View Full Version : OoTS ending

2018-03-05, 04:44 PM

I'm a BIG fan, joined since episode 16 was relised.
I just want to say that at first, I was thinking that there will be around 100 episodes. And in a way in 100 the first adventure ended.
Than, I was thinking that around 1000 will be the end, but insted the plot got more and more intensive.
Now I have only ONE BIG FAVORE to ask - put in your testament (or a bank deposit!!) ending to OoTS !!!!!
I enjoy your art for 11 years already, but I know that there is still a lot of story to be told and it is better to be sure that it will end properly. :)

Love your work!:smallsmile:

2018-03-06, 03:12 PM
As many as it takes to tell the story Rich is trying to tell.

Lvl 2 Expert
2018-03-06, 04:02 PM
Okay, I'm just going to say it: This topic is somewhat creepy as ****.

"Hi Giant,

I know we never met, and I kind of hope you don't suddenly die, which would be kind of random anyway, but can you please already pack your stuff so I can have it if you do die?"

I'm sure you mean very well, and I'm sure the Giant appreciates people letting him know they like his comic. But if he hypothetically gets hit by a train tomorrow I doubt his final thought will be "I should have finished that webcomic". That sort of situation tends to shift people's priorities.

(Plus, you know, he just needs to type it out and mail it to someone to catch this eventuality, no testament needed.)

So, yeah, my two cents. Please keep writing Giant, you're awesome, but I don't expect you to worry about what happens to me reading your story if you get squashed by a UFO tomorrow.

Doctor West
2018-03-07, 12:37 AM
Gonna have to agree with Lv 2 Expert on this one. WTEF? This is just about the most tasteless thing I've seen on this forum, and we regularly have arguments about genocide here. :smalleek:

2018-03-07, 08:04 AM
Well, it's somewhat understandable, given that the next logical place for the story to end won't be until strip 10,000.

The Aboleth
2018-03-07, 09:50 AM
I don't actually understand what the OP is asking. Are they asking for the story to be finished more quickly? Or something else that is kind of related?

I'm not normally critical of grammar or spelling on here (I know English is not everyone's first language), but the volume of errors in the OP made it hard for me to grasp the point.

2018-03-07, 10:28 AM
They want a rough outline of the ending to be recorded somewhere in case The_Giant dies before finishing the story proper. Because that isnot creepy at all. Absolutely not.

2018-03-07, 10:40 AM
They want a rough outline of the ending to be recorded somewhere in case The_Giant dies before finishing the story proper. Because that isnot creepy at all. Absolutely not.
To be extremely generous to the OP, that sort of thing has happened before (here's lookin' at you, Robert Jordan). But really, anyone concerned about setting their earthly affairs in order (which should really be nobody's business but their own) probably and rightfully has dozens of items higher in priority than "whatever will become of my webcomic?"

The Aboleth
2018-03-07, 11:17 AM
They want a rough outline of the ending to be recorded somewhere in case The_Giant dies before finishing the story proper. Because that isnot creepy at all. Absolutely not.


Well, at least OOTS is popular enough now that Rich is receiving George RR Martin-esque pleas. That's...something.*

*Something creepy bordering on insulting.

2018-03-07, 12:48 PM

Well, at least OOTS is popular enough now that Rich is receiving George RR Martin-esque pleas. That's...something.*

*Something creepy bordering on insulting.

All we need now is for Phil Foglio to tweet that The Giant is not something that I can't say on this board.

2018-03-07, 01:46 PM
They want a rough outline of the ending to be recorded somewhere in case The_Giant dies before finishing the story proper. Because that isnot creepy at all. Absolutely not. George RR Martin and Robert Jordan come to mind, in terms of fans being less than pleased with "never finished the series" ... though at least GRRM is still alive. And to the Giant's credit, he's not watering down his content the way Jordan did during Waste of Time Wheel of Time books, but is rather working hard to keep quality high and the art styles grow in quality with each upgrade.

The MunchKING
2018-03-07, 02:15 PM
But really, anyone concerned about setting their earthly affairs in order (which should really be nobody's business but their own) probably and rightfully has dozens of items higher in priority than "whatever will become of my webcomic?"

Well IIRC he DID say the books were a bit of a money maker, so if he's concerned about the others he's leaving finances too, it might be important to him.

That said I agree that it's really nobody's business expect the Giant and his heirs what his earthy affairs' orders are.

2018-03-08, 09:46 AM
So, well... long live the Giant? :smallbiggrin:

2018-03-15, 08:50 AM
"Hi Giant,

I know we never met, and I kind of hope you don't suddenly die, which would be kind of random anyway, but can you please already pack your stuff so I can have it if you do die?"

