View Full Version : Looking for a Prestige Class and Character Motivation Ideas

2018-03-07, 08:26 PM
Hi all! I need help with two things today.

1. Searching for a Prestige Class
I am looking for a full progression arcane caster prestige class that either only has 5 levels or gets something worthwhile by level 5. Through lots of rulebending and crazy shenanigans, my character will be able to cast 9th level spells in 3 different classes, and I don't want to just make my last 5 levels to level 20 just be sorcerer/wizard (we're gestalting and it's an evil campaign, so we're getting away with a lot of stuff rule-wise).

I've scoured many of the 3.0 and 3.5 books and not much has caught my eye except for Archmage and Dweomerkeeper. Archmage is pretty solid, but with what my character is already capable of doing it's pretty underwhelming in the long run for a campaign like the one we're in. Dweomerkeeper is pretty rad in of itself (being able to cast 1 spell/day at 4th level without XP or pricey material components? Hell yeah), but one of the other characters is already going to take levels in it so they can awaken undead every day. It's not that I wouldn't want to take it, but it feels like copying.

Basically any source book is open. I know Dragon Magazine will be considered. We are playing in Eberron, so I'm not sure if other campaign-specific PCs will be accepted. But hey, the book does say "if it exists in D&D, it exists in Eberron" so I don't think it will be too hard to convince my DM to let me use it.

2. Motivation Ideas for my Character

A little more background on the character/campaign: As I've already mentioned, we are playing an evil campaign and we are starting to come into our own and make a name for ourselves. Everyone else has their ambitions, but I feel like I'm over here, waving my arms around and being all 'what next'. One character wants to be the Best monster, and another is in the process of creating their own religion.

The overall basis of my character is her obsession with learning new magic and lots of studying. When in-game time permits, she will be researching more spells to put them in her spellbook. However, that's a very passive goal, and isn't something that can actively push the plot along in a major way [yet].

I have some misc. goals, such as murder a couple demon/devil jerks that put us into slavery/screwed us up, and get this damned slave ring off of us, but those don't feel like personal goals.

So, what are some possible goals and motivations that I could give my character?

Mike Miller
2018-03-07, 08:30 PM
Hi all! I need help with two things today.

1. Searching for a Prestige Class
I am looking for a full progression arcane caster prestige class that either only has 5 levels or gets something worthwhile by level 5. Through lots of rulebending and crazy shenanigans, my character will be able to cast 9th level spells in 3 different classes, and I don't want to just make my last 5 levels to level 20 just be sorcerer/wizard (we're gestalting and it's an evil campaign, so we're getting away with a lot of stuff rule-wise).

I've scoured many of the 3.0 and 3.5 books and not much has caught my eye except for Archmage and Dweomerkeeper. Archmage is pretty solid, but with what my character is already capable of doing it's pretty underwhelming in the long run for a campaign like the one we're in. Dweomerkeeper is pretty rad in of itself (being able to cast 1 spell/day at 4th level without XP or pricey material components? Hell yeah), but one of the other characters is already going to take levels in it so they can awaken undead every day. It's not that I wouldn't want to take it, but it feels like copying.

Basically any source book is open. I know Dragon Magazine will be considered. We are playing in Eberron, so I'm not sure if other campaign-specific PCs will be accepted. But hey, the book does say "if it exists in D&D, it exists in Eberron" so I don't think it will be too hard to convince my DM to let me use it.

2. Motivation Ideas for my Character

A little more background on the character/campaign: As I've already mentioned, we are playing an evil campaign and we are starting to come into our own and make a name for ourselves. Everyone else has their ambitions, but I feel like I'm over here, waving my arms around and being all 'what next'. One character wants to be the Best monster, and another is in the process of creating their own religion.

The overall basis of my character is her obsession with learning new magic and lots of studying. When in-game time permits, she will be researching more spells to put them in her spellbook. However, that's a very passive goal, and isn't something that can actively push the plot along in a major way [yet].

