View Full Version : Fire Ze Missiles

2018-03-07, 02:40 PM
7th Level Lore Wizard

If I'm reading this right, you can

Cast Magic Missiles at 4th level, Generating 6 Missiles
Sacrifice a 1st Level Spell Slot, increasing the damage by an additional 2d10 force damage

Thus dealing 1d4+2d10+1 damage, per dart... 6d4+12d10+6 damage on a single target? Or is the 2d10 only available once per target?

Also, can the range extension of Alchemical Casting (anything over 30 ft becomes a mile) be used at the same time as the damage augmentation, or is the augmentation exclusive to one or the other?

2018-03-07, 03:20 PM
An additional 1st-level spell slot can increase the spell’s raw force. If you roll damage for the spell when you cast it, increase the damage against every target by 2d10 force damage. If the spell can deal damage on more than one turn, it deals this extra force damage only on the turn you cast the spell.
The "against every target" seems to be the relevant part. Much like Agonizing Blast for warlocks, this certainly seems like it would affect each individual missile.

Also, can the range extension of Alchemical Casting (anything over 30 ft becomes a mile) be used at the same time as the damage augmentation, or is the augmentation exclusive to one or the other?

At 6th level, you learn to augment spells in a variety of ways. When you cast a spell with a spell slot, you can expend one additional spell slot to augment its effects for this casting, mixing the raw stuff of magic into your spell to amplify it. The effect depends on the spell slot you expend.
Looks like you can only use one or the other, much like metamagic. That said, you could use this with metamagic.

2018-03-07, 03:57 PM
This seems like it works for aoe purposes but not for increasing single target damage. "against every target" tell me it only increase the damage on each target by 2d10 not 2d10 for each time the spell targets them. So single target damage of 6d4+2d10+6 or 1d4+2d10+1 each when split among 6 targets

2018-03-07, 04:09 PM
Wasn't there a UA druid circle that made for really nasty Magic Missiles?