View Full Version : Player Help What class(es) would a cowboy be?

2018-03-08, 05:51 PM
Was thinking of making a very classic cowboy-type character for a game of D&D in the far-off future, and was trying to brainstorm how I would build such a character. Note that when I say cowboy, I mean the country-song-singing, beer-drinking, patriotic rancher out in the country. A common man that is willing to get his hands dirty and rough up a few hoodlums. Gets in a few bar-fights and rarely loses. I don't want to be a bard because I can't see a cowboy doing magic and singing at enemies. I was thinking more a fistfighter, maybe someone who uses rope as a weapon (think: lassos and hog-tying), or perhaps a gunslinger-type character.

I know that PF has a gunslinger class, but I'm looking for some other options. What do y'all think?

2018-03-08, 05:56 PM
Pathfinder also has the brawler (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advancedClassGuide/classes/brawler.html), which is a martial class that swaps out feats based on the situation.

If you want to emphasize the rope, some form of spell-less ranger might be appropriate.

2018-03-08, 05:58 PM
Would say Rogue for the expanded skill set.

2018-03-08, 06:01 PM
Ranger is an obvious option; your horse is your animal companion, you might have a fighting style that favors your "pistols and pugilism" style, and you might refluff your ranger spells as special tricks you know, or take an ACF that gives you something else. Fighter and Barbarian also work, though I think you'll need some ACF for a Barbarian.

Of course, there's always Paladin (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgvxu8QY01s) or Monk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZY6HgFyoupw), but I think those are outside what you're looking for.

2018-03-08, 06:48 PM
Commoner, maybe expert. Your average cowboy won't be able to be an adventurer.

2018-03-08, 07:20 PM
The Lone Ranger is definitely a Pathfinder vigilante.

2018-03-08, 07:32 PM
Commoner, maybe expert. Nothing special about them beyond being glorified a bit.

2018-03-08, 07:40 PM
Of course, there's always Paladin or Monk, but I think those are outside what you're looking for.


2018-03-08, 07:55 PM

Karl Aegis
2018-03-08, 08:08 PM
The Wild West Sheriff deity is a Paladin.

2018-03-08, 08:14 PM
If you could get a paladin's mount onto a drunken master somehow... Maybe using a Paladin of Freedom with the non-caster paladin variant, entering into drunken master? I'm not opening books to see how well that works right now, but it feels pretty close for concept.

2018-03-08, 08:51 PM
Depends on the cowboy. All of them would probably at least dip in to Gunslinger and/or Cavalier.

If we are talking about the type of dude who actually herds cattle to be sold, across Midwest America, would probably take at least some levels of Rogue (skills), or Ranger for favored terrain, and wild empathy. Sure, it's less difficult for domesticated animals, but they need to handle an entire herd.

If we are talking about a regular ol' desperado, probably Gunslinger all the way.

If we're talking about a sheriff, Unchained Rogue for the skills. Possibly some Paladin for their honor and duty to the law.

If we're allowing for Spheres of Power, then a mix of Sentinel and Conscript is a good base, and then work the specifics of the cowboy in question out with the sphere talents.

2018-03-08, 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by SangoProduction
If we are talking about the type of dude who actually herds cattle to be sold, across Midwest America, would probably take at least some levels of Rogue (skills)….

Wilderness rogue from 3.5 would do the trick, or maybe slayer from Pathfinder.

2018-03-08, 09:14 PM
I personally think that a good gunslinger (the type that does the gun-duels) is probably a rogue into assassin with some way to use death attack with a ranged attack.

2018-03-08, 09:29 PM
Samurai (as long as he brings six friends with him).

Possibly something like Psychic Warrior or Soulknife/Soulbow. Refluffed Warlock (Eldritch Blast being shots from his pistol) could make it work, if you chose the right Invocations.

2018-03-08, 09:53 PM
Was thinking of making a very classic cowboy-type character for a game of D&D in the far-off future, and was trying to brainstorm how I would build such a character. Note that when I say cowboy, I mean the country-song-singing, beer-drinking, patriotic rancher out in the country. A common man that is willing to get his hands dirty and rough up a few hoodlums. Gets in a few bar-fights and rarely loses. I don't want to be a bard because I can't see a cowboy doing magic and singing at enemies. I was thinking more a fistfighter, maybe someone who uses rope as a weapon (think: lassos and hog-tying), or perhaps a gunslinger-type character.

