View Full Version : [IC] The Storm on the Horizon

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2018-03-19, 12:48 PM
Intro:Welcome to the IC (In Character) Thread for your new adventure, The Storm on the Horizon.
Let me start by introducing our party:

Nightwing32193 will be playing Gideon, the Human Barbarian. ("#FF0000")
RealZachKraus will be playing Chadwick, the Human Paladin. ("#0000FF")
Graehamkracker will be playing Bendron, the Dwarf Fighter. ("#8E5500")
Beefychickens will be playing Demryon, the Elf Ranger. ("#800080")
ButcherDawg will be playing Seamus, the Half-Elf Druid. ("#008000")

If you have any questions regarding the rules or game mechanics, or about how to use the website or how to post, ask them here on the OoC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?553966-OoC-The-Storm-on-the-Horizon&p=22929986#post22929986)

When last we left our rag tag band of adventurers, they had just defeated the ominous denizens of what seemed to be some kind of underground cultist temple. They faced a fearful enemy with unfamiliar psychological powers, but emerged victorious. Their brief companion, Jimothy the Warlock, chose to take a different route when escaping the flooding tunnels. Whether he made it out of the cave system or not, the party has no way of knowing.

The powerful storms that wrack the coast have been pummeling the countryside for hours now, and the cave system was beginning to flood. The group managed to find their way out of the tunnels, and they have just arrived in a relatively dry cave with an entrance almost completely concealed by shrubbery foliage. For now, they are safe.

Gideon and Chadwick are at work getting a small fire started, and converse in low murmurs of their past exploits. Bendron and Demryon seem uncertain of each other, but for the moment have no choice but to trust one another. They busy themselves with finding dry material for the fire from amongst the vegetation in the cave.

The sound of thunder and rain are still deafening outside the cave, but for now our party is mostly dry and mostly warm. The smell of petrichor is heavy in the air, and the curtain of foliage at the mouth of the cave drips with long awaited rainwater. Every few seconds a brilliant flash of lightning can be seen outside the shelter, quickly followed by a tremendous crack of thunder. The loudness of the wind does not subside, making it difficult to hear normal conversation.

It is late at night on Friday, Iru 5th.

2018-03-20, 07:41 PM
Bendron finishes collecting firewood, adds it to the pile, then sits with his back against the wall, so he can watch is new companions. "We always thought that these storms would end sometime. Guess it's not that time yet... Who are the powers in these parts nowadays? And how long has it been since the storms started?"

2018-03-21, 01:03 AM
Gideon stirs the fire and looks around at the rag tag group of adventurers. He smiles at Chadwick as he addresses the rest of the party, "So I suppose through battle we are all aquainted, and that's a start, for myself anyways. What are your plans? Waiting out the storm? Or would you like to explore these caves further, in search of more monsters?"

2018-03-21, 01:14 AM
"I have no where to go. These caves were home, but it seems like I have been asleep for a very long time, as everything is gone and you all found a way in. At least until I can discover what has become of the rest of my clan, I seem to be best served by remaining with you folk to get my bearings, if you'll have me, and answer some of my questions about the world as it is now."

2018-03-21, 12:45 PM
The motley crew of adventurers moves closer to the newly ignited fire in the middle of the cave. They huddle close for warmth as the howling wind pummels the outside of their shelter. The soft crackle of the twigs in the fire is a comforting sound against the crash of thunder, and the faint smell of burning tinder warms the hearts of the companions gathered around it.

Suddenly, the curtain of foliage shielding them from the elements rustles and shifts, and the adventurers see an unsettling sight. A huge wolf, soaking wet and holding a small dead mammal in its mouth, plods into the cave. It looks up at the group and stands very still, only its eyes moving as they dart to and fro from one adventurer to another. It makes no move to turn back to the storm outside, but also makes no advance toward the group. It holds its kill in its mouth and watches intently.

2018-03-21, 12:53 PM
Bendron takes a defensive stance, putting hand to halberd and tapping the butt to the cave floor to draw the beast's attention. He inspects the newcomer, hoping to tell if it is natural or unnatural, friend or foe. "Anyone else hungry?" he asks the group, eyeing the wolf's kill.

2018-03-21, 12:59 PM
The wolf's ears perk up at the sound of Bendron's halberd clicking on the stone ground, and it turns toward him as it's tail goes up in the air and sways from side to side. It takes two hesitant steps toward Bendron before pausing again to glance around the cave. It's tail continues to swing back and forth like an upside down pendulum.

2018-03-21, 01:12 PM
Chadwick steps up aggressively, "I could eat."

2018-03-21, 01:20 PM
"The wolf, or his rabbit?"

2018-03-21, 01:47 PM
The wolf takes another hesitant step toward the fire and drops the rabbit on the ground. It looks up at Chadwick, then at Bendron, its tongue hanging slightly out of its mouth as it pants gently and wags its tail. It bends down and nudges the rabbit toward the group with its snout.

The wolf takes a step back and then pushes its paws out in front of it and its rump in the air. It puts its snout between its forelegs and wags its tail slightly, then stands up and lets out a short bark.

2018-03-21, 01:50 PM
"Probably just the rabbit then" Bendron answers his own question as he slowly reaches for the meager feast, watching The wolf for any reactions

2018-03-21, 01:57 PM
Chadwick eyes the wolf uneasily. "What kind of wolf gives up a kill? And in these storms? I smell shenanigans."He peers out of the cave, checking for a sign of what brought the beast to their location.

2018-03-21, 02:08 PM
The wolf watches Bendron closely. As soon as the dwarf grasps the rabbit, the wolf spins around and darts out of the cave. Chadwick follows the creature to the mouth of the cave and peers out after it.

The wolf has already disappeared into the night without a trace, but while standing near the entrance, Chadwick notices that the storm seems to be letting up, just barely. It is still violently raining and there are still brilliant flashes of lightning, but the thunder seems slightly further away, and the delay between lightning and thunder tells the paladin that perhaps the storm is redirecting its fury away from their location.

2018-03-21, 02:14 PM
"Huh. Weird." the dwarf says, and leaves his pondering at that. He preps a small spot and the rabbit for roasting.

2018-03-21, 02:16 PM
Chad strains his eyes through the rain, trying to find the rest of the pack. "You think the poor bastard got lost?"

2018-03-21, 02:21 PM
"Got lost and just happened to bring us supper?" Bendron asks, already turning the carcass over the fire "I thought you paladins were supposed to believe in a higher power's intercession ."

2018-03-21, 02:28 PM
"I believe there's no such thing as a free lunch, half-man," Chadwick spat, not taking his eyes off the surrounding forest.

2018-03-21, 02:32 PM
The savory fragrance of the rabbit meat over the fire causes the party's stomachs to grumble. What little fat was on the wild hare drips into the fire, sizzling beautifully and releasing a delectable smell. Soon, the rabbit is fully cooked, and Bendron pulls the skewer from over the fire. All eight eyes in the cave stare longingly at it, and everyone is thinking the same thing.

Just as the realization that one rabbit will not be nearly enough for all of them settles upon the group, the foliage is brushed aside and the same wolf enters the cave yet again. To everyone's puzzlement but also delight, it has another rabbit in its mouth this time. It trots fearlessly up to the fire and drops the carcass next to the flames. The wolf lets out another short little bark and then scurries away, leaving the party yet again.

2018-03-21, 02:38 PM
"Just free rabbits, it seems." Bendron cleans the second rabbit after tossing the roasted one to Gideon and Chadwick, then sets back to cooking. "Or our new friend is offering us something for his safety"

2018-03-21, 02:39 PM
Gideon grabs some of the cooked rabbit and whistles after the wolf, attempting to get the beast's attention.

2018-03-21, 03:37 PM
After several minutes, the wolf does not return, and the party eats the rabbits in relative silence. The storm sounds significantly quieter now, though not quite gone completely.

As the party finishes cleaning the meat off the rabbit bones, the foliage parts yet again, and the wolf trots inside, as wet as ever and panting slightly. This time though, there is another visitor. Behind the wolf, a small, lean humanoid figure brushes aside the curtain of plantlife and enters the cave, as dripping wet as the wolf that preceded him.

Standing before the party is young boy, between the ages of 12 and 15, with curly golden locks that cascade in a messy flow down to his shoulders. He shakes his head a few times, sending water spraying from his hair, and then looks up at everyone inside the cave with a smile. His eyes are piercing golden amber color, and his youthful face bears the sharp, angular features of elfin kind.

2018-03-21, 03:48 PM
"There went my rabbits," he says cheerfully, his hand cautiously gripping the hilt of a sickle about his belt. "She is over-charitable. But I trust she has good reason. Are you here to escape the rain and the wet?"

2018-03-21, 04:24 PM
Demryon laughs. "The rain and the wet, I guess you could say that."

He tosses his last rabbit bone into the fire and eyes the newcomer curiously.

"How old are you anyway, lad? And where did you manage to get a wolf for a pet? And why, oh WHY, are you wandering about in this accursed, hellish weather?"

