holds a bearskin cape close to itself.

2018-07-02, 12:15 PM
As Pyrom walks through the yard to the lord he will start humming to himself slightly. Anyone who hears or sees him will find their accuracy goes up massively. Hopefully they would take this opportunity to study their form while their accuracy and mood was so good. He will stop a respectable distance away no longer humming and wait to be acknowledged by the Lord. He really needed to spend a night just looking over the Chrestomath. Not knowing all the nobility rules and races off hand was strange.

Using Suzerain inspiring example to add +22 to everyones attack and damage rolls.

Xeno gave me permission to bot him as he is busy with a game he made but no clue how to foreplay him so haven't been.

2018-07-02, 01:32 PM
Just noting I'll be on holiday for a week from next Monday

As Pyrom walks through the yard to the lord he will start humming to himself slightly. Anyone who hears or sees him will find their accuracy goes up massively. Hopefully they would take this opportunity to study their form while their accuracy and mood was so good. He will stop a respectable distance away no longer humming and wait to be acknowledged by the Lord. He really needed to spend a night just looking over the Chrestomath. Not knowing all the nobility rules and races off hand was strange.

"Better!" shouts one of the instructors. Most of the people prove accurate with their shots, many bullseyes consisting of a chain of imbedded bolts.

The lord waits until the next volley, deliberately aiming an imposable shot that should glance off a stall. He scores a bullseye. Looking about a moment he finally sees you and walks out of line, guard following. This draws the eye of others and thus stares onto you but the firing instructors get everyone back to work.

On getting within an arm's length, the middle aged giant nods in greeting and speaks. He is visibly armoured beneath the fine clothing and armed.

"You would be the one to thank for that I presume"?

Xeno gave me permission to bot him as he is busy with a game he made but no clue how to foreplay him so haven't been.

Have a look at the character sheet and the character's actions so far and work from there.


but no clue how to foreplay him so haven't been.
I can only assume autocorrect is acting up?

2018-07-18, 06:18 PM

Yeah, figured it would be a good chance for them to see and study great form. Get the muscle memory going so they might be slightly better even when I leave. I am Pyrom, leader of the Humane Authority on Researching Magic.

If it is ok with you, I would like to speak with you someplace where the general populace won't over hear when you get the chance. Your guest would probably be interested as well. We can even do it mentally if you prefer to stay here. Something big has just happened that will most likely have serious consequences for the rest of the world.
Pyrom says to the Lord. Of course there was also the benefit of showing he was not a weakling with out fighting but not much point to mentioning that.


I'm good. It is going to take a few minutes to repair my weapon though. Is the acid from it valuable? Nomad asks.

2018-07-20, 02:25 PM
A player from another group brought up a point that given the origin of the characters, spellbook users would reasonably have most if not all available spells in their books/equivalent. What are your thought on this?


Yeah, figured it would be a good chance for them to see and study great form. Get the muscle memory going so they might be slightly better even when I leave. I am Pyrom, leader of the Humane Authority on Researching Magic.

If it is ok with you, I would like to speak with you someplace where the general populace won't over hear when you get the chance. Your guest would probably be interested as well. We can even do it mentally if you prefer to stay here. Something big has just happened that will most likely have serious consequences for the rest of the world.
Pyrom says to the Lord. Of course there was also the benefit of showing he was not a weakling with out fighting but not much point to mentioning that.

"Again?" comments lord Fossen. "We can talk in my home. My knight can be trusted to silence if needed. My other guest's choices are his own. Follow me please".

The lord first goes to get his other guest, conveniently on the way.

"Prince, this visitor says he comes with words of warning. Something big has happened again and this may just effect your homeland".
It takes the insectoid time to answer, only having antennae with witch to emote "This is... unlikely. No..."
"Unexpected?" helps the lord.
"Yes. Unexpected." he turns to you "My Common is incomplete. I make mistakes".

The 'prince' as he was identified speaks with a heavy accent, one that outright lacks some noises of the common tongue and includes several new ones, and extends an arm in greeting.

Once entering the lords house the first room is seemingly for political use, with the room based around a throne before branching off. At prescient there are only a pair of cleaners. You are offered to take an item from the table of food items before the door similarly to the temple you were at prior, this one holding oatcakes with honey, and small sourdough rolls with dried fruit.

The four of you then find yourself taken to a room off to the side holding a table and stools alongside a desk of writing supplies.

"We can talk here." says lord Fossen.

I'm good. It is going to take a few minutes to repair my weapon though. Is the acid from it valuable? Nomad asks.

"I don't know much about these, they're best avoided and in any case we can't exactly transport it's blood. Heard about alchemists buying the muscles in the head though and I think the skin's valuable. The hide is poisonous though and we cant preserve either for sale either. I Think it's best we pack the catch away and head back".

If you head back I'd suggest also saying what you do after returning.

2018-08-11, 11:54 PM
If they spent the money for it sure. We spent the money for an artifact so our casters could access all the spells and they should have as well if they wished to do so (or we should get a refund to spend it on other stuff if you decide to make it free).
Xenopax has also officially said he most likely won't returns so it looks like permanent control.

<Ok, will do telepathy to bridge the language gap as I do tend to get long winded.

Let me introduce myself and my group, I'm Pyrom the leader of the Humane Authority on Researching Magic. We specialize in research and large army combat using living armies to overwhelm our enemies with pure skill. We are notably the only guild who didn't have any people who are undead.

Something happened and 24 of the strongest people got moved here from our world along with all our gear, bases and armies. For an idea of strength of our strongest 24, one of my followers is an ancient gold dragon and one of the guilds is entirely made up of a variety of dragons. Just saying they are dragons is actually me underselling them but I figure that will get the idea across. Anyways there are 5 guilds and each of the guilds have armies of varying size and quality. Most of the armies the others use are based off undead so they may decide to take advantage of the confusion and everyone else's lack of knowledge to start slaughtering to fill their armies which is my concern. They haven't done any obvious maneuvers yet so this is more to start raising awareness and make sure everyone is prepared for a sudden invasion.

We can start setting up force walls if we get permission but they won't do much as we would have to go with conventional walls due to time constraints. A catapult rock would bounce right off of them but won't stop some ghosts from flying over them. We are preparing other back ups though they are still a ways away.> Pyrom mentally says to the other three. He wasn't quite sure who the knight was but if the Lord felt confident that he was ok then no harm in including him.

Is the caravan going very far today and is there a way to attract a creature that could cause the spill you mentioned earlier? I want to kill it. That mud worm got my hopes up and all it was, was a waste of a spell. Got some loose energy to burn. Nomad says.

Nomad is going to try to talk to the minotaur when he returns. So, you never actually introduced yourself. Maybe we could have a practice duel? Would that reassure you that I am strong enough that I'm from the far north and not some random liar.

2018-08-15, 01:40 PM
<Ok, will do telepathy to bridge the language gap as I do tend to get long winded.

Let me introduce myself and my group, I'm Pyrom the leader of the Humane Authority on Researching Magic. We specialize in research and large army combat using living armies to overwhelm our enemies with pure skill. We are notably the only guild who didn't have any people who are undead.

Something happened and 24 of the strongest people got moved here from our world along with all our gear, bases and armies. For an idea of strength of our strongest 24, one of my followers is an ancient gold dragon and one of the guilds is entirely made up of a variety of dragons. Just saying they are dragons is actually me underselling them but I figure that will get the idea across. Anyways there are 5 guilds and each of the guilds have armies of varying size and quality. Most of the armies the others use are based off undead so they may decide to take advantage of the confusion and everyone else's lack of knowledge to start slaughtering to fill their armies which is my concern. They haven't done any obvious maneuvers yet so this is more to start raising awareness and make sure everyone is prepared for a sudden invasion.

We can start setting up force walls if we get permission but they won't do much as we would have to go with conventional walls due to time constraints. A catapult rock would bounce right off of them but won't stop some ghosts from flying over them. We are preparing other back ups though they are still a ways away.> Pyrom mentally says to the other three. He wasn't quite sure who the knight was but if the Lord felt confident that he was ok then no harm in including him.

"From the east are you then". Says Lord Fossen flatly. "Always knew we stayed clear of there for a reason".

"And who are these 'guilds' you refer to. Members, resources, force composition, so forth. You said undead, correct". His next line comes more as a grumble under his breath "Of course my necromancer's not here when I need him".

"Without knowing what we're dealing with I cannot really gage the value of what we will discus here. If we are talking magic, should I gather my court mage"?

Seeing that the local ruler has finished the insectoid prince take his turn, speaking carefully. "Do you know where these threats are, or what they want? In battle I have never saw command but that is surely where one should begin when founding countermeasures".

Is the caravan going very far today and is there a way to attract a creature that could cause the spill you mentioned earlier? I want to kill it. That mud worm got my hopes up and all it was, was a waste of a spell. Got some loose energy to burn. Nomad says.

After earning some stairs for yourself one of the men answers. "No, we move out near the end of the ay at the latest. Later with the wounded. As to attracting such a creature, um, thankfully not"...

If no, he will return to camp with them.
Nomad is going to try to talk to the minotaur when he returns. So, you never actually introduced yourself. Maybe we could have a practice duel? Would that reassure you that I am strong enough that I'm from the far north and not some random liar.

"I didn't?" says the minotaur before holding out a hand "Aljorn, Aljorn Rignn".

"And a duel may just sort things out. And besides this is how all the best pilgrimage stories go. Do you have a preferred duelling tradition or how shall we decide the rules"?

2018-08-27, 01:13 AM

<We came with in the last 24 hours. I'm not quite sure what is happening in the East but I assume we aren't what you are talking about if you have been actively avoiding it. You may want your court magician, though I warn you no matter how good they are there is a chance the creatures I describe will be different to what is here, for example you physically appear identical to hill giants from where I'm from originally but you are extremely different in terms of mental, societal and technological levels than how they appear where I'm from. Haven't had a chance to check other races yet though once I go over the library in depth I may point out some difference.

I'm not sure what exactly I got from when I made that knowledge check but assuming I know race and name.

<Ok, here is a quick break down of the guilds then, I want to warn you some of their names are stupid but don't under estimate them. Also I will note everyone has extremely high charisma and their races heavily conflict though it doesn't matter to them. They will have angels with demons and undead with those devoted to killing undead and no internal strife will ever come from it. Assume each guild's resources amount to a twenty million gold pieces in magic items, artifacts, constructs, undead and permanent spells though some may have much more than that. I will go over races, then bases of operation, then their roles and then troop composition. Roles and troop composition I will need some time to buff myself before trying to remember though. Please note I assume the worst and assume all of their elites got moved here. It is entirely possible some failed to get moved.

First we have the Blue Rose Society. Specializes in knowledge acquisition similar to my group. It has the most experts of all the guilds.
Their leader is [BRS] Hatsuyuki a muse most likely a suzerain as they have an abnormally high charisma not to be, suzerain's have the racial ability to do what I did out there to your soldiers, are completely fearless along with their soldiers and have the natural ability to be likeable. Muses meanwhile use their charisma to deflect blades. If you want to examine it, I have an identical ability though I'm not a muse. They are natural bards an can teleport up to 100 ft to anyone they are inspiring any time they want.
Then they have Jenna Lightheart, suzerain succubus. Succubus are a type of demon notably they have an energy drain attack they can do if they get you into a grapple.
The next is Jessie-Chris. They are an awakened undead lord demi-lich. Awakened just means he kept his abilities from when he was a lich. Demi-lichs are just heads with telekinetic power. They can trap and then consume the souls of the living to heal somewhat. They can place curses on others at will, are immune to magic, get their charisma to their ability to just about everything and reform unless you do a specific ritual. They are afflicted with torpor though which would usually render them inert unless directly interacted. It is unclear if someone is controlling him or if he is just immune to the torpor. Undead Lords can create more undead of the same type just by killing them. In this case more awakened demi-liches.
Then there is Raziel Veritas. Quickling Suzerain Solar. Quickling means they are absurdly fast. Solar is a type of angel. They have regeneration and damage resistance that can only be stopped with evil effects and any arrow they use is slaying. Mostly dangerous due to having to use an evil effect to kill them. A soldier could hit them all day and nothing would come of it.
Then there is Punisher404/...their name is joke and roughly means punisher not found. They are a cerynitis quickling implacable stalker. Cerynitis can move out of the way of attacks fouling them and can not be grappled. They also react absurdly quick with their reaction time being based off charisma. Extremely dangerous against melee, in one on one melee combat they are nearly unstoppable particularly if they have a means to stop people from attacking them when moving. Implaceable stalkers are creatures that revel in fear, they get many abilities focused on fear. If it rips apart an enemy it can remove an enemies immunity to fear, heal itself or become stonger and more agile. They can also teleport to you if you are afraid. Even if they die everyone with in 60 feet will have nightmares of it chasing you down and tearing you apart and this will go on for weeks. If you have the nightmares for more than 3 weeks in a row it will respawn with in 5 miles of you. Essentially, it will tear apart any and all people who specialize in melee no matter how many there are.
Scourge is the last member. A muse most likely suzerain.
Jessie Chris is the most dangerous one but over all their elites are a scary bunch designed to punish large scale warfare. I believe my group could defeat them if we could get our elites in a fight against theirs.

