View Full Version : Exploring Borealum [IC]

2018-03-18, 07:44 AM
The Borealum
Life is never simple near the border of Holds of Belkzen. A constant threat of orcish raids looms over the population, but now, there have been other rumblings. The mountain stirs once more. Beneath it’s crags, cliffs and rocks, there’s evil in its core. For months now, the villages nearby have been ravaged by a monster, and trackers have found that it has come from the depths of Borealum. This underground complex, rumours claim, dates back thousands of years, and has been cleared several times over the recent centuries, most recently by the great hero Boreale, who named it after himself.

As for the monster, none that have seen it lived to tell the tale. It is large, certainly, and strong. Possibly intelligent as well. Multiple village leaders have promised rewards for proof of its demise. To defeat this beast, a team has been assembled by Patrick Wands. Joining him were Shen, Brac Foster and Sellyn Keribaen. In addition to that, a few other people are joining you in a more assistant capacity.

The entrance, large double doors smashed open from within, greet you at the entrance. Your first campsite will be the antechamber. A large, open space large enough to shelter your mounts, and with only the entrance deeper into the dungeon and the exit from the dungeon, it is reasonably defensible. Several support columns have been broken, while others still stand. Crude carvings cover parts of the wall, too worn to be read anymore, or else written in languages you barely understand. Sellyn recognises some goblin markings, claiming ownership for the Bullfrog tribe. The doors further within is open, revealing a 10-ft wide corridor that leads to a descending staircase.

Wilhelm: Male Half-orc Warrior, eager to build a reputation as a fearsome warrior. Self-proclaimed disciple to Patrick, who defeated him in combat.
Kabanos: Male Halfling Adept, who, infinitely curious and utterly fearless, wants to see the monster. Does not want to actually fight it. Advances to Druid
Atrisia: Female Human Expert, who wants to repay Sellyn for saving her life. Not really a fighter, but she has other skills. Advances to Unchained Monk
Henry: Male Human Commoner, an earnest young apprentice to Brac, but his talents seem to lean to a different direction.

2018-03-18, 08:15 AM
"Hello team I'm your leader Patrick Wands. This is going to be some exciting adventure. If anyone got any questions feel free to ask."

2018-03-18, 12:55 PM
Brac looked at the entrance in awe. He wondered if anyone here would be able to return to the surface. Still, he knew about the risks, even a few days ago, when he requested to join the expedition mostly out of a desire to explore and hone his skills. "Well,we are ready to start whenever you want." Brac informs the rest.

"Lets be careful when we start and try to stay together. We dont want to lose anybody on this journey. " Herwyn adds with a tone of concern.

2018-03-18, 01:48 PM
Tracing his fingers over the goblin markings, Sel faces the entrance with a frown. The stories of this place were superfluous and varied by their very nature due to the sheer number of people who had wandered in here. They were a bit like the fisherman's tales Sel remembered hearing, growing up along the river. Where the fish got bigger every time someone told the tale. Except in the case of this dungeon, the 'fish' were the monsters inside. Sellyn wasn't sure what to believe about the place, what was true and what was simply myth, but years as a mercenary had taught him to choose his battles carefully, and to never go into a situation unprepared. Turning to the rest of the group, his sharp green eyes evaluate each other adventurer. They were all braced to face danger. But none of them actually knew what might be inside this place. "We'll be all right," he says all the same, giving the group a rueful grin and hefting his shield a bit higher. "I'll try and get between you all and anything particularly nasty. Speaking of which... seems there may be goblins in here, at least on the upper floors. These marks, here," he gestures to them, in case anyone else could read the faded, crude writing better than he could. "They claim this place for the Bullfrog tribe. Has anyone heard of them before?" he questions, wracking his own brain for anything he might have heard about this particular clan of Goblins.

Rolling Knowledge (Local) untrained.

And Linguistics to see if there's any more writing I can pick out. (Trained in Linguistics)

2018-03-19, 12:19 AM
Shen sticks on the end of the group glad to see that doors will fit his mount "Goblins.. I don't belive anyone speaks their language? Am I right."

2018-03-19, 03:36 AM
Patrick responds to Shen response.

"I only speak Common. I would be surprised if the Goblins speak Common. That would make the communication a lot easier if they wanted to cooperative with us."

2018-03-19, 10:16 AM
"I can speak Goblin. Though it's been a little while, I might be a bit rusty," Sel tells the others. He'd picked up the language while he had been a mercenary. He'd often worked with Goblins and Orcs back then, and had picked up a few turns of phrase that most didn't know. He wouldn't call himself fluent, exactly, but he knew enough to navigate a conversation. "If we run across any, let me try talking to them," he continues. He looks to Patrick, then. "Shall we get moving?"

