View Full Version : DM Help Death Ward and damage dealt question

2018-03-05, 01:20 PM
Example scenario:

A Wizard is under the effects of Death Ward.

He's concentrating on a spell.

He's at 21/100 HP.

He gets hit for 50 damage, potentially dropping him to 0 HP.

Death Ward triggers. Wizard is at 1/90 HP.

What is the DC to keep concentration on his spell? Options I see:
(Unlikely option) he technically dropped to 0 and lost concentration before Death Ward brought him back.
(Somewhat likely) he took 50 damage, so the DC is 25. The fact that the end result was overridden doesn't change that he took 50 damage.
(Somewhat likely) he was at 21. Now he's at 1. He took 20 damage, so the DC is 10.

2018-03-05, 01:23 PM
Death Ward prevents them from going below 1, it does not heal them 1hp from 0. The damage taken is still 50, even if he only has 20 hit points to lose (because that last one is protected by Death Ward). So the DC for concentration would be 25. However, as a DM you could rule in favor that the Death Ward only stop shim from dying and that he does automatically lose concentration when his HP gets below 0. Up to you.

2018-03-05, 06:19 PM
Thanks a bunch! I didn't think that Death Ward technically acted as damage reduction (which would also reduce conc DC), but it's good to have a second opinion. I don't think I'd make concentration fail automatically, but taking a massive blow like that would be pretty distracting.