The next is the Council of Wyrms, the smallest group made entirely of dragons.
Their leader is Mysirim, a Ravener Siabrae Umbral Dragon. A ravener consumes the souls to shield itself, its breath drains the life along with the normal effect. This will make it tougher to kill as it siphons some of your soul. It also steals the soul of anyone who dies with in 30 feet of it even if it didn't kill them. It can no longer cast spells on its own instead it needs to use the souls it collects to power its spells. Siabrae can turn you into stone and 95 to 99.75% of the time will come back when killed. If they are touching blighted land they will always come back. Umbral dragons can breath negative energy and people they kill come back as shadows shortly after.

Phalnirr is a mithral dragon. They can blind you with their scales and their breath causes massive hemorrhaging along with regular cuts as they breath out mithral shards which then rapidly disappear.

Aria is next and is a lunar dragon.Their breath is extremely cold and will affect even those usually immune to the cold. Rays will also bounce off of them hitting the caster.

Finally, Khrysalis is a nightmare dragon. They can breath acid, see what someone is dreaming of cause everyone around them to panic.

Over all, their elites are dangerous to armies but weaker against equals. Though they may have templates I don't know about like suzerain. Their leader is dangerous but not the most catastrophic even if shadows are horrendous to fight against. Their leader is heavily incentivized to kill the living and it extremely hard to kill.

The next name I will say the full name only once. They are Team Nymph (Name pending) (leader pending, needs discussion with members). Yes that is their name, and I will only call them Team nymph from now on. Another 4 man group.

Their leader is Ephermial Recollection who I consider the most dangerous of everyone. I believe they could destroy entire planes by themselves purely due to their race. They are an undead lord, dread ghost nymph. Essentially when put together, they can raise people as ghosts that come back from that may have the ability to kill anyone who can hear them, can go invisible at will or capture other undead. Thankfully the abilities the ghosts get is based off how they died or what they were when alive. The kill anyone who can hear them ability happens if the victim was psychologically tortured during death.

Illynorn and Kaite are both nymphs so absurdly dangerous as all nymphs are. Most likely suzerain as well.

Finally, Nicaea is a quickling half-celestial nymph.

If they start a war, I'm setting up a full scale retreat as they are by far the most dangerous group. We almost certainly win a team fight with their elites but the nature of their army makes such a fight difficult to set up and Recollection will just shrug it off.

Finally, there is Golden Star. I have no clue what their deal is.

Their leader is The Military Uniformed Princess. She is a munavri psychic vampire Mutant. A very random assortment, most I can't really explain.

Then there is TBD, most likely a joke based of "To be decided". A Maharajah, they can reincarnate people once per day.

Then there is Q a quickling alacritous ghaele. Alacritous move so fast they double themselves resulting in twice the spells or maneuvers.

Xax is an alacritous Suzerain Kuwa Oni. Kuwa Oni are similar to trolls with regeneration that can be stopped with acid or fire and above average strength though smarter. Can change their shape to look human.

Finally, there is 99, a Paizo Golem. They can temporarily steal knowledge, are immune to magic and can resist damage. There are also a few special abilities it can get from having a specific artifact which is safe to assume they have.

Overall, despite being militaristic their races don't seem that good in large scale combat instead they specialize in elite combat. They are probably the most deadly in elite combat being capable of probably defeating any other group in a team fight.

Now for bases.
Blue Rose uses a floating castle. I imagine intelligent seeing it is mobile but not entirely sure.

The council of wyrms stuck a portal on the back of a golem which is guarded by another golem. The portal leads to a demiplane city. I would guess this is the second easiest to find due to certain concerns with their golem and it's presumably magic immune nature.

Team Nymph, uses a demiplane as well. It is apparently filled with tunnels but the traps kept people from digging too deep.

Finally Golden Star uses a regular city, possibly underground. I expect they will be detected extremely soon unless they get very lucky on where they appeared or they have some means of concealing it.

Do you have any questions so far? If you would give me a minute I will start casting my spells. Though it would be preferable for me to do this with access to my library and chrestomath but only have so many greater teleports prepared.>
Chemosh says mentally, trying and failing to keep it short.

I hope one day my pilgrimage story will be great. Getting lost in a sandstorm doesn't exactly inspire confidence.
Nomad says shaking Aljorn's hand while smiling.

Traditionally, you get to choose the options as I challenged you.

Usually, my people do until unconsciousness or forfeit with no magic items or magic allowed but unless we have an inquisitor or implement of the divine on hand, doing number of hits instead might be preferable.

2018-08-31, 03:27 PM
In case I missed pointing it out, Lord Fossen is a stone giant not a hill giant.

Also can you remind me what knowledge check you are referring to?


<We came with in the last 24 hours. I'm not quite sure what is happening in the East but I assume we aren't what you are talking about if you have been actively avoiding it. You may want your court magician, though I warn you no matter how good they are there is a chance the creatures I describe will be different to what is here, for example you physically appear identical to hill giants from where I'm from originally but you are extremely different in terms of mental, societal and technological levels than how they appear where I'm from. Haven't had a chance to check other races yet though once I go over the library in depth I may point out some difference.

I'm not sure what exactly I got from when I made that knowledge check but assuming I know race and name.

<Ok, here is a quick break down of the guilds then, I want to warn you some of their names are stupid but don't under estimate them. Also I will note everyone has extremely high charisma and their races heavily conflict though it doesn't matter to them. They will have angels with demons and undead with those devoted to killing undead and no internal strife will ever come from it. Assume each guild's resources amount to a twenty million gold pieces in magic items, artifacts, constructs, undead and permanent spells though some may have much more than that. I will go over races, then bases of operation, then their roles and then troop composition. Roles and troop composition I will need some time to buff myself before trying to remember though. Please note I assume the worst and assume all of their elites got moved here. It is entirely possible some failed to get moved.

First we have the Blue Rose Society. Specializes in knowledge acquisition similar to my group. It has the most experts of all the guilds.
Their leader is [BRS] Hatsuyuki a muse most likely a suzerain as they have an abnormally high charisma not to be, suzerain's have the racial ability to do what I did out there to your soldiers, are completely fearless along with their soldiers and have the natural ability to be likeable. Muses meanwhile use their charisma to deflect blades. If you want to examine it, I have an identical ability though I'm not a muse. They are natural bards an can teleport up to 100 ft to anyone they are inspiring any time they want.
Then they have Jenna Lightheart, suzerain succubus. Succubus are a type of demon notably they have an energy drain attack they can do if they get you into a grapple.
The next is Jessie-Chris. They are an awakened undead lord demi-lich. Awakened just means he kept his abilities from when he was a lich. Demi-lichs are just heads with telekinetic power. They can trap and then consume the souls of the living to heal somewhat. They can place curses on others at will, are immune to magic, get their charisma to their ability to just about everything and reform unless you do a specific ritual. They are afflicted with torpor though which would usually render them inert unless directly interacted. It is unclear if someone is controlling him or if he is just immune to the torpor. Undead Lords can create more undead of the same type just by killing them. In this case more awakened demi-liches.
Then there is Raziel Veritas. Quickling Suzerain Solar. Quickling means they are absurdly fast. Solar is a type of angel. They have regeneration and damage resistance that can only be stopped with evil effects and any arrow they use is slaying. Mostly dangerous due to having to use an evil effect to kill them. A soldier could hit them all day and nothing would come of it.
Then there is Punisher404/...their name is joke and roughly means punisher not found. They are a cerynitis quickling implacable stalker. Cerynitis can move out of the way of attacks fouling them and can not be grappled. They also react absurdly quick with their reaction time being based off charisma. Extremely dangerous against melee, in one on one melee combat they are nearly unstoppable particularly if they have a means to stop people from attacking them when moving. Implaceable stalkers are creatures that revel in fear, they get many abilities focused on fear. If it rips apart an enemy it can remove an enemies immunity to fear, heal itself or become stonger and more agile. They can also teleport to you if you are afraid. Even if they die everyone with in 60 feet will have nightmares of it chasing you down and tearing you apart and this will go on for weeks. If you have the nightmares for more than 3 weeks in a row it will respawn with in 5 miles of you. Essentially, it will tear apart any and all people who specialize in melee no matter how many there are.
Scourge is the last member. A muse most likely suzerain.
Jessie Chris is the most dangerous one but over all their elites are a scary bunch designed to punish large scale warfare. I believe my group could defeat them if we could get our elites in a fight against theirs.

The next is the Council of Wyrms, the smallest group made entirely of dragons.
Their leader is Mysirim, a Ravener Siabrae Umbral Dragon. A ravener consumes the souls to shield itself, its breath drains the life along with the normal effect. This will make it tougher to kill as it siphons some of your soul. It also steals the soul of anyone who dies with in 30 feet of it even if it didn't kill them. It can no longer cast spells on its own instead it needs to use the souls it collects to power its spells. Siabrae can turn you into stone and 95 to 99.75% of the time will come back when killed. If they are touching blighted land they will always come back. Umbral dragons can breath negative energy and people they kill come back as shadows shortly after.

Phalnirr is a mithral dragon. They can blind you with their scales and their breath causes massive hemorrhaging along with regular cuts as they breath out mithral shards which then rapidly disappear.

Aria is next and is a lunar dragon.Their breath is extremely cold and will affect even those usually immune to the cold. Rays will also bounce off of them hitting the caster.

Finally, Khrysalis is a nightmare dragon. They can breath acid, see what someone is dreaming of cause everyone around them to panic.

Over all, their elites are dangerous to armies but weaker against equals. Though they may have templates I don't know about like suzerain. Their leader is dangerous but not the most catastrophic even if shadows are horrendous to fight against. Their leader is heavily incentivized to kill the living and it extremely hard to kill.

The next name I will say the full name only once. They are Team Nymph (Name pending) (leader pending, needs discussion with members). Yes that is their name, and I will only call them Team nymph from now on. Another 4 man group.

Their leader is Ephermial Recollection who I consider the most dangerous of everyone. I believe they could destroy entire planes by themselves purely due to their race. They are an undead lord, dread ghost nymph. Essentially when put together, they can raise people as ghosts that come back from that may have the ability to kill anyone who can hear them, can go invisible at will or capture other undead. Thankfully the abilities the ghosts get is based off how they died or what they were when alive. The kill anyone who can hear them ability happens if the victim was psychologically tortured during death.

Illynorn and Kaite are both nymphs so absurdly dangerous as all nymphs are. Most likely suzerain as well.

Finally, Nicaea is a quickling half-celestial nymph.

If they start a war, I'm setting up a full scale retreat as they are by far the most dangerous group. We almost certainly win a team fight with their elites but the nature of their army makes such a fight difficult to set up and Recollection will just shrug it off.

Finally, there is Golden Star. I have no clue what their deal is.

Their leader is The Military Uniformed Princess. She is a munavri psychic vampire Mutant. A very random assortment, most I can't really explain.

Then there is TBD, most likely a joke based of "To be decided". A Maharajah, they can reincarnate people once per day.

Then there is Q a quickling alacritous ghaele. Alacritous move so fast they double themselves resulting in twice the spells or maneuvers.