2018-03-19, 10:19 AM
"I can speak Goblin. Though it's been a little while, I might be a bit rusty," Sel tells the others. He'd picked up the language while he had been a mercenary. He'd often worked with Goblins and Orcs back then, and had picked up a few turns of phrase that most didn't know. He wouldn't call himself fluent, exactly, but he knew enough to navigate a conversation. "If we run across any, let me try talking to them," he continues. He looks to Patrick, then. "Shall we get moving?"
"Yes. I'm ready than you are."

2018-03-19, 10:56 AM
Brac was a bit curious about one of his companions request when finding goblins but decided to remain on subject. Knowing the place could be dangerous, Brac gives a mental command to Herwyn to search for traps. "This wil only take a moment." he replies to the others. Herwyn begins his search around the entrance.

Perception [roll0]
And if any traps are found: [roll1]

2018-03-19, 12:55 PM
The doorway and the stairs are trapless. There is no light beyond, so you will need to either bring some along yourselves, or recruit one of your followers to carry a torch or something. The stairs continue down to a landing around 30 feet away, with two doorways, one on either side.

As for the writings, little more is evident than what you had noted already.

If you are attempting to be stealthy, roll Stealth.

2018-03-19, 01:25 PM
"Allow me to go first," Sellyn says to the others, furrowing his brow for a moment and whispering a soft word in Elven which causes his shield to start glowing. It should provide enough light for everyone to easily see by. He starts down the stairs, taking caution on the aged steps even if there are no traps - he doesn't want to slip.

Casting Light on my shield.

Not sure how stealthy I can be with a glowing shield, but here's a check: [roll0]

Wow, not bad for a -4 penalty! Though any penalty the GM wants to impose considering I'm glowing is fair.

2018-03-19, 01:42 PM
"Ok." said Patrick as he allow Sellyn to go first. Then he go stealthy.

Stealth: [roll0]

2018-03-19, 04:10 PM
"Well, since we are working on our formation. I believe I should be just in front the last one. Without proper armor, it would be benefitial if potential enemies remain within range. In the middle we could keep our assistants with less fighting capabilities." Brac decides to suggest to Patrick. Despite apppearances, Brac wasnt really good at stealth. He just hoped he would keep the pace with the rest.

"In the middle we could keep our assistants with less fighting training. I believe I should stay at the very back. I have a good sense of smell and it will be a lot harder to be taken by surprise." Herwyn adds before addressing Henry directly. "Henry, stay away from trouble and try to keep yourself in the middle of the group." He moves trying to be stealthy.

Stealth Brac: [roll0]
Stealth Herwyn: [roll1]

2018-03-19, 04:54 PM
I agree. We must be vigilant, people and eidolon." :wink:

2018-03-20, 12:20 AM
I myself could guard as despite having no armor I don't think of myself usable to take a hit see how others make their, rather poor attempt at stealth Shen tries confine his horses to do the same.

Handel animal [roll0]
Stealth [roll1]

2018-03-21, 01:15 PM
You descend down to the landing. Your light shines into two rooms, one on either side. On your left, a corridor that runs beyond the reach of your light. To your right, a chamber with another doorway, this one with a closed door. The room is messy, with large piles of rubble and debris, and is about 20 feet wide and thirty long, with the door on the far side. There is a rustling sound from the right, and Brac, Shen and Selly think they saw something skulking in the shadows, but couldn't make out what it was. Certainly nothing humanoid.

2018-03-21, 01:19 PM
Get ready everyone. I feel like we not the only who's here at this point."

Mauler get his Greatsword ready.

2018-03-21, 01:48 PM
Sel lifts his shield a bit higher, hoping it will cast more light through the room so they can get a better look inside. "Who's there?" he calls, first in Common, then in Goblin. He doesn't think whatever he saw fit the shape of a goblin, exactly, but with the markings on the door, he thought it best to be on the safe side.

2018-03-21, 02:01 PM
Shen louds his cross-bow "anyone has light scource? they may try ambushe"

2018-03-21, 02:30 PM
"So....are we going to the right to find out what exactly we just saw?" Brac asks the others when he sees them prepapre for combat. He knew he had to be careful with his magic. Right now, it was a really limited resource. He decides to prepare his longsword in case of engagement instead. Herwyn followed the mood and prepared himself for the posible combat. "I will guard everyone´s back." He declares reassuringly.

