View Full Version : 3.5 chainsaw

2018-03-10, 12:09 PM
As the title suggests, I really want a chainsaw. I asked the dm if I could fluff a sword or something to look like it, he said no for some reason. Flesh grinding won't really work, because I have to let go, is there any weapon, even exotic, or enchantment that achieves the chainsaw look, bonus points if it has good crit or damage. Maybe even a spell.

2018-03-10, 12:14 PM
Tell us more. What specific effects indicate "chainsaw" to you? What do you want the item to be capable of doing?

I mean, you said that even a spell could work, so a moderately obnoxious method would be to take Spell Thematics and then use spells that create "weapons" (like Ice Axe). Seems like overkill, though, and you probably won't be allowed to directly take "chainsaws" as your Spell Thematics if your GM has ruled that they don't directly exist in the world.

2018-03-10, 12:28 PM
3.5 has the thorn blade scimitar (+3 keen scimitar, etc.) in Dragon 326, and DnD Modern has a chainsaw (3d6 damage), but there isn't really a rule for a continuous applied damage.

I'd imagine you're wanting something that could be used as a full round action attack with a lot of damage - or maybe some kind of save or die effect - to represent something like playing Doom, but I'm not aware of anything like that.

Karl Aegis
2018-03-10, 12:58 PM
A masterwork Profession(Lumberjack) tool.

2018-03-10, 02:35 PM
Try the savage species sharktooth staff.

Also I think the dragon mag with the cactus people and the bug head women races have a chainsaw.

Their may be others. I think BG has a long running topic about dragon mag stuff. If anyone knows, they will.

Last ditch effort would be a device made by a lantan artificer from mgic of faerun. You might be able to get something from that mess to work for you.

2018-03-10, 04:22 PM
Tell us more. What specific effects indicate "chainsaw" to you? What do you want the item to be capable of doing?

I mean, you said that even a spell could work, so a moderately obnoxious method would be to take Spell Thematics and then use spells that create "weapons" (like Ice Axe). Seems like overkill, though, and you probably won't be allowed to directly take "chainsaws" as your Spell Thematics if your GM has ruled that they don't directly exist in the world.

I want a weapon, that looks like one, if it does chainsaw stuff in addition, sweet, but for some god-forsaken reason, he wouldn't just let me fluff a different weapon to look like it, so I have to find an alternative to just fluffing.

Karl Aegis
2018-03-10, 04:55 PM
"Just looks like one" is an illusion(glamer) effect. Maybe a telepathy(mind-affecting) effect if you're doing psionics.

2018-03-10, 08:27 PM

2018-03-10, 09:13 PM
I want a weapon, that looks like one, if it does chainsaw stuff in addition, sweet, but for some god-forsaken reason, he wouldn't just let me fluff a different weapon to look like it, so I have to find an alternative to just fluffing.
If the DM doesn't want you to have one for what I suspect are thematic reasons*, you're probably better off not arguing.

*Chainsaws don't REALLY fit with the usual medieval fantasy motif...

2018-03-10, 09:37 PM
d20 modern has a chainsaw

2018-03-10, 10:02 PM
*Chainsaws don't REALLY fit with the usual medieval fantasy motif...Go watch Army of Darkness and get back to me on that...

2018-03-11, 07:41 AM
Well, there was "Chainsword +3" in the Dragon #132


(It was April issue :smallwink:)

2018-03-11, 08:46 AM
Also I think the dragon mag with the cactus people and the bug head women races have a chainsaw.

I checked this out: Dragon 352 page 43. It's either a chakri - a thrown weapon 'buzz blade' (circular saw blade) - or a special crossbow called a rivebow that shoots the buzz blades. Still cool, but I'm not sure why they didn't stick with the theme and make a melee version of that instead of going with a 'great cleaver'. It does say they're easy to find though.

Fouredged Sword
2018-03-12, 12:36 PM
Flesh grinding great ax or greatsword. You swing and hit, then just hang on as your weapon just cuts deeper and deeper each round.

Great because you can make an attack with it with a temp accuracy boost and power attack to max and then auto hit with max power attack damage each round. Carry a backup weapon or something as the weapon hits without needing an action for 5 rounds.

2018-03-12, 03:42 PM
I mean, you said that even a spell could work, so a moderately obnoxious method would be to take Spell Thematics and then use spells that create "weapons" (like Ice Axe). Seems like overkill, though, and you probably won't be allowed to directly take "chainsaws" as your Spell Thematics if your GM has ruled that they don't directly exist in the world.

Elminster (and a few other mages too) has had canon contact with modern Earth. He could conceivably have taken a chainsaw from there, or at least duplicated it with magic after seeing one.

2018-03-12, 04:18 PM
Away from books right now, but I remember there being a rip glaive, that was basically a gnomish chainsaw on a stick. I do not remember source, or if it was official or 3pp.

2018-03-12, 05:43 PM
Elminster (and a few other mages too) has had canon contact with modern Earth. He could conceivably have taken a chainsaw from there, or at least duplicated it with magic after seeing one.
There's no need for a mary-sue NPC to intercede -- a low-tech D&D world having contact with modern civilizations has a long and storied tradition.

For example, back in oD&D's Blackmoor -- the setting that preceded Greyhawk -- had modules wherein federation budget cuts half a galaxy away had plot-relevance to how the crashed survey team would handle interactions with the magical native population until such time as a rescue ship finally responded to their sub-space distress beacon.

IMHO it's entirely reasonable for a dungeon to include blasters, chainsaws, robots, "laser swords" made with magic crystals that go zhwooovmmmmm, power armor, "stimpack" healing potions, anal probe divination tools, or whatever other modern-fantasy tidbits your players could imagine.