2018-03-21, 04:49 PM
He laughs softly, possibly condescending, "Come now. I wouldn't call it hellish. The rain may lash at us more often than not, but it yields food and goodness." His smile fades slowly through the following pause as he kneels beside the wolf and pats its head. "Her name is Lou. And I must say she is not often this friendly to strangers. Nor is she mean, mind you. Just shy, usually. I do not know how long she has known me. She dragged me out of a fire when I was an even smaller boy. Six years old, I wager. But in that fire I lost my memory. In the six years since, I have been searching with her to find my people again."

2018-03-21, 06:34 PM
"Hmph. Welcome to the club, kid. My people don't exist anymore. And I'm sure the rest of this lot have similar stories"

2018-03-21, 08:27 PM
A puzzled look flashes across his face as his head ***** (tilts suddenly by bend in neck) to one side. "Oh! Nonono. My people exist still. Lou told me, herself. We just are on our way to finding them still," he says, as if done. Moments later he remembers to add, "But I'm sorry to hear that about your people. And who might they be?" He poses this last sentence to the whole group.

2018-03-21, 08:36 PM
"My clan is an ancient one - the Yundri. Before the storms - however long ago that was - we lived near the surface, trading with other clans and humans. We were prosperous and powerful. But the storms came and destroyed cities, drove us deeper underground, and sealed is in our tomb. I was born down there, some 1500 years after the Storms started, and after many attempts to find a way out, the clan elders chose some number of us to be put into a deep sleep, hopefully to awaken once the Storms had passed and remove the clan. But when I was awoken by these adventurers, I could find none of my clanmates, or even the long since forgotten remnants of our cities. I'm not sure if anyone else survived the sleep, and if they did, they must be long gone." Bendron finishes and grows silent, suddenly feeling the whole weight of his plight.

2018-03-21, 08:51 PM
Gideon rolls his eyes at his two new companions "Enough with the bloody sob stories for fooks sake. Come boy, take a seat. I'm Gideon, this is Chadwick, I honestly haven't taken the time to learn the rest of their names."

2018-03-21, 08:59 PM
"I thought you three all knew each other already. Was that not the case?"

2018-03-21, 09:09 PM
"Myself and the brute have known each other for awhile. The rest of us haven't had time to get acquainted." Chad turns to Gideon. "How have you been, brother? It's been a minute."

2018-03-21, 09:28 PM
"If it pleases you sir, I'd rather not discuss personal matters in the company of folk such as this." he nods at the others.

2018-03-21, 09:36 PM
The boy removes his pack from his shoulder, and lies beside Lou, using her back as a pillow as he awaits a story.

2018-03-21, 09:36 PM
Chadwick glances over at the fire, then back to Gideon. He lowers his voice, but still very audibly mutters, "You mean the elf?"

2018-03-21, 09:42 PM
Gideon looks at his former commander, then back at the fire, and says, quite audibly, "Of course I mean the elf. And the boy who can apparently talk to wolves, dark magic that."

2018-03-21, 09:49 PM
Chadwick swiveled swiftly towards the newest refugee, the merriment of joking with an old friend giving way to his original suspicion. "Where are you from, lad?" His eyes narrow, "But I suppose you conveniently don't remember that."

2018-03-21, 09:55 PM
"Let me remind you that this boy was the one who gave us the free lunch..." Bendron's face turns to displeasure as the introduction turns towards an inquisition. "Demryon here did just shoot me with an arrow, and he'd been given the benefit of a doubt before he showed us he deserved it."

2018-03-21, 10:16 PM
The tension seems to be rising, as simultaneously the storm outside seems to be abating. Stormpeace is an ancient and unwritten law; it is only as strong as the storm is fierce. There are no set requirements for the observance of Stormpeace, and as the intensity of the storm outside fades, the pact between the cave's inhabitants weakens.

If a diplomatic solution is not reached, the situation may quickly turn ugly for everyone involved. The wind continues to howl and rage, but the thunder seems less and less frequent. The rain is still violent, but not as torrential as before.

It is late at night on Friday, Iru 5th, or early in the morning on Saturday, Iru 6th. You can't be quite sure.

2018-03-21, 10:16 PM
"And ya see that pretty gash across is belly? I have him that so I think your blood debt is paid, dwarf!"

2018-03-21, 10:22 PM
"Have you had many adventures together?" he asked the group, picking at a splinter in his palm.

2018-03-21, 10:23 PM
"There is no blood debt. We are not savages" Bendron spits back. "Seems like your master may have some more taming to do." Turning to the newcomer: "It would be wise, boy, to at least try to answer some of our questions. But to answer yours: I just met these three. The big one and the paladin seem to get along, and no one quite knows or likes our friend the elf."

2018-03-21, 10:31 PM
"The elf..." begins Demryon, obviously now a bit frustrated, "...has no quarrels with any of you, I understand what went on down in that accursed crypt might prove otherwise... but the darkness that entered my mind... it was not me who flew that arrow."

2018-03-21, 10:33 PM
Gideon springs from his seat drawing his shortsword, "I've heard enough out of you half man! He is not my master! He is my brother born in battle! Something the likes of your people could never understand. Coward. We should have left you to sleep. Would have been for the better."

2018-03-21, 10:34 PM
Bendron slowly rises in response, leaning on his halberd in an all-to easy stance. "It seems that you know nothing of the likes of my people, and that you are too dense to learn. If I recall, we had each slain two of those beasts - seems like our skills may not be that disparate despite our different temperaments"

2018-03-21, 10:42 PM
"WELL... Anyway... I am from a city called Kloietir. At least, it was in that city's burnt remains that I woke up." He winces briefly as he produces a splinter from his hand and flicks it into the fire. With a hand recovered, he steppes around the fire and offers it to the others for the shaking. "My name is Seamus Olgaard. If you wish not to associate with me, just let me know. I have thicker skin than most. And I have never caught the cold."

2018-03-21, 10:53 PM
Gideon looks at the dwarf and let's out a long hearty laugh. "Even if you'd have been worth my blade in your prime old man, seems that fate has brought us together. Let me be the first to extend my hand in peace."

2018-03-21, 10:56 PM
Demryon quickly offers his hand "Pleasure to make your acquaintance Seamus."

2018-03-21, 11:01 PM
"OLD MAN? HA. I was yet too young to be wed at our last Pairing. I'll be old when you're infirm and I carry your weapons from battle to battle so you can save your strength for the fun!" Bendron takes the extended arm, forearm to hand, before relaxing again as the argument seemed to have passed, at least for now. Turning to the boy: "Also, I'm Bendron. This one is Gideon, and the dozing paladin is Chadwick. You'll find no harm from us, so long as we none from you."

2018-03-21, 11:43 PM
A somewhat stable peace seems to have been reached, and just in time. As the group tentatively shakes hands and makes introductions, the wind begins to die down. There is no lightning or thunder as far as the inhabitants of the cave can tell, but the rain continues to pour down, steadily and quietly. The storm, for now, has ended.

The fire crackles with meager warmth as the new companions make each other's acquaintance. It is night time still, and everyone is tired from their ordeals.

Being the only member of the party who has yet been outside the cave, you are the only one who happens to know that despite the thick curtain of foliage covering the opening, the light of the fire is visible through the vines and leaves in the dark of night. It is up to you if you share this information.

2018-03-22, 07:49 AM
"Well, Lou seems to like Mr. Gideon here. And I have spent years trusting her instincts. So why stop now? If you could use our skills, we'd be happy to join you all." Seamus turns, looking back at the moonlight glistening on the wet bush leaves at the cave mouth. Turning back to the others... "Are you planning to stay here for now? Lou and I were on our way to somewhere dryer."

2018-03-22, 11:22 AM
"Well you won't find it that way, unfortunately." Chadwick finally stirred, pointing deeper into the cave. "We came this way for...similar reasons." He shrugs.

2018-03-22, 11:41 AM
"Perhaps then, we should venture out while the rain is at bay to find a new cave for shelter," little Seamus said looking worryingly outside.

2018-03-22, 12:18 PM
"Aye, I'm itching to finally leave these caves. Do we know anywhere nearby that we should head?" As he asks, Bendron roams the cave opening, pressing his clan's ring to the cave walls to leave an impression and muttering quietly to himself. Finished, he turns his attention to the caves entrance and the foliage, trying to match the leaves to the compendium of the clans knowledge that had been drilled into his head. He extends a hand out of the cave, feeling the unfamiliar sensations of wind and water falling from the sky. "I'm curious to see how the world is now"

2018-03-27, 01:00 PM
"Well I was going to see where Lou was finding these rabbits," Seamus says while scratching behind Lou's ear. "Surely, if such little things could find shelter from these terrible storms, it must be rather dry shelter."

2018-03-27, 01:52 PM
"Rabbits dig their own homes, lad. I doubt we'd fit or be welcomed there. Mayhaps there's a town or some other refuge nearby?"

2018-03-27, 02:16 PM
Listen to this as you read the following post and write your reply.

