View Full Version : Divine-Based Magic Items?

2018-03-12, 12:09 AM
Okay, so here's the deal. I have a paladin, currently level three, that I'm going to be buying stuff for in the future. In doing so, this paladin is going to be buying things divine-based. Meaning that I would be buying items such as...
•Holy Avenger(god, its a lot)
•Sun Blade(He dual wields so this will work well with the Holy Avenger at really high levels)
•Celestial Armor(divine based. It says it in the name.)
•Bracers of Dawn(I know these aren't necessarily divine based, but they do make sense for this paladin.)
And then anything else that deals more damage(he is the Paladin of Freedom variant, which let's him worship Chaotic Good gods such as Sif(Which is who he worships) who is war-focused)
I do plan on taking the "True Believer" feat, so relics will work perfectly, thanks for your input! Have a wondrous day!
(See what I did there?)