That said, I would only put a chainsaw in a game where weapons had some kind of damage track. Then the chainsaw could accurately reflect the greatly increased fragility & maintenance burden as compared to a sword or a big wooden club.

2018-03-12, 05:53 PM
I think we still need to know more about your situation.

Why did the DM deny you? What was the reasoning? Did you even ask?

Tone is hard to express properly via simple text on a message board, but as a DM who cares a lot about the tone of his worlds, some of your responses have seemed a little... whiney?

It might be that this particular table isnt for you. Thats ok. I have had problems getting the right tone as a DM myself.

Not all DMs are alike. For my part, I spend months, literal months, perfecting my worlds. I lovingly craft them, ensure the history, the locations, even the names of towns make thematic sense. I build entire pantheons, I create extinct civilizations, and I write lore for questions no player will ever ask. And I try to explain this to my players. And sometimes they get it, and sometimes I have to compromise, and sometimes it just doesnt work out.

And example of the latter was the last game I played. I got a little overexcited, and as I was with close friends, I stupidly skipped session 0. I went into the game expecting them to have read the lore I gave them, and to want to play D&D. They came into it assuming it was all just stuff I would tell them, and wanting to have D&D as a backdrop, casual event that we happened to be sat around while we chatted and ate snacks. The game lasted 2 and a half sessions, and we didnt get past the first encounter.

If you really want to play in this game, communication with the DM is key. Even if you find a RAW chainsaw, your DM might still veto it, and its important you understand why. Dinosaurs are in the MMs. I ban them because in my world, the only scaly giant lizards there are, are dragons. No other reason. They just dont fit my theme.

Go back to your DM, ask him why he wont let you have a chainsaw. If its not liking homebrew, then we can find you a raw "chainsaw". If its not fitting the theme, well, at that point you get to make the decision to shrug your shoulders and pick a new character idea, or shrug your shoulders and politely say that you were hoping for more of a "rule of cool" game, so you will give this one a miss. What you shouldnt do is get angry. Its the DMs game too, and ultimately, if they have to change their world to such a degree they are not enjoying it, then you arnt going to be playing for very long anyway.

2018-03-14, 03:56 PM
I think we still need to know more about your situation.

Why did the DM deny you? What was the reasoning? Did you even ask?

Tone is hard to express properly via simple text on a message board, but as a DM who cares a lot about the tone of his worlds, some of your responses have seemed a little... whiney?

It might be that this particular table isnt for you. Thats ok. I have had problems getting the right tone as a DM myself.

Not all DMs are alike. For my part, I spend months, literal months, perfecting my worlds. I lovingly craft them, ensure the history, the locations, even the names of towns make thematic sense. I build entire pantheons, I create extinct civilizations, and I write lore for questions no player will ever ask. And I try to explain this to my players. And sometimes they get it, and sometimes I have to compromise, and sometimes it just doesnt work out.

And example of the latter was the last game I played. I got a little overexcited, and as I was with close friends, I stupidly skipped session 0. I went into the game expecting them to have read the lore I gave them, and to want to play D&D. They came into it assuming it was all just stuff I would tell them, and wanting to have D&D as a backdrop, casual event that we happened to be sat around while we chatted and ate snacks. The game lasted 2 and a half sessions, and we didnt get past the first encounter.

If you really want to play in this game, communication with the DM is key. Even if you find a RAW chainsaw, your DM might still veto it, and its important you understand why. Dinosaurs are in the MMs. I ban them because in my world, the only scaly giant lizards there are, are dragons. No other reason. They just dont fit my theme.

Go back to your DM, ask him why he wont let you have a chainsaw. If its not liking homebrew, then we can find you a raw "chainsaw". If its not fitting the theme, well, at that point you get to make the decision to shrug your shoulders and pick a new character idea, or shrug your shoulders and politely say that you were hoping for more of a "rule of cool" game, so you will give this one a miss. What you shouldnt do is get angry. Its the DMs game too, and ultimately, if they have to change their world to such a degree they are not enjoying it, then you arnt going to be playing for very long anyway.

This guy just shuts things down, for example: grapplemancer, over 30 bonus to his grapple, rolled a 17 against some regular guy, didn't work... other example: i played a rogue, make architecture and engineering knowledge check of 53, tells me nothing about the structural integrity of a BRIDGE. That's the stuff i'm talking about, and yes, i asked why not, he just said "because." I even offered to let it just do 1d4 damage but look like one, but no. so i'm trying to find a close replacement.

2018-03-14, 05:07 PM
This guy just shuts things down, for example: grapplemancer, over 30 bonus to his grapple, rolled a 17 against some regular guy, didn't work... other example: i played a rogue, make architecture and engineering knowledge check of 53, tells me nothing about the structural integrity of a BRIDGE. That's the stuff i'm talking about, and yes, i asked why not, he just said "because." I even offered to let it just do 1d4 damage but look like one, but no. so i'm trying to find a close replacement.

The best solution to this problem might be for you to take over as the DM for your group.

It's my experience that a bad DM can transform a thoughtful player into a good DM.

Karl Aegis
2018-03-14, 05:08 PM
Wasn't there a book where some dude had a mushroom-shaped sword from another dimension? Tell him you want a mushroom-shaped sword from another dimension like that dude from that one book. Same difference, right?

2018-03-19, 03:48 AM
You can find one in the Pathfinder Technology Guide (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/technologyGuide/weapons.html), though admittedly that book is seldom used outside Numerian campaigns.