Youtube link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Cw6-Tzl7mM&t=0s&list=PLnqoM9PUg_fS8-EPBSY3q0QccTAF9Gzqa&index=13)

Spotify link (https://open.spotify.com/track/1Yw5jJqYMaRcR0IiBi18ni)
As the party debates their next course of action, a faint sound reaches their ears. At first, it is the far away sound of some kind of tribal drum. Then, the whispers begin. Soft but intensely foreboding, they send chills down the spines of the party. A slow chant takes form, growing steadily louder and faster. Terrifying ritualistic screams echo across the hills. The sound of an unholy pagan rite drowns the hills with its deeply unsettling cacophony. Maniacal female laughter rings out from several different locations outside of the cave. Through the curtain of foliage, it is difficult to pinpoint where any of the sounds are coming from, but it is apparent that the cave is surrounded by dozens if not hundreds of savages, of a tribe unknown.

Screams of ecstacy mix with screams of agony as the discordant noise grows louder and more frantic. The party feels sheer terror as whatever depraved liturgy they're hearing takes place outside. Something truly evil is happening just outside their shelter.

Though you cannot understand the tongue, you recognize the language as coming from a tribe of barbarians called the Niorū. They are known, even amongst barbarian tribes, as being the most savage and depraved of all savages. They worship Erythnul, the patron god of slaughter, war, chaos, depravity, and evil. Even other barbarians look upon them with fear and disgust. They are practicers of human sacrifice and are extraordinarily creative at coming up with the most vile forms of torture and murder.

You feel your heart sink into you toes as you recall that the fire in the cave is visible from outside, despite the curtain of foliage.

It is late at night on Friday, Iru 5th, or more likely early in the morning on Saturday, Iru 6th. Probably around 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning but you can't be sure.

2018-03-27, 02:20 PM
"Well Lou and I are going to carry on," Seamus says finally. "This fire has clearly drawn others to this location. We are determined to find another town. If any of you wish to accompany us, you are welcome!" Seamus makes a clicking noise with his mouth, and Lou responds by exiting the cave. Seamus follows her into the damp dawn.

2018-03-27, 03:15 PM
Gideon slowly gets to his feet. Readying his great sword. "I wouldn't recommend that lad, those sounds are that of the Niorū. So unless you want to become their next blood sacrifice to the god of slaughter I suggest you stick with us." He then turns his attention to the rest of the warriors sitting around the meagre fire, "These savages are not to be toyed with. If you see them, kill them. They cannot be reasoned with. Pray to whatever fooking god you deem holy that they do not find us on this day."

2018-03-27, 03:19 PM
"We're going through then?" Bendron smiles "standard wedge, or something fancy?"

2018-03-27, 03:25 PM
Gideon eyes his new dwarves ally and smiles, "I admire you balls, half-man, but this is no trivial monster we face. On this day the entire nation will be out in search of blood sacrifice. If we are to live til sundown we must find a defensible area and hope their war parties pass us by." He then ventures to the mouth of the cave and slowly peaks out, great sword at the ready, trying to get a better look at what's outside.

2018-03-27, 03:45 PM
"How far this land has fallen" Bendron mutters under his breath, trying to remember if there were any defensible outposts in the caves nearby

2018-03-27, 03:45 PM
[B]"I trust Gideon." Chadwick responded. "He's well travelled in this area, we should probably defer to his assessment. That being said, I have faith that Hyroneus will guide us to victory over whatever heathen filth lies ahead." He spits, then turns to Gideon, "no offense, bud."

2018-03-27, 03:50 PM
Seamus looks at Lou for guidance.

2018-03-27, 03:50 PM
Gideon isn't paying attention to the trivial conversation of his party. His entire focus is on the chants and the war parties that have seemingly surrounded them. As he returns from the mouth of the cave he looks only slightly relived, "They haven't found us yet. We still have time to make preparations, Chadwick and Bendron stay close to the cave entrance with me, the elf should stay back with the boy and use his now to pick off any that might get through."

2018-03-27, 03:53 PM
Seamus reads Lou's non-expression as her stubbornness to follow her own path in conflict with her stubbornness to not die. "Fine. We will go with you all."

2018-03-27, 03:53 PM
The fire burns brightly, illuminating the cave. As Gideon looks outside, he can he pinpoints of light throughout the hills, dozens of fires burning all around them. It is still dark outside, so sneaking through may not be out of the question, but it is difficult to tell how close dawn is. The fire burns brightly, illuminating the cave.

2018-03-27, 03:56 PM
Bendron gets up and gathers his supplies, using the halberd to bury the fire under dirt from the cave floor before joining the two near the entrance. "How well do they do in the dark? Cause I can see fine and lead us out."

2018-03-27, 04:05 PM
"We can't rely on darkness, that will hinder us just as much if not more so. And when the sun rises we will be outnumbered 100 to 1 at least. It is better for us to stay on the defensive and not try to engage them."

2018-03-27, 04:06 PM
Chadwick stomps the axe handle on the floor of the cave and slaps Bendron on the shoulder. "I dare em to cross this line," he growls.

2018-03-27, 04:21 PM
"I've been in this cave for thousands of years. It's time to leave. Follow me with hand on shoulder and we can slip between them in the dark, then head to the nearest town. I can see where they are now - there's enough time to act still."

2018-03-27, 04:31 PM
Chadwick chuckles, "well if the Dwarf wants to leave the cave what the hell are we hangin around for?"

2018-03-27, 04:43 PM
"If it should come to it remember, they attack with no formation or organization, fighting in blood rage they never surrender we will have to kil them all"

2018-03-27, 04:50 PM
With a mischievous half smile, Demryon snickers "I'll be more than happy to shoot some heads, I'm confident my present company feels the same!"

2018-03-27, 04:52 PM
"There's no glory in stupidity. I'd rather see what we're up against before we go to our deaths. We have the advantage now, let's use it," Chadwick whispers.

2018-03-27, 05:04 PM
Gideon shakes his head and shoulders his greatsword, "If you all wish to attempt to sneak by them so be it. I still think we should stay in this cave until sundown of this coming day. But if it should come to battle remember, we will be shown no mercy, so show none to the enemy."

2018-03-27, 06:19 PM
Seamus awaits at the mouth of the cave, looking back and forth to the others as the debate carries on. With a slight raise of both eyebrows, he slowly turns his head and a disbelieving stare away.

2018-03-27, 06:25 PM
"We either act now or hope that they can't find this cave - not a bet I'd like to make. I'm confident that we can avoid any large groups, and quickly dispatch any that may stumble upon us - if we keep the lad towards the middle we'll have eyes and steel on all edges. And then we're free to shelter somewhere safer and warmer and can figure affairs out there."

2018-03-27, 06:35 PM
"I understand what you mean dwarf amd you're not wrong to be sure. And if that's the way the rest of you feel but I'll do my best to protect you. But this is not a good idea." He then turn to Sheamus and look at him quizzically, "What is it lad?"

2018-03-27, 06:39 PM
"Nothing. Sounds decided now. Chadwick?"

2018-03-27, 06:51 PM
"We're not doing ourselves any favors by arguing. Lead the way, dwarf, you at least can see where we're going. Gideon, follow him and protect the boy. I'll bring up the rear in case we get ambushed. My magic should protect us for a little while if that happens."

2018-03-27, 06:54 PM
"Don't worry about me. I am still but a stranger. Protect yourselves first."

2018-03-27, 07:08 PM
Gideon scoffs,"Obviously."

2018-03-27, 07:10 PM
Seamus perfectly immitates Gideon's scoff and follows.

2018-03-27, 07:11 PM
Demryon glances in Seamus' direction, an eyebrow raised, then back to his front.

2018-03-27, 07:12 PM
The group prepares to exit the cave. Bendron takes Gideon's hand, who takes Seamus', who takes Demryon's, who takes Chadwick's, and the venture into the night.

Youtube link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCpMTGDO_1g)

Spotify link (https://open.spotify.com/track/5h3apYEHb3oMccznGIhO42)

The group heads out into the darkness, unable to see but trusting in the dwarf who leads them. Bendron carefully picks his way through the rocks and trees and underbrush, avoiding obstacles and whispering advice down the line about dips and bumps in their path. The party seems to be making good progress, but the chants and screeches all around them strike a chill into their very hearts. They are struck with a dark terror at the unholy sounds that surround them.

Chadwick's Aura of courage makes him immune to fear effects and gives a +4 bonus to the rest of the party.

2018-03-27, 07:18 PM
Bendron finds himself faltering. Newly awakened and grown unaccustomed to danger, the caterwauling of the savages brings flashbacks rushing into Bendron's mind. He finds himself distracted, and several times steps on twigs or kicks rocks that he otherwise could have avoided. The rest of the party is bolstered by Chadwick's powerful aura, but Bendron falls victim to the ice cold dread brought on by the evil rituals of the Niorū.

