View Full Version : DM Help Build-A-Boss-Workshop: The Twisted Fey Princess

2018-03-18, 10:55 PM
First up: MegaDungeon crew doing the Skyrock crawl, get the heck outta here.

Second up: Heya Playground! I'm doing a real real fun dungeon for a level 8-11 party right now, but I could use a hand building the boss.

The Dungeon: The party is fighting their way through Skyrock, this floating, abandoned arcane college where different wards have been taken over by undead raised from the corpses of wizards, horrific experiments gone awry, and evil fey.

The Backstory: So a few centuries back, powerful wizards summoned an archfey princess to attend the college and aid them in their studies. This went on for a bit, but eventually the princess wanted to leave, and the college couldn't have that. So they restrained her, experimented on her, and started draining her magical energy to power their experiments. Now her and her cult are the ones in command.

The Boss Fight: Mendax (working name?) is stunningly beautiful, extraordinarily powerful, and justifiably angry. She's had an arm removed in former experiments, and it's plugged into a nearby machine in her chamber. I'd like it to do stuff during the fight like shoot out offensive spells or summon in fey. Mendax is a master of conjuration, illusion, and enchantment magic, and will know quite a few spells. I also could see her having a few abilities like deafening shouts and blinding gaze (think abominable beauty from ToB).

The Query: Any cool abilities you can think of for a mind-melting, reality-warping, tortured-to-the-brink fey princess? Playground has an awesome grasp of mechanics, and that can totally play a role if you can think of anything that's game wise just tough to deal with. But right now I'm just trying to think of cool/scary abilities, stages for the boss fight to go through, and fun mechanics for the party to deal with.

2018-03-18, 11:37 PM
For a reality-warping theme, the Wizard/School of Divination/Portent ability (possibly on a recharge!) is a good place to start.

Calm Emotions, Compulsion, or Hypnotic Pattern are interesting spells that might fit in as Lair abilities (cast by the machine/arm thing?)

Lots of illusions. If there are two bridges, one is fake. Some of the tiles on the floor lead to pit traps.

Domination/charm abilities. Misty Step. Otto's Irresistible Dance?

2018-03-18, 11:47 PM
*Cracks knuckles*

Let's. Get. Dangerous!

You say level 8-11? Imma build her at CR 10-13 range.

Mendax, The Tortured Fey
Medium Fey, Neutral PISSED THE HELL OFF!

Armor Class 18 (Bark-like skin)
Hit Points 143 (15d8+75)
Speed 45', Swim 45', Climb 45', Fly 15'


16 (+3)
22 (+6)
20 (+5)
24 (+7)
24 (+7)
28 (+9)

Saving Throws Strength +7, Dexterity +10, Charisma +13
Skills Perception +11, Deception +13, Persuasion +13, Acrobatics +10, Athletics +7, Stealth +14
Damage Resistances Non-magical weapon damage, Poison damage
Senses Darkvision 300', Blindsense 60', Tremorsense 60', Blindsight 10'
Languages A lot, probably.
Challenge 13

Ethereal Step. Mendax can phase through non-living matter as if it's simply not there, allowing her unprecedented mobility. Should she end her turn inside an object, she is shunted to the nearest available open spot, taking 1d10 points of Force damage for every 10' moved in this fashion.

Agony Of A Thousand Painful Years. Mendax has advantage on all concentration saves, and only has to test concentration for damage, never ambient environmental things.

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). When Mendax fails a save, she may choose to pass instead.


Clawed Forelimb Melee Natural Attack: +10 to-hit, reach 15', one target. Hit: 2d8+6 (15) slashing and piercing damage. In addition, the target must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, or be poisoned until the end of Mendax's next turn.

Bestial Leap. Mendax's powerful legs coil back, and spring her forward, launching her up to 60' in a straight line. Should she make an attack during or at the end of this leap, it deals an extra 2d10 (11) damage and she may make a grapple attempt without an action, but must release the target at the end of the leap.

Roar Of Pain (Recharge 4-6). The tortured princess lets out a massive shriek of purest agony. All creatures within 120' must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or become deafened for one minute (with a new save at the end of Mendax's turn to remove the effect). In addition, all casters concentrating must make a DC 17 concentration save to maintain it.

