View Full Version : [EMPIRE4!] Conference of the Unburnt Field

2018-03-12, 09:13 PM
This is an event for the on-going - always recruiting - world-building game, Empire 4 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?537234-EMPIRE4!-IC-Thread). If interested, please check out our OOC here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?535516-EMPIRE4!-I-A-Community-World-Building-Game).

The Conference of the Unburnt Field
134 Imperial Reckoning

Aaenna was known as the Land of a Thousand Mirrors for the many small lakes and ponds that pockmarked the region. It was also known as an Abhidist stronghold and the epicenter of the Sattyathanya uprising that had spread through Palmor in the past decade. There had once been many factions within the Sattyathanya militants but it had been Yatabuyai Yadaoyai and his followers who the late Magus Bram had made alliance with and with Azenhal support the monk had become one of the most influential voices in the movement. With Yatabuyai's help the Sattyathanya had been dissuaded from making war in endless bloody battles upon Khirus and the Picians. Together Azenhal and the Sattyathanya had united a great stretch of Palmor from the edges of Lacia to the southern coast under a ragged but noble banner of resisting the horrors the world seemed intent to thrust upon them. The weight of it all hung in the air of Aaenna where the Sattyathanya had repelled again and again the assault of the Khirese. The mist that drifted across the lakes on the outskirts of the region in the early evening carried with it the sorrows of war and many lives lost.

Yet despite this somber mood clinging to the edges of the land from the recent tragedies as foreign delegations followed the directions they received they came upon a city seemingly in festival. Streamers of silver and warped panes with mirror-like sheens line the streets and windows and the people, many of whom appear to be Abhidist monks, greet foreigners with smiles and broken-Imperial directions to the town square. Here in the town center a delegate from Azenhal greeted any guests, directing those involved in the Palmor peace talks to enter the temple and inviting any others to enjoy the local festivities. If anyone is interested in the local celebration they are invited to flag down a monk. Dressed in simple robes and sporting shaved hair the monks were like imperfect copies of one another milling outside the grand Abhidist Temple of Reflection which dominated the town square which is to say they were numerous and easy to find. Otherwise guests are invited to enjoy themselves at the pleasure of Azenhal and partake as they desire of what is on offer.

Inside the Temple the people who composed the assembled delegation for meeting with the Khirese, Picians, Whitefeather, Coatl, and Avakonians if they came were a mix of serene and excited or nervous. The monks, first among them Yatabuyai Yadaoyai, were in the former whereas Agnet and her husband Ragno were in the latter. The native monks, including also among them the tactical genius who had come from Lacia down to Aaenna to defend his brethren, were numerous inside the Temple as well though not so much as outside. The interior did little to demonstrate this fact however for large mirrors dominated the walls and cast infinite replications of their surroundings into the aether. It was a somewhat unnerving setting but perhaps all the better. Abhidist monks continued to minister and meditate outside the central area which had been cleared that delegates may sit. There were no chairs but instead cushions upon the ground around a silver reflective bowl that contained a dancing flame.

2018-03-13, 03:34 PM
Chancellor Treves marched into Aaenna with careful eyes. This delegation was only 50 guard strong with almost that many lesser diplomats and hangers on. All weapons were peace tied in a show of respect to Azenhal and their claims on this region the Republic had done everything to seize and somehow failed to take through force of arms. Thousands of lives had been snuffed out in their path to wipe out the Sattanyaha only to have the Khirese path clog with corpses and for the path to open up to the kings of the mountain. This peace treaty needed to be signed, negotiations needed to go well. Treves had two glaring wounds, the first was his unfavorable status with the people. Elections were coming up for the citizenry and those who propped him up were being threatened removal as firebrands and peacemakers both extreme in wildly different ways threaten the current moderates.

Elysium had become even more dire, the politics of the realm had developed into an outright civil war. Ghoul and vampire assassins both targeted him constantly and despite the chancellors strength he had not found out the source of these attacks which meant probably all the factions had tested his defenses.