Xax is an alacritous Suzerain Kuwa Oni. Kuwa Oni are similar to trolls with regeneration that can be stopped with acid or fire and above average strength though smarter. Can change their shape to look human.

Finally, there is 99, a Paizo Golem. They can temporarily steal knowledge, are immune to magic and can resist damage. There are also a few special abilities it can get from having a specific artifact which is safe to assume they have.

Overall, despite being militaristic their races don't seem that good in large scale combat instead they specialize in elite combat. They are probably the most deadly in elite combat being capable of probably defeating any other group in a team fight.

Now for bases.
Blue Rose uses a floating castle. I imagine intelligent seeing it is mobile but not entirely sure.

The council of wyrms stuck a portal on the back of a golem which is guarded by another golem. The portal leads to a demiplane city. I would guess this is the second easiest to find due to certain concerns with their golem and it's presumably magic immune nature.

Team Nymph, uses a demiplane as well. It is apparently filled with tunnels but the traps kept people from digging too deep.

Finally Golden Star uses a regular city, possibly underground. I expect they will be detected extremely soon unless they get very lucky on where they appeared or they have some means of concealing it.

Do you have any questions so far? If you would give me a minute I will start casting my spells. Though it would be preferable for me to do this with access to my library and chrestomath but only have so many greater teleports prepared.>
Chemosh says mentally, trying and failing to keep it short.

Lord Fossen and the Prince listens intently until you finish.

"So, I missed some amount of that, it seems you have some system of categorising creatures that is more stringent than ours. I suppose you will recommend fighting them with a small elite force then. Next Jotsmoot I will inform the other Lords of the danger and we can organise and fund a force. I would like to invite you to accompany me there, you know more than I. If we have to mobilise this winter the northern boarder may be able to provide winged messengers that can travel in winter.

And I am curious. What is this, state perhaps, of Suzerain you refer to. It seems to me some form of training or state of existence"?

After your reply the Prince comments on the situate from his perspective.

"The Union will be able to provide the high caste to our battles. Would there be chance of these groups allying with rival queens? And how long would be safe to wait? I travel with purpose. I would rather avoid returning for now".

"I will also need more information on these spells." continues the Lord. "I can call for my mage after deciding I will let you cast hem or not"...

It's probably best for a timeskip after the questions are answered where you move onto casting the spells, the court mage having arrived and with you and the others being where you intend to cast the spells.

I hope one day my pilgrimage story will be great. Getting lost in a sandstorm doesn't exactly inspire confidence.
Nomad says shaking Aljorn's hand while smiling.

Traditionally, you get to choose the options as I challenged you.

Usually, my people do until unconsciousness or forfeit with no magic items or magic allowed but unless we have an inquisitor or implement of the divine on hand, doing number of hits instead might be preferable.

"Alright. We are similar back in the Citadels. No weapons, armour, or magic of any sort. We fight until surrender or unconsciousness takes one of us. Normally there'd be a circle but that is optional. We pick a point, each take ten steps back, and signal we are ready".

"Um, perhaps more steps back for you, for smaller peoples we just judge it by eye mostly. And I should have blunt horn caps but I'll just wrap 'em in thick cloth. The desert outside should be a good site"?

Just leaving a link here (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules/duels/).

2018-09-01, 11:55 AM
whoops, completely forgot he was a stone giant but you definitely mentioned it. Still fits just would have used stone giant instead of hill.

way back at post 19 I made a knowledge check to know which players were on. Got a 131 and it seemed likely that would give me some idea of their race seeing I know them.

So knowledge local (or any knowledge really) to know what troops are most commonly used using moment of prescience, skald speech bonus, mask of a thousand tomes, focused trance, suzerain with moment of greatness

65+20+3+10+20+8 negatives may be applied if they don't want me using certain abilities.

Same bonus to figure out general roles of each person.


<Our world, there was a heavy focus on eugenics to the point that our races were chosen to be heroes and our training tailor suited to this outcome. We are indeed extremely stringent in how we classify races. I could for example by watching someone fight against say a hay bale estimate how likely they are to hit the average troll. There is also challenge ratings and figuring out how many people are needed to defeat a creature consistantly but it gets complex with many variables some of which may no longer apply. All of it was categorized and calculated before being made public knowledge though I imagine only a few bothered to memorize everything.

I'd be more than glad to talk in front of them as long as I have enough time to study the traditions and what not of the Jotsmoot. I can't begin to imagine the etiquette mistakes I have made talking today but really had to get awareness out as soon as possible.

I would very much suggest the elite approach. Combat where I'm from is usually handled with elites protected by high quality or high quantity soldiers. The soldiers keep the elites from being overwhelmed while they annihilate the enemy soldiers. If you send an army in with no elite they will die most of the time either from morale breaking or the enemy elite killing them. While an elite fighter will be forced to retreat in the face of overwhelming numbers. That of course is a simplification, you have support roles like me who are force multipliers resulting in soldiers like you saw earlier and people like Fat Cat one of our elites who specilized in killing spell casting elites but that is the general idea. Even with my help there is a chance they will still out quality us in terms of soldiers or over whelm is with numbers so attempting an army approach against a people who can make immortal armies is generally a poor idea.

Sadly, we don't have the time for a eugenics program but I should be able to get half decent elites out in short order. There are two methods of training I can do. I can try force of numbers. Basically, in that method I'm not picky and not overly discerning. Such soldiers would get massacred against the enemy elite if something happened to my group or if they are caught out of position but should tip the scales in a fight.

The other option is we are picky and specifically look for the type of people who are natural soldiers. The main problem is we need a specific kind of people. Specifically, people who are extremely convincing with certain racial templates or religious beliefs.

This is due to a strange occurrence that my world observed many many years ago. Basically, gods love certain people more than others. These people once they are properly trained find that spells and weapons just slide off of them and it is related to how convincing they are. Such people would start off weaker than their peers but quickly grew stronger than everyone else. It was found every single nymph naturally had this ability and just needed charisma training. Given most elite races can only do either protection from weapons or spells naturally this is a very big thing.

I personally suggest the less picky option unless you know of somewhere where I can get a bunch of nymphs. Plus if you go with the less picky option and it turns out the other guilds are distracted by other planes of existence or otherwise busy then you both still get the benefit of having well trained soldiers.

No matter which you choose, if you have a few people in mind I can start training as soon as consent is obtained. I plan to see about fixing the troll problem and trolls are pretty good for quick training as long as someone is on hand to assist or something happens.

I can attempt to teach you to be a suzerain but it is difficult and time consuming. To answer you question it is a state of being. When you speak your words must ring with importance. Your every action must be regal and even your opponents must give you grudging respect. Your very mind must be trained to levels of comprehension that most dream of. An orc trained to be a suzerain will intellectually overwhelm most humans for example. The only truly terrible thing, is that you can no longer feel fear. Your very mind rejects it for a leader never shows fear. Some are lucky enough to come into being a suzerain but it can be trained given enough time. It is statecraft training taken the next level. If you manage to become one, you will be set for the rest of your political career as well as improve greatly in combat abilities.

It is plausible for a guild to ally with others. I'm making allies right now for example though for most it would heavily depend on society's views on undead, the materials produced and reproduction rate. Diamonds and certain metals are required for some spells, particulary high tier resurrection spells and it may be easier to keep the people working the mines in power rather than replacing them all with undead. Reproduction rate is important due to long term warfare against other necromancers often need flesh farms to refill their undead stocks. Though often such alliances are false in the sense that they just killed the leaders and replaced them with undead or mind controlled them. Incidentally, I would like to set up a telepathic bond tomorrow if both of you are still here. That way you can contact me over long distances and I will know if you die. We will need to figure out the appropriate security measures to show the spells are what I say they are seeing it requires a three spell combination of blood money, permenancy and telepathic bond.

Currently unknown how long it is safe to wait. It is likely there will be some time before any invasion happens. With so many guilds they should be wary of showing their hand too early. Too many large troop movements and the guilds may start converging on them. Being the first to act is dangerous as we don't know where the other people are. I would expect people will start to go missing and leaders will start acting strangely at first if the guild leader is conservative and is trying to build up a base before invasion. The other option is they immediately strike out with minimal knowledge gathering hoping to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible so by the time the other guilds have knowledge sensors in place they will already have large enough armies that a direct confrontation is impossible. Much riskier but if successful extremely effective. If you don't have protection from scrying or allow the telepathic bond and the situation worsens I'm usually 24 seconds away. Though obviously, protection from scrying is a good idea if you have access to it and are traveling. >
Pyrom says answering the questions.

<Anyways, back to the spells, may I suggest calling the mage and then me explaining the spells? That way they can also confirm the spells are real ones. Well assuming they are more knowledgeable in magic then you. You seem to have at least some background in magic considering you have at least two magicians on retainer but unsure how much. Plus I'm curious if anyone will recognize moment of prescience. My understanding is that it is very uncommon to see a spell of that level. If you don't want them cast near you I can take a short walk away, cast the spells, get the answers and then return. >
Chemosh waits for a response and then continued.
<Ok, so here is the preparations for making answering the questions. Two spells cast twice, a supernatural effect and a extraordinary ability. The weaker spell is one known as moment of greatness, 1st level it is an enchantment, mind affecting compulsion that causes people to greatly exceed their limits based on how good their morale is. It affects everyone with in a 50 foot area who I consider my allies. For it to work I need a follower as a suzerain becomes better at everything when a follower is present. To that end, I would like it if you allowed them in. They can teleport into the room directly outside this one as long as you don't have wards in place.Seeing they are my ride home as it were I hope that isn't a problem. It is difficult to explain the scale but it is worth slightly less than 7% of my knowledge...yes it doesn't make much sense but there is a scale for knowledge. Incidentally, If there is a problem you have been having for some time feel free to accept the moment of greatness and my inspiring example. I won't guarantee it will last long enough to help but almost any question can be answered with it as long as you know a bit about the subject.

The other spell is moment of prescience, 8th level divination. Gives me a massive bonus to one skill or a variety of other things including increasing my chances to hit on one attack or protecting against one attack. It is worth slightly less than 16% of my knowledge. I already have this spell active once but it is consumed on use so I would like to reapply it after each question I think about. If a weaker spell is preferred I can use ancestral communion which gives a smaller bonus that wouldn't have worked with that spell.

The supernatural ability is just me speaking. I become more charismatic and from that I become more knowledgeable. It is nearly impossible to detect as I won't be targeting you or activating any of its special effects. But just declaring it for full disclosure.

After all those are active, I will enter a trance while talking to myself that can last up to 36 seconds. Do not approach me while I'm in the trance. I'm completely fine and I can still sense you but I get a bit skittish while in it.

Finally, in the case I start vomiting do not be alarmed. It is just a result of jamming in a lot of knowledge all at once and almost doubling my intelligence as a result.>

If there is no complaints, Pyrom casts the spells stares off into space for a minute while talking to himself and then repeats what he learns about troops and roles though he will say nothing that contradicts himself. He will also give a reminder that normal alignments don't matter much as conflict does not seem to happen.


Sounds good to me. Don't usually fight unarmed so this could be interesting. Let me just change out of my magic gear while you get the cloth on your horns. Nomad says walking into his tent to change into some peasant clothes. Carrying the bundle of magic items outside in a bag he puts it near where the fight is going to be taking place.
No one touches this bag. Wasn't sure where to put all the stuff so putting it where I can keep an eye on it. Nomad says smiling. If these people had any dark desire for gold this is when they would strike and he would enjoy annihilating them if they did.

He follows the minotaur's lead for the duel and mentally prepares himself for the fight. As soon as the fight starts he is going to leap off the starting line charging and punching the large minotaur. Unless someone is doing something suspicious to the bag instead he would charge them.

so looking back, I think Xeno didn't understand that succubus have alter self which can't target others. Is it ok if he has been using shape changers gift, greater instead?

Changes I see from lack of gear: Hp is down 60 points go, 3(?) Less damage and 3 less to hit. Punches hit with plus 60, he has no unarmed skill so he hits for 1d3+44
AC 54 (no size penalty to AC but 5 less natural armor, 4 less deflection and 10 less dodge as I have no clue where it came from and can't be bother to figure it out.

Perception check to see anyone going for the bag.


