View Full Version : Help creating a Druid sub-class/circle

2018-03-03, 03:14 AM
We got two new people in our group (6 total now) and we are all starting with new characters. Three of us wanted to be warlocks, and the DM suggested that one of us play something else. I volunteered.

I have a little leeway, and think I can convince him to let me play something special as long as it is within reason. Our DM is pretty lenient in letting us play pretty much most of the UA options and such. Our playing style also tends to be a little murder-hoboish --- generally neutral to slightly evil characters that wipe out everything in sight to enrich themselves, but pretty damsels and orphans have nothing to fear. We were also talking about having our characters come from the Shadowfell or be associated with the Shadowfell. One of the warlocks will be a hexblade and the other will be a UA Raven Queen warlock. So, with that in mind, I'd like to try to convince him to let me play a druid that is in the "Circle of the Shadow".

This is my own made-up sub-class and is patterned after the Circle of the Moon. For comparison, the key features of the Circle of the Moon is that starting at 6th level they can transform into a beast of a CR equal to their level divided by 3 (rounded down), and at 10th level they can Wild Shape into an elemental (not a beast).

So here is what I have for Circle of the Shadow:

2nd level -- ???
6th level -- Spend two uses of Wild Shape to transform to a Shadow Mastiff (CR 2).
10th level -- Your shadow mastiff gains the Alpha feature, and your howl summons a pack of shadow mastiffs equal to your level divided by 4 (rounded down and you count as 1 in the pack).
14th level -- Gain Shadow Blend features of Shadow Mastiff even while in humanoid form.

So... instead of CR = level/3 rounded down, I'm a total CR of level/4 rounded down, although I can turn into something that isn't a beast at 6th level instead of 10th. Roughly about the same power though.

I need some help for the 2nd level feature. One idea I had was to limit the beast forms I can turn into --- only a mastiff and a raven (flight restrictions still apply). This would allow a little more leeway for a 2nd level feature. Maybe two uses of Wild Shape to transform to a Shadow (CR 1/2). However, changing into something that isn't a beast might be pushing it (maybe not). So, any other ideas on a 2nd level feature that fits in with the Shadowfell theme that isn't too powerful?

For comparison, The Circle of the Moon at 2nd gets--
Wild Shape as a bonus action instead of action.
Use a spell slot to regain 1d8 hit points per level of the spell slot.
Transform into a beast with up to a 1 CR.

Thoughts on the other features of my Circle of the Shadow?

2018-03-03, 05:03 AM
What about just providing bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks while in dim light or darkness as your base ability?

2018-03-03, 08:26 AM
For level 2, how 'bout an expanded spell list, Darkvision, and maybe Toll the Dead as a bonus cantrip?

2018-03-03, 06:59 PM
Well, my DM agreed to let me play a Circle of the Shadow druid. Thank you to Hesh and Grod for their suggestions. However, my DM actually came up with a suggestion for a pretty good 2nd level feature.

While discussing being a druid, I mentioned that I wanted to get a couple of normal mastiffs and use animal handling to train them as guard dogs that would accompany our group. In my initial post I also mentioned that one of the players was going to be a Raven Queen warlock, They get a Raven Sentinel, and one of its features is that if it is killed then you get advantage on attacks against the killer, and the raven reappears after a long rest.

So, my DM's suggestion was that at 2nd level I get a Shadow Guardian --- a mastiff that has the stats of a normal mastiff but if it is killed I get advantage on attacks against the killer, and the mastiff reappears after a long rest.

BTW, if you've watched Game of Thrones, the dogs that kill an eat Ramsay are actually Italian Mastiffs, aka Cane Corsos, and that's what my mastiff will look like. We start tomorrow. This should be fun.

2018-03-03, 07:10 PM
Ah, yes. The terror that barks in the night.

2018-03-03, 07:28 PM
Heh, we have a Svirfgneblin monk who rides a Tibetan Mastiff. Goes from




2018-03-03, 09:26 PM
Oh! Almost forgot. UA: Druids had a "Circle of Twilight" that's all necromance-y.