View Full Version : DM Help Flamewrought? What is this?

2018-03-01, 06:16 PM
I have a D&D game up on roll20, and one of my applicants have their race listed as "Flamewrought Dragonborn" but I have literally never heard of this before, and preliminary research hasn't found anything. Is this a template? A subrace? What book is it in?

2018-03-01, 08:20 PM
I have a feeling this may be something the player came up with for backstory. It doesn’t seem to be a thing in 3.5 or Pathfinder, and I’m not seeing it in the index to Dragon magazine either.

Might be worth asking the player about. I’m assuming this is a 3.5 game you’re running, since you’re in this subforum?

2018-03-02, 12:21 AM
Nevermind, I got back with them and found the source. It's a fairly new player, and they were using dnd-wiki without realizing they were in the homebrew section. I feel like they could do more to make it obvious what's homebrew and what's real.

2018-03-02, 02:21 PM
Nevermind, I got back with them and found the source. It's a fairly new player, and they were using dnd-wiki without realizing they were in the homebrew section. I feel like they could do more to make it obvious what's homebrew and what's real.

Well, there is a big homebrew banner on the pages...