View Full Version : A Simple day interrupted,

2018-03-06, 04:30 PM
Your day has just gotten worse, visiting a small town called Irying, you simply wanted to take a break from your travels and get some food but it Seems some goblins have other ideas!

Assuming you want to beat the goblins for anything from ruining your nice day, to for the pure fact they are attacking the small town, do the rolling for initiative things!

2018-03-07, 03:45 PM
cloaked male figure tosses his cloak to the ground reviling a large Rogaden with short black hair, wearing light armor. Pulls out his long/short swords looks at everyone smirking "I've got this"
19 on Initiative.

2018-03-07, 03:53 PM
Twitching her tail, Elissar smirked cooly as she continued to count her stolen loot. "They're all yours then."

Roll: 16

2018-03-08, 04:55 PM
Innis Cane, a long limbed wood elf with unkempt brown hair, gives a small shrug as he rises to his feet. His is clad in rugged leather armor and a heavy green cloak. He leans on the shaft of his longbow and gives a sardonic smile as the shaggy wolf at his side lets out a low growl.

"Alright, Jax," Innis says to the wolf. "We'll make sure the lad doesn't get himself killed."

Initiative: [roll0]

2018-03-08, 06:01 PM
k So
Goblins: has a 5
Silent Female varg in knights colors: (18+3) 21
and will hit a goblin with a 22 smacking the pooor goblin with a flail for 16 points of damage killing it

5 goblins remain in sight

2018-03-08, 06:40 PM
Innis Cane: Fires longbow [roll0]. If the shot is successful, damage is [roll1]

Jax the Wolf: Charge attacking a goblin with a bite attack [roll2]. If bite attack hits, damage is [roll3] and trip attempt is [roll4].

Innis and Jax will focus their attacks on the same goblin if necessary, but will split up their attacks if either of them manage to kill a goblin without the aid of the other.

2018-03-08, 07:38 PM
Sighing, Elissar stood up, drawing her twin daggers. "Him dying would cut down on my help..."

Roll: 13

2018-03-08, 09:34 PM
All hits on shadow trip is unesicary with focus as they kill that one
4 gobos lefts