Blinding Beauty. Each creature of Mendax's choice within 120' that can see her must succeed on a DC 21 Charisma saving throw or become blinded for one minute, with a new save at the end of each of Mendax's turns to remove the effect. Anyone who fails with a final result of 15 or less also begins vomiting uncontrollably, as her twisted beauty overcomes them. While vomiting, a creature is treated as incapacitated. Once a save is made against this ability, the creature who made the save is immune to it until they rest.

MultiAction. Mendax makes her choice of five actions from the normal actions list.

Bonus Actions

Illusory Double. Choosing one spot within 60' Mendax creatures an illusory double of herself. She must maintain concentration to keep the double existent, but may create up to four total duplicates (one per turn). If they share her space, treat them as a Mirror Image spell.

Swarm. Mendax dissolves into a swarm of butterflies and swoops to another spot. She has a fly speed of 60' while in this form, and may pass through anything large enough to allow a single butterfly through, as well as she does not provoke attacks of opportunity while in this form. She maintains this form only long enough to move, and then resolves back into her normal form.

Legendary Actions

She gets three a turn.

Attack. Clawed Forelimb.
Leap. Bestial Leap.
Double (Two Actions). Illusory Double.

5 limbs are 75 damage. CR 12, but since +10, CR 13.
DCR is tough. She's got a few tricks, and a decent AC, but... Let me see...
Let's add 90 HP for LR, and then 30 for Illusory Doubles and whatnot. So that's +120. Which leaves her with 130 for CR 12, so let's do 13. 145, plus we can add another point of AC!

They walk in. They see her. They attack... And it's an illusion. They hear a leap... But see nothing. Another Mendax! Is it an illusion? Maybe... Butterflies swarm across the room. Then, a massive,
clawed limb, unnaturally distended, reaches out and claws someone. Before they can react, she leaps forward, carrying their most vulnerable member far away, and lets loose a scream of pain. It shatters the concentration of the casters, and everyone else makes a save or be blinded (and maybe vomiting). As they try to pin her down, she leaps or swarms around, never standing still, always fighting.

2018-03-18, 11:52 PM
*Cracks knuckles*

Let's. Get. Dangerous!

You say level 8-11? Imma build her at CR 10-13 range.

Mendax, The Tortured Fey
Medium Fey, Neutral PISSED THE HELL OFF!

Armor Class 18 (Bark-like skin)
Hit Points 143 (15d8+75)
Speed 45', Swim 45', Climb 45', Fly 15'


16 (+3)
22 (+6)
20 (+5)
24 (+7)
24 (+7)
28 (+9)

Saving Throws Strength +7, Dexterity +10, Charisma +13
Skills Perception +11, Deception +13, Persuasion +13, Acrobatics +10, Athletics +7, Stealth +14
Damage Resistances Non-magical weapon damage, Poison damage
Senses Darkvision 300', Blindsense 60', Tremorsense 60', Blindsight 10'
Languages A lot, probably.
Challenge 13

Ethereal Step. Mendax can phase through non-living matter as if it's simply not there, allowing her unprecedented mobility. Should she end her turn inside an object, she is shunted to the nearest available open spot, taking 1d10 points of Force damage for every 10' moved in this fashion.

Agony Of A Thousand Painful Years. Mendax has advantage on all concentration saves, and only has to test concentration for damage, never ambient environmental things.

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). When Mendax fails a save, she may choose to pass instead.


Clawed Forelimb Melee Natural Attack: +10 to-hit, reach 15', one target. Hit: 2d8+6 (15) slashing and piercing damage. In addition, the target must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, or be poisoned until the end of Mendax's next turn.

Bestial Leap. Mendax's powerful legs coil back, and spring her forward, launching her up to 60' in a straight line. Should she make an attack during or at the end of this leap, it deals an extra 2d10 (11) damage and she may make a grapple attempt without an action, but must release the target at the end of the leap.

Roar Of Pain (Recharge 4-6). The tortured princess lets out a massive shriek of purest agony. All creatures within 120' must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or become deafened for one minute (with a new save at the end of Mendax's turn to remove the effect). In addition, all casters concentrating must make a DC 17 concentration save to maintain it.

