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2018-03-11, 01:34 AM
MERCY SAKES ALIVE, LOOKS LIKE WE GOT US A CONVOY! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYQo2pkTNAM)
However, sometimes, you can only take so much relaxing before you need an unvacation and Rubber Duck had relaxed to the point of being bored. Reaching for the CB, he grinned, and called out to his fellow truckers.
__Uh, Breaker One-Nine, this here's the Rubber Duck
You got a copy on me Pig-Pen? C'mon!

From this, the convoy was reformed!

Welcome to the sign-up thread for Convoy VI: Run Bandit, Run. This is the tale of a legend in the South, they call The Bandit. Legend has it that he was able to smuggle 400 cases of Coors from Texarkana, Texas to Atlanta, Georgia in only 28 hours. They even made a movie about it!

But this hears the real story behind the myth. Follow along as we find out what really happened.


Convoy: A trucker by the name of Rubber Duck started a little ole convoy with some of his best trucker buddies. The convoy grew in size and the Bears, a.k.a police, decided that they had to take it down, so some cops took on trucker identities and infiltrated the convoy.

Every night the bears sneak into one of the sleeping truckers cabins and arrest that trucker.

Every day, when the truckers stop for the night, they find the trucker most likely to be a bear and beat the living tar out of him and kick him out of the convoy.

Lex-Kat's Typical Rules

NO 25% majority rule: That's right, for this one game, I'm eliminating the 25% rule. Let's see how it works out.

Striking Through Votes, if you want: Please strike out old votes. But if you do not do this, I will count your last vote.

End of Day Ties for lynching: The first to reach the most votes is lynched. The other gets to wipe the sweat from their brow.

Autolynches: We will be autolynching players only if they do not post for 3 days straight. Of course, if you let me know that you will be gone for more than a week, we will give you a pass.

Helgraf's Scry Interference: If two characters with a scry ability look at the same player, both will get "Interference" as a result.

FC's Rule of Narrator Invocation: If you claim that the Narrator made a mistake, and the Narrator is asked about it, the Narrator will answer honestly. So don't use the Narrator's name in vain.

Role Reveal Upon Death: Roles are revealed upon Death, except...

Seer/Fool Death: When the first Seer/Fool dies, the role reveal will be as Seer/Fool. When the second dies, both of their true roles will be revealed.

Have Fun: If you are not having fun, please let me know so we can change your mind. :smalltongue:



The Bandit - (Baner) The Bandit is blocking for Cledus "Snowman" Snow, with his brand new 1977 Pontiac Trans-Am. Each night, he can try to keep Justice and his Smokeys away from his cargo, and also his co-conspirators.

Sugar Bear, Little Beaver, Mr. B, and Hot Pants - (Masons) Hidden among the civilians, these Smokey detectors have allied themselves with the Bandit, to help him get a clear run to wherever he's going.

Carrie, a.k.a. "Frog" - (Seer) The Bandit's latest "friend". She hopped into his car at the beginning of the run, and knows what Buford T. Justice and his son, Junior look like. (Though she doesn't just "see" them, for game purposes.)

Lisette Hocheiser - (Fool) What would the the world of Convoy be without Micro-Bus hippies? Some say easier. :smalltongue: Lisette is higher than a kite at midnight. And she thinks she can see what she actually can't see. (She's always wrong, btw.)

The Snowman/Truckers - (Villagers) These are your basic, run-of-the-mill truckers, who are pretending to be The Snowman. Except one of them is the legitimate Snowman.


Sheriff Buford T. Justice - (Alpha Smokey) His idiot son's bride just ran off with a Sumbitch, and he's determined to get him. Needs 50% of the Actual vote to be lynched.

Junior Justice - (Idiot Day-Baner) Can only protect others, never himself. Not even if he's the last Smokey standing.

Undercover Trucker - (Devil) A bear in trucker's clothing. He's trying to ferret out the information, and report back to the Sheriff. Does not start out with the Smokeys.

Deputies Enos Strate and Cletus Hogg- Deputies from Georgia, helping out in pursuit of the Bandit.


Hooper - ??

NEW REUSED RULE: Join the Convoy. Every 4th day, someone from outside the game may join the convoy. The person entering decides whether they would like to be a bear or a trucker.

The game will start with the first 20 players. After that, any who join as Auto-Lynch replacements can will be introduced into the game every fourth day, whether there is an Auto-Lynch or not. And just like in the original, the player decides which team he wishes to join.

Players: The main rule of Convoy is to enjoy yourself. Don't take it too seriously and remember its just a game. If you want to play, I'll be happy to have you in the convoy. I am going to need a handle and a cargo from you, though. Not that it will matters, but I think the flavor text will make the game a bit more interesting. Also, if you would rather have a vehicle other than a truck, that's fine. Be creative, be silly, be fun!!

Oh, also let me know if anything on this post looks funky.

Stolen from the original Convoy. :smallamused: with permission, of course.

Game starts if/when we get 20 players.

Player list


25,000 Liters of Milk
Day 1

Big Bird
Extensive Variety of Birds
Day 2
Deputy Cletus Hogg

Big Rak
"Corn baby... just corn"
Day 3
Deputy Junior Justice

Suicide Dog
Night 3
"Frog" or Lisette


Wayward Son
Load of 1967 Chevy Impalas

Big Cat
Asserted Pet Toys

The Rabid Goat
Goats, Rabies Vaccines, and/or the Crown Jewels of England

"Time itself, because why not?"

Primal Dan
Halloween Masks

Pixie-Baked Cakes

The Mystery Machine
The Gang, plus Sam and Dean


Little Plastic Spaceship Toys

Rubber Ducks

Fully functional MH-6 Little Bird scout helicopter

Rain Dragon
Rain Dragon
Assorted Parcels of Random Stuff.

The Dragon Master
Roleplaying games, paraphernalia, and dragon related pieces Of all uses.

2018-03-18, 04:07 PM
Convoy seems interesting. Though having no idea how many people are floating around, I have no idea if more than two teams is a thing we can feasibly do.

2018-03-18, 06:52 PM
I'm in! Convoy looks fun to me, although I do agree that the teams might need some tweaking for low player number.

2018-03-18, 08:23 PM
Sorry for the slowness in coming in Lex, I noticed the thread but got a little busy. As much as I love the idea of Convoy and its awesome ridiculousness, I doubt we will have enough people to pull it off so if that is not possible than assassins would be my second choice.

2018-03-19, 04:09 AM
I’ll join. I vote to play Convoy.

2018-03-20, 01:01 PM
I'd play any variant.

2018-03-20, 07:00 PM
Perhaps you should try PMing any of the people who have recently played WW or BatHotH in the recent past and asking them to join. I got like five people to come to my game just a few months ago by doing that.

2018-03-28, 06:40 AM
Convoy it is.

Now to see if I can get enough players. :smallannoyed: Guess I'll have to swallow my pixie pride and PM people. :smalltongue:

2018-03-28, 06:56 AM
Eastbound and down, loaded up and truckin'!

2018-03-28, 07:24 AM
Waiting for a new load to drive to DC and nothing better to do, so following the Convoy it is!

2018-03-28, 11:34 AM
I see we're only starting if we get 20 players. Since we didn't get that many for the last few werewolf games here... can we each play two characters if we only get around 10? If I wind up on both sides I promise I won't help myself. :smalltongue:

2018-03-28, 11:50 AM
I see we're only starting if we get 20 players. Since we didn't get that many for the last few werewolf games here... can we each play two characters if we only get around 10? If I wind up on both sides I promise I won't help myself. :smalltongue:

See, the more I think about this solution, the more problems with it that occur to me. :smalltongue:

2018-03-28, 12:07 PM
I'm ready to... not kill you all.

2018-03-28, 01:08 PM
I'll truck in.

2018-03-28, 05:24 PM
I can't guarantee as much time and attention as I would usually want to. But if I'm needed I can play

2018-03-28, 11:18 PM
I'm up for this.

2018-03-29, 08:55 AM
How can I refuse the wonderful kitten? IN

2018-03-29, 10:29 AM
4-10 good buddies, can you hear me? Rabid Goat calling in. I am 10 on the wind right now. There's a papa bear 'round here, and I can see several bears rolling discos runnin' at us with a ton 'o flying doughnuts at their backs. These smokeys ain't gonna' stop us though, are they?

Oh, and for those of who were curious, he is the wiki for some of the CB radio slang terms. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_CB_slang

Callin' all trucks, are yall revved up, because we about to go a huntin' bear. :smallcool:

2018-03-29, 11:56 AM
I've been invited.

Handle: Spacecamp
Vehicle: A black cab covered in gaudy, 70s and 80s styled space opera scenes.
Cargo: Little plastic spaceship toys

2018-03-29, 05:37 PM
I know I said I was in before, but now that we have confirmed the game type, I figured I would re-confirm. Also, the idea of each person trying to run two characters is rather interesting...

2018-03-30, 07:03 AM
Callin' all trucks, are yall revved up, because we about to go a huntin' bear. :smallcool:

There's a Kojak with a Kodak on the intersection, just to let you know.

(thanks for the list!)

2018-03-30, 12:05 PM
Ok for handle and all that....
Handle: Wayward Son
Vehicle: A black tractor unit with a car carrier trailer
Cargo: 1967 Chevy Impalas

2018-03-30, 12:47 PM
Breaker breaker this here’s Suicide Dog. I got me a rollin refinery here. Just saw a meat wagon heading to the choke and puke I just passed. Glad I just stopped for some go-go juice.

Handle: Suicide Dog.
Vehicle: Deep purple tanker with a gasoline carrier.
Cargo: Gasoline.

2018-03-30, 02:53 PM
Handle: MalevolentKindness
Vehicle: A really big tricycle with a very poorly-tacked-on engine that makes it sort of a motorcycle. There is a wagon in the back with cargo.
Cargo: Cakes baked by pixies.