Knowledge martial check to see if the minotaur is in any stance or using any maneuver


Entering the duel in scarlet majesty (dc 36 will save to attack me on the first attack of this turn. If he fails the save they can't attack him but may do anything else and must make this save next turn. If he succeeds and fails to hit me after making a save he can attack me this turn but must try again in future rounds. If he succeeds it does nothing and he doesn't have to make any more saves for 24 hours). It is a mind affecting effect but not magical. It is purely just his stance is awe inspiring.

If he wins initiative he will claim (which makes the minotaur shaken) and charge.

And [roll6]

AC 52.

Otherwise he will probably use a maneuver instead (pending what the minotaur does)

2018-09-10, 02:22 PM
whoops, completely forgot he was a stone giant but you definitely mentioned it. Still fits just would have used stone giant instead of hill.

way back at post 19 I made a knowledge check to know which players were on. Got a 131 and it seemed likely that would give me some idea of their race seeing I know them.

So knowledge local (or any knowledge really) to know what troops are most commonly used using moment of prescience, skald speech bonus, mask of a thousand tomes, focused trance, suzerain with moment of greatness

65+20+3+10+20+8 negatives may be applied if they don't want me using certain abilities.

Same bonus to figure out general roles of each person.


Yeah, you'd have names and race's.

It will take a bit to get player roles and standard troops.

I'd be more than glad to talk in front of them as long as I have enough time to study the traditions and what not of the Jotsmoot. I can't begin to imagine the etiquette mistakes I have made talking today but really had to get awareness out as soon as possible.

I would very much suggest the elite approach. Combat where I'm from is usually handled with elites protected by high quality or high quantity soldiers. The soldiers keep the elites from being overwhelmed while they annihilate the enemy soldiers. If you send an army in with no elite they will die most of the time either from morale breaking or the enemy elite killing them. While an elite fighter will be forced to retreat in the face of overwhelming numbers. That of course is a simplification, you have support roles like me who are force multipliers resulting in soldiers like you saw earlier and people like Fat Cat one of our elites who specilized in killing spell casting elites but that is the general idea. Even with my help there is a chance they will still out quality us in terms of soldiers or over whelm is with numbers so attempting an army approach against a people who can make immortal armies is generally a poor idea.

Sadly, we don't have the time for a eugenics program but I should be able to get half decent elites out in short order. There are two methods of training I can do. I can try force of numbers. Basically, in that method I'm not picky and not overly discerning. Such soldiers would get massacred against the enemy elite if something happened to my group or if they are caught out of position but should tip the scales in a fight.

The other option is we are picky and specifically look for the type of people who are natural soldiers. The main problem is we need a specific kind of people. Specifically, people who are extremely convincing with certain racial templates or religious beliefs.

This is due to a strange occurrence that my world observed many many years ago. Basically, gods love certain people more than others. These people once they are properly trained find that spells and weapons just slide off of them and it is related to how convincing they are. Such people would start off weaker than their peers but quickly grew stronger than everyone else. It was found every single nymph naturally had this ability and just needed charisma training. Given most elite races can only do either protection from weapons or spells naturally this is a very big thing.

I personally suggest the less picky option unless you know of somewhere where I can get a bunch of nymphs. Plus if you go with the less picky option and it turns out the other guilds are distracted by other planes of existence or otherwise busy then you both still get the benefit of having well trained soldiers.

No matter which you choose, if you have a few people in mind I can start training as soon as consent is obtained. I plan to see about fixing the troll problem and trolls are pretty good for quick training as long as someone is on hand to assist or something happens.

"The best time for properly rallying forces will be the Jotsmoot. Me and my contemporaries can cooperate to find the best, as well as find good mercenaries. We have an emergency fund that should spare coin enough".

"On that topic the Jotsmoot is some months away in early spring. And here at least you haven't etiquette to worry about, we are rather informal compared to our neighbours, the spoken oath and hospitality are the most serious ritual we have".

I can attempt to teach you to be a suzerain but it is difficult and time consuming. To answer you question it is a state of being. When you speak your words must ring with importance. Your every action must be regal and even your opponents must give you grudging respect. Your very mind must be trained to levels of comprehension that most dream of. An orc trained to be a suzerain will intellectually overwhelm most humans for example. The only truly terrible thing, is that you can no longer feel fear. Your very mind rejects it for a leader never shows fear. Some are lucky enough to come into being a suzerain but it can be trained given enough time. It is statecraft training taken the next level. If you manage to become one, you will be set for the rest of your political career as well as improve greatly in combat abilities.

It is plausible for a guild to ally with others. I'm making allies right now for example though for most it would heavily depend on society's views on undead, the materials produced and reproduction rate. Diamonds and certain metals are required for some spells, particulary high tier resurrection spells and it may be easier to keep the people working the mines in power rather than replacing them all with undead. Reproduction rate is important due to long term warfare against other necromancers often need flesh farms to refill their undead stocks. Though often such alliances are false in the sense that they just killed the leaders and replaced them with undead or mind controlled them. Incidentally, I would like to set up a telepathic bond tomorrow if both of you are still here. That way you can contact me over long distances and I will know if you die. We will need to figure out the appropriate security measures to show the spells are what I say they are seeing it requires a three spell combination of blood money, permenancy and telepathic bond.

Currently unknown how long it is safe to wait. It is likely there will be some time before any invasion happens. With so many guilds they should be wary of showing their hand too early. Too many large troop movements and the guilds may start converging on them. Being the first to act is dangerous as we don't know where the other people are. I would expect people will start to go missing and leaders will start acting strangely at first if the guild leader is conservative and is trying to build up a base before invasion. The other option is they immediately strike out with minimal knowledge gathering hoping to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible so by the time the other guilds have knowledge sensors in place they will already have large enough armies that a direct confrontation is impossible. Much riskier but if successful extremely effective. If you don't have protection from scrying or allow the telepathic bond and the situation worsens I'm usually 24 seconds away. Though obviously, protection from scrying is a good idea if you have access to it and are traveling. >
[/COLOR] Pyrom says answering the questions.

Lord Fossen nods.

"With what you describe of this state of 'suzerain' I am bound by duty and word to do what I can to achieve it. As to this mental bond, it appears useful. I accept".

"I also." adds the Prince.

<Anyways, back to the spells, may I suggest calling the mage and then me explaining the spells? That way they can also confirm the spells are real ones. Well assuming they are more knowledgeable in magic then you. You seem to have at least some background in magic considering you have at least two magicians on retainer but unsure how much. Plus I'm curious if anyone will recognize moment of prescience. My understanding is that it is very uncommon to see a spell of that level. If you don't want them cast near you I can take a short walk away, cast the spells, get the answers and then return. >
Chemosh waits for a response and then continued.
<Ok, so here is the preparations for making answering the questions. Two spells cast twice, a supernatural effect and a extraordinary ability. The weaker spell is one known as moment of greatness, 1st level it is an enchantment, mind affecting compulsion that causes people to greatly exceed their limits based on how good their morale is. It affects everyone with in a 50 foot area who I consider my allies. For it to work I need a follower as a suzerain becomes better at everything when a follower is present. To that end, I would like it if you allowed them in. They can teleport into the room directly outside this one as long as you don't have wards in place.Seeing they are my ride home as it were I hope that isn't a problem. It is difficult to explain the scale but it is worth slightly less than 7% of my knowledge...yes it doesn't make much sense but there is a scale for knowledge. Incidentally, If there is a problem you have been having for some time feel free to accept the moment of greatness and my inspiring example. I won't guarantee it will last long enough to help but almost any question can be answered with it as long as you know a bit about the subject.

The other spell is moment of prescience, 8th level divination. Gives me a massive bonus to one skill or a variety of other things including increasing my chances to hit on one attack or protecting against one attack. It is worth slightly less than 16% of my knowledge. I already have this spell active once but it is consumed on use so I would like to reapply it after each question I think about. If a weaker spell is preferred I can use ancestral communion which gives a smaller bonus that wouldn't have worked with that spell.

The supernatural ability is just me speaking. I become more charismatic and from that I become more knowledgeable. It is nearly impossible to detect as I won't be targeting you or activating any of its special effects. But just declaring it for full disclosure.

After all those are active, I will enter a trance while talking to myself that can last up to 36 seconds. Do not approach me while I'm in the trance. I'm completely fine and I can still sense you but I get a bit skittish while in it.

Finally, in the case I start vomiting do not be alarmed. It is just a result of jamming in a lot of knowledge all at once and almost doubling my intelligence as a result.>

If there is no complaints, Pyrom casts the spells stares off into space for a minute while talking to himself and then repeats what he learns about troops and roles though he will say nothing that contradicts himself. He will also give a reminder that normal alignments don't matter much as conflict does not seem to happen.

Fifteen minutes are put aside to call the 'mage', who turns out to be an ifrit woman at an age analogues to a human's late twenties. She seems to have been in a fight or two in her time as despite her immaculate red robes he carries a dagger and some manner of rod in plain sight. Just behind her a smouldering ape like figure the size of a child also enters.

With that and her keyed in to the discussion the conversation continues.

"As I was saying" says the lord "my knowledge of magic is, like most, lacking. That being one of the reasons I keep an expert on the subject. The necromancer I mentioned earlier was her teacher you see and when he retired for a time the contract is traditionally given to a willing apprentice."

Now that discussion turns back to magic the apparent wizard (going by the familiar and how he was taught directly) continues.

"I think I know of that spell you called Moment of Greatness. My families tales of the old days mention something similar, and I think there's a copy in one of my books. Don't know about the one your said after but it sounds like one of those times someone just tossed more magic into a weaker spell. That ability of yours also sounds like something that follows some generalisations that can be made about magical effects." comments the mage, informing the lord as much as commenting from her own perspective.

"With that then, you may call your allies and use your spells." finished the lord


Sounds good to me. Don't usually fight unarmed so this could be interesting. Let me just change out of my magic gear while you get the cloth on your horns. Nomad says walking into his tent to change into some peasant clothes. Carrying the bundle of magic items outside in a bag he puts it near where the fight is going to be taking place.
No one touches this bag. Wasn't sure where to put all the stuff so putting it where I can keep an eye on it. Nomad says smiling. If these people had any dark desire for gold this is when they would strike and he would enjoy annihilating them if they did.

He follows the minotaur's lead for the duel and mentally prepares himself for the fight. As soon as the fight starts he is going to leap off the starting line charging and punching the large minotaur. Unless someone is doing something suspicious to the bag instead he would charge them.

Once preparations are done you find your opponent also prepared, shirtless and with horn tips heavily padded with whatever spare fabric could be tied on, and waiting a short distance from the 'oasis's' entrance.

Once taking place and setting up the right distance, Aljorn nods to signal the beginning.

so looking back, I think Xeno didn't understand that succubus have alter self which can't target others. Is it ok if he has been using shape changers gift, greater instead?

Changes I see from lack of gear: Hp is down 60 points go, 3(?) Less damage and 3 less to hit. Punches hit with plus 60, he has no unarmed skill so he hits for 1d3+44
AC 54 (no size penalty to AC but 5 less natural armor, 4 less deflection and 10 less dodge as I have no clue where it came from and can't be bother to figure it out.

Perception check to see anyone going for the bag.


Knowledge martial check to see if the minotaur is in any stance or using any maneuver


Entering the duel in scarlet majesty (dc 36 will save to attack me on the first attack of this turn. If he fails the save they can't attack him but may do anything else and must make this save next turn. If he succeeds and fails to hit me after making a save he can attack me this turn but must try again in future rounds. If he succeeds it does nothing and he doesn't have to make any more saves for 24 hours). It is a mind affecting effect but not magical. It is purely just his stance is awe inspiring.

If he wins initiative he will claim (which makes the minotaur shaken) and charge.

And [roll6]

AC 52.

Otherwise he will probably use a maneuver instead (pending what the minotaur does)

Shape changers gift is fine.

Nobody goes for the bag.

The Minotaur is not using any specialist stance or style but does maintain a practiced but otherwise mundane stance for his kind's build, clearly favouring the use of horns.

Oh, also if it wasn't specified this is supposed to be nonleathal, so where needed remember the -4.

