View Full Version : Uses for Prehensile Tail

2018-03-08, 10:37 PM
My tiefling rogue, not ever wanting levels in Sorcerer, traded the Fiendish Sorcery racial trait for a prehensile tail.

My GM has ruled I MAY NOT use my tail for a blinding Dirty Trick with both hands full of weapons.

I'm kind of at a loss for what to do with the tail. What's it good for? GM ruled passing things from the tail to the hand is a swift action and it can carry 5 lbs.

2018-03-09, 01:04 AM
Your DM is slightly shortchanging you by the looks of it.

Based on the rules for the Spare Hand item (MIC p. 137) and the Prehensile Tail feat from Savage Species (and Serpent Kingdoms), passing objects between hands and tails should be a free action, and you should not be limited to 5 lb. Also, get a +2 on Climb, Grapple and possibly escape artist.

You should be entitled to also wield an extra off-hand weapon (per Multiweapon Fighting), at the very least a Tail Blade (Savage Species p. 46). If it works like the prehensile tail feat, there is also no reason you can't use it to activate wands and such. Lastly, it could let you reload Hand-crossbows while dual wielding them, if that's a direction you're interested in.

2018-03-09, 02:34 AM
This looks like a Pathfinder tiefling question. Prehensile Tail can hold an object, or draw an object as a Swift Action instead of move action. Nothing else.

2018-03-09, 02:42 AM
This looks like a Pathfinder tiefling question. Prehensile Tail can hold an object, or draw an object as a Swift Action instead of move action. Nothing else.

Ah, I just figured there was some homebrewing going on, nvm then

2018-03-09, 02:50 AM
Sorry, should have tagged it as Pathfinder.

2018-03-09, 11:09 AM
You can't carry a weapon in it but any other item is fair game. As you're a rogue, this includes a variety of useful consumables (wands, scrolls, rods, potions, and wondrous items.)

By RAW this also includes a buckler, but your GM may not like that one.

2018-03-13, 12:57 PM
By RAW this also includes a buckler, but your GM may not like that one.

He said NO with audible capital letters and a little tone as if to say "Not Again"

2018-03-13, 01:06 PM
If you combine it with the Grasping Tail feat and disarm someone you can grab the weapon from the ground so that they can't pick it back up.

But arguably the best use is if you're going for a Moonlight Stalker Feint build - you can use the tail to drop smoke pellets. As long as you're an Unchained Rogue, you still get to get SA against those you successfully Feint (albeit with a 4% miss chance) while getting a 30% miss chance of your own. Though - it takes a LOT of feats to get to, it's a very potent combo once you get it up and running.