Bendron is Shaken for the next ten rounds. The rest of the party is fine for now.
Bendron continues to lead the party through the dark forest, avoiding the Niorū camps as best he can, but his progress is slowed by the terror that grips his heart. Sometimes he forgets to whisper advice about obstacles and someone down the line will trip or stumble, but for several minutes, all is well. Soon though, the party sees a small campfire directly ahead which Bendron seems not to notice.

2018-03-27, 07:21 PM
Chadwick hisses, "what the hell is going on??"

2018-03-27, 07:28 PM
Gideon immediately makes an attempt to pull the dwarf in the underbrush and puts hand over the dwarf's mouth and attempts to keep him quiet.

2018-03-27, 07:28 PM
Bendron doesn't struggle, trusting that someone else saw something from behind

2018-03-27, 07:31 PM
"Demryon, go see what's ahead,"Chadwick taps the elf on the shoulder.

2018-03-27, 07:32 PM
Seamus immediately turns to Demyron and nods as if to say "I am going with you."

2018-03-27, 07:33 PM
Surefooted,Demryon passes the others. His eyes focused on a distant flame. He only motions to Seamus to stay in place.

2018-03-27, 07:39 PM
Seamus looks at the others behind him and Demyron and gives them the exact same "stay" motion and proceeds to follow Demyron.

2018-03-27, 07:42 PM
The party stops and crouches low. The Niorū campfire is about twenty yards ahead. Demryon and Seamus move forward toward the fire, as stealthily as possible.

Move Silently:[roll0]

Move Silently:[roll2]

They creep forward, slowly but steadily. Fortunately, neither is noticed.

You see about half a dozen Niorū around the fire... mercilessly fighting each other to the death. Four dead Niorū lie on the ground around them. As the warriors battle each other, you can see and hear that they are laughing maniacally. These truly are a people of chaos and evil.

2018-03-27, 07:42 PM
Gideon still holding the dwarf by the mouth looks at Chadwick and and shrugs. "Fock em." he whispers.

2018-03-27, 07:46 PM
As Demryon approaches the encampment, his quiver now holds one less arrow. It now rests in his fingers and against the bent wood of his bow...ready to fly at a moments notice.

2018-03-27, 07:48 PM
Chadwick moves up to the front, straining his eyes for any sign of danger. He crouches next to Gideon, "big bad dwarf itching to leave the cave, eh?"

2018-03-27, 07:55 PM
"I'd rather do the finding than be found" Bendron whispers back, shaking free of Gideon

2018-03-27, 08:13 PM
Demryon turns back to his young tagalong and whispers, "Be wary boy, needn't be hasty."

2018-03-27, 08:29 PM
Gideon chuckles, "Half the man, half the sense it seems, also, what's the matter dwarf? You seem shaken. Has their barbaric bloodlust struck fear into you already?" he says in a playful, mocking tone, "With any luck I'll be able to take a few of these fockers teeth with me before their precious feast day ends."

2018-03-27, 08:34 PM
"Men used to be civilized. Well, nearly. But these seem more beast. My aim is not glory for today - killing a few to say to more accomplishes nothing."

2018-03-27, 08:40 PM
Seamus looks closely at the gathering by the fire, trying see what weapons they possess as well as other details.

2018-03-27, 08:48 PM
Gideon let's out a soft chuckle as he pats Bedron on the back, "Why fight if not for glory, people will remember the name Gideon of the Ul Vadr long after I'm dead and burried, can you say the same friend?"

2018-03-27, 09:03 PM
"How long? How long does a name last, without it being passed along? Or a tale be spun, without one to retell it?"

2018-03-27, 09:11 PM
"Our names mean nothing in the face of eternity. Death is just a stop on the way." He winks, taking a step towards the fire. "Hey Gideon, think we can flank 'em? Like in the old days?"

2018-03-27, 09:20 PM
Gideon looks at his long time friend. Then at the dwarf,, then at the fire ahead,"Bring 'em home." he snarls, and readies his blade.

2018-03-27, 09:23 PM
Chadwick tightens his armor and taps his axe to the ground. "The lord'll sort em." He grins, his teeth glowing in the dim firelight.

2018-03-27, 10:31 PM
The savages seem to be using primitive weapons. You see a scythe much like your own, a couple shortswords, a handaxe, a couple shortspears, and several offhand daggers.

The rest of the party approaches the campfire and sees the same thing that Demryon and Seamus saw: about half a dozen Niorū with their weapons drawn... fighting each other to the death. Around them lay scattered the bodies of four dead Niorū. As the party watches from the shadows, the surviving savages swing blindly at each other with their weapons in a crazed frenzy, laughing maniacally as they do. One of the barbarians catches another on the jaw with his scythe and cleaves through the victim's head, dropping him instantly. At the sight of this, the other Niorū laugh hysterically and begin fighting each other with renewed vigor. The party watches in disgust as the savages cut each other down, growing more excited with every spurt of blood.

2018-03-27, 10:36 PM
"That's what, five left? That could be hard to do quietly" Bendron whispers as he looks for a way around

2018-03-27, 10:36 PM
Seamus raises his scythe and motions to the others, as if saying "See what this scythe could do? Totally awesome."

2018-03-27, 10:37 PM
Gideon raises his eye brows, as if finally starting to understand something, "So this must be what the Feast of Erythnul is all about. Just bloodshed? Well may as well help them celebrate their god." as he draws his great sword and charges at the nearest warrior, swinging his weapon in a great sweeping arc at the man's frame.

2018-03-27, 10:39 PM
"Hold on now, we don't know if it is just these few, there could be more beyond this camp. Why so eager?"

2018-03-27, 10:40 PM
"I say we let sir Demyron let fly an arrow. Maybe he could land a deadly blow and leave the rest to come to us for an ambush," Seamus whispers in excitement. He has hungered for an adventure.

2018-03-27, 10:40 PM
Bendron sighs, then lowers his halberd and charges behind. He heads toward the middle of the group, halberd held low. He catches an ankle with the hook of his halberd and pulls, intending to topple his foe and follow up with a downward hack of the halberd's axe head.

For touch attack, can use polearm for total +8 (1 to polearms, 3 Bab, 4 STR). For strength check, +8 (4 STR, 4 to trip) and +8 to follow up attack

2018-03-27, 10:45 PM
Seeing how his other comrades are already charging head first into the bloody skirmish, Demryon looses an arrow in the direction of one of the unfortunate savages.

2018-03-27, 10:46 PM
Chadwick rolls his eyes, spits a curse, and hops into the clearing, bringing his great axe down at the left clavical of the nearest heathen garbage.

2018-03-27, 10:49 PM
Seamus charges as well. Sliding through the grass and swinging his scythe to the back crease of a Niorū knee.

2018-03-27, 10:51 PM
Demryon releases his arrow, and the rest of the party charges into the small clearing. Upon seeing them, the Niorū's faces light up and they cry out in excitement, almost as if to greet the strangers. Raising their weapons, the Niorū charge blindly at the party.

Lou, following Seamus, charges into the clearing and clamps her jaws down upon the arm of the shortspear wielding Niorū.


Scythe Niorū: [roll1]
Shortsword Niorū 1: [roll2]
Shortsword Niorū 2: [roll3]
Handaxe Niorū: [roll4]
Shortspear Niorū 1: [roll5]
Shortspear Niorū 2: [roll6]
Gideon: [roll7]
Seamus: [roll8]
Lou: (1d20+2)[10]
Chadwick: [roll9]
Bendron: [roll10]
Demryon: [roll11]

2018-03-27, 10:56 PM
Gideon strikes the first of the savages holding a shortsword and Bendron attempts to trip the second, while Demryon's arrow strikes true on the savage with the handaxe and Lou sinks her teeth deep into a shortspear wielding savage's arm. Chadwick attacks the savage with the scythe.

Opposed check: (1d20+2)[11]
Gideon brings his sword around in a massive arc and cleaves deep into the Niorū's ribcage. The savage falls to his knees, a look of shock and pain darting through his eyes before they glaze over and he falls to the ground, dropping his sword.

Shortsword Niorū 1 is dead.
Bendron manages to catch his opponent with the crook of his halberd and knocks the savage to the ground.

Shortsword Niorū 2 is now prone, lying on the ground and extra vulnerable to attack. He receives a -4 penalty to AC.
Bendron gets a free attack on his prone opponent, for his successful trip.
Demryon's arrow strikes the handaxe wielding savage in the chest and he stumbles, with a look of shock on his face. He is severely wounded, but his insane rage carries him forward as he raises his weapon once more.

Lou draws blood, yanking on the Niorū's arm sharply; he cries out and nearly drops his spear.

Chadwick, with a mighty roar, strikes the scythe wielding savage directly in the left clavicle, neatly separating the left side of his body from the right. For a moment, the body stands comically still, its eyes still moving, then the two sides fall apart from one another, the head attached to the right side, as a deluge of organs and blood soaks Chad's feet. The other Niorū pause to watch the grisly scene unfold, betraying fear in their wild expressions for the first time as they see their companion split seemingly easily from shoulder to crotch.

