View Full Version : Is the Hulk an alien? IC

2018-03-11, 01:40 AM
...and so it was you found yourself in this metal craft. It wasn't that you aren't a superior being born with inhuman strength, nor that you couldn't enact great force on the world, but the great vastitude of the unending space was just too much. It was like trying to lift a bar three times heavier then the heaviest you could while berzerking out all the anger over the last macho match after a period of rest and protean-shake chugging. Your skin wasn't toughened to the point of deflecting asteroids like pebbles and you legs weren't quite strong enough to defeat the atmospheric drag of even your own planet. As it happens, your hugosiy wasn't great enough to have to stand on planets on one foot and jump over tiny moons as you hop from one to the other. Hence the space craft. The one presently hurtling towards the ground. Somewhere a little boy was staring up at the sky, making a wish on your shuttle having mistaken it as a falling star. The little boy wished he could become a true man.

The shuttle hit the ground with a stunning snap like a fist firmly impacting onto rock hard abs, but lacking the tension and buffering springy fibrous tendencies of muscles, the ground instead cracks and compresses under the tremendous force. The heat from your reentry dissipates into the sandy ground littered with fragments of shattered bedrock, heating it to such an extent that some of the sand even melts into liquid glass emitting a luminous orange-red glow. As the glowing crater slowly cools, the safety feature's of your collective pod begins to disengage, waking you as the door opens to this mysterious new world. Looking out you see an endless desert wasteland with some dried vegetative matter, the rare rock formation or two in the distance. It's only after you exit your pod that you notice a faint cloud of dust approaching from the distance.

Muscly hugeness always comes to mind when I hear hypermundane, so that's included, if that's not your jive it'll probably sort itself as we go.

2018-03-11, 08:10 PM
Enthi stretches, yawns, walks a few meters away from the crashed ship, and turns back to look at it. I’m impressed I survived that. they say to themself. They wait patiently to see if anyone else emerges.

2018-03-13, 02:24 AM
Xidan emerges from the ship, rubbing his head. "Whoof! Bit of a rough landing, huh?" he declares, chuckling. "Boys back home'll probably need to work the kinks outta that, if they want this to be a more regular thing." Xidan stretches a bit, then stretches again slower with a puzzled look on his face. "Weird..." he mutters, before hopping up - and practically flies a full 12 feet off the ground. "Woa-hoh! Now that's really cool! Hey I think the gravity might be lower here, look how high I can jump!"

Best of two rolls: [roll0] or [roll1]

divided by 4 for jump height.

2018-03-13, 05:50 AM
Zeuhir moves a plate that covered him. "why oh why did I ever get on that crazy contraption to begin with!" standing up, he sees the other two while scanning the surroundings. "It seems pretty familiar to home..."

(16 not 116 bad typo)

2018-03-17, 09:30 PM
As Zeuhir casts his gaze about, he catches sight of the dust cloud, and within it a lone man with muscles like a lean wolf and a smile like an evil bandit. You see he's rapidly approaching while riding a dinosaur. The man himself is wearing a dark leather vest which is open in the front exposing his manly muscliness, some knuckle spikes, detachable shoulder pads, some heavy combat boots, and a skullcap. He's got a scar over his right eye, and wears the air of one who's used to stepping on the little men of the world who lack the physical or extra physical strength to resist him. As he draws nearer however, he looks somewhat surprised, and eventually stops a good 200' from your group. "Oi, who are you guys, and whad're you thinkin' o' doin' by commin' to steal my space crap 'efore I even come o'er!?!"

2018-03-18, 09:42 PM
"Space crap? While I think it wasn't the best of spaceships, it did manage to carry us a long way. Now that being said, seems no matter how many stars we cross, some things never change. And what gives you rights to such 'space crap?" Zeuhir would make the quotation marks with his one hand. Waiting to see what the big lug would do giving a smirk.

2018-03-19, 03:37 AM
"You di'in' find it?" He asks suspiciously.

2018-03-19, 04:42 AM
"You di'in' find it?" He asks suspiciously.

"I mean, you - WOOHOO - got here pretty quickly - WOOOO - you think we just beat you here? YAHOO!" Xidan replies, his sentence occasionally interrupted by flips and jumps as he gets used to the new gravity. "We fell outta the sky in that thing...probably need to build it better next time, though, it didn't survive the landing. Weird..."

2018-03-19, 07:53 PM
"Oh..." The man replies, stumped. Then, as if trying to save a dying hope he tentatively asks "No great treasure, powerful artifact, or mighty force ready to make me strong in there?"

2018-03-20, 07:04 PM
"oh probably not, that is now just space crap. So can you tell us what planet this is and where we are now? Going to see if we can repair this thing somehow."

2018-03-20, 07:35 PM
Clearly disappointed he replies "You're in Dead desert. What's a playnet? Is it yums? I tol' you, so give me 'ne an' we'll call it even."

2018-03-23, 08:17 AM
Zeuhir pinches the bridge of his nose. "A planet is not food, it's what we are standing on, the ground, the land, the water, everything here makes up a planet. Anyways, nevermind the question, do you happen to have a map?"

2018-03-24, 03:14 PM
The man seems to look around at the ground beneath him for a moment as if debating, before giving up on the idea. "Don't have anything valuable as that, but if you have anything worth trading for a lift I can bring you guys back to the cracked dome where you can probably try trading for some... er... proper attire." He glances meaningfully at your shoulder pads or lack thereof before politely averting his eyes as if he'd been looking somewhere he shouldn't be.

Sorry, remembering dialects from one game to the next this one in particular is starting to drive me nuts. Hope you guys don't mind me making him speak normally... Also, night, your avatar expired! :smalleek: Are you feeling a sudden compulsion to play with image hosting sites to get it back?

2018-03-28, 09:49 AM
"well, what you guys think?" turning back to the other survivors who have been awfully quiet.

2018-03-31, 08:23 AM
The man seems not to mind and respectfully pretends not to listen whilst actually keeping an eye out to make sure you won't jump him while he's being polite. After all, they have been awfully, awfully quiet of late, and he wanted to make sure he wouldn't be leading someone secretly hostile. After all, it's always the quiet ones...