Blinding Beauty. Each creature of Mendax's choice within 120' that can see her must succeed on a DC 21 Charisma saving throw or become blinded for one minute, with a new save at the end of each of Mendax's turns to remove the effect. Anyone who fails with a final result of 15 or less also begins vomiting uncontrollably, as her twisted beauty overcomes them. While vomiting, a creature is treated as incapacitated. Once a save is made against this ability, the creature who made the save is immune to it until they rest.

MultiAction. Mendax makes her choice of five actions from the normal actions list.

Bonus Actions

Illusory Double. Choosing one spot within 60' Mendax creatures an illusory double of herself. She must maintain concentration to keep the double existent, but may create up to four total duplicates (one per turn). If they share her space, treat them as a Mirror Image spell.

Swarm. Mendax dissolves into a swarm of butterflies and swoops to another spot. She has a fly speed of 60' while in this form, and may pass through anything large enough to allow a single butterfly through, as well as she does not provoke attacks of opportunity while in this form. She maintains this form only long enough to move, and then resolves back into her normal form.

Legendary Actions

She gets three a turn.

Attack. Clawed Forelimb.
Leap. Bestial Leap.
Double (Two Actions). Illusory Double.

5 limbs are 75 damage. CR 12, but since +10, CR 13.
DCR is tough. She's got a few tricks, and a decent AC, but... Let me see...
Let's add 90 HP for LR, and then 30 for Illusory Doubles and whatnot. So that's +120. Which leaves her with 130 for CR 12, so let's do 13. 145, plus we can add another point of AC!

They walk in. They see her. They attack... And it's an illusion. They hear a leap... But see nothing. Another Mendax! Is it an illusion? Maybe... Butterflies swarm across the room. Then, a massive,
clawed limb, unnaturally distended, reaches out and claws someone. Before they can react, she leaps forward, carrying their most vulnerable member far away, and lets loose a scream of pain. It shatters the concentration of the casters, and everyone else makes a save or be blinded (and maybe vomiting). As they try to pin her down, she leaps or swarms around, never standing still, always fighting.

With that Charisma Score, and being Fey, I'd upgrade her persuasion/deception scores to 'expertise' levels. I'd also give her the insight skill.

This is on the assumption there might be a Paladin/Nature Cleric/Druid/Feylock trying to redeem her instead of fighting her.

Not all PCs go in swords swinging, particularly against a Fey.

I'd certainly try to save her if I could.

2018-03-19, 12:03 AM
Wow! That’s some serious System Mastery there, JNAProductions. Nice!

Mirage Arcane with the Malleable Illusions and Illusory Reality Illusion School features would be super dope and have your players freaking out once they realized what she was up to.

2018-03-19, 12:22 AM
Wow! That’s some serious System Mastery there, JNAProductions. Nice!

Mirage Arcane with the Malleable Illusions and Illusory Reality Illusion School features would be super dope and have your players freaking out once they realized what she was up to.

I try. Thanks! :)

And yeah, monster creation is something I enjoy, so when I get an excuse to whip out a cool-ass monster, I mean, why NOT take it?

2018-03-19, 01:35 AM
I try. Thanks! :)

And yeah, monster creation is something I enjoy, so when I get an excuse to whip out a cool-ass monster, I mean, why NOT take it?

Well, do you think your creation is 'redeemable'? What if players do NOT go in swords swinging?

2018-03-19, 01:55 AM
It looks a pretty good template. I might be tempted to make the whole area a wild magic zone - every time a caster in the area casts a spell they roll on the sorcerer wild magic table.

2018-03-19, 07:21 AM
It looks a pretty good template. I might be tempted to make the whole area a wild magic zone - every time a caster in the area casts a spell they roll on the sorcerer wild magic table.


Also, if she's plugged into a machine (which I recommend you keep; it's so JRPG), she's going to have a significant disadvantage in mobility, even before you consider that the party will have her outnumbered (they might have summons too, to counter any you give her). Therfore, I'd load up on telekinesis spells (probably at-will) and add in a legendary action that basically lets her teleport other people around the room. Or force them to swap places, like a malicious version of Benign Transposition.

Her second form (maybe if/when they sever her from the machine) should be a giant snake. Maybe base it on the spirit naga? Then her final form needs to be so ludicrously beautiful that they all have to make a Wis save or drop to 0HP when she transforms into it.