Scythe Niorū is very dead.
Everyone go ahead and make surprise round attacks, then we'll start the Initiative.

2018-03-27, 11:47 PM
Gideon let's out a maniacal laugh, "Bring em home!"

2018-03-28, 12:10 AM
Chadwick's eyes blaze gloriously. A feeling he had forgotten to miss washes over him as he echoes his warmate's laugh, "LORD'LL SORT 'EM," he exclaims, giddily.

2018-03-28, 12:49 AM
Bendron swings his halberd down in a mighty arc, aiming for the neck of the Niorū on the ground.

The other Niorū have had time to react at this point, and rush forward uttering loud warcries.

Youtube link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvUmL8uaE48)
Spotify link (https://open.spotify.com/track/11KypenqQupC2rWsaCpOXm)

Bendron swings his halberd with fatal accuracy, cleanly severing the savage's head from his body. Blood spurts out of the arteries at a regular pace as the heart continues to beat, but soon the heart stops and the blood merely oozes from the neck stump in sickening mundanity.

The fire begins to hiss as the collective flood of blood seeps into the coals. A foul stench fills the air as acrid black smoke billows up from the fire. The metallic smell of blood mixes with the putrid odor of the organs from Chadwick's halved Niorū carcass.

The savages begin to ready themselves for battle, turning toward the party and readying their weapons.

1) Demryon
2) Bendron
3) Shortspear Niorū 1
4) Gideon
5) Handaxe Niorū
6) Seamus
7) Shortspear Niorū 2
8) Lou
9) Chadwick

2018-03-28, 01:04 AM
Demryon immediately knocks another arrow, once again aiming for the Niorū holding the handaxe.

2018-03-28, 01:06 AM
Demryon releases his arrow at the same target he hit before, determined to take his life, but barely misses. The arrow zips by the savage's head, whistling away between the trees into the darkness behind him.

Bendron's turn.

2018-03-28, 07:37 AM
Bendron repositions himself between the nearest unharmed enemy and the group, using the momentum from his movement to drive the halberd like a spear into his foe.

2018-03-28, 04:40 PM
Bendron slices through the air with his halberd at one of the Niorū holding a spear.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

And the blade digs deep into the thigh of the savage, who cries out in pain. The Niorū is hardly able to move and is severely weakened, but he stabs back at Bendron with his shortspear.

Attack: (1d20+1)[18]
Damage: (1d6+2)[5]

The spear pierces Bendron in the thigh, right where he had hit the Niorū. Bendron grunts in pain.

2018-03-28, 06:13 PM
Gideon leaps forward with a yell, hacking at the Niorū who just attacked Bendron.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2018-03-28, 06:18 PM
Gideon's sword sinks deep into the chest cavity of the spear wielding Niorū, killing him instantly. As that savage drops to the ground, the one holding the axe jumps into the fray and attacks Gideon.

Attack: (1d20+1)[21]
Damage: [roll0]

2018-03-28, 06:20 PM
The savage sinks his axe deep into Gideon's shoulder, causing the hulking barbarian to cry out in pain.

2018-03-28, 08:14 PM
Seamus stands up straight and faces the Nioru with the handaxe. Closing his eyes, he outstretches his hand and make his fingers like a claw. Suddenly, a ball of fireball forms in his palm, and he launches it at his foe.


2018-03-28, 09:23 PM
DC to beat: 16

The ball of fire rolls into the savage, searing his flesh and causing him to scream in pain as he leaps back from the flames. He is still alive but severely burned. As smoke wafts off his body, the smell of charred flesh mixes with the smell of fresh internal organs that is already in the air.

The surviving shortspear Niorū lunges at Seamus, spurred to action by the lingering ball of fire that floats menacingly in the midst of the clearing.

Attack: (1d20+2)[15]
Damage: (1d6+1)[6]
The spear barely misses Seamus' small frame, coming dangerously close but leaving him unharmed. Lou snarls and lunges at him, snapping at his spear hand.

Attack: (1d20+3)[14]
Damage: (1d6+1)[5]
Lou's fangs sever the savage's radial artery and he drops to the ground, whimpering as he bleeds out.

1) Demryon
2) Bendron
3) Shortspear Niorū 1
4) Gideon
5) Handaxe Niorū
6) Seamus
7) Shortspear Niorū 2
8) Lou
9) Chadwick
The final Niorū, seeing the quick work made of his comrades, takes one last look at the party, turns tail, and sprints into the night, shouting in a language nobody recognizes.

2018-03-28, 09:40 PM
Gideon puts his sword through the wounded savages mouth then gets down on a knee and punches the dead man in the mouth with all his might, muttering something in his native tongue, then proceeds to extract the teeth from the corpse and pocketing them. Getting up he clutches his chest and leans on his sword. "Either someone needs to kill him or we have to move NOW!"

2018-03-28, 09:47 PM
Demryon locks his gaze on the fleeing Nioru. He looses an arrow, aimed at the back of his cowardly foe.

2018-03-28, 09:54 PM
Demryon and Seamus act almost simultaneously, Demryon releasing his arrow a fraction of a second before Seamus hurls the swirling ball of flame after the savage.

Attack: (1d20+8)[27]
Damage: (1d8)[8]
Demryon's arrow catches the feeling Niorū directly in the back of the neck and he drops to the ground without a sound. A half second later, Seamus' sphere of fire reaches the spot and hovers over the motionless body, illuminating it enough that the party can see that the Niorū is good and dead. Blood pours slowly from the place where the arrow is deeply embedded in the spine.

The familiar ebb of adrenaline hits the party as they realize the savages are all dead. The clearing is a scene of absolute carnage; there is not an inch of ground in the clearing that isn't slippery with puddles of blood.

2018-03-28, 10:00 PM
Seamus hangs his head in disappointment. He failed to slay a foe. "Well, anyway," he perks up, "we need to get out of here now before more of those things come back!"

2018-03-28, 10:08 PM
"All right then. Back on me, and lets get out of here." Bendron heads towards the edge of camp, pointed away from the cave and back into the night.

2018-03-28, 10:28 PM
"Wait just a damn second." Chadwick pauses to wipe the blood off his hands and face. He closes his eyes and mutters a prayer under his breath. Still with his eyes closed he addresses Gideon, "Still defiling the dead, I see. Thought you would have grown out of that." Chadwick walks over and lays his hands on Gideon's forehead. He does the same to Bendron.

I suppose it's obvious but I healed him, 10 points to Gideon, 5 to Bendron.

2018-03-28, 10:48 PM
Chadwick approaches Gideon and wordlessly places his hands on the wound in Gideon's shoulder. A pale light briefly glows from Chadwick's palms, and when he removes them the wound is closed up.

Chadwick turns to Bendron and offers the same treatment, placing his hands on Bendron's thigh in a completely nonsexual way. Once more the pale light glows dimly and when Chadwick removes his hands, Bendron's wound is nothing more than scar tissue.

Bendron, fully recovered, offers his hand to Gideon. The party once again forms their train and heads into the night, away from the scene of carnage.

2018-03-28, 10:54 PM
As Gideon follows the dwarf he looks to the horizon to see when dawn would break, "Trophies Of battle, brother. These that we slew were little better then animals anyway."

2018-03-28, 10:59 PM
"No matter how vile and twisted, at death they're humans no different than us." The Paladin chuckled, "besides, it's no way for the future chief to behave!"

2018-03-28, 11:02 PM
"Future chief of what?" Gideon spat back, clearly his comrade had struck a nerve.

2018-03-28, 11:06 PM
"How did you two come to be such the merry pair anyhow?"

2018-03-28, 11:07 PM
Chadwick, taken aback by the question, paused awkwardly. Then a look of horror spread across his face. "What are you doing so far North anyway? I was on my way to see you and didn't expect to run into you so soon."

2018-03-28, 11:09 PM
"Everyone shut your focking gobs til we can find a place to camp. And stop holding my focking hand." growls Gideon, ripping his hand away from the dwarf and pushing past him into the night.

2018-03-28, 11:12 PM
Gideon, walking in the dark and unable to see, almost immediately trips over a tree root and faceplants. The group pauses, uncertain how to proceed for the time being.

2018-03-28, 11:13 PM
Bendron does not pause. But he does slow down a little so the brute has a chance to catch up.

2018-03-28, 11:14 PM
Bendron continues moving forward, but the group is now in disarray. Everyone behind Gideon is blind and feeling their way about in the dark, Gideon having broken the chain.

2018-03-28, 11:14 PM
Gideon sits with his back against the tree that tripped him and curses in Ul Vadr.

2018-03-28, 11:16 PM
Demryon lets out a chuckle at the sound of Gideon's not so graceful fall, then remains still until the group can reform.

2018-03-28, 11:17 PM
"Get up, you oaf. We need to keep moving." Bendron turns and returns to the group and tries to get them all sorted before continuing. "Come on, come on."

