View Full Version : So, You Roll 18’s in Every Stat. What Do You Play?

2018-03-20, 09:51 PM
Another thread right now is talking about rolling vs. stat buy, which got me thinking. If you had the right group who wouldn’t resent you, and a DM who wouldn’t be opposed to it, and you rolled 6 honest 18’s (don’t know what the odds are on that), what character would you play?

2018-03-20, 09:58 PM
In 5e, which is what I know, I'd play Paladin. You want high Strength and Charisma as a paladin anyway, high Con is always good. With the level 6 ability to add charisma modifier to all saves you could potentially get at least +10 to all saves.

Alternatively 5e Monk, again, Dex and Wis need high stats anyway, and Con never hurts. 14th level ability gives proficiency in all saves so again, easy enough to get +10 at least to everything.

For a super build, combine the two, 14 levels monk-6 levels paladin, potentially ending up with +16 in all saves at level 20. Pretty cool.

Alternatively, I might do it for wizard, because I find wizards dull in general so the high stats would give me the chance to take lots of feats to make a cool build.

I did once roll 3 18s and 3 14s, but didn't use it because I felt it was too good at everything.

ETA-I really like this rolling system by the way-http://comicpress.socksandpuppets.com/comic/468-roll-with-it/

2018-03-20, 10:00 PM
In honor of my little brother who I once saw roll an 18 in every stat except Strength, I'd make the same choice he did, and play a Fighter.

2018-03-20, 10:01 PM
Regular human Knowledge Cleric 2 Wizard X. I'd spend my first 3 ASIs to have 20s in all stats and be a god among men. Able to use all skills and tools a few times per day and perfect in every other way.

2018-03-20, 10:01 PM
I have 4 18's in the campaign I'm playing in right now so I'm a Blood Hunter Wizard.

2018-03-20, 10:06 PM
Roll a d12 to choose my class. :smallsmile: Honestly. And at this point maybe need to spin a roulette wheel to choose a race. :smalltongue: Unless someone has like a d30 or something lying around. :smalltongue:

2018-03-20, 10:07 PM
I Agree that Monk/Paladin would probably be the best way to go about it, since its an interesting concept that's hard to pull off normally.
I've gotten moderately close in my most recent game where i rolled 17, 16, 12 18, 11, 16 down the line as a Human. The GM doesn't like multiclassing, so I ended up going with a War Wizard which is a lot of fun since i get a lot of mileage out of spells like Shadow Blade, Shield and Mage Armor.

2018-03-20, 10:08 PM
I'm not sure, but I know I would play a variant human just so I could take lucky at level one.

2018-03-20, 10:45 PM
Probably a warlock, maybe a sorcerer.

I don't have a problem.

2018-03-20, 11:19 PM
Pacifist Paladin of Redemption. Tiefling.

I would do everything to convince my party to take the noble path. And they would ignore me.

2018-03-20, 11:28 PM
Another thread right now is talking about rolling vs. stat buy, which got me thinking. If you had the right group who wouldn’t resent you, and a DM who wouldn’t be opposed to it, and you rolled 6 honest 18’s (don’t know what the odds are on that), what character would you play?

Oh! I misread the thread title. I thought this was about rolling 10s in every stat, in which case I'd play... hmmm, no multiclassing allowed until ASIs kick in, very average Joe, no outstanding good or bad characteristics... I guess that sounds kind of like a Lucky human Neutral Good shepherd druid Folk Hero to me.

All 18s in every stat, well, I'm a powergamer at heart but honestly that sounds a bit boring and Mary Sue-ish. What am I, a vat-cloned genetic experiment or something? I suppose if I kept the character I'd probably conclude that he was some kind of breeding experiment, and make him a Lawful Neutral Knight of Conquest (nee Paladin of Conquest)/Long Death Monk with a side of Hexblade. In my headcanon that's basically the Darth Vader/Sith Lord class. Start of as Idealist 1 (nee Paladin 1), try to hit Long Death 6 ASAP for the at-will fear, then Hexblade 2, Knight of Conquest 7, Long Death Monk 11 for the Mastery of Death capstone. At-will fear plus the Knight of Conquest aura is fun, plus you've got fun tricks like Shield 2 twice per short rest, Wrathful Smite, monk mobility, Stunning Strike, etc. The all 18s don't contribute all THAT much except to backstory, but they do let you take off your heavy armor and fight in street clothes if you like without taking much of an AC hit, and they give you better saves I guess. But mostly they just add to the backstory of the fanatical cultic prodigy who's been tailor-made to subdue the world for his secret masters. Think Arnold Schwarzenegger in Twins, but more apodictic and more brainwashed by evil. In roleplaying terms I'd play him like a cross between Vader and Inspector Javert.