Initiative: [roll0]
Will: [roll1]

The Duel:
Aljorn, quick on the reflexes, actually manages to take the first step as he begins his charge but your speed and showy actions manage to catch him unaware and let you get the one an only hit your needed in, scoring an immediate knockout.

You managed to deal his exact HP in damage amusingly enough. I'm just assuming this is nonlethal so this is not man(bull)slaughter.

2018-09-10, 05:16 PM

<If more coin is needed, my people do have access to a lot of magic item crafting, costless raise dead, long range teleportation magic and planeshifting so many markets are open to generate revenue.

I will bring the needed educational tools to start teaching how to be a suzerain tomorrow when I come back with the person who actually has the strength needed for blood money. Incidentally the mentality of being duty bound is a good one for this type of study and will make the second part of this easier. Training of the mind is going to be the first part and will start at any point you want.>
Pyrom said keeping the confusion from his voice. He still wasn't entirely sure how he felt about all the random bits and pieces of knowledge he knew. The game hadn't been that in depth for how to get suzerain. It was just a somewhat hidden option but he just sort of knew how it was acquired now. It seemed almost like cheating knowing these things now even if it made sense the character would know them.
Ancient hasn't posted with Shelley recently so going to assume she is an npc right now

Pyrom is going to get Shelley to teleport here giving her the mental directions to the room just outside of here. She will stay invisible and just stay with in range for them to see each other with blindsight. After the spells are cast, Pyrom gives a small mental thanks to Irori that he managed to keep his lunch down this time.

<Moment of prescience is an odd one, not exactly just jamming in magic though that is part of it. The main difficulty of the spell is the wide variety it presents. Glibness for example is relatively simple, it alters you slightly to give you a massive boost to one very particular skill set over a decently long period of time. How to improve that skill set is directly implanted into that spell and no choice is made at any point during the spells effect. Moment of prescience can affect such a wide array of abilities the knowledge can't be put into the spell itself nor gathered from one particular source. Instead the spell has to take the knowledge from elsewhere depending on what is needed which eats up magic at an absurd rate and causes the spell that could last hours to break down in an instant once used. It is also notable that the consumption is truly instanteous and is possible due to the spell realizing that you want to activate it even before you do. There are some other interesting comparisons with ancestral communion, true strike and moment of greatness but I should probably stay focused.>
Pyrom says smiling.

Nomad tries his best to cover up his disappointment. The minotaur had been clearly relying purely on his race to overwhelm opponents. Most likely not worth training though some strength and mental tests may be needed. He quickly grabs his things before going over to the minotaur. He then tries to wake the minotaur up.

You ok? It is a good thing I did an exploratory punch rather than going straight for my strongest strike. Why don't you rest at my tent. I can get you some food from it and I can give you some tips.

He is going to try to find someone to hold the minotaur legs and help him move the minotaur into either his tent or the minotaur's tent.

Ah sorry to be clear, that was with the -4 penalty as he is untrained and using his fists (which always do non-lethal if you aren't trained).

Perfect knock outs are nice :P, nothing quite as scary as knowing your opponent can beat the snot out of you with a single attack. The minotaur should be able to be awakened if I hit the exact amount.

2018-09-11, 03:26 PM
Forgot to ask but do I recognize the firey ape creature particularly it's template if it has one?
Here is a knowledge roll [roll0]

2018-09-12, 01:51 PM
I'll PM Ancient to see if they will return.

Looking at Ancient's post history they seem to have been unable to post for a while now so I will NPC the character, I've no time to write it now though.

Nomad tries his best to cover up his disappointment. The minotaur had been clearly relying purely on his race to overwhelm opponents. Most likely not worth training though some strength and mental tests may be needed. He quickly grabs his things before going over to the minotaur. He then tries to wake the minotaur up.

You ok? It is a good thing I did an exploratory punch rather than going straight for my strongest strike. Why don't you rest at my tent. I can get you some food from it and I can give you some tips.

Aljorn wakes with a start, a pained grunt, and a swift shake of the head.

"Huh- oh, I'm fine." he says rising to a sitting position and stretching "I should be able to walk it off but tips sound interesting".

The minotaur gets up without assistance and makes to put his shirt back on first, still noticeably having been on the bad end of a fight.

Forgot to ask but do I recognize the firey ape creature particularly it's template if it has one?
Here is a knowledge roll [roll0]

It is a small fire elemental.

2018-09-12, 09:26 PM
I hope the reassures you that I am from the north.

Nomad will give some general tips on combat style and slight differences in normal stances that could be used in fighting. He could clearly go into a lot of depth with his martial knowledge but he tries to keep to topics he feels a minotaur with no special training would understand.
If you are interested, I once saw an orc that used a style that I think would go well with your current method of fighting. It uses your entire body and strength to knock your opponent around and trample them into the ground. It would take a lot of training before you would get noticeable results though and I can just give advice for it.

2018-09-17, 08:44 AM
Suddenly a message pops in Paroms mind: 'Hi Jacob. Chase here. Respond if you're around.'

Assuming it's responded to the same voice will appear again :'We're looking for knowledge. You down for meeting up?'

Let me know if you don't feel like being on a first name basis. I haven't read through your thread and won't subscribe so feel free to respond in our thread or somewhere else.

2018-09-17, 03:11 PM
<I just got a sending from another person. Scourge, the muse from blue rose was looking for information so hopefully I will figure out what they are doing. It is mildly suspicious, as blue rose is a knowledge acquisition guild but not totally out of the realm of possibility. > Pyrom says mentally to the others in the room.

<Doing something, can meet later. What information needed? Give well known location name and time in hours from now.> Pyrom mentally answers the sending.

2018-09-26, 02:45 PM

<If more coin is needed, my people do have access to a lot of magic item crafting, costless raise dead, long range teleportation magic and planeshifting so many markets are open to generate revenue.

I will bring the needed educational tools to start teaching how to be a suzerain tomorrow when I come back with the person who actually has the strength needed for blood money. Incidentally the mentality of being duty bound is a good one for this type of study and will make the second part of this easier. Training of the mind is going to be the first part and will start at any point you want.>
Pyrom said keeping the confusion from his voice. He still wasn't entirely sure how he felt about all the random bits and pieces of knowledge he knew. The game hadn't been that in depth for how to get suzerain. It was just a somewhat hidden option but he just sort of knew how it was acquired now. It seemed almost like cheating knowing these things now even if it made sense the character would know them.

"Then once we are finished, tonight I will spend time in meditation in the Giantfather's temple. If I am to embody his nature, may he judge me fit.

Ancient hasn't posted with Shelley recently so going to assume she is an npc right now

Pyrom is going to get Shelley to teleport here giving her the mental directions to the room just outside of here. She will stay invisible and just stay with in range for them to see each other with blindsight. After the spells are cast, Pyrom gives a small mental thanks to Irori that he managed to keep his lunch down this time.

<Moment of prescience is an odd one, not exactly just jamming in magic though that is part of it. The main difficulty of the spell is the wide variety it presents. Glibness for example is relatively simple, it alters you slightly to give you a massive boost to one very particular skill set over a decently long period of time. How to improve that skill set is directly implanted into that spell and no choice is made at any point during the spells effect. Moment of prescience can affect such a wide array of abilities the knowledge can't be put into the spell itself nor gathered from one particular source. Instead the spell has to take the knowledge from elsewhere depending on what is needed which eats up magic at an absurd rate and causes the spell that could last hours to break down in an instant once used. It is also notable that the consumption is truly instanteous and is possible due to the spell realizing that you want to activate it even before you do. There are some other interesting comparisons with ancestral communion, true strike and moment of greatness but I should probably stay focused.>
Pyrom says smiling.

It isn't long until Shelly worms under the door to do as you ask.

<Quick version: Who are these people and what's with the beetle?> your ally asks telepathically while trying not to stare as much as possible for a mass of worms.

Meanwhile the conversation continues your host and his guests and employees none the wiser, with the yet unnamed magic user leading it.
"Well some advice when talking magic, there's no standardised nomenclature for naming spells and individual wizards have reached similar result individually. So magic taught here I'll know as different names than say, someone from the collages own south. But I follow what you're saying.

<I just got a sending from another person. Scourge, the muse from blue rose was looking for information so hopefully I will figure out what they are doing. It is mildly suspicious, as blue rose is a knowledge acquisition guild but not totally out of the realm of possibility. > Pyrom says mentally to the others in the room.

"Do you think we should invite her?" Asks Lord Fossen "Time to talk may allow us to hammer-out any risks of conflict between us and them. Yet if they come now it would make us unprepared, while later would allow the Blue Rose to discover our countermeasures. and you did say they specialise in knowledge acquisition".

I hope the reassures you that I am from the north.

"Well, I suppose you may well could be." Aljorn says with a sly grin and good humour as he adds ""Course now I think you aren't human".

Nomad will give some general tips on combat style and slight differences in normal stances that could be used in fighting. He could clearly go into a lot of depth with his martial knowledge but he tries to keep to topics he feels a minotaur with no special training would understand.
If you are interested, I once saw an orc that used a style that I think would go well with your current method of fighting. It uses your entire body and strength to knock your opponent around and trample them into the ground. It would take a lot of training before you would get noticeable results though and I can just give advice for it.

The minotaur follows along with your instruction.

"That sounds good to learn, yes. I suppose I do tend to overly rely on my horns and a thick skull, not uncommon amongst my people. And I neglect my unarmed skills.

2018-09-26, 08:00 PM
<Mildly important giant lord known as Lord Fossen, his guard and his court magician. The insect like person is a prince of some other nation. Looking to ally with them to help fill out the armies and their potential to seemingly naturally gain more power. > Pyrom mentally says to Shelley.

< They are the most likely to ally with us I believe so it is a good idea to at least talk to them. Due to word restriction, they get to choose the meeting place. It will most likely be neutral ground. We can teleport you or a representative if you want to join the discussion. It is dangerous I can stop most of the mental danger during the meeting though immediately after if it turns out they are aggressive they may be able to follow you back. My suggestion is this, I have a pyramid vehicle sort of thing for meetings like this designed to counter divination. You choose someone to send who we then disguise as one of our members and put up the proper protections on. Then we don't refer to the kingdom or anything that might hint that during the initial meeting. That way, you have someone at the meeting but if they decide they want to go aggressive they don't just immediately track you down. If we go with this option please do not choose a giant and please choose someone who is has a very good amount of will power. The pyramid was designed to hold four people my size in it and I have two others who are coming already so a giant would get extremely uncomfortable and the willpower is in case we miss something.


Heh, better than being called a monster or madman at least. Nomad says chuckling slightly.

Ok, so the orc's strategy was an interesting one. He used two shields and focused his training heavily on pushing his opponent around and then while they are off balance running over them. It was extremely successful against those who don't resist damage as he was able to hit with his two shields over and over again extremely quickly. He often used alchemical drugs and pure rage to amplify his strength but the most important thing is getting the combo down. The hardest part of this for you to learn is going to be learning how to use two shields. The multiple hits from the shield were needed to reach the full potential of the combo but it has very impressive when pulled off. Reduced a troll down to mush by ramming it into a wall. Unsurprisingly size and strength matters a lot as well as knowing how to push people around. When pulled off successfully, it is much more lethal than battle axe. Nomad explains.

What I'm describing with nomad is a shield slam/bull rush/overrun build that uses two levels of siege breaker/mutation warrior and shield slam to smush enemies in a flurry of attacks (each shield attack it gets equals 3 total attacks assuming everything hits each one adding strength and some other damage). Another level in fighter to get mutagen and then old barbarian get added to the mix later to boost strength further. If feat retraining is allowed and he could get 13 dex the minotaur could get the combo done in 2 levels. Eventually he could get greater bull rush which results in an even deadly attack as all your allies get in on the whacking action.

2018-10-03, 01:43 PM
<Mildly important giant lord known as Lord Fossen, his guard and his court magician. The insect like person is a prince of some other nation. Looking to ally with them to help fill out the armies and their potential to seemingly naturally gain more power. > Pyrom mentally says to Shelley.

