View Full Version : SorenKnight's G's G&G Red Hand of Doom Campaign

2018-03-09, 08:11 PM
Drellin's Ferry is a quiet town, for all that it borders on the edge of the civilized lands in the Vale. A wide river, from which the town gets its name, protects it from the average raider, and its isolated location means that not many new faces are seen in town.

And yet you've found the road quite crowded. No less than three strangers accompany you on the road, all heavily armed adventurers much like yourself*

And then you notice something else...

The road crests a small rise and descends into a dusty grove in a large,
shallow dell. An abandoned farmhouse, partially visible through the trees, stands on one side of the road. You’ve passed a dozen spots
much like this one already today, but this one feels wrong. Then you
glimpse the glint of mail through the brush by the side of the road.
Fierce warriors—tall, hairy humanoids with wide mouths and flat
faces—are lying in wait!

You're the purple dots, btw. Meant to give you more accurate, but my Photoshop license ran out a while ago, leaving me to use less familiar, but freer software.

Intro text altered slightly

2018-03-09, 08:16 PM

Friends, Kila says, her hands going lightly to her greathammer, think carefully before you make some very, very bad decisions.

[roll1] Intimidate, just on the off-chance their nerve can be shaken this early on.

Note that, until I switch to Greathammer Style (on my turn), I'm rocking 23 AC, not 21.

I'll wait to declare non-free actions once I know what the others plan on doing.

2018-03-09, 08:40 PM
[roll0] Aukum draws his massive katana, keeping one hand off of the blade in preperation of a spell. "I suggest you all choose your moves wisely... for us, keep a target in mind." the goliath says, eyeing the surrounding crowd.

Readying Obscuring Mist (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/obscuringMist.htm)(via Versatile Spellcaster) centered on our group if hostile action is taken against us.

2018-03-09, 08:45 PM
The hobgoblins raise their heads to the sky and howl, matched by unearthly howls from the woods behind you.

For the glory of the Red Hand! A voice calls out from the ruined farmhouse in the guttural language of the goblinoids. May the weak die and the strong prosper beneath the eyes of Tiamat!


Edit: Apparently I still don't know how the dice roller works. I'm going to fiddle around in the dice roll thread until I figure it out, then post with the enemy initiatives.

Current Initiative

Aukum: 27

Hobgoblin Bladebearer: 18

Hellhounds: 16

Hobgoblin Regulars: 14

Kila: 13

Doom Hand Cleric: 12

Bladebearer moves to block off the path to the Cleric, assuming that neither Maram nor does anything too drastic before 18 initiative. The blurry bit is the Obscuring Mist, either that or a tea stain. How did I get a tea stain on an entirely digital image?
Well, I am extraordinarily talented.

2018-03-09, 09:12 PM
"Ha-ha! Come and get it, beasties! I'll chew through all of you without breaking a sweat!" Maram boasted, banging his axe against his shield as he did so.



Readying an action to shield bash the first enemy to enter my threatened area.

2018-03-09, 09:20 PM
The quiet fighter readies her bow, and prepares to fire, sending 2 shots off at the nearby hobgoblin, and climbing into the nearby brush
Rapid shot on the closest H [roll1] Damage [roll]1d8+4 Sneak attack3d6
Rapid shot on the closest H Damage [roll]1d8+4 sneak attack3d6
well, guess I can't combine Die types

2018-03-09, 09:25 PM
try 3, sorry, tell me if dice rolls should be other where.
Bow Damage 1 [roll0] Sneak attack [roll1] (22 damage)
Bow Damage 2 [roll2] Sneak attack [roll3] (17 damage)

2018-03-09, 09:33 PM
Finishing the gestering with his freehand Aukan shouts "Obscuring Mist!"

Casting obscuring mist centered around the middle two purple spots on the map for partywide coverage. In the mist, Aukan uses a swift action to assume child of shadow stance

2018-03-09, 09:33 PM
The archer turns without hesitation, snapping off two arrows at the bestial howling from the woods behind you. A smoldering mongrel tumbles through the bushes with an arrow through its neck while its very much alive, very much on fire companion leaps at the foe who claimed its mate's life, howling with pain and loss, completely disregarding the arrow through its shoulder.

Damage [roll1]bite [roll2] fire

You can roll dice in spoiler tags. If you mess up the dice roll do the reroll here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?552743-SorenKnight-s-G-s-G-amp-G-Red-Hand-of-Doom-Campaign-Dice-Rolls&p=22906672#post22906672) to avoid double posting.


2018-03-09, 10:42 PM
Kila lets out a primal roar of fury and power, no longer concerned with intimidating her foes, simply announcing I AM HERE in a wordless bellow of combat prowess. As she roars, she charges out from the mist towards the Cleric, aiming to incapacitate their casting before they can shoot off any spells.

Her hammer smashes into the cleric's shield, before she swings it into the hobgoblin themself.

Okay, making sure I do this right...

Free action, switch to Greathammer style.

Step 1: AoO, negated due to Improved Sunder.

Step 2: Opponent and I roll off.
I will roll for the Cleric, no idea what their mods are, so just straight d20: [roll0]
Then, roll for me. [roll1] +4 due to being Large, effectively, +2 due to Greathammer, +5 due to Improved Sunder (4+1/4 BAB, with G&G), +5 due to BAB, +6 due to Strength, +1 due to G&G Competence bonus, +1 due to enhancement bonus, +1 due to Weapon Focus, -5 due to Power Attack (want this shield GONE!).

Step 3: Damage! [roll2]

Then, assuming I succeeded on the base roll, I get to make an attack, as per G&G, so smashing time!

[roll4] Edit: Should be 10 higher. Meant to type +15, but missed the 1.

Edit II: I wanted to declare smite. So, if evil, add +5 to attack rolls.

2018-03-09, 11:06 PM
Your hammer falls with the weight of fate's judgement, crashing into your enemy's raised shield with the echoing cry of a great bell sounding its death knell. Steel shrapnel that used to be a shield embeds itself in trees thirty feet away and the hobgoblin cleric stumbles backwards, hateful battle cries replacing with gurgling blood as he breathes his last breath.

The hobgoblin soldiers look upon you with expressions of pure horror... but then you hear laughter ringing out to your right.

Excellent! the bladebearer roars. Azarr Kul has worthy foes to conquer! I had feared that all you Vale-landers would be weak and soft, unworthy to die at his hands.

The grunts stiffen at the reminder of their leader, fear dispelled, and they attack Kila Dawnchaser as one.

2018-03-09, 11:07 PM
Kila roars back, unafraid of the oncoming horde.

JNAP, meanwhile, is at least slightly worried about the oncoming horde. But hey, at least I got rid of the caster support!

2018-03-09, 11:17 PM
"Down, ya disgusting creature!" Maram yelled, slashing his axe into the Hellhound as it erupted from the woods and landed in front of him.

"Ah, you've got the right idea, lassie!" He says as he observes Kila burst across the battlefield. "But can you match this?" He boasts, slamming his shield into the Hellhound's skull!


"And stay down, ya demon-spawn!" Maram gloats before turning to face the Bladebearer, "Oooh, I'm shaking in my wee boots!" He mocks the hobgoblin, moving closer toward him.

Five-Foot Step closer to the Bladebearer.

2018-03-09, 11:34 PM
Infernal brains spray out across the forest floor and the hellhound's flames die down into smoldering embers.

The hobgoblin regulars on Kila's side of the road rush her, egged on by the Bladebearer. The Hellhound by the cleric delayed its turn and flanks with the Regulars, leaving you beset on all sides while arrows rain down on you from the other side of the road.

First Regular to reach you Attack[roll0] and Damage [roll1]

Hellhound Attack [roll2] and Damage [roll3] fire [roll4]

Next three Regulars have flanks Attacks [roll5] [roll6] [roll7] and Damage [roll8][roll9][roll10]

The five across the road shoot at Kila, but the intervening plants give you some pretty decent cover Attacks [roll11] [roll12] [roll13] [roll14] [roll15]
Damage [roll16] [roll17] [roll18] [roll19] [roll20]


2018-03-10, 12:14 AM
Aukan, moves out of the mist, shadows enveloping ends of his shilloette as he move. He tosses his hand back as a small acidic ball forms in his hand before throwing at Kila's feet. "Acidball!" Acid roars up around her, engulfing the hobgoblins.

Aukan moves down(east I believe on the map) and casts fireball(modded to acid by energy trick) directly on Kila and uses Spell Shaping to exclude Kila herself from the blast. Due moving while in child of shadows stance, he now has concealment.
Fireball damage: [roll0]

2018-03-10, 07:35 AM
The quiet fighter calls out to the area Look out behind you, which causes everyone to jerk their heads a bit, particularly the bladebearer as she moves out of the fog cloud and into the bushes to the east, where she sends off a shot at the Bladebearer

use distract asalient, that is a DC 16 will save on the blade bearer [roll0] (add any modifiers, as I don't know them)
Longbow shot [roll1], damage, spending 1 insperation to get int to it on hit [roll2] if he fails the save - sneak attack [roll3]

2018-03-10, 02:08 PM
All the enemies around Kila fall apart into a foul smelling smoking sludge.

An arrow whizzes past the bladebearer, missing, and he answers by charging straight at Enn.

Attack [roll0] Plus Talent Die[roll1]Damage[roll2] plus Talent Die[roll3]

2018-03-10, 08:08 PM
"Aye, you're a bigger fool than you look, coming this close to a legendary warrior like Maram Battlebeard!" Maram taunted as he closed with the Bladebearer now in their midst, his axe held aggressively outward toward his foe, "But your weapon will make a nice trophy!"

With a furious slash, Maram drew his axe across Hobgoblin and his weapon in one full swing!

Move Action to close with the Bladebearer.

Swift Action to activate Punishing Stance(ToB pg. 69)

Standard Action to use Disarming Strike(ToB pg. 67)

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll:[roll1]
Punishing Stance Damage:[roll2]
Disarm Check: [roll3]

Quick note: Due to punishing stance, I'll have 19 AC instead of 21 until I change my stance.

2018-03-10, 08:18 PM
Hobgoblin blood stains the bare earth, and one of his two swords sails off into the woods.

2018-03-10, 10:08 PM
Kila eyes up the remaining warriors. Not all is lost-those who yet live, can still surrender, she says, loud enough to be heard by all. If the bladebearer tries to talk her down, she'll charge him.

Let's sunder again, because screw it.

Bladebearer's roll: [roll0]
Kila's roll, with -5/+5 Power Attack: [roll1] (I forgot my charge bonus last time, so it's 2 higher than before)
[roll2] for damage against the sword

Then, assuming I beat the Bladebearer in the first roll-off, attack him!


2018-03-11, 08:11 AM
Your hammer blows through the hobgoblin's raised sword, snapping it like a twig on its way to the hobgoblin's face, leaving a ruined corpse to fall to the ground.

2018-03-11, 11:00 AM
Kila grins, though internally, her heart twinges a little. She looks towards the other hobgoblins, and says Change your minds now, or never.

2018-03-11, 02:30 PM
Kila grins, though internally, her heart twinges a little. She looks towards the other hobgoblins, and says Change your minds now, or never.

The surviving hobgoblins take one look at their dead superiors and book it into the woods as fast as their legs can carry them, throwing aside their weapons so they can run faster.

2018-03-11, 02:34 PM
Kila opens her mouth, then closes it. She looks at the corpses about, and sighs heavily, placing a slightly glowing hand on her injured side.