2018-03-21, 02:36 PM
There is no reply. There is a rapidly repeating scrabbling noise, like many limbs moving across a rocky surface, on the right side of the doorway, behind a low pile of rubble. Out of it charges a segmented, many-legged and long creature. A centipede, easily six feet long with mandibles the length of your hand rears up, charging at Sel, the one holding the light. While you were alert, its attack was still quite sudden.

[roll0] vs flat-footed AC
[roll1] damage. It also applies poison, so roll a Fortitude save if you get hit.

2018-03-21, 03:10 PM
Shen fier his crossbow at the crature. Making sure to keep 80ft distance between himself and the centipede.

atack: [roll0]
dmg: [roll1]
init: [roll2]

2018-03-21, 04:12 PM
The centipede dies, impaled by the crossbow bolt.

2018-03-21, 04:54 PM
Sel lets out a deep breath as the creature goes still, nudging it out of their path with his shield. He turns to Shen. "Hell of a shot," he compliments with a grin. "Thing looked like it might be nasty. Couldn't get through my armor, though," he says with some pride, tapping his free hand against his breastplate. He turns back to the room, then, looking around for any more of the creatures.


2018-03-21, 05:11 PM
"Great job Shen. I hate creepy crawlies. Especially creepy crawlies with so many legs."

2018-03-21, 08:55 PM
"That was amazing! I am not sure how you did it but it was really great." Brac declares in surprise. He wondered if he had previous experience dealing with such creatures. "So, where do we go next?"

2018-03-21, 09:07 PM
"That was amazing! I am not sure how you did it but it was really great." Brac declares in surprise. He wondered if he had previous experience dealing with such creatures. "So, where do we go next?"

"I say we keep going."

2018-03-21, 11:41 PM
Shen get a little embersed with all that praise "that's, I must say I'm surprised to see it fall like this"

2018-03-22, 11:16 AM
Sel, after looking around the room, nods to the others. He takes point again, leading the way into the room and holding his magically illuminated shield aloft so that they could see a little better, if there was anything of interest in the room.

2018-03-22, 11:34 AM
You find a skeleton in the room. It has scraps of clothing, and a small bag that contains three iron vials, as well as broken glass, possibly further vials. The only exits from the room you're in are the way you came from and a closed door.

You can recognize the species of the creature with a knowledge (local) check.
Identifying the liquids is Perception or Craft (alchemy).

2018-03-23, 09:36 AM
Shen gets off this mount walksing over thethe door replaing a fierled bolt. "any guesses what maybe behind the doors" he says putting a ear on the doors trying to ears drop

Knowledge check to diffiny the sceleton [roll0]
Perception check for the doors [roll1]

2018-03-23, 09:39 AM
You find a skeleton in the room. It has scraps of clothing, and a small bag that contains three iron vials, as well as broken glass, possibly further vials. The only exits from the room you're in are the way you came from and a closed door.

You can recognize the species of the creature with a knowledge (local) check.
Identifying the liquids is Perception or Craft (alchemy).

Patrick try to recongize the species of the creature and also try to identying the liquids.

Knowledge (Local) check: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2018-03-23, 11:26 AM
Sel doesn't know much about skeletons or alchemy. Certainly, he's familiar with death, and he's seen it plenty of times, but never a full skeleton, with the flesh completely rotted away. He finds it a bit of a disturbing sight, and averts his gaze, leaving the others to investigate while he looks at the walls and the ceiling.

2018-03-23, 12:52 PM
Brac Knowledge local: [roll0]
Herwyn Perception roll: [roll1]

"Poor unfortunate soul. May he rest in peace." Brac declares before giving the skeleton a momento of silence in respect. Herwyn is more worried about keeping the group safe and keeps his guard up looking around in case more cretures could be lurking the place.

2018-03-25, 06:29 AM
The vials contain potions. Two of them appear to be possess healing properties, while the third will increase the drinker's strength. The room looks empty besides the things you have found. The door on the far side is barred from the far side. You could try to force the doorway, or you can try the other direction.

2 potions of Cure Light Wounds, 1 potion of Bull's Strength. The nature of the body eludes you

2018-03-26, 06:48 AM
"who could use that potions. Either effects shouldn't be of much use for me personally" Shen thinks out loud ready to head for another room

2018-03-26, 10:06 AM
"I can do my own healing," Sel says. "But if no one would like the third potion, I will happily take it and use my strength to aid you all."

2018-03-26, 10:40 AM
"I can do my own healing," Sel says. "But if no one would like the third potion, I will happily take it and use my strength to aid you all."