< They are the most likely to ally with us I believe so it is a good idea to at least talk to them. Due to word restriction, they get to choose the meeting place. It will most likely be neutral ground. We can teleport you or a representative if you want to join the discussion. It is dangerous I can stop most of the mental danger during the meeting though immediately after if it turns out they are aggressive they may be able to follow you back. My suggestion is this, I have a pyramid vehicle sort of thing for meetings like this designed to counter divination. You choose someone to send who we then disguise as one of our members and put up the proper protections on. Then we don't refer to the kingdom or anything that might hint that during the initial meeting. That way, you have someone at the meeting but if they decide they want to go aggressive they don't just immediately track you down. If we go with this option please do not choose a giant and please choose someone who is has a very good amount of will power. The pyramid was designed to hold four people my size in it and I have two others who are coming already so a giant would get extremely uncomfortable and the willpower is in case we miss something.

Can you write out exactly what you want Shelly to do? I feel like I'm missing something.

Also is the prepared NPC to be for this conversation or the eventual Jotsmoot?


Heh, better than being called a monster or madman at least. Nomad says chuckling slightly.

Ok, so the orc's strategy was an interesting one. He used two shields and focused his training heavily on pushing his opponent around and then while they are off balance running over them. It was extremely successful against those who don't resist damage as he was able to hit with his two shields over and over again extremely quickly. He often used alchemical drugs and pure rage to amplify his strength but the most important thing is getting the combo down. The hardest part of this for you to learn is going to be learning how to use two shields. The multiple hits from the shield were needed to reach the full potential of the combo but it has very impressive when pulled off. Reduced a troll down to mush by ramming it into a wall. Unsurprisingly size and strength matters a lot as well as knowing how to push people around. When pulled off successfully, it is much more lethal than battle axe. Nomad explains.

What I'm describing with nomad is a shield slam/bull rush/overrun build that uses two levels of siege breaker/mutation warrior and shield slam to smush enemies in a flurry of attacks (each shield attack it gets equals 3 total attacks assuming everything hits each one adding strength and some other damage). Another level in fighter to get mutagen and then old barbarian get added to the mix later to boost strength further. If feat retraining is allowed and he could get 13 dex the minotaur could get the combo done in 2 levels. Eventually he could get greater bull rush which results in an even deadly attack as all your allies get in on the whacking action.

"Interesting." Aljorn ponders to himself. "Next time I'm in a city I'll have to visit a smith, probably a properly sized shield sold by Duesan mercenaries at some point. Thinking about it any risk of lacking a proper blade my horns would compensate for too. What style of shield was used"?

So upcoming events here are likely to involve travel with little happening for days at a time. Would you like to handle this as a timeskip while you can fill in Nomad's actions in the travel time?

2018-10-09, 07:42 AM
Shelley is just there to teleport me home and so I can get a bonus from suzerain for having a free willed follower capable of witnessing my actions. The prepared npc is for the upcoming conversation assuming they want to come like they seemed to be suggesting.

They used to use two heavy shields with spikes but my understanding is a light shield and a heavy shield is more common due to the difficulty of using two shields at the same time. I will see if I can find you something to practice with until you get the chance. He says nodding. Assuming there is enough time left before they leave he is going to return to the hole. He is going to cast communal resist acid, freedom of movement and ice body before jumping into the muck and trying to find two creatures large enough to use for bone shields. If he finds and kill them with out a problem he is going to use fabricate to make the shields with spikes for the minotaur to use.

I'm good to time skip with him assuming he can kill what ever he finds easily enough. Then the next day when he prepares his spells he uses fabricate twice to make the shields with spikes (and assuming it isn't masterwork he uses blood to money with masterwork transformation to make them masterwork). His int is more than enough to succeed on a craft check every time. During the time skip he is going to try to get to know Aljorn and Lioba better.

Seeing Xeno didn't have a usual spell list, I made a list of spells he usually prepares (still missing his magus spells and a few lower level spells)


2018-10-17, 02:24 PM
<Mildly important giant lord known as Lord Fossen, his guard and his court magician. The insect like person is a prince of some other nation. Looking to ally with them to help fill out the armies and their potential to seemingly naturally gain more power. > Pyrom mentally says to Shelley.

< They are the most likely to ally with us I believe so it is a good idea to at least talk to them. Due to word restriction, they get to choose the meeting place. It will most likely be neutral ground. We can teleport you or a representative if you want to join the discussion. It is dangerous I can stop most of the mental danger during the meeting though immediately after if it turns out they are aggressive they may be able to follow you back. My suggestion is this, I have a pyramid vehicle sort of thing for meetings like this designed to counter divination. You choose someone to send who we then disguise as one of our members and put up the proper protections on. Then we don't refer to the kingdom or anything that might hint that during the initial meeting. That way, you have someone at the meeting but if they decide they want to go aggressive they don't just immediately track you down. If we go with this option please do not choose a giant and please choose someone who is has a very good amount of will power. The pyramid was designed to hold four people my size in it and I have two others who are coming already so a giant would get extremely uncomfortable and the willpower is in case we miss something.

<How about...> Shelly continues to list off a few NPC names that seem appropriate.

<Also are you sure your pyramid is big enough? The lord and the prince seem too large already. Maybe prepare a reduce person for the humanoids?>

leaving it to you what NPC was chosen, you'd know better who was used than I would.

Also Lord Fossen and the Prince are both Large this may be an issue with your plan as I understand it.

They used to use two heavy shields with spikes but my understanding is a light shield and a heavy shield is more common due to the difficulty of using two shields at the same time. I will see if I can find you something to practice with until you get the chance. He says nodding. Assuming there is enough time left before they leave he is going to return to the hole. He is going to cast communal resist acid, freedom of movement and ice body before jumping into the muck and trying to find two creatures large enough to use for bone shields. If he finds and kill them with out a problem he is going to use fabricate to make the shields with spikes for the minotaur to use.

I'm good to time skip with him assuming he can kill what ever he finds easily enough. Then the next day when he prepares his spells he uses fabricate twice to make the shields with spikes (and assuming it isn't masterwork he uses blood to money with masterwork transformation to make them masterwork). His int is more than enough to succeed on a craft check every time. During the time skip he is going to try to get to know Aljorn and Lioba better.

Seeing Xeno didn't have a usual spell list, I made a list of spells he usually prepares (still missing his magus spells and a few lower level spells)


While there's few of suitably large vertebrates you could Fabricate using hibernating estuarine worms (http://www.aonprd.com/MonsterDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Estuarine%20Worm%20(S hemu%20Form)), working their dense hides as appropriate or with more effort find a unhealthy frogheamoth. Masterwork spiked shields are made.

The next week passes without incident, the injured man recovering well. Through conversation it comes up the caravan in heading to old ruins that exist in what is roughly the centre of the desert. These people making their livelihoods ferrying people and goods to and from the ruins to a somewhat major large town in the area and then the closest city, the main hub of civilisation around the desert. Supplementing this income with what they can hunt and offering their local know-how to travellers heading to the ruins. At present Aljorn is actually the caravan's client, minotaurs as it so happens regularly pass through on pilgrimage to the ruins that were supposedly the ancient homeland of their people. These pilgrims are actually an important industry for the region as the minotaur homeland is rich in gold and uses steel for currency, leaving a stockpile of the metal available for foreign trade.

With what you learns of his background while he practices the new combat style, Aljorn has plans to spend time down south before returning home up north, him mentioning his family's claim to a mine abandoned some generations back after trolls tore their way inside and destroyed most of it. What Aljorn wishes to do is make his fortune down south before bringing it back home and fortifying the area to found his own settlement. The minotaur is a little brash and uncaring of subtleties but is overall good hearted sort, often seeing how he can make himself useful through the journey and seems like a lack of experience will hold him back from his ambitions.

Lioba has been more reserved but when questioned admits that she isn't entirely sure how she wound up ostensibly in charge but pins it to a mixture of a few good ideas in her adolescence and from being of the lands nobility, her mother from the local ruling house and her father being a distant cousin of the ruling family. Dispite how she puts it across your observations suggest she actually likes the authority she has but does not seem to abuse it in any way, mostly just keeping things organised.

Soon the leg of the journey is over and you have arrived at the ruins, Aljorn saying his goodbyes and taking his possessions. This leaves you with the choice of heading into the ruins or making to the town the caravan heads to next or perhaps the city after that.

2018-10-28, 08:49 PM
Ah, I get the confusion now. The second blue message was supposed to be to Lord Fossen and the Prince but forgot to say so. Didn't realize the Prince was too big but knew the Lord was too big.

I'm bringing the Chrestomath and Lyreka (Who prepares several greater teleports) with the fourth being who ever the Lord chooses. Also forgot to mention this but if the person is evil bad stuff is going to happen. I'm good to skip to the meeting.

He thanks the caravan and heads to the ruins to have a look around. Seems like it might have something valuable in it. Aljorn at least thought there was enough of a fortune to reinforce his home. Maybe there would be some adventurous people to recruit in the ruins as well.

Do the ruins come up when Pyrom checks the Chrestomath for nomad? Specifically, are they related to Arnkel somehow?

2018-11-07, 04:30 PM
Ah, I get the confusion now. The second blue message was supposed to be to Lord Fossen and the Prince but forgot to say so. Didn't realize the Prince was too big but knew the Lord was too big.

I'm bringing the Chrestomath and Lyreka (Who prepares several greater teleports) with the fourth being who ever the Lord chooses. Also forgot to mention this but if the person is evil bad stuff is going to happen. I'm good to skip to the meeting.

Lord Fossen would send one of his knights, a LG one. In the event it comes up in conversation knights in the nation are more than just warriors with some sense of nobility but also a personal 'inner circle' of trusted companions to their lord that can be trusted to act on their behalf.

Also I think it may be best to skip ahead somewhat in the conversation to get things back on a clear direction, do you have a preference here? It would be up to you where things pick up from. Anything missed 'offscreen' can be hashed out easily enough.

He thanks the caravan and heads to the ruins to have a look around. Seems like it might have something valuable in it. Aljorn at least thought there was enough of a fortune to reinforce his home. Maybe there would be some adventurous people to recruit in the ruins as well.

The ruins are mostly circular and were they to be viewed from the air could be seen to be composed of three walled rings that are wider than the last, with the outermost seeming not entirely complete while the innermost is further able to be separated into two other sections. The first is an area of low buildings and more unusual layout that blends into the area around it and the other is large building with it's own walls at the densest part of the city.

Almost immediately outside the ruins is one of the artificial oases the caravan used as points to stop off from, Aljorn is setting up camp within before his own exploration. There is not too much immediately amiss at the outer regions and they seem to have been picked clean of all beyond broken pottery for the most part. Many of the building are open and able to be freely entered and left except where sand has piled up.

Take a perception check.

Do the ruins come up when Pyrom checks the Chrestomath for nomad? Specifically, are they related to Arnkel somehow?

The ruins predate the arrival of Arnkel Slomor. Looking them up would show they do so by thousands of years when the land was divided into regions ruled over by one tribe or another. Deeper consultation of the Chrestomath will show they were originally built by the now extinct plains elves who founded a city-state that was a superpower of it's times and maintained control of much of the region. While these tribes still interacted with the elves only warily and were occasionally taken as slaves of in the case of peoples from less favoured groups, the city's inhabitants had gradually risen from 'intelligent monsters' to 'fey-natured neighbours' in the eyes of others. Trade in both directions began in earnest and the city began to allow free humans and giants within while the plains elves were denounced as soft or weak by others of their kind that interacted with them. The hags that eventually took over were an issue at this point but were ununified and few in number.

At some point a succession of calamities came to afflict the city between a famine later believed to have been started by the hags, political upheaval as their leadership consisted of a warring tyrant was succeeded by a madman, and traitors from within spread a cult that summoned the eye and servants of an evil god although records of the last are few and for what deities and their cults lay claim to the destruction as many say otherwise. In the end the population was decimated and the populace was split into two factions: Those loyal to the mad king and the appointed aristocracy who truly ran things, and those who sought a different path. Knowing attempts to beg their own patron are pointless they turn to the god of the giantkin that they began to welcome in the past and who was already growing in prominence in the city. They pooled their resources to march far north until they sound new land to settle. While the first group died out in the city those who left were in a bad position. As they travelled they received the blessings of Jotnuss and with every day they stood taller and found the limbs of even the frail and elderly filled with growing strength. These wanderers would carve out secure fortress cities in the inhospitable lands shared by the trolls.