2018-03-28, 11:20 PM
"I'm sorry, c'mon you lot. Let's form up with the dwarf, Bendron, speak so we can find you."

2018-03-28, 11:21 PM
Listen to this as you read the following post and write your reply.

Youtube link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Cw6-Tzl7mM&t=0s&list=PLnqoM9PUg_fS8-EPBSY3q0QccTAF9Gzqa&index=13)

Spotify link (https://open.spotify.com/track/1Yw5jJqYMaRcR0IiBi18ni)
As the party regroups and begins once again to traverse the forest, the sounds of the pagan feast continue to drone on, a crazed, rapturous cacophony of screams and chanting. For what seems like an eternity, Bendron leads the party on a safe path, weaving through the camps and avoiding the Niorū.


After nearly two hours, the sounds of the ritual fade behind them, just as the sky begins to lighten. Bendron keeps moving, getting the party safely away from the savage ceremony until it is light enough for them to walk on their own.

Youtube link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDpKQ_UXDMQ)

Spotify link (https://open.spotify.com/track/14H3pNldqiyRoAuOGJbw8B)
As the sun begins to rise behind a thick blanket of clouds, a slight drizzle begins, dampening the already tired spirits of the group. They are exhausted, sleep-deprived, and covered in blood, but the sounds of the Niorū have faded to complete silence behind them. For the first time in over a day, they feel relatively safe, although cold. Even in this temperate climate, the winter saps them of heat and drains their energy.

It is early in the morning of Iru 6th, around 6 AM.

2018-03-28, 11:26 PM
"Right. There will be plenty time to talk, and rest, when we find a campsite."

2018-03-28, 11:30 PM
check for campsite
Gideon looks around the area their in, having been in the wild for so long he developed a trained eye for good campsites.

2018-03-28, 11:35 PM
Survival check: (1d20+5)[16]
Gideon sees a group of trees off to the left that appear to be close enough together to provide some amount of shelter from the rain, despite their lack of leaves.

Youtube link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLu7EfIuiX8)

Spotify link (https://open.spotify.com/track/7iuGWLDirCR8KNkgUVq87y)
The group makes camp between the trees and tries to get some rest, for what seems like the first time in forever. They are thoroughly exhausted, and fall asleep without issue. The rain picks up to slightly more than a drizzle but hardly bothers the enervated sleepers.

Does anybody keep watch or does everybody sleep?

2018-03-28, 11:40 PM
Gideon sits with his back to a tree with his great sword against his shoulder. He stares intently at the dirt as the rain drizzles down against his body from the trees above him.

2018-03-28, 11:47 PM
Bendron volunteers to take first watch. Things are still very new to him, and he's still running on enough excitement to hold off the weariness. He finds a suitable pedestal and sets to cleaning his equipment, hands running along the halberd as he removes the grime and hones the edges - inspects it thoroughly, then sets the head back into a covering to keep it well oiled. Finished, he takes in the trees and grass and rain, uncaring of Gideon's brooding.

2018-03-28, 11:49 PM
Gideon shrugs. Acknowledging the dwarf. But doesn't move.

2018-03-28, 11:56 PM
"My friend, you are still wounded. Let the dwarf take the first shift. Get some rest, whatever ill news you have for me can wait until we're clear-headed. A lot has changed these past years," Chadwick said to Gideon, compassionate, but stern.

2018-03-29, 12:02 AM
Gideon looks up and nods, without moving he rolls over and lies down. Closing his eyes and falls asleep, cradling his sword.

2018-03-29, 12:08 AM
Chadwick stretches and lays out his bedroll. Looking at Bendron, he smirks, "I trust you're not gonna gut me and take my loot while I'm out?"

2018-03-29, 12:10 AM
"There's nothing you have that I would need." Bendron replies.

As his watch passes, Bendron compares the stories he was told and the truths he was taught to the things he sees in the woods. Wood seems a bit softer than he'd imagined, and grass almost tickles as he runs his hand over it. The noises of a forest are all foreign, but most mapped to various animal calls he had been told of. He was not prepared for weather. The wind's movements were expected, but the noises were not. Creaking, whistling, and rushing were one thing to hear about, but another to actually hear. And the rain. What magics must carry the water into the sky only to release it back to the ground? The world he's seen so far has been a bit less ordered than expected.

Assuming an uneventful watch, of course.

As Chadwick relieves Bendron's watch, the dwarf gestures to the snoring barbarian and asks: "Do you really see that hope in him?"

2018-03-29, 11:46 AM
Chadwick lets out a low whistle. "Hope? Sure I have hope for him. But then, it's not really what I meant. See, it may not be readily apparent, but that guy's royalty.. or whatever his people's idea of royalty is. We may have some pretty extreme ideological differences, but years ago we fought together against a much greater evil. His father is a pretty powerful chieftain... or at least he was... Chadwick trails off, suddenly becoming aware that he is speaking to what amounts to a complete stranger. "I used to be an lieutenant in my country's military. A little over 5 years ago I lead a regiment against the orcs of the south. I don't know how long you were conked out in those caverns but I can guess it's been long enough that you might not be aware of this threat. Many of the northern kingdoms banded together in this crusade of ours. His tribe happened to be in the warpath of the enemy, and on a recon mission my troops discovered them under siege. Together our people managed to push the army back and for the rest of the campaign we had that tenuous alliance. It was in my negotiations with the chief that I met Gideon. We ended up going countless missions together and, while I'm ashamed to admit it, I oftentimes used him and others as a way to get things done outside of the 'rules of war,' if you get me. All for the cause, of course. A brotherhood forged in blood is not easily broken. Eventually we pushed the enemy back, and as far as I know, routed them. But seeing him so far North worries me. I fear we may have declared victory too soon..."

2018-03-29, 01:45 PM
"There are no 'rules of war' - just three outcomes. You safeguard that which you set out to protect, your foe destroys it, or you destroy it yourself. Be wary, paladin; it is all too easy to claim victory and have lost along the way." Finished, Bendron rises and settles in for a much shorter sleep than his last one

2018-03-29, 03:47 PM
As Bendron closes his eyes and drifts into a quiet sleep, Chadwick settles in and prepares for his watch shift.

Spot check: [roll0]
Listen check:[roll1]
Chadwick's hour ticks by slowly and uneventfully. Soon, it is time for him to wake his replacement.

2018-03-29, 03:59 PM
With a brief, startling yelp, Seamus is shaken awake by a presumably terrifying dream.

"I... I am sorry. It was a dream..." Seamus trails off in thought as he looks around, making little sense of the surrounding damp darkness and comparing it to the dream he dreamt. Somehow, it is better here. After a pause of avoiding eye contact, Seamus looks over. "I must be rather the embarrassment," he whispers.

2018-03-29, 04:03 PM
Chadwicks face softens, attempting to convey a paternal demeanor, "It happens to the best of us. What's on your mind, kid?"

2018-03-29, 04:12 PM
Seamus stares at Chadwick's silhouette for a handful of silent moments. He looks unsure to say more. But his paranoia dissipates. "Are there others awake?"

2018-03-29, 04:32 PM
"Not right now. We're sleeping in shifts. Try and get some more rest."

2018-03-29, 04:39 PM
"Have you seen an eagle before?"

2018-03-29, 10:17 PM
Seamus sniffles a little. Though in the dark it is hard to tell if he is just cold or on the verge of tears. He lays back down, and, after a few minutes of silence, returns to sleep.

2018-03-29, 10:28 PM
Chadwick finishes out shift uneasily, rattled by his talk with the boy. Not being one to have such vivid dreams, he wished he had been able to give some better advice. Eventually he gauged his time was up and shook his barbarian friend. "Hey, hey you. RISE my son. You're up."

2018-03-29, 10:34 PM
Gideon wakes with a start,"UNUN!" his eyes dart around wildly until they finally rest upon Chadwick. He shakes his head and looks at the ground and shakes his head. Taking a deep breath he rises and rubs the sleep from his eyes. Without saying a word he walks to the edge of their makeshift camp and sits down with his legs crossed, leaning his sword on his shoulder.

2018-03-30, 12:09 AM
Chadwick and Gideon begin to speak in low murmurs as the rest of the party sleeps.

Conversation in Private Conversations Thread. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?554820-Private-Conversations-The-Storm-on-the-Horizon&p=22956765#post22956765)

The party starts awake at the sound of Gideon's shouting. Weary eyed and sluggish of mind, they struggle to take in their situation. Awakening, they realize that there seems to be no immediate danger. But Gideon is shouting something about fire and murder, slipping between the common tongue and an unfamiliar language.

By the time the party is awake enough to realize what's going on, Gideon and Chad are silently wrapped in a powerful hug, neither saying a word. Chadwick steps back and murmurs something to Gideon in a low voice, then they turn and stand shoulder to shoulder, gazing out across the hills where the sun has just recently risen. They whisper a few words to one another, then stand in silence.

