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2018-03-02, 08:19 PM
Obryx - Land of Disaster


The Forest

You'd stopped for the day. Night was coming, and you were several miles outside Obryx at this point. The six of you pitch camp after scouting the surrounding area. There are no signs of predators nearby, and the weather seems calm. Tents are pitched, a fire is started, and you settle in for the night after a brief meal. As night falls, Esk excuses himself and goes a few yards to find a convenient tree. No more than 10 seconds later, the burly orc screams in agony.

The Briefing

"Alright, crew. We've got a short hop into the wilderness lined up, and we've selected you lot to take it. Nothing fancy. The Tech Management guys have managed to find what looks like what used to be a golem. Not much left, but they seem to think there's a decent amount of mithral to be stripped out of it. A few of you in here know your way around that kind of stuff, and that's why you're here."

Commander Loso gets up from behind her desk, and comes around it to stand in front of you. "We know most of you don't have a lot of experience. That's why Esk here is tagging along. He's been doing this for about twenty years; knows the areas around the city pretty well. He'll keep you in line."

Esk looks a little uncomfortable with the attention of the room directed at him. Standing nearly seven feet tall and absolutely covered in scars, he was one of the more imposing people in the room. After the commander leaves the room, he moves to the front of the room and starts to lay out the specifics of the trip.

The Forest

Some of you rush into the underbrush after him. He couldn't have gone far, not with as little time as had passed. Fairly rapidly, you find where...whatever it was happened. The undergrowth is trampled flat, the soil looks freshly turned, and there is a lot of blood.

The Plan

The plan, as Esk explains it to you, is fairly straightforward. Although the target is within a day's hike of the city, the group would be pushing daylight hours if it chose to make the hike in one day, and doing that would leave them in some of the more dangerous territory near the city; an area into which one of the lesser demi-planes had intruded recently. Instead, the group would do half the trip, set up a halfway camp, and then power in and out of the target area in one day. It would be hard work when they reached the target, but it would prevent them from being in dangerous territory come nightfall.

The Forest

Something was out there. Bushes rustled, branches snapped. You can hear a strange chittering as the whatever-it-is darts around you in the underbrush. Morte and Nasan can see a large, low-slung shape darting from bush to bush, but it's constantly obscured. After a few seconds, it drops out of sight entirely. You start to light the area up; torches flare up and reveal ghastly, flickering shadows. The noises quiet, and there's no sign of the creature. The forest floor all around you is churned and torn up, and the foliage is destroyed.

2018-03-02, 09:56 PM
Ansel has an arrow knocked, and an ioun torch orbiting above his head. He is studying the underbrush as carefully as he can, trying to discern a trail. "Well this is lovely. Might I suggest that we not split up in looking for the man? He's likely in no condition to rescue, but we should try to confirm that at least."

The young man's form is lightly obscured by mostly translucent plates

Perception [roll0]

2018-03-03, 02:13 AM
Warsmith Blackhands

"This Seems like a good idea, Wouldn't want you fleshlings to get hurt" Blackhands says gruffly while putting their shield in place and hefting their Warhammer into their other hand. After they do so, they looks around and makes sure everybody else has their weapons in hand or close in hand, Handing a Dagger from their bandoleer to them if anybody doesn't.

Blackhands stares at Ansel for a moment. "Of course we confirm it, He's made of tough stuff or he wouldn't be out here"

2018-03-03, 11:20 AM
Ansel points out some marks in the dirt, "Looks like something with two claws came through here. No sign of Esk leaving under his own power, dragged or carried off, if not swallowed mostly whole. Somebody better than me at tracking want to try their hand?"

2018-03-03, 11:47 AM

The Tengu with the group frowns, glancing about as he unsheathes his massive sword. "We need to at least do that, but we should also kill the beast that took him as well." Morte's philosophy was simple, dead beasts rarely harm anyone. He leans down looking for signs of travel from the creature.

[roll0] Track

2018-03-03, 04:07 PM
"Don't assume you can." Prism cautioned the tengu, her voice clear despite the full helm she wore, and her step light even clad in armor. "If it could take Esk, it could just as easily take any of us. If we get a shot, if it looks possible, lets do it. Otherwise? Play it safe, tell the city what happened. Remember: scouts and scavengers, not a strike force."

She knelt near a pool of blood, examining it, then turned her eyes to the claw marks that Ansel pointed out. A warm light shines from her, illuminating the scene wherever she draws near: the green of the torn foliage becomes vibrant, churned mud shines, and the spatters of blood glisten red across the forest floor.

Prism will make her own tracking check: [roll0]
With her Track the Scene talent (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/scout#toc22) she'll attempt to piece together more of what happened here. Is it Esk's blood, or the creature's? How bad a wood does the blood suggest? And where did either of them go?

Oberon Kenobi
2018-03-03, 11:18 PM
Nasan Sul'Zili (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1501567)Nasan flips a small lever on the lantern clipped to her belt, opening the shutter and shining a beam of light into the woods. Darkness is an old friend, but she learned a long time ago that there's value in blinding whatever might be lurking in the dark.

"I'm with Ansel and Blackhands; he's one of us, so we need to find him if he's still alive. Which is becoming less likely with each passing minute, so maybe we follow the blood before it's dry, yeah?"

The flash she'd seen of the creature and the tracks Ansel points out stick in her mind, and a long, jagged blade of faintly smoking shadow appears in her hands, drawn their by instinct. What on earth had taken him?

Forming my 2-handed mind blade, in slashing form.

And I'll make a Knowledge (Dungeoneering) roll; if this creature falls within that realm of knowledge, I'd like to know what it is. [roll0]

Oberon Kenobi
2018-03-04, 08:22 PM
Nasan Sul'Zili (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1501567)Nasan's brow furrows in thought.

"Fact check me here, but these tracks look like a vemerak to me. But if it was, there should be a stench, and we'd feel the ground shaking if it was burrowing." She freezes, and raises her sword instinctively. "Unless it already came back up."

She scans the treeline, lantern shining far into the woods as she looks for any sign of movement, or for the telltale glint of eyes in the darkness.

Or unless there's a cave beneath our feet that it burrowed into, but I can only jump to one conclusion per post and I went with the immediately actionable one.

Anyway, perception check: [roll0]

2018-03-04, 08:50 PM
Ansel keeps shifting his gaze from point to point, "It could also be in a cave below, or remaining still and waiting just below the surface, we need to be cautious. Does anyone have a means of helping discern more? If not, as unfortunate as it is, I do not see a way for us to do more here."

2018-03-04, 10:02 PM
As you peer into the darkness and discuss your options, the earth shifts in front of you a little. Before you can react, an arm bursts from the ground, covered in blood and scars. It starts scrabbling in the dirt around it, pulling itself up to the surface. You can hear muted screaming behind it, and then Esk's head breaks the surface.

"Ankhegs! Ankhegs! Run! They're co-

His head dips beneath the surface again, as though something has grabbed him.

Oberon Kenobi
2018-03-04, 10:22 PM
Nasan Sul'Zili (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1501567)Nasan dives for Esk's hand, trying to pull him back to the surface.

"C'mon, you heavy bastard, climb!"

Grapple check to grab him: [roll0]

2018-03-04, 11:29 PM
"Right, let's not get dragged under."

Ansel focuses, and wisps of pale matter begin to flow together to form a somewhat humanoid being, with indistinct features. the construct moves to stand by where Nasan is trying to free Esk, prepared to help, or strike at the foe, whichever comes up.

Round 1: Astral construct power. Ansel counts as ML 3 for that power, adds 1 to the duration, and can Extend that particular power for free. So a level two construct with a PP cost of 3, and a duration of 8 rounds.
Round 2: (unless events require other actions) Vigor Power: 2 PP for 10 temp hp, shared with construct.

