View Full Version : The Good Guys Failed [IC]

2018-03-07, 06:24 PM
You are currently standing on the edge of the cavern's entrance. The mountain itself is floating, high above a river of lightning. Above you lays a firestorm, a conflagration of massive proportions.

Something has gone horribly wrong.

What will you do?

2018-03-07, 08:15 PM

Well that's... new... Milo looks down at the crackling abyss for a second before shifting his stance as a stress reaction. The destruction couldn't stop here. For miles, maybe leagues there may be nothing but this new reality. The mountains could be isolated, with pockets and islands like the one the party found itself on. Past that... flammable, soft... populated. They spent the last days of the world's life chasing after a lizard who'd probably not be able to feed itself anyway.

The halfling puts a bit of weight on his foot to check the stability of the rock, then glances up trying to find a stable landmark. He doesn't trust the floating chunk-of-lair he found himself on, so it's in his best interest to figure out if it's moving anywhere. It's a better thing to think about that what's down there. Even then, his mind wanders back. The things that did this... they had to have had a way to survive whatever this is. Milo's less concerned with answers from them though, just what they could be doing next.

"These are the new wolves, and there are too many."

Milo wasn't talking to anyone in particular, but saying something seemed necessary. Unfortunately, wolves would have been better. You can't eat lava flesh or cure the hides of lightning.

Perception check possible to see if the rock chunk is moving. Do you want us to roll our own perceptions or have you keep them secret for devious GM purposes?

2018-03-07, 11:47 PM

Vena's breathing becomes erratic as a series of horrible conclusions come to her mind. Part of her already knows what happened, but another part of her is just shouting NO as quickly and loudly as it can.

She takes a deep breath and presses her fingers into her brow to concentrate. "Huff. Fff... Okay. Maybe this isn't as bad as it looks. The mountain could have been teleported, or planeshifted, or put under an illusory dome..." She shields her eyes from the flames above and squints to see past the flickering skeins below. "Let's try to find a landmark. A town, a forest, anything you might remember from the landscape nearby. Anything we see should give us someplace to go."

2018-03-07, 11:48 PM
.... I'm like 99 percent sure the high priestess of Sune didn't mention this as a possibility.... Nina pipes up very concerned.

2018-03-08, 09:33 AM
Roll your own Perception. That being said, this DC is low.

Relative to what else you can see, the mountain is drifting slowly.

Vena looks around, and manages to spot the Ancient Oak, the largest tree in the forest surrounding the mountain. It's quiet a distance away, floating on a pile of dirt, with many of its roots exposed.

2018-03-08, 12:46 PM

After emerging from the cave after a glorious and well fought victory, Teeru is immediately stopped in his tracks. Everything his world was and is has been torn apart. Never had he imagined that there is such sorcery, yet he isn't at all sure if this is real or imagined. He sits there, breathing heavily through his large, black nostrils. "This is not good." he says.

Perception: [roll0]

2018-03-08, 01:24 PM
Nina perception [roll0]

2018-03-08, 02:10 PM

"If it's a trick, it's a big one," Milo replies with the pessimism in his tone implying he doesn't think their situation is anything but real.

Noticing the horizon, or what could be called such not staying still, he states "We're moving, might hit something."


2018-03-08, 04:25 PM
I don't think it's too fast, we should get on the other side so that we aren't crushed up between a rock and a hard place. Nina remarks.

2018-03-08, 07:27 PM
An errant fireball crashes down from the storm above you, some 50'-100' away.

In addition to that, if you look down, you're able to see something rather large moving from the river of lightning. Some sort of serpent, its scales glowing and coruscating with power. Its eyes-pure yellow-look up towards you.

2018-03-08, 10:27 PM
Nina takes a step back before racking her brain for what the creature may be.

2018-03-08, 11:31 PM

Watching the serpent below, he immediately readies his battleaxe and shield. He thought he was prepared for anything, but this day has proved him wrong. With nothing further to really say, he roars defiantly.