2018-03-19, 07:47 AM
One word: Ouch!

Looks like Tier three is the OD&D equivalent of level 15 to 25.

PC - “What next? A Greater God?”

DM - “Funny you should say that...”

2018-03-19, 11:44 AM
JNA: Who are you and where did you come from!?!

This is better than anything I've imagined so far. I'm gonna make some tweaks here and there to fluff things I've put into the dungeon so far, but I'm not going to be surprised if this isn't nearly 99% what my final product will look like.

That said, if anyone has suggestions about forms, other abilities, or anything else, let me know!

Next up after this is designing how her arm, an "X of Vecna" type artifact, will function. So I'll also take any tips on that if people feel a little blown away by JNA's Mendax.

2018-03-19, 12:44 PM
Thanks! As for the arm...

Mendax's Severed Arm
Body Part (Arm), artifact (can be attuned)

Insert fluff here. I can guess, but you can do it better than I can, since you're actually running the dinger-dang campaign. But I'd imagine that you don't even have to lop your arm off-it will probably bury into the arm of whoever wills it, roots spreading throughout their body and making it impossible to remove without serious surgery that will probably kill them.

Random Properties
-1 Major Beneficial Property
-3 Minor Detrimental Properties

Magic Weapon
Mendax's Severed Arm grants you a morphing, mutable arm. When used to wield a weapon in one hand, you may extend your reach up to 5' further than usual, and gain +1 to attack and damage rolls made with that weapon. Should you wield a two-handed weapon, you still gain the +1 bonus, but do NOT gain additional reach. In addition, the arm itself has fearsome claws, that can be used to rake opponents with a 15' melee reach. This deals 1d10 damage and has a +2 to attack and damage rolls.

Fey Blessings
While possessing Mendax's Severed Arm, you take on some of the properties of the fey. You gain the Fey Ancestry trait, if you do not already have it, and either gain Darkvision out to 60' or increase your existing Darkvision range by 30'.

The following properties come while attuned.

Summer's Vitality
You gain the vitality and strength of Summer, increasing your hit point maximum by 2 per level you possess.

Winter's Death
You gain the miasma of cold and death that surrounds Winter. As a bonus action, you may attempt to Frighten all creatures of your choice within 60' of you after you make an attack. The Wisdom save is DC 8+your proficiency modifier+your Charisma modifier. The initial save is made with advantage should you miss the attack, normally if you hit, and with disadvantage if you slay your target with the attack. The condition lasts for one minute, and the save may be repeated at the end of each of your turns to throw off the Frightenedness.

Spring's Renewal
You may cast Revivify as an action, without spending any material components. This property renews itself every dawn.

Fall's Decay
You may cast Blight as an action. This property renews itself every dawn.

Mendax's Torment
While attuned to this artifact, you are plagued with visions of Mendax's tortures. You have disadvantage on concentration saves, as whenever you are inflicted with pain, it recalls the echoes of torture. In addition, whenever you take damage, you have disadvantage on your next attack roll or ability check. Finally, should anyone choose to willingly inflict more harm than is needed on you (simply stabbing you is not enough-you're in a battle, no crap they're trying to stab you. But, for instance, should they try to twist the blade and cackle with glee at your pain... Yeah. Talk to your DM about this, to be sure you can come to an agreement on what makes sense.) then you must make a DC 15 Wisdom save or fly into a blind fury. You must spend your actions and movement trying to kill the person who inflicted the pain on you and any immediate allies, with no quarter or mercy. You are allowed a new save once you kill the first target, and then subsequently every turn thereafter. Alternatively, should one minute pass without the initial target being slain, you may begin making saves as well.

The following properties come only if Mendax is dead.

So Tempting...
If not attuned but using Mendax's Severed Arm, you must make a DC 10 Wisdom save after every long rest. On a failure, you attune to the arm. The DC increases by 1 every other long rest.

Rites Of Coronation
While attuned and Mendax is dead, you begin to become more and more fey-like, and more specifically, like Mendax. Your mannerisms begin to be more like hers, you refer to memories you shouldn't, by all rights, have, and your appearance begins to steadily become unnaturally beautiful, like Mendax's was. Every sunset, you must make a DC 10 Wisdom save, increasing by 1 every week. Each failure makes you more and more like Mendax, and should you fail seven in a row, you become Mendax in body, mind, and spirit. You are the new fey princess, and are bound by all their laws and traditions.