2018-03-30, 07:22 PM
Handle: The Rabid Goat
Cargo: Its either goats, rabbies vaccines, both or the Crown Jewels of England. Either way, he is not telling anyone what he is actually carrying (but everyone can tell it at least includes goats by the noise the truck makes).
Vehicle: A trailer that has been heavily modified so that the housing part is a living quarter for the goats. The truck has been suited with stolen pieces of armored cars which have been clumsily attached to the exterior. Its an amazement this thing can drive considering the complete unbalance of it really.

2018-03-31, 03:03 PM
Joining the fun with more Details:

Handle: Milkyway
Vehicle: Pristine black Truck with 13 white stars on each side.

Load: 25000 litres of Milk, pasteurized, 3.8% fat.

2018-04-01, 09:49 AM

Handle: Ernie
Cargo: Rubber Ducks
Vehicle: Something that can carry rubber ducks. Maybe a bathtub on wheels?

2018-04-01, 04:31 PM
I love you guys! :biggrin: ​I'll start the game if I get just 1 more player.

2018-04-01, 06:47 PM
We love you too.

2018-04-01, 10:45 PM
Handle: The Mystery Machine
Cargo: the gang plus Sam and Dean
Vehicle: 1972 Ford Econoline aka The Mystery Machine

2018-04-02, 01:07 AM
Handle: The Mystery Machine
Cargo: the gang plus Sam and Dean

Whatcha driving?

2018-04-02, 04:05 PM
added in previous post

2018-04-06, 05:20 AM
I heard you like players so I thought in.

Handle: Optics
Vehicle: Plain green truck
Cargo: Fully functional MH-6 Little Bird scout helicopter

2018-04-06, 11:25 PM
In that case, Murska because tradition.

2018-04-07, 10:44 PM
Okay. Game will start, tomorrow night. :smallsmile:

EDIT: Sorry, life came up. I should have time to get this party started tonight.

Rain Dragon
2018-04-07, 11:14 PM
Oh, is it too late to join then?
I don't even have cargo, I guess, or a nickname. Uh, or even a licence to drive trucks...

2018-04-08, 01:05 PM
Nope, you can still join. :smallbiggrin:

Rain Dragon
2018-04-08, 04:35 PM
Awesome, I'd like to join then. ^.^

2018-04-08, 08:33 PM
Awesome, I'd like to join then. ^.^
Just give us your handle, your vehicle, and your cargo.

2018-04-08, 10:23 PM
Forgot to post my handle before.

Handle: Big Cat
Vehicle: Red cab with a trailer that has a cat chasing after a (red) ball decal.
Cargo: Assorted Pet Toys

Rain Dragon
2018-04-09, 03:29 AM
Just give us your handle, your vehicle, and your cargo.

Well, I mean, just Rain Dragon is fine.
I only have a license to fly small spacecraft, so I guess one of those.
As for cargo, I'm sure it'll be fine to cart parcels. I'm sure someone somewhere wants something to go elsewhere, right?

2018-04-09, 09:03 AM
EDIT: Sorry, life came up. I should have time to get this party started tonight.

2018-04-09, 10:19 AM
Well, I mean, just Rain Dragon is fine.
I only have a license to fly small spacecraft, so I guess one of those.
As for cargo, I'm sure it'll be fine to cart parcels. I'm sure someone somewhere wants something to go elsewhere, right?

But space was my schtick!
This should in no way be construed as whining. I was making what passes for a joke.

2018-04-09, 11:48 AM
Handle: The Dragon Master
Vehicle: An old semi.
Cargo: Roleplaying games, paraphernalia, and dragon related pieces Of all uses.

2018-04-09, 01:30 PM
Handle: Primal Dan
Vehicle: Windowless White Van
Cargo: Halloween Masks

2018-04-10, 01:01 AM
Sheriff T. Buford has now been chosen. Just waiting for them to choose their deputies.

Everyone, please look over the roles and let me know if you have any concerns or questions about them. Thank you.

2018-04-10, 01:05 AM
Do the Micro-Bus Hippies know that's what they are or do they think they're Carrie?

2018-04-10, 05:20 AM
Handle: Big Rak
Vehicle: Red Optimus Prime
Cargo: Corn baby...just corn

2018-04-10, 07:11 AM
I usually play Fools and Seers not knowing which role they truly are. So yes, the Micro-Bus hippies think they have the Seer on board with them. Her name is Carrie also. :smalltongue:

Both will receive a PM stating "You are Carrie. Each night, you can choose one player to scry. Unless there is interference, you will get a result back the next morning. Or you could just be a girl named Carrie on a Micro-Bus that's really, really high." Or something like that.

2018-04-10, 06:33 PM
Handle: Airship.
Vehicle: A giant hot air balloon, but for some reason it drives rather than flying.
Cargo: Smoke.

2018-04-10, 08:18 PM
Handle: Big Bird
Vehicle: Standard semi-truck with phoenix painted on the cab and chicken-cage trailer
Cargo: An extensive variety of birds

Rain Dragon
2018-04-12, 01:41 AM
But space was my schtick!
This should in no way be construed as whining. I was making what passes for a joke.

Oh, it's ok, probably!
Space is very big, I'll just fly through it unseen and nobody will know.

* Paints vehicle space coloured camouflage *
I didn't see it as whining, it's all good. I'm going along with the joke.

2018-04-12, 11:34 PM
(Note: Some stylistic changes have been made to the roles. But they are basically the same.)

Day 0

Big and Little Enos have hired the Bandit and the Snowman to make a run to Texanrkana, Texas; where they will pick up a shipment of Coors and run it back to Atlanta, Georgia in time for their driver to win the Southern Classic stockcar race.

They have 28 hours to get this done. Can they do it??

Day 1 Begins
(And will end in 48 hours)

2018-04-12, 11:59 PM

Hey Kish!
I'm voting for you because I'm really glad to see you again! I've missed you since the last game we were in. So I voted to have you murdered. Like a friend might.

2018-04-13, 12:56 AM
Well, I just can't not follow logic like that now can I Xihirli? :smallsmile:

2018-04-13, 01:05 AM
Cuthalion, you still haven’t given a handle, truck, or cargo. Care to change that?

Rain Dragon
2018-04-13, 01:18 AM
I'm going to randomly vote for Requilac while I can.

2018-04-13, 01:24 AM
Deathslayer7. Them meddling kids - and their stupid dog - are usually working with the Smokies wherever they go. Also they keep damaging my masks when they pull 'em off folks like that.

2018-04-13, 02:06 AM
Deathslayer7. Them meddling kids - and their stupid dog - are usually working with the Smokies wherever they go. Also they keep damaging my masks when they pull 'em off folks like that.

I resent the “stupid dog” comment.

2018-04-13, 02:07 AM
Well, I just can't not follow logic like that now can I Xihirli? :smallsmile:

Ramsus for making so very, very tempted to make another bad Logic pun...:smalltongue:

2018-04-13, 03:06 AM
“Breaker breaker, Suicide Dog here. Anyone copy?”

2018-04-13, 03:42 AM
Kgato hasn't had a vote yet, poor critter.

2018-04-13, 06:25 AM
“Breaker breaker, Suicide Dog here. Anyone copy?”

"I copy. What's up dawgdog?"

2018-04-13, 08:42 AM
I vote for rakkoon He doesn't have a handle, truck or anything.

2018-04-13, 09:04 AM
Nice, clear weather. Perfect for an eye in the sky.

Not so perfect for a Rain Dragon, however.

(Hello all. Glad to be here again.)

2018-04-13, 09:16 AM
I vote for rakkoon He doesn't have a handle, truck or anything.

Handle: Big Rak
Vehicle: Red Optimus Prime
Cargo: Corn baby...just corn

I vote Extrail for missing details.

2018-04-13, 09:20 AM
"About mah corn..."
Ah, what Logic said.

2018-04-13, 10:00 AM
"I copy. What's up dawgdog?"

You are supposed to start this with "It smells like updog in here."

2018-04-13, 01:33 PM
"I copy. What's up dawgdog?"

“Just got passed by like 5 bears. Think there’s a bear cave nearby.”

2018-04-13, 02:16 PM

"Bears won't hurt you if you don't hurt them. Just keep your rubber up and your metal down and you'll be sailin' smooth."

2018-04-13, 02:42 PM
The rabid goat

I think them smokey’s got a bear with ears somewhere round here. They might also have a bear with eyes... a bear with really good optics* one might say. Optics, you also claim to have a cargo hold full of scout helicopters. May I ask why you seem to have such a strong intent to spy on us?

*Optics is the handle for Murska

2018-04-13, 04:26 PM
Milky Way

"Milky Way here. Youre right, that sounds really suspicious. Why would anyone transport things that can fly anyway? THat Guy (Murska) could be a Bear alright...."

2018-04-13, 11:38 PM
(Or we could not lynch Murska d1 since that happens like 50% of the time anyways)

- - - Updated - - -

Hey Lex are roles revealed on death? Also, will the seer/fool show up as who they actually are?

2018-04-14, 06:16 AM
(Or we could not lynch Murska d1 since that happens like 50% of the time anyways)

In all defense, How was I supposed to know that, this is my second game of WW on this forum. I saw the joke in the chat thread with “The Murska Constant”, but I didn’t have any idea how accurate that was.

2018-04-14, 01:51 PM
Optics on and in the air.

"Sure, I like keeping an eye on things. That don't make me no bear. I did my time in 'Nam and don't like the idea of some no-good sneaking up on me, okay? We got people carrying some fancy space ships and you get all on my case for my birds, come on man."

2018-04-14, 02:53 PM

"On. We all know these are props, theres no such thing as a real spaceship. But your scout helis...they sure seem real enough, no? Maybe you`re no bear, but who knows?"