2018-03-09, 02:45 AM

Watching the serpent below, he immediately readies his battleaxe and shield. He thought he was prepared for anything, but this day has proved him wrong. With nothing further to really say, he roars defiantly.

The serpent takes a few seconds to react. It opens its mouth, then, and roars back, and a few seconds later, you hear it. A massive, crackling boom of a roar, like a thousand lightning strikes all at once.

2018-03-09, 10:33 AM

Teeru turns to the others, and says "We need to leave. What about that tree?", pointing to the floating vegetation spotted earlier.

2018-03-09, 12:05 PM
You just had to provoke it. Nina sighs starting to move for the tree.

2018-03-09, 05:47 PM
The tree is a good distance away, and only accessible if you have some means of flight. It's possible that, given the drifting of some of the stones, a path might become apparent in some time.

Meanwhile, though, the lightning serpent has begun spiraling its way up, closing the distance at a hard-to-determine, but undoubtedly rapid pace.

2018-03-09, 06:28 PM

It's fast, so everyone standing in the open staring it down doesn't seem like a good idea. Weasels don't go into snake dens for good reason though. Maybe if they hid it would go away as well.

"Inside! And get ready to fight!" Milo yells as much as his halfling frame will allow him to do gruffly. That's... not a lot though. He draws his swords and makes for the cave entrance they came out of to look at this whole disaster.

2018-03-09, 10:01 PM
Vena admitted to Milo that he was probably right, and was glad to have the Ancient Oak as a smaller problem to focus on. She was about to theorize about the floating soil and start throwing out ideas for a raft, but was interrupted by a screaming elemental before she could articulate her proposal.

Might Vena recognize exactly what this thing is from her pre-existing knowledge of the inner planes? I guess we didn't really get a chance to research our primordial enemies in particular before they struck, but she might at least have some idea of where this thing came from, or whether it's of human or animal intelligence.

If it calls for a roll...
Intelligence (Arcana, Religion or Nature): [roll0]

(I'm not even going to look at the roll unless you tell me to)

The witch and her raven abscond to the cave with everyone else. The party's carriage is parked just inside the cave entrance and is already home to all of the decorative ewers and sacks of copper that they didn't want to lug around by hand. For the moment, its most relevant feature is that it provides cover... but Vena can do better.


An inky black curtain closes over the cavern's mouth and spills into the space around it, blocking most of the group's view of the approaching monster for the time being. Vena's eyes glow as she stares though the tenebrous sphere and measures the serpent's reaction.

"Now would be the time to start laying an ambush."

2018-03-09, 10:06 PM
The creature is most likely a Norn. The Norns are known for being highly territorial, and take poorly to being challenged, in that they like to vigorously assault those that challenge them. They are, however, pliable to tributes, even in the simple form of subservient words.

The largest Norn recorded was about 30' long.

2018-03-09, 10:41 PM
"To confirm what Nina said," Vena continues, "Norns are very territorial. It probably wouldn't be after us if you hadn't challenged it."

Despite her lecturing cadence, she doesn't sound angry at Teeru or even particularly annoyed. There's a reason she slipped that, 'probably,' in there. She continues staring forward, monitoring the lightning dragon's progress.

"...actually, we might be able to salvage this. Norns are still sapient, and if this really is their territory they might have some answers for us if we can talk them down. What do you think, Nina?"

2018-03-11, 10:46 PM

Teeru falls back into the cave with the others and prepares for what comes next. He has never been much with words, but definitely good with his horns. Some things are just better handled in combat, but perhaps his companions have another way out of this situation.

2018-03-11, 10:56 PM
Nina is seen for a moment talking to a puppet of a old man in a wizard robe. You can do this,
for Vera! She says psyching herself up.

O mighty Norn. I give onto the gift of an original puppet show. She says pulling out puppet after puppet before settling on an elephant one.

The tale of Professor Trunk. She starts waving the elephant up and high. Because he gives Elephfacts. She says beaming.