2018-03-20, 11:48 PM
The Paladin/Monk sounds pretty good. Call him Captain America. Cause Clearly he had a Super Soldier Serum.

Or Make a Monk/Rogue. Call him Batman.

2018-03-21, 12:21 AM
I would play a human who multiclasses into every underrated class/subclass combo. Beastmaster Ranger/Inquisitive Rogue/Four Elements Monk/Land Druid/Champion Fighter/whatever. Only 2 levels max in any class. Never get ASIs or feats.

or General Competence. Human Scout Rogue 12/Lore Bard 4/Warlock 4 with Reliable Talent/Proficiency in all skills/Expertise in 8 skills. Using ASIs to reach 20 in all stats, General Competence has a minimum skill roll of 21 for any skill check at level 20.

2018-03-21, 12:24 AM
Senor Vorpal Kickasso!

2018-03-21, 12:36 AM
standard human Paladin(6)/Monk(14).

You would start with:
19/19/19/19/19/19; and 4 x ASI to spare from classes. This would mean that you had to take at least one feat, no matter what, and still get 20 in each score eventually.

2018-03-21, 02:49 AM
Moon Druid.

(Thats my answer to everything).

2018-03-21, 03:15 AM
I'd probably play a proper Bladesinger, with a longsword. I've wanted to play one but find them a bit MAD for my taste (after playing a non-Hexblade bladelock) with a longsword.

2018-03-21, 03:16 AM
I would be compelled to think up a handicap or issue to ballance things out.
A curse or a crazy phobia, perhaps a degenerative uncurable disease that causes the character to loose -1 strength and dexerity every time they level up.
Or how a bout narcolepsy, the character would have to make an umodified saving throw of some sort every time an encounter happed to see if they spring into action or slump to the ground for 40 winks. Lol

2018-03-21, 03:51 AM
Monkbarian. I‘ve played one with two 18‘s in a one shot, and it was fun as hell. I tried to emulate the popcultural drunken fist way before the UA or Xanathar’s were out.
Start barb with at least 18 AC unarmored, get one level of monk for the neat bonus to unarmed damage, then either zealot barbarian for bonus damage or (what i did) bearbarian for obvious reasons. Get up to level 5 for your second attack, then go monk all the way or throw in a level of fighter for the dueling fighting style along the way. The monk subclass adds more gravy - shoot angry laserballs with sun soul, annoy your opponents by juggling them across the battlefield with open hand, scare them and become virtually immortal with long death or go even more in the drunken master direction with... well, drunken master. You could even go kensai to take a more appropriate weapon for a barbarian.
To add to the ridiculous movement of this character (30+25 from monk+10 from barbarian) you could take the mobile feat for free disengages, freeing that bonus action for more attacks (to each of which you can apply your barbarian rage bonus) or the dodge action, making this build incredibly defensive.
Other feats of choice include tough (though with high con, bear rage and dodge you shouldn’t go down anyway), lucky (for obvious reasons), tavern brawler to add grappling etc. etc.

2018-03-21, 03:57 AM
I'd be a wise and somewhat eccentric fighter/wizard. Like Gandalf. Be someone who can swing a sword and blow stuff up with magic, but not an eldritch knight.

2018-03-21, 05:34 AM
I’ll dogpile on monkadin

Mechanically strong
Conceptual fun and easy

Normally too MAD to be worthwhile... so if I got the chance i’d Take it.

This will of course never happen as described, with rolls, but some day a dm might set an “elite array” for a short campaign. Not 18s I’m sure, but high enough to be more workable

2018-03-21, 06:10 AM
Lore Bard or Paladin 2/Lore Bard. If playing with particularly bad players I would mix and match. Rogue 1/Fighter 3/Abjurer x maybe.