Spending 24 out of 125 Lay on Hands points, to heal to full, unless anyone has a better idea.

She then starts cleaning her greathammer, and says For all my bravado, and despite the fact that I'm certain this miscreants had no good in store for us, I still wish this could've been resolved without the blood that was shed. Thank you for fighting alongside me.

2018-03-11, 03:07 PM
"AHAHAHA! No problem, lassie! You've a great fighting style about ye, reminds me of my sister Opal. Aye, she's a great warrior, tough as a Dragon, she is! And twice as fierce!" Maram said encouragingly, grinning widely at Kila before looking annoyed. "Though...with one of his blades shattered and another somewhere in those woods...ah, I missed my chance for a great trophy...oh, I suppose it doesn't matter. We've still won!" With a chuckle, he looks around, his hand held out, his hand also glowing, "I know I didn't get hit, but does anyone need a quick touch-up?"

2018-03-11, 04:22 PM
Aukan nods. "I am fine. I was hoping for something to shake up my delivery job." Aukan comments. Though, I have to wonder if it's routine for this to occur in the area. Something about 'Tiamat' I recall them shouting." Aukan looks at the carnage left behind curiously.

2018-03-12, 10:07 AM
"AHAHAHA! No problem, lassie! You've a great fighting style about ye, reminds me of my sister Opal. Aye, she's a great warrior, tough as a Dragon, she is! And twice as fierce!" Maram said encouragingly, grinning widely at Kila before looking annoyed. "Though...with one of his blades shattered and another somewhere in those woods...ah, I missed my chance for a great trophy...oh, I suppose it doesn't matter. We've still won!" With a chuckle, he looks around, his hand held out, his hand also glowing, "I know I didn't get hit, but does anyone need a quick touch-up?"

Your sister sounds like quite the woman, Kila says with a brief smile. And while I'll apologize for depriving you of a trophy, I won't change how I fight-my hammer was designed to quash lesser blades, and I'd rather have you live to be annoyed at having no trophy than die to a blade I could've broken.

Aukan nods. "I am fine. I was hoping for something to shake up my delivery job." Aukan comments. Though, I have to wonder if it's routine for this to occur in the area. Something about 'Tiamat' I recall them shouting." Aukan looks at the carnage left behind curiously.

[roll0] For Religion, to know about Tiamat.

Is there still the rule that you can't roll above 10 if untrained?

Edit: Imma make an assumption about what I can know. If I know too much, just let me know, Soren, and I'll edit this.

I believe Tiamat is the queen of dragons, Kila provides. She's an unholy fiend who, like many dragons, has an unbounded greed and appetite.

2018-03-12, 01:36 PM
Aukan nods. "I am fine. I was hoping for something to shake up my delivery job." Aukan comments. Though, I have to wonder if it's routine for this to occur in the area. Something about 'Tiamat' I recall them shouting." Aukan looks at the carnage left behind curiously.

Your sister sounds like quite the woman, Kila says with a brief smile. And while I'll apologize for depriving you of a trophy, I won't change how I fight-my hammer was designed to quash lesser blades, and I'd rather have you live to be annoyed at having no trophy than die to a blade I could've broken.

I believe Tiamat is the queen of dragons, Kila provides. She's an unholy fiend who, like many dragons, has an unbounded greed and appetite.

"Aye, Tiamat's a foul one, an overgrown lizard with her dragon-spawn that prey on the innocent and harm the just..." Maram muttered, his hand lowering while the glow dissipated, "And if her presence is here, then we should keep our wits about us."

2018-03-13, 06:36 AM
Did anyone else realize what the Hellhounds not disappearing meant? Somewhere there is a much stronger cleric or mage, as if the cleric had summoned them, they would vanish. Also, anyone mind if I search the area? I might see if reinforcements are coming, or if they had any other victims. Also, my name is Emma, but I often go by Enn. Also, I was a bit hurt by that warrior, but not badly
The short, brown haired woman then scrambles up the bank towards the cottage, scanning the woods (also, I can make it in one turn, due to my foot speed of 50 ft, but am moving at 30 ft pace.)

Move closer to the cottage, scanning the woods
bluff, taking ten (social intuition, for name)- Sense motive DC 26
Spot with inspiration [roll0]
Listen with inspiration [roll1]
Search [roll2]

2018-03-13, 10:27 AM
I could roll a good Sense Motive check, but Kila prefers to be trusting than suspicious. So unless I have +16 to it... Which I do not, I'll believe you.

When you're done searching, Kila says, I can heal you.

2018-03-13, 08:44 PM
Did anyone else realize what the Hellhounds not disappearing meant? Somewhere there is a much stronger cleric or mage, as if the cleric had summoned them, they would vanish. Also, anyone mind if I search the area? I might see if reinforcements are coming, or if they had any other victims...Also, my name is Emma, but I often go by Enn...

"Hmm...in that case, then, where in Moradin's sanctified beard are they? And what is their goal?" Maram asked, his brow furrowed, "We may wish to make haste as soon as Enn is done searching. Answers, like glory, rarely come to the stationary."

2018-03-15, 05:54 PM
The farmhouse, aside from the rapidly decomposing mush that used to be hobgoblins, contains some basic camp furnishings, alongside the dead bodies of five humans.

One is dressed in sturdy, but simple hempen clothing, but the other three are somewhat less ordinary, and look to have put up a fight.

Alas, but the fine clothes of the dead merchant couldn't stop arrows, nor could the leather armor of her bodyguards. A neat pile of gold rests beside their corpses, alongside everything else of value the hobgoblins were able to pry from their cold, dead hands.

2018-03-15, 07:23 PM
"These poor souls," Maram murmured as he saw the bodies in the cabin, his eyes misty, "Not even given a burial, just stacked up like coal and left to rot." Kneeling over the pile, he closed his eyes and put a hand onto the merchant's shoulder,

"May your inner furnaces burn bright in the afterlives."

"We should alert their next of kin. And bring this gold back to them as well. They might need it more than we will," He says to the group as he stands back up.

2018-03-15, 09:21 PM
Agreed, Kila replies. For now, though... I'm unfamiliar with the funeral traditions of the people who live here. What can we do to honor the dead?

And, she adds, ever practical, do we have time to? There may be people yet living at risk, and as much as these poor people deserve respect, the living matter more than the bodies of the deceased.

2018-03-15, 10:17 PM
Aukan shakes his head. "How would we begin to identify their next of kin? I believe that we should keep moving. There may be more of Tiamat's servants ahead or in the area."

2018-03-16, 06:06 AM
Enn reaches down, and murmuring something like a prayer under her breath, she checks the pockets of the bodies - Just checking for any identification. She then stares at the bodies, fixing their faces in her mind. I say we set up a funeral pyre, as it is fast, easy, and respectful. any objections? Enn then bends down, and closes the corpses eyes, covering them with silver pieces to keep them closed. she murmurers a few words, in a lilting language.
May you find rest among the stars, and my your spirit dance, evermore.

2018-03-16, 07:59 AM
Your search reveals little in the way of information. You do find a few documents, but the hobgoblins appear to have used them as kindling for their camp fire.

2018-03-16, 02:11 PM
Enn reaches down, and murmuring something like a prayer under her breath, she checks the pockets of the bodies - Just checking for any identification. She then stares at the bodies, fixing their faces in her mind. I say we set up a funeral pyre, as it is fast, easy, and respectful. any objections?

"None from me, lassie. I'll light the pyre if you don't mind. I never travel anywhere without my flint," Maram replied as he pulled his pack off of his back and began to rummage through it for his tools.

2018-03-18, 07:19 AM
Well, you might need some fuel, in order to do so. Anyone have an axe? I will also go check a short distance ahead. With that, Enn unbuckles a large pouch on the side of her pack, and wakes up a raven, who she whispers to, before letting him fly free. Fly, Sha! find them for me.

Sha will be giving me a birds eye view, and I will be moving through the forest, gathering firewood and searching for any threats.

2018-03-18, 09:11 AM
Aukan clears his throat. "I could cast a spell to grease up part of the the pyre and then we could ignite it that way." he suggests. "It is not as though casting it costs me in any way."

2018-03-18, 11:17 AM
I feel that perhaps we should do this pyre by hand. It might take a little more effort, but do these people not deserve it? Kila asks.

2018-03-19, 11:52 AM
I feel that perhaps we should do this pyre by hand. It might take a little more effort, but do these people not deserve it? Kila asks.

"I agree with the hammer-wielding lassie," Maram says, not looking up from his pack as he continued to rummage through it, "A few moments more won't delay us that much and it will properly honor these souls who had their life cut so tragically short. Now, where is that blasted fli-ah! There it is!"

2018-03-22, 06:19 AM
Oh, wait. My patron gave me a gift when I left, it might help. with this, Enn reaches into her pack, and pulls out a beautifully crafted tool, of unknown use, that has carvings of vines and flowers running up and down it, like Enn's bow, that she fidles with, to pull out an axe head, and look it in place. Any one stronger want to chop wood? I will go check to see that our friends actually ran, and grab some dead wood.

2018-03-22, 03:35 PM
Aukan nods and offers his hand out to receive the axe. "I am willing to do it. I can make relatively quick work of a tree."

2018-03-30, 07:53 AM
Enn smiles at him as she hands the axe over "That thing wasn't cheap, be careful" as she slips into the brush, makeing winding circles in her search, as her bird flies overhead.

Spot, if search, add 3, over entire area for Enn (+10 or +13)[roll0]
Raven spot, no idea about other modifiers (+10 (or +12, unless we replace alertness) or +6 for search)[roll1]
all rolls assume a +10

2018-03-30, 11:15 PM
Aukan nods in understanding and makes way to the largest tree nearby. After sizing it up, the Goliath casts floating disc, repeatedly until he has several of the discs around him. With his finger he directs each one of them into a line, positioning the discs to catch the tree as it falls. Aukan then closes his eyes and spends a moment in meditation, recalling the distinct movements required to perform mountain hammer. Once done, he reopens his eyes and crashes the axe into the trunk of the tree, making a cut into it. Within several more strikes of mountain hammer, he fells the tree, sending it to land on the line of floating discs he prior set up. Using the same technique, he divides the wood up with the axe into smaller logs. With his work done, he spends a moment to meditate again, relinquishing mountain hammer for the usual before returning to the house with a trail of wood logs carried by floating discs. "I have brought the wood. I believe we should have enough." he states, presenting the wood he has collected.

All of the discs to carry the wood. So, I used adaptive style to exchange out one of his other swordsage maneuvers for mountain hammer to make quick work of the trees thanks to it's hardness ignoring properties. I assumed that there wouldn't be much in the way of rolls required, but tell me if there is and I can do some attack and damage rolls. After that, he used adaptive style again to bring his maneuvers back to how they were previously.

2018-03-31, 11:01 PM
"Good man," Maram says with a grin, moving to take the logs from the discs and begin to assemble a funeral pyre, "Now, when was the last time I had to make one of these...?" He mused to himself, "Ah, that's right, it was for that mercenary that accompanied me and my brother Raggi a few years back. Good young man, skilled with a blade but several undead got the drop on him when we were separated due to a landslide..." Maram muttered, seemingly lost in thought. "Of course, Raggi and I fought back the horde and ultimately saved the nearby town but let me tell you, nothing spoils a cheering crowd like the burden of burying someone who didn't deserve to die."