I feel like this every time I see a photo of George R.R. Martin. He has like 10,000 pages of ASOIAF to write but looks like he is going to have a massive heart attack if he walks to quickly to the bathroom. I want to yell "Stop working on Wild Cards, get to the gym a few times a week, and release Winds of Winter already!"

2018-03-15, 09:11 AM
I feel like this every time I see a photo of George R.R. Martin. He has like 10,000 pages of ASOIAF to write but looks like he is going to have a massive heart attack if he walks to quickly to the bathroom. I want to yell "Stop working on Wild Cards, get to the gym a few times a week, and release Winds of Winter already!" Making the assumption that GRRM gives a fig about his readers at this point seems to me to be your first mistake. I have noticed that he's written loads of prequel stuff and other material in the time he could have chosen to get book 6 done and book 7 underway.

He has not, but is instead milking the cow for all of the cash that he can. (Won't say as I blame him, since the writer-as-career gig can be a bugger, and you make money when you can. We can't all be Stephen King).

2018-03-15, 09:23 AM
Making the assumption that GRRM gives a fig about his readers at this point seems to me to be your first mistake.
This is only natural. Writers today aren't craftsmen but small entrepreneurs at best* and laborers at worst, readers are not connoisseurs but consumers, and all are mere buyers and sellers in the marketplace.

* Well, I say "best," but some of these people use and propagate the odious if accurate term "content creators" in place of the defunct if romantic "artists." Ugh. What a world.

2018-03-15, 11:21 AM

I'm a BIG fan....

....Love your work!:smallsmile:

Um.... right @MadraMor, I'm a big fan as well, I started with the strips in The Dragon.

FWLIW, I have a feeling that The Giant responds on Twitter (https://mobile.twitter.com/RichBurlew?p=s) more than this Forum now, but he's still a young man, so I'd let the question slide.

2018-03-21, 10:17 AM
This is only natural. Writers today aren't craftsmen but small entrepreneurs at best* and laborers at worst, readers are not connoisseurs but consumers, and all are mere buyers and sellers in the marketplace.

* Well, I say "best," but some of these people use and propagate the odious if accurate term "content creators" in place of the defunct if romantic "artists." Ugh. What a world.

Being a seller and an artist is not contradictory. Actually, every artist has always worked to sell: image Michelangelo without the money of the pope, how could he have created the Cappella Sistina? :smallwink:

My favourite book is the Count of Montecristo, and Dumas wrote it payed money for every word. And it's a masterpiece of french licterature now.

2018-03-21, 10:32 AM
Being a seller and an artist is not contradictory. Actually, every artist has always worked to sell: image Michelangelo without the money of the pope, how could he have created the Cappella Sistina? :smallwink:
If you can't tell the difference between a craftsman who is paid for his product as a whole, a laborer who is paid for his productive time (whether or not this is masked by a technical piece rate), and an entrepreneur who is paid for his risk-taking, and don't see how these different categories might approach artistry differently, but lump them all together as "sellers" because money changes hands at some point, I don't see any value in discussing with you.

2018-03-21, 01:13 PM
Come on guys... even artists have to pay bills and feed families. Spending all your time on the one big masterpiece doesn’t always pay off enough. Or soon enough. So other less impressive things need to be produced and sold. Of course, I suppose they could just get normal jobs, but that would likely leave even less time to work on that one piece your itching to get your hands on, and quality would likely be lower since they’re not practicing their skills as an artist while making paycheques...

2018-03-21, 02:24 PM
I feel like this every time I see a photo of George R.R. Martin. He has like 10,000 pages of ASOIAF to write but looks like he is going to have a massive heart attack if he walks to quickly to the bathroom. I want to yell "Stop working on Wild Cards, get to the gym a few times a week, and release Winds of Winter already!"

No offense for GoT & Co fans intended, but Wild Cards rock, been rockin' since the eighties, and will still be rocking long after all this situation on Westeros is resolved.

That said, I completely sympathze with the situation of fans that don't know if their favorite content will ever be finished. Just see how Hunter x Hunter fans keep enduring...

Edit: I, myself, am a huge The 4400's fan and no amount of sunflower seeds changed the serie's cancelation in the middle of a cliffhanger. I know there are some books that try to finish it, and I've read the source material (Rising Stars) that inspired the series, but still wanted to see it be aired.

2018-03-21, 03:01 PM
Edit: I, myself, am a huge The 4400's fan and no amount of sunflower seeds changed the serie's cancelation in the middle of a cliffhanger.

