View Full Version : Sun Soul & armour?

2018-03-18, 01:58 PM
Just having a quick look at Way of the Sun Soul and I can't see any clear reason why Radiant Sun Bolt can't be used whilst wearing armour. Am I missing something? I can see that it's damage scales from Martial Arts which doesn't work with armour, but I can't see any other link between the abilities?

2018-03-18, 02:03 PM
Just having a quick look at Way of the Sun Soul and I can't see any clear reason why Radiant Sun Bolt can't be used whilst wearing armour. Am I missing something? I can see that it's damage scales from Martial Arts which doesn't work with armour, but I can't see any other link between the abilities?

You're not missing anything. Many of the monk's subclasses' features work well even when wearing armor. Sun Soul isn't any different. In fact, even baseline Ki Powers such as Flurry of Blows and the rest can be used while wearing armor, although Flurry of Blows' unarmed strikes will suffer "slightly" due to the fact that Martial Arts itself doesn't work when you wear armor.

2018-03-18, 02:08 PM
Awesome thank you. I was working on a Paladin/Sun Soul build and looking at the Monk thread below seems I've been beaten to it, which is reassuring lol!

2018-03-18, 02:30 PM
Yes, it works, your damage would scale normally but as soon as you try making a melee attack, it won't use your Monk damage dice (as that one does have the restriction of armor)

2018-03-18, 04:36 PM
Becomes worth the multiclass if you are a race with a natural unarmed strike die. Lizardfolk make great monks, Tabaxi is a great multiclass option too for the Dex Cha split.

2018-03-20, 03:13 PM
Becomes worth the multiclass if you are a race with a natural unarmed strike die. Lizardfolk make great monks, Tabaxi is a great multiclass option too for the Dex Cha split.

The damage of the sun soul attack do not change based on the creature unarmed attack, it change based on the Monk damage table.

2018-03-20, 03:36 PM
Becomes worth the multiclass if you are a race with a natural unarmed strike die. Lizardfolk make great monks, Tabaxi is a great multiclass option too for the Dex Cha split.
The damage of the sun soul attack do not change based on the creature unarmed attack, it change based on the Monk damage table.

Sure. But Sun Soul Attack scales with "the Martial-Arts column of the Monk table" and is as such not limited by the "unarmoured only" clause of the Martial Arts Ability.

and since:

In fact, even baseline Ki Powers such as Flurry of Blows and the rest can be used while wearing armor, although Flurry of Blows' unarmed strikes will suffer "slightly" due to the fact that Martial Arts itself doesn't work when you wear armor.
...you benefit greatly, by increasing your Unarmed Strike DMG from another source. In this case: Jaws/Claws.

As in: MC Lizardman Monk with Heavy Armour, shoot 30ft Radiant Bolts (using Dex so... mhh...) dealing Damage according to Monk-Table, Use fists with 1+str DMG but be able to bite and spend Ki to Flurry-Of-Bites using your bite-Damage.
Only Problem is, that without Martial Arts, Unarmed Attacks are used with STR, while Radiant Bolts use DEX. Tough to capitalize on.

2018-03-20, 04:18 PM
Sure. But Sun Soul Attack scales with "the Martial-Arts column of the Monk table" and is as such not limited by the "unarmoured only" clause of the Martial Arts Ability.

and since:

...you benefit greatly, by increasing your Unarmed Strike DMG from another source. In this case: Jaws/Claws.

As in: MC Lizardman Monk with Heavy Armour, shoot 30ft Radiant Bolts (using Dex so... mhh...) dealing Damage according to Monk-Table, Use fists with 1+str DMG but be able to bite and spend Ki to Flurry-Of-Bites using your bite-Damage.
Only Problem is, that without Martial Arts, Unarmed Attacks are used with STR, while Radiant Bolts use DEX. Tough to capitalize on.

this is what i meant. Also You can just bite always, who needs fists when you have teeth. Fluff the radiant bolts as Gator Jaws made out of sunlight.