Using staff's power to grant construct 2 AC at expense of own protection

Initiative, cause it looks like we'll need it soon: [roll0]

N Medium construct
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception
AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18
HP 31 (+10 temp hp) Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +0; Immune construct traits
Speed 40 ft. Melee slam +5 melee (1d6+4) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
STATISTICS Str 17, Dex 15, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 10 BAB +2, CMB +5; CMD 17

Three abilities from Menu A: Cleave (make extra attack on adjacent if first hits), Resistance (Ex) (5 Acid Resistance), Trip (free nonprovoking trips on hit)

2018-03-04, 11:37 PM
Nasan grabs Esk's forearm as it begins to dip beneath the surface, and pulls with all of his might. For a second it feels as though Esk will continue to sink, but with one almighty tug, he's dragged halfway out of the dirt. His other arm is missing, and he's still screaming a mix of warning and pain. As he surfaces, you catch a glimpse of an insectile set of eyes and mandibles right behind him. Simultaneously, you hear something else crashing through the underbrush right towards you.

Ordinarily, this would work as "party members that roll higher than monsters" followed by "monsters" followed by "the rest of the party."

All of you rolled higher than the monsters, so everyone write out their turn, in any order you'd like.

Morte and Nasan are next to Esk and the ankheg trying to pull him under. The rest of the group is about 20 feet behind, and a second creature is charging at you; it's about 30 feet out.

2018-03-04, 11:49 PM
Ansel is about to direct his newly formed construct to attack the thing holding Esk when the other makes its appearance. Deciding a delaying action was in order, the psion instead sends his construct to attempt to hinder the charging ankheg.

If the delaying attempt appears to be working, he will call out, "I've got this one occupied for a few moments, focus on the one on Esk!"

Charge Attack: [roll0] [roll1]
If the attack hits, free nonprovoking trip attempt vs Ankheg [roll2]

2018-03-05, 12:37 AM

Most people would be a little shocked at the loss of the arm on another person. But for Morte, it wasn't so bad. A new one could be made, as he had done himself as well. Though, that did need the person to stay alive long enough to get the arm. He unslung his sword bringing it down with all his might on the creature.

Free Action: Berserking +5 temp HP -2 AC
Special Attack Action - Brutal Strike


If the enemy is hit they become Battered until the end of my next turn. If they are still alive and attack me, I'll use Bloody counter on them.

Battered (condition)
Heavy blows have left a creature with this condition vulnerable to further attacks, imposing a -2 penalty to the creature’s CMD and preventing them from taking attacks of opportunity provoked by a creature performing a combat maneuver. Some talents have different effects or activation times against battered creatures. The battered condition can be removed by taking the total defense action, or through the restore ability of the Life sphere (see Spheres of Power), the lesser restoration spell, or similar effects. When inflicting the battered condition on a target that is already battered, the rounds stack when determining duration

Oberon Kenobi
2018-03-05, 12:39 AM
Nasan Sul'Zili (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1501567)"On it!" Releasing Esk's arm, Nasan calls her shadowy blade back to her hand. Raising it high, she thrusts it down, plunging it into the ankheg's side with a bloodthirsty cry.

Releasing the grapple as a free action, and drawing my two-handed mind blade also as a free action.

Then, I'll attack the ankheg next to me, taking a -2 penalty to attempt to Impale (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/lancer) it.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]

If it hits, I'll keep it impaled for the time being.

2018-03-05, 03:25 AM
Ansel's construct rushes forward to intercept the oncoming ankheg, and drops a brutal blow across its head, cracking the chitin and halting its charge.

Meanwhile, Morte brings his blade crashing down at the one holding Esk, missing it by inches. Unfortunately for it, it dodges right into Nasan's oncoming attack.

2018-03-05, 06:57 PM
Prism lunged forward, covering the distance to Esk and the ankheg menacing him in an instant. Her sword slid into her hand and into a vicious upward slash in the same motion, and the light around the blade distorted, rippling around it and slinging along its length with a thrum felt in the chest. Her charge and heavy assault was risky, threatening massive damage but leaving her open to counter attack.

Free Action: Prism Berserks, granting her 6 temporary hp but reducing her AC by 2.
Swift Action: Prism uses Improved Energy Blade and spends a spell point to charge her weapon with a 3d6 damage Stone Blast.
Full-Round Action: Prism charges the ankheg next to Esk, draws her greatsword, and uses Power Attack for a -1 attack and +2 damage. This reduces her AC by a further 1.

Attack: [roll0]
Weapon Damage: [roll1]
Stone Blast Damage: [roll2]

AC: 13
HP: 20/20 (6 temp)
SP: 3/4

2018-03-05, 07:32 PM
Prism's gambit pays off - her enhanced blade combined with her natural fury brings an abrupt end to the ankheg's life. Its entire head caves in under the force of the blow, with ichor spraying everywhere.

2018-03-07, 01:26 AM
Halted by the sudden arrival and assault by the construct, the ankheg reacts the only way it knows how in such a situation - it latches onto the construct's outstretched limb and yanks backwards.

15 physical damage and 4 acid to the construct. It's now grappled.

2018-03-07, 02:00 AM
Ansel grins and pulls an arrow back as the construct reaches up with its other limb to bash at the insect once more.

bow attack [roll0] [roll1]
construct attack (at -2 to hit due to grapple)[roll2] [roll3]
free trip attempt if hit[roll4]

2018-03-07, 02:09 AM
Warsmith Blackhands (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1510826)

Warsmith takes a slow moment to access the situation and decide where help is needed. They decide that making sure Esk Survives is top priority and extends their senses towards him allowing healing magic to flow along. As they cast their magic, Runic markings glow purple all along their body and a weird sounding, to fast to understand litany of words emit from their mouth.

Healing (1 spell Point) - (Range Close): [roll0] @ Esk
Painful Magic: Fort Save DC 11 - Fort Save: [roll1] - Failure = Sickened Status.
Chance of Wild Magic: [roll2] - 1-10 = Rod of Wonder Table (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/rods/rod-of-wonder/): [roll3]

Sickened Status obtained: The character takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

2018-03-07, 03:06 PM
Unseen behind her helm, Prism grinned at her success. The situation wasn't good, but being able to take out her frustration and anxiety on something that deserved it was cathartic. She turned her greatsword in the opposite direction with a flick of her wrist, flinging the ankheg's ichor along and off the blade before charging back towards the remaining monster. Again, ripples surged along her sword as she swung in a powerful strike.

Free Action: Prism Berserks, granting her 6 temporary hp but reducing her AC by 2.
Swift Action: Prism uses Improved Energy Blade to charge her weapon with a 2d6 damage Stone Blast.
Full-Round Action: Prism charges the ankheg next to Esk, draws her greatsword, and uses Power Attack for a -1 attack and +2 damage. This reduces her AC by a further 1.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Stone Blast Damage: [roll2]

AC: 13
HP: 20/20 (6 temp)
SP: 3/4

2018-03-07, 08:14 PM

Not able to kill that first bug thing, Morte moves to attack the next one as attacks bounce off its hardened hide. His sword spins around too quickly for the size.

Using Brawler Strike

And second strike

2018-03-08, 12:42 AM
Less than thirty seconds after Esk managed to claw through the dirt to fresh air, Morte's blade spins improbably fast and the second ankheg's head falls to the ground.

Esk is still alive, and the bleeding has halted, thanks to Blackhands' healing magic. Between the terror of being dragged underground and the trauma from the loss of his arm, he slumps forward, feet still in the ground, unconscious. Silence falls in the forest once more; the adrenaline pumping through (some of) your veins slowly subsides.

2018-03-08, 12:53 AM
Ansel keeps looking for another target for a few moments, not finding one, he'll look to the others. "He's still alive? Good. Might I suggest we get him back to the campsite swiftly? I'd rather not wait around here for something else to show up."

Not really being suited for hauling around comatose half orcs, Ansel will simply stay on guard on the way back.

2018-03-08, 02:43 AM
Blackhands stows her weapon and shield and lifts up Esk carefully like he's a featherweight.

"Lead the way back, I'd rather keep my attention on not jostling him to much, don't need that....shoulder...bleeding again"

2018-03-08, 09:57 AM
Ansel looks about, "Aside from Esk, did we actually get through that without a scratch? I think I might have lost my life savings on that bet. The construct will only last a few more seconds, I'll have to make another if there's something else on the way."

