View Full Version : Pathfinder What should I play next

2018-03-11, 07:32 PM
Next Session in my friends open sand-box Game will have a crucial Battle and there's a chance My current character might die.

My question what should i play next

so far I've played
a half-elf Hidden-Blade-unchained Rogue two kukri
A human Arsenal chaplain War priest who uses a pole-arm
A human flying blade swashbuckler who used star knifes

currently playing a Spellslinger / Eldritch Archer magus

My next character i want to be fun but work well with the party

who are a Druid who focuses on spell a skill monkey bard and Tank in the form of a Barbadian/fighter with mutagen subtype on the fighter part

Im just not sure what to build

all the base classes/ core/ hybrid and unchained allowed.
along with path of war

2018-03-11, 09:48 PM
Take Blood Arcanist Archetype [Psychic Bloodline].

All your spells are psychic spells, so you no longer have arcane spell failure, or Somatic/Verbal components. Instead you have thought components and emotion components.

Instead of hocus pocusing your way through the game, now you essentially calculate the Mathematics in your head and through raw focus bring forth magic.

The party has divine casting/healing down with the druid, melee down with the Barb, and skill monkeying down with the bard.
It is missing the "mage".
Focus on party buffs and enemy debuffs. Throw a random summon down every once in a while to flank with barbarian.
You can be the operator of the group. The precision spellcaster that makes the hits that ruin the enemy's day. The rays, the clouds, the walls, the summons.
You have the environment to wield.

Try to focus on a single style though. Whatever niche is not being filled spell wise by the druid and the bard. And focus on that. It will probably be conjuration/necromancy/abjuration/Evocation Which is a great blend. You make things, you strengthen things, you break things.

2018-03-11, 11:08 PM
@ DMVerdandi
That sounds fun but i still need a bit of Advice.

First you said to cover the base that the Druid and Bard don't

well so far the Druid likes to throw snowball, use ice spike and use wood shape / meld stone

and the bard uses Divination spells

so what would fit good for my spells

also any other Advice on a build would be needed
I've never played a true full caster before

2018-03-12, 10:53 AM
If your still looking for a character type; Gravewalker Witch focusing on Debuffing and animating the dead would assist the party greatly. Witches get up to 9th level spells which include healing spells, debuff spells, and a few small damage spells. If the DM allows you to have a troop of undead then use them to assist the party, by setting up flanks and the like, otherwise keep one big undead around and keep him near you. He's your bodyguard and only intercepts those that would get to your squishy bits. The rest of your magic should be to debuff the enemy in many different ways. Pull out a debuff for every occasion! One of the best parts is that you can cast Touch spells as a full round action at range to anyone within your zone of desecration (which eventually reaches 70 ft) You will never outshine any other member as your place isn't to do so. But you will enjoy the fact that once the party doesn't have you for a fight things become much harder for them.
This is all without counting the many, MANY Save or Lose spells that Witches possess.

And you should see the many hexes she's got goin on.

2018-03-12, 10:38 PM
@ DMVerdandi
That sounds fun but i still need a bit of Advice.

First you said to cover the base that the Druid and Bard don't

well so far the Druid likes to throw snowball, use ice spike and use wood shape / meld stone

Alright, sounds like conjuration/evocation.

and the bard uses Divination spells
And Divination.

so what would fit good for my spells

also any other Advice on a build would be needed
I've never played a true full caster before

For first level spells what is left is

Abjuration: Protection from Alignment Spells. They are a low level way to stop mind affecting spells as well. Which is good for a psychic caster.

Enchantment: Bungle, Charm person

Illusion: Vanish, Silent Image

Necromancy:Chill Touch

Transmutation:Enlarge Person, Polymorphic Panacea, Expeditious retreat

Just focus on buff, debuff for now. Once you start researching more spells, and adding things to your spell book, then make scrolls of little spells that are only situationally relevant.

If you know that you are going into a water level, prepare a spell that improves swim score for example. Buff the whole party.
If you know you are going into a level with climbing, prepare one of those,

But you should always have at least one spell prepared to be able to:
1.Make you or an ally stronger
2.Make your enemies weaker
3. Make you harder to hit
4. Solve multiple problems.

The good thing with Arcanist is that you don't have to keep preparing the same type. You can prepare one of each, and then have the rest of the spells prepared be geared towards something else.

2018-03-16, 06:05 AM
I would suggest a chaotic neutral mad bomber type alchemist. Be a real wild card.

I played one of these and role-played him as literally insane. he had "good thoughts" and "bad thoughts" represented by a set of d20s. White d20 was good thoughts and black d20 was bad thoughts. Whenever he had to make a choice or someone interacted with him, I rolled the pair together and whichever one rolled higher is the one I went with.

He was a ton of fun, and just followed the party around causing havoc.

Fouredged Sword
2018-03-16, 09:31 AM
Play a half orc skulking slayer scout rogue. Forgo any hint of stealth. Grab your greatclub, scream "SNEAK ATTACK!!" at the top of your lungs and suprise follow through to move into position and sneak attack everything in reach.

Use sap master to turn your 1d6 sneak attack die into 2d8+2 increments with a merciful greatclub.

2018-03-16, 09:31 AM
What do you want to play?

You seem to have a penchant for skirmisher types, perhaps a Harbinger? They are incredibly mobile, and are very effective debuffers. Your Druid and Bard will be pleased when you start giving all your foes -2 to -6 on all their saves.

Aegis is one of the most versatile classes in the game, you could practically be a different character every day.

Or go nuts, Make a Witch with Prehensile Hair, then the rest Monk so you can beat people up with your "Fist of the Nose Hair" style.

2018-03-17, 12:00 AM
well i found the Circling mongoose feat
and so i want to make a build off that



Unchained Rogue knife master scout


Brawler Snakebite striker

2018-03-17, 01:45 PM
Our group is finding Clerics to be more and more amazing. You get to customize at creation using various Domains (for instance, I have a Luck Cleric who basically gets to reroll dice for himself, the party, and bad guys all the time). On top of that, you get meg healing boosts, can tank up front, can use your spells for party boosts or for damage. All very fun to play out.

2018-03-20, 01:29 PM
well i found the Circling mongoose feat
and so i want to make a build off that



Unchained Rogue knife master scout


Brawler Snakebite striker

Going for the Rock Lee/Might Gai approach eh? I like it! I always have loved the brawler class idea.

Aside from those required by the Circling Mongoose, I would suggest perhaps improved disarm or improved steal.

Weapon of Choice? Fist and foot. Alternatively, gloves and boots made of different materials to bypass DR.

Basically, you run up on the enemy and start taking his stuff while throwing it towards the rest of your party. Cut his armor straps, take his sword, steal his amulet. Take off his belt and watch him run away with his pants around his ankles. I guarantee you'll get more loot that way too.

Just my thoughts