View Full Version : Optimization Level 10 Trixie sorcerer

2018-03-12, 05:58 AM
Hi everyone,

I have never played a arcane caster, so I wanted to play a sorcerer for my upcoming Evil Campaign. We decided to play an all Gnome party, but I thought it would be fun to play a half-Gnome, and came to a Trixie as a cool race, although it has LA +3.

The character I wanted to go for is a sort of hitman, using small size to sneak into houses and kill people while they sleep. I see myself flying around on the back of my familiar, although I might have over estimated how tiny a Tiny creature is.

I guess I need help with a) what spells I should use and b) whether there is a better way to make a really small gnome caster.

2018-03-12, 06:48 AM
Is this the trixie from bastards and bloodlines with the change size ability that drops you to diminutive?

If so a few spells that will still help: anything that isn't a melee touch spell should still work.
Your to hit will be extremely high so ranged Ray spells will be quite deadly.
You could also take enlarge person or reduce person. With the change size added to reduce person you would be a fine creature, applied to a medium creature makes them small. Your small enough to swallow (Your the size of a fly) fly in their mouth, cast enlarge person on your self while using change size to become medium. Magical STR boosting items or a bull's STR application should do the rest. Of course that's more evil and less of s trickster type thing.
You could always go arcane trickster from the dmg and specialize as a diminutive rogue with magic, sneak attack, and mage hand to open doors.

2018-03-12, 07:04 AM
Is this the trixie from bastards and bloodlines with the change size ability that drops you to diminutive?
Yes, that's the one I meant, though I thought that it made you tiny, but I will check when I get to my books.

You could also take enlarge person or reduce person. With the change size added to reduce person you would be a fine creature, applied to a medium creature makes them small. Your small enough to swallow (Your the size of a fly) fly in their mouth, cast enlarge person on your self while using change size to become medium.
Are you suggesting that I could fly into peoples mouths and then regrow to medium and explode their heads? That would be amazing, and fits well as really evil way to kill people!

2018-03-12, 07:49 AM
And your party will have plenty of 1/day prestidigitation to keep gore and brains cleaned off of you!

2018-03-12, 07:55 AM
And your party will have plenty of 1/day prestidigitation to keep gore and brains cleaned off of you!

Ha, good point!

2018-03-12, 02:38 PM
Are you suggesting that I could fly into peoples mouths and then regrow to medium and explode their heads? That would be amazing, and fits well as really evil way to kill people!

You'd have to make a strength check vs <strength needed to rip somebody's jaw off>. Exploding somebody's head is a bit far fetched IMO, given that you're in their mouth. A particularly eeevil DM might force some bludgeoning or acid damage on you as if the person had the swallow whole ability (I mean, you ARE that small).

2018-03-12, 03:39 PM
I remember a variant of the Jumplomancer that used escape artist to do something like this. I can't find the source, but I believe they had found rules for just such a talent. Although it wasn't the mouth...

2018-03-12, 05:21 PM
Given that I was using Strength as a dump stat, I feel I need to know the Strength of a human skull, or indeed just the jaw, to see if the opposed strength check could be passable for me. Otherwise it takes up two spell known slots, and that is a hefty price, as I only get 5 first level spells....