Allow the players to research what sort of effects the arm will have. Make it clear that it's DANGEROUS to use, even if they blunder right into using it, so they don't feel cheated if/when they start turning into Mendax or suffering from the Torment.

2018-03-19, 06:34 PM
Thanks! As for the arm...

Mendax's Severed Arm
Body Part (Arm), artifact (can be attuned)

Insert fluff here. I can guess, but you can do it better than I can, since you're actually running the dinger-dang campaign. But I'd imagine that you don't even have to lop your arm off-it will probably bury into the arm of whoever wills it, roots spreading throughout their body and making it impossible to remove without serious surgery that will probably kill them.

Random Properties
-1 Major Beneficial Property
-3 Minor Detrimental Properties

Magic Weapon
Mendax's Severed Arm grants you a morphing, mutable arm. When used to wield a weapon in one hand, you may extend your reach up to 5' further than usual, and gain +1 to attack and damage rolls made with that weapon. Should you wield a two-handed weapon, you still gain the +1 bonus, but do NOT gain additional reach. In addition, the arm itself has fearsome claws, that can be used to rake opponents with a 15' melee reach. This deals 1d10 damage and has a +2 to attack and damage rolls.

Fey Blessings
While possessing Mendax's Severed Arm, you take on some of the properties of the fey. You gain the Fey Ancestry trait, if you do not already have it, and either gain Darkvision out to 60' or increase your existing Darkvision range by 30'.

The following properties come while attuned.

Summer's Vitality
You gain the vitality and strength of Summer, increasing your hit point maximum by 2 per level you possess.

Winter's Death
You gain the miasma of cold and death that surrounds Winter. As a bonus action, you may attempt to Frighten all creatures of your choice within 60' of you after you make an attack. The Wisdom save is DC 8+your proficiency modifier+your Charisma modifier. The initial save is made with advantage should you miss the attack, normally if you hit, and with disadvantage if you slay your target with the attack. The condition lasts for one minute, and the save may be repeated at the end of each of your turns to throw off the Frightenedness.

Spring's Renewal
You may cast Revivify as an action, without spending any material components. This property renews itself every dawn.

Fall's Decay
You may cast Blight as an action. This property renews itself every dawn.

Mendax's Torment
While attuned to this artifact, you are plagued with visions of Mendax's tortures. You have disadvantage on concentration saves, as whenever you are inflicted with pain, it recalls the echoes of torture. In addition, whenever you take damage, you have disadvantage on your next attack roll or ability check. Finally, should anyone choose to willingly inflict more harm than is needed on you (simply stabbing you is not enough-you're in a battle, no crap they're trying to stab you. But, for instance, should they try to twist the blade and cackle with glee at your pain... Yeah. Talk to your DM about this, to be sure you can come to an agreement on what makes sense.) then you must make a DC 15 Wisdom save or fly into a blind fury. You must spend your actions and movement trying to kill the person who inflicted the pain on you and any immediate allies, with no quarter or mercy. You are allowed a new save once you kill the first target, and then subsequently every turn thereafter. Alternatively, should one minute pass without the initial target being slain, you may begin making saves as well.

The following properties come only if Mendax is dead.

So Tempting...
If not attuned but using Mendax's Severed Arm, you must make a DC 10 Wisdom save after every long rest. On a failure, you attune to the arm. The DC increases by 1 every other long rest.

Rites Of Coronation
While attuned and Mendax is dead, you begin to become more and more fey-like, and more specifically, like Mendax. Your mannerisms begin to be more like hers, you refer to memories you shouldn't, by all rights, have, and your appearance begins to steadily become unnaturally beautiful, like Mendax's was. Every sunset, you must make a DC 10 Wisdom save, increasing by 1 every week. Each failure makes you more and more like Mendax, and should you fail seven in a row, you become Mendax in body, mind, and spirit. You are the new fey princess, and are bound by all their laws and traditions.