Listen check: (1d20-1)[8]Listen check: (1d20+9)[13]Listen check: (1d20+10)[16]

2018-03-30, 12:25 AM
"Its a watch, not a sodding shouting match" Bendron calls out over the yelling as he rolls over

2018-03-30, 12:27 AM
Gideon doesn't notice. Or care. He said his piece and is now continuing his watch.

2018-03-30, 12:30 AM
You hear only snatches of the conversation. After Chadwick releases Gideon from the hug, you hear, "... no longer ... by Hyroneus ... win your lands ... once and for all ..." And Gideon responds, "... keep your armies ... but ... your counsel ..." You hear Chad say, "Lord'll sort 'em..." and then the two stand in silence.

2018-03-30, 07:29 PM
After an hour of scouting around the campsite survival/spot check for wilderness activity Gideon makes his way back to his sleeping companions and gently shakes Seamus, "Hey kid, you're on watch now but if you're not feeling up to it I can take yours as well."

2018-03-30, 07:39 PM
Seamus pauses, clearly considering the offer. "No, I can do this. If you guys can do it, then I can too," he whispers.

2018-03-30, 08:09 PM
Gideon smiled at the young boy and ruffles his hair. With that he jogs back to camp and lays down cradling his great sword.

2018-03-30, 08:18 PM
You are in hill country. The forest around you seems fairly normal for a wintertime forest. Not much wildlife can be seen but you are able to hear birds and see the occasional squirrel. It is a fairly mundane area. The trees extend in every direction as far as you can see, but since they lack their leaves you can see relatively far.
Knowledge (History) check: (1d20+7)[16]
If your estimation of your current location is correct and you are in fact ten miles east of the cave you woke up in, you are aware that the city of Korduur once stood near here. You are not sure of your exact location, and it has been a very long time since you've seen Korduur, but you would guess that it would be within a few miles of your current location if it still exists.
The next few hours pass uneventfully, and around 3 in the afternoon, Demryon wakes the party.

With the cloud cover, the risen sun is not bright enough to wake the party from their deep slumber, so everyone in the group wakes well rested, if not a bit chilly. The temperature did not rise with the sun this morning, and under the cold gray Iru sky, our band of misfit adventurers is able to see their breath coalescing in the air before them.

It is about 3:00 PM on Iru 6th. The weather is foggy and overcast but thankfully not rainy... yet.

2018-03-30, 08:24 PM
"It's still Feast of Erythnul, we should be cautious. There are still savages out for blood." says Gideon as he gathers his bedroll and weapons. "I scouted around, there's not much to speak of in this area."

2018-03-30, 08:34 PM
"What cities or folk are in these parts now? Might they be a good place for shelter?"

2018-03-30, 08:38 PM
Gideon packs up his gear and from one knee looks up at the dwarf, "Folk in these lands cannot be trusted. Believe me. You're just as likely to get fire worshippers or bloodthirsty savages as you are to come across decent people."

2018-03-30, 08:43 PM
"Used to be this place was dominated by the great trading city of Korduur - it stands some 5 or 10 miles east from here. Well rather, it's ruins likely lie there. It may be worth investigating, if we head that way and anything of worth remains"

2018-03-30, 08:45 PM
Gideon scoffs and stands up. "Well as interesting as that sounds, Ben, I'll be fine heading back south. Away from these storms."

2018-03-30, 09:18 PM
"There is nothing south but rain and damp."

2018-03-30, 09:23 PM
"If we follow this river east well reach the city of Oldevale, from there we can do time east, away from the coast and the storms. Unless one of you has a better plan."

2018-03-30, 09:25 PM
"Lou could lead us. That is, if you could bear to trust a wolf to that extent."

2018-03-30, 09:25 PM
"Sounds like this Oldvale may be the descendant of Korduur. I have no qualms investigating that"

2018-03-30, 09:29 PM
"Your beast has proved competent in battle, and it's clearly linked to you in some way. Can't believe I'm about to say this. But I'd follow the wolf."

2018-03-30, 09:30 PM
Seamus shifts his gaze to the other three, awaiting their input.

2018-03-30, 09:33 PM
Bendron nods. "But if we pass Korduur or it's ruin, I'm stopping to look around."

2018-03-30, 09:36 PM
"If the dwarf stops, I'll stop. All that time froze. He'll need someone to watch his ancient backside." he says, smiling disarmingly at Bendron.

2018-03-30, 09:37 PM
Bendron ignores the verbal jab. If it was a jab. He really can't tell.

2018-03-30, 11:16 PM
The group packs up their things, stretches their limbs, and heads east. The sky continues to drizzle lazily as the party trudges east, well rested and finally on the move. For hours, they continue their trek, using Demryon's compass to stay on course. Afternoon gives way to evening, and as the sky begins to darken, the party exits the tree line and sees the lights of a city in the distance. A little over five miles in front of them and a few degrees to their left, the tiny twinkling lights of city life sparkle in the night like the cold winter stars.

It is about 8:00 PM on Iru 6th.

2018-03-30, 11:33 PM
"You lot feel like finding a place to stay?"

2018-03-31, 12:11 AM
"Beats waking up to yelling again"

2018-03-31, 12:20 AM
Gideon shakes his head and chuckles,"Seems as though height isn't the only thing you're lacking Bendron. But jokes as well. But in any event I think we should head to that town, maybe send Seamus and Chad in to get a feel for the townsfolk. I may frighten them, and there's always a chance that they will be unwelcome to non humans."

2018-03-31, 02:17 PM
Chadwick straps his greataxe onto his back and rolls his neck a few times, "yeah that seems like the way to go. I don't recognize this town but it has been awhile since I've been through this area, and the last time was at war. I could use some supplies... we can scope it out. If it seems hostile we can move along."

2018-03-31, 02:29 PM
Gideon nods and claps his friend on the back, "I'm sure you could handle a couple villagers with pitch forks, Chad. You dont need me to watch your back do you?"

2018-03-31, 03:08 PM
Chadwick laughed, "Oh you bet. It'd be nice for you to see some civilization, anyway. On the other hand... I know I'D never seen a dwarf before, I thought they were a myth. It might be funny to see their reactions. He winks at Bendron. "Either way, I'm itchin to go."

2018-03-31, 03:13 PM
Gideon threw his head back and laughed aloud, "Aye, that'd certainly be a sight. Fock it, let's all of us head down there. Seems we'd be a match for anyone in these parts anyway. Besides, Seamus will look after us." he says with a heterosexual wink at the boy.

2018-03-31, 03:14 PM
"The history of the Yundri runs deep in this place - we transformed this wild land into a prosperous region welcome to all well-meaning folk. I'm sure there will be nothing but awe and respect."

2018-03-31, 03:18 PM
"Well I suppose that settles it then yeah?"

2018-03-31, 03:20 PM
"Let's paint the town, boys! Also my wink was also heterosexual."

2018-03-31, 03:20 PM
Demryon looking down at his shoes, "Well, I was thinking we might head south... to Farindahl. It's much warmer and arid there; beats wet boots any day. Plus, it's home for me."

Demryon looks up at the party. "Not to mention it's less than a hundred miles south, whereas Oldevale has gotta be at least three hundred miles east."

2018-03-31, 03:32 PM
"Well it appears you're outnumbered dere bud. Not that this is a democracy, kuz guess who has two thumbs and needs a drink." Chadwick points his thumbs towards himself, then raises his unarmored hand in a rude gesture towards the elf.

2018-03-31, 03:33 PM
Again Gideon chuckles at the antics of his companion,"I'm in agreement with Chad, I could use a pint or two. Mayhap alcohol will make you and Bendron a bit more bearable company." he says to the elf.

2018-03-31, 03:37 PM
With a bit of a furrowed brow, but paying no mind to Chads gesture, Demryon responds "Do we know what we'll find in the direction you have chosen? I know the land I've suggested like the back of my hand. Wouldn't that be more beneficial to the party?"

2018-03-31, 03:40 PM
"No use talking about it out here. Pick up your feet boys."

2018-03-31, 03:42 PM
Gideon heads toward the town, not incredibly worried about whether or not the party follows, his mind, thanks to Chadwick, is on the pints.

2018-03-31, 03:42 PM
"Aye, no use arguing out in the open when there's shelter within reach. We seem to have been cast together, and may as well take a pause to settle in and decide our moves."

2018-03-31, 03:44 PM
Hearing the dwarf, Gideon turns around and points and Bendron, "Well said, sir. I agree."

2018-03-31, 03:44 PM
"I suppose I could use a pint myself."

2018-03-31, 03:45 PM
"There may be hope for you yet, friend." Chadwick starts off towards the town.

2018-03-31, 03:52 PM
"Are you talking about alcohol?

2018-03-31, 03:54 PM
"Aye, lad!

2018-03-31, 03:55 PM
The party heads toward the town, agreeing to decide on a better plan once they've had some alcohol. It takes them about an hour to reach the gates, by which time the sky is completely dark.

