View Full Version : Night of the Clawlings

2018-03-20, 02:33 PM
Let's say you're in Eberron and the fiendish villain has brought back a long-extinct strain of lycanthropy that basically results in a pack of raptor-halflings to challenge your level 9 players. Which raptor-like dinosaur do you use?

1) Clawfoot (ECS): Not as strong mechanically as the next option, but Clawfeet are, lorewise, what the halflings always ride, providing some nice synergy.
2) Fleshraker (MM3): This is... mechanically superior in nearly every way? Faster, consistently d6 attack dice, literally twice the hitpoints, a leaping attack, literally dripping with poison... allegedly this thing is the same CR as option 1, but I have my doubts.
3) Both: The big con here is emotional energy and time. The Lycanthrope template is a little trickier since you're merging two creatures in a stat block instead of just adding some baseline numbers to a pre-existing monster. Theoretically doable, though.
4) Some other option? I'm nigh-positive that I've seen some other Medium or smaller sized raptor-ish dinosaurs in the books, but I'm having trouble locating them.

That's it so far. Are there any other Medium dinosaurs I should consider for my night of the clawlings? A "chased by a pack of raptors, oh also they're halfling werewolves" thing should be tough, but ideally not overwhelming. Worth noting that my players include 5 to 6 level 9 adventurers, but they don't really play with heavy optimization.

2018-03-20, 03:24 PM
If you're open to Pathfinder, the Troodon (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/dinosaur/dinosaur-troodon/) is a Medium dinosaur pegged at CR 1.

It's not nearly such a powerhouse as a Fleshraker, but if you're looking for a milder dinosaur that still has claws and teeth, it might work for you.

2018-03-20, 06:44 PM
Errata for MM1 actually reduces the size of the Deinonychus to Medium (and Megaraptor to Large), presumably because someone realized that a 6' tall biped is the same description as a human. Eberron was printed before or without regard to this, taking the "zomg you can ride a velociraptor" plan, but normal deinonychus are lycanthropy-able for halflings.

2018-03-21, 06:47 PM
Errata for MM1 actually reduces the size of the Deinonychus to Medium (and Megaraptor to Large), presumably because someone realized that a 6' tall biped is the same description as a human. Eberron was printed before or without regard to this, taking the "zomg you can ride a velociraptor" plan, but normal deinonychus are lycanthropy-able for halflings.

Ah! That's about perfect, then. Thanks!