Aaron Underhand
2018-03-21, 06:49 AM
Half Elf Oath of Ancients Paladin 7, Wizard 13, Resilient Con and Medium Armour Master to get Dex and Con to 20, Str and Int +2

2018-03-21, 07:10 AM
Bare Chested Barbarian with a Battleaxe and a GWM.

2018-03-21, 07:14 AM
Bare Chested Barbarian with a Battleaxe and a GWM.

Quite the "cleavage" you have there. :smallbiggrin:

2018-03-21, 07:21 AM
Kick myself for not buying a powerball ticket; 6x 18s off 3d6 is a 1 in 140 trillion chance and 1 in 55 billion for 4d6 drop lowest

2018-03-21, 07:23 AM
Quite the "cleavage" you have there. :smallbiggrin:

bah dum, ping!

2018-03-21, 08:09 AM
Half Elf Oath of Ancients Paladin 7, Wizard 13, Resilient Con and Medium Armour Master to get Dex and Con to 20, Str and Int +2

Indeed. Paramanders (Paladin/Wizards from back in 2e) get no love.

Personally, I'd probably go Paladin/Moon Druid. Smiting Bear of Doom, even if it actually drops my stats somewhat. My claws would bring down holy justice on poachers or loggers.

2018-03-21, 09:22 AM
Any monk .

2018-03-21, 09:31 AM
I feel like you play a Sorcadin that just wins D&D.

Pretty sure with stats like that there's nothing in the entire monster manual that can challenge you.

2018-03-21, 09:34 AM
Not sure what mutliclassing I'd do, but there would be some Valor Bard in there for sure.

2018-03-21, 09:56 AM
Unarmed/unarmored valor bard grappler, with a level of barbarian for AC.

2018-03-21, 10:01 AM
Oh yeah, I've just remembered the other build I'd make with those rolls. 1 Barbarian/19 Bladesinger Wizard. With 20 dex, int, and con, you can have 20ac normally, 25ac while bladesinging, add shield as your signature spell you can cast for free and that's another 5ac, that's a 30 AC character with all of the powers of a wizard. Pretty damn strong.

Similar move works with War Wizard instead of bladesinger, again, 20ac usually, but you can use a shield so 22ac, take an extra level in cleric, use shield of faith on yourself for +2ac and another +2ac for concentrating on a spell, add shield again, 31ac.

2018-03-21, 10:16 AM
I'd love to play a monk if I rolled 18's in all stats. I'd probably also request to play an older character.

Basically I'd make an old hermit human monk who'd spent the last 50 years perfecting his body and his mind. From there, it'd be all about him learning to augment his natural talent along the path I'd chosen (probably elemental, even though it's under-powered).

2018-03-21, 10:31 AM
Another thread right now is talking about rolling vs. stat buy, which got me thinking. If you had the right group who wouldn’t resent you, and a DM who wouldn’t be opposed to it, and you rolled 6 honest 18’s (don’t know what the odds are on that), what character would you play?
I'd play the craziest multiclass I can think of:
For example...
Ancients Paladin 8 for Auras.
Bladesinger Wizard 3 for extra AC, speed and concentration.
Barbarian 2 for extra damage and Danger Sense.
Swashbuckler Rogue 3 for extra Initiative and free Disengage.
Moon Druid 2 for beast form.
Fighter 2 for Action Surge.
Actually not optimal because many features relying on bonus action, but who cares? XD

Or I'd play my dreamt "Master of Cantrips": getting as many cantrips as possible, just getting two casters up to 2nd level spells at least.

Or the "Perfect Skill Master": Knowledge Cleric 2 / Divine Soul Sorcerer 9 (actually I would have loved to put Arcane Trickster for Reliable Talent but it would make total level 22... And Cleric doesn't have Skill Empowerement).

Or the "Perfect Caretaker": some mix of all casters to grab all the best spells and rituals while being as MAD as possible (I'd have to spend some time on that idea to see what to goal for actually).

I'd love to play a monk if I rolled 18's in all stats. I'd probably also request to play an older character.