The chancellor had brought his very best for this event. Purbagle the only Pician born diplomat of the nation (OOC: Now under the control of Moos) was in one of the chariots behind his chancellor. The Pician had changed much since his first meeting with his own kind He had grown comfortable in himself and his form and there was an assurance not there the first time. Instead he was now completely covered up with completely custom made armor and covered himself with cloths and a headpiece with a mask of pure blue which was no longer a partial mask but a full one.

Rishard the black Marshall terror of the basins led the fifty man regiment currently protecting the chancellor and the entourage of Khirus. He had been one of those most angry at the idea the wars were ending. He never explained his reasons as fighting his master had been hard on him all knew that, but again and again he insisted he lead a force into the heart of Azenhal. The black marshall cut a fine figure ahead of his men but his eyes were steel staring out at this place. He had told the chancellor many times not to fight the Sattan to let them come as waves against them they would be smashed and it would have been an easy victory now he had to face his old master not a victor but defeated.

Representative Kathine and her husband Dantill favored son of Thune and the son of one of the men whose father sat on the council of Municep. Many of the republican ideologues that now infest thune came from this family who has such close ties with Khirus. He had become a very obedient husband and appeared to love Kathine with his whole soul and the two were rarely seen apart. His ties would forever tie Khirus to Palendor.

Representative Mila was the final face of note, her quirky attitude and outfit of pure black stood out as she bounced and talked easily with all. She was also not married as she pined for her beloved Regnan Urias. On this day she was all business though and rode with confidence into the nation of a thousand mirrors.

When the Republics warriors and diplomats arrived it was in procession and they assembled in perfect military precision. Their leader descended from the chariot and with a nod of his head the diplomats scattered to engage in business with the nations present while he made his way into the temple bringing with him only one man the black marshall to keep him safe. The rest moved to assemble their camp and pavilions.


Chancellor Treves would step inside the temple and presented the assembled Azenhal representatives a nod. “A lot of new faces from among your leaders.”

Rishard looked around and his voice was husky even through the armor his face unseen. “Where is Bram?”

2018-03-14, 09:17 PM
Purbagle, with Khirus
The mask was better than before. Now it carried at least some modicum of prestige with it, marking Purbagle as among the elite of Khirus rather than the half-masks of its pawns. The armor, however, was irksome. It would have to go; Pician forms were not made for it. The Chancellor was being far too fickle with the garbing of his associates, a simple cloak to stave off the rays of the sun would be good enough.

But that could be resolved in time. Now there was business to attend to. If representatives of the rest of his kind arrived then great things would come of this meeting... if not, then so be it. It was another few years of the Chancellor and his armor. Not the worst of things, but it would always be better to reign over a greater empire.

Of course, being in a more informed realm had its advantages. Like knowing when foreign figures died, when wars were waged across the continent, and when foreign leaders died because of their wars. This is why it was surprising when the Marshal, of all people, had not heard of the Azen-Sattyathanya alliance's misfortune during the conquest of Tresten. Before those from the concordance could reply Purbagle leaned in towards him and, surprisingly, spoke to him in the imperial tongue. "Bram died in battle years ago. You're joking, right?" his voice was kept to an undertone, raspy and a bit uneven, though the imperial tongue no less.

Blarfargle, with his countrymen
While Wadagle was off cutting his bloody path through the Empire, very few remained in Fresia to receive the Azen's invitation to this meeting. However, luckily for the messenger, Blarfargle was around and able to receive it. After quickly assembling a group of twenty or so followers, Blarfargle set off after the messenger, following him back across the countryside with a captured shaman serving as a translator in tow.

Once they reached he site of the event and it turned out that the Khirusi had their own readily available translators the shaman was let go; a rare act of mercy from the Picians towards the practitioners of Jalyeong-Bo in this age. After acquiring a translator (OOC: most likely a ghoul taught by Purbagle) from the Khirusi camp, Blarfargle and his party of guards bypassed much of the exterior discussion and entered the temple with haste (OOC: if anyone wishes to tap him on the shoulder to talk to him as he's walking in or walking out just say as much and discussions can still be had).

Before the gaggle of Azen dignitaries and the already-present Khirusi delegation, Blarfargle announced his presence in the standard Pician cacophony of a language. "<Hello all, I am Blarfargle. I will be representing the Pician Realm on behalf of Speaker Wadagle, who is currently engaged in glorious combat against our foes to the North.>" The translator relayed this all perfectly, saying no more for himself once done.