I have some misc. goals, such as murder a couple demon/devil jerks that put us into slavery/screwed us up, and get this damned slave ring off of us, but those don't feel like personal goals.

So, what are some possible goals and motivations that I could give my character?

What level are you now? It sounds like possibly 15? Have you seen Malconvoker? Have you seen incantatrix? Does your character have a developed background already? Working that into something campaign-related would work. I feel like more information about the campaign/character would help develop ideas for plot motivation.

2018-03-07, 08:37 PM
please post your build so we know what you've already done and what kind of casting you want to progress so we can give suggestions that synergize.

2018-03-07, 09:50 PM
please post your build so we know what you've already done and what kind of casting you want to progress so we can give suggestions that synergize.

Sure! It's a mess, and keep in mind that we are not playing by a lot of the gestalt/core rules.

Sorcerer/Spellthief 1
Hexblade/Sorcerer 3 (dipped into hexblade to get the BAB requirement for Urpriest, and yay swift action Hexblade curses. Also the Mettle ability is A+)
Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Ultimate Magus/Ur-Priest 2
Ultimate Magus/Mystic Theurge 3

The idea is to level up Ultimate Magus/Mystic Theurge and level up Sorcerer/Wizard/Urpriest as high as possible. Spellthief is being paired with the Master Spellthief feat where all my arcane casting classes (sorcerer, wizard, hexblade, spellthief) are being added together to determine my caster level - so my caster level is insanely high as I "steal" them from myself and then cast them (once again - rulebending).

After I'm done leveling up Ultimate Magus/Mystic Theurge is where I want to introduce the next prestige class I'm looking for. I will be progressing sorcerer with the prestige class/wizard.

If I can't find a prestige class, backup plan is just leveling up sorcerer/wizard or spellthief/wizard.

What level are you now? It sounds like possibly 15? Have you seen Malconvoker? Have you seen incantatrix? Does your character have a developed background already? Working that into something campaign-related would work. I feel like more information about the campaign/character would help develop ideas for plot motivation.

My character is currently level 10 (like I said, crazy rule-bending). I'm not in a super-rush to find the prestige class, but I want to find out as early as possible so I have time to reach any possible prerequisites. Thankfully, we don't play this campaign every week.

I've looked at Incantatrix, and when I was first in the process of creating my character, I considered taking all the levels in. However, with the basis of trying to learn all magic as a character trait, having to choose a prohibited school really throws a wrench in that, which is why I then discarded it.

Malconvoker has an alignment restriction of must be nonevil, and summoning wasn't something I originally considered doing with this character. I'm of the opinion that - if you go the summoning route - it's really something you've gotta be working on improving consistently as you level instead of jumping right in. There's also the fact that I'll be missing a level progression at first level malconvoker.

Character Background/Campaign

Playing a Half-Nymph/Lesser aasimar twin with the above build. Before the campaign start, twin and I were abandoned by our father who attempted to kill us by throwing us in a tomb. Eventually escaped, etc etc and fast-forward to the start of the campaign (backstory has a bigger impact on my twin than it does me, hence why I'm not giving a lot of details, but that's the high-level gist).

My twin and I were captured by The Silver Flame with the other PCs to do quests and errands for the church. We are essentially a "Monster Squad". At some point, we were tricked into putting on slave rings (BoVD). During one of our geas-ed missions, we were sent on another mission to retrieve a sword from a nearby Lord. Turns out said lord is a devil and he captured us once he caught onto us.

In order to escape, we contacted a demon that we previously met and he essentially screwed us over after we made a deal with him. You know how those deals work - you get what you ask for out of the deal, but usually you're still screwed in some way. In our case, we were the subjects of a Mindrape spell and our alignments and attitudes changed, and we had a lot of implanted memories that changed our outlook on how we go about our life.