Basically I'd make an old hermit human monk who'd spent the last 50 years perfecting his body and his mind. From there, it'd be all about him learning to augment his natural talent along the path I'd chosen (probably elemental, even though it's under-powered).
Very great in-character justification. GG ;)

2018-03-21, 11:50 AM
I’ve wanted to play a Bugbear Champion Fighter with Medium Armor Mastery for ambush attacks and 18 AC that uses a giant maul (sneakily) for 4d6 damage on a surprise round, twice as much on a critical. But I didn’t want to make a one-trick pony that would have few hit points or get easily dominated from low mental stats.
So now I can do that.

Another possibility is a Barbarian who is genuinely clever, creative, and insightful when not raging.
Maybe a really pious Zealot Barb.

2018-03-21, 12:12 PM
Someone else.

That's so overpowered it would be boring.

I'd re-roll into stats that have a bit of imbalance to make it a challenge.

2018-03-21, 12:16 PM
Mountain Dwarf - Warlock (to story the stats) or Illusionist Wizard because it seems so 3rd sigma fitting.

2018-03-21, 12:19 PM
I'd play whatever I was already planning on playing, which would be a Barbarian, Ranger, or Fighter since those are the classes I enjoy the most.

But I'd actually much rather play a Character with straight 14s instead.

2018-03-21, 12:39 PM
Ramp it up a notch:

Would you change anything if you started with straight 20s?

(You were injected with Captain America Serum. Go nuts.)

The difference is, with straight 20s, now you can get all feats.

2018-03-21, 12:46 PM
Sorcerer/Wizard, the Ultimate Magus. I'd have a good amount of spells known, like a Wizard, and metamagic, like a Sorcerer. I could take buffing/debuffing/utility spells from one list and damage from the other. Subclasses, I'm not sure, but possibly Storm or Dragon Sorcerer for damage and either Evocation or Illusion for either more damage or more control. Of course, which subclasses I picked would also depend on how many levels I'd put in each class. I'd use Sorcerer primarily to use metamagic though.

2018-03-21, 12:50 PM
Ramp it up a notch:

Would you change anything if you started with straight 20s?

(You were injected with Captain America Serum. Go nuts.)

The difference is, with straight 20s, now you can get all feats.

Nope, no change due purely to stats.

But I might play something different the second time through, like a Warbearian.

And to anticipate a followup question: the third time through I'd be completely bored with the uniform stats and wouldn't play anything even with straight 22s. It's not so much how high the stats are that bother me; it's the fact that they're all the same.

2018-03-21, 01:07 PM
Recreate one of my earliest characters and play Monk. Now I just need a ring of regeneration and a Returning handaxe.

Edit: Alternately, play Joe Everyclass, adventurer extraordinaire. Minimum 1 level in every class by 20. Lots of low level magic and cantrips. Start Rogue, for lots of skills.

2018-03-21, 01:07 PM
Ramp it up a notch:

Would you change anything if you started with straight 20s?

(You were injected with Captain America Serum. Go nuts.)

The difference is, with straight 20s, now you can get all feats.

I can (and would) get all feats with straight 14s too.

But I may be crazier than your average player.

2018-03-21, 03:38 PM
i'll tell you what i wouldn't play.

Moon Druid.

I'd probably play something like Barbarian/Monk or Warlock/Ranger.

Maybe Paladin/Monk or Paladin/Ranger.

Oathbreaker Paladin 7/Necromancer 13?

Arcane Archer/Kensei?

Wizard 20?

as for Race i'd always be a Lizard Folk.

2018-03-21, 03:45 PM
every time one of these threads comes around everyone overlooks the amazing jump distance synergy between thief and champion smdh

2018-03-21, 04:17 PM
Fighter 2, cleric 1, wizard 17, in that order.

Heavy armour, shield, healing and 9th level wizard casting should be pretty fun to play.

2018-03-21, 08:28 PM
You play a multiclass Barbarian / Bard / Cleric / Druid / Fighter / Monk / Paladin / Ranger / Rogue / Sorcerer / Warlock / Wizard.

2018-03-21, 11:31 PM
You play a multiclass Barbarian / Bard / Cleric / Druid / Fighter / Monk / Paladin / Ranger / Rogue / Sorcerer / Warlock / Wizard.

