View Full Version : Player Help Cleric: need help with PrC and talents

2018-03-20, 08:22 AM
I started playing d&d a couple of months ago and with the advices of my DM I built a lawful neutral Cleric of Tyr. The party is composed by 3 players: a goliath warblade, an human rogue and me the cleric of tyr.

Right now I'm 3 Cleric / 2 Church Inquisitor with the classic DMM Persist talents and with enough turn undead attempts to persist two spells.

I'll probably take another 2 or 3 levels of Church Inquisitor but I have no idea what to do after and what talents / prestige classes I could take.

Since I'm the only caster, I kinda want to improve my spellcasting ability and not lose any spellcaster level.

Any suggestions ?

2018-03-20, 08:53 AM
Divine Oracle (from Complete Divine), Contemplative (also Complete Divine) and Thaumaturgist (SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/prestigeClasses/thaumaturgist.htm)) are prestige classes that are fairly easy to get into. Since you're Lawful Neutral, Sacred Exorcist (one of the usual suggestions) won't be possible.

I'm guessing "talents" is a translation? They're "Feats" in English, though I think I might like that term for them a bit better! Anyway, you've already got DMM/Extend/Persist. Divine Oracle and Thaumaturgist each have a single feat requirement. But after that, it really depends on what your party needs. You could take a crafting feat (Craft Wondrous Items or Craft Wand can be very useful). If your DM allows it, you could get Leadership and recruit a Wizard or Sorcerer to handle any arcane casting needs.

2018-03-20, 12:00 PM
Did you trade your turn undead for rebuke dragons or destroy undead to get it again at lvl 8 by diping one level in sacred exorcist? just asking.

I think I never actually played a caster cleric, so sorry if I'm not much of a help there, but I can give you the build I i like to follow when making a clericzilla:
bonus points if I change your mind :D

Lesser Aasimar (dragonborn of bahamut)

Cleric 3/Church Inquisitor 4/Sacred Exorcist 1/Divine Disciple 5/Cleric 7

Domains: Time; Planning

Planning Domain: Extend Spell
Time Domain: Improved Initiative
Lv1: Persist Spell
Lv3: Divine Metamagic
Lv6; Elder Giant Magic
Lv9: Extra Turning
Lv12: Extra Turning
Lv15: Extra Turning
Lv18: Extra Turning

2018-03-20, 01:05 PM
I'm guessing "talents" is a translation? They're "Feats" in English, though I think I might like that term for them a bit better!
Yeah, I'm not a native english speaker and the direct translation from italian to english was talents :D

Anyway I'm gonna check out those prestige classes that you have mentioned. Where can I see what I can craft with the various feats?

Looking @PMArael666 build is pretty much optimized and it's too late for that plus our DM has a strange rule that don't allow multiple turning pools but allow nightsticks stacking.
When I started a couple of months ago I didn't know much and I went for what I liked.

Can you explain what trascendence does ? (the final bonus of the Divine Disciple prestige class)

2018-03-20, 02:22 PM
Well, far as casting goes, getting more domains is awesome. They expand your list (you can use Domain Spontaneity [Complete Divine] with turn attempts to fuel your ability to cast those); Spell-domain in particular is huge for a caster Cleric. To that end, Seeker of the Misty Isles [Book of Exalted Deeds], Divine Disciple [Player's Guide to Faerun], Contemplative [Complete Divine], Divine Oracle [Complete Divine], etc. are all good options. The most powerful option is of course Dweomerkeeper [Complete Divine Web] for getting insanely powerful unique boosts to your casting (including casting undispellable spells with material/XP components for free as a standard action), but that's a bit over the top for most games. Hathran [Player's Guide to Faerun] is the other superstrong option.

EDIT: Transcendence changes your type from Humanoid to Outsider (Native). It means you gain these traits (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/typesSubtypes.htm#outsiderType) and are influenced as an outsider by spells instead of humanoid (spells like Charm Person, Hold Person or Enlarge Person no longer affect you, you can take Outsider-forms with Alter Self/Polymorph [Alter Self Handbook (http://minmaxforum.com/index.php?topic=2811)/Polymorph Handbook (http://minmaxforum.com/index.php?topic=519.0)], Banishment, etc.) and so on. As a Native Outsider (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/typesSubtypes.htm#nativeSubtype), however, you can still be resurrected normally and you still need to eat and sleep.