Oberon Kenobi
2018-03-08, 03:51 PM
Nasan Sul'Zili (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1501567)"Isn't betting your life savings that you die kind of a lose-lose?" Nasan withdraws her blade from the ankheg's thorax, allowing the body to slump to the ground next to its severed head. As she releases her hold on the blade, it evaporates in a swirl of shadows, ichor and acid splattering on the ground and dissolving a few fallen leaves with a hiss.

Looking down at their fallen foes, she adds "Scouts and scavengers, right? While Blackhands is tending to Esk, do these things have anything worth salvaging?"

The acid and exoskeleton seemed promising, but if there was anything more directly valuable, it'd probably be in the tunnels or back in their nest. Kneeling down next to the hole the ankheg had emerged from, she pokes her head down into the tunnel, taking a careful look in both directions.

Perception check: [roll0]

2018-03-08, 03:57 PM
Ansel shakes his head, "No I meant I'd probably have bet that we'd have taken more injuries than this at the least. That is if I were the type to... Never mind, its not important, lets just go."

2018-03-08, 11:35 PM

"Be on the lookout. There are probably more of these things, or something that sent them here" Morte reminds the group himself, taking sometime to actually examine the creatures rather than trying to bludgeon them to death with sharp swords.

Knowledge [roll0] +1 if its Nature, arcana or religion

2018-03-09, 02:12 AM
Nasan pops his head into the tunnel to check it out. Looking around, the tunnel goes downwards at about a 45 degree angle for a few meters, and then levels out. Because of the way the beast tunneled, it's already falling in a bit; piles of loose earth are starting to close it off.

After you have a few moments to look over the bodies, you remember a little more about these creatures. They are indeed what Ansel and Esk identified them, with the traits and behaviors being accurate. On top of that, you remember that they rarely travel in more than pairs. Most places can't fully support more than a handful of creatures of this size and voracity that hunt in this manner. And lastly, you remember where you heard this from - one of the merchants you've known for awhile talked to you a bit about it; apparently he'd been looking for some bodies, as the exoskeletons make for some fairly sturdy armor if worked correctly.

2018-03-09, 02:23 PM

Let us try to take them with us." he says pointing to the bodies, already working to pick up the one he fell to carry it with his good arm. "There is use for their bodies, one of their arms could be used to help Esk."

Though, in truth, Morte wasn't too much interested in helping the one armed man, but himself with learning what he could do with a few bits of these things arms to make a new prosthetic for himself later. Esk just happened to be a casualty of assistance.

2018-03-09, 06:52 PM
"You're right, there's probably something we can salvage here." Prism nodded to Nasan, glancing up at Esk before leaning over one of the ankhegs and examining the damage they had done to it, and what pieces were still good. She pulled a knife and began to prod the corpse with it, lifting limbs and sections of carapace or stirring aside viscera. Maybe whatever they used to burrow or produce acid would be valuable?

Once she determined there was something worth salvaging, she'd get to work carving it off and harvesting it.

Appraise. What is nice from an ankheg corpse? [roll0]
Edit: Also a survival check (result 21) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22906468&postcount=39) for harvesting.

If Morte shares his insights, she'll combine them with her own to determine what she should start hacking up.

2018-03-09, 11:35 PM
"Right, just, ah, just let me know if you need a hand there."

This not being his area of expertise, Ansel is rather content to let the experts handle butchering these creatures, and instead keeps watch.

2018-03-10, 12:15 PM
Prism takes a few moments to look the critter over, and then starts hacking. The armored exoskeleton comes off fairly easily, only taking about 15 minutes. Unfortunately, the acid glands prove to be significantly tougher; they rupture after a few seconds of working on them.

After stacking the plates up and securing them however they see fit, the party makes the short walk back to camp, carrying Esk's still limp form.

2018-03-10, 03:44 PM
Back at the campsite, Ansel takes a look at Esk, "Well, this presents a conundrum for us. Esk will probably be good to return to field work at some point, but it certainly will not be tomorrow. We can't leave him here in this state, and he'd be a liability to take with us. I suggest that we return to Obryx early, drop him and the chitin off, and hopefully acquire another guide. If we push we should be able to get there and back here in a single day."

"Is that acceptable for everyone?"

Oberon Kenobi
2018-03-10, 04:51 PM
Nasan Sul'Zili (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1501567)Nasan shakes her head. "That much mithral is going to attract attention if it hasn't already. If we add another day to the expedition, odds are some Blood War detachment will scoop it up before we get there, and we might come back without a guide."

She crosses her arms, grimacing at the unpleasant conclusion. "We'll have to press on and take care of Esk as best we can; we need his help to get where we're going."

Especially since the city might not look kindly on us if we turn back the moment things start to go sideways, on our first mission.

2018-03-11, 07:10 PM
Prism removed her helm as she took a seat by the fire, stirring the coals to get it going again. "We're closer to our goal than the city at this point. Getting the job done and then returning won't take much longer than just returning. I can guide us the rest of the way." She glanced over at their guide. "If Esk needs to get back sooner, we could keep moving. Finish the job tonight rather than waiting."

2018-03-12, 08:31 AM

While the others talk, Blackhands sets Esk down to rest on their bedroll and starts to collect up thicker branches. After doing this they cannibalize parts of their cloak and parts of their backpack. Moving items inside of it to one of their water proof bags..which will have to be carried in hand instead.

With all the material Gathered, Blackhands constructs a backpack with a frame where a humanoid could be strapped to and carried; though they'd have to be tied into it.

Or at least they try to construct it; they've only seen it done and it's not exactly their crafting expertise.

Untrained Type of Craft: [roll0] (3 Int, 2 Anytool MW bonus) VS DC ? (I'm going to assume 15 (High-quality item (bell)))

Blacksmith Grumbles after a while, Having wasted material even attempting and then turns to the others "Hey, Come help me make a carrier for Esk before I waste any more materials..."

Oberon Kenobi
2018-03-12, 03:37 PM
Nasan Sul'Zili (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1501567)Nasan raises an eyebrow. She'd been wondering what Blackhands had been up to, but had generally learned to just let them do their thing. When the warforged asks for help rigging something to carry Esk, though, she removes her climbing harness, takes a length of rope out of her backpack and hands them over.

"Here. If we buckle him in, we can strap him to your back and keep him off the ground. I'll give you a hand."

Don't think there's a roll here, actually. Though it does remind me that there used to be a Use Rope skill back in 3.5. Ah, memories; silly, silly memories.

2018-03-12, 08:21 PM
Ansel nods, "That should work. For now, if we're continuing on without returning, our reasons for not pushing ahead haven't changed. It would be even more dangerous to be in that area at night without Esk, let alone trying to travel through it instead of simply camping."

"As for him, Esk should be fine waiting, I was primarily concerned with what might happen as a result of helping him along. Lets rest up, and stay vigilant. At dawn's first light, we can push on."

2018-03-13, 12:20 AM
The night passes uneventfully. The normal quiet noises of the forest take hold, and you sleep peacefully. The morning sun the next day wakes you; it looks to be nothing but sunshine today. When you check on Esk, it's clear that he's moved from unconscious to simply sleeping. A brief prod brings him to wakefulness, albeit groggy and confused.

"Wha...what happened? Is everyone...what...WHAT THE HELL? WHERE IS MY ARM?

2018-03-13, 10:04 AM
Prism had kept watch during the night, letting her mind drift as her armor sustained her. So when Esk stirred, she was quick to respond. She knelt beside him and put a hand on his chest, forcing him to remain on his back.
"Easy." Her tone was commanding. "Ankhegs decided to take a bite out of you. Ankhegs are dead, the rest of us are untouched. We're keeping to the task. How are you feeling?"

2018-03-13, 11:51 AM

"We carved them up though, didn't find any arm. Ain't too bad though, you get used to it." The tengu says, holding up his own arm. He pauses looking around "Hopefully your arm did get eaten. Wouldn't want to leave it around out here.. Might come back, after its gone bad."