You should check out John Doe. Old TV show. Doesn't get cancelled after a massive cliffhanger ending in the first season AT ALL.

2018-03-21, 03:11 PM
I don't see any value in discussing with you.


2018-03-23, 07:28 AM
You should check out John Doe. Old TV show. Doesn't get cancelled after a massive cliffhanger ending in the first season AT ALL.

I knew it.

I liked it.

I mourned it...

(I'd post some crying image, but Elan's the best)

2018-03-23, 09:16 AM
I knew it.

I liked it.

I mourned it...

(I'd post some crying image, but Elan's the best)

I found out they actually revealed what the whole thing was about.

That wasn't the real bartender, it was a Phoenix agent with massive facial reconstruction to look like him.

If you want to know anything else, which will likely make you upset (for reals, leaving it up to the imagination is DEFINITELY better here), just lemme know!

2018-03-23, 10:16 AM
I found out they actually revealed what the whole thing was about.

That wasn't the real bartender, it was a Phoenix agent with massive facial reconstruction to look like him.

If you want to know anything else, which will likely make you upset (for reals, leaving it up to the imagination is DEFINITELY better here), just lemme know!

Thanks, but no, thanks :smallsmile:

I've grieved enough...

2018-03-23, 10:34 AM
Thanks, but no, thanks :smallsmile:

I've grieved enough...

Probably a good answer.

2018-03-23, 10:43 PM
This is only natural. Writers today aren't craftsmen but small entrepreneurs at best* and laborers at worst, readers are not connoisseurs but consumers, and all are mere buyers and sellers in the marketplace.

* Well, I say "best," but some of these people use and propagate the odious if accurate term "content creators" in place of the defunct if romantic "artists." Ugh. What a world.

Dickens and Tolstoy churned out material for magazine serials to pay the bills. There were many others doing similar work, but the others turned out to be 99% forgettable. It so happens that many of Dickens' and Tolstoy's works stand the test of time when we bundle them together and relabel it as a "novel". In fact, some of these works have glaring weaknesses when read as novels. But they did not really know they were writing novels until later in their career -- they were just churning out work that was entertaining to pay the bills.

Writing in television and movies has gotten significantly better, in terms of giving characters more nuances to their motivation and relying on less crude melodrama. Yes, the majority of blockbusters are still basically junk, but the serious movies are subtle in ways that older movies very very rarely were.

In terms of books...I dunno. There seem to a lot books that are all voice and no meaningful plot structure.

In SF, a lot of works are trying superhard to be oh so original and worldbuilding to bring you in for a 3 or 6 book arc. Emotionally they can be a bit flat, because it takes a lot of effort to digest novels that are reinventing the wheel. Everyone wants to be Frank Herbert -- I am afraid Herbert was a very mediocre writer, even if his ideas were original.

2018-03-25, 11:31 AM
In SF, a lot of works are trying superhard to be oh so original and worldbuilding to bring you in for a 3 or 6 book arc. Emotionally they can be a bit flat, because it takes a lot of effort to digest novels that are reinventing the wheel.

Agreed. We see lots of stories and franchises becoming weak or "just good, but not thaaat good" because they kept trying to be the edgier, most revolutionary, most plot twisted ever...

Bastian Weaver
2018-03-26, 07:22 AM
Dickens and Tolstoy churned out material for magazine serials to pay the bills.

Um, no. Dickens did that, but Tolstoy didn't. He had tons of money (he did have to pay a lot of bills early in his life, but instead of "churning out materal for magazine serials", he joined the army), and he wrote because he thought he should teach people all the stuff that he considered important.

2018-03-26, 08:13 AM
Eh OP, maybe you want to know how it ends right now? In case you die before the end, I mean.
I believe some terminally ill guy did that with SW7.

If it helps, I believe that OOTS was around mid-story near strip 800.
The updates rate may be faster when the KS will be over.
I, for one, am in no hurry of seeing OOTS ending.

I found out they actually revealed what the whole thing was about.

That wasn't the real bartender, it was a Phoenix agent with massive facial reconstruction to look like him.

If you want to know anything else, which will likely make you upset (for reals, leaving it up to the imagination is DEFINITELY better here), just lemme know!

At a look at wikipedia and...
Make that someone who looked like John's friend. The villain unmasked in the finale was actually just a Phoenix member with some fancy facial reconstruction. Turns out, the Phoenix believed Doe was the Messiah and its members were actually protecting Doe from a second group, which wanted him dead. The truth: Doe was injured in a boating accident. That mark on his chest? A scar left by a piece of shrapnel from the explosion. His Überbrain? A by-product of transcending his body during a near-death experience, traveling to a spiritual plane where all the universe's questions are answered.