You recognize this town as the small city of Aldus. It's main function is as a logging hub for dwarves from Urdale. It is a somewhat sleepy town, though not completely unexposed to the outside world. Knowing where you are, you can be sure that Farindahl is about 90 miles south, and Oldevale is about 280 miles east.
Upon entering the large town, or small city, our company of beatniks is quick to ask around for the nearest pub. Next to the main gate, a sleepy looking guard sits on a wooden stool, reading a newsletter. He is happy to point the group to a nearby pub called The Spitting Wench. The group walks down the street and after a few turns, sees a crudely painted sign of a buxom barmaid with her cheeks puffed out and a surprised look in her eyes.

In keeping with it's name, the bar is a very classy place. Inside, our party finds four wooden tables surrounded by wooden chairs, and a bar at the back. The tables have crumbs of food and puddles of liquid on them, and the bar itself is no different. As they watch, the fat barmaid picks her nose and then goes back to wiping a wooden mug with a dirty looking rag. As if to advertise the popularity of the place, a single patron sits at the end of the bar. A dirty looking logger, the chubby man slurps ale loudly from a mug similar to the one in the barmaid's hands.

It is about 9:00 PM on Saturday, Iru 6th.

2018-03-31, 03:57 PM
"This would be the best we get, eh. The day I've been having.. This is no place for a child." But his eyes said he wasn't too commited to that sentiment.

2018-03-31, 04:01 PM
"He'll be fine, brother, he's no older then I was when I started drinking. Sure it's a bit rough and honestly, pretty shetty, but fock it. I got the first round." he walks up to the bar and orders five mugs of ale.

2018-03-31, 04:04 PM
The barmaid hardly acknowledges Gideon but quickly serves up five mugs of frothy ale. She slams them down on the bar without a word and then goes back to wiping the mug.

2018-03-31, 04:07 PM
"Cheers lads," says Demryon, raising his hand. "If you could bring five more when we finish these!"

2018-03-31, 04:09 PM
The barmaid gives a single nod and a half eye roll as if to say, "Yeah, whateva" and wordlessly keeps wiping.

2018-03-31, 04:10 PM
Gideon shrugs and takes the mugs off the bar and brings them to a table where his party is gotten themselves situated. '"Drink up ladies"

2018-03-31, 04:11 PM
Chadwick shruggs, bellying up. He takes a huge quaff off his mug and immediately feels better. It's watery rat piss. "You know what we need, some hardy northern whiskey. That'll put a tingler in the tummy, for sure."

2018-03-31, 04:12 PM
Bendron takes a sip, and recoils in disgust. "This is what passes for alcohol these days? This is a watery soup. Alcohol used to make your tongue burn and bubble down the throat."

2018-03-31, 04:14 PM
Seamus pulls the mug close and looks down into it. He then turns to Lou sitting on the floor beside him who returns a head-tilted look of concern. Looking back into his beer, he tries to drink it without lifting the heavy glass, immediately gagging and coughing up froth.

2018-03-31, 04:16 PM
Hearing Chadwick's words, the man at the end of the bar speaks up. "They got Timbergrove Single Malt at the Squeaky Sparrow on the other side of town."

At his words, the barmaid pipes up for the first time. "Oi! Tryin ta lose me business, focka?" She shouts angrily. She hurls the mug she's been wiping at the man, who curses and stands up. He drops a few coins on the bar, gives the barmaid the finger, and storms out of the bar, leaving an awkward silence in his wake. Only the party and the barmaid remain.

The barmaid produces another mug from out of nowhere and begins wiping it as though nothing has happened.

2018-03-31, 04:17 PM
Chadwick reaches over and pats him on the back. "That's alright kid. Lemme finish that for you, looks like we're outta here." He downs his mug and stands up.

2018-03-31, 04:18 PM
Bendron also offers his mug, proffered between the two men.

2018-03-31, 04:19 PM
"Aw come on, love," the barmaid whines. "What about you's next round?"

2018-03-31, 04:20 PM
Gideon produces a flask from his belt and hands it to Chad. Then he turns to his mug, lifts it to his lips and starts drinking. He finishes the entire brew and slams the mug down on the bar table.

2018-03-31, 04:21 PM
Seamus uses both hands to lift the beer mug, about the size of his head, up to his lips. Doing so, he takes three large gulps and sets the mug loudly back on the bar.

2018-03-31, 04:24 PM
Chadwick laughs a long laugh that turns into a belch."The kid's got a guzzler on him! Pardon me." He takes a swig from Gideon's flask and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. "That'll play," he coughs.

2018-03-31, 04:25 PM
Gideon throws his head back in sheer merriment and lets out a loud, hearty laugh,Ya see boy, not so bad is it?", then shuffling closer to Seamus he leans in,I'm kidding, this is absolute swill."

2018-03-31, 04:28 PM
Seeing her only customers preparing to leave, the barmaid arrives at the table with five more mugs before Demryon can cancel his second order. "That'll be foive silva all togevva, loves."

2018-03-31, 05:06 PM
Seamus lets out a deep belch that completely takes him by surprise. Smiling, " 'Scuse me."

2018-03-31, 06:08 PM
"I don't know how you can stand there and call this piss, beer, wench." Gideon says to the barmaid as he downs his second mug just as quickly as the first, "I mean at least be honest about what you're selling. Nice one, Seamus."

2018-03-31, 06:13 PM
Bendron again passes on the 'alcohol', but settles into the seat and considers his companions. "Now that we have a moment's respite, where do we go from here? It seems that we've been cast together for one reason or another, but I'm not sure if any know what that may be. For myself, my first aim is to see if I can't find any remnants of my clan, and the only way to do that is to travel. All directions seem equally promising there."

2018-03-31, 06:53 PM
Gideon' s face grows solemn as he stares down his third mug of ale. He looks around at the party, staring each one individually in the eyes, "Aye, you aim to find your clan, I aim to fight to take mine back. To the south and east of here lies a kingdom ruled by a warlord known as Genji. Fancies himself some sort of King. That lordship Is mine by birth right. I can offer all of you substantial payment as well as positions of power within the kingdom if you were to help me reclaim it. This is something I will do alone but it never hurts to bring a up a band of capable fighters along."

2018-03-31, 07:13 PM
The barmaid's supplicating tone disappears as everyone ignores her. "Who's paying?" she asks loudly in a flat tone.

2018-03-31, 07:21 PM
A wooden thud sounds as Seamus sets down the suddenly empty mug onto the bar. His chin and neck glisten as the front of his shirt looks soaked in beer. His eyes bug out briefly in astonishment before he trains his ears back to the conversation.

2018-03-31, 07:28 PM
"Alright slow down there kid." Chad snatches the glass away and waves off the wench. "Who's got this round, my wallet's in my other greaves."

2018-03-31, 07:31 PM
Chadwick looks around expectantly. "Anyone? Anyone? Damn, tough pub." He reaches into his pack, pulls out a few coins and sets them on the bar, taking another swig from the flask Gideon hadn't asked to be returned.

2018-03-31, 07:34 PM
"I am very hungry now." Seamus waves down the barmaid. "Have you any mutton? I am peckish at least."

2018-03-31, 07:39 PM
"Demryon, what brought you out here by yourself?"

2018-03-31, 07:50 PM
Gideon nods his thanks to Chad for buying the round. Then procedes to continue drinking from the unattended mugs of ale on the table in front of him.

2018-03-31, 10:12 PM
"Oh, so... You're staying then?" says the barmaid, with an ostenible look of pleasant surprise. "Oh. Right then."

She returns to bar and continues to wipe the same mug, though with the rag she's using, it might very well be making the mug dirtier. She doesn't seem to hear Seamus' request.

2018-04-01, 04:35 AM
"Well Bendron, home brings me here, duty bring me here. I look around at my current company and see just what I've been searching for. There's a reason I am wanting to head south to Farindahl, so I suppose I'll get straight to the point. I need your help..." he looks all of them in the eyes solemnly.

"My home was sacked; my father, Duke Demory, was slain amidst the chaos of that awful day...that bastard, who took my fathers life now sits where my father had for so long." Demryon clenches his fist "The survivors and I attacked several of their encampments for weeks, slowly weakening his force in hopes of taking back our beloved home, but just a short while ago we were found, some were slain while they slept, others captured. I alone was able to evade those foul orcs. I would kill them all myself but I'm just one man... I can't abandon my men."

"I will have no choice but to move on if you cannot help me, but I offer a handsome reward to those who will help me take back Farindahl... I realize this is a lot to put onto yuh... but at least give it some thought gentlemen."

2018-04-01, 10:03 AM
Gideon finishes his fourth pint in almost as many minutes. He wipes his mouth and leans haphazardly back in his seat, looking at Demryon, "Fock orcs, focking filthy focks. Fock 'em. Elves are ugly, to be sure." he says with a wink, "But orcs have been put on this earth to be slaughtered." He picks up another mug and raises it towards the elf, then brings it to his lips and mutters,"In my humble opinion." Then, after downing his drink, in a slightly louder voice, with his attention turned seemingly towards the barmaid, "You are the ugliest focking woman I have ever seen, it's no wonder you have no patrons!"