2018-03-13, 08:15 PM
Ansel helps as he can, "Arm aside, are you steady? Can you walk? Not to seem unfeeling, but we still have a task to do, and little time to do it."

The psionicist will lend a hand to get Esk up if the half orc tries.

2018-03-15, 12:31 AM
After the panic subsides, he mutters "I'm...okay, I suppose. I think we should push on. Fortunately they only got my left. Guess I'll swap to the short sword for now. Are we good to get going?"

2018-03-16, 02:52 AM
Blackhands pats one of her bandoleers of daggers "I got something lighter if you don't feel like to swinging around a short sword".

"Your staying beside me till this is over though, If you pass-out or anything I'm strong enough to carry your flesh sack with ease" Blackhands says gruffly with a somewhat hard pat on Esks back...partially to see how steady he is on his feet at the moment.

Maintences: 1+ConMod (3) = 4 Allies/User

Everybody Gains (Except Blackhands)

Fortifying Reinforcements: +1 Fortitude Save for the Day
Quickening Reinforcements: +1 Reflex Save for the Day
Clarifying Reinforcements: +1 Will Save for the Day
Sharpen Weapons: +2 bonus to all damage rolls made with manufactured weapons

2018-03-16, 11:37 PM
The group as a whole gets going, under the previous marching order, but this time with Esk in the middle. The day progresses uneventfully, for the most part. You hear the occasional animal scream or roar in the distance - the wilderness has become very predator heavy.

At last, shortly after noon, you reach the target location. The forest gives way to a large clearing - nearly a half mile across. Tall grass spreads out before you, some of it reaching chest height, perfect for ambush predators to hide in. The place itself is quiet. Standing at the edge of the clearing, you can see your target, almost dead center. A pile of metal that looks like a melted statue towers twelve feet high. Portions of it are flaking rust; other parts still gleam a pale blue.

Despite the target being nearly impossible to miss, Esk points it out. "There we are. We just need to strip out the mithral. It'll take a few hours, and we'll need to be careful. This is not a pleasant area to be in."

2018-03-17, 02:34 AM

Blackhands takes her Earthshaker and stands it onto the ground near where she plans on working on extracting the mithral; that way she can switch to it easy should the situation arise; then she takes her any tool and starts re-configuring it for the task ahead.

"I can work at this almost non-stop; you all work out a work and watch schedule for any issues; Unless you rather I watch you fleshlings sweat yourself's into dehydration...or fire forbid....need to be carried back".

With that an odd thing happens; at least to those whom might not have worked with Blackhands before...They grow Almost 10 ft, Their metal-like muscles bulging to more extreme levels....suddenly why they wear very little clothing makes more sense.

Standard Action: Alteration Size Change to Large (Large Benefits and drawbacks, STR changes to 20 I think, 8 Dex, 18 Con also)

Holding Concentration as a Move Action, No need to roll unless something causes it.
If needed: 1d20+2(CL)+3(Wis)

Using Thunderous Blows to clear away the decidedly not mithral to help the process move along a bit faster

2018-03-17, 12:13 PM

"I'll take first watch while those who work tear away at it. Everyone should be at the ready though, there is no way we're not going to get attacked with the noise we're about to make." The Tengu draws his massive sword, keeping it at the ready but in an eased position.

Oberon Kenobi
2018-03-17, 02:43 PM
Nasan Sul'Zili (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1501567)Nasan cracks her knuckles. "All right, let's get to it. Sooner we're done, sooner we're back home."

Dropping her pack, she flicks her wrist and a short bar of jointed metal pops into he right hand. With a few moment's work, she twists and folds it, until it solidifies into a large and well-made pry-bar.

Climbing onto the wreckage, she finds a spot where rust meets mithral and gets to work prying the two apart.

Pulling my Traveler's Any-Tool, of course.

Not sure what skill to roll, but I think that pulling access panels off would fall under Profession (Plumber), and the any-tool gives me a +2 to the roll. If some other skill is necessary or it's just a straight strength roll, subtract 4 from this roll: [roll0]

2018-03-17, 05:22 PM
Rather than join in with the work, Prism took stock of the situation. First she examined the statue, checking the metal and nature of the work to make sure it was what they were after, and that there weren't any oddities they should know about before they started bashing it apart. Then she began to prowl through the clearing, her massive sword sweeping through the grass and her eyes scanning the edge of the forest. She wasn't about to just assume there wasn't something out there.

Appraise check: [roll0]
While determining the nature of an object is not really a listed function of appraise, I figure its a reasonable use of it. Appraise is about evaluating and knowing commodities, so being familiar with different goods and craftsmanship is a vital part of it. As such, the intention of this check is to recognize what they're looking at here and whether they should be looking out for anything: is it an old golem with extra goodies on the inside? Is it a weapon that will explode if they hit it wrong? That sort of thing.

Perception check: [roll1]
Prism will search the area for anything hidden or fishy, as well as signs of tracks. Or maybe valuable objects. After all, where there is one giant chunk of mithral, maybe there's another or something related?

2018-03-17, 06:10 PM
Ansel checks out every aspect of the structure for lingering magic of any sort before stepping in to help. He'll hold out his hands, and a prybar appears, formed out of what seems like mist, but quite solid. He'll leave the heavy lifting to others, instead stepping in to assist when more hands and sources of leverage would help.

Aid Another Str check DC 10 [roll0] All right, got lucky there. Someone add a +2 to their check.
Ectoplasmic Creation Talent to make prybar.

2018-03-18, 12:40 AM
It's definitely the remains of a golem very similar to the standard mithral golem (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/constructs/golem/golem-mithral/). However, you notice that instead of being solid metal throughout, there seem to be remnants of springs and gears rusted into the shape, as though it wasn't powered purely by magic, as is usual.

When you check the molten wreck for magic, you're surprised to find that it emits a powerful aura of both evocation and transmutation. It's more than enough to give you reason to at least temporarily halt the others to check out what exactly is causing it to do this.

2018-03-18, 06:23 AM
Ansel quickly holds up a hand, "Hold up a moment, I'm reading strong magic here, lots of energy creation and shapechanging magics. This thing could still be partially active, or perhaps booby trapped."

Ansel will investigate as best he can from a distance, attempting to glean as much as he can from the magic he can see.

Karcana 1d20+10
Spellcraft 1d20+5

2018-03-18, 03:20 PM
"There might be machinery inside." Prism added, pointing out a few odd shapes in the rust. "Maybe traps or something volatile. Or just odd construction? Anyone know anything about this kind of stuff?"

2018-03-18, 09:05 PM
Ansel peers at the construct, trying to decipher what exactly is going on within. "Okay, wow, there's a constant stream of high energy arcane spells going on in there. One that produces lightning, another that produces an explosion of flames. We take it apart without care, and I'd be willing to bet we get hit with the same."

"There is another effect, it appears to be designed to disable constructs. Probably used to help bring this one down."

The psion pauses, "Here's a thought. This thing may be degraded, but I'd be willing to bet those evocation spells are a part of its power source. If we get rid of the disabling spell, it might still be capable of movement. What if, instead of a bag full of mithral scraps, we brought back a semi functional golem? It would would need a lot of work before being used in earnest, but it would be one heck of a prize."

After a second glance at the structure however, he shakes his head, "No, never mind, this thing is unfortunately a lost cause. Whatever is producing that spell energy might however be worth taking intact if we can do so. Any ideas?"

2018-03-18, 09:45 PM

Morte Shakes his head. "I haven't the slightest. If it was an arm, I could help with that. Otherwise I could smash it, or pull it apart from a distance."

2018-03-19, 05:51 AM
Ansel scratches his head, "Well the makers of this thing must have had a way. Blackhands, any ideas on how it is supposed to come apart? Even if we have to destroy a few catches, if we follow that it should be at least a little safer."

Ansel will point out as best he can where the spell energy is concentrated, and any apparent paths to it.

2018-03-19, 09:57 AM
"Well...there is the old standby...." which Blackhands then gestures to the smashing tool in their hands....

