View Full Version : DM Help Help me build a corrupted druid encounter!

2018-03-16, 10:16 AM
I'm looking to create a combat encounter for my players that consists of 4 druids, each representing a different circle and role.

1. Moon Druid - HP Sponge, low, but consistent melee damage.
2. Land Druid - Spell based damage dealer.
3. Dream Druid - Healer/Support
4. Shepard Druid - Minionmancer (no pixie-Trex trick)

Ideally, these druids would be lvl 10 so as to have access to their level 10 circle ability. Regardless, as DM, I can tailor their level and abilities to my needs and to highlight the flavor of the druid class.

My player's party consists of 5-6 lvl 7 characters who, for the most part, punch above their weight class on a regular basis. This encounter would likely be the 2nd or third encounter of the day (other encounters would be random traveling encounters with a difficulty or medium or hard, not deadly) and most likely the last. The players classes are paladin (smite-a-din), wizard (can't remember the name, but the one with 20+ armor class and lucky and that whole shebang), assassination rogue, moon druid, Lore Bard, and a temporary archery fighter.

My very loose vision is that the fight takes place at the base of a corrupted world tree. Gnarls of twisted branches and moldy wood form the makeup of the room. There is a somewhat large circular area in the center with roots leading up to a 2nd level platform that looks out on the floor (think the foyer of a grand hotel but instead of stair cases, its twisted roots). There are roots hanging from the ceiling and thorns protruding from the walls in various places.

My thought is that the moon druid will try to engage the melee characters while the land druid throws down damaging aoe's from above (giving little credence to affecting his ally). The Shepard druid will form a beast or fey army to provide other effects while the Dream druid provides concentration support spells and bonus spot healing where required. I'm thinking stinking cloud, entangle, (the thorn damage spell), would all be used in some way for battlefield control.

What are your thoughts? Again, the goal is to try and highlight the strengths of each of the druid circles and try to use them together in a complimentary role. What battle strategies might you employ with the druids and what spells/abilities might you avoid entirely?

Thanks for any input!

2018-03-16, 10:36 AM
I would just like to suggest that these combined could be incredibly frustrating and lethal to the PCS, having said that its also at the base of the Worlds tree, not just some random landmark, it would be enormous and teeming with fey and natural alike.

If there was a band of corrupted Druids scheming in the roots, they would likely already be noticed and hunted by the protectors of the Tree.

PCs have an ace up their sleeve if it comes down to a TPK or something, they should be saved by intervention.

IMHO of course.

Good luck

2018-03-16, 10:43 AM
My advice would be to not get too caught up trying to make the enemies work like a PC druid does. Give them a few iconic druidic abilities but twist them, instead of all of them having a full list of spells at the ready.

The worldtree is also an excellent excuse for some lair actions, as the druids channel the power of its corruption.

2018-03-16, 10:49 AM
The current idea of the location is that it has already been corrupted and these druids are the lieutenants of a greater force deeper within the tree. As for other life, I actually pictured the corrupted location as being devoid of most natural life. On the way to the tree, the players will face off against many otherworldly beings, but I kind of pictured the base of the tree to be very similar to the Nythandra environment in WoW.

I agree, four lvl 10s vs 5 or 6 lvl 7s is a tall order. Hence why I may just take some of the lvl 10 abilities and swap them with something at lvl 7. Probably making the ECL more like 8.5 or something. Honestly, I'm still experimenting with the system and the limits of my own abilities (there's no way I'm playing the druids optimally during the session, too many variables) and the abilities of my players (first rule of DM'ing, the players will always find a way to surprise you).

But yeah, killing the players is not my goal here, I just want to give them a stiff challenge.

2018-03-16, 10:51 AM
"The worldtree is also an excellent excuse for some lair actions, as the druids channel the power of its corruption."

Great idea! I'll have to look over some of the dragon lair actions to get a baseline for what I could incorporate!

2018-03-16, 12:14 PM
Still new to 5e and playing as a moon druid so take this with a grain of salt, but I almost wonder if you should use the moon druid as a harasser for the bard, wizard and archer. A mobile moon druid with moonbeam or call lighting can make any class that needs to keep concentration spells up very unhappy. Focus the bard (who I assume is the healer). Also don't forget moon druids can convert spell slots into heals as a bonus action. Sure that may limit their ability to utilize their concentration spell that's up, but it definitely gives you some adaptability. I doubt you're going to give him the elemental wild shape at that point though, right? Cause that'd be mean.

Let the caster druids (especially Shepard druid) keep melee busy (heat metal as an opener on the pally's weapon can be quite troublesome). Lots of summoned minions with lots of control will be hard for the melee to deal with. Spike growth may work against you in this strat though unless you can get the pc melee away from the PC casters. Wouldn't want them to go back and help their friends you know.. If PC melee decide to go after one of the caster druids get the spirit healing spell on the druid and just have them heal themselves while the other two caster druids keep up the assault.

Archer is a bit of a problem, but druids have several spells that can foul up ranged attacks so you should be able to come up with some solutions there.

2018-03-21, 03:21 PM
Offset some of the offense with a timer, it will keep them on the edge of their seats.

Time can be a bitch Goddess, especially if youre whittling away at some sniper druids.


2018-03-21, 03:30 PM
Another piece of advice would be to telegraph the encounter by showing your players the flaws in the druid class. For example...

Have them fight a lower-level Moon druid before this fight. The moon druid will summon an army of critters with Conjure Animals and then wildshape. Fighting that will teach the players two things in one go. First, they'll learn that moon druids are low-damage HP (if their own druid did not show them already). Second, they'll learn through hitting them that Conjure Animals fizzles once the caster fails a damage-based concentration check. Knowing these things will make beating your final 4 druids essential.

That might set them up to be more ready for what the 4 druid encounter will have in store for them.

Dr. Cliché
2018-03-21, 03:46 PM
Okay, two thoughts here:

1) If you let the Moon Druid have the Mobile feat, then he can perform hit and run tactics, rather than being a straight damage sponge. If you want a damage sponge, I think summoned animals would be the more logical choice (unless it's a core part of his personality, it seems odd that the moon druid would be so eager to put himself at risk).

2) Not related to mechanics, but have you considered giving the druids a look of corruption, matching up with their own circles? For example:
- The Moon druid could have black, animal-like claws on his hands or sprout antlers that are rotten/decaying (or whatever best relates to his preferred animal forms).
- The Land druid could have dark thorns instead of hair.
- Nightmarish images could flicker momentarily into existence around the Dream druid, then fade back to nothing a few seconds later. There may also be fragments of sound - an inhuman roar, a scream, which don't appear to relate to any of the images.
- The Shepard druid could have a corona of shadows around him, in which the faces of fey and beasts are briefly formed, but always twisted and distorted, their expressions filled with malice or bloodlust.

You get the idea.

2018-03-21, 04:01 PM
Something to consider, flavor your descriptions of the druids' spells and attacks with evidence of the corruption that's empowering them. So, if one takes an animal form, describe how it's got the same sort of appearance as their surroundings for example. On balance concerns, if at the onset your players have a rough start (bad luck on rolls for example) you could easily have their enemies have accidental friendly fire, especially with the minions that one of the druids is summoning. That can help keep things even. The druids could even be weaker than a normal 10th level character would be, explained by the corruption (grants more damage at the cost of their health). If you're going to give them lair abilities, have them share the abilities, so that the players don't get overwhelmed. You could also give the druids a shared healthpool, so that the damage/healing is shared, but then they all go down together, instead of the players having to worry about trying to chase down one that is staying out of reach.