2018-03-14, 11:09 PM
To disappear into the world as the lioness could, LOOKING like she did was an impressive thing indeed. There had been talks of this grand event even in her far off jungles and their serene alpha and king had demanded she go. She obeyed as was only natural of one of her kind when before the grand child of a god. An alpha chosen by the divine to rule!

It had taken too long to escape the jungles and cross the vast endless continent to finally arrive breathless and nearly broke. The chunks of silver she had been granted to pay when she could not fight or sneak her way through certain humanoid forces had been trying.

When she saw the human structures of this place part of her was impressed. More of her though thought how little they had lived away from the ravishing jungles of Mareen. Soft petty humans how they had driven her people into the jungle confused her. They were just slaves who had not learned to wear their collars yet.

Her current dress covered her completely a long cloak wrapped from head to toe and she constricted her feet so unless one got close to make out her silhouette she would be completely hidden. Anyone who got close enough to see her face would have to die but that was a small price to pay.

She noticed the men first, the ones in masks. They had masks she wondered if she could find one to better conceal herself? She wondered what sort of culture wore such things, what were they hiding? She was going to look for one of her own but was caught off guard by the sight of walking fish... Picians those were Picians? She had heard tales of the carnivorous beasts. She had expected them to be bigger.

2018-03-15, 10:08 AM
Temple Talks
"As your companion says, Bram has died and with him the grand vision he shared with Master Yadaoyai of a resurgent Abhidism has dimmed. Yet, we of the Azen know the value of the ember and the power such a thing might carry. War has raged across Palmor now for decades. There are many to share the weight of blame upon their shoulders but we are not here today to cast aspersions or rile passions. Let us come together now in a collaboration not of war but of peace."

"Though I cannot carry the weighty promise of Bram's forward Master Yadaoyai I extend this instead to yourself and all present here. No one knows the horror and loss of war as the Sattyathanya do. They have stood bravely against forces that would abolish them and see them destroyed for their refusal to abandon God. This does not need to be. Khirus claims it is a land of religious freedom and tolerance, so let it prove itself. I propose this region, under the direct guidance of Master Yadaoyai and other Abhidists, be allowed special status and incorporated within the Republic of Khirus who will agree to protect and preserve all existing Abhidist sects along with granting amnesty for those who participated in the Sattyathanya uprisings, tolerating open trade and cultural exchange between Aaenna and Azenhal, and funds to aid in establishing a permanent Sattyathanya presence in the region which may oversee the continued safety and prosperity of its inhabitants."

"The Republic has few armies while many remain strong in Azenhal and Aaenna, this gesture is not a desperate demand made by rapid alliance with unknown forces," Agnet was sure some others remembered the previous southern conference, "This is a real offer made after years of war alongside those I would call my allies. This is a chance for peace if Khirus accepts and follows these stipulations. For make no mistake, should Khirus accept and reneg it will mean war once more. Thus I entreat you to consider this proposal and determine if you may find it a more agreeable alternative to constant strife."

"If these terms are acceptable then we would addend one more point, a signed treaty of peace between our realms to last a decade at least. Should the practices of Khirese sorcerers be constrained to your core territories excluding our current place of being and the peace proposed upheld in Aaenna we may yet find peace endure longer."

Agnet turned to face the less pale Pician who had come to represent the Speaker.

"Blarfargle, I suspect you have come to demand once more the surrender of our trading posts in your land. Allow me to offer an alternative. Our people have a long history and though it is a bloody one it is perhaps through this lens we have learned much of one another. I know your realm is unwelcoming to surfacer intrusions but Azenhal merchants have existed now in Fresia for decades. We are perhaps the most well acquainted with your people outside the Khirese and we have seen the ferocity of your people first hand. We sought to take from you and you have sought to take from everyone else yet you are forced to pursue such brutal means. Consider this, allow the Azen to represent Pician trading interests abroad. If we were allowed to establish an embassy in Fresia we could administer trade for your Realm and relieve such burdens from your Speaker. First of course we could see to the transfer of our stolen trading posts to Pician control but with an embassy such need not be the limit of our interactions. We know the Picians hunger for much, we of Azenhal may be able to acquire it for you should you be willing to agree to consider our debts settled and our realms more permanently at peace."