"But I'm assuming you'd prefer more delicacy...." to which Blackhand sighs and lets their concentration fall off, returning to their more normal sizing...

Blackhands Mumbles something in dwarven and examines the construct while re-configuring their tool to be more fitted for the job.

Dwarven Translation: "Damn Fleshling....always so cautious...."

Profession Blacksmithing: [roll0]

2018-03-19, 06:17 PM
Ansel responds in kind in Dwarven, "Sure, cause we're squishy. The thing is those spells would harm even you. We need you at your best if we get attacked, not scorched and in need of repair."

"Think about this, if we get that thing out of there intact, what kind of things could you build with an energy source that potent and enduring?"

2018-03-19, 08:27 PM
"Probably mostly things to dangerous than I'd allow within city limits....though it "could" be used for some sort of out of city production...." Blackhands says after a moments thought...

Oberon Kenobi
2018-03-20, 12:07 AM
Nasan Sul'Zili (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1501567)Nasan listens to the conversation with her crowbar resting on her shoulder.

"Okay, so what I'm hearing is: disassemble with caution, try not to get blown up, and if we see anything that looks like a trap, try to scavenge it." She raises an eyebrow. "Or in other words, keep doing what we've been doing. Anything else?"

Does anybody have trapfinding? I've got Disable Device, but that doesn't actually help with magical traps. If nobody has the ability, I might pick up the Additional Traits feat next level and grab the Trap Finder (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/campaign-traits/mummy-s-mask/trap-finder/) trait, if campaign traits are copacetic.

2018-03-20, 12:11 PM
Prism stood back, listening as the others discussed the situation. The kind of magic within it sounded easily as valuable as the metal itself, well worth salvaging if it was possible. Careful disassembly was not her area of expertise though. Still, she thought through what she might be able to contribute, and an idea came to her.

"If the spells are generated by something small enough, I might be able to help. I could store dangerous objects safely, maybe even cover them up before they can hurt anyone."

2018-03-22, 07:36 PM

"For now, I'll back off myself. If it goes boom, we'll need someone ready to fight the attackers that will come."

2018-03-22, 10:34 PM
As some members of the group back away cautiously, Blackhands slowly chips away some of the metal surrounding the source of magical energy. Eventually, he flakes away some of it, and you can see what appears to be the edge of a dark sphere containing swirling fire. Little crackles of electricity begin playing across the surface of the orb and dancing outwards by a few inches.

2018-03-23, 01:37 AM
"Mmmm.." Blackhands states solemnly.

"Ok so maybe it's a good idea I didn't smash it with it bleeding magic that way; Let me prep something to hold it in and I'll attempt taking it out...this is one all might want to to stand back for."

Blackhands reaches into their waterproof sack and starts to lay out items and tools. First taking out an iron pot, then laying parts of the backpack they took apart the day before to make a smaller area for the approximate size of the sphere; which she then wets down with water from her water skin...just incase...

They then begin to prepare stuff for the actual extraction, Removing a pair of non magical tongs from one of the repair kits they have, along with a non magcial torch and a small non magical prybar from the same kit..

Extraction: Blackhands first brings the torch very slowly towards the orb, moving to very slowly touch it to see what reactions happen (Does the torch blacken, start on fire, etc); Then if there are no worrisome effects from that light prodding, they take the tongs in hand and slowly move to grasp the orb with it; not attempting to put more strength than needed to extract it. If the extraction is successful; they transfer it to the prepared pot for storage and examination.

General Dexterity Roll: [roll0]

Disable Device (Trained): [roll1]

Use Magic Device (Trained): [roll2]

Profession Blacksmith (in place of craft): [roll3]

2018-03-23, 08:09 AM
Ansel stays just outside of what he considers minimum safe distance, observing as best he can, if there's anything he can lend a hand to, he will.

Making another arcana check with detect magic up, also making a Use Magic Device check in case such is helpful
Arcana [roll0]
UMD [roll1]

2018-03-23, 08:52 AM
"I can do better than just a pot. But let get it in there so I don't have to touch it." Prism stood next to Blackhands as they worked, ready to grab the sphere at any moment and shunt it out of space if it proved too volatile. She watched with a critical, careful eye, half expecting to go up in flames at any moment. If the transfer is successful, she would gingerly touch the pot and cause it to collapse into motes of soft golden light as she banished it elsewhere.

Prism will ready a swift action to shunt the orb into her extradimensional storage if it starts spewing fire or something. Better to get scorched for a moment than let it keep going, after all.

If the transfer is successful, she'll take her time moving it carefully instead as a full-round action that doesn't cost her a spell point.

Also, she'll be berserking during this to give her the extra temporary hit points.

2018-03-25, 02:06 PM
A few inches before the torch touches the surface of the sphere, a small bolt arcs out from its surface and ignites the torch, which burns merrily, but completely fails to explode, animate, or otherwise cause serious problems for the group's well-being.

Emboldened by this, Blackhands reaches out with the tongs, and, after a little wiggling with the pry-bar, dislodges the sphere and neatly plucks it out of the corroded metal.

As he does this, Ansel feels a brief surge in the magical activity within the sphere, but, before he can say anything, the sphere is neatly placed in the pot and the activity subsides to where it was.

Meanwhile, with bated breath, Prism steels herself for an explosion, and cautiously shunts the pot and orb both to a small extradimensional safe. Overall, the operation has gone off without the smallest of hitches.

2018-03-25, 02:10 PM
Once the power source seems to be secure, Ansel will check the construct again for any more active magics. If he finds none, he'll nod to Blackhands. "Looks like we're clear, at least as far as magical pitfalls go, I can't speak for mundane ones, lets get back to tearing it apart."

2018-03-25, 02:12 PM
With the removal of the orb, the remains of the construct give off no magical auras.

2018-03-26, 06:27 PM
Things proceeded almost exactly as planned after the orb's removal. The rusted lesser metals and stripped gears were removed, and the mithral was taken apart and stashed inside the bag. Despite the size of the melted hulk, this only took four or five hours under Esk's supervision; the whole process ended in the early afternoon, with plenty of time to make the hike back out. The party packs up their tools and equipment, and gets ready to go. Only then, after the mining has ceased, do you notice, as a group, that the whole surrounding area has gone oddly quiet...

You scan the treeline as the group notices the odd silence. The undergrowth rustles almost all the way around the edge of the clearing.

2018-03-27, 07:52 AM
Ansel mutters, "Right, everyone who is surprised by this raise a hand." the psion doesn't move his limbs at all as he surveys the area, trying to find the source of the noise.

"Let me see if I can't scare them off. Probably won't work, but it might confuse them enough to give us an opening. Be ready though, this might just spur them into attacking."

A few moments later, roaring and crunching noises echo through the area. It sounds a bit like a large and angry reptilian creature is approaching. Or at least that was the intention. What came out was more like a strangled frog rustling around somewhere.

Ansel winces, "Damn it all, that didn't work out nearly as well as hoped"

Bluff [roll0]
Yeah, nope

2018-03-27, 08:45 PM
A few of the creatures circling you make a mad dash for the source of noise. Feral screams echo out of the woods as they arrive at the source of the illusion. The forest around you goes back to entirely still; entirely silent.

2018-03-27, 09:24 PM
Prism stood watch while the others worked, her sword out once more, but she didn't make anything out until Ansel disturbed the creatures. Her eyes narrowed as she scanned the area where the sounds originated, searching for any sign of the beasts. "Think we could lure them into a trap with that? Might help us break away."

2018-03-27, 10:36 PM

Morte gritted his beak as he prepared his sword as well, holding the blade up on his shoulder with one hand, while the mechanical arm lowered down, ready to help him fight be it sword or otherwise as he looked around for the disturbance as well.

[roll0] Perception

2018-03-28, 03:54 AM
"Get Ready for a Fight, Let it be on our terms instead of theirs!".

With that Blackhands puts down whatever they happen to be carrying and makes sure that they are between Esk and the Noise while drawing their shield and Warhammer.