Casting enhance ability.

Then puppet show

2018-03-11, 11:55 PM
Vena already regrets her decision to put Nina in charge of this situation, but the bard is the better negotiator. If anyone can pacify a rampaging thunderbeast with puppets, it's her.

Vena tries to follow Nina's lead in terms of what to do with the umbral field. She almost dismisses it straight away, but then realizes it could be a nice effect. "Psst! Try standing in the darkness and reaching your hands out."

2018-03-12, 12:08 AM
That's a really good idea. Nina whispers back doing just that with an eager leap.

2018-03-12, 09:56 AM
The norn spirals up, and stops. What? it says, apparently confused by the puppet show. It then shakes its head, and demands Where is the fool who dared challenge me in my own demesne?

Norns have a special love for multi-coloured gems.

The norn is not impressed by the puppets, but doesn't seem angered by them. In addition, it doesn't seem... All that angry at all. It seems to not be overly concerned about the situation.

The norn is about 80' long, with a body nearly as thick as a man's outstretched arms. Its muscles ripple and spasm occasionally with barely contained power. Simply being near it, you can feel your hair start to rise a little, from the static.

2018-03-12, 10:14 AM

Realizing that this would be a situation where his brawn may not be best, he steps forward and tries his best to placate the situation. Teeru drops to one knee and lowers his horns, "Oh great Norn. I am the one who roared, but not at you. You are mighty, and you are powerful. A mere bull as myself would not be foolish to challenge you. I am awed at your prowess, your size, and your magnificence. I'm sorry for any offense. We seek a way off this mountain" His chest heaving, Teeru remains vigilant and tense expecting the worse. He draws from his pack 3 Sardonyx gems and holds them out. "Will you accept this offering as my tribute to your strength?"

2018-03-12, 12:00 PM
Persuasion with Advantage: [roll0]

OOC: Hope I did the advantage right on this roll.

2018-03-12, 12:14 PM
The norn extends a forelimb, grasping the gems. It eyes them, and takes them from Teeru's hand. The apology is accepted-but be careful to not do anything else upsetting. Now, answer me-what are you doing here?
Why did you bring this mountain here?

2018-03-12, 12:35 PM

Teeru realizing that his words, but probably his gems, got them out of a tough situation decided not to push his luck. He responds to the Norn "Nina can speak better," and he nods in her direction.

2018-03-12, 12:35 PM
The norn snorts, a crackle of lightning emerging from its nostrils, and turns to face Nina.

2018-03-12, 02:03 PM

Having long learned that he's not the best halfling to be speaking, Milo keeps silent and makes a study of the "Norn" thing. Big, talkative, flying in a way. "Dragon" would have been an applicable description if they hadn't just gotten through dealing with a real one. Dangerous mistake that would have been, like misidentifying a snake.

He doesn't make the decision to attempt to hide, as the group as a whole is being polite and getting noticed skulking would probably draw the wrath of the giant norn-monster-thing.

2018-03-12, 02:49 PM
I'm not entirely sure. The high priestess of Sune said she was fighting a cult. And that was supposed to be today... So if I had to guess they failed, and they sent the material plane here... Nina said putting her puppet arms down.

2018-03-12, 02:55 PM
Hrm... the norn lets out. So you didn't bring the mountain here? And it is not yours?

If any of you do anything in assent, the norn clasps its hands together. Excellent! Then it is mine. It shall make a wonderful home away from home. Of course, you will have to be removed from my territory. Can't have pests about, after all, it says. But since you've been properly respectful, excusing that incident at the start, I shall be gracious, and let you simply leave.

2018-03-12, 03:20 PM
Vena's eyes lit up as soon as the Norn mentioned that the mountain was brought here rather than the other way around.

"Very well, thank you. It might take a little while for us to get down, though, since we don't have wings..."

She looks from the dragon to the horseless partyvan. "You seem strong, if you don't mind my saying so. Do you think you could fly us down in the carriage?"