2018-03-15, 10:44 PM
Rishard looked at Purbagle and hearing those words again caused him to snarl openly at the Pician before the chancellors hand came up protectively of one of his grander creations (Purbagle). “I have told him this many times he refused to believe it.” He explained to his Pician creation, the mask of silver turning to look at the full mask of blue. He was very protective of his “son” reborn in blood his Pician was remade like him and oh how impressive he was. Turning back to Rishard he sighed. “You hear it now, the words of Brams own people the old king has passed, eliminated by the swords of the empire… Its time you move on. This peace is born because our enmity of Azenhal ended with him.” This personal exchange ended swiftly as this new leader of Azenhal cut through the chatter and made her statement.

The chancellor listened to it all and his voice was as it always was, sonorous almost musical and provocative. “The Republic of Khirus does accept your most gracious offer and as you say we will completely support the existing religious norms within Aaenna. We will even aid you in establishing some religious hegemony for the very men who spoke of how “evil” we are. I do have a few minor addendum's to make. We ask that any maintaining militant desires depart for your nation. Once Aaenna enters our domain this region will still have to follow the laws of Khirus and no matter how many religious freedoms put into place or how many I exonerate for their religious rebellion they must still be law abiding citizens. I cannot spare them if they continue to cause terror after their exoneration.” He looked on and his eyes narrowed slightly as she mentions the military of Azenhal. “I ask that Azenhal not forget the basins when they talk of their military prowess... Neither of us want to see war. This enduring peace goes both ways. Still I admit, Azenhal did well... We believed them nothing more then refugees hiding in the remnants of a mountain and look how you returned... There is no denying your heart. I am lucky to still be the voice of my people... To still see this peace manifest.”

Rishard stormed from the building and an exasperated sigh came from out of the chest of the chancellor as he watched him leave. The chancellor only followed the man for a short time before focusing back on the existing gathering. “Forgive his outburst.” When Azenhal mentioned this deal on behalf of Fresia he nodded toward their representative. "For what it is worth, we recommend this idea to you and your masters. This would be good for realm of the tides." He turned to Purbagle then interested in the new neonate "free" opinion.

2018-03-16, 04:54 PM
Agnet turned to face the less pale Pician who had come to represent the Speaker.

"Blarfargle, I suspect you have come to demand once more the surrender of our trading posts in your land. Allow me to offer an alternative. Our people have a long history and though it is a bloody one it is perhaps through this lens we have learned much of one another. I know your realm is unwelcoming to surfacer intrusions but Azenhal merchants have existed now in Fresia for decades. We are perhaps the most well acquainted with your people outside the Khirese and we have seen the ferocity of your people first hand. We sought to take from you and you have sought to take from everyone else yet you are forced to pursue such brutal means. Consider this, allow the Azen to represent Pician trading interests abroad. If we were allowed to establish an embassy in Fresia we could administer trade for your Realm and relieve such burdens from your Speaker. First of course we could see to the transfer of our stolen trading posts to Pician control but with an embassy such need not be the limit of our interactions. We know the Picians hunger for much, we of Azenhal may be able to acquire it for you should you be willing to agree to consider our debts settled and our realms more permanently at peace."

"For what it is worth, we recommend this idea to you and your masters. This would be good for realm of the tides." He turned to Purbagle then interested in the new neonate "free" opinion.