Blackhands prepares to use their size change alteration (Spending a Spell Point to bypass needed for concentration) if the enemy shows their face.

Prerolls for Magic Use:
Fort Save: [roll0] VS DC 11 - Failure = Nauseated Condition

Wild Magic: [roll1] - 1-10 on roll = Wild Magic effect [roll2] on Rod of Wonder Table (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/rods/rod-of-wonder/)

2018-03-29, 11:09 PM
The creatures wait a few minutes. A few turns into five, into ten. Finally, almost as one, they break the treeline. Six lithe, massive panthers stalk out, encircling the group. After just a few seconds, it becomes apparent that these creatures are not ordinary animals. Sunlight interacts strangely with their fur; in some places it becomes iridescent, and in others they become almost translucent. The six of you slowly back into a circle around the mined out husk of a golem, weapons drawn and magics ready to go. Esk readies his sword, but is visibly shaking.

2018-03-30, 01:17 AM
As soon as the enemy shows itself, Blackhands is suddenly larger and seems to decide to take the Initiative and Charge the Enemy this time, going for the center most one. Shield out and Warhammer Raised, They swing, putting much of their power into it hoping to hit as hard as they can.

Readied Action on Sight of Enemy: Change Size to Large: 20 Rounds Left

Charge Attack/Furious Focus Power Attack: [roll0] | Damage: [roll1]

TEMP AC: 20 for 1 Round, 22 Afterwards.
Temp Fort Save: +7
Temp Ref Save: -1

Spell Points Left till Rest: 5

2018-03-30, 11:35 AM
Ansel focuses, and suddenly Blackhands is no longer charging alone. His construct forms, running directly into the densest cluster of panthers not engaged by the warforged, mistformed fists striking out at the nearest creature.

3 PP spent, construct duration: 8 rounds
Attack [roll0] [roll1]
Cleave Attack if first hits [roll2] [roll3]
Possible trip attempts [roll4] [roll5]
N Medium construct
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+2 Dex, +6 natural)
HP 31 (2d10+20) Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +0; Immune construct traits
Speed 40 ft. Melee slam +5 melee (1d6+4) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
STATISTICS Str 17, Dex 15, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 10 BAB +2, CMB +5; CMD 17

Three abilities from Menu A: Cleave (make extra attack on adjacent if first hits), Improved Slam Attack (improved damage), Trip (free nonprovoking trips on hit)

2018-03-30, 12:41 PM
Prism joins in Blackhands' charge, rushing headlong into the enemy. Her entire form shimmered as she moved, and she left behind a trail of afterimages that mimicked her. Her speed and the distortion of light made it difficult to discern her, but the heavy thrum of her blade through the air made her presence at the front line known.

Prism will charge off to the right side of the enemy since Blackhands and the construct seem to have the center.

Free Action: Prism Berserks, granting her 6 temporary hp but reducing her AC by 2.
Swift Action: Prism uses Improved Energy Blade and spends a spell point to charge her weapon with a 3d6 damage Stone Blast.
Full-Round Action: Prism charges the panthers, aiming for the right side of the group. This reduces her AC by a further 1.

Assuming Prism moves more than 20 feet during her charge, she will spend her martial focus to create two afterimages (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/athletics#toc43) as well.

Attack: [roll0]
Edit: Crit confirm roll: 18 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22957811&postcount=50)
Damage: [roll1]
Stone Blast damage: [roll2]

AC: 13
HP: 20/20 (6 temp)
SP: 2/4
2 afterimages.

2018-03-31, 01:05 PM

"Keep in the back." he tells Eks before rushing to engage another of the beasts that didn't have anyone to fight just yet. Grabbing a string coming out of his elbow of the mechanical arm with his beak, he uses a trick to quickly strike at the enemy even if it was all hard to see in the sunlight. With a tug an explosion echos off sending bits of metal quickly at the beast.

Using my arm's special shotgun ability - 10 foot cone with [roll0] slashing damage and reloads again in [roll1] rounds.

Berserkering to gain +5 temp hp at -2 ac

[roll2] knowledge check to ID the creatures.

2018-04-02, 02:50 PM
The group charges forward, attempting a swift, decisive offensive. Unfortunately, despite the might and vigor they pour into their attacks, only Blackhands' manages to land. The rest of the attacks seem to simply phase through the creatures, as though they weren't there. The attacks still evoke flinches as they seem to be about to connect, but no visible damage is done as the weapons come out the other side.

Based on their appearance, and, more importantly, what you just saw, it appears that this is a young group of displacer beasts - monstrous felines capable of phasing in and out of reality. These have yet to grow the distinctive whip-like tentacles of their adult forms, and their powers of illusion seem to be more limited than an adult of the species. However, the young ones hunt in packs in order to offset these disadvantages.

Two of the creatures pounce at Blackhands, trying to rip into their metal frame. Their teeth do no real damage, simply skating off of Blackhands' metal plating. Likewise, Prism and Ansel's construct simply shrug off the attacks. Morte, meanwhile, is nowhere near as lucky. As the gun contained within his arm goes off, one of them who was within its range leaps forward and grabs onto the arm briefly, pulling a few chunks out of the metal (8 damage).

2018-04-04, 01:40 AM
Blackhands attacks the same creature again; Hellbent on putting it down.

Furious Focus Power Attack: [roll0] | Damage: [roll1]

TEMP AC: 21 for 1 Round, 21 Afterwards.
Temp Fort Save: +7
Temp Ref Save: -1

Spell Points Left till Rest: 5

2018-04-05, 05:12 PM
Prism cursed under her breath and readjusted her stance, stepping to one side to ease closer towards a flanking position as she struck at the beast again, though more cautiously this time.

Prism attacks the same target again.

Prism is no longer berserking.

Free Action: Prism takes a 5-foot-step, aiming to get around to the other side of the beasts. This will create a single afterimage. (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/athletics#toc43)
Swift Action: Prism uses Improved Energy Blade to charge her weapon with a 2d6 damage Stone Blast.
Standard Action: Prism uses Brutal Strike (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/berserker#toc1) with the Leg-Smasher (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/berserker#toc18) exertion attached.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Stone Blast damage: [roll2]

AC: 16
HP: 20/20
SP: 2/4
1 afterimage.

2018-04-06, 04:24 PM
Luck had really little do with it when it came to when monsters attacked Morte. The bird didn't have much sense in protecting himself, rather relying on a bluster of power to defend himself, as practically threw himself into the attack trying to force the kitty's mouth to suck fist.

Perhaps I should write something every time for this. But Morte has like 11 ac if that.
If I can, here is a Bloody Counter - Allows the enemy to Auto hit me, but my Immediate action is used to attack them back
[roll0] (Minus whatever penalty it is for Vindictive, i think its a neg 2.)
And the enemy becomes battered if hit.

I forget how much of a penalty the Poopy head flaw gave, where Morte becomes more vindicitive towards enemies who hit him.
Berserking for the temp 5 hp again. (-3 damage off my top though)

If the enemy is hit from above, I'll be using Brawler's Flurry with my great sword, if not, its a normal attack again to cause the battered condition.

second attack

2018-04-06, 07:46 PM
Ansel quickly weighs a few options. Deciding on the direct route, he raises his bow and fires at the same creature his construct is engaging, hoping to bring it down quickly.

Bow [roll0] [roll1]
Construct [roll2] [roll3]
possible cleave attack [roll4] [roll5]
possible trip attempts [roll6] [roll7]

2018-04-08, 01:41 AM
Three of the critters go down in rapid succession. A brief, half-second pause in combat later, and the other three sprint off into the bushes. Ansel and Esk haven't even reacted yet, and the fight is already over, with the group catching its breath as the young displacer beasts make the edge of the clearing. You clean up, and, after a brief discussion, start the hike back to the city.

2018-04-08, 09:07 AM
Ansel lowers his bow, releasing the tension behind the arrow, "Well then, that was interesting. I was worried there for a moment. Anyone injured?"

2018-04-09, 04:08 PM
"I think we're mostly okay." Prism looks over to Morte. "If you're good to keep moving, I think we should get out of here, double time."

