View Full Version : Spell to Create Kobolds?

Blue Wizard
2018-03-16, 04:41 AM
In a thread I've long since forgotten, someone mentioned that Dragon Magazine supposedly had a spell that allowed a dragon to use its own blood to create some kobolds loyal to itself, and with its own scale color.

But they never mentioned which Dragon Magazine that was, or any other details like spell level or anything like that.

Does anybody happen to know where that was, or even how to look it up without paging through all of my magazines over again? Because that's a lot of work.

2018-03-16, 07:58 AM
I can't think of such a specific spell, but I'd like to mention that Polymorph Any Object can theoretically be used to turn dragon blood into a kobold as well (arguably permanently).

2018-03-16, 09:28 AM
Never heard of it but if you have the magazines digitally I would just open them all and do Ctrl + F, Kobold. I would second PAO and an Epic Spell would definitely be able to do it (Achaierai were created by an Epic Spell)

Fouredged Sword
2018-03-16, 09:45 AM
POA could do it, and any offspring would be real. You just need to keep the first breeding pair alive long enough to lay eggs.

2018-03-19, 12:02 PM
Are you sure it wasn't Krynnish Dragonspawn?
I mean - it isn't limited to Kobolds, but Kobolds could be turned into Dragonspawns too...