The suddenness of the proposition caught Blarfargle off-guard. He quickly turned to his fellows to consult with them. "<They're offering to help send us meat if they are allowed to keep digging for their gold, what do you think?>" The translator opened his mouth to begin translating, but Blarfargle quickly cut him off. "<No! This is between us!>"

After returning his focus to his party, one of his guards audibly hissed before replying in an equally hushed tone. "<Never! We must drive them out forever, they shall not trouble us any further or we shall destroy them again!>"

"<No, we can't just keep invading them! The woman makes a good offer, we could use more meat.>"

From his place among the Khirusi entourage Purbagle shook his head while the bickering of his countrymen unfolded. After a brief motion to the Chancellor he waddled across the room to where Blarfargle and his company were having their dispute. He removed his ceremonal mask to show them that he was one of their own. "<My kinsmen, the offer that the Azen woman is proposing is favorable. While the Speaker wages war in the north it would be inopportune for angry dwarves to encroach upon our south. You should take the deal after you can get her to announce a formal truce.>"

The Pician who had argued with Blarfargle earlier interjected. "<The Speaker would not tolerate this kind of deal! We won the war, for these fools to turn that into a means of continuing to extort us is a stain upon our fearsome image!>"

"<The gains to be made from the defeat of the Empire far outweigh the horrors of an even trade. One thing though, Blarfargle. At the previous conference they promised iron for the gold, since she has not mentioned as much I would guess that she has forgotten. Feel free to remind her.>"

Blarfargle nodded in reply as Purbagle turned to return to the Khirusi delegation. After a brief aside to the translator telling him to resume translation, Blarfargle made his official reply. "<Our realm will accept your deal with a few specifications. In return for the legitimization of your mining operation in our realm you must transfer to us shipments of meat and the iron promised years ago and limit your operations to a portion of the region. ((OOC: Gimme meat, iron, and one of my gold tps and we can haz peace)) We would also like a formal truce to be established between ourselves and Azenhal for an amount of time that you may consider first. Speaker Wadagle will hopefully find those terms agreeable.>"

2018-03-18, 07:05 PM
Agnet looked over to Yatabuyai Yadaoyai as the Chancellor's alluring voice snaked out from behind his mask. Azenhal and the Sattyathanya had seen the true horrors of Khirus. What they were and what they were truly capable of. They had also shown those horrors that walking too boldly would not be accepted. They had been driven and beaten back into their holes and though they still wore their masks and walked with straightened backs they were defeated. In this way Aaenna was a shackle, or so Agnet had discussed with the Abhidist leaders, a check on Khirese monstrosities. War was a bloody affair throwing good lives after bad but with a lock of oversight on the Republic maintained by 'surrender' of the region with severe monitoring to remain it seemed more good could by done by the Abhidists who desired to maintain balance of light against the darkness.

With the Republic's acceptance of the terms Agnet nodded to their minor stipulations, "For those whom demonstrably prove combative and disruptive to civil society I suspect their fellows shall see to them first in guiding them away from such destructive actions," she nodded respectfully at Yatabuyai.

"Of course, with your mandate to protect the Abhidists I should suspect you would rarely find need to come into conflict with them," the short woman smiled causing her purple-red mutton chops to flare, "We have our operations in the Basins, we are content to leave them as they are and accept Republican administration of the region as in Khirus and Razaak. We are agreed then to this peace."

Agnet placed her fist over her heart and gave a curt bow towards the Chancellor before turning to the Picians.

"Yes, very well. We will see to the many exchanges and transfers that must be made once our embassy has been secured. I have a number of individuals I believe will be willing and capable of coordinating this project. If you can give assurances to their guaranteed safety we can turn our trading post into a major logistics center for Palmor," the dwarven woman seemed to catch herself getting drawn into mercantile jargon and cleared her throat, "Iron will be transferred, gold transferred, and meat acquired. You can tell your Speaker as much."

2018-03-21, 11:20 PM
Yatabuyai Yadaoyai

The monk was elderly, now more than ever. The stress of the last decade had been trying, and it showed. He was not on Pup any longer; the hound had passed away a few years ago, sadly. All returned to Abhidi in the end, though he would miss the beast while he remained behind. This event gave him hope for the future, but it also gave him concern. It would be a constant task, to keep these demons in check, and the monk would not be able to bear the burden of it for very long.

For the moment, though, Yadaoyai had his duty to his people and to God, and he would carry it out.

Dakot Mesphatsios, Envoy Of Her Imperial Majesty

The Avakonian delegation was not particularly well-furbished. They had practical items for a diplomatic meeting, and with the Empress busy, her emissaries had to make do. Which meant Mesphatsios also had to make do. Unfortunately.

Still, he had a job to do.

Apologies for taking so long for a relatively worthless post :/