2018-04-02, 08:12 AM
"I know the feeling, I never was able to pay proper respect to my mother's body. I guess it's part of why I am here today. Though I never met these people, they died without a reason, and so I ask that the gods shield their spirits Beyond" after this, Enn stares at the pyre, contemplation in her eyes

2018-04-05, 01:48 PM
The road descends into a small town built mostly on the near side of a broad, sluggish river. Six old stone piers jut from the water, marking the spot where a bridge once stood, but the span itself is long gone. Instead, a couple of long thick ropes cross the river, each secured to a flat-bottomed ferryboat. Brown fields and green orchards surround the town.
A group of armed townsfolk—three in mixed leather and cloth armor, one in proper mail—stands guard, watching you warily. “Halt and state your business, strangers,” one of the guards says.

They seem fairly on edge, with the three militia members sending nervous glances into the woods around the town. The lone fully trained guard is speaking casually though, whatever they're afraid of, you aren't it.

2018-04-06, 09:49 PM
Enn glances around, before walking closer to the guards, as she smiles and states "We are travelers, passing through. We meet some hobgoblin soldiers, and hellhounds called by a powerful caster, and defeated them. do you know of any other travelers who were expected?"

2018-04-07, 10:56 AM
The lead guard sighs. Casters. Of course they have casters...

Ahem. You'd have to talk to either Captain Anitah or Speaker Wiston if you want to know about anything, I'm sure they'll both be eager to meet you. The guard eyes your weapons. We could use people like you right now.

2018-04-07, 10:36 PM
"Aye, I'll bet you could," Maram says with a grin, "But that's why I'm here, to find people to help. And I, Maram Battlebeard, promise that whatever problems you're having, we'll solve. Now then, where would we find Captain Anitah?"

2018-04-09, 07:25 AM
Both the Speaker and the Captain'll be at the old toll house, straight down the road. It's the sturdiest building in town, all dwarven stone, so you can't miss it.

2018-04-13, 03:50 PM
"Alright, let's talk to them" Enn calls out, as she heads up the road, moving too fast for most people (50 ft speed) as she whistles, causing her raven to land on her shoulder. she then starts singing a sorrowful tune in a strange, beautiful language.

Just a note, I might use parentheses for OOC things, outside combat. also, the song is an old sylvan song, don't thing anyone can speak that, and I don't have words

2018-04-15, 06:40 PM
When you arrive at the old toll house you're immediately welcomed in by a tall, strong-boned woman with a grim expression and a middle aged man with a salt-and-pepper beard, whose at least making the effort to guise his concerns with a friendly smile.

My name is Norro Wiston, and I’m the Town Speaker for Drellin’s Ferry. This is our guard captain, Soranna. I’ll get right to the point: We’re in a lot of trouble, and I was hoping I could persuade you to help us out.

Our town is under attack, the speaker begins. Hobgoblin raiders have been harrying our lands for several days now. They’ve attacked and killed people in the outlying homesteads, and they’ve been waylaying
travelers along the Dawn Way.

Captain Soranna adds, We’ve had some trouble with them before—a quick raid on homesteads on the west side of the river, usually not that bad—but this is different. It looks like a large, aggressive tribe has
moved down out of the Wyrmsmoke Mountains. Frankly, I fear they might be numerous enough to sack the town.

Beyond the immediate threat to our homes, the road is our lifeblood, the Speaker continues. If the hobgoblins make the Dawn Way impassable to the west, trade won’t come this way, and we’ll be ruined. Not only do we need to repel the raiders from our town, but we’ve got to keep that road open. Can you help us do it?

2018-04-15, 10:20 PM
"Can we help you?! Of course we can! Don't you know who I am?! I am Maram Battlebeard, slayer of thousands of goblins and all their ilk! We will protect your town, keep your road clear and send these hobgoblins down to the Abyss!" Maram exclaimed, his fists held high in triumph.

"Ahem," He cleared his throat and turned more solemn, "that said...we found a few of your people dead in that abandoned farmhouse we passed on our way in. We set up a quick funeral pyre for the fallen and found some coins. Do they have any relatives in town that might need such help?"

2018-04-16, 06:54 AM
The speaker sighs wearily, smile vanishing. The dead only grow... I'll gladly accept any help for the fallen, and see that it reaches those who need it, but I fear the only true solution is to cut this out at the root. Their is doubtless some chieftain responsible for this, and with the level of organization common to monsters he can't be far.

Captain Anitah nods. My people put the enemy leader only a little farther into the Witchwood, but even that's far enough that I can't extend any meaningful force without leaving the town terribly exposed. But a group of adventurers... You could slip through the enemy patrols and kill whatever petty chieftain thinks he can get away with threatening civilized lands, ending this threat for good.

2018-04-18, 06:56 AM
Enn nods at the captains words, but says "We will go see what we can do, in removing this source, but I suspect that they have a VERY strong mage, given that the hell hounds we fought didn't dissolve, and that your town hasn't been hit by a full assault."

2018-04-18, 03:14 PM
Speaker Wiston wrings his hands nervously. Well, outsiders don't really age, right? Who knows how long they've been here, why, their summoner could be moldering bones by now!

Captain Anitah doesn't look so convinced. Let's not take that for granted, shall we? Just remember that mages are fragile, and your lives are more valuable than temporary gains. Intel is important too, so if you find something you can't handle just get out alive.

2018-04-24, 11:08 PM
"Pheh. I can handle anything these weak spellcasters can toss at me. But we'll do whatever we can, Captain. Here, take this gold as a gift from myself and the Church of Moradin. Use it to do what you can for the grief-struck survivors," Maram replied before handing over a pouch of sixty gold to the Speaker.

I had 62 pieces left of my own after character creation, so woo! XD

"Now, come on, lad and laddies! We've got beasties to slay!"

2018-04-25, 12:57 PM
The Speaker accepts your donation with wide eyes and stunned words of gratitude.

I like to remember than what's pocket change for adventurers is more than a common peasant has ever seen in one place.

2018-04-25, 05:07 PM
Aukan listens silently to the conversation at hand. As he does, brings out a package. "Before I neglect this, I was hired to deliver this package of letters to you Captain Anitah." he says handing it to her. "Do either of you know of any precautions that should be taken before we depart to investigate?"

2018-04-27, 09:29 AM
Captain Anitah nods in thanks as she receives her letters. I don't think there are any more preparations necessary on our side. There are two ways up into the Witchwood, the Dawn Way's bigger so the enemy is all but certain to have an eye on it. The Witch Way's smaller if you feel like trying to be sneaky, but you could stumble about there for days without finding anything if you don't have a skilled woodsman. If you need one than old Jorr's your man, if the goblins haven't gotten him yet.

2018-05-08, 02:27 PM
A wide expanse of dark water has flooded the woodland in this low
valley. Trees still protrude from the calm, dark waters here and there,
but many large reaches seem to be little more than open pools of algaechoked
water. The trill of frogs and the whine of insects fills the air. The
forest road leads right down to the edge of the fl ooded section, up to a
rickety-looking causeway made of thick planks of wood lashed together
with mossy rope. The wooden causeway runs for several hundred feet
through the boggy patch, only a foot or so above the water.

Up ahead you can make out the wreckage of a wagon, lying on its side and
half-sunk in the flooded forest, about thirty feet from the causeway.

You see a reptilian head peeking around the corner of the wagon, unable to contain its excitement as it sniffs at the air with its tongue.

2018-05-09, 09:39 PM
"This place seems a wee bit water-logged," Maram mused, wrinkling his nose as he did so, "And the smell reminds me of a batch of ale I drank two decades ago. Spent three days drunk and wandering in a town to the North asking if anyone had seen my horse...and I've never even owned a horse! Still, they said this was the quickest route there. Though, they failed to mention some scaly beasties wandering about. Think we should slay em?"

2018-05-11, 08:53 PM
Aukan stares out to the lizard trying to recall anything about them he can. "It may be a good idea to do so. No telling if they be a hindrance." he says while performing the necessary hand motions for floating disk. "Floating Disk!" As he conjures the disk of force, Aukan himself boards it. "We best take care with the bridge. It would not surprise me if he had friends lurking in the water."

2018-05-12, 03:16 PM
The beast snorts as you finish casting your spell, a heavy clawed foreleg coming down on top of the wagon as it hauls its bulk over it, ten hissing heads fanning out to surround its body.

Initiantive [roll0]

2018-05-13, 12:28 PM
"Aye, that's a big beastie!" Maram declared excitedly, a gleam in his eyes. "And here I was worried we'd find nothing but more hobgoblins! Alright, lizard-breath, come and do your worst! I'll take on all ten of you at once!" He shouted out.


"Lad, is there room for another on that fancy disc of yours? Fighting a creature like that while stuck like this isn't a smart move," He added as an afterthought to Aukan.

2018-05-14, 04:08 PM
Maram's taunts don't seem to faze the beast. Indeed, it seems to do little more than indicate Maram as the most obvious target...

2018-05-16, 07:15 AM
"THATS A HYDRA, if a head comes off, hit it with fire or acid." Enn Shouts, as she scanns the area and draws back her bow for two fast shots.

spot check, with quick reconnoiter [roll0]
Attack 1, rapid shot, with inspiration for accuracy. [roll1]
Attack 2, rapid shot [roll2]
Damage 1 [roll3]+ sneak attack [roll4]
Damage 2 [roll5]+ sneak attack [roll6]
5 step after each attack to the south, away from Hydra.

2018-05-16, 09:27 AM
"No but.." Aukan gives the idea some thought while staring down the hydra. "I can get off of this disc to allow you to board it and command it from a distance while I bombard it with magic from here. Would you like to command the discs on your own, or would you allow me to do so to so you all can focus more on your assault?"

2018-05-16, 06:55 PM
The hydra undulates its heads in a mesmerizing pattern, but an arrow manages to slip through to pierce its body.

I'm going to wait for JNA because Kila has a good chance of beating the hydra in initiative. If they haven't posted by the end of the day I'll do the hydra's turn first.

2018-05-16, 08:52 PM
"Ah, lad, I don't wanna leave you distracted. I'll command the disc..." Maram replies simply, unsheathing his shield and axe as he did so, "I'll try and keep him busy. If I cut off a head, I'll be counting on you lot to hit him with acid or fire, like Enn suggested."

2018-05-17, 08:02 AM
The hydra leaps off the wagon, driving it deeper into the mud, and pounces towards you. The jump carries it over the worst of the mud, and it drives a wave of mud forward with its mass as it comes into range in a swarm of gnashing teeth.

Jump Check[roll0]

Directed at Maram
Attack 1[roll1]
Attack 2[roll2]
Attack 3[roll3]
Attack 4[roll4]
Attack 5[roll5]

Directed at Aukan
Attack 6[roll6]
Attack 7[roll7]
Attack 8[roll8]
Attack 9[roll9]
Attack 10[roll10]

Directed at Maram
Damage 1[roll11]
Damage 2[roll12]
Damage 3[roll13]
Damage 4[roll14]
Damage 5[roll15]

Directed at Aukan
Damage 6[roll16]
Damage 7[roll17]
Damage 8[roll18]
Damage 9[roll19]
Damage 10[roll20]

2018-05-21, 08:51 PM
"Well, forget about the disc! The overgrown lizard came to us!" Maram shouted, pressing a glowing hand to his chest to mend some of his wounds. "Think you're so big, huh? Well, two can play at that game!"

Yelling such, Maram moved further up the causeway before raising his axe hand to the sky, "I call upon the might of Moradin!" He shouted, suddenly growing in size!