Eventually we got the sword, returned it to The Silver Flame, and we were given a "vacation" for our good work but still being monitored. We recently acquired a keep and many followers (due to Leadership feats), so we're in the process of having a cult following essentially. We are now in the process of making a name for ourselves by getting rid of a monster, and that's where we left off.

Current Goals at the moment:

Get the slaves rings off of us (we are currently brainstorming and might have a plan if we can get in contact with a certain person)
My character would love to destroy the Lord devil and the one in control of the slave rings (I believe it is some evil outsider)
Learn more magic/spells.

2018-03-08, 01:37 PM
It sounds like you have goals for yourself, one just has such a wide scope that it's hard to figure out where to start(all spell knowledge, yeah). That's not a one man job. You may need an army.

So it sounds like you need backup. Three levels(o think) of wyrm wizard so you can grab body outside body to have lackeys as intelligent as you. Works wonders paired with a level or two of archmage.
Effigy master can let you craft a bunch of beefy BSF minions. With a caster level through the roof, you could make some scary stuff.
Two or more levels of mindbender can get you a good minion depending on what you come across.
But having others do work for you(collect scrolls and spell books?) Would save you effort, so you could pursue your revenge for others slighting you.

2018-03-08, 03:37 PM
It sounds like you have goals for yourself, one just has such a wide scope that it's hard to figure out where to start(all spell knowledge, yeah). That's not a one man job. You may need an army.

So it sounds like you need backup. Three levels(o think) of wyrm wizard so you can grab body outside body to have lackeys as intelligent as you. Works wonders paired with a level or two of archmage.
Effigy master can let you craft a bunch of beefy BSF minions. With a caster level through the roof, you could make some scary stuff.
Two or more levels of mindbender can get you a good minion depending on what you come across.
But having others do work for you(collect scrolls and spell books?) Would save you effort, so you could pursue your revenge for others slighting you.

Thankfully, all of us have taken the Leadership feat, and our cohorts have taken the Leadership feat (and my cohort's cohort has taken the Leadership feat). And two of the main player characters have about a +11 to CHA so we're rolling in followers - we are well on our way to having an army of mortals and undead due to minion-mancy.

I'm going to take a deeper look into wyrm wizard - it's unfortunate that all the classes that you've listed don't have a full base class progression, but I knew I was asking for a lot when I first made the thread. I might have to forego some of my caster levels to get some cool stuff. I really like the idea of Body Outside Body and having a bunch of me running around and doing research while I'm kicking butt. And I have the dragon familiar feat so I will get the +2 bonus every day when consulting with a dragon. The only issue is is that the spell only lasts minutes/level - researching takes longer than that.

Tangent: Anyone have any ideas on how to apply Divine Metamagic (Persist) to non-divine spells? Then my clones can run around all day doing work for me. I mentioned it offhand to my DM and his response was something along the lines of "that would be a miracle if you could get that to work". (I think I'll make another thread for this soon... So many awesome arcane spells that would be great persisted)

For goals: I guess you're right. I do have a personal goal for my character. So my next question is... best way to implement that? My first thought would be to make use of the keep and followers we've acquired and confiscate/imprison any wizards or spellcasters that come by and take their spellbooks and spellthief steal their spells (and then copy them into my spellbook). Not sure how often we will see spellcasters though, as we are stationed in a theocratic country.

2018-03-08, 06:26 PM
The easiest way to arcane cast persist+extend BoB, asides from levels of either icanatrix and artificer... Maybe ultimate magus + legacy champion?
If your DM let's you make a metamagic rod of persist, might be a few more ways but that's all I got off the top of my head.

And as far as implementing, teleport to a nearby nation, find a hidden place and have minions/clones make a teleportation circle so you can invade full force.
Maybe have a few elites teleported to a few different nation's to infiltrate that you message every so often.

Edit: and as far as using DMM I can only see three ways, miracle to emulate the spell, geomancer(yuck) or alternative source spell from dr325, let's you cast arcane spells from Divine slots and vice versa at -1 cl. Not even sure if that method would work though.