2018-04-14, 04:15 PM
"Snow knows. I've been around for most of the decade, kept folks from running into too much trouble many times. Any trucker who's been driving these lanes for any time can tell as much."

2018-04-14, 04:18 PM
I suspect Logic will not guide us here.

2018-04-14, 04:42 PM
I suspect Logic will not guide us here.
There's the pun as a vote.

How you doin', Airship?

2018-04-14, 05:31 PM
Optics on and in the air.

"Sure, I like keeping an eye on things. That don't make me no bear. I did my time in 'Nam and don't like the idea of some no-good sneaking up on me, okay? We got people carrying some fancy space ships and you get all on my case for my birds, come on man."

Them no-wheeling flyers aren't spyin' tech like your scout copters are. But when Starksy and Hutch are keeping an eye on us, I find it awful strange' how ya be using the exact same stuff them smokeys use. That aint' no coincidence.

"Snow knows. I've been around for most of the decade, kept folks from running into too much trouble many times. Any trucker who's been driving these lanes for any time can tell as much."

I don't exactly see the snowman comin' out an trying to save you. If he knows, I do wonder why no one is coming to aid you, eh?

2018-04-14, 06:25 PM
As I rather not lynch Murska and he's in the lead, let's go with Kish.

Mystery Machine

A random voice interrupts the flow of conversation.
Hey guys, like does anyone have any food? I'm starving!
Me too!
Shaggy! Scooby! How many times do I have to tell you!? The radio isn't used for personal needs!
Let them have their fun, just don't tell them that the Scooby snacks are missing Fred.
If I find out who stole those Scooby Snacks, you are in a world of hurt! Dean out!

2018-04-14, 07:44 PM
In all defense, How was I supposed to know that, this is my second game of WW on this forum. I saw the joke in the chat thread with “The Murska Constant”, but I didn’t have any idea how accurate that was.

I’m sorry if you thought I was mad at you; I wasn’t. I probably could have phrased that better and am sorry.

2018-04-14, 09:04 PM
Gray Death seems a bit hasty with the Murska-votin'.

As regards the rest, my handle is my Reputation, my truck is my Willpower, and my cargo is time itself. Because why not? :smallconfused:

2018-04-14, 09:11 PM
I’m sorry if you thought I was mad at you; I wasn’t. I probably could have phrased that better and am sorry.

Oh I didn’t think you were mad, no need to apologize. I was just clarifying myself, that is all.

2018-04-15, 01:45 AM
Kish as a counter wagon? Why not. Never voted for Kish before...feels tingly.

Rain Dragon
2018-04-15, 04:07 AM
I'll change my vote to Kgato as (unless I missed it) they haven't posted yet and is one of the people with a vote.

2018-04-15, 05:33 AM
I don't exactly see the snowman comin' out an trying to save you. If he knows, I do wonder why no one is coming to aid you, eh?

Optics very smugly points at a significant number of people coming out trying to save him.

((Kgato to start with, I'll swap if they post something reasonable.))

2018-04-15, 08:57 AM
Hey Lex are roles revealed on death? Also, will the seer/fool show up as who they actually are?
Roles are revealed upon death. Seer/Fool shows up as Seer/Fool when the first one dies. When the second one dies, their roles are clarified. Perhaps I should put this in my list of rules. :smallsmile:

​Day Ends in 12 hours! ish

2018-04-15, 12:36 PM
Kish for the sake of a counterwagon seems fishy to me. I’ll keep up the pressure on Murska.

2018-04-15, 08:32 PM
I'll vote Kish, because I want to pick a random person out of the ones being voted for already.

2018-04-15, 08:57 PM
Do not vote for Kish.

I am a Mason.

2018-04-15, 09:09 PM
Sorry I'm late to the party!

I'll vote Murska

2018-04-15, 09:17 PM
I'll vote murska because i'll trust xihirli for now.

2018-04-15, 11:26 PM
Okay okay. Murska

Rain Dragon
2018-04-16, 05:23 AM
So, mason claim and mason says no lynching Kish, gotcha.
But even so it seems like the Murska wagon is a landslide.
I don't see another alternative atm so I'll stay voting for Kgato, I guess? I won't be able to switch last second at this point.

What do people think about this easy Murska wagon? (Or am i being paranoid? vov)

2018-04-16, 05:38 AM
Hm. Best just have Kish claim instead of two of you.

Oh well. I'd rather not die immediately. Any chance I might interest you in the counterwagon on kgato?

EDIT: not enough time.

I am a Seer/Fool. Don't lynch me.

2018-04-16, 05:52 AM
Hm. Best just have Kish claim instead of two of you.

Oh well. I'd rather not die immediately. Any chance I might interest you in the counterwagon on kgato?

EDIT: not enough time.

I am a Seer/Fool. Don't lynch me.

Do you have any proof that you are the Carrie?

2018-04-16, 07:01 AM
Everyone off Murska until he's counterclaimed, if you have the time.

Any objections to killing GrayDeath?

2018-04-16, 07:16 AM
Kish says Gray Death, so why not?

That is, unless Gray Death has a claim to make.

2018-04-16, 07:17 AM
Sheesh, back to kgato then?
Either there are too many people outing themselves and making it easier for the wolves or people are lying.
Cool first day though...

2018-04-16, 08:12 AM
kgato i'm an idiot, but yeah kgato

2018-04-16, 10:26 AM
Do you have any proof that you are the Carrie?

No. How would I? Haven't had a single night to snoop around yet.

2018-04-16, 10:27 AM
Do you have any proof that you are the Carrie?

It’s day 1. There’s no way to have proof.

Also, I’d like to apologize to everyone. My manager had me work from open to close the last 2 days. That didn’t leave me any time to check the forum. Kgato to not lynch a seer or a mason.

2018-04-16, 10:34 AM
Kgato. Don't particularly want to lynch any claims.

2018-04-16, 11:20 AM
kgato either he's a fool or lying to us, either way that will only solidify our knowledge about him. So I'll vote for Kato sure
Wait, what? What are you saying kgato is lying about?

- - - Updated - - -

I would prefer killing GrayDeath to killing kgato, for whatever anyone considers my opinion worth.

2018-04-16, 11:26 AM
Do not vote for Kish.

I am a Mason.

I don't like this. Why would you do this? You now outed two masons instead of just one. You should have had Kish claim.

Gray Death

2018-04-16, 12:59 PM
And after that see through and/or false claim, you switch to voting for me?

I dont see any logic in that, but thena gain, its Murska. he has more experience with these things than any 3 others combined.....

Also: Keeping my vote as-is.

2018-04-16, 01:22 PM
Yes because I rather not lynch someone who claimed when it might be true.

2018-04-16, 04:04 PM
kgato then

2018-04-16, 04:17 PM
I don't like this. Why would you do this? You now outed two masons instead of just one. You should have had Kish claim.

Gray Death

Because the day was supposed to end several minutes before I claimed and I didn't know how long I had.

2018-04-16, 06:13 PM
And after that see through and/or false claim, you switch to voting for me?

I dont see any logic in that, but thena gain, its Murska. he has more experience with these things than any 3 others combined.....

Also: Keeping my vote as-is.

Continuing to vote for a seer claim? That's bad enough normally. I mean, yeah it could be a fake claim, but you don't lynch a possible fake claim, you wait for some evidence while keeping an eye on them. Especially since we have two mason claims. Seriously, one of Xihirli or Kish will likely die tonight, and so tomorrow the power roles claim to the survivor. Two seer/fool claims means Murska is almost certainly telling the truth, three means we have a fake claim and the masons can work out who it is.

Rain Dragon
2018-04-16, 06:13 PM
Wait, what? What are you saying kgato is lying about?

- - - Updated - - -

I would prefer killing GrayDeath to killing kgato, for whatever anyone considers my opinion worth.

Pretty sure the 'he' in that post was referring to Murska rather than Kgato.

Why would you prefer Gray to Kgato?

And after that see through and/or false claim, you switch to voting for me?

I dont see any logic in that, but thena gain, its Murska. he has more experience with these things than any 3 others combined.....

Also: Keeping my vote as-is.

I'm not sure you can say that first with any certainty unless of course you're one of those bears.

The logic for not lynching claims D1 (or most times for that matter) is for one we're potentially doing the wolves' work for them now and for two the way I see it, aside from yourself you know zero about everyone. A claim is at least something and if it's really false it's easier to find out the claimant is a wolf than anyone who we know zero about.

I feel uneasy about this post.
I'll change to Gray Death as well.

2018-04-16, 06:31 PM
Why would you prefer Gray to Kgato?

Gray's keeping his vote on a Seer claim.

2018-04-16, 06:40 PM
Gray's keeping his vote on a Seer claim.

So am I, but you didn't exactly all jump to lynch me.

2018-04-16, 06:47 PM
So am I, but you didn't exactly all jump to lynch me.
You're new. And there were no votes on you, so trying to start a wagon on you at thedaymightendatanytime o'clock seemed unappealing to me.

Those are the only reasons I have for preferring Gray Death as a target to you.

2018-04-16, 07:06 PM
I come back into the thread around when I expect Day 2 to be starting, except Day 1 is still going and has turned into a ****-show. If it weren't for the fact that Kish seems to have confirmed it, I would've assumed that Xihirli claiming mason was troll-ish at best and bear-ish at worst, especially considering this little gem:

"Bears won't hurt you if you don't hurt them."

But with confirmation, that just means we've either got two confirmed masons, or two confirmed wolves, and how things go tonight/tomorrow will make networking...interesting for the rest of the game. Also, I have no idea why we're even considering lynching a seer claim to test whether its true or not. Nothing is more emblematic of WW play on this forum than Murska claiming seer D1 and getting lynched anyway.

changing my vote to GrayDeath because I'd at least like the chance to actually test this seer-claim.