"Come on, Scaly! Come pick on someone your own size!"

Standard Action: Cast Lay-On-Hands to heal twenty points of health.
Move Action: Move Ten Feet up the Causeway to keep Aukan, Enn and Kila from getting crushed.
Swift Action: Cast Enlarge Person on self.

Yes, I do have Battle Blessing.

2018-05-22, 01:34 PM
Swift action to activate the boost Distracting Ember, summoning the small fire elemental right behind the hydra.
5-foot step to the right to get out of the hydra's threat area.
Merge two cantrips to cast Ray of Flame converted to acid. Ranged touch attack: [roll0] DC 15 Reflex to avoid being lit on fire(on acid?);[roll1] acid damage
If it happens to have step up or I happen to be wrong in leaving its threat area, Defensively casting Ray of flame converted to acid, Concentration vs DC 19

"Much more convenient." Aukan says as he takes a step away from the hydra. He then begins making the motions to cast a spell. "Ray of Acid!" He thrusts his palm outward firing an acidic ray right at the hydra!

2018-05-22, 03:09 PM
The hydra hisses in pain, all ten heads forming an eerie choir as its flesh sizzles and melts.

It's eyes dart back and forth between Maram and Aukan, unsure which is the larger threat.

Reflex to avoid being lit on fire(on acid?)


Well, the hydra is on acid now. Truly tragic to see another promising young life cut short by drugs. For shame, Aukan, for shame.

2018-05-29, 05:43 PM
Enn grins, as she flicks her hand and whispers, and a glowing blue butterfly flies through the hydras heads. moments latter, two arrows follow.

distract assailant, I will need a DC 16 Save
Arrows - To Hit 1[roll0]
To Hit 2[roll1]
Damage 1[roll2], sneak attack 1 [roll3], if save was failed.
Damage 2[roll4], sneak attack 2 [roll5], if save was failed.

2018-05-30, 01:48 PM
The multitude of angry reptilian heads turn to snap at the butterfly like a confused kitten, not even noticing the arrows darting behind it. One skitters across the scales without penetrating, but the other buries itself up to the fletching in the base of a neck.

Will Save [roll0]
Hydra takes a total of 24 damage from Enn's attack.

2018-06-01, 01:33 PM
The hydra moves after Maram and attacks.

Reflex Save [roll0]
Acid Damage if it fails [roll1]

Attack Roll [roll2]
Damage Roll [roll3]

2018-06-01, 05:47 PM
Since we're still out of range and the hydra is still distracted by its acid trip, it's time for some classics. Aukan casts Magic Missile for 3d4+3+6 damage; lumped together of course because sadly Warmage's edge only applies once per target.

Seeing that the hydra is sufficiently distracted, Aukan calls forth 3 purple balls of force. "Magic Missile!" he calls out, launching the force balls right at the Hydra!

2018-06-01, 08:37 PM
Maram dodges the acid spewed from the Hydra's maw but grits his teeth in pain as the monster's teeth puncture his armor, "Scaly demon! I'll break your jaw for that!" He yells in anger, before hefting his shield and axe aloft in concert, aiming them to smash into his jaws! His shield moves first, aimed to crack his lower jaw before his axe glowed brightly and sizzled through the air toward its upper jaw, "SMITE EVIL!!!"

Full-Round Attack Action.
Shield Attack:[roll0]
Shield Damage:[roll1]
Axe Attack:[roll2]
Axe Damage:[roll3]
Smite Damage:[roll4]

2018-06-02, 08:59 AM
The hydra's jaw cracks like a fragile eggshell beneath Maram's shield, and it yanks its head backwards slightly to slow to dodge the incoming axe. The golden fire of Smite Evil flickers out as soon as the blade meets its scaly skin, but the mundane steel proves more than enough to cleave through bone, separating one half of its lower jaw from the other.

2018-06-04, 04:10 PM
Enn shouts "GREAT HIT", as she fies 2 arrows at the hydra

(Spoilers don't work on IOS)
2 bow shots, no sneak attack
To hit 1 [roll0]
To hit 2 [roll1]
Damage 1: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

2018-06-07, 02:01 PM
The arrows plunge deep into the hydra's body and with one last convulsion the beast falls into the swamp, slain.

2018-06-10, 10:07 PM
"Ha! And great shot, lassie!" Maram congratulates Enn, "I've always liked having a reliable ally. Makes a world of difference on the battlefield. Anyway, now it's time to deal with this thing..." He decides, turning to face the corpse of the creature. "Heh...well, if I thought I had the time, I'd take the whole body for a trophy and pay someone to stuff it...but since I don't..."

Finishing such, Maram opened one of the mouths of the beast before reaching in to attempt to rip out a tooth, "I'll settle for a tooth. Might make a nice weapon from it."


2018-06-12, 10:38 AM
The fang pulls free with a squelch. You got a solid grip on it, and managed to pull it in its entirety, including a hefty chunk of the root, leaving plenty of mass for a weaponsmith to work with.

2018-06-12, 09:14 PM
"It wouldn't be that hard to move either sadly. It would likely only take a few floating discs to carry the corpse around." Aukan comments as he watches Maram work. "Where would you put such a trophy if you don't mind me asking; I imagine it would be difficult to get it indoors."

2018-06-13, 10:47 PM
"Ha! This will be perfect!" Maram exclaims as he looks over the tooth he'd yanked, eyes alight with glee. Turning to Aukan, Maram chuckles, "Oh, lad, if I didn't think this mission so pressing, I'd agree with yee. By Moradin's beard, I'd drag this carcass back to town and have it mounted there! But those people and their livelihood depend on us. It would be stupid to chase glory with lives at risk," Maram finished solemnly.

"As for where I'd place it, where else? In the town nearest to wherever I slayed the beast! To give the townspeople hope-hope that monsters can be slain and that they need not live in fear..."

2018-06-24, 09:03 AM
"Personally, attracting attention gets you killed, like what happened to my mother" Enn mutters, before calling out "Just let me search for things, and then we'll go."

Spot = [roll0], Search = [roll1], Listen = [roll2]

2018-06-25, 11:08 AM
When you take the time to closely examine the scene without the distraction of angry monsters, you notice the glint of metal from the wreckage that the hydra had initially hid behind. Upon closer inspection you unearth the rotten remnants of previous prey, small humanoid bones garbed in tattered leather armor with a blood red hand insignia.

On a larger, human sized corpse, you find a shining metal breast plate, perfectly intact in defiance of the wet swamp.

2018-06-27, 10:52 PM
"Rest in peace, brave soldier. May your inner furnaces burn bright in the afterlives." Maram says solemnly to the human-sized corpse, placing a hand upon the breastplate for a moment afterward before turning to his companions. "Well, we've cleared this swamp of one beastie, but the goblins and hobgoblins are nowhere to be seen. Methinks we should make haste or we might not be in time to stop the slimy rats."

2018-06-28, 03:30 PM
Looming out of the shadowy woods ahead is a haunting sight—a
ruined keep. The old castle sits on a small rocky hillock, and you can
catch glimpses of a broken tower between the trees. A moss-covered
stone at the side of the road you’re following marks a footpath that
looks like it leads up to the keep. An abandoned fortress like this could very well contain the uninvited visitors you're looking for...

Or, failing that, at least provide a could vantage point from which to survey the surrounding terrain.

2018-07-03, 05:24 AM
Enn looks at the others, and says "I can scout ahead a bit, once night falls, are there any objections?"

2018-07-05, 09:14 AM
"None that I can think off. Flee back to us if it becomes too dangerous for you." Aukan responds after a moment of thought.

2018-07-05, 07:41 PM
"I...suppose it's unwise to attack an enemy inside their own base if you don't know the terrain and such..." Maram agrees slowly, as if debating it to himself, before nodding, "No objection from me, lass. But if things get dicey, lead the cretins to us. Setting an ambush isn't how I prefer to fight, but there's no denying their effectiveness."

2018-07-16, 05:14 AM
Enn nods - "Exactly what I was planing, I can move very quickly."

2018-07-20, 08:17 AM
As dusk falls, Enn nods to the others - "Heading in." She then slips through the shadows, moving siliently, using her cloak to blur around her, mimicking shadows.

Using the shrouded dance skill trick to form concealment, alowing me to hide, Dark template means I can hide while observed, so long as I have concealment, and as Giants and Graveyards has at will skill tricks, I can do this all night.
Hide Check [roll0]
Move silently Check [roll1]
Using standard action to move at half speed, 25 feet a round.

2018-07-21, 01:17 PM
As you reach the level of the blocky keep you see a hole torn in the southern wall. Once jagged, it has since been worn smooth with the passage of time, but it still offers a glimpse into the equally ruined interior.

One of the smaller buildings clinging to the keep's western wall flickers with fire light, and the dim sound of voices echoes out through that building's own broken wall.

The voices are clearly speaking Goblin, both a few reedy goblin voices and the louder voices of a handful of their hobgoblin cousins, with occasional comments from something far larger and deeper than either. The conversation largely consists of eager speculation on what glories they can win when they overrun the the Vale, and when the assault will finally begin.

The goblins are impatient, but the hobgoblins are confident that the horde will begin its march from the Wyrmsmoke mountains soon, maybe even within the week.

2018-07-29, 06:13 AM
Enn listens in, before she releases her rave to gain an idea of the lay out, and slips back to Aukan and Maram
meanwhile, her familiar flies up, and ,scans the buildings, before also heading back to the others.

2018-07-29, 08:24 AM
A bloodcurdling scream comes out of nowhere, accompanied by ghastly lights from atop the ruined tower. A glowing corpse floats above the crumbled walls, howling its hate into the cold night air.

http://archive.wizards.com/dnd/images/rhod_maps/95684.jpgTechnically your raven can't see through ceilings, but the map doesn't have any enemy positions on it, so I don't think it really spoils anything. Enn's by the hole in the south wall. 6, 7, 8 (the room with light and voices), and 9 are old outbuildings from the days the keep was functional, standard wooden structures clinging to the outside wall for protection from siege engine fire. Most of them have functional, if battered, roofs, but 7 has a massive hole torn in the thatching, and you can just barely make out something shifting inside.

4 and 5 are the gate defenses, with an old and yellowed giant skeleton hinting at the nature of their demise.

Finally, your raven has a better view of the tower top (11) than anyone else. There appears to be a rotting corpse strung up atop it, with a magical lamp hidden behind the wall casting it in an eerie light. Behind the setup a hobgoblin sits, screaming bloody murder with admirable enthusiasm.

The raven

2018-08-03, 05:22 PM
Enn calls back her raven, and returns to Aukan and Maram, and tells them what she saw and heard, as well as what her raven saw.

2018-08-04, 04:19 PM
Maram had looked up in shock at the ear-rending scream, before turning to face Enn when she arrived. Taking in her reconnaissance, he chuckled, "What should we do now then? These creatures are unaware of us currently...shall we engage these monsters now under cover of darkness or wait until our glory will be illuminated by the rising sun and we might catch them sleeping? Both offer some tactical advantage..." He mused to himself, before grinning, "Ah, I'd much rather have their defeat made more glorious by the rays of light catching our glory..."

