View Full Version : Pathfinder seeking advice on upgrading items for my character

2018-03-12, 01:49 PM
The Party is Getting an Advance on our pay for a job , of 80,000 Gp
Giving each member an extra 20,000 to spend

I'll have a Total of 24,800 to spend and I'd like Advice on what items i should pick up or what items i should up grade

I am playing a Spellslinger(1) X Eldritch Archer (7)

My stats are as follows


My Ac is a little low. Its 19 (with Dex and a +2 Breast plate)
My Saves or so so. I have a +2 Cloak of resistance

My other items are
Headband of vast int +2
Boots of elvenkind
Wand of cure moderate wound
a ring of sustenance
and a Endless Bandiolier
various type of ammo for my gun. i use ghost salt on them

My gun is a +1 Reliable and i have a +1 Dagger

the mission is to Defend a Shrine from a group trying to Release a evil spirit. it sets atop a giant wasp Nest

2018-03-12, 10:01 PM
The quick and easy thing to would be to upgrade your cloak of resistance to +4. You could also upgrade your armor to +4 or your headband to +4 or get boots of speed. I would probably go for cloak of resistance and boots of speed but if you have a full wizard who likes to cast haste (or if you are high enough level and you do the armor might be a good buy.

If you want to spread the gold out and go all out on defensive upgrades, upgrading your cloak to +4 (12k), getting an amulet of natural armor +1, a ring of protection +1, a belt of dexterity +2 and upgrading your breastplate to +3 would get you a higher AC but you're likely to be able to find things like +1 amulet and ring on bad guys and +4 breastplates are harder to come by.