2018-04-16, 07:13 PM
It would probably be a good idea for town power roles to PM Xihirli so that she can set up a network QT, before inevitably getting killed sometime in the next three nights.

No offense, Murska, but I hope you're Lisette, 'cause unless the Bandit (who is not me) is on the ball I think you're dying tonight.

2018-04-16, 07:29 PM
Nothing is more emblematic of WW play on this forum than Murska claiming seer D1 and getting lynched anyway.

But he could be a wolf! Are you willing to take the chance of a Murska-wolf just because he could be the seer?

2018-04-16, 07:36 PM
well better make sure they don't die with the bandwagon on gray death

2018-04-16, 08:14 PM
But he could be a wolf! Are you willing to take the chance of a Murska-wolf just because he could be the seer?

Are you willing to give up a chance at a Murska-seer just because he could be a wolf? A bit more seriously, I'm not arguing that he's absolutely a seer or that he's absolutely a wolf, I'm just saying that the way to test a seer isn't lynching them. Even if they're Murska.

2018-04-16, 08:45 PM
Are you willing to give up a chance at a Murska-seer just because he could be a wolf? A bit more seriously, I'm not arguing that he's absolutely a seer or that he's absolutely a wolf, I'm just saying that the way to test a seer isn't lynching them. Even if they're Murska.

Bah, everybody knows there is no such thing as a Murska-seer. He is always a wolf, that's just one of the fundamental laws of physics.

By the way, just in case not everyone has figured this out: I am 100% joking.


Continuing to vote for a seer claim? That's bad enough normally. I mean, yeah it could be a fake claim, but you don't lynch a possible fake claim, you wait for some evidence while keeping an eye on them. Especially since we have two mason claims. Seriously, one of Xihirli or Kish will likely die tonight, and so tomorrow the power roles claim to the survivor. Two seer/fool claims means Murska is almost certainly telling the truth, three means we have a fake claim and the masons can work out who it is.

2018-04-16, 09:47 PM
Hello people. Sorry for the delay. Lost power yesterday, and once I got that back sometime this morning, found I had no internet. Posting from phone, which I don't enjoy.

Ending Day now. When I get a new modem, I will write up a narration, and begin the night phase.

Again, sorry. This is not how I wanted to start my first game back. 😔

2018-04-16, 10:12 PM
Hello people. Sorry for the delay. Lost power yesterday, and once I got that back sometime this morning, found I had no internet. Posting from phone, which I don't enjoy.

Ending Day now. When I get a new modem, I will write up a narration, and begin the night phase.

Again, sorry. This is not how I wanted to start my first game back. 😔

Take your time, Lex. Life happens. This is just a game, after all.

2018-04-17, 05:19 AM
Hello people. Sorry for the delay. Lost power yesterday, and once I got that back sometime this morning, found I had no internet. Posting from phone, which I don't enjoy.

Ending Day now. When I get a new modem, I will write up a narration, and begin the night phase.

Again, sorry. This is not how I wanted to start my first game back. 😔

Oh that’s perfectly fine. We have been entertaining ourselves quite well in the meantime you must admit.

2018-04-17, 05:34 AM
I may be a wolf. But I am no bear.

2018-04-17, 12:09 PM
So am I, but you didn't exactly all jump to lynch me.


But I am used to being targetted by now once I do not instantly do what most do, change my vote ond ay one + times.

Honestly, all that claimless discussion leading to many votes for me is typical for the part of WW Type Games I dont like very much. Swingy bandwagoning and wierd argumentation.

Ah well, who knows, mahap the tune will change once you see who/what I was/am.....^^^

@ Lex: Happened to me 6 weeks ago. lets hope your ISP does not use snail mail.
Good luck!

I may be a wolf. But I am no bear.

I may be grey, but I`m not a Wolf. ^^

2018-04-17, 12:46 PM
it’s all good Lex, things happen.

2018-04-17, 02:18 PM
Okay, I just got back and realized a lot happened when I thought the day had ended. I crossed out my vote, then realized the day has actually ended now, so I'm kind of not voting for anyone ATM. Sorry.

2018-04-18, 11:50 PM
{Duck, I counted your vote for sake of the Autolynch count.}

Day 1

Kathrine Gato, known to most of the truckers who pull up to her highway dive as "Sugar Bear" looked out from her booth, and saw three bears heading West on I-20. She went into the back and listened in on her interceptor, they was setting up a roadblock. Something about catching themselves...

"Hey out there, this is Sugar Bear, you hearin' me? There's a bear trap being set on Westbound on I-twenty, just outside of Atlanta. You boys, and girls, may want to find yourselves a way around it, hear?"

After repeating the warning a second time, Katharine got up and walked back out. Standing next to the counter, a not-so-friendly fuzzy stood waiting for her. "Aww, crapola." she says, then turns around to await her knew bracelets.

"Sugar Bear", the Waitress and Mason.

Outside of the Honey Pit bar 'n' grill, Kurt "Big Cat" Gato stood outside of his big red rig. He was just pulling in to see his sister, when he heard her call over the radio. Not too soon after the first call, a smokey sped past him, pulling up to the restaurant, and quickly making his way inside. Knowing there was trouble, Big Cat made his way inside. "Get your paws off my sister." he demanded.

Sugar Bear turns at the familiar voice, "Stay back, Kurt. He ain't gonna hurt me. We don't need no more trouble, hear? I'll be okay."

The deputy, knowing Big Cat's reputation, waits patiently for the man's response, thankful that he can hide the fear in his eyes behind a pair of shades.

Reluctantly, Big Cat steps back, and causes no trouble as the deputy takes his sister downtown.

Night 1 Begins
(And will end in 24 hours)


Big Cat
Asserted Pet Toys
Day 1
"Sugar Bear" Mason


Wayward Son
Load of 1967 Chevy Impalas

The Rabid Goat
Goats, Rabies Vaccines, and/or the Crown Jewels of England

Suicide Dog

"Time itself, because why not?"

Primal Dan
Halloween Masks

Milky Way
25,000 Liters of Milk

Pixie-Baked Cakes

The Mystery Machine
The Gang, plus Sam and Dean

Big Bird
Extensive Variety of Birds


Big Rak
"Corn baby... just corn"

Little Plastic Spaceship Toys

Rubber Ducks

Fully functional MH-6 Little Bird scout helicopter

Rain Dragon
Rain Dragon
Assorted Parcels of Random Stuff.

The Dragon Master
Roleplaying games, paraphernalia, and dragon related pieces Of all uses.

2018-04-19, 12:26 AM
Power Roles, please PM me and Kish tonight.

I'll give you a cake?

2018-04-19, 12:32 AM
Wait, that's not right. kgato didn't have the most votes...like, not even close... >.<

2018-04-19, 12:46 AM
Yeah. We're going to have to investigate that once we get some power roles. Maybe the Neutral has Day-Powers.

2018-04-19, 12:47 AM
Wow, we still killed a Mason...damn.

2018-04-19, 02:33 AM
I’m skeptical about Xihirli and Kish. They could be wolves just trying to figure out who to nightkill.

2018-04-19, 02:56 AM
I’m skeptical about Xihirli and Kish. They could be wolves just trying to figure out who to nightkill.

I suspect we would have had a counter-claim. If we're paranoid, it might not be a bad idea to wait for day (I'm guessing one of them is dead tonight)

2018-04-19, 07:54 AM
I’m skeptical about Xihirli and Kish. They could be wolves just trying to figure out who to nightkill.

I suspect we would have had a counter-claim. If we're paranoid, it might not be a bad idea to wait for day (I'm guessing one of them is dead tonight)

I gotta agree with Aventine: we know from the death reveal that there are masons, and no one claimed that Xihirli was lying. The chances of Xihirli!wolfbear lying about being a mason and not being counterclaimed by the "real" masons is low. Allowing a wolf to lie about being a mason uncontested is a very bad play for the masons. Until we have a really good reason to think otherwise, we should accept that Xihirli is a mason.

Including someone double-voting *cough*Cuth*cough*, my count had GrayDeath at 8, Kgato at 4, Murska at 3, and Xihirli and Kish each at 1. I counted Duck's vote because he hadn't crossed it out at EOD.

2018-04-19, 09:08 AM
We're allowed to talk at night?

Well, then, I'm skeptical about BasketOfPuppies; it should be clear now why I wanted people to switch off kgato.

2018-04-19, 01:48 PM
We're allowed to talk at night?

Well, then, I'm skeptical about BasketOfPuppies; it should be clear now why I wanted people to switch off kgato.

It’s clear now but wasn’t then, at least not for me. Besides, kgato didn’t have a majority of votes.

Rain Dragon
2018-04-19, 06:56 PM
How do Alphas usually work?
It might be reasonable to strongly suspect Grey Death is the Alpha with that result.

2018-04-19, 08:04 PM
How do Alphas usually work?
It might be reasonable to strongly suspect Grey Death is the Alpha with that result.

From what I've seen previously, Alphas are either difficult to scry accurately, difficult to lynch, or (in some cases) both. However, regardless of whether the Alpha in this game is difficult to scry or not, the first post in the thread seems to indicate they've got a measure of protection from the lynch:

Sheriff Buford T. Justice - (Alpha Smokey) His idiot son's bride just ran off with a Sumbitch, and he's determined to get him. Needs 50% vote to be lynched.

It's possible that could mean "the alpha is only lynched if at least half the votes cast are for the alpha"; it could also mean "the alpha is only lynched if they receive a number of votes equal to at least half the number of currently living players", which is slightly more problematic. Based on Logic's quick vote count, though, either of those rules would mean that (if GrayDeath was the Alpha) that he wouldn't get lynched (8 votes for GreyDeath isn't half of all players or half of the voting players).