"I'll take the third potion it might come in handy and strength is my strong suit. Emphasis on strong."

2018-03-26, 10:59 AM
"I will gladly carry the cure potions. I might not end up using them but its better to be safe than sorry." Brac shares with the rest. Herwyn nods in agreement. If their main healer was knocked down or if he ran out of magic to heal, they would really need the potions.

2018-03-26, 12:03 PM
"I will gladly carry the cure potions. I might not end up using them but its better to be safe than sorry." Brac shares with the rest. Herwyn nods in agreement. If their main healer was knocked down or if he ran out of magic to heal, they would really need the potions.

"Brac is right. Sel if I were you I would take the cure potions just in case. Oh yeah almost forgot to take the strength potion." As Patrick take the strength potion.

2018-03-26, 01:38 PM
"Don't worry about me," Sel says, refusing to take the cure potions. He allows the others to divvy them up, before moving over to the door. "Shall we keep going then?" he asks, looking eager to leave this room behind. He refreshes the Light spell on his shield for got measure, before testing the door to see if it will open, or if it has decided to be difficult.

2018-03-26, 03:44 PM
The door remains barred.

2018-03-26, 10:31 PM
"Like I said before. I will gladly carry the cure potions and use them when it becomes a necessity. I will try to be careful in combat." Brac replies hoping he could convince them to trust him.

Herwyn wonders about the door not opening and decides to take a look. "Let me check. There might be a device keeping the door closed. If that doesnt work, we can always try pushing."

Perception with darkvision: [roll0] I know it doesnt increase the roll but worth mentioning in case an area not covered by the light is involved.
If there is a device keeping the door locked or if there is a lock that can be unlocked: [roll1]

2018-03-27, 11:53 AM
It feels like the door is barred, rather than locked. Nothing you can do from this side with the tools you have on hand. It's going to be either a detour or (loudly) forcing your way through.

2018-03-27, 11:20 PM
Shen observes his companion struggling with the door. Looks like force will be required but maybe we can limit the noise by focusing on the lock

2018-03-28, 02:19 PM
Sel gives the rest of the group a nod, stepping back from the door and letting the others get a look at it. "By all means," he encourages. "Picking locks isn't my strong suit. Someone else take a go at it," he said.

2018-03-28, 07:10 PM
Stand back everyone. I'm going to break the door."

Strength Check: [roll0]

2018-03-30, 10:06 AM
"Maybe that wasnt enough. Let me assist." Brac decides trying to push the door open.

Strengh check: [roll0]

2018-03-30, 02:16 PM
After the others attempt to bash the door down, rather than choosing the more discreet option, Sel determines that stealth has likely been thrown out the window, so he hikes up his shield a little bit, aiming to bash the door. It was wooden and probably wouldn't hold up against too much force. "Stand back," he tells the others, before lining himself up and ramming his shield against the wooden frame.

And I can't remember if Sel's BAB is actually +3 and if his Str is +2 or not, but that's my best guess, so I'm going to roll that and if it's not correct feel free to adjust my rolls accordingly!


Of course, I say that, then I actually go check mythweavers again and it's working. Was wrong on both fronts! Subtract 2 from the attack roll and 1 from the damage, and that's correct!

2018-03-30, 04:09 PM
The door remains stubbornly in place, rocking a little in the frame with your blows, but seemingly impervious to your blows. "Let me" your half.orc assistant says, rolling up his metaphorical sleeves and hefting his huge axe before hitting the door with all his might. It bites, at least, launching a few splinters. He plants his foot on the door and pulls the axe loose. "Not good for a blade, but we can break through for sure"


2018-03-30, 05:20 PM
"Man this door isn't budging. We tried picklocking it and bashing it. What else have we not tried?" :confused:

2018-03-30, 05:51 PM
"Praying. We haven't tried praying yet," Sel pipes up, a bit nonplussed. But he takes up his shield once again. "I'm sure if we hit it long enough and hard enough, it'll come down. Though..." he pauses a moment, a bit of common sense kicking in, "We could try unscrewing the hinges, if anyone has the proper tools. Give me the best lock in the world and I'll bet you the person didn't think about the other side of the door."

2018-03-30, 07:12 PM
"Ok but praying isn't really my strong suit. I do believe in a deity though but I'm not a religious person." Patrick replied to Sell. He tried to bash the door again.

Strength Check: [roll0]

2018-03-30, 08:18 PM
"To each their own. I wasn't always a religious man, myself, either," Sel says as he watches Patrick throw himself at the door again. The cleric lets out a deep breath. "I don't think this is getting anywhere - but persistence always pays off! No reason for the rest of you all to exhaust yourselves with this, let me handle it," he says, nudging Patrick aside and lining himself up at the door again. He'll get it open, if this is what the party wants, and he won't stop until he does.