Don't forget Artificer and Mystic, as those are likely to be official classes someday!

2018-03-22, 01:48 AM
You play a multiclass Barbarian / Bard / Cleric / Druid / Fighter / Monk / Paladin / Ranger / Rogue / Sorcerer / Warlock / Wizard.

Joe Everyclass, hero of Roleplaynia. Slayer of the dread beast, Dungeon Dragon.

2018-03-22, 01:56 AM
I think I would like to reroll and make a more interesting character.

2018-03-22, 02:18 AM
I think I would like to reroll and make a more interesting character.

I've seen this pop-up before, and I've got to be respond: having straight 18's (or just generally high stats) doesn't have to make a character boring. They're incredibly gifted, but that can be a great source of character development: make them someone pressured their whole lives to excel, to do something great, and their flaws come out in the fact that, despite how gifted they are, they never feel good enough. Or that they want to do something they're worried is "not worthy". Because being gifted doesn't make you perfect, but they've had to deal with the expectation of perfection. That's just one angle. Character flaws don't go away just because you have 18's. If anything, I think a character with 18's has to rely more on roleplay to define them as people than someone with decent to good stats and an 8. Because of course the character with 8's main weakness/flaw is their 8 stat, especially in a mental stat.

2018-03-22, 02:35 AM
You play a multiclass Barbarian / Bard / Cleric / Druid / Fighter / Monk / Paladin / Ranger / Rogue / Sorcerer / Warlock / Wizard.

Joe Everyclass, hero of Roleplaynia. Slayer of the dread beast, Dungeon Dragon.

Funnily enough, that would actually be great. A true Jack of All Trades.

As a Mountain Dwarf your stats would be 20/18/20/18/18/18. Then, take Barbarian 1, Bard 2, Cleric 1, Druid 1, Fighter 1, Monk 4, Paladin 2, Ranger 1, Rogue 3, Sorcerer1, Warlock 1, Wizard 2, you get pretty much everything you need to be "awesome".

A few pointers:

Bard 2, because Jack of All Trades (duh!)
Monk 4, because as a Kensei, and you can choose 2 weapons to be monk weapons for you (because Dwarf they could be Battleaxe or Warhammer!). While they might not benefit from Martial Arts, at least you can attack with them and still benefit from Flurry of Blows with increased damage die. With that one ASI, take Alert and become the God of Initiative!.
Paladin 2, because Divine Smite only cares about spell slots in general (since the first Errata), and because it scales only up to 4th level slots, you only need to reach 4th level spell slots from the whole. With the above spread of levels, you reach a total "caster level" of 8 in regards to multiclass spell slots, which means you have spell slots: 4/3/3/2. Also, another Fighting Style (take Archery with Fighter, and Dueling with Paladin)
Rogue 3, Cunning Action! Also, if you take Swashbuckler, you can add your Charisma to your Initiative! Because you took Dueling Fighting Styles, all your melee attacks with finesse weapons (while using Strength, which you should) will benefit from 2d6 Sneak Attack and Dueling +2 (and Rage +2).
Wizard 2, become a war wizard and add your Intelligence to your Initiative!
Final Initative modifier: +20 [+4 (Dex) + 4 (Int) + 4 (Cha) + 5 (Alert) + 3 (½-proficiency bonus)]

2018-03-22, 03:09 AM
You play a multiclass Barbarian / Bard / Cleric / Druid / Fighter / Monk / Paladin / Ranger / Rogue / Sorcerer / Warlock / Wizard.

And you refluff every class to have an edgy and demonic feel. So it's Demon Rager/ Seductress / Apostle of the Dark One / Lord of the Blight / Slayer / Blackguard / Dark Ranger / Nightblade / Evoker of the Beast / Black Harvestor / Demonologist

2018-03-22, 03:14 AM
Halfling Diviner.

L4 ASI -> the racial feat Bountiful Luck.

I got lucky -- and therefore, so do all of my friends.