2018-03-20, 04:01 PM
Yeah, I'm not a native english speaker and the direct translation from italian to english was talents :D

Anyway I'm gonna check out those prestige classes that you have mentioned. Where can I see what I can craft with the various feats?

Looking @PMArael666 build is pretty much optimized and it's too late for that plus our DM has a strange rule that don't allow multiple turning pools but allow nightsticks stacking.
When I started a couple of months ago I didn't know much and I went for what I liked.

Can you explain what trascendence does ? (the final bonus of the Divine Disciple prestige class)

Trancendence just gives you the native outsider type, other than not being able to die of old age, it's really not that good if you don't plan on abusing polymorph, you can stop the class by lvl 4 just fine.

If you want to go the caster route, you could grab the initiate of mystra feat along with metamagic reducers and the Dweomerkeeper prestige class, persist good buffs on the party and cast supernatural spells when needed. But come on, the clericzilla is so much more fun :smallwink:

2018-03-21, 04:16 AM
My intent is not to lose caster levels. I will probably go for some mix of Divine Disciple / Divine Oracle and Contemplative.

Feat wise still don't know... the crafting feats seems useful for the party and then maybe power attack will be useful when I can persist Divine Power.

2018-03-21, 08:09 AM
My intent is not to lose caster levels. I will probably go for some mix of Divine Disciple / Divine Oracle and Contemplative.

Feat wise still don't know... the crafting feats seems useful for the party and then maybe power attack will be useful when I can persist Divine Power.

you do not lose caster levels with the initiate of mystra feat, anypell makes you able to cast arcane spells, thus qualifying you for dweomerkeeper

2018-03-21, 09:09 AM
My intent is not to lose caster levels. I will probably go for some mix of Divine Disciple / Divine Oracle and Contemplative.

Feat wise still don't know... the crafting feats seems useful for the party and then maybe power attack will be useful when I can persist Divine Power.

None of the alternatives in this thread lose caster levels. For Dweomerkeeper, you pick Magical Training [Player's Guide to Faerun] to qualify as a pure Cleric. That said, Disciple/Oracle/Contemplative is more than fine far as a caster Cleric (or any Cleric, really) goes.

2018-03-22, 12:02 PM
None of the alternatives in this thread lose caster levels. For Dweomerkeeper, you pick Magical Training [Player's Guide to Faerun] to qualify as a pure Cleric. That said, Disciple/Oracle/Contemplative is more than fine far as a caster Cleric (or any Cleric, really) goes.

Yeah, you are right... I'm gonna stick to Disciple/Oracle/Contemplative.

Are there any useful metamagic feats that I could take ?

Twin spells and reach seems ok but I'm still too low level to use those, any suggestion ?

2018-03-22, 01:13 PM
Yeah, you are right... I'm gonna stick to Disciple/Oracle/Contemplative.

Are there any useful metamagic feats that I could take ?

Twin spells and reach seems ok but I'm still too low level to use those, any suggestion ?

Well, Sculpt Spell is always good for a caster. Extend Spell and Quicken Spell have their uses and Fell Drain can be nice particularly with DMM (no reason not to pick up DMM for multiple feats if you have Nightsticks). The usual suspects, really.

2018-03-26, 07:03 AM
Well, Sculpt Spell is always good for a caster. Extend Spell and Quicken Spell have their uses and Fell Drain can be nice particularly with DMM (no reason not to pick up DMM for multiple feats if you have Nightsticks). The usual suspects, really.

Can you give me some examples of good use of sculpt spell (in particular low level spells)?

2018-03-26, 09:53 AM
Can you give me some examples of good use of sculpt spell (in particular low level spells)?

The 4 10' cube variant is very strong on battlefield control like Ice Slick, Silence, Nauseating Breath/Laogzed's Breath, etc.