2018-04-19, 08:45 PM
I'd guess 50% of living players rather than 50% of votes. Sometimes games will have day end when someone has votes from at least 50% of living players, this seems like a twist on that idea.

But yeah, my money's on Grey Death as alpha

2018-04-19, 11:43 PM
Fu.... dge!!! :mad: I don't know why, but I fixated on kgato and killed them, instead of GrayDeath. I only admit this, as it is a major eff-up on my part, and doing so has completely skewed the game.

Any suggestions on how to fix this? Continue on? Start over?

Game on hold while this is discussed. :smallsigh: ​Pixie has gotten rusty in narrating.

2018-04-19, 11:49 PM
Ah, yikes.

Hm. Considering it's only Night One, starting over sounds like the best choice to me.

2018-04-20, 12:02 AM
Yeah learning another mason changes quite a bit even if we just swap them. Seems to me that starting over would work.

Too bad, too. I hadn't been a mason before.

2018-04-20, 12:12 AM
Starting over is probably the best solution, yeah.

2018-04-20, 01:23 AM
Sounds good to me.

2018-04-20, 03:07 AM
I'm okay with that, I guess. Probably was the Fool anyway.

2018-04-20, 09:15 AM
I'm okay too

2018-04-20, 10:59 AM
Start over.

@Murska- betcha I was the fool!

2018-04-20, 11:44 AM
Yeah sure, reboot!

2018-04-20, 01:57 PM
I am fine with restarting.

Just another note, I was just a normal trucker, and I actually noticed that Graydeath had to be sheriff justice for him to not be lynched after receiving 8 votes. I wanted to wait for the day phase to say it though because if I had said it during the night I was afraid the beats would have night-killed me.

2018-04-20, 02:02 PM
I was just a normal trucker, [...]I was afraid the beats would have night-killed me.
Wouldn't throwing yourself in the way of the night-kill have been better than letting them use it on a power role or a mason? You win if your team wins, not if you stay alive long enough to get killed when the wolves win.

2018-04-20, 02:15 PM
Wouldn't throwing yourself in the way of the night-kill have been better than letting them use it on a power role or a mason? You win if your team wins, not if you stay alive long enough to get killed when the wolves win.

Good points, I wasn’t really considering that at the time really. I guess it was rather selfish of me, wasn’t it? I am sorry, I guess I was more or less running on first instinct than on any actual logic based decision. I will ensure that I watch myself for this sort of thing in the future.

2018-04-20, 02:20 PM
Good points, I wasn’t really considering that at the time really. I guess it was rather selfish of me, wasn’t it? I am sorry, I guess I was more or less running on first instinct than on any actual logic based decision. I will ensure that I watch myself for this sort of thing in the future.

It’s all good. We aren’t that competitive here, and you’re pretty new.

2018-04-20, 02:57 PM
Good points, I wasn’t really considering that at the time really. I guess it was rather selfish of me, wasn’t it? I am sorry, I guess I was more or less running on first instinct than on any actual logic based decision. I will ensure that I watch myself for this sort of thing in the future.
It's ok, you probably should base decisions on me anyway. :smalltongue:

2018-04-20, 08:37 PM
Can I ask that the wolves be randomized rather than waiting for the sheriff to pick them again?

Rain Dragon
2018-04-20, 09:46 PM
I'm alright with starting again too.
Bet it won't go as well for me. XP

Re earlier - With this D1 there was no way anyone but one of those three power roles would get lynched and discussion like the one about the alpha wouldn't hurt town imo (unless it's driven largely by wolves and we all think they're super cool and towny as a result, but they'd be losing an alpha anyway).

2018-04-20, 11:24 PM
Okay. Roles, ALL roles, have been randomized. PMs will be sent in moments.

I would prefer no one mention what their previous roles were, at least until the end of the game. Thank you. :smallsmile:

- - - Updated - - -

(Note: The Restart!)

Day 0

Big and Little Enos have hired the Bandit and the Snowman to make a run to Texanrkana, Texas; where they will pick up a shipment of Coors and run it back to Atlanta, Georgia in time for their driver to win the Southern Classic stockcar race.

They have 28 hours to get this done. Can they do it??

Day 1 Begins
(And will end in 48 hours.)

2018-04-21, 02:43 AM
Rain Dragon for a vote that definitely will be struck through later.

2018-04-21, 02:56 AM
It's ok, you probably should base decisions on me anyway. :smalltongue:

Well jeez, if even you're gonna do it, you logically can't complain about my bad pun.

Rain Dragon
2018-04-21, 02:58 AM
Ok. /waves to Basket of Puppies

I'll vote randonly for now for Aventine.

2018-04-21, 03:23 AM
Eeny meeny miney Murska

2018-04-21, 03:56 AM
Eeny meeny miney Murska

And this is how long it took for you to forget our brotherhood and unity? AvatarVecna, you cad!

2018-04-21, 04:11 AM
*rolls* Rain Dragon for a vote that might not be struck through later?

2018-04-21, 06:35 AM
Hmm, so let’s see, another Lynch choice based around an arbitrary decision of what their cargo is... hmm...

So, Primal Dan (AvatarVecna), you got a hold full of Halloween masks don’t ya? Why do you want to disguise who you really are so much? Is there something you have to explain to us, AvatarVecna? What exactly do you not want us know about you? If we unmask you, us meddling kids and our dog, will we uncover a bear?

2018-04-21, 08:32 AM
BasketofPuppies, why not.

2018-04-21, 08:55 AM
Extrail because that is where my first vote was in the previous day 1.

2018-04-21, 09:05 AM
Question Asked: "Does the Alpha require 50% of the Actual Votes, or Possible Votes, to be lynched?"

Narrator's Answer: Actual Votes.

2018-04-21, 11:10 AM
BasketofPuppies, why not.

Kish, why.

2018-04-21, 11:20 AM
Well, now I cans ay that I was -redacted- (or imagined I was at least), and the fact that once again all people jumped to lynch me...ah well^^

@ Topic:

Milkyway here. I found an old Rule book that siad to let dice decide everything. Cals itself D6. So I rolled some, and they said I should be wary of AvatarVecna. Weirder stuff has happened with Bears, no?

2018-04-21, 03:25 PM
I would prefer no one mention what their previous roles were, at least until the end of the game. Thank you. :smallsmile:

GrayDeath listen to Lex.

2018-04-21, 07:42 PM
Putting pressure on Cuthalion.

Rain Dragon
2018-04-21, 09:11 PM
Just wondering, why are you pressuring Cuth?

2018-04-21, 10:24 PM
Duck999 for no particular reason.

2018-04-21, 10:44 PM
Day one random pressure to try to get something isn't a bad idea, but I'm not sure you can call one vote "pressure" when AvatarVecna has 3 and Rain Dragon has 2 :smalltongue:

2018-04-21, 11:30 PM
I had planned to add a pressure vote to Cuth if he didn't respond to the championship nomination.

Rain Dragon
2018-04-22, 12:50 AM
Going to switch to Extrail for now bc there's already a vote there and I haven't seen them post yet today.

Day one random pressure to try to get something isn't a bad idea, but I'm not sure you can call one vote "pressure" when AvatarVecna has 3 and Rain Dragon has 2 :smalltongue:

That was part of why I was asking. =p

I had planned to add a pressure vote to Cuth if he didn't respond to the championship nomination.

Seems meta.

2018-04-22, 03:26 AM
graydeath and I'm going to try and be less wishy washy than in the previous incarnation of this game.

2018-04-22, 08:01 AM
GrayDeath listen to Lex.

I`m sorry, somehow overlooked that.....:(

2018-04-22, 08:30 AM
Just wondering, why are you pressuring Cuth?

With this game, one vote can start a rock slide. At the time, they had not responded since the restart, and it seemed like a good idea to see what they might do. I never said it was a lot of pressure.

2018-04-22, 10:11 AM
Let's go with GrayDeath

2018-04-22, 01:56 PM
I`m sorry, somehow overlooked that.....:(
It's okay. It wasn't a command, just a request. :smallsmile:

2018-04-22, 02:15 PM
Graydeath yeah let's kill him

2018-04-22, 02:24 PM
@ Lex-kat

You mentioned in the roles section that one of the normal truckers is actually the snowman. May I ask what precisely the snowman can do that is different than normal? You wouldn’t specifically point out that one of the average truckers was the snowman if it didn’t actually matter, right?

Rain Dragon
2018-04-22, 06:26 PM
With this game, one vote can start a rock slide. At the time, they had not responded since the restart, and it seemed like a good idea to see what they might do. I never said it was a lot of pressure.

Thanks. I didn't mean to sound like I was criticizing you just looking for stuff to discuss. The more people talk about stuff the harder it can be for the wolves. ^.^

Graydeath yeah let's kill him

Woah, bloodthirsty.

@ Lex-kat

You mentioned in the roles section that one of the normal truckers is actually the snowman. May I ask what precisely the snowman can do that is different than normal? You wouldn’t specifically point out that one of the average truckers was the snowman if it didn’t actually matter, right?

Not Lex but it's possible it's flavour, not sure if it counts as mattering or not.

Also, it's possible the villagers might know more about it as well as they're under the same role.

2018-04-22, 06:41 PM
Graydeath yeah let's kill him

Woah, bloodthirsty.

Too bloodthirsty, Extrail.

2018-04-22, 07:39 PM
@ Lex-kat

You mentioned in the roles section that one of the normal truckers is actually the snowman. May I ask what precisely the snowman can do that is different than normal? You wouldn’t specifically point out that one of the average truckers was the snowman if it didn’t actually matter, right?

Again, not Lex-kat, but here is my two bits.

