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View Full Version : DM Help First attempt at a homebrewed race! (Revenant)

2018-03-11, 10:26 PM
The Monster Manual has a Revenant as a person who died unfairly and horrifically and is granted time as an undead to exact vengeance. I think that would be an amazing character to play as and tried my hand at making it as a race.
I honestly have never tried this before and very possibly did this very poorly. But I thought I’d post it here and see what happens


Size: Medium
Speed: 30
Dark Vision: 60 feet

Armor class: Without Armor it’s 13 plus Dexterity modifier
Ability Increases: Strength +2 Const +1 Int +1 Wis +1 charisma -1 (cant be very charming if they’re dead)
[if you’re making a revenant of a premade character Cary over their bonuses instead]

Age: A revenant maintains the age mentally of how it was when it died. It’s physical courpse maintains that as well and slows decay. They can live for a year or longer if granted extra time.

Languages: common, Abyssal

Armor: medium proficiency

Weapon + Tool: carries over from prior character, otherwise All basic weapons and alchemists tools

Damage Resistance: Necrotic, Psychic

Damage immunities: Poison

Skill Profficencies: Intimidation, History, Survival

Can choose 2 extra skills, languages and weapon profficencies


Level 1: Chill touch. (wisdom)
Level 3: Speak with Dead (Wisdom)

Features/ Traits

Regeneration: During a short rest add 1 D10 HP to your hit dice roll

Let The Dead bury the dead: necrotic Damage done by a revenant can add +2 to overall Damage (may use 3 times per day)

Undying Vengeance: A revenant can add 1 D4 to its initative Roll (can use once per day)

Like I said this was my first attempt and it’s probably not great
I tried to make it versatile enough to work for most classes, and tried to add some fun abilities,
I also like the idea that a dead character in a campaign could become a revenant at the discretion of the DM. Thus a lot of this would just be adding the features and some small additions to the character premade.

Let me know what you think!

2018-03-12, 01:02 AM
The Monster Manual has a Revenant (...)

Let me know what you think!

I think you should (a) post in the Homebrew Forum; and (b) identify which edition of D&D / Pathfinder / or other game you're targeting.

Perhaps a kind Mod will move the thread?

2018-03-12, 08:49 AM
I meant too!! aHHHH
I posted it in the wrong part on total accident.
My bad. I’ll move it ASAP