View Full Version : D&D 3.5 Looking for a campaign for four level 4 characters.

2018-03-11, 02:56 PM
Preferably something that focuses more on non-combat activities (as combat focused ones are easy to whip together).

2018-03-11, 03:44 PM
I think he's looking for a module instead, or a campaign arc to run for his group.

2018-03-11, 04:17 PM
Yeah, wondering if someone had a good module or campaign that would work for the group.
We're basically switching around who DM's (my turn's coming up next).
We've got a Warlock (me), Fighter, Artificer and Druid (with an exalted lemur companion who is pretty much unkillable but does little else).

We're not doing the usual power gaming thing most of our group tends to go in for. So we're not the typical bunch of combat gods. lol

2018-03-11, 04:19 PM
My mistake. After some searching, I couldn't find anything for 3.5, but there is a Pathfinder module called The Midnight Mirror. It's for 4th level characters, geared for investigation and horror, and shouldn't be too hard to backport.
Do you have a link to that?

2018-03-11, 04:35 PM
I believe directly linking the module would be a violation of this site's policies.
Okay. I'll poke about for it.

2018-03-11, 04:52 PM

The Vessel of Stars is one of the ones listed as appropriate for 4th level. The Eye of the Sun is another one.

2018-03-12, 10:34 AM
Pathfinder modules are generally fairly easy to convert. While I haven't run (or read it yet because I hope to be a player in it) I have heard great things about the Carrion Queen modules. They run the gambit from 1-20 and they have 6 different parts. If your only level 4 I would still throw you at the first one even though it would probably be too easy for you, but you'd finish it fairly easy and still have the whole story to get through.

If you aren't running pathfinder and want to convert it to 3.5 I've heard that it converts to an Eberron Campaign really well (one person I spoke to said that it is better as an Eberron one than as a Golarion one, but like I said, haven't run it yet)

2018-03-12, 03:14 PM
I've been looking at various modules and campaigns, and so far everything seems to be very combat focused.
One of the least so I've found is one of the Eberron ones (involving a soul blade and chasing down the owner). There's still tons of combat, but it seems to present a lot of non-combat situations (the high ball seems like a great one).

I'd love to find some good adventures to play through where combat isn't the main way of getting through things. I've made up various such myself in the past, but they tend to take time. Our next session will likely be this coming weekend, so I don't think I'd be able to put together something interesting in that amount of time.

I mean, I understand that D&D 3.5 is super combat focused as a whole. Especially with them constantly pushing miniatures on us to make more money. But I'm surprised they don't have more adventures set up to be more "talky". I'm starting to put together something that will play out more like an investigation (instead of just "clearing a dungeon"), where the players will be required to deal with various noble houses, underworld types and staying out of trouble while trying to find the answers they need. But it takes me a while to work stuff out like that. I doubt I'd have it ready for another month or so. :p

2018-03-12, 03:23 PM
eyes of the lich queen is also good and appropriate for low level characters, as is shattered gates of slaughtergarde.

Uncle Pine
2018-03-12, 03:29 PM
The Speaker in Dreams is a 5th-level campaign you can definitely run for a 4th-level group as it is (although you should pay attention to that CR 8 mind flayer boss at the end), or you can adjust it if you feel like it's necessary. It was actually the very first adventure I ran as a DM, and I've never noticed it's 3.0 until I picked it up again just now! :smallbiggrin: Lots of fun to be had with that one, and it comes with a standalone town so you can put it wherever you want in your world.