2018-08-04, 07:10 PM
On hearing the scream, Aukan goes into high alert and turns to direction of the scream while drawing his massive katana in the same motion. upon laying his eyes on the new lightshow and floating corpse, Aukan begins wracking his mind for some kind of explanation of what he's seeing. Upon seeing Enn, he turns to face her and listens to her explanation. The goliath then listens to Maram speak as he considers the group's potential options while rubbing his chin. "I believe that the morning sun may offer our best advantage. The goblins are likely less diligent, as such a sudden wake up call may cause them to scramble around in a half asleep panic and prevent them from mounting a real resistance quickly. That would leave the hobgoblins as sole force and it seems there are definitely far less of them around."

2018-08-20, 07:36 AM
Enn nods, scanning the shadows halfheartedly, and adds, "The logic for a Dawn strike is good, but the one problem is that I can't hide as well in daylight. However, I think we should do it. although, we should try to strike with a plan, maybe, we have Maram move through the gate, to draw fire, with Aukan behind, to acidball any attempt to surround him, while I will stay back and see if there are any leaders to kill."

2018-09-07, 07:24 PM
You proceed through the empty gates and find a barren courtyard. The keep is still well and truly wrecked, with no sign of repairs or inhabitants, but what might lurk inside the buildings of broken brick and shattered stone is unknown.

2018-09-07, 08:33 PM
Drawing his weapon and shield, Maram strains his eyes around the courtyard while his eyes glow brightly. "See Invisibility. Lass? You were the one here," He whispers, "Where should I check first?"

Standard Action: Cast See Invisibility
Reactive Spot Check: [roll0]
Swift Action: Adopt Leading The Charge Stance.

2018-09-08, 04:15 PM
Enn nods, reading her bow "Back wall, to the left"
Sha scouts the shed

2018-09-09, 07:51 AM
Aukan follows the others from behind, his katana in hand before an idea hitting him. "Ah, I almost forgot something. Floating disk." he whispers, conjuring a floating disk. "We can ride on floating disks to move around without a sound from our footsteps." Aukan whispers again.

Standard: Floating disk.
Perception: [roll0]
If either Enn or Maram boards a disk assume Aukan mentally tells the disks to follow their directions.

2018-09-11, 06:46 AM
We have trouble in the old barracks, left front side, I can silence any fight Enn whispers.

2018-09-13, 09:02 AM
"It may be wise of us to take care of what threats we can now before we're detected and they come unexpected." he responds in whispers. "I'm for the idea."

2018-09-13, 11:29 PM
"Oh, this will be fun..." Maram whispers with a grin, "I'll take point..." Leaping onto Aukan's disc, he looks toward the section Enn pointed out, "Hmm...forw-whoa!" He gasps as the disc begins to float in that direction, "Very nice...alright, let's see what type of wee creatures are left..."

Move Action: Move Disc toward Section 7

2018-09-14, 06:22 AM
Enn Nods, looking around for a small, oddly colored rock, picks it up, and murmurs "Silence" suddenly ending all sound. she then steps on a disk

Standered to cast silence on a stone

2018-09-14, 08:12 PM
Maram flies over through the holes blasted through the ruined gatehouse by battles of times long past and arrives at the closest door to the old barracks.

2018-09-14, 08:46 PM
Aukan moves to a position within the silence field where he can keep sight on Maram.

2018-09-15, 06:34 AM
Enn floats to a bit behind Maram, and mimes tossing the stone.

2018-09-17, 09:19 AM
When the door is opened you see its occupant, a large winged lion with a disturbingly human head and a spike tipped tail, lounging on a nest of ragged cloth.

You have a surprise round, so you can all act before the Manticore gets a chance.
Manticore Initiative [roll0]

2018-09-18, 03:42 PM
Enn throws the stone, just hopping to get it in a few feet of the beast while searching her memory for what it is, and sends in 2 arrows.
Knowledge check, Full attack, rapid shot
Know. Arcana (If know nature is beter, -7) [roll0]
First shot [roll1]
Shot 2 [roll2]
1 damage [roll3]+sneak attack[roll4]
2 damage [roll5]+sneak attack[roll6]

2018-09-19, 08:57 AM
Enn lands several hits, but they glance off the creature's deceptively tough hide without penetrating.

You recognize most of the creature's defining characteristics as those of a manticore, a fearsome aerial predator, but a few details stand out as different. You can see hints of green scales glinting from beneath its patchy fur, and the wing joints have clawed tips that normal manticores don't have.

Manticores are capable of breeding with a surprising variety of creatures, but even they don't usually reproduce with reptiles.

2018-09-19, 11:24 PM
"Well, you're no hydra, ya monstrous lummox!...But you'll do for now," Maram taunts the creature, closing the gap between them as his eyes gleamed with glee. "Come on, then! Sink your teeth into me and let me shatter your jawbone upon my mighty armor! My axe will rend your skull in half, foul beast!"

Saying such, Maram raises his axe high in one hand before bringing down upon the creature with all the force he can muster!


Five-Foot Step to be in melee range.
Using Smite and Power Attack at -5/+5
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]
Smite Damage: [roll2]
Crit Confirmation, if necessary:[roll3]

2018-09-20, 06:05 PM
Unsheathing his blade Aukan quickly moves past the rubble to where Maram once stood. On seeing the bastard manticore, he crouches down and leaps into the doorway, soaring over Maram and the Manticore. As he lands, in one smooth motion he turns around touches the manticore with his blade. "Dissolve."

Move Action: Move behind Maram
Swift Action: Sudden Leap to jump directly to the other side of the manticore. I'm assuming it's large, so a DC 20 should've covered. The roll is in OOC.
Standard Action: Make a touch attack to hit with a combust that was changed to acid with energy trick.
Melee Touch attack(flanking bonus added in): [roll0]
Combust damage(no save vs the damage) [roll1] Acid damage
Now the manticore must make a DC 15 reflex save to avoid Aukan convincing it to take some acid melting away(acting fire).

2018-09-21, 10:52 AM
Maram roars his silent challenge, spraying specks of spittle over the monster's face before he brings his axe down. The heavy blade cuts through fur and crunches through scale to wound the beast beneath.

Aukan whispers a silent word no one else can hear, and corrosive fluids spray across the manticore's back. They sizzle and eat away at the exposed skin, but the creature remains unharmed wherever the its patchy green scales cover.

Maram's dealt 36 damage and confirmed the crit.

Aukan's acid dealt 13 damage.
Save [roll0] is successful.

2018-09-22, 04:50 PM
Enn repeats her shots, dead silent.
Lets hope this works
Knowledge arcana on what the scales mean (I have a suspicion) [roll0]
Shot 1 + inspiration - [roll1]
shot 2 - [roll2]
damage 1 - [roll3]
sneak attack 1 [roll4]

damage 2 - [roll5]
sneak attack 2 [roll6]

2018-09-22, 07:34 PM
Enn nocks and draws with practiced precision, compensating for her previous misses and sinking both arrows into the manticore's throat. The once fearsome creature looks down in pained confusion before stumbling to the side and crumpling with a sad gurgle.

With the pressure of combat dealt with, Enn takes a moment to reflect on the manticore's true nature. Spells frequently have visual effects, but the beast had neither the time nor the forewarning to cast one. Powerful relics can do the same, but few such things are designed to be worn by beasts. Ultimately scholarly knowledge can only recommend that Occam's Razor provide the conclusion: this manticore bears the blood of dragons.

2018-09-23, 07:26 PM
Enn has a half grin at the victory, as she directs her raven to scout the old stables, while she scans the manticore's room.
She hand signals - "let's keep moving" once she is done
bluff for hand signals is automatic I think. Raven spot [roll0], Raven Listen [roll1]
Enn spot [roll2]

2018-09-24, 09:56 AM
The raven flies out of the broken roof and perches on the skull of a long dead giant, yellowed with age. From its current position in the courtyard, it can see through to the open stable stalls, occupied by a pair of sleeping worgs. The sounds of two chatting goblins can be heard from within.

Enn doesn't give the room more than a quick glance, but even a cursory examination is enough to recognize the glint of gold coins scattered about the floor and the manticore's filthy nest.

2018-09-24, 09:55 PM
Maram lifts both hands high above his head in triumph, his axe and shield soundlessly clanging as he laughed silently. Sparing a fleeting glance of want at the manticore's scaly hide before shaking his head, he turns back toward Enn and nods, gesturing for her to lead the way as he does so.

A silent showboat...like Pete from those old black and white Disney cartoons. Amusing thought. :smallbiggrin:

2018-09-25, 11:02 AM
After casting the corpse of the manticore a suspisious look, Aukan returns to his comrades. He gives them a nod in confirmation that he's ready to continue onward.

We're gonna be viable competition for Solid Snake at this rate.

2018-09-25, 03:38 PM
Enn just smiles, and points to the stables, she raises 4 fingers, and then drops 2 and closes her eyes, after seeing through her ravens eyesLet us play Charades 4 foes, 2 awake

2018-09-26, 11:03 PM
Maram nods in reply to Enn before holding up his flat palm and placing the index finger, thumb and middle finger of the other hand onto it before slowly closing them together. Pointing at Enn, he holds up the index finger.

More Charades

I say we hit them from both the hole in the wall and the main doors, but I want Enn to go in first so the silence field can cover Maram. Otherwise, we can kiss the element of surprise goodbye.

2018-09-27, 10:41 PM
Aukan watches and nods, having no issues with repeating a similar surprise attack against different victims. He begins to mentally prepare himself for another encounter.

2018-09-29, 07:04 AM
Enn nods, and grabs the stone silence was cast on. She then hands it to Maram, pointing at it, and drawing 2 fingers across her lips.

This rock is the center of the silence

2018-10-01, 10:55 PM
Maram grins as he closes his hand around the stone. Turning around, he headed toward the hole in the stable wall.

I love charades. :smallbiggrin:

2018-10-05, 06:40 AM
Enn just nods, and follows, a few feet back.

2018-10-09, 09:05 AM
With a quick scramble of his feet, Maram enters the hole and swiftly looks around, hoping he hadn't been seen yet.

Move Action to get into the stables.
Spot Check:[roll0]
Hide Check:[roll1]

2018-10-09, 02:37 PM
Aukan follows behind Maram, keeping his blade at the ready.

Are we rerolling stuff? If so
Move action to follow Maram.
Init: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]

2018-10-10, 09:02 AM
Maram attempts to stealthily hop into the room, only to catch his foot on the edge of the hole and trip. He nimbly avoids falling....by stumbling several feet forward and windmilling his arms. Balance recovered, he turns to see a pair of gaping goblins.

Aukan facepalms from his position safely concealed on the other side of the hole.

Stealth failed. Didn't roll cause the goblins would see Maram on a nat 1, and they're too distracted to be looking around for others just yet. (Their worgs haven't noticed anything)

2018-10-11, 03:21 PM
Stepping out of cover, Aukan conjures a small floating ball of acid mouthing out "Acidball" under the silence field and launches it into the room- on contact with the floor, it explodes into a soundless acidic burst.

Standard Action: Cast fireball adjusted to acid inside of the room- hopefully in a place that hits all foes and is within the stealth field. Oh, and all allies are exempt from the blast via spell shaping.
Acidball damage: [roll0]

2018-10-11, 11:43 PM
With a grin at once both feral and embarrassed, Maram rushes at the goblins, the silence-producing stone still firmly clasped in his shield-hand. Deciding to keep them off balance, he swings his axe in an underhand arc once he reaches the closer Goblin, a swing designed to slice through said monster and part his foul clawed hand from his weapon all at once!