2018-04-10, 07:49 AM
Ansel simply nods in agreement before helping to get everything ready for the road.

2018-04-12, 02:15 AM
The trek back to the city is fairly uneventful; it almost seems as though you've scared the forest into submission for a brief time. Esk remains paranoid over the course of the trip. Losing an arm will do that to you.

Finally, the trees break and give way to a large, flat expanse, in the middle of which rises the massive plateau that Obryx sits atop. The landscape leading up to the city is scorched, ravaged, overturned, and covered in the twisted debris of war.

The city itself is a massive, solid affair, firmly fenced in by iron walls dotted with towers, gates, and turrets. The main (and only) entrance faces you; a narrow artificial ridge leading up to the plateau, lined with towers and other, less obvious security features. Home sweet home.

2018-04-12, 01:06 PM
Prism only gets more tense as they approach the city, though she sheathes her sword. She passes up the ridge, warily watching the towers, and increases her speed until they're at the gate. "Scavenger team. Esk needs healing, but we got the stuff." She calls out, waiting for the gate to open to them. If there was no trouble, she'd pass through and see that Esk got medical attention, then would head off to report.

2018-04-12, 08:47 PM

Morte follows the rest of the group, watching over Esk. It wouldn't do for them to have lost the orc after they saved him. But along with that, Morte was a rather decent crafter when it came to making prosthetic arms. It make take Esk a bit to learn how to use it, but it'll eventually work well enough. The tengu though wasn't doing it completely out of goodness, but to see how he could remake his arm again in the future, to make it even more powerful than it was currently.

2018-04-12, 10:02 PM
Ansel simply waves to the guards as he passes, somewhat preoccupied with thoughts on how to prepare for the next sojourn. The creatures encountered this time were dealt with without too much difficulty, the loss of Esk's limb aside, but were certainly among the weaker creatures that could be encountered out there.

The construct was holding its own in the role it was meant for. Ansel couldn't really say the same for himself, aside from bringing the construct. The bow was not proving adequate. Something else would be needed to replace or supplement it.

2018-04-13, 02:20 AM

Blackhands brings up the rear of the group, their haul strapped across his back.

"I need to bring this off to the claim station, don't forget to pop in a get your chits sometime today"

After Blackhands drops off the load and collect their chit, he wanders off to the maintenance division to see if any work needs to be done

2018-04-17, 01:08 AM
The guards pass you through fairly readily; a brief stop as a few clerics give you a once over with a variety of detect spells, a few gates raised, and some paths through minefields highlighted are all that's between you and home. After the couple of hours the trek up to the city proper, Esk is taken away by the ever-present medical staff for returning teams, and the rest of you are run through a quick debriefing. The officer conducting it looked more bored than anything - it seems as though this trip was par for the course. As the meeting ends, the officer notes that the device you found, whatever it was, is still being examined. They'll contact you about it if they need anything, so she asks that you stay in touch. Everything wraps up, you're given your payment (a thousand ebbs apiece), and turned loose on the streets for a few days.


One of the medics that greeted you on the way in pulls you aside as you leave the building. "Do you have a few moments? Esk is in the infirmary and wanted to talk to you." She leads you back into the building and to a small hospital room. Esk is there, his stump wrapped up in bandages and a weak smile on his face.

"Hey. Turns out I'm in the market for a new arm. Know anyone? Yours seems pretty, ah, handy. Well built, few tricks. I have some money saved up."


The maintenance division has work. The maintenance division always has work. Everything in the city is constantly on the verge of breaking down, and they don't have the manpower to deal with it, from their point of view (despite employing a solid tenth of the workforce). You end up at the nearest of their branches, one of the smaller ones at the edge of the city. Most of the tasks are day-to-day, and accounted for by the regular staff. This leaves you with the role of go-fer and jack-of-all-trades - if something comes in that doesn't have an apparent way to deal with it, it gets shunted over to the group you're working with. After a few hours of running around fixing small problems, one of the higher ups grabs you.

"Hey. We're rounding up a group of more experienced techs to come poke at something. Some sort of high-energy magical creature bound up in a container. We're supposed to "make it useful." Interested?"

2018-04-18, 02:58 AM

"You know that Depends...." Blackhands says gruffly. "Are we making it Useful..or are we making it destructive...because this world doesn't need more destruction...".

Blackhands Sighs... "But lets go take a look anyways; after I put in some quick orders at the market..."

Blackhands stops by the market quickly to order a few items, paying full price + 3 extra ebbs per items to get a new backpack, Pot, Cloak and refresh her Repair Kit.

I'll price out the stuff later and take it off my sheet:

Backpack: ? + 3
Pot: ? + 3
Cloak: ? + 3
Warforged Repair Kit: ? + 3

Total: ?

Extra ebb spending is because Blackhands feels as they don't eat; it doesn't hurt to spread her wealth around it bit..nor some monetary diplomacy..

2018-04-18, 08:22 PM

One of the medics that greeted you on the way in pulls you aside as you leave the building. "Do you have a few moments? Esk is in the infirmary and wanted to talk to you." She leads you back into the building and to a small hospital room. Esk is there, his stump wrapped up in bandages and a weak smile on his face.

"Hey. Turns out I'm in the market for a new arm. Know anyone? Yours seems pretty, ah, handy. Well built, few tricks. I have some money saved up."


"As it turns out, I built my own after a.. situation. Getting it to function as well as it does however is not just a matter of having it well built, but also special training. If you're up for it, I'll assist you." The tengu nods. After all, helping to build the new arm could inspire him to develop his own even further. "First thing of course is learning how to use one arm efficiently, as you'll only have one to take off and put on the prosthetic arm."

2018-04-20, 02:08 PM
Ansel looks around in hopes of obtaining a better weapon. But it quickly becomes clear that one worth purchasing is not within his current budget. Instead he ends up picking up a cloak to improve his ability to throw off magical effects.

That done, he spends time relaxing and reflecting upon the mission. Esk's maiming could have been avoided, but not easily save in hindsight. The psion has no intention of ending up like the half orc, but these runs are far too important to give up on. No, if things are going to continue with this group, they'll have to adapt and improve.

It isn't long before Ansel begins to hang around other scouts, listening for word on any other likely targets spotted out there, and fishing for tips from the experienced survivors.

Purchasing a +1 Cloak of Resistance.

2018-04-21, 06:52 PM
With business taken care of, Prism hit the streets. She went everywhere, but nowhere in particular; a stop in a bar here, a stroll through a market there, she walked anywhere people happened to be, places where people talked. And she listened, doing her best to pick up on current events, the mood of the city, and any particularly interesting rumors. It always paid to keep informed.

When she tired of that she sought out more specific knowledge. She combed libraries, picked through the more esoteric stock of book sellers and made a few discreet, careful inquiries among the scholarly - and magical - communities. She needed to know what she had gotten into, what being she had bargained with. She did not, however, need anyone to pick up on why she was researching this, and so she took pains to tie her interest to her scavenger work. Enough people distrusted her already, she didn't want to give them another reason.

First, Prism does some information gathering. She may be doing more than one check here, really, so here's a few. She'll spend about half a day getting the feel for things before moving on.
Diplomacy (gather information): [roll0], [roll1], [roll2]

Next, she does some research. I'm guessing this is Knowledge (planes)? If not, just modify the roll to whatever it needs to be.

2018-04-22, 12:42 AM


"You know that Depends...." Blackhands says gruffly. "Are we making it Useful..or are we making it destructive...because this world doesn't need more destruction...".

Blackhands Sighs... "But lets go take a look anyways; after I put in some quick orders at the market..."

Blackhands stops by the market quickly to order a few items, paying full price + 3 extra ebbs per items to get a new backpack, Pot, Cloak and refresh her Repair Kit.

I'll price out the stuff later and take it off my sheet:

Backpack: ? + 3
Pot: ? + 3
Cloak: ? + 3
Warforged Repair Kit: ? + 3

Total: ?

