View Full Version : Optimization Prince Tyrion of Ulthuan (from Warhammer Fantasy)

2018-03-16, 07:27 PM
Hello all!

I would love to have some advice from the savvy optimizers in this forum on how to build this character concept modeled after the High Elf Prince Tyrion from Warhammer Fantasy:

Tyrion has the very physique and attitude of a warrior born. From an early age, Tyrion was so unlike his twin brother, Teclis. While Teclis was patient, calculating and clever, Tyrion was rash but courageous and energetic.[5a] Being descended from the first of the Phoenix King; the doomed Aenarion, Tyrion is tainted by the cursed blood of his ancestor. This curse has given Tyrion the incipient madness of his forebearers but also their innate martial prowess and tactical stratagem.[3e] Korhein Ironglaive has seen Tyrion's innate skill first hand when the young boy beat the veteran White Lion in several strategic games of cheese.[5b]
Impressed by the young boys innate mind for tactics and strategy, the Captain of the White Lion felt he would make a promising protégé and perhaps even make a potential Phoenix King one day. As he grew up within the confines of Lothern, where he was groomed to be a possible successor to the Phoenix Throne, his skills as a general and a warrior grew exponentially. Trained by Korhein Ironglaive and Prince Iltharis in the arts of the sword and generalship, the young Prince eventually grew to become an exceptionally skilled warrior amongst his peers.[5b]

As well as combat, Tyrion is also know well in Elven courts for his charms and charisma. It is often said by many of his close friends, and even his own brother Teclis, that Tyrion knows how to make people like him and make them feel at ease. Back home, Teclis had been the one favored by their father and Tyrion had been the outsider. Here, within the capital city, it was obvious their roles were always going to be reversed. Tyrion was the one who was the center of attention and Teclis knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was going to be that way from now on.[5s] Despite this, Tyrion has alway expressed a deep sense of brotherly love for Teclis, and though Teclis may not expressed the same amount of love in return, they nevertheless have a strong bond that few can sever.[6a]

Despite his many talents and skills, Tyrion is anything but a mortal Elf like everyone else. Though many would see him as brave and couragous against all foes, Tyrion has felt doubt, anguish and fear like any sane being would. Many expect Tyrion to be a God reborn, yet only a few really knew his true nature. However, his people put much of their faith upon him, and so Tyrion has learned to conquer his fears and doubts and to strive to be better and stronger for the benefit and protection of his people. Yet no matter how strong Tyrion has strived to be, the Curse of Aenarion will one day consume him, and if there was one thing Tyrion feared above all, it would be his fears of descending into the cursed madness and become Khaine reborn.

Tyrion is, for those not acquainted, the greatest warrior and champion of the High Elves in the Warhammer Fantasy universe, and I wanted to make a character inspired by him. We went with dice roll and there is great freedom to work with here: 17 17 16 15 13 10

I was considering an Oath of Vengeance Greatsword wielding Paladin, as I believe it somewhat fits the concept of the hot tempered warrior prince which happens to have a super intelligent magical steed (Malhandir). I also considered the idea of multiclassing with fighter and I do believe he should have the feat Inspiring Leader there somewhere. Maybe Fighter with some Bard? Also, if going down the Paladin route, I entertained the idea of making him a Half-Elf (maybe a bastard such as Jon Snow) just so I could get some attribute bonus synergy.

Any ideas on how to make this? Am going for a striker type with some leading potential.


2018-03-16, 08:40 PM
Have you considered Conquest Paladin?

2018-03-16, 09:40 PM
Have you considered Conquest Paladin?

Both would work. If memory serves, the high elves have quite a few gripes against the dark elves. And chaos. Probably humans, too.

2018-03-17, 04:39 AM
William King's Tyrion & Teclis trilogy (especially book 1) shows that he can be downright vindictive towards other high elves. There was a period where his family used him as their de facto assassin - challenging other elves to duels and killing them, to increase the family's political power and influence.

2018-03-17, 07:34 AM
Have you considered Conquest Paladin?

Thank you for the replies. I did look into it, but even though Tyrion has a darker side, I always saw the Oath of Conquest as much closer to a BlackGuard than a Paladin. Also, although the battlefield control features definitely fit with the High Elf General, I still want him to be a powerful damage dealer. Maybe if I were to fit some Battlemaster levels?

2018-03-17, 07:45 AM
Thank you for the replies. I did look into it, but even though Tyrion has a darker side, I always saw the Oath of Conquest as much closer to a BlackGuard than a Paladin. Also, although the battlefield control features definitely fit with the High Elf General, I still want him to be a powerful damage dealer. Maybe if I were to fit some Battlemaster levels?
He would challenge people to duels and brutally kill them just to advance his family's prestige. He admitted in one book that he chose the path of battle because he likes killing. How is he not a blackguard? How are vengeance paladins not blackguards, for that matter.

2018-03-17, 08:03 AM
He would challenge people to duels and brutally kill them just to advance his family's prestige. He admitted in one book that he chose the path of battle because he likes killing. How is he not a blackguard? How are vengeance paladins not blackguards, for that matter.
That’s a good point, though I always saw that as the Aenarion heritage and the cursed bloodline tempting him towards a darker path. To me the Conquest Oath struck me more as meticulous tyranny while the Vengeance Oath is the rage and fury that one simply learns to channel. He definitely wouldn’t be a Paladin of Devotion, Vengeance seems perfect, but Conquest to me fits more Malekith than him. Finally, I see him more as a fearsome duelist and Warrior that is able to bank on his deserved reputation for prowess than one that would work through fear first and prowess second as the Oath of Conquest seems to be.

2018-03-17, 08:17 AM
That’s a good point, though I always saw that as the Aenarion heritage and the cursed bloodline tempting him towards a darker path. To me the Conquest Oath struck me more as meticulous tyranny while the Vengeance Oath is the rage and fury that one simply learns to channel. He definitely wouldn’t be a Paladin of Devotion, Vengeance seems perfect, but Conquest to me fits more Malekith than him. Finally, I see him more as a fearsome duelist and Warrior that is able to bank on his deserved reputation for prowess than one that would work through fear first and prowess second as the Oath of Conquest seems to be.
Well argued. You make some excellent points.

2018-03-17, 09:06 AM
Finally, I see him more as a fearsome duelist and Warrior that is able to bank on his deserved reputation for prowess than one that would work through fear first and prowess second as the Oath of Conquest seems to be.

Conquest is "I'm scary", it doesn't change the person's prowess. Having a fearsome reputation because you're THAT good is just as efficient as being spooky or being physically intimidating

See it like that: would people be likely run away if they saw this Tyrion guy get his weapon in hand and tell them to be somewhere else?

Note that I don't have any stake in this race, I'm just trying to help you get what you want. If you prefer Vengeance Paladin, go for it.