View Full Version : Why tall Goblins?

2007-08-29, 06:53 PM
Sorry, I looked through the thread titles & the FAQ, but I didn't find a thread like this.
Why are Goblins as tall as medium creatures? Halflings & kobolds are short, and even dwarves are shorter than humans.

2007-08-29, 07:06 PM
Because the giant felt like goblins should be medium-sized, and its his world.

2007-08-29, 07:12 PM
cause rich wanted to draw it like that so there
his webcomic his rules

2007-08-29, 07:14 PM
Short answer: Because.

Long answer: ...Because.

2007-08-29, 07:15 PM
Well said.

2007-08-29, 07:46 PM
Going on nonexistent artistic skills myself, I would guess that dealing with the perspective on hordes of goblins the same size as Belkar would have been more of a pain than the size they are. Hobgoblins are Medium, anyway.

2007-08-30, 12:21 AM
because xykon isn't the only one eating their wheaties.

2007-08-30, 12:28 AM
I counter your question with my own...

Why not

2007-08-30, 12:44 AM
I imagine it originated either as a specific intent to make goblins a little different from your standard little greenskins, or as a matter of convenience (i.e. most humanoid models are medium size, it's easier to make throw-away baddies medium than muss about with more small-sized models).

2007-08-30, 01:07 AM
Hobgoblins are medium. Hobgoblins are goblinoid.

2007-08-30, 02:25 AM
Goblins appear in the very first strip, and Rich says in his commentaries that he wasn't planning on making the comic a continuing story at first. So he probably drew them that way because it was easier to make them the same size, and then stuck with it.

And I'm glad he did; it would be hard to take Redcloak seriously in SOD if he was halfling-sized.

2007-08-30, 02:29 AM
What would be more intimidating, something big or something small?

2007-08-30, 02:44 AM
I think I have seen somewhere that The Giant made them medium so they would visually look like a threat to the Order in the early strips, where the Order tend to run away from groups of goblins. This would not have worked with small-sized goblins.

2007-08-30, 07:30 AM
On another note why would a group of 6 11th-13th level PC's be running away from (even in large amounts of 50) 1/4CR mooks?

2007-08-30, 07:40 AM
Because they weren't 11th level when the strip started.

Also, most had little adventureing experiance. As shown in Origin of PCs, their own inability to work together almost lost them their first battle. They've gotten more confident as time went on, as shown by Belkar taking out hundreds of hobgoblins when he used to run from just a couple.

Kurald Galain
2007-08-30, 08:28 AM
Also, goblins are a sentient race and in many cases have been shown to have class levels. They're not 1/4th CR mooks in the OOTSiverse.

2007-08-30, 12:14 PM
Also, goblins are a sentient race and in many cases have been shown to have class levels. They're not 1/4th CR mooks in the OOTSiverse.

Technically speaking, they aren't like that in generic D&D either. Goblins are sentinent race capable of taking class levels by default. It's just that most people treat them as expendable 1/4 CR mooks.
Anyway, it's a safe bet that goblins in Xykon's dungeon were higher level. That, and in first strips OoTS hasn't had any definite stats and goblins are probably most generic enemy in D&D.

2007-08-30, 12:41 PM
My guess is that it's because of the "rebellious goblin teenagers" arc. The teenagers have to be drawn smaller than the adults, and if the adults were the size of Belkar, there wouldn't be much room to make them smaller.

2007-08-30, 12:59 PM
My guess is that it's because of the "rebellious goblin teenagers" arc. The teenagers have to be drawn smaller than the adults, and if the adults were the size of Belkar, there wouldn't be much room to make them smaller.

If they were younger maybe, but at that point, they could be bigger than their parents. In school, most of the people are bigger than their own parents(and are 16-20)

2007-08-30, 02:54 PM
What would be more intimidating, something big or something small?

and before anyone says anything, Belkar is scary because

A) he is psychotic


B) he is more evil than satan fused with a vampire Kitten

2007-08-30, 03:39 PM
why not? You can make any race any size you want...

We have different version of elves when we play... you have you "normal" elf which technically are like 2 feet tall....

then you have those TALL elves
And you have elves with super long ears
and some elves with spock like ears...
etc etc etc

It is possible to have any race to be any size you want to be. As a GM, you have the right to change anything within the game system because you are the GM. If you want to present to the party a gigantic wing horse that is a size of a blimp... why not... you can :)

The Hop Goblin
2007-09-01, 01:35 PM
why not? You can make any race any size you want...

We have different version of elves when we play... you have you "normal" elf which technically are like 2 feet tall....

then you have those TALL elves
And you have elves with super long ears
and some elves with spock like ears...
etc etc etc

It is possible to have any race to be any size you want to be. As a GM, you have the right to change anything within the game system because you are the GM. If you want to present to the party a gigantic wing horse that is a size of a blimp... why not... you can :)

Here here, you can even have races not bound by stereotypical alignments. I myself have preffered the Lord of the Rings version of a Troll vs a D&D Version of a Troll. So I use something more along those lines.