On my strength check? That'll give me a 21 to smash open the door. Eventually.
Any penalty you want to impose on Sel throwing himself at a door for the better part of 20 minutes is fine with me in exchange and perfectly fair. :smallsmile:

2018-03-30, 08:53 PM
"To each their own. I wasn't always a religious man, myself, either," Sel says as he watches Patrick throw himself at the door again. The cleric lets out a deep breath. "I don't think this is getting anywhere - but persistence always pays off! No reason for the rest of you all to exhaust yourselves with this, let me handle it," he says, nudging Patrick aside and lining himself up at the door again. He'll get it open, if this is what the party wants, and he won't stop until he does.

On my strength check? That'll give me a 21 to smash open the door. Eventually.
Any penalty you want to impose on Sel throwing himself at a door for the better part of 20 minutes is fine with me in exchange and perfectly fair. :smallsmile:

"Oh really? What make you convert to your faith if you don't mind me asking this question?"

2018-03-30, 09:19 PM
Sel pauses a moment in his tackling the door to look over at Patrick. "There was a time in my life where I valued coin more than another person's blood," he answers. "It was a savage life. An unfulfilling one. There was no point to all of it, I lived a life of kill, or be killed. I had no direction and no purpose." He rams the door again, letting out a grunt as he does so, but he can feel the door starting to buckle, and he thinks it's paying off. "I committed so many wrongs. Killed so many innocents. And then, I was nearly slain myself - and for what?" He shakes his head curtly. "I was simply surviving. And that was no way to live. As I lay on the road, bleeding to death after a job gone wrong, I was happened upon by a priest. He took me in and nursed me back to health - me! Someone who would have, if a gold coin had passed my hand, killed him without a thought! It was... mercy I had never been shown before," he says. He stops for a moment, looking over at Patrick seriously. "I told him I was not worthy of his healing. But he told me everyone is worthy of it. That everyone is worthy of a second chance, and that even men who had been as cruel and evil as I had been could be redeemed. Hearing those words changed my life," he says. He gives a small shake of his head and a faint smile. "I don't really expect to move you to tears or anything, with a story like that. And certainly I still believe that life should be lived to each their own, because I have no right to judge. I simply think... that people should find what they believe in, and cling to it at all cost. This - my devotion to Iomedae - is what gives me purpose, now. There is a point to living. And the point is to do all I can for the sake of others. I was given a second chance and everyone else should get the same. And if I do not give people a chance, then I spit in the face of what that priest did for me on that day. If you ask my point in life... it is to be of assistance. And so, I will do all I can with the time I have left."

2018-03-30, 09:48 PM
Sel pauses a moment in his tackling the door to look over at Patrick. "There was a time in my life where I valued coin more than another person's blood," he answers. "It was a savage life. An unfulfilling one. There was no point to all of it, I lived a life of kill, or be killed. I had no direction and no purpose." He rams the door again, letting out a grunt as he does so, but he can feel the door starting to buckle, and he thinks it's paying off. "I committed so many wrongs. Killed so many innocents. And then, I was nearly slain myself - and for what?" He shakes his head curtly. "I was simply surviving. And that was no way to live. As I lay on the road, bleeding to death after a job gone wrong, I was happened upon by a priest. He took me in and nursed me back to health - me! Someone who would have, if a gold coin had passed my hand, killed him without a thought! It was... mercy I had never been shown before," he says. He stops for a moment, looking over at Patrick seriously. "I told him I was not worthy of his healing. But he told me everyone is worthy of it. That everyone is worthy of a second chance, and that even men who had been as cruel and evil as I had been could be redeemed. Hearing those words changed my life," he says. He gives a small shake of his head and a faint smile. "I don't really expect to move you to tears or anything, with a story like that. And certainly I still believe that life should be lived to each their own, because I have no right to judge. I simply think... that people should find what they believe in, and cling to it at all cost. This - my devotion to Iomedae - is what gives me purpose, now. There is a point to living. And the point is to do all I can for the sake of others. I was given a second chance and everyone else should get the same. And if I do not give people a chance, then I spit in the face of what that priest did for me on that day. If you ask my point in life... it is to be of assistance. And so, I will do all I can with the time I have left."
"Actually that story haved moved me a bit. It's very deep. We all have a certain story that we're not proud of. My story is somewhat similar to yours. When I was a teenager I got into a fight with an Orc. I got arrested. When to jail then an old male dwarf bailed me out. He taught me to be a fighter. He passed away years later. I met three adventurers that I made friends with. I started adventuring with them. Then we parted ways. Then Orcs started to invaded my village. The same Orc that I have a fight with years ago kidnapped a woman. I fought with that Orc and came to the woman rescue. We fall in love with each other and got married. Then we have two kids together and start a family and I got reunited with my three buddies and they got a family on their own and we reconnected their bond with each other. And that's about it."