Move Action: Move to be in front of the closer Goblin
Standard Action: Disarming Strike
Attack Roll:[roll0]
Damage Roll:[roll1]
Disarm Check: [roll2]

2018-10-12, 11:04 AM
The blast of acid sprays across the goblins, eating into their skin, and the worgs wake up as they're doused in acid. The pair of goblins shoot to their feet, only for one to immediately be cut down by Maram's blade.

Goblin Reflex Saves

Sleeping Worgs take full damage, no save

2018-10-14, 08:14 PM
Enn steps in and takes aim at the one remaining goblin.
Damage - [roll1]
Sneak attack - [roll2]

2018-10-15, 10:31 AM
Enn's arrow punches through the goblin's armor like a pickaxe through tissue paper, coming out the other side in a spray of blood and entrails. The goblin falls, slain.

2018-10-17, 11:01 PM
After a quick, audacious grin at Enn, Maram turns his attention to the mounds of fur and fangs now awakened. Shifting his stance almost instantly, he bolts to the closest worg and unleashes a wild haymaker of his axe, his guard left bare by the force of his fury!

Swift Action: Activate Punishing Stance(+1d6 to all melee rolls, -2 AC)
Move Action: Close to the closest worg.
Standard Action: Melee Attack!
Attack Roll:[roll0]
Punishing Stance:[roll2]

2018-10-18, 10:09 AM
Following up on Maram's movement, Aukan dashes to the second warg, slashing at it with a calculated flick of his katana!

Move: Aukan moves to the Worg Maram isn't attacking.
Attack(-4 PA): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2018-10-18, 03:45 PM
Your melee fighters move in, sacrificing both accuracy and defense in their haste to end the enemy. Maram's axe bites deep into a bleary worg, but even the enemy's flat-footedness isn't enough to compensate for Aukan's wild swing, and his blade tastes nothing but dirt.

One worg bloodied, the other still above half health.

2018-10-20, 11:37 AM
Enn just pulls out two arrows, and sends them at the worgs, targeting the bleeding worg first.

Shot 1 to hit [roll0]
Shot 2 to hit [roll1]
Damage 1 [roll2]
Damage 2 [roll3]
Sneak attack 1 [roll4]
Sneak attack 2 [roll5]

2018-10-20, 11:58 AM
Enn's first arrow snags on the fur and fails to penetrate past it, while the second slams home into its target, but without managing to fell the beast.

With their masters slain and heavily wounded both worgs turn to run.

Worgs flee, provoking AOO from melee combatants.

2018-10-20, 03:49 PM
Gritting his teeth at the unexpected miss Aukan tries to sieze the opportunity presented to him by swinging once more at the Worg.

AoO Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2018-10-20, 05:02 PM
Aukan swings again, coming within a hairs breadth of landing a strike, but the worg ducks just under the blow and escapes unscathed.

2018-10-20, 10:41 PM
Maram, opposite his fellow's frustration, finds himself emboldened by his hit connecting and rears his axe back behind his head before slamming it down with devastating force, hoping to fell at least one of these foul beasts!

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]
Punishing Stance: [roll2]

2018-10-21, 02:33 PM
Maram brings his axe down as the wolf's attention turns, landing directly between the two hemisphere's of its skull and cracking them apart like an egg. The wolf collapses with a dark cleft into its brain while its companion sprints out into the courtyard howling in grief.

2018-10-24, 03:34 PM
Enn makes a rude gesture at the worg, before pointing into the empty stall furthest to the west, grabbing a corpse, and dragging it to the very back, where she lays it

2018-10-30, 12:15 AM
Maram looks after the worg for a moment, debating to himself a moment about chasing it before shaking his head. Turning to Enn and Aukan, he motions to the keep and grins while sticking out his hand to Enn, the silence stone within it.

Let's go into the keep itself and you can have your stone back, Enn. :smallbiggrin:

2018-11-01, 09:37 PM
Aukan watches the worg flee from the scene while muttering a silenced curse at the fleeing canine. Looking towards Maram, Aukan decides to wait for his companions as he notices the stone exchange about to happen. He nods in response to the keep raid, as he figures they're now on a timer.

Aukan does nothing.

2018-11-07, 07:15 AM
Enn then seems to consider the stone, before grabbing it, as she drops the corpse and turns towards the tower. She points Maram to the closed door, and gestures for Aukan to follow her.

2018-11-07, 09:44 AM
Aukan nods and moves behind Enn, ready to proceed forward.

2018-11-10, 02:14 AM
Wasting no time, Maram makes for the closed door and grabs the handle before turning to his companions, nodding his readiness.

Ready an Action to open the door once Enn and Aukan are prepared.

This silence stuff is harsh on a loudmouth like Maram. :smallbiggrin:

2018-11-10, 02:03 PM
Aukan starts making hand gesture and mouthing a chant while looking at the door.

Aukan is readying a Magic Missile in case there's something waiting behind the door.

Not much room for banter when no one can hear it, huh?

2018-11-11, 08:11 AM
Wasting no time, Maram makes for the closed door and grabs the handle before turning to his companions, nodding his readiness.

Ready an Action to open the door once Enn and Aukan are prepared.

This silence stuff is harsh on a loudmouth like Maram. :smallbiggrin:

You open the door to reveal the courtyard. No enemies are currently visible.

2018-11-14, 08:10 AM
End nods, before sliding across the courtyard like a shadow, moving impossibly fast to the next hole, where she pauses. And gestures “same plan”

2018-11-14, 10:19 PM
Aukan follows Enn out into the courtyard, stopping at the entrance on the opposite end of Enn. He then gives a thumbs up signalling that he is ready to tactically breach into the room.

2018-11-17, 02:54 PM
As Aukan crosses the hole in the wall he sees two hobgoblin soldiers approaching it with shields and swords raised. Behind them two more hobgoblins are scrambling to find their armor, but the first two definitely see you.

2018-11-20, 10:22 AM
Aukan signals that there are 4 inside. He then begins chanting and then with a fist-full of fire, he chucks a fireball into the room.

Aukan cast fireball into the crowd of goblins. DC 17 reflex, [roll0] fire damage.

2018-11-24, 09:08 AM
The hobgoblins scramble to find cover from the fireball as eerily silent flames explode across the room. Two hobgoblins are claimed by the conflagration, but one of the two standing upright manages to fumble his shield in between himself and the worst of the blast while one of the barely awake hobgoblins dives back into his blankets. The lucky bastard spasms as the fire washes across his hiding place, but the cloth absorbs enough of the heat for him to be very much alive as he rolls desperately across the floor, struggling to extinguish the burning blankets clinging to his body.


2018-11-24, 09:39 PM
The hobgoblin on the floor scrambles backwards, fleeing through the door into room 10. The hobgoblin still standing throws aside his shield and contorts his face into a silent scream as he charges Aukan, bringing his sword down in two-handed blow, but it slams into the broken stone of the keep wall.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2019-02-21, 04:02 PM
Standing at the gates of the ruined keep with the holy warrior that was Cassandra, Aerilaya shifted her stance slightly and rested the butt of her scythe in the dirt. There were no guards present and they had not run into any goblinoid patrols while traveling the road.

She was just about to write the entire expedition off as a witch hunt when the harsh sound of steel striking against stone drew her attention. The Hexblade gave a sinister smirk directed toward Cassandra. "Seems like we might have arrived late. I blame all of those weapons you tote for slowing us down..."

Giggling, she readied the curved blade of the scythe, her only visible weapon, and advanced forward into the keep's courtyard.

Move Action: move to room 3

2019-02-22, 06:30 PM
Enn steps back a few feet, and opens fire with her bow on the hobgoblin running away.

To hit 1 (Inspiration): [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]
To hit 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

Also, Deadguy, you can't hear us.

2019-02-23, 09:15 AM
Standing at the gates of the ruined keep with the holy warrior that was Cassandra, Aerilaya shifted her stance slightly and rested the butt of her scythe in the dirt. There were no guards present and they had not run into any goblinoid patrols while traveling the road.

She was just about to write the entire expedition off as a witch hunt when the harsh sound of steel striking against stone drew her attention. The Hexblade gave a sinister smirk directed toward Cassandra. "Seems like we might have arrived late. I blame all of those weapons you tote for slowing us down..."

Giggling, she readied the curved blade of the scythe, her only visible weapon, and advanced forward into the keep's courtyard.

Move Action: move to room 3

Strange, I always thought it was your insistence on trotting around on foot that slowed us down. Cassandra says wryly as finishes feeding her trusty steed Traveller. Seeing Aerilaya ready her weapon, Cassandra takes her own arms up.

What strange sense angers your haycutter, witch?

2019-02-24, 10:06 AM
Aukan stares down at the poor hobogoblin, taking the opportunity to bring his katana down onto him!

Rolling to hit with mountain hammer: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]
Edit 1: Ignore the +2d and mountain hammer, I thought I had it prepared when I didn't at all.
Edit 2: Almost positive I crit confirmed in roll thread.

2019-02-25, 01:59 PM
"Deduction. Hobgoblins are militaristic, no? Having no guards to sound an alarm doesn't seem like something they would do. But the fort had to be occupied, there is an obvious lack of wildlife that should have taken up residence if it were truly abandoned."

"Or I could know because... magic!" Aerilaya waggled her fingers ominously in the paladin's direction.

2019-02-26, 09:42 PM
"Deduction. Hobgoblins are militaristic, no? Having no guards to sound an alarm doesn't seem like something they would do. But the fort had to be occupied, there is an obvious lack of wildlife that should have taken up residence if it were truly abandoned."

"Or I could know because... magic!" Aerilaya waggled her fingers ominously in the paladin's direction.

Cassandra rolls her eyes. "I suppose magic is a more likely explanation than you being clever, but...I'd prefer the latter" she says with a smile. Then her demeanor hardens.

"Now then, lets see what is afoot, clever magical girl."

2019-02-27, 01:03 PM
"Lead on, oh beatifically substantial femme." Aerilaya sidestepped and lowered the scythe in a waving motion to allow Cassandra to move passed her toward the choice of several buildings on the sides of the courtyard.

She still held the smirk on her lips, but the grip on her blade and keen glare of her eyes were steely and prepared for violence.

2019-02-27, 01:51 PM
Enn steps back a few feet, and opens fire with her bow on the hobgoblin running away.

Enn's arrow slips silently through the air, broadhead effortlessly sliding between the vertebrae at the base of the fleeing hobgoblin's neck.

Aukan stares down at the poor hobogoblin, taking the opportunity to bring his katana down onto him!

Aukan feels a bare moment of resistance as his edge hits bone, but then his blade pushes on and severs the overextended arm clean in two. The hobgoblins stares at his missing limb in disbelief, blood gushing in an arterial spray. His lip mouth a silent prayer as he stumbles back, but whatever god he pleads to isn't listening, and he is dead before he hits the floor.

2019-02-27, 04:42 PM
Enn gestures Aukan to the door set in the curving tower wall, as she keeps her bow trained on the side door.
First room is 10, second is 9, Enn has readied for anything entering the room to eat an arrow. Also, I think that we were visible to both entrances, so seen when you entered

2019-03-01, 11:45 AM
Enn, you feel a dispel attempt attacking your silence spell.

Aerilaya and Cassandra both see a bugbear, carried by spectral dragon wings, fly from the tower to the courtyard, roaring out challenges and condemnations. Strangely, he seems focused not on either of you, but on the building at the base of his own tower.

"COWARDS! You dare not face the might of the Red Hand directly, so you resort to petty TRICKERY?! Come and face a Wyrmlord in open battle, if you dare!"