I was under the impression that killing the Snowman meant an auto-win for the Bears. Which would probably mean that we should be careful with the lynchings beatings. It would be bad if we accidentally beat up Snowman by mistake.

2018-04-22, 09:20 PM
Again, not Lex-kat, but here is my two bits.

I was under the impression that killing the Snowman meant an auto-win for the Bears. Which would probably mean that we should be careful with the lynchings beatings. It would be bad if we accidentally beat up Snowman by mistake.

That would be a pretty crazy rule, especially since it's not stated anywhere. I'd treat lynches normally.

2018-04-22, 09:30 PM
Snowman is just flavoring. Whoever the Snowman is, they are important only in that they will be hauling the cargo. If they die, the game isn't over, but the story will change. Of course, I could be misleading you all, and there is something special I have in mind for the Snowman. :smallwink: Or I could be lying about that as well. :smalleek:

2018-04-22, 09:49 PM
You could be lying that you could be lying? Pretty sure that's a paradox.

2018-04-22, 10:19 PM
Graydeath yeah let's kill him

This seems too eager.

2018-04-23, 01:15 AM
With this game, one vote can start a rock slide. At the time, they had not responded since the restart, and it seemed like a good idea to see what they might do. I never said it was a lot of pressure.

I'm sorry, but. Just want to clarify, you're suggesting that one vote could cause some reaction by other forces in the game, whether myself or not, and thus cause good results?

I think your reasoning is fine and don't mind the pressure whatsoever, just want to make sure I understand you and can take that into the context of this game in general.

2018-04-23, 01:15 AM
That would be a pretty crazy rule, especially since it's not stated anywhere. I'd treat lynches normally.

Welp, shows what I know :smalltongue:.

This seems too eager.

A few people have made that observation. Extail, any explanation for the Day One bloodlust?

2018-04-23, 01:30 AM
A few people have made that observation. Extail, any explanation for the Day One bloodlust?

BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, SKULLS FOR THE SKU...I mean...uhhh...yes, I am a normal villager typing on my villager computer and driving my villager truck with my villager hands.

2018-04-23, 03:34 AM
Switching to Extrail. We're truckers, not murderers, we were just gonna beat people up so they couldn't mess with us. :smalleek:

2018-04-23, 11:57 AM
I don't feel great about the votes of the people who agreed with me on Graydeath but I see Extrail's vote as more "newbie" than "bearwolf."

2018-04-23, 12:08 PM
Seems meta.
Sometimes, meta is the goal.

I stick by my Extrail vote from earlier, but I am inclined to agree with Xihirli: it looks more newbish than opportunist. I am willing to switch off if Extrail shows up to defend themselves.

2018-04-23, 12:10 PM
GrayDeath listen to Lex.

If you mean this that's not why I voted for him. I voted because avatar had three quick votes on them and graydeath happened to be the third voter on it. He also happened to already have two votes on him so I tied it up at the time.

2018-04-23, 12:35 PM
I meant the bloodthirsty bit.

2018-04-23, 01:03 PM
I defend myself, i just jumped on a bandwagon with no idea what's happening, and trusting that the likelihood of picking a wolf is highly unlikely regardless of the choice i pick. So i decided to pick the guy who we decided to pick on last runaround.

Rain Dragon
2018-04-23, 06:37 PM
Too bloodthirsty, Extrail.

I was just kidding about the bloodthirsty and the meta comments; probably shouldn't have included them.
It seemed in line with the normal game of WW where the theme is often we're a mob blindly trying to kill murdery mafia or werewolves before they murder all of us. Unrelated to this game but it's significantly less murdery, huh.

I dunno, this vote seems easy and I haven't seen Duck post anything else yet.

I don't feel great about the votes of the people who agreed with me on Graydeath but I see Extrail's vote as more "newbie" than "bearwolf."

I agree with this.
In addition, I don't think lynching Graydeath for not noticing or forgetting about a request from the narrator is better than a random lynching. That being said, Deathslayer7 has a good point about the AV wagon.

For the moment because the two wagons are close by my count (4 each, right?) I'll keep my vote as is but should be around to switch if needs be.

I defend myself, i just jumped on a bandwagon with no idea what's happening, and trusting that the likelihood of picking a wolf is highly unlikely regardless of the choice i pick. So i decided to pick the guy who we decided to pick on last runaround.

It was essentially a different game though. And that wagon picked up steam after at least one claim and was pretty unstoppable after and because of the seer claim. We have none of that going on this game for now, but I've definitely seen successful D1 wolf lynches and not just through RNG.

2018-04-23, 08:18 PM
I wholeheartedly agree and don’t expect to keep my vote on Graydeath all day.

2018-04-23, 10:51 PM
Day 1 Over. Narration to come.

2018-04-23, 11:01 PM
I'm sorry, but. Just want to clarify, you're suggesting that one vote could cause some reaction by other forces in the game, whether myself or not, and thus cause good results?

I think your reasoning is fine and don't mind the pressure whatsoever, just want to make sure I understand you and can take that into the context of this game in general.

I think "good" is a bit subjective. Any bandwagon starts with a single vote, or even just a comment, and then somehow gains momentum. A lot depends on context, and how things are worded. Take the number of votes on Extrail since he cast his vote. The wording of Extrail's vote was called out soon after by RainDragon (but no vote was cast for Extrail by RainDragon), and then followed by Duck999 agreeing and voting for Extrail, and now several people have agreed and voted for Extrail.

In my case, I was calling out an inactive player to show up, and was looking for their reaction. Others may have chosen, at that time, to jump onboard to target an inactive player (which I have seen happen). That would be the rock slide I was referring to. If you responded, we would have more data to work with. If a bandwagon to beat you into a pulp got rolling (and won) then you would be removed from play, and we would know what your roll was (and thus, more data, and maybe getting rid of a bear). Data is good. Getting rid of bears is good. Accidentally beating fellow truckers to a pulp, not so good.

Does that clear things up?

2018-04-23, 11:28 PM
Day 1

The pristine black truck, with 13 beautifully painted white stars on both sides of the rig, followed by a tanker trailer also a high-gloss black, with a river of milk running along the bottom of it, making most passersby suddenly thirsty for the liquid goodness inside. The driver, Grayson Dath, better known on the citizen band as "Milkyway", makes one last stop before his delivery. Driving downtown, he pulls the tractor-trailer into the parking lot of a Best Western, then does his normal routine; checking the tires, making sure the air-brakes are on, assuring that all doors and latches are shut tight and locked.

He then makes his way two blocks back the way he came, to an office building and goes inside. After waiting a half hour or so, the doctor calls him in. Grayson takes off his hat, before laying back on the couch. "Doc, I don't know why, but I recently have been feeling as if every is out to get me." He starts, and for the next 45 minutes, he talks about this and other subjects that have been on his mind for the past month.

Afterwards, he heads back to his truck, only to find it surrounded by a squad of police cars. Sighing, he pulls out his cell phone. "Uh, Jim. I can't tell you why yet, but I have a feeling I'm not going to be able to make the delivery. Yeah, I know. I'm at..." and he gives his boss the details of where the truck is parked, so someone else can finish the haul.

Grayson "Milkyway" Dath (AKA GrayDeath) is about to be taken to jail, for reasons he's not sure about. He's just a simple Trucker.

Night 1 Begins
(And will end in 24 hours)

Missed 1 Day

Missed 2 Days


25,000 Liters of Milk
Day 1


Wayward Son
Load of 1967 Chevy Impalas

Big Cat
Asserted Pet Toys

The Rabid Goat
Goats, Rabies Vaccines, and/or the Crown Jewels of England

Suicide Dog

"Time itself, because why not?"

Primal Dan
Halloween Masks

Pixie-Baked Cakes

The Mystery Machine
The Gang, plus Sam and Dean

Big Bird
Extensive Variety of Birds


Big Rak
"Corn baby... just corn"

Little Plastic Spaceship Toys

Rubber Ducks

Fully functional MH-6 Little Bird scout helicopter

Rain Dragon
Rain Dragon
Assorted Parcels of Random Stuff.

The Dragon Master
Roleplaying games, paraphernalia, and dragon related pieces Of all uses.

2018-04-24, 01:10 AM
Oh. Well forget about my vote possibly changing then.

2018-04-24, 01:09 PM
Loved that little scene, Lex! :smallcool:

Also, you see, harmless little Trucker here. Ah well, another early "Death"...one might even think my nickname is bad for WW Style Games ^^

2018-04-24, 07:07 PM
...one might even think my nickname is bad for WW Style Games ^^

It’s in a gray area.

2018-04-25, 02:01 AM
It’s in a gray area.

I say we lynch ya, just for that pun :smallwink:

2018-04-25, 03:11 AM
I say we lynch ya, just for that pun :smallwink:

Worth. whitetext

2018-04-25, 09:46 AM
I think "good" is a bit subjective. Any bandwagon starts with a single vote, or even just a comment, and then somehow gains momentum. A lot depends on context, and how things are worded. Take the number of votes on Extrail since he cast his vote. The wording of Extrail's vote was called out soon after by RainDragon (but no vote was cast for Extrail by RainDragon), and then followed by Duck999 agreeing and voting for Extrail, and now several people have agreed and voted for Extrail.

In my case, I was calling out an inactive player to show up, and was looking for their reaction. Others may have chosen, at that time, to jump onboard to target an inactive player (which I have seen happen). That would be the rock slide I was referring to. If you responded, we would have more data to work with. If a bandwagon to beat you into a pulp got rolling (and won) then you would be removed from play, and we would know what your roll was (and thus, more data, and maybe getting rid of a bear). Data is good. Getting rid of bears is good. Accidentally beating fellow truckers to a pulp, not so good.

Does that clear things up?

I like this response a lot, and it makes me feel pretty strongly about your villagerhood.