The children of these settlers became the first minotaurs and raised on stories of their old homeland and tropical environs they could scarlessly imagine a band of adolescents took it upon themselves to see it for themselves. In the time since the hags had all but cemented their takeover and the region became difficult to navigate. Upon reaching the lands of the Iluknazi they were recognised from old legends. In the end it is decided that this band of minotaurs will help these people and so they take to the old ruins they came to see and raise a supply of weapons and armour from what usable pieces remained. This sparked a revolt from the Iluknazi that while ultimately unsuccessful created an eternal bond. While the youths that fuelled rebellion were put to death by the hags, in following years their younger siblings and cousins came looking, met the Iluknazi, and returned to their elders.

The minotaur people were enraged by the death of their youths and their pride in their ancestors refused to allow their former lands to be held by the hags and so they set up a chain of messengers to report on the happenings of the hag-held lands and so was it a great many were roped into supporting the rebellion started by Arnkel Slomor.

Now by tradition minotaurs pilgrimage to the ruins at least once in their lives and are always welcomed into bands of Iluknazi, with which some choose to stay for one reason or another.

2018-11-25, 05:51 PM
Sorry for taking so long to respond. A lot of stuff going on for me.

I am not actually sure what they want to talk to me about. I can skip ahead to what they want to talk about.

Nomad looks around at the ruins. Mostly though he focuses less on sight and more on the world hidden from view. If there is loot hidden somewhere, it would be hidden. It would be hard to imagine the minotaurs missing anything but maybe. He wanders in and out of rooms looking around. If he can find all the pieces for a pot he will try to mend one and see if it seems valuable or if it looks interesting.

nomad is going to try to use blindsight to see if he can sense any strange empty spaces behind walls.

Here is his perception check [roll0]

2018-12-05, 02:21 PM
Sorry for taking so long to respond. A lot of stuff going on for me.

I am not actually sure what they want to talk to me about. I can skip ahead to what they want to talk about.

I think we have the same issue essentially. Simply put, the gaps between post have been sufficient I've lost context for what is happening or where the conversation is going, and thus I cannot have the characters really do much because I am unsure what is overall happening. Wasn't Pyrom arranging some meeting with Lord Fossen and the Prince, going to use the pyramid-thing for transport I think. Also there was something about Pyro preparing magical defences for the town.

Meanwhile what was also discussed is that Lord Fossen will also call Pyrom during a national meeting happening later in the year to bring everyone of the same page about the possibility of danger the other guilds possess.

Nomad looks around at the ruins. Mostly though he focuses less on sight and more on the world hidden from view. If there is loot hidden somewhere, it would be hidden. It would be hard to imagine the minotaurs missing anything but maybe. He wanders in and out of rooms looking around. If he can find all the pieces for a pot he will try to mend one and see if it seems valuable or if it looks interesting.

nomad is going to try to use blindsight to see if he can sense any strange empty spaces behind walls.

Here is his perception check [roll0]

After some looking around the outer areas of the ruined city you find both of what you seek in the same room of what may have been a nicer looking house once. The vase has the majority of it's components in the same abandoned heap, the rest probably nearby in what was probably a dining room once. Meanwhile a large stone block under where the table is flush against the wall becomes apparent if focussing.

Troublingly the pile of pottery shards twitches a couple time out of the corner of your eye when you inspect the wall.

2018-12-29, 05:28 PM
A blue rose person sent a request to meet through sending. I wanted a representative from lord Fossen or the Prince to go to see the others. Pyrom does have some plans to secure the city more though for now most of them are pretending he isn't doing anything with the city, training some people when he goes troll hunting and making an extra-dimensional bunker for the citizens to live in if an attack occurred.

Nomad smiles as he notices the pot. He looks closer at it with his arcane sight to see if the pieces were magic or not. Either away, assuming the pottery didn't seem to be too threatening he would try to put the pieces together and mend them back to shape.

He is going to try to use mending though if it is an odd golem and not just a creature in there (or a magic item), there isn't much he could do.

2018-12-31, 02:27 PM
A blue rose person sent a request to meet through sending. I wanted a representative from lord Fossen or the Prince to go to see the others. Pyrom does have some plans to secure the city more though for now most of them are pretending he isn't doing anything with the city, training some people when he goes troll hunting and making an extra-dimensional bunker for the citizens to live in if an attack occurred.

I follow now. Lord Fossen would send the knight I mentioned earlier.

So perhaps skip ahead to when preparations are complete and things are being set up? Then there'd be some communication with Blue Rose to sort out a meeting place I would imagine.

Nomad smiles as he notices the pot. He looks closer at it with his arcane sight to see if the pieces were magic or not. Either away, assuming the pottery didn't seem to be too threatening he would try to put the pieces together and mend them back to shape.

He is going to try to use mending though if it is an odd golem and not just a creature in there (or a magic item), there isn't much he could do.

The pottery is non-magical and, source of the movement aside, not dangerous. The mystery ends quickly with the mending fixes half of it, lifting the shards covering a small undead snake starring at you.

With lightning speed the skeletal serpent bolts for the hidden path you found, finding space by pushing out the packed sand hiding the gap and making it's escape.

The repaired bit of the pot is of interest itself, not unlike ancient Greek pottery it depicts a muscular horned elf planting a spear into the ground under the moon where beneath it are a quartet of other beings. One is a fey looking creature with the antlers and feet of a stag and skin depicted in a strange multicoloured weaving effect that makes it seem rough. The second is another elf with aquiline features, clawed hands, and feathered wings. The third is bat winged and wolf mawed but dressed in fine robes and a cape. The last skeletal with long claws, the skull of a predatory beast, and moose antlered. All four look defeated. Stretching around this is a lupine head whose open mouth boarders the scene and whose insert ruby eye is the moon.

2019-01-08, 12:21 AM

Tell your master that they would save a lot of undead or minions if they send someone to talk rather than trying to fight me. Nomad says to the fleeing undead spy as he continues to repair the vase and considering what the art on it meant.

Once done with the vase he got to the hard part...the best way to show off how strong he was. He thinks for a moment before switching stances and just walking through the stone. It wasn't overly flashy but it showed what he wanted to show. He looks to the vase in his hand and smiles as an idea comes to him. He still hadn't bothered getting an extradimensional space to hold his things so why not just carry it? There is nothing scarier than someone so confident in their abilities that they carry pottery around rather than an actual weapon. He nods to himself and gets to exploring.

He switched to Anchoring Spirit Stance and just went through the stone block with incorporeal.

2019-01-11, 02:08 PM
I'm assuming Nomad was told what Pyrom found about the ruins?


Tell your master that they would save a lot of undead or minions if they send someone to talk rather than trying to fight me. Nomad says to the fleeing undead spy as he continues to repair the vase and considering what the art on it meant.

Once done with the vase he got to the hard part...the best way to show off how strong he was. He thinks for a moment before switching stances and just walking through the stone. It wasn't overly flashy but it showed what he wanted to show. He looks to the vase in his hand and smiles as an idea comes to him. He still hadn't bothered getting an extradimensional space to hold his things so why not just carry it? There is nothing scarier than someone so confident in their abilities that they carry pottery around rather than an actual weapon. He nods to himself and gets to exploring.

He switched to Anchoring Spirit Stance and just went through the stone block with incorporeal.

On repairing the rest of the vase you see two other similar images across it. The story that seems to form show the five figures standing together and the beasts eye is mealy a half moon made from topaz. Here the horned elf is shown standing apart while slinking away outside the jaws is a stinger tipped tail poking out from the bottom of the pot, the image not continuing beneath. In the next image the five are in combat over a gibbous garnet moon. The central figure winning and depicted standing taller.

The questions come into play concerning the whole series. It is likely a propaganda piece by the proto-minotaur race that lived here, although who and what the others are is a mystery ranging from other races to specific individuals. Battle is depicted but how literal the depiction is may vary. it can just as easily be a legend as real events, and the nature of the fighters could vary from actual people, stand ins for the races as a whole with average members of there kind, or even the leaders representing the same. And then there is the fact the depiction is in a beasts' jaws. The field of battle may well be some demiplane a monster's gullet leads to or some personification of nature, among other possibilities.

Phasing into the tunnels you find they are lightless and expansive, seemingly going beyond the length of your sight along the east and west, always varying with their exact level and branching off at regular intervals. They are dusty and sprinkled with sand but the detritus of an aeon is regularly the marks of something moving around can be seen along with the bones of the odd small animal, never whole skeletons but just a leg or rib here and there.

The tunnel here likely extends to other local buildings and is big enough for a large human to squeeze through. It isn't long until you are contacted by the necromancer, or whoever lurks here. Light greets you as you approach one exit, another block lined with packed sand that is now being scraped away my bone digits. The block is dragged out by a curious undead: two humanoid pelvises' with a horses skull in where the two meet and the splayed bones of the foot serving to manipulate the stone. Now able to see you it holds a clay slate between it's jaws that it then holds out to you.

2019-01-12, 08:44 PM
Yep, also does Pyrom recognize the creatures?

If this is one of those scenarios where you are attempting a trap symbol, I am warning you now it won't work and I will be pissed. Nomad says. He mentally gives a warning to the rest of the group in case this was a trap, give a description of where he was and to ask Pyrom what he thinks this creature was. If it is etched he will read it using his blindsight from where he is otherwise he will shift the vase to one hand and take the tablet with the other.

2019-01-21, 02:20 PM
Yep, also does Pyrom recognize the creatures?
No. It is if anything a necrocraft (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/undead/necrocraft/)but is a little small for one. If it is something new it has the looks of something that may well bee an improved familiar

If this is one of those scenarios where you are attempting a trap symbol, I am warning you now it won't work and I will be pissed. Nomad says. He mentally gives a warning to the rest of the group in case this was a trap, give a description of where he was and to ask Pyrom what he thinks this creature was. If it is etched he will read it using his blindsight from where he is otherwise he will shift the vase to one hand and take the tablet with the other.

With your blindsight you find it repeats the same message is a mixture of languages, etched in three separate sets of handwriting.

In Elven, Terran, Giant, Celestial, Infernal, and two others you do not know, the message reads the following:

"By royal word.

You trespass. However in recognition of your ignorance civility you are granted mercy from the toll of bone.

The crown seeks information and would like to exchange formal greetings. In return for this and continued civility it will be seen fit to grant you formal rights to move freely within the city and to operate within by certain limitations."

2019-02-10, 06:48 PM
Which language would you want me to speak in? I recognize elvish, terran, giant, celestial and infernal of what you have written.

I have to admit I was not expecting anyone living or unliving in these ruins. I would love an exchange of information. Perhaps, we could make additional deals as well. I am a representative of a certain group with access to quite a lot of resources.
Nomad says looking towards the undead.

2019-02-27, 03:06 PM
Which language would you want me to speak in? I recognize elvish, terran, giant, celestial and infernal of what you have written.

I have to admit I was not expecting anyone living or unliving in these ruins. I would love an exchange of information. Perhaps, we could make additional deals as well. I am a representative of a certain group with access to quite a lot of resources.
Nomad says looking towards the undead.

After some deliberation the creature points the message at you while moving a toe along the section written in Elven.
Once the point is made clear the construction of bones gestures you to follow.

2019-03-10, 02:35 PM
Nomad nods and follows behind the creature. He watches the path he takes more out of curiosity than anything else relaying the information to the others in case someone needed to teleport in. Every so often he plays with the vase tossing it up and catching it easily.

2019-03-15, 02:05 PM
Nomad nods and follows behind the creature. He watches the path he takes more out of curiosity than anything else relaying the information to the others in case someone needed to teleport in. Every so often he plays with the vase tossing it up and catching it easily.

If I recall right Nomad sees magic auras right?

It is about a ten minute journey though the cramped tunnels before you arrive to where you are being guided too, with the only break in the route one time you had to exit from another hidden entrance and cross over a half-entombed ruin to enter another tunnel within what was likely a granary or the like once.

In your destination the tunnel opens up until you can properly stand and find yourself in a well preserved and inhabited room.