2019-03-01, 12:27 PM
Enn, you feel a dispel attempt attacking your silence spell.

Aerilaya and Cassandra both see a bugbear, carried by spectral dragon wings, fly from the tower to the courtyard, roaring out challenges and condemnations. Strangely, he seems focused not on either of you, but on the building at the base of his own tower.

"COWARDS! You dare not face the might of the Red Hand directly, so you resort to petty TRICKERY?! Come and face a Wyrmlord in open battle, if you dare!"


Cassandra winced, as she could almost feel the oncoming exasperation of Aerilaya, she was a pragmatic warrior, much like her old instructor Karl, she would have simple grabbed her bow and shot the beast out of the sky from behind, but Cassandra had too much valor to shy from a challenge. She assumed a defensive stance and issued her own challenge to the Bugbear.

"Tricks? No tricks here, if it is open battle you seek, you have found the right woman for it. Come! face me! and Cassandra Dane will treat you honorably, with steel!"

Full Defense (+4 Dodge to AC)
Activating Iron Guard's Glare

2019-03-01, 03:17 PM
Aerilaya smirked and glanced toward Cassandra mouthing a silent Told you.

While the paladin shouted her challenge and went into a defensive position, the witch did the opposite. With one free hand, she made a simple gesture and her eyes glowed with a baleful purple energy.

Almost immediately after her curse was levied, she completed an incantation and fired a ray toward the flying Wyrmlord, seeking to drain him of power.

Swift Action: Hexblade's Curse (will dc 20 vs -2 all rolls and +2 on all rolls against; 8 rds)
Standard Actions: Ray of Exhaustion (RTA: [roll0] || fort dc 19 vs exhaustion - if save fatigued; 5 min)

2019-03-02, 04:21 PM
Enn tries to hold onto the silence, but eventually loses out, dropping the spell

2019-03-06, 10:46 AM
Aukan listens intently to the challenge. He then moves out of the room to get a good look at his challenger. "Let us hope you are a better challenge then, 'Wyrmlord!'" he calls out to it, air quoting. Aukan then goes into the motions of readying a javelin- he then lets out a yell as a lance of sound swiftly appears in his hand strikes the bugbear as he throws it!

Move: Aukan moves out of the house.
Standard: Aukan casts Sound Lance at the bugbear. DC 17 Fort save to reduce damage by half. Damage: [roll0]
Spellcraft roll to figure out what spell (if any) he's using to fly. [roll1]

2019-03-06, 06:18 PM
Enn runs for the rocks in the courtyard, before shooting a bolt of what appear as spiders at the Wyrmlord.

Move action, then cast sting ray on the Wyrmlord
Ray to hit: [roll0]
-2 AC, on hit
Now need a DC 17 Will save, or the wyrmlord can only take a standard or move, and DC 17+Spell Level concentration to cast. repeat each round until success. If Flat footed, it's a +1 to the DC.

2019-03-08, 12:01 PM
This strange bugbear with the arrogance to name himself Wyrmlord grits his teeth in pain as the hostile spells wash over him, invading his body and attacking his mind, but the onslaught is not enough to slay him and he bears a viciously smug grin at the end.

(Ray hits)
DC 17 Fort for half of 23 damage (Sonic) [roll0]
DC 17 Will (+1 if flat-footed) or lose actions [roll1]
DC 20 Will or Hexblade's curse (-2 to all rolls, +2 on all opposed) [roll2]
DC 19 Fort or Exhausted, Fatigued on save [roll3]

The door to the tower that you've all turned your backs on explodes with force as a double-horned minotaur bursts through! The fearsome beast has the wide horns of a longhorn bull, but also a pair of serrated black horns that curve in front of his face. Both pairs aim forwards as they charge straight into Aukan's exposed back!

Gore Attack [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

2019-03-08, 12:40 PM
Aukan hears the tower door burst open, and the sounds of something charging at him. He waits, concentrating on the everclosing sound. There, at the moment the foot steps enter within reach of his blade, Aukan twirls the blade by the handle to reverse his grip on it and whirls around to strike the minotaur's horns with his massive blade using equal force, stopping the charging minortaur in its tracks with a smirk. He then uses his free hand to grab one of the minotaurs horns. Mustering up as much strength as possible, he throws the minotaur towards the center of the courtyard, delivering the vulnerable enemy to his new allies in the field.

As rolled in the roll thread, thank you glorious Wall of Blades.
EDIT: Almost forgot it's Aukans turn now. Rolls for Mighty Throw are also in the roll thread. If any checks failed, let me know so I can change this post.

2019-03-09, 07:16 AM
Enn just takes aim at the wyrmlord, shooting two arrows.

Rapid shot:
Shot 1 to hit: [roll0]
Shot 1 damage: [roll1]

Shot 2 to hit: [roll2]
Shot 2 damage: [roll3]

2019-03-11, 12:30 PM
Aerilaya felt the energy of her curse return to her without finding a purchase on her enemy. Her aura flared to life again as she assaulted the bugbear's defenses again.

Seeing a new enemy enter the fray so close to the strangers who seems to be on the duo's side at least for the moment, having attacked the bugbear themselves, she wove a spell to weaken the brutish minotaur. An inky ray of necrotic energy flew toward the horned beast in an attempt to reduce it's effectiveness in melee.

"That one's all yours!" The witch glanced toward the paladin, fully expecting some sort of glorious charge.

Swift Action: Hexblade's Curse on bugbear (will dc 20 vs -2 all rolls and +2 on all rolls against; 8 rds)
Standard Actions: Ray of Enfeeblement on minotaur (RTA: [roll0] | SR: [roll1] || Strength Penalty: [roll2]; 6 min)

2019-03-11, 02:57 PM
Cassandra is saddened that her challenge is spoiled by the other adventurers, they have much to learn about noble combat, still, their tactics make it unfair for her to join the battle against the bugbear. Her musings are cut short by a huge hairy beast flying into the courtyard and landing ungracefully in a shower of dirt and dust. Cassandra springs into action, trying to slip under the beast's guard before it can regain it's feet and brings her blade to bear in an overhand chop.

Halt and surrender beast or I shall smote thee!

Swift Action: Detect Evilness on the Minotaur
To hit[roll0]
to damage[roll1]
If the Mino ignores my call to surrender and tries to get up, will smite him on the AoO (presuming he is evil)
To hit[roll2]
to damage[roll3]
smite [roll4]

2019-03-13, 10:55 AM
Aukan responds to the surprise attack effortlessly, deflecting the minotaur's horns and pivoting to hurl his opponent over his shoulders where Aerilaya turns from successfully cursing the bugbear to hurl a crippling spell at the exposed minotaur.

Enn continues to volley arrows at the floating enemy, but only one arrow gets though his defensive spells, and even that doesn't seem to penetrate deeply.

Cassandra, on the other hand, seizes the opportunity presented by having an opponent on the ground and charges the minotaur, blade slicing open bovine flesh. The beast rises up roaring in defiance of her offer of mercy, but when her second strike comes down and plows through flesh and bone alike he falls to his knees, hand up in surrender.

"FOOLS, all of you!" The self-proclaimed Wyrmlord screams from above. "You'll die with the rest!"

With that final cry he swoops down, mouth opening far wider than any humanoid should be capable and disgorging acid across both his failed lieutenant and the paladin who defeated him.

Koth's using a breath weapon, Ref 18, [roll0] acid damage to Cassandra and anyone else within fifteen feet. I think that's just Cassandra though.

2019-03-15, 04:51 PM
Cassandra is saddened that the bull lives up to its stubborn reputation and requires another strike. Still, she is glade the beast sees the error of the ways when the will of Hieroneous is brought to bear upon him. All of this is cut short by a rain of acid from the treacherous Wyrmlord. Cassandra tries to duck to the side...

Reflex Save: [roll0]
Smite will Recharge in [roll1] rounds.
Damage (save or not) will activate Furious Counterstrike

2019-03-15, 06:54 PM
Aukan watches at the Wyrmlord make his sweeping breath attack and begins gesturing during this time. After finishing his sweep, Aukan points at the Wyrmlord with his blade. "Dispel magic!" he calls out, hoping to unravel it's flight spell any any other spells he may have ongoing.

Dispel Magic Check: [roll0]

2019-03-18, 04:34 PM
"The incessant flapping of your mouth is almost as annoying as your wings."

Aerilaya concentrates on neutralizing any advantage the enemy has in maneuvering by solidifying shadowy figments to immobilize him. While not as real as a web spell, she felt confident in his mental resistance being eroded by her cursed energy.

Standard Actions: Shadow Binding on Wyrmlord (will dc 19 vs entangle; str or escape artist dc 20 as full rd to escape)

2019-03-18, 07:09 PM
Enn's hand twitches, blue lights striking the Wyrmlord in a distraction, as she looses 2 arrows

Distract Assailant: Will Save DC 16 or be flat-footed.
Shot 1: [roll]1d20+7[roll]
Damage 1 [roll0]
Sneak Attack, if Will save failed: [roll1]
Shot 2: [roll]1d20+7[roll]
Damage 2: [roll2]
Sneak Attack, if Will save failed: [roll3]

2019-03-19, 01:30 AM
Acrid smoke comes off of Cassandra's armor as she ducks and rolls out of the acid rain. Seeing her....alies? unleash a torrent of spells on the hapless bugbear, she bides her time to deliver a charge.

Come to Earth, Wyrmlord!

Readying an action to charge the Bugbear if he comes to ground
Charge! [roll0]
Damage! [roll1]
Smite! [roll2]

2019-03-22, 09:42 AM
Enn launches off two arrows, exploiting holes in the Wyrmlord's guard to deal maximum damage. Koth manages to correct one of the openings in time however, leaving an arrow to skate off his spectral armor even as another plants itself in his side. He grunts, but doesn't seem as troubled by the wound as he should be.

Aukan follows up the attack with a dispel attempt and the Wyrmlord's spell constructs flicker, but they do not break. He remains aloft.

Wyrmlord Koth gestures and chants, but ultimately fails to cast the spell through the entanglement.

2019-03-31, 05:37 PM
"Dispel Magic!" Aukan shouts again, pointing at the Wyrmlord.

Dispel Check: [roll0]
Please work this time.

2019-04-01, 08:00 AM
Enn sends another 2 arrows flying.

Shot 1, and Damage

Shot 2, and Damage

2019-04-10, 06:53 PM
Having thoroughly weakened her enemy, the Witch quickly retrieved her crossbow and fired a single bolt at the Wyrmlord and then readied another bolt should he not fall.

Standard Action: Ranged Attack [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Free Action: Reload

2019-04-13, 08:13 AM
Aukan's second dispel hits the Wyrmlord like a freight train and he yelps as his spell construct flickers and fails. Aerilya's bolt zips just above his head as he plummets, but even as he inadvertently dodges one blow he comes into range for another. No sooner has he hit the ground than Cassandra's blade smashes into him, flaring with holy light that sears away at his flesh.

2019-04-13, 11:39 AM
Aukan quickly moves up the fallen Wyrmlord. "Let's finish this!" he shouts as he swings his massive blade at Koth!

Move action to move to Koth.
Standard Action: Leading the Charge: [roll0] If it hits, then everyone gains +4 morale to attack roll against Koth
Damage: [roll1]

2019-04-14, 03:56 PM
Enn repeats, her arrows humming past Casandra.