2018-04-25, 10:35 PM
Night 1

In the middle of the night, three officers of the law, crept to the motel room of a suspect with the motel manager in tow. Keys jangling, the manager was just trying to find the right key, when a black Trans-Am roared through the parking lot, drawing everyone's attention while blaring his horn.

That little distraction was all it took, and their suspect was out the window and gone.

Someone was attacked in the night by the Bears, but The Bandit distracted them, and they made a clean getaway.

Day 2 Begins
(And will end in 48 hours)

Missed 1 Day

Missed 2 Days

Auto-Lynch Replacement(s)


25,000 Liters of Milk
Day 1


Wayward Son
Load of 1967 Chevy Impalas

Big Cat
Asserted Pet Toys

The Rabid Goat
Goats, Rabies Vaccines, and/or the Crown Jewels of England

Suicide Dog

"Time itself, because why not?"

Primal Dan
Halloween Masks

Pixie-Baked Cakes

The Mystery Machine
The Gang, plus Sam and Dean

Big Bird
Extensive Variety of Birds


Big Rak
"Corn baby... just corn"

Little Plastic Spaceship Toys

Rubber Ducks

Fully functional MH-6 Little Bird scout helicopter

Rain Dragon
Rain Dragon
Assorted Parcels of Random Stuff.

The Dragon Master
Roleplaying games, paraphernalia, and dragon related pieces Of all uses.

2018-04-26, 12:28 AM
Go truckers!
logic for not switching his vote after Extrail defended themselves.

2018-04-26, 01:09 AM
I wanted to apologize for inactivity D1. The MtG Prerelease was this weekend and I signed up for some tournaments that took all day Saturday and Sunday. I should be more active now.

Also, hey Ramsus I noticed that you only posted once yesterday at the very beginning. Any reason?

2018-04-26, 03:55 AM
It was Day 1. As we really don't know much on Day 1 I didn't feel like putting much effort in. *shrug*
I'd put in a vote right now, but I'm heading off to sleep and have a headache so, not an ideal time.

2018-04-26, 08:54 AM
Good going, Baner.

This seems too eager.

Hmm. BasketofPuppies had an immediate vote to start the day and never changed it, despite clearly being around near the end with bandwagons forming (the main one of which was on an innocent). Why?

EDIT: Noted that he did sort of explain already today. He did have time to post my quote there though, so I guess I'll stay on for now.

2018-04-26, 10:49 AM
Hmm. BasketofPuppies had an immediate vote to start the day and never changed it, despite clearly being around near the end with bandwagons forming (the main one of which was on an innocent). Why?

EDIT: Noted that he did sort of explain already today. He did have time to post my quote there though, so I guess I'll stay on for now.
I was going to flag this same behavior. So far, I think this was the most suspicious post of day 1.

Rain Dragon for a vote that definitely will be struck through later.

This seems too eager.
So, Murska, I agree with you, and think BasketofPuppies has some explaining to do.


Go truckers!
logic for not switching his vote after Extrail defended themselves.

You may want to more clearly read what I wrote:

I stick by my Extrail vote from earlier, but I am inclined to agree with Xihirli: it looks more newbish than opportunist. I am willing to switch off if Extrail shows up to defend themselves.

"Willing to" is not the same as "going to." I suppose I should have said the extra caveat that the defense had to sound reasonable to me, but I thought that part was a given. I was not convinced by Extrail's defense of himself: it was not convincing that it was only from a newbie townie's perspective,m so my vote stayed put.

2018-04-26, 03:39 PM
I didn’t change my vote because I didn’t agree with any of the bandwagons. Early wagons are great ways for wolves to split the town apart and to get some free kills.

2018-04-26, 06:15 PM
I wholeheartedly agree and don’t expect to keep my vote on Graydeath all day.

I know Xihirli might have just missed when the end of the day was, but this was posted about 3 hours before the day was supposed to (and did) end. I'm not sure why you would say this without just changing votes then. For lack of anything better than this, Xihirli.

2018-04-26, 06:56 PM
Umm, I really don’t have any good idea of who to vote for. ... so, why not go for duck999? If anyone else provides a good reason for me to change my vote I shall.

2018-04-26, 07:47 PM
Hmmm... GrayDeath's death was unfortunate. From what I can tell, they got singled out due to (accidentally) ignoring Lex-kat's request about AU timeline rolls (and that is what I am going to be calling the aborted first round of this game, because why not? :smalltongue:). From there, we had Extrail's vote and remark (which spawned its own bandwagon). It makes sense that Extrail would not change their vote from Graydeath (because that would cause THEM to be taken out instead), but there were still three others who did not change their votes. Any of you want to explain your reasoning for not switching things up, especially after Lex-kat made it clear that it was not a hard and fast rule? After all, a flub like that really doesn't seem indicative of bearness one way or the other.

For the time being, I will vote rakkoon. They voted for GrayDeath, and did not change their vote after it was revealed to both be an accident, and not that big a deal. Furthermore, I feel the need to point out that they voted for another player, based on not changing a vote after the votee defended themselves (which is similar to what they (rakkoon) did).

2018-04-26, 10:02 PM
I'll vote for Requilac since we should at least try to vote non-randomly on day 2. (Though honestly yeah, I would love some good logic to vote for someone than is better than this too.)

Rain Dragon
2018-04-26, 10:59 PM
I don't have real suspects yet. I shall poke one of the quieter people for opinions. Kish

I don't think the logic on Logic is one I agree with.

In addition to what Kgato said, Rakkoon was one of the earlier ones on the Gray Death wagon and kinda soon after it started.
Murska and Logic have good points about BoP.

As for the duck vote, do you have a reason or is it random, Requilac?

2018-04-27, 12:05 AM
By my count Xihirli did save Extrail, though I would expect a wolf to be less obvious about things if they're wolf buddies.

I'll poke Deathslayer for being right in the middle of the GrayDeath rush and not talking yet today. (yes, yes pot calling the kettle black on the last bit.)

2018-04-27, 02:00 AM
If you mean this that's not why I voted for him. I voted because avatar had three quick votes on them and graydeath happened to be the third voter on it. He also happened to already have two votes on him so I tied it up at the time.

Deathslayer for being the third vote on a counterwagon.

2018-04-27, 02:25 AM
I'll vote for Requilac since we should at least try to vote non-randomly on day 2. (Though honestly yeah, I would love some good logic to vote for someone than is better than this too.)

I'm having a bit of trouble trying to read his post. Surface level, I like it, but at the same time I totally remember saying stuff like that when I was relatively new to WW and was like "hurh hurh this will make me look like a villager."

Don't want to vote at this point, but not a wagon I would argue against strongly.

2018-04-27, 04:50 AM
As for the duck vote, do you have a reason or is it random, Requilac?

There’s not really a reason behind it if I am being honest. I am most likely going to change it, but that was more of a placeholder vote In case the night phase came and the others remained quiet. The first day and night proved inconclusive, and we hardly learned much of anything. So when it comes to lynch votes arbitrary guesses are the best we have (that is what makes up WW at the end of the day though I guess).

Rain Dragon
2018-04-27, 05:22 AM
There’s not really a reason behind it if I am being honest. I am most likely going to change it, but that was more of a placeholder vote In case the night phase came and the others remained quiet. The first day and night proved inconclusive, and we hardly learned much of anything. So when it comes to lynch votes arbitrary guesses are the best we have (that is what makes up WW at the end of the day though I guess).

(Underlining mine)

Was wondering. Idk, though...

So, as for the underlined stuff, on the one hand you can view the entire game that way and certainly most day ones but the game seems to be starting to start move away from the more clearly arbitrary guesses toward the ones where people explain and discuss things. You can look back on it later and view these guesses as relatively arbitrary. The more discussion there is, the harder it is for wolves to hide I think, so. More than half the day's gone, if I'm reading the time right. What do you think of the current votes? Do you think there's anything that might be odd or that you agree with or disagree with?

2018-04-27, 05:44 AM
(Underlining mine)

Was wondering. Idk, though...

So, as for the underlined stuff, on the one hand you can view the entire game that way and certainly most day ones but the game seems to be starting to start move away from the more clearly arbitrary guesses toward the ones where people explain and discuss things. You can look back on it later and view these guesses as relatively arbitrary. The more discussion there is, the harder it is for wolves to hide I think, so. More than half the day's gone, if I'm reading the time right. What do you think of the current votes? Do you think there's anything that might be odd or that you agree with or disagree with?

So far I am favoring the vote for Rakoon now but was waiting to see what everyone else’s observations where. These where my opinions on the other lynch votes.

1) There really isn’t anything out of the ordinary for someone to keep a lynch vote after the target defended themselves so Logic doesn’t seem like the best choice. Not that I am not suspicious of course, but I don’t believe that action (or lack of) signaled much of anything

2) It seems unfair to vote for Basket of Puppies just because he didn’t bandwagon, especially by the fact that I did the same thing but nobody accused me of anything.

3) Xihirli seems a little suspicious for sure, but her folly seems like it could just be a mistake (she would be my second guess though if rakoon provides a good defense).

4) The main reason Kish and deathslayer were voted was just to poke at them, so I didn’t quite feel the need to jump into action (I could try to pressure them for information I suppose but I don’t have confidence that we would learn much).

Murska I must admit was also someone I planned on targeting because of her reasoning. They said “ BasketofPuppies had an immediate vote to start the day and never changed it, despite clearly being around near the end with bandwagons forming (the main one of which was on an innocent).” Think carefully about this statement. He believes BasketofPuppies is suspicious because he didn’t join bandwagon against an innocent target. It almost seemed like he was upset with BoP for not lynching an innocent. This is raising some major red flags.

2018-04-27, 06:21 AM
Hey Requiliac I appreciate you standing up for me, however you got my pronouns wrong. It’s they/them, not he/his.