It is about ten-by fifteen foot and up a few steps until you enter the chamber proper which widens to twenty by thirty-five feet. At the far end there is a set of burning braziers attended by a cluster of fist-size fire elementals burning some smoky incense that renders the still air thick and cloying. To the either side of the braziers are a quartet of armoured undead skeletons with short blades in hand. To the right is another skeletal figure with glowing eyes and full plate. It watches you appraisingly and clearly had more will than the minded bones nearby, Standing prepared to intercede should you prove aggressive. The skeleton champion's, or perhaps graveknight's, full plate detects as +2 armour with the Undead Controlling and Unrighteous properties and is holding a Luck Blane in hand. Lastly a cluster of bony amalgams kneel towards the smoke on the far end of the room.

As you finish taking in the room and it's occupants the smoke around the burning braziers rapidly coalesces into a room filling figure that hovers there for a moments before landing on the ground. It is made of the smoke and is a near humanoid skeleton, three headed, of which the central and left hand are horned and the centre head is crowned, and six arms holding a staff and two large blades. The design of it's shoulders resembled ribs and it seems many bodies formed it.

"We must apologise for meeting in these conditions, but alas the state of my palace means it would stain the honour of us and the guests it entertains." the creature speaks in three intermixed voices, authoritarian but not aggressive. "Now, introduce yourself and ask your questions. I would like to know the nature of our guest".

2019-04-14, 11:53 PM
It is a pleasure to speak with you. It is quite all right to meet out here. I imagine it is hard to keep a palace upkept, given the area and the lack of blood for blood money. The luck blade and armor alone speaks volumes to how opulent it must have been.

I am Ryuuden. I come from a group known for our magic use and magic research. We recently appeared in the area through unknown means and we only have access to the caulborn and various other information gathering spells to keep us up to date with our surroundings.

In order of interest, did you noticed any planar disturbances or know of someone who would want to destroy this world by summoning some of the most dangerous beings from where we come from into it? At least one of the groups summoned have taken an interest in Of The Locust, though their interest is said to be to kill any vestiges left.

We are also interested Arnkel Slomor and the curse that was laid upon him. To make a person a walking wasteland interests greatly as does undoing the effects. The area predates him by thousands of years so I was hoping you know a bit about him.

I am also interested in learning about your people. I have heard some tales and can make some guesses of who you are but the tendency of the victors to write the stories as they see it might make them inaccurate.

Also of interest is a specific plane we have heard of. A plane ruled by the god of undeath that separated off quite a few souls from the Mausoleum. Their petitioner's were one of the few summoned that gave no useful additional information and they gave as little information as possible. Which makes them all the more interesting in our eyes. Suggests either extreme loyalty beyond just simple mind control or extreme intelligence and micromanagement on the part of the deity.

Finally, we are curious about the construction of your followers. They resemble necrografts but are smaller. Possibly from fewer corpses being used? Though we understand if you don't want to talk about them or your apparent ability to gather information with them with out me seeing any spell auras.

And of course, ask as many questions as you want from me. My expertise is magic particularly divine, arcane or martial if you wish to ask questions not directly related to my organization as well.
Nomad says as politely as he can in elvish. He pays close intention in case any one casts spells.

he does have arcane sight. He is also concentrating on everyone to see which ones have magic abilities they have as per arcane sight.

2019-04-24, 05:10 PM
It is a pleasure to speak with you. It is quite all right to meet out here. I imagine it is hard to keep a palace upkept, given the area and the lack of blood for blood money. The luck blade and armor alone speaks volumes to how opulent it must have been.

I am Ryuuden. I come from a group known for our magic use and magic research. We recently appeared in the area through unknown means and we only have access to the caulborn and various other information gathering spells to keep us up to date with our surroundings.

In order of interest, did you noticed any planar disturbances or know of someone who would want to destroy this world by summoning some of the most dangerous beings from where we come from into it? At least one of the groups summoned have taken an interest in Of The Locust, though their interest is said to be to kill any vestiges left.

"Then we must applaud your thoroughness. The caulborn were unsurpassed for their record keeping in our first reign. We employed an array of them myself. As to your questions we have not been able to track planer fluctuations of late. The reign eternal is yet but a season in".

"Now. The Worm Gods." the smoky collective of bones almost spits with it's dry thoughts "They we have an interest in. They have slighted us. Asunder and That Which Gnaws Eternal in particular. Them and we believe Empire Of Dust, ringleader of that petty pantheon was involved. You will have our aid"

We are also interested Arnkel Slomor and the curse that was laid upon him. To make a person a walking wasteland interests greatly as does undoing the effects. The area predates him by thousands of years so I was hoping you know a bit about him.

"We are unfamiliar with this Arnkel, although Slomor is the name my lands are now known, yes? He must be after my time".

I am also interested in learning about your people. I have heard some tales and can make some guesses of who you are but the tendency of the victors to write the stories as they see it might make them inaccurate.

"We should expect to be remembered. Tell me, Ryuuden, who am I".

"We will be sure to correct whatever hearsay some cowards felt they could get away with when we were out of earshot".

Also of interest is a specific plane we have heard of. A plane ruled by the god of undeath that separated off quite a few souls from the Mausoleum. Their petitioner's were one of the few summoned that gave no useful additional information and they gave as little information as possible. Which makes them all the more interesting in our eyes. Suggests either extreme loyalty beyond just simple mind control or extreme intelligence and micromanagement on the part of the deity.

"That too is new. Are they a pretender or the imposable we wonder? This undeath is the intoxicating state those here exist in, Yes?

Finally, we are curious about the construction of your followers. They resemble necrografts but are smaller. Possibly from fewer corpses being used? Though we understand if you don't want to talk about them or your apparent ability to gather information with them with out me seeing any spell auras.

And of course, ask as many questions as you want from me. My expertise is magic particularly divine, arcane or martial if you wish to ask questions not directly related to my organization as well.
[/COLOR] Nomad says as politely as he can in elvish. He pays close intention in case any one casts spells.

We am unfamiliar with Necrocrafts but my creations at first came naturally. Entire stray skeletons would rise but then we experimented with my ability. Stray bones moved. Worms of spine and spiders of finger. Then we took many sources and made them one. I found their animus flexible more so than simpler and cruder creations. Then, weak in our rebirth, we could take stray bone and make strength of it. Finally we rose from our interment to rule all I see. My agents have looked into my abilities and found means to replicate them. As to their manufacture we would need to know more about these necrocrafts to be sure on the differences but in basic details our bone amalgams are specifically bone only, remaining flesh or even marrow renders the remains unsuitable. You must have some idea what you are make before you start. Utmost focus, what it is, how it moves, what it will do. Of course their are necessary refinements to the spellwork the creator must learn. This serves to blend other magic into the creation and will aid in other forms of experimentation into what can be made, in this case it is the most rudimentary of repair magics".

"As to the ability to see through the eyes of my servants, that is another ability of our nature. One we have also went about uncovering the secrets of. While we still seek the proper formulae to work this effect into a spell all we need are more samples of creatures with is ability. One our experiments have found the means to create".

"This leads us to our next point before we sake our curiosity, to what extent is you or your organisation available for hire? we have tasks beyond my means to preform personally at this time and will reward each with sufficient wealth for a man to live out the rest of his days in comfort or the treatise of creating my amalgamae. Also Should our experiments in sharing the senses of a controlled thrall be of interest to fellow scholars we require some reagents unavailable to us to create the creature we need to observe to create the desired spell. Specifically we would have need of six living flesh and blood humanoid beings, humans, giants, race is irreverent but any three must fall within relatively similar height. Alongside that we also need two masses of black onyx, obsidian, or high quality jet about the size of a humans head. In exchange as our research partners you will be provided with one of the creatures yourself to do with as you please and copies of all notes and final magical formulae we create".

he does have arcane sight. He is also concentrating on everyone to see which ones have magic abilities they have as per arcane sight.

There are no magic items beyond those noted. Nobody shows signs of magical ability.

2019-04-25, 11:48 AM
Considering where we are, you not knowing Arnkel and your royalty, I would say you are the loyalists from the split between the plains elves. I am not entirely sure where you were in the line but it was reported the final kings were a warring tyrant being replaced with a madman. I would guess you were the madman though you seem quite sane which makes this guess mostly based on them being the last king I know of. It is unclear what killed off the loyalists but I would guess the hags, who are also believed to have been the cause of the famine and who took over. They were then defeated by Arnkel with some assistance from the minotaurs.

Yes, you most likely are undead. Theoretically you could be a strange version of a golem but that is exceedingly unlikely.

A necrocraft is the result of fusing five or more undead corpses together. Either in their undead state or after they were destroyed. Their creation requires an expensive onyx gem, animate dead and make whole. Make whole is the repair magic and animate dead is what gives it the energy it needs.

They can be made with flesh but it is possible the difference is a limitation in the form of animate dead you are using. Otherwise it seems extremely similar.

We are open to being hired. There are some limitations, specifically we are working on an alliance with another nation but I doubt it will matter too much. The treatise does interest us the most. We also have a few spells you may be interested in we can sell though the best spell would need to be reworked to be used by an undead. If you can figure it out though, it will save you a literal fortune. Has saved me over 100000 gold pieces so far just from all the permanencies I have cast alone and has probably saved my organization well over a five million at this point. Such a simple spell but so effective.

We will work on getting you the living creatures, probably trolls. Depending on if they have a city or other large gathering that my leader knows about, I could probably get them here, in less than a minute. The stone will probably take longer, depending on where it can be mined.
Nomad says studying the area carefully. He mentally asks Pyrom about it the trolls have any set place a large number of them would be living at.

2019-05-22, 05:58 PM
Considering where we are, you not knowing Arnkel and your royalty, I would say you are the loyalists from the split between the plains elves. I am not entirely sure where you were in the line but it was reported the final kings were a warring tyrant being replaced with a madman. I would guess you were the madman though you seem quite sane which makes this guess mostly based on them being the last king I know of. It is unclear what killed off the loyalists but I would guess the hags, who are also believed to have been the cause of the famine and who took over. They were then defeated by Arnkel with some assistance from the minotaurs.

"A tyrant they call me?" your host speaks darkly, one voice over the others, "They would now wouldn't they".

"The hags were a symptom. Without us to hold the city together the scavengers tore from the bones of our city. The cults are no doubt what broke us".

]A necrocraft is the result of fusing five or more undead corpses together. Either in their undead state or after they were destroyed. Their creation requires an expensive onyx gem, animate dead and make whole. Make whole is the repair magic and animate dead is what gives it the energy it needs.

They can be made with flesh but it is possible the difference is a limitation in the form of animate dead you are using. Otherwise it seems extremely similar.[/COLOR]

"Interesting to know. I will have to experiment with flesh in time".

We are open to being hired. There are some limitations, specifically we are working on an alliance with another nation but I doubt it will matter too much. The treatise does interest us the most. We also have a few spells you may be interested in we can sell though the best spell would need to be reworked to be used by an undead. If you can figure it out though, it will save you a literal fortune. Has saved me over 100000 gold pieces so far just from all the permanencies I have cast alone and has probably saved my organization well over a five million at this point. Such a simple spell but so effective.

We will work on getting you the living creatures, probably trolls. Depending on if they have a city or other large gathering that my leader knows about, I could probably get them here, in less than a minute. The stone will probably take longer, depending on where it can be mined.
[/COLOR] Nomad says studying the area carefully. He mentally asks Pyrom about it the trolls have any set place a large number of them would be living at.

"I have a number of tasks that need completed. for the treatise there are three services I need complete, with yet more sensitive ones I may yet trust your organisation with if your efforts please me. Most simple is the acquisition of more materials. Six candles of corpse wax with the hair of murderers for a wick. Of these the wax for one, and only one, candle must have came from someone still alive. If you can only find the raw materials those can be delivered and have them made here but finished is preferable, with payment delivered on the time we acquire finished candles. This also requires a buckets worth of fresh blood but that can be acquired with the creatures you can provide for the notes".

"Next I have went looking to return the Eternal Guard to their duties yet found their armour plundered. six thousand suits of armour in a unique alloy of adamantine, gold and living steel. Delivery and subsequent vengeance upon all those responsible for said loss will see payment and every suit returned will result in a smaller payment. Finally our own armour, the Phoenix Raiment is among those missing. It's return will also be rewarded.