Shot 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll]1d8+4[roll]
Shot 2: [roll1]
Damage 2: [roll]1d8+4[roll]

2019-04-16, 01:22 PM
Aukan's blade comes in and slices into the the off balance Wyrmlord, but he grits his teeth and mutters a quick word as he points one finger at the ground. A bead of light shoots forth from his gesture, visible for less than a second before detonating with impact. The fireball blooms outwards in a spreading wave around the cackling bugbear, who stands in an untouched circle.

Fireball Damage [roll0]

2019-04-18, 08:32 AM
Almost as if his body foreseen the attack coming, Aukan jumps upward, avoiding the brunt of the blast from the fireball. On the fall down, he quickly analyzes the Wyrmlords stance and locks onto a perceived opening. "Emerald Razor!" Aukan brings his blade down toward the opening as he lands onto the ground.

Standard Action: Emerald Razor(Full Power Attack, targeting touch AC): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2019-04-18, 09:40 AM
Cassandra Dane

Cassandra tries to roll out of the way of the wyrmlord's conflagaration, but get caught in the blast. Undeterred, she grits her teeth and takes a moment to heal herself while circling around her opponent.

Circling to flank
Standard action to Lay on Hands for 20 (took 13 from the acid, 26 from the fireball)

2019-04-21, 08:41 AM
Koth's momentary smug expression turns into a scowl as the flames fade to reveal opponents still standing. Even that scowl abruptly becomes a yelp as Aukan's blade flickers past his defenses and opens a gaping wound in his side.

2019-04-26, 07:15 AM
Enn effortlessly rolls behind a rock avoiding all of the fireball, before sliding back out, shouting for the wyrmlord to turn, infused with magic, before peppering him with arrows.
Distract Assailant, DC 16 Will save
To hit 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]
Sneak Attack 1: [roll2]
To hit 2: [roll3]
Damage 2: [roll4]
Sneak Attack 2: [roll5]

2019-04-26, 08:35 AM
Aukan twirls his massive blade before following it up with another strike!

Swift action: Trigger Warblade maneuver recovery for next turn.
Standard action: Attack with no PA: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2019-04-30, 09:25 AM
The Wyrmlord blinks at Enn's words, half-turning before snapping free of the effect, only to catch an arrow in the eye. Enn's second shot misses the bugbear as he falls over backwards, but the damage is already done, and the enemy defeated.

2019-05-01, 06:52 PM
"Looks like it's finally over." Aukan says sheathing his blade. His hand glows and he rubs it along his wounds, accelerating the healing process. "How is everyone else holding?"

Activating Touch of Mercy. Fast healing equal to con mod for one minute.

2019-05-10, 06:53 PM
"Just fine, Aukan" Enn steps into the tower, peering around, as her raven lands on a shoulder. "Let's confirm the tower is safe before we drop our guard." She moves to the door into the tower.

2019-05-10, 07:46 PM
Cassandra Dane

I do well, Ser Auken, despite that beast's worst intentions, well met. I am Cassandra Dane, and this is my traveling companion Aerilaya, she says with a deferential nod.

Activating Touch of Mercy

2019-05-13, 09:34 AM
"Thank you for your aid Cassandra. Are you willing to accompany us further? We're seeking to clear this area out." Aukan asks. He takes a moment to close his eyes and focus himself before moving to follow Enn.

Adaptive Style
Warblade Maneuvers
Emerald Razor
Sudden Leap
Leading the Attack
Wall of Blades

Mountain Hammer
Action Before Thought
Mighty Throw
Shadow Jaunt

2019-05-21, 01:06 PM
Despite the ruined environs, this room has all the luxuries that the rest of the keep lacks. A four poster bed is draped in rich, if unwashed, silks, and an overstuffed chair sits amid scattered papers.

Nonetheless, the ruins intrude, with broken rocks and crumbled bricks trailing down the staircase spiraling outwards.

2019-05-26, 02:28 PM
Aukan begins looking around the room, starting with examining the paper strewn about.

Search roll: [roll0]

2019-05-30, 08:36 AM
A closer look reveals the nature of the papers, mostly abandoned half-finished drafts of various reports. The writer seems to have had some difficulty with the business of actually writing, throwing away numerous copies of the same paper covered in ink blots and obsessive revisions.

The tossed aside remnants are far from complete, but what you see is still more than enough to be worrying. Not only was the Wyrmlord was sending back reports to a superior, that superior is implied to possess far greater forces than anything you've seen so far.

2019-06-02, 07:32 AM
Enn steps in, darting up the stairwell with impressive speed to clear it.
If something's on the second level, start fighting, if not, head back down, cast spontaneous search. (Take ten on search check for everything in 20 feet, check result of 25 with inspiration.)

2019-06-02, 08:42 AM
"Thank you for your aid Cassandra. Are you willing to accompany us further? We're seeking to clear this area out." Aukan asks. He takes a moment to close his eyes and focus himself before moving to follow Enn.

"Indeed I am, the problem here seems more dire than I expected"

Cassandra readies herself for the coming confrontations.

2019-06-02, 08:46 AM
A closer look reveals the nature of the papers, mostly abandoned half-finished drafts of various reports. The writer seems to have had some difficulty with the business of actually writing, throwing away numerous copies of the same paper covered in ink blots and obsessive revisions.

The tossed aside remnants are far from complete, but what you see is still more than enough to be worrying. Not only was the Wyrmlord was sending back reports to a superior, that superior is implied to possess far greater forces than anything you've seen so far.

"It seems I spoke in truth, the Wyrmlord is not alone, not by any means, he was but the tip of a very long spear...the Valley..."

Cassandra tries to get make sense of the missives, to find the name of the Wyrmlord's master, or a more sure idea of the enemies' numbers

2019-06-09, 10:32 AM
"We should double check the room again just to be sure we do not miss any information."

Aukan then does a once over search within the entirety of the room to hopefully ensure that there is nothing that they have missed.

2019-06-09, 04:57 PM
Enn steps in, darting up the stairwell with impressive speed to clear it.
If something's on the second level, start fighting, if not, head back down, cast spontaneous search. (Take ten on search check for everything in 20 feet, check result of 25 with inspiration.)

A quick check of the upper tower reveals little more than broken stone. Specifically, it reveals a crudely mocked up dummy of a ghost.

Returning to search the ground floor, you find something far more interesting. Hidden beneath not only scattered paper, but the armchair and what feels like an inch of dust as well, is a secret hatch.

"It seems I spoke in truth, the Wyrmlord is not alone, not by any means, he was but the tip of a very long spear...the Valley..."

Cassandra tries to get make sense of the missives, to find the name of the Wyrmlord's master, or a more sure idea of the enemies' numbers

Unfortuanately this particular officer doesn't seem to have been privy to any precise counting, if the goblins have even bothered with such things. However, what information you can glean isn't good. When the Wyrmlord left for this post his master was already well along in the process of uniting the goblinoids of the Wyrmsmokes Mountains. By now it's all too likely that the High Wyrmlord Azaar Kul could set out within the week.

2019-06-10, 06:56 AM
Enn grabs the papers, sliding them into her backpack. "Nothing up there, but there's a secret door down here! Can you give me a hand moving the chair to reach it? I don't think the goblins found it." Thinking on it, she realizes that she is close to the staff her lady sent her for.

2019-06-16, 02:15 PM
Hearing Enn, Aukan moves down the stair way and onto the ground floor. Aukan walks over to her and easily pulls the armchair aside. "Good eyes." he says, complimenting her.

2019-06-17, 07:50 AM
Hearing Enn, Aukan moves down the stair way and onto the ground floor. Aukan walks over to her and easily pulls the armchair aside. "Good eyes." he says, complimenting her.
Enn dusts off the trapdoor. "Good magic." She wipes the dust off, coughing, and opens the trapdoor. "I don't think the Hobgoblins found this." she murmurs as she readies her bow.

2019-06-17, 08:11 PM

Cassandra steels herself ready for any danger.

2019-06-20, 03:35 PM
Opening the trapdoor reveals a long shaft down forty feet. Ladder rungs, only lightly speckled with rust, are embedded in the wall at regular intervals.

The shaft is quite dark, but the bottom is saved from pitch blackness by a faint white light, flickering and glimmering in time with some unheard rhythm.

2019-06-21, 06:56 AM
"Cassandra or Aukan, you go first."

2019-06-21, 10:51 AM
Aukan nods while drawing his blade. Running his hand along his blade, he casts Light on it, making it glow softly. The goliath then begins climbing down the ladder with his now glowing blade in one hand.

2019-06-25, 09:19 AM
The temperature drops precipitously as you climb down the ladder, falling below the the natural chill of the deep earth. As you reach the last dozen feet the space opens up around you with a vaulted ceiling enclosing an antechamber with three barred iron gates.

The gates aren't solid, leaving the contents open to your eye, but the antechamber is far from empty itself. A corpse slumps against the eastern gate, the heavy hauberk swathing his body insufficient to save his life from the massive arrow impaling his side. A naked blade lies near one gauntleted hand, glistening with a pale white glow as snowflakes drift up from it like sparks from a flame.

The alcoves behind each gate contain their own treasures. The first contains a shelf bearing ten iron coffers, the second a hidden study strewn with papers, and the third a long brass-bound trunk beneath the unmistakable form of a dragon skull, if a small one, hanging on the wall.

2019-06-25, 05:25 PM
Enn looks around, casting detect magic as she does so. "I wonder how dead that corpse is. Dead, or Dead Dead."

2019-06-27, 09:41 AM
Aukan casts detect magic as well and cautiously moves to the body, keeping his blade ready in case the corpse should rise. "Does anything appear unusual aside from the obvious?"

Spot: [roll0]

2019-07-02, 01:06 PM
As you scan the room in magic sight you see auras emanating off not only the obviously magic sword, but also from the closed chest in the third alcove.

As far as mundane vision goes, you don't see anything new.

2019-07-03, 05:19 AM
Enn reaches out with mage hand, grabbing the sword.

2019-07-03, 08:56 AM
Aukan moves to examine each of the gates, stopping at the third. He then cracks his knuckles brings his blade to bear. "Should I begins cutting through the bars?" he asks.

2019-07-05, 07:04 PM
The sword's hilt is cool to the touch, but comfortable to hold in stark contrast to the supernatural chill of the blade.

2019-07-06, 05:23 AM
"I'm just going to set that aside until we can test it." Enn leans down, examining the bars, looking for a lock.

2019-07-06, 06:29 AM
Cassandra Dane

Cassandra offers a brief blessing to the fallen guardian.

"This place looks long abandoned, I do not know what it could hold to aid in our fight against the enemy"

2019-07-10, 10:25 AM
Each gate contains a lock lightly covered in frost. Examining them closely, you can see that the insides are just as chilly, but not so much as to render them inoperable.

2019-07-12, 06:05 AM
Enn pulls out her lockpicks, and begins to open the locks.
[roll0] Lockpicking! If it fails, I'm taking 20

2019-07-12, 05:34 PM
Enn spends nearly a minute picking at the lock, making steady progress, until it clicks. They smile, reach for the lock...

And it fails to open. Enn sighs and goes back to the lock, which has clicked back to the starting position. This might take a while...

The lock will successfully open after about ten minutes. If anyone wants to do anything else before then, now's your chance.

2019-07-14, 05:20 AM
"If someone wants to search above, you can do it, I'll be here for 10 minutes"

2019-07-16, 08:59 AM
Aukan decides to take a seat on the ground. "I think it would be best to stay together."

2019-07-20, 07:00 AM
After about ten minutes of effort each, the locks all click open.