I know that PF has a gunslinger class, but I'm looking for some other options. What do y'all think?

1. Country songs weren't invented yet. Based on the region, it would have probably been piano songs that they'd hear at the bar, or drinking songs, or spanish ballads.
2.Beer would have not been the drink of choice, as it tastes absolutely rancid in heat. Would have been whiskey or tequila. Probably tequila based on the region
3.Patriotism was...Flexible back then. Civil war and all. But if we are talking about a gunfighter, and not a cow handler, then the likelihood that they were patriotic and not lawmen is... iffy.

Now, I'd probably go for myrmidon fighter[myrmidon is from Dreamscarred press' Path of war. It's on the SRD though.]

You get grit, you get deeds, and you get maneuvers. Beautiful.

And with that also add in the martial master Archetype. This gets you the brawler's martial flexibility for weapon's training and weapon mastery.
I dig the trade honestly.
In this build just choose tempest gale maneuvers and it works just fine. Martial flexibility when you want a pocket maneuver on the fly from another school.

Try that one, bandito.

2018-03-08, 10:08 PM
Cowboy is more of a background than anything else. I think pretty much any class would be appropriate. Just put some ranks in Profession (Cowboy).

2018-03-08, 10:16 PM
I'd say Druid/Blighter with a paladin of slaughter dip but then i've lived around cowboys my entire life and they haven't exactly impressed me with their moral fiber.

2018-03-08, 10:55 PM
could be just about any mundane/ semi-caster,

ranger is an obvious one
wilderness rouge
barbarian (rage wouldn't help ranged though so dump it for something else)
fighter (targetter variant would be good for ranged fighter)
Favored soul could work but you dont want a bunch of spellcasting
could use warlock and refluff eldritch blast, not really spellcasting but get some nice things too
artificer, for a tinkerer gunsmith cowboy
ect ect

2018-03-08, 11:05 PM
Was thinking of making a very classic cowboy-type character for a game of D&D in the far-off future, and was trying to brainstorm how I would build such a character. Note that when I say cowboy, I mean the country-song-singing, beer-drinking, patriotic rancher out in the country. A common man that is willing to get his hands dirty and rough up a few hoodlums. Gets in a few bar-fights and rarely loses. I don't want to be a bard because I can't see a cowboy doing magic and singing at enemies. I was thinking more a fistfighter, maybe someone who uses rope as a weapon (think: lassos and hog-tying), or perhaps a gunslinger-type character.

I know that PF has a gunslinger class, but I'm looking for some other options. What do y'all think?

I mean, a dip of Gunslinger turns anyone into a cowboy. If you want a gun-slinging wizard, may I direct you to 6-Gun Mage (http://www.6gunmage.com/comic/6-gun-mage-kickoff)?

However, it's worth noting that IRL cowboys were dirt-poor, typically hispanic, typically social-outcast types. Some of them would be decent people, some of them would be *******s.

Cowboy is more of a background than anything else. I think pretty much any class would be appropriate. Just put some ranks in Profession (Cowboy).

Don't forget Perform:Stringed Instrument.

2018-03-08, 11:11 PM
Not one mention of Murlynd (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murlynd) the Wizard? :smallbiggrin:

2018-03-09, 05:53 AM
classic cowboy-type
Expert, like all other craftsmen.

Uncle Pine
2018-03-09, 06:17 AM
Any classes with ranged capabilities can be a cowboy with the proper attitude: from the whirling frenzy or crafty hunter Barbarian (or whatever version of those variants Pathfinder has) to a whistling bard who bought a horse, most classes make for pretty decent cowboys. Even spellcasters with finger guns, because like a mailman a cowboy always delivers.

2018-03-09, 06:49 PM
Ranger is an obvious option; your horse is your animal companion, you might have a fighting style that favors your "pistols and pugilism" style, and you might refluff your ranger spells as special tricks you know, or take an ACF that gives you something else. Fighter and Barbarian also work, though I think you'll need some ACF for a Barbarian.

Of course, there's always Paladin (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgvxu8QY01s) or Monk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZY6HgFyoupw), but I think those are outside what you're looking for.

Don't forget the baked-in casual racism.