I wonder if the show was cancelled because of how terrible these explanations are:
I mean...
What's the point of looking like Digger?
The explanation about the knowledge is... lame. What about being colorblind? What about seing Karen in color? What about the loss of knowledge and being able to see colors again in the episode with the JTR-like killer?

2018-03-26, 10:17 AM
I wonder if the show was cancelled because of how terrible these explanations are

Nope. The show got the Firefly treatment, is the short version.

2018-03-26, 11:04 AM
Aww, the guy treasures OotS so much that he asks the artist to testament his plans for it just in case something bad happens. What artist wouldn't love that, kind of classic thing to say. No sarcasm intended btw - I'd love to hear that for something I did for sure. (and would sure as Hel do no such thing that he asks for!) I think it's at least slightly tongue-in-cheek too. Mentioning death ain't getting personal, we're all gonna do it.

Making the assumption that GRRM gives a fig about his readers at this point seems to me to be your first mistake. I have noticed that he's written loads of prequel stuff and other material in the time he could have chosen to get book 6 done and book 7 underway.

He has not, but is instead milking the cow for all of the cash that he can. (Won't say as I blame him, since the writer-as-career gig can be a bugger, and you make money when you can. We can't all be Stephen King).

King is indeed succesful but isn't he also kind of the worst possible example for this, doing everything in between and taking ages and ages to finish what is essentially his main work, the Dark Tower series(which he did do - eventually! ...after almost dying, as it happens... what about that!). Which I don't blame him for, even if I had any such right, I reckon it's kind of the route that also he had to go, even if not for the reason of making ends meet.

2018-03-27, 12:56 PM
Shame on you, everyone.

OP just wanted to voice their concerns and y'all are calling the post creepy. I mean, only too kinds of people would create this thread: Fans who genuinely love OotS very much and didn't think through how they'd come off as before expressing their trepidation, or deranged murderous stalkers whose craving for Rich's life is only restrained by fear that the ending of the OotS will remain a mystery if they sacrifice him to Glycon too soon and who cunningly thought that if this plea for a testament was heeded they'd have to wait no longer to taste his death and I'm, like, 80% certain the OP is the former, so get off OP's back!

Don't mind them OP.
I, too, constantly worry that poor Rich is going to abruptly snuff it.

He's not that old, the Giant, and yet I fret a lot.

I am much afraid he'll die,
Oh poor sir Giant,
I am very much afraid
He'll be killed in nasty ways.
Poor, poor, poor, poor Sir Giant.
I am more than a little bit scared
He'll be mashed into a pulp.
Or he'll have his eyes gouged out,
And his elbows broken.
Or have his kneecaps split
And his body burned away,
And his limbs all hacked and mangled
Poor Sir Giant.
His head smashed in
And his heart cut out
And his liver removed
And his bowels unplugged
And his nostrils raped
And his bottom burnt off
And his penis

Bastian Weaver
2018-03-27, 01:00 PM
Elan, stop supporting the OP with dramatic singing.

2018-03-27, 01:00 PM
That's... That's enough music for now, SilverCacaoBean. Looks like there's dirty work afoot.

2018-03-27, 01:18 PM
Shame on you, everyone.

Excuse me, Mr. Bean, but I expect an apology. I was very quick to stand by the OP, and do not believe I deserve such harsh treatment at your hands. Please retract your blanket statement and explicitly un-shame me at once.

2018-03-27, 01:22 PM
Excuse me, Mr. Bean, but I expect an apology. I was very quick to stand by the OP, and do not believe I deserve such harsh treatment at your hands. Please retract your blanket statement and explicitly un-shame me at once.

Indeed you did good sir, I didn't notice it until now. My sincerest apologies.

...Say. Where's the OP anyway?

2018-03-27, 01:24 PM
Indeed you did good sir, I didn't notice it until now. My sincerest apologies.

...Say. Where's the OP anyway?

Considering that was their only post, I think we may have scared them away.

2018-03-27, 01:25 PM
Considering that was their only post, I think we may have scared them away.

He's buggered off!

Lacuna Caster
2018-03-27, 06:23 PM
Everyone wants to be Frank Herbert -- I am afraid Herbert was a very mediocre writer, even if his ideas were original.
I think Dune is a legit excellent novel, and Messiah caps it off nicely in terms of resolving character arcs, but the rot had set in by God Emperor. And Sci-fi/SF places more of a premium on intellectual novelty and logical cohesion than other virtues, so I think it works well in that capacity.

Closer to the topic, I'd be happy enough if the Blue Book were released to the general public some time soon.