View Full Version : Pvp battle arena character creation!

2018-03-04, 02:05 PM
Hello there!
So the dm decided to create a pvp battle arena where there will be different hazards such as traps, beasts and so on. We are supposed to create 3 characters for the arena, like a small party. I'm new to d&d and honestly have no idea where to start. There are so many classes and races in 3.5, I dont know what to choose I just feel lost.
If you guys could help me with my character creation or recommend me some guides I could read, I would thank you forever.

2018-03-04, 02:09 PM
We need a bit more info to get you really good advice. Some helpful things would be:

What level characters?
Which sourcebooks are allowed?
How are stats being determined?
Any houserules in play?
Do you control the three characters as a group, or one at a time?

That being said, in straight core, a party of a human Cleric, Wizard, and Druid is a good basic strategy applicable to almost any situation.

2018-03-04, 02:22 PM
We need a bit more info to get you really good advice. Some helpful things would be:

What level characters?
Which sourcebooks are allowed?
How are stats being determined?
Any houserules in play?
Do you control the three characters as a group, or one at a time?

Oh right! I forgot a lot of details.
Well, we are starting at level 10. All sourcebooks from 3.5 are allowed (really extensive, I know)
The dm gave us this stats to use:
I dont really know much about the house rules and we are controlling the characters one at a time.

Thanks for your time!

2018-03-04, 02:47 PM
If you are starting at level 10, then I would highly recommend having all three characters be full casters, or possibly two casters and one "ubercharger" fighter to put down the opposition when you know you will have a clear line to attack.

Wizards are your best bet for a full caster in terms of power and flexibility, but they can get a little complex in terms of prestige classes, spell selectio and the like.

Clerics can survive on the front lines alone pretty well, and can cast in armor at no penalty, letting you be much more innately tough than a different power, and they have access at this point to Divine Power, which makes them roughly equal to a fighter in terms of chassis, while retaining spellcasting and domains.

Druids are the only core spellcaster to come with a separate meat shield in their animal companion, and GiTP's very own Eggynack has a truly outstanding handbook for all things Druid. Plus, they tend to be most power single-classed, so it's easier to actually build one if you are new to 3.5.

Ubercharger refers to a specific kind of build which aims to kill an opponent in a single action, but depending on the other players in this PvP arena, it may be viewed as a bit over-the-top, especially if the others are also relatively new players. If it sounds like something you want to go for, however, I can give you more information.