2018-03-08, 07:36 PM
If you're in Eberron, then you should consider Primal Scholar.

You get 5/5 spellcasting, and by 5th level you can spend an Action Point to recall a spell or spell-slot up to 5th level.

Know what's a 5th level spell? Unfettered Heroism, which gives you a free Action Point every turn.

Yep, now you can cast unlimited spells all day up to 5th level (... or 6th level using 2x level 5 slots + Versatile Spellcaster), and you get the unfettered heroism back right after you cast it.

There's no limit about only recovering Wizard spells, either: so you can recover your Ur-Priest spells, too.

2018-03-08, 08:29 PM
If you're in Eberron, then you should consider Primal Scholar.

You get 5/5 spellcasting, and by 5th level you can spend an Action Point to recall a spell or spell-slot up to 5th level.

Know what's a 5th level spell? Unfettered Heroism, which gives you a free Action Point every turn.

Yep, now you can cast unlimited spells all day up to 5th level (... or 6th level using 2x level 5 slots + Versatile Spellcaster), and you get the unfettered heroism back right after you cast it.

There's no limit about only recovering Wizard spells, either: so you can recover your Ur-Priest spells, too.

Edit: and as far as using DMM I can only see three ways, miracle to emulate the spell, geomancer(yuck) or alternative source spell from dr325, let's you cast arcane spells from Divine slots and vice versa at -1 cl. Not even sure if that method would work though.

You guys are GENIUSES!!!

I got the a-okay from my DM to use alternative source spell, and guess who's going to be persisting it as soon as she has 5th level slots!!

And you'd better bet that I'm going into Primal Scholar now. Just gotta play the waiting game for leveling. Now I just gotta figure out the other half of the gestalt!

Wizards across Eberron hate her! Find out how local wizard can have unlimited spell slots! Of fifth level or lower.

2018-03-08, 08:30 PM
Awesome, glad to help.

Wizards across Eberron hate her! Find out how local wizard can have unlimited spell slots! Of fifth level or lower.

Take 3 levels of Uncanny Trickster, and you can get 7th level slots back.

Take 5 levels of Legacy Champion, and you can get 9th level slots back.

2018-03-09, 10:18 AM
Awesome, glad to help.

Take 3 levels of Uncanny Trickster, and you can get 7th level slots back.

Take 5 levels of Legacy Champion, and you can get 9th level slots back.

How would those two classes work/help? Which skill tricks would I need to take?

And not sure if I want to go Legacy Champion - I created a legacy weapon in our other campaign and it was a [rewarding] pain.

2018-03-09, 02:18 PM
Another thing that could fit like the super cool primal scholar is Escalation Mage, a caster who studies the secrets of The Shadow (one of the more fitting deities for an evil wizard: it is believed to be the shadow of Aureon, the supreme arcanist deity in Eberron).

It has easy entry, full casting progression, and many interesting abilities.

2018-03-09, 02:38 PM
Another thing that could fit like the super cool primal scholar is Escalation Mage, a caster who studies the secrets of The Shadow (one of the more fitting deities for an evil wizard: it is believed to be the shadow of Aureon, the supreme arcanist deity in Eberron).

It has easy entry, full casting progression, and many interesting abilities.

Oh! That's actually a really awesome class! And there will be no way for me to fail the caster level checks. I've never actually read the entire class before - I previously skipped over it because a pre-requisite is that I have to worship the shadow. And so far I've been playing it that she doesn't actually worship a deity.

However, if she were to worship anyone, it would definitely be the Shadow.

So, it looks like for my last 5 levels of advancement will either be Escalation Mage/Primal Scholar or Archmage/Primal Scholar! DM said that Archmage (apparently) can be broken in so many ways, but Escalation Mage sounds so much more fun!!

2018-03-09, 02:40 PM
How would those two classes work/help? Which skill tricks would I need to take? Ignore the skill tricks, it's the "+1 level of existing class features" applied to Primal Scholar.