Also, I don’t like how silent half of the player list is being. Refusing to talk only helps wolves.

Aventine, got anything to say?

2018-04-27, 07:10 AM
Murska I must admit was also someone I planned on targeting because of her reasoning. They said “ BasketofPuppies had an immediate vote to start the day and never changed it, despite clearly being around near the end with bandwagons forming (the main one of which was on an innocent).” Think carefully about this statement. He believes BasketofPuppies is suspicious because he didn’t join bandwagon against an innocent target. It almost seemed like he was upset with BoP for not lynching an innocent. This is raising some major red flags.

I believe you're misreading the point.

A villager has no other way to influence the game aside from the lynch vote and the discussion around it. Therefore, one would assume a villager to care greatly about who gets lynched, and pay attention to the discussion. I do realize many people don't do this, unfortunately. However, in BoP's case, there was an early vote followed by a late comment. The comment means they did pay attention, but not changing their vote means they did not particularly care to steer the lynch. With the lynch already pointed at an innocent, that fits a wolf profile - they'd want to keep an eye on the situation but they'd not put skin in the game if things were already looking good. A townie who doesn't like the lynch wagon should be arguing against it and pushing another wagon, a townie who likes the lynch wagon should be jumping aboard with jubilant cheer. Only wolves don't care.

2018-04-27, 11:01 AM
By my count Xihirli did save Extrail, though I would expect a wolf to be less obvious about things if they're wolf buddies.

I'll poke Deathslayer for being right in the middle of the GrayDeath rush and not talking yet today. (yes, yes pot calling the kettle black on the last bit.)

Sure. People I'm most suspicious of right now in order.


2018-04-27, 11:07 AM
I'm wondering about Logic's attitude toward Murska; wolf conspirators, wolf trying to (as FC once put it) sheep someone he believes is town...

But I'll vote BasketOfPuppies for now. If they're a wolf, that will--I'm not going to say clear, but bump both Murska and Logic way down my personal suspect list.

- - - Updated - - -

Requilac, what I think you're missing here is: It's almost always better for town to kill someone than no one, because the wolves can just sit tight and win (by reliably killing someone who's town almost every night) if town doesn't kill people. In the absence of active suspicion, feeling neutral toward someone is a reason to vote for them.

That said, I could believe BoP simply didn't think their vote was going to make a difference, especially first day.

2018-04-27, 11:23 AM
I kept voting for graydeath because I like having bandwagons, this gives people smarter than me something to analyse. In this case not to my advantage but we need information. Logic just pinged my radar.

@kish: explain to sheep someone again please?

2018-04-27, 11:28 AM
Sorry, didn't mean to be confusing. FC was a wolf in that game and he knew Murska was a mason; his strategy was to follow Murska's lead publicly, outspokenly, and constantly, as long as Murska didn't actually start a wagon on a wolf.

2018-04-27, 11:46 AM
As Kish said, sheeping is a wolf tactic to follow the lead of a townie. This is sometimes also called "parroting" and "pocketing," though pocketing has a little bit more to it than that.

Deathslayer, can you clarify your stance on your suspects? I get the BoP shade, but for the others I want to hear your case.

I still have Extrail on my short-list of suspects, but I think BoP will more likely turn out to be a wolf than the former.

2018-04-27, 11:48 AM
Moving off Requilac because they just seem "new" and not nefarious. Moving onto Deathlsayer7 for voting for someone and making a list of "suspicious" people without explaining why anyone, even the person they're voting for, is on that list. (And that list including me.)

2018-04-27, 12:10 PM
GrayDeath listen to Lex.

I don't feel great about the votes of the people who agreed with me on Graydeath but I see Extrail's vote as more "newbie" than "bearwolf."

I meant the bloodthirsty bit.

I wholeheartedly agree and don’t expect to keep my vote on Graydeath all day.

Oh. Well forget about my vote possibly changing then.

Deathslayer for being the third vote on a counterwagon.

These are all the posts by Xihirli. Not much substance to them. Not much discussion either. Beyond that, I wasn't even the nail in Graydeath's coffin. That would be Extrail and Duck999. What bothers me the most though is they had a chance to switch but didn't. It wouldn't have done much good at that point, but if you don't think Graydeath is worth lynching, then they should have changed their vote and not "wait".

They then point at me for no reason except I'm the third vote on a counterwagon on day 1? Seems wolfish to me. If it was a single vote, fine, but the fact she did it after Aventine did it bothers me as well. It's all the little things she did that adds up.

I'll explain the others later tonight when I have time.

2018-04-27, 12:30 PM
These are all the posts by Xihirli. Not much substance to them. Not much discussion either. Beyond that, I wasn't even the nail in Graydeath's coffin. That would be Extrail and Duck999. What bothers me the most though is they had a chance to switch but didn't. It wouldn't have done much good at that point, but if you don't think Graydeath is worth lynching, then they should have changed their vote and not "wait".

They then point at me for no reason except I'm the third vote on a counterwagon on day 1? Seems wolfish to me. If it was a single vote, fine, but the fact she did it after Aventine did it bothers me as well. It's all the little things she did that adds up.

I'll explain the others later tonight when I have time.
Who bothers you by having a chance to switch? I'm going to assume for a moment you mean Xihirli until you clarify, but in Extrail's case, no matter his alignment, voting for Graydeath was the right move. I'll have to give a stronger look at Duck, but you may be on to something with Xihirli. As far as I'm concerned, Extrail is in the same spot he was when he made the bloodthirsty post.

Something I forgot to bring up earlier: Rakkoon, why exactly are you voting for me? Please point something out. I'd love to hear it, and I'm sure town needs to hear it as well.

2018-04-27, 01:38 PM
@Murska: had I changed my vote it wouldn’t have changed anything. Since I’m on mobile, I have to type out the stuff to vote, which takes time. I didn’t want to waste time doing that when it wouldn’t have mattered anyways.

[COLOR="silver"]- - - Updated - - -

Screw it, gonna die if I don’t claim anyways. I’m the seer/fool and I scried Aventine as Deputy Cletus Hogg.

2018-04-27, 01:40 PM
Well, well. That right, Aventine?

2018-04-27, 01:58 PM
@Murska: had I changed my vote it wouldn’t have changed anything. Since I’m on mobile, I have to type out the stuff to vote, which takes time. I didn’t want to waste time doing that when it wouldn’t have mattered anyways.

[COLOR="silver"]- - - Updated - - -

Screw it, gonna die if I don’t claim anyways. I’m the seer/fool and I scried Aventine as Deputy Cletus Hogg.
OK BoP, I'll play follow the seer; Aventine for pressure. Got something to say in your defense?

2018-04-27, 02:11 PM
I am very sorry for my minor activity. I've been going through finals week and I'll hopefully be more active this weekend (learning Hebrew isn't as easy as it sounds).

We do seem to have a seer-test going on and I genuinely have little to add to that other than Aventine.

2018-04-27, 03:13 PM
@Kish & Logic: thanks for the clarification

@Logic: relax, it was just a vibe because you had time to switch and you didn't. I thought you would. You could have had the same reason as me.

Obvious Aventine vote

2018-04-27, 03:28 PM
Who bothers you by having a chance to switch? I'm going to assume for a moment you mean Xihirli until you clarify, but in Extrail's case, no matter his alignment, voting for Graydeath was the right move. I'll have to give a stronger look at Duck, but you may be on to something with Xihirli. As far as I'm concerned, Extrail is in the same spot he was when he made the bloodthirsty post.

Something I forgot to bring up earlier: Rakkoon, why exactly are you voting for me? Please point something out. I'd love to hear it, and I'm sure town needs to hear it as well.

I was referring to Xihirli and not Duck and Extrail. I should have used she not they as the pronoun there.


2018-04-27, 03:59 PM
Well Aventine it is then.

2018-04-27, 04:25 PM
Fair enough. Aventine.

2018-04-27, 04:54 PM
On my phone. You're an unlucky fool or a lucky devil. I don't have a wolf scry to test, sadly. I'll be more active and attentive in a few hours...

2018-04-27, 05:27 PM
Hey Requiliac I appreciate you standing up for me, however you got my pronouns wrong. It’s they/them, not he/his.

Also, I don’t like how silent half of the player list is being. Refusing to talk only helps wolves.

Aventine, got anything to say?

My apologies, I will seek to be more accurate in the future when it comes to the use of pronouns.

I believe you're misreading the point.

A villager has no other way to influence the game aside from the lynch vote and the discussion around it. Therefore, one would assume a villager to care greatly about who gets lynched, and pay attention to the discussion. I do realize many people don't do this, unfortunately. However, in BoP's case, there was an early vote followed by a late comment. The comment means they did pay attention, but not changing their vote means they did not particularly care to steer the lynch. With the lynch already pointed at an innocent, that fits a wolf profile - they'd want to keep an eye on the situation but they'd not put skin in the game if things were already looking good. A townie who doesn't like the lynch wagon should be arguing against it and pushing another wagon, a townie who likes the lynch wagon should be jumping aboard with jubilant cheer. Only wolves don't care.

Requilac, what I think you're missing here is: It's almost always better for town to kill someone than no one, because the wolves can just sit tight and win (by reliably killing someone who's town almost every night) if town doesn't kill people. In the absence of active suspicion, feeling neutral toward someone is a reason to vote for them.

Ah yes forgive me for my lack of knowledge, I am not exactly the most experienced nor the most wise when it comes to matters such as this. But that still leaves one question unanswered Murksa; I neither jumped on the bandwagon nor argued against it, so why didn't you say anything about being suspicious of me if I had committed to the same folly which BoP did?


That being said, I find the most prudent action now to ride along with the bandwagon. Aventine, do you have anything to say to defend yourself?

2018-04-27, 06:18 PM
I guess I'll follow the bandwagon aventine