View Full Version : What's your Favorite Disclaimer?

2018-03-19, 11:38 AM
As you may or may not know, the title pages of every 5e printed book include little jokes under the heading "Disclaimer". These include a recommendation for DMs to "roll a bunch of dice behind your screen... and announce that Tiamat swoops from the sky and attacks", a hint that Crawford and Mearls might be illithids who want our delicious chewy gamer brains, and Tiamat's refusal to apologize for TPKs.

I wanted to know what your favorite one is, and why. Thanks!

My favorite, by the way, is the one in the MM (the "Crawford-is-a-mind-flayer one).

2018-03-19, 11:42 AM
Disclaimer: For safe utilization of elemental magic, remember the following guidelines. You can drink water but not fire. You can breathe air but not earth. You can walk on earth but not on water (unless you have the right pair of boots or spell). You can do a lot of things with fire, but almost all of them are bad ideas.

it from the EEPC

2018-03-19, 12:17 PM
2E Monster Manual where it provides the credits for all the artists who drew the pictures of the monsters. The author of the book is given one art credit - the Invisible Stalker.

The 3E random NPC personality table where you roll percentile dice. Number 100 is "No sense of humor. See number 26." There is no number 26 in the table.

2018-03-19, 10:35 PM
Thats so cute. Also, noticed some names had * by them, but others did not. No explanation why. Anyone know why? Are they consultants? Deceased (see consultants), etc

2018-03-22, 01:22 AM
Not a disclaimer, but I loved that the Player's Handbook had a THAC0 reference in the index.

2018-03-22, 03:38 AM
Thats so cute. Also, noticed some names had * by them, but others did not. No explanation why. Anyone know why? Are they consultants? Deceased (see consultants), etc

I don't know about the other books, but in The Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, the people whose names have been marked with an asterisk work for Green Ronin Publishing, not for Wizards of the Coast.

Speaking of The Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, I really like its disclaimer. I find the line about Greenwood knowing more archmagi than the developers to be particularly amusing.