2018-03-22, 04:37 AM
Half-Elf Bladesinger 14/Kensei 6 (start Wizard for Dex/Int saves)
Elven Accuracy (+1 Dex), Resilient (+1 Wis & prof), Tough, Int ASI

Str 18
Dex 20 (18 +1 +1feat)
Con 18
Int 20 (18 +2asi)
Wis 20 (18 +1 +1feat)
Cha 20 (18 +2)

Song of Victory is pretty strong on a monk (+Int to all mwa damage) Including martial arts/flurry, and a monk getting to use Steel Wind Strike while Hasted, or using Tenser’s Transformation twice a day (2d12 force damage)

2018-03-22, 08:22 AM
I've seen this pop-up before, and I've got to be respond: having straight 18's (or just generally high stats) doesn't have to make a character boring. They're incredibly gifted, but that can be a great source of character development: make them someone pressured their whole lives to excel, to do something great, and their flaws come out in the fact that, despite how gifted they are, they never feel good enough. Or that they want to do something they're worried is "not worthy". Because being gifted doesn't make you perfect, but they've had to deal with the expectation of perfection. That's just one angle. Character flaws don't go away just because you have 18's. If anything, I think a character with 18's has to rely more on roleplay to define them as people than someone with decent to good stats and an 8. Because of course the character with 8's main weakness/flaw is their 8 stat, especially in a mental stat.

Fully agree with this. An approach to building character personality and backstory shouldn't begin and end with looking at your stats and declaring yourself Dumb But Strong, Slow But Wise.

Someone that naturally gifted becomes an adventurer because they're under immense internal pressure to use their gifts to make a difference. They're not patient with the failings of others, and struggle to relate to their weaknesses, although they really do try. Because they don't really relate well to people less well-off, they're always a bit awkward despite their charisma. Basically: Henry Cavill as Superman, raised by paladins in the rural midwest.

Maybe instead they've overcome so many challenges by virtue of their genetics that they've gotten lazy; they've never had to work hard. They don't believe in preparation and know instinctively that if they just wing it, it'll work out fine, because it always does. They're overconfident and hubristic. Or the other side of that coin - because they overcome challenges easily, they desperately crave situations that truly test them. They're perfectionists who often arrange matters to increase the difficulty or recklessly seek out greater degrees of risk or obstacles against which to test themselves. Garet Jax from Wishsong of Shanara might be something like this dude.

Maybe they're all the proof they need that they're the superman destined to rule over their species; their driving ambition is to take the place that their obvious superiority is due. The opposite of the first conception, rather than being pressured to serve their fellows, they're compelled to control them. Might not be a bad conception for an NPC villain, actually.

2018-03-22, 08:26 AM

Your Dwarven Prayer spoiler is incredible - need to print it out for RP purposes next.

Monster Manuel
2018-03-22, 09:33 AM
... I'd actually much rather play a Character with straight 14s instead.

That's an interesting (end entirely different) question...what do you choose for the character who is just adequate at everything? Say, all 12s instead of all 14s. +1 in all stats, maybe a +2 from racial bonuses. What do you play?

My first instinct would be to go with a support class; Lore Bard or Life Cleric, maybe, where the mediocre rolls won't matter as much because you;re not always rolling to hit or forcing a save.

Second instinct is Moon Druid, because you can just become something else with higher stats...

For the all-18 monstrosity, it would definitely be some variant of Monk, like lots of others have said. It's the perfect chance to go as MAD as possible.

2018-03-22, 11:12 AM
That's an interesting (end entirely different) question...what do you choose for the character who is just adequate at everything?

Lore Bard, maybe a Rogue that takes an extremely wide view of stealth, maybe a Tome Warlock. Ideally this character would be in a game that's tilted away from combat, and I could do something focused around disguise self or similar effects.

2018-03-22, 11:45 AM
Bare Chested Barbarian with a Battleaxe and a GWM.

I'm currently playing a Naked Monk along the same lines. No clothing at all. It's hilarious and fun as hell!

To the OP: Most likely I'd play a Half-Elf Vengeance Paladin. If homebrew is allowed, I'd play a Mountain Dwarf Oath of the Storm (http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/HybYLreKA-) paladin.

2018-03-22, 12:44 PM
I'd probably play a loremaster bard/rogue and become the party toolbox.

2018-03-22, 01:16 PM
I've seen this pop-up before, and I've got to be respond: having straight 18's (or just generally high stats) doesn't have to make a character boring.

No kidding sherlock. It is obvious