Extra ebb spending is because Blackhands feels as they don't eat; it doesn't hurt to spread her wealth around it bit..nor some monetary diplomacy..

"Well, no promises on the "no destruction." Whatever's in there is angry."

You're led towards the back of the warehouse you're in, to a large room with blast-proofed walls and a small, built in bunker. In the center of the room are a few tables laden with a variety of alchemical, scientific, and magical instruments. Center to it all is a pedestal with a very familiar looking orb. A few scientists are poking at it with some of their instruments or making careful notes. One of them jumps back when some electricity arcs towards her hand briefly.



"As it turns out, I built my own after a.. situation. Getting it to function as well as it does however is not just a matter of having it well built, but also special training. If you're up for it, I'll assist you." The tengu nods. After all, helping to build the new arm could inspire him to develop his own even further. "First thing of course is learning how to use one arm efficiently, as you'll only have one to take off and put on the prosthetic arm."

"Well, I've got a therapist of some sort or another lined up, apparently, so learning to one-arm things should be taken care of. How much did it run you for that arm? What all can we put in mine?"

2018-04-22, 01:02 AM

"The poking and prodding is probably not helping matters; I'm told humanoids aren't a fan of it.".

Blackhands moves over to the table and stands there silently for a time.

"How can you tell it's angry?"

2018-04-22, 01:11 PM

Ansel looks around in hopes of obtaining a better weapon. But it quickly becomes clear that one worth purchasing is not within his current budget. Instead he ends up picking up a cloak to improve his ability to throw off magical effects.

That done, he spends time relaxing and reflecting upon the mission. Esk's maiming could have been avoided, but not easily save in hindsight. The psion has no intention of ending up like the half orc, but these runs are far too important to give up on. No, if things are going to continue with this group, they'll have to adapt and improve.

It isn't long before Ansel begins to hang around other scouts, listening for word on any other likely targets spotted out there, and fishing for tips from the experienced survivors.

Purchasing a +1 Cloak of Resistance.

I rolled a Diplomacy (Gather Information) check for you, since that's what you were doing.

In general, the explorers that had made more than a few forays outside the walls tended to keep what they knew about finds or goals to themselves - more money that way. However, a few of them seem inclined to give you some advice. One in particular mentions that it's incredibly helpful when traveling long distances to have a few castings of rope trick available. According to her, there are very few creatures that are out and about regularly that can pull someone out of it, or be bothered to if they can.


With business taken care of, Prism hit the streets. She went everywhere, but nowhere in particular; a stop in a bar here, a stroll through a market there, she walked anywhere people happened to be, places where people talked. And she listened, doing her best to pick up on current events, the mood of the city, and any particularly interesting rumors. It always paid to keep informed.

When she tired of that she sought out more specific knowledge. She combed libraries, picked through the more esoteric stock of book sellers and made a few discreet, careful inquiries among the scholarly - and magical - communities. She needed to know what she had gotten into, what being she had bargained with. She did not, however, need anyone to pick up on why she was researching this, and so she took pains to tie her interest to her scavenger work. Enough people distrusted her already, she didn't want to give them another reason.

First, Prism does some information gathering. She may be doing more than one check here, really, so here's a few. She'll spend about half a day getting the feel for things before moving on.
Diplomacy (gather information): [roll0], [roll1], [roll2]

Next, she does some research. I'm guessing this is Knowledge (planes)? If not, just modify the roll to whatever it needs to be.

The first half of the day is spent in the more normal (as far as the city can be normal) parts of the city, simply keeping her ear to the ground. The city seems upbeat, for the most part. Almost all of the recent expeditions have been returning with their supplies, and there have been no real assaults on the city in several weeks. Sitting in one of the shadier bars later in the day, though, she picks up another tidbit - this breathing room seems to be being taken advantage of. One of the people she's chatted up mentions that he might "know a guy" (and the quotes are heavy in the air) that can make her trips outside the city more profitable than they otherwise would be. He slides her an address and deftly scoots out of the bar.

Dusty libraries, esoteric shops with strange keepers and stranger wares, and a trip to one of the arcane colleges start piecing a few things together for Prism. Each place only gives her a clue or two to go on, but by the end of the day, she has enough to hazard a guess. Few planar entities regularly contact mortals through dreams. The Aligned realms tend to send messengers, while the Elemental realms rarely bother with mortals at all. A few more planes are taken off the list for a variety of reasons. At the end of it, she's boiled it down to two possibilities - the Plane of Shadow, which mirrors the Prime in darkly twisted shapes, and the Fey Realm. The Plane of Shadow is merely a reflection - the power she saw, if it was from there, is most likely some twisted form of herself, reaching out with unknown intentions. The Fey Realm, however, is the land of dreams. Its inhabitants, when they take notice of the Prime, try to twist it to be more like their home. These creatures are far more varied and far more subtle than any intrusion from the Shadow Plane will be. Since the Calamity, the Fey Realm has been one of the source of some of the greatest dangers to Obryx.

2018-04-25, 11:37 PM
"Well, I've got a therapist of some sort or another lined up, apparently, so learning to one-arm things should be taken care of. How much did it run you for that arm? What all can we put in mine?"

"Well.. the arm costed me an arm and a leg, but I got half off with a discount." he says nodding adding flatly. "Get ready for that joke till you puke.

Taking a moment to pull his cloak away from the arm he had. "The basic parts in it is pretty cheap if you build it yourself. As for what you can put in it.. that is more up to your own personal preferences and needs. Mine has a grappling hook, gun, and an increased ability to grip similar to a locking gauntlet"

2018-04-26, 10:14 PM


"The poking and prodding is probably not helping matters; I'm told humanoids aren't a fan of it.".

Blackhands moves over to the table and stands there silently for a time.

"How can you tell it's angry?"

"Well....we've buzzed it a few times with detect thoughts and the like, but....there's a more direct answer." She gestures to a large scorch mark on the wall of the bunker - it looks like there's a humanoid outline.

"One of our techs decided to try to crack it open when no one else was looking."


"Well.. the arm costed me an arm and a leg, but I got half off with a discount." he says nodding adding flatly. "Get ready for that joke till you puke.

Taking a moment to pull his cloak away from the arm he had. "The basic parts in it is pretty cheap if you build it yourself. As for what you can put in it.. that is more up to your own personal preferences and needs. Mine has a grappling hook, gun, and an increased ability to grip similar to a locking gauntlet"

"Hm. I'm not great with my hands- I mean, hand. Could I hire you to make one for me? I'm not looking for anything fancy, to be honest. I just want to get going a little quicker than the amount of time it'll take the city to fix me up. I could pay you....10%? Of the costs."

2018-04-29, 11:07 PM
Morte nods slowly. "Assuming that you mean ten percent over the materials needed. I like you and want to help, but I wouldn't be able to pay for the other ninety percent of the arm." The tengu clarifies in his best diplomatic way, that he wasn't responsible for ninety percent of the costs of the arm.

2018-05-01, 04:03 AM

Blackhands wanders over to the table and unceremoniously picks up the orb with their bare, blackened hands.

"Lets try the straight approach first then, anybody feeling a bit afraid might want to stand back".

Blackhands stands there; staring into the orb and just..see's what it does. if in a few minutes it takes no reaction, blackhands instead mentally prods at it with light touches using his knowledge of magic devices to guide his way.

Use Magic Device[roll]1d20+4[\roll]


2018-05-05, 08:18 PM
In Prism's experience, good moods like this rarely lasted long. But she'd take what she could get. She slipped the address into a pocket, considering what to do with it as she attended to her other business. The results of her research gave her even more to consider: Shadows or fey. She wasn't sure which one was more likely, or which one she wanted less. One implied her own complicity in her situation, if in a twisted way, while the other suggested she was dealing with her worst enemies.

Both thoughts were enough to make her want a distraction, which the address readily provided. She took it out, then began making her way to the location. If she was going to be a traitor no matter what she tried, she might as well benefit from it, right? The less cynical side of her told her to just gather information, see which way the wind blew before making a decision. So she went, keeping her path discreet and hard to follow.