2018-03-30, 10:45 PM
"Actually that story haved moved me a bit. It's very deep. We all have a certain story that we're not proud of. My story is somewhat similar to yours. When I was a teenager I got into a fight with an Orc. I got arrested. When to jail then an old male dwarf bailed me out. He taught me to be a fighter. He passed away years later. I met three adventurers that I made friends with. I started adventuring with them. Then we parted ways. Then Orcs started to invaded my village. The same Orc that I have a fight with years ago kidnapped a woman. I fought with that Orc and came to the woman rescue. We fall in love with each other and got married. Then we have two kids together and start a family and I got reunited with my three buddies and they got a family on their own and we reconnected their bond with each other. And that's about it."

Sel smiles faintly. "You're blessed to come out on top like that. I've no family of my own. Not anymore." As willing as he was to talk about his conversion to being a priest, it seems that Sellyn is not quite ready to broach this topic. He offers no further information.

2018-03-30, 10:59 PM
Sel smiles faintly. "You're blessed to come out on top like that. I've no family of my own. Not anymore." As willing as he was to talk about his conversion to being a priest, it seems that Sellyn is not quite ready to broach this topic. He offers no further information.

"Yes I'm very blessed to have family and great friends to support. Anyway speaking of deities, I know that my lovely wife happen to worship Korada, God of forgiveness. Also one of my friends worship the same god as my wife as well."

2018-04-05, 11:21 AM
You break down the door. Beyond is a corridor daubed with goblin runes. There is a mighty wooden bar that has been broken in your forced entry. You see the edge of another room, as well as doorways on either side of the corridor 15 feet ahead. It is very quiet, considering the sound you made. Either you have driven them away or they wait in ambush.

2018-04-05, 11:30 AM
"Finally I thought we never going to get this door open." Patrick sheathed his Greatsword to prepare for upcoming enemies.

2018-04-05, 01:17 PM
"I bet is goblins are in there about to jump out on us" Shen notes asses weather or not he can get trought the doors with this horse

2018-04-05, 01:49 PM
The corridors are neither wide or tall enough for a horse to move comfortably, though one can be forced through. Indeed, only the initial room where you camped has been tall enough for horses to be comfortably, as well as the only place where one might conceivably fit on the saddle.

2018-04-05, 09:09 PM
"Not exactly the best conditions to be in. How should we go about this? Should our most armored companion lead or should I ask Herwyn to go first since he is more capable of detecting the posible threats?" Brac asks the leader about the situation.

2018-04-05, 09:28 PM
"Not exactly the best conditions to be in. How should we go about this? Should our most armored companion lead or should I ask Herwyn to go first since he is more capable of detecting the posible threats?" Brac asks the leader about the situation.

"I say we should ask Herwyn "

2018-04-06, 12:29 AM
Brac turns to Herwyn to make the request. Herwyn already knows what is coming. "I know this isnt exactly the best condition but the team needs you to be the one to guide the group. You should be capable of smelling the danger up ahead and as such you are better equipped to take action in case of danger. Just see this as a measure to portect the team, please?"

"I dont enjoy push forward due to trouble but I suppose I can let it slide since there is no immediate threat. I will try my best for the sake of the team. I just hope if I get in trouble I will receive inmediate assistance." Herwyn accepts with a bit of relunctance. He still didnt know much about the team but he knew some out there considered creatures like himself expendable. Hopefully no one on the team fall under that category. Herwyn then went ahead and started to walk through the corridor.

2018-04-10, 01:30 PM
Herwyn reaches the first doors before encountering a savage goblin ambush. Savage is a relative term, but arrows pelt it from both sides of the corridor. You hear high-pitched giggling from up ahead. You guess there are at least 5 of them there hidden in the other rooms. Your long-winded and loud breaking of the door evidently did not go unnoticed.

[roll0]/[roll1]/[roll2]/[roll3] Attacks
[roll4]/[roll5]/[roll6]/[roll7] Damages

2018-04-10, 02:33 PM
Patrick used his greatsword to hit one of the goblins.

Power Attack Melee Attack Rolls: [roll0]
Power Attack Melee Damage Rolls: [roll1]

2018-04-10, 02:59 PM
Patrick moves past the injured Eidolon and takes a left, spying a pair of goblins in a small storeroom, both reloading their bows. He attacks the first, which manages to get out of the way.

To clarify, the goblins are in rooms on either side of the corridor. Reached with a move action.
The room that Patrick went into is 15ft/15ft, which means he threatens every square in the room.

2018-04-10, 03:11 PM
Shen fires his cross bow at goblins into the other room louding it with quick pull of the leaver. Then the follow Patric staying 10ft behind him

Atack: [roll0], demage [roll1]. I will be using a Deadeye or if any ranged atack is going to go against Shen he will use Gunslinger’s Dodge droping prone. (Assuming there is enough Panache for that)

2018-04-10, 03:19 PM
Brac wanted to assist but he knew that he had to keep himself alive as long as possible since he might have to sacrifice his own life to keep Herwyn from being sent back to its plane. Sincé Herwyn was being assisted, he knew he was better staying back. "I dont think I can help with magic. I believe I should stay back for the moment."

"You, goblins shall pay for this! " Herwyn decides to attack the same goblin as Patrick with his fangs.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2018-04-16, 01:34 PM
"Stay behind me, Brac, and I'll keep you safe," Sellyn says. He hisses under his breath as Patrick and Shen race forward - charging in headfirst lead to nothing but getting yourself killed. But if they were going to race forward into the unknown, then they would need support. "Don't drag your feet now, Brac, we must aid the others!" he says, following after the other two, scimitar at the ready.

2018-04-16, 02:00 PM
Sellyn pushes past Shen and stands guard over the side of the corridor with Shen and Brac. Herwyn cuts down a goblin. The other one trapped in the room with you drops its bow and draws a small curved sword. In the other room, a goblin begins singing. It is a discordant tune, mostly about how gobluins are great and vicious and mighty and totally better than their enemies. Two goblins emerge into the hallway, one running into Sellyn and lashes out, while another rushes through to strike at Patrick with its remaining fellow there.

[roll0] Sword vs Patrick
[roll1] damage
[roll2] sword vs Selly
[roll3] damage

The next goblin provokes an attack of opportunity from her, trying to get to the other room with Patrick and Herwyn.
[roll4] Attack on Patrick if it survives the AoO
[roll5] damage

2018-04-16, 02:06 PM
Sellyn raises his own voice as he hears the goblins rally themselves. He calls out to them in fractured goblin - it probably sounds like gibberish to everyone else, but it's at least passable. "Favored chiefs! Lay down your weapons, also shall we do!" He pauses for a moment, searching for the right words. It really had been a while. "Truce! No harm in meaning if you no harm in meaning!"

2018-04-16, 02:15 PM
"You break our door" a final goblin says, amidst its song, in common almost as broken as Sellyn's goblin. The others keep fighting. They are sure to win. They've only lost one of their number and inflicted an injury in return.

2018-04-16, 02:17 PM
"You break our door" a final goblin says, amidst its song, in common almost as broken as Sellyn's goblin. The others keep fighting. They are sure to win. They've only lost one of their number and inflicted an injury in return.

"So what? What's your point goblin?" :mad:

2018-04-16, 02:32 PM
"No, Patrick, the goblin has a good point. We did barge in unannounced, and with our weapons drawn, at that. We are the ones in the wrong, here," Sellyn says, a frown on his lip. He sheathes his blade, but he still has his shield ready, and by no means lowers his guard. But he steps forward, putting himself between Patrick and the goblins as he speaks up again. "I am breaker door. Thousand apology. Not meaning of to surprise you, not meaning harm if you not meaning harm. Can fix door. No war with your people, truce, mean only to passing through. Great respect for the Bullfrog Tribe, and Great Frog Chief," he says, remembering the writing that he saw on the way in and hoping that this is the same tribe that marked the front of the caverns.

If it's needed? I'm quite happy keeping that 19 from before, of course...


2018-04-16, 02:33 PM
"No, Patrick, the goblin has a good point. We did barge in unannounced, and with our weapons drawn, at that. We are the ones in the wrong, here," Sellyn says, a frown on his lip. He sheathes his blade, but he still has his shield ready, and by no means lowers his guard. But he steps forward, putting himself between Patrick and the goblins as he speaks up again. "I am breaker door. Thousand apology. Not meaning of to surprise you, not meaning harm if you not meaning harm. Can fix door. No war with your people, truce, mean only to passing through. Great respect for the Bullfrog Tribe, and Great Frog Chief," he says, remembering the writing that he saw on the way in and hoping that this is the same tribe that marked the front of the caverns.

If it's needed? I'm quite happy keeping that 19 from before, of course...


"Who side are you on anyway Sel?" :mad:

2018-04-16, 02:47 PM
Without turning to look at Patrick, Sel sighs through his nose. "I am on the side of seeing as few people getting harmed as possible, Patrick. You are my companions, and so I will of course protect you, if this engagement becomes more fatal than it already has. I will lay down my life for yours. But that does not mean we should just blindly kill anyone in our path. These goblins have their own lives, and we are the intruders in their home. I believe a certain amount or respect must be given to that. If they do not allow us to pass peacefully, we will go through unpeacefully, and I will keep you all as safe as I am able. But there is no need for useless bloodshed!" Sellyn says, his voice rising a bit in volume with his final sentence. He looks around at the goblins, eyes still wary, as he repeats the message again in goblin. "These companions are mine. You do them harm, I attack. But I wish no harm. No blood needs to fall on the stones. No more. May we pass?"

2018-04-16, 02:49 PM
Without turning to look at Patrick, Sel sighs through his nose. "I am on the side of seeing as few people getting harmed as possible, Patrick. You are my companions, and so I will of course protect you, if this engagement becomes more fatal than it already has. I will lay down my life for yours. But that does not mean we should just blindly kill anyone in our path. These goblins have their own lives, and we are the intruders in their home. I believe a certain amount or respect must be given to that. If they do not allow us to pass peacefully, we will go through unpeacefully, and I will keep you all as safe as I am able. But there is no need for useless bloodshed!" Sellyn says, his voice rising a bit in volume with his final sentence. He looks around at the goblins, eyes still wary, as he repeats the message again in goblin. "These companions are mine. You do them harm, I attack. But I wish no harm. No blood needs to fall on the stones. No more. May we pass?"

"Ok if you say so. We'll go your way then." :smile:

2018-04-16, 02:49 PM
"Are you sure about this, Sellyn? I dot think goblins are the most reasonable of creatures." Brac shares his thoughts on the situation. He was also getting worried about Herwyn and spoke to him through their mental link. Be careful nd try not to overexted yourself.

I will be fine. It hurts right now but I suppose it could be worse. responds Herwyn through the link.

2018-04-16, 02:53 PM
"All creatures deserve the chance. Even a lowly creature like me," Sellyn says. "A goblin is no less than I am. So certainly I will not draw my blade, if they will allow us to pass. There will be no need. We can each live our lives in peace."

2018-04-16, 03:20 PM
"These our halls. But. We fighting kobolds. We use tall-lings to fight battle for us. So clever. They will never suspect" the goblin leader says out loud.

2018-04-16, 03:38 PM
Shen keeps his cross bow at the ready, aimed but not firing. He say through the link. "Fights with in the dungeon, well we are really only after the big bad, it maybe good idea to get alies"

2018-04-16, 03:52 PM
"I'm not 100% sure if I want to trust these Goblins but I'll be very cooperative as long if they don't backstabbed us." :annoyed:

2018-04-16, 06:43 PM
At the very least, the goblins had let them know what other monsters lay in the dungeon. Sellyn gave a small nod. "Peace is good," he said, gesturing between his companions and the Goblins. "Tell us of the scalebags." He didn't know the proper term for Kobold in goblin. So the crude term would have to suffice.

2018-04-18, 07:48 PM
"While this is all nice and dandy, can we have Herwyn receive some healing? He took quite a beating." Brac requests.

2018-04-18, 08:04 PM
"I'm not sorry for attacking one of them though and I have a right to be very suspicious of what their true agenda is." :mad:

2018-04-21, 09:56 AM
The goblin leader leads you through corridors, a few of its minions rushing ahead. There are twists, turns and stairs descending a level down. Your route takes you through dug tunnels and through holes in walls made to accomodate goblins, rather than tallings like yourselves. Along the way, you see evidence of life, but no goblins show themselves. The size of their domain suggests dozens at least. You're pretty sure that you are committing to something here. The goblins see you as the enemies of their enemy, but win or lose, new negotiations are probably needed if you want to go back this way. You are led to a larger, oblong hall, tall and spaced with pillars. Dead goblins and kobolds, perhaps a dozen all told, litter the floor.

"Kobolds that way" the goblin says, gesturing to the far end of the hall, where you see an entryway much larger than one that you used. Another door sits on one side, equally large. It could fit a horse, or an ogre.