Allow the players to research what sort of effects the arm will have. Make it clear that it's DANGEROUS to use, even if they blunder right into using it, so they don't feel cheated if/when they start turning into Mendax or suffering from the Torment.

...So I'm just gonna send you all my campaign notes. And take all my signatures off of the maps and artwork. I'll tell my players to meet at your place tomorrow night.

Look at you, look at you. You're the DM now.

2018-03-19, 07:28 PM
Thanks! As for the arm...

Mendax's Severed Arm
Body Part (Arm), artifact (can be attuned)

Insert fluff here. I can guess, but you can do it better than I can, since you're actually running the dinger-dang campaign. But I'd imagine that you don't even have to lop your arm off-it will probably bury into the arm of whoever wills it, roots spreading throughout their body and making it impossible to remove without serious surgery that will probably kill them.

Random Properties
-1 Major Beneficial Property
-3 Minor Detrimental Properties

Magic Weapon
Mendax's Severed Arm grants you a morphing, mutable arm. When used to wield a weapon in one hand, you may extend your reach up to 5' further than usual, and gain +1 to attack and damage rolls made with that weapon. Should you wield a two-handed weapon, you still gain the +1 bonus, but do NOT gain additional reach. In addition, the arm itself has fearsome claws, that can be used to rake opponents with a 15' melee reach. This deals 1d10 damage and has a +2 to attack and damage rolls.

Fey Blessings
While possessing Mendax's Severed Arm, you take on some of the properties of the fey. You gain the Fey Ancestry trait, if you do not already have it, and either gain Darkvision out to 60' or increase your existing Darkvision range by 30'.

The following properties come while attuned.

Summer's Vitality
You gain the vitality and strength of Summer, increasing your hit point maximum by 2 per level you possess.

Winter's Death
You gain the miasma of cold and death that surrounds Winter. As a bonus action, you may attempt to Frighten all creatures of your choice within 60' of you after you make an attack. The Wisdom save is DC 8+your proficiency modifier+your Charisma modifier. The initial save is made with advantage should you miss the attack, normally if you hit, and with disadvantage if you slay your target with the attack. The condition lasts for one minute, and the save may be repeated at the end of each of your turns to throw off the Frightenedness.

Spring's Renewal
You may cast Revivify as an action, without spending any material components. This property renews itself every dawn.

Fall's Decay
You may cast Blight as an action. This property renews itself every dawn.

Mendax's Torment
While attuned to this artifact, you are plagued with visions of Mendax's tortures. You have disadvantage on concentration saves, as whenever you are inflicted with pain, it recalls the echoes of torture. In addition, whenever you take damage, you have disadvantage on your next attack roll or ability check. Finally, should anyone choose to willingly inflict more harm than is needed on you (simply stabbing you is not enough-you're in a battle, no crap they're trying to stab you. But, for instance, should they try to twist the blade and cackle with glee at your pain... Yeah. Talk to your DM about this, to be sure you can come to an agreement on what makes sense.) then you must make a DC 15 Wisdom save or fly into a blind fury. You must spend your actions and movement trying to kill the person who inflicted the pain on you and any immediate allies, with no quarter or mercy. You are allowed a new save once you kill the first target, and then subsequently every turn thereafter. Alternatively, should one minute pass without the initial target being slain, you may begin making saves as well.

The following properties come only if Mendax is dead.

So Tempting...
If not attuned but using Mendax's Severed Arm, you must make a DC 10 Wisdom save after every long rest. On a failure, you attune to the arm. The DC increases by 1 every other long rest.

Rites Of Coronation
While attuned and Mendax is dead, you begin to become more and more fey-like, and more specifically, like Mendax. Your mannerisms begin to be more like hers, you refer to memories you shouldn't, by all rights, have, and your appearance begins to steadily become unnaturally beautiful, like Mendax's was. Every sunset, you must make a DC 10 Wisdom save, increasing by 1 every week. Each failure makes you more and more like Mendax, and should you fail seven in a row, you become Mendax in body, mind, and spirit. You are the new fey princess, and are bound by all their laws and traditions.

Allow the players to research what sort of effects the arm will have. Make it clear that it's DANGEROUS to use, even if they blunder right into using it, so they don't feel cheated if/when they start turning into Mendax or suffering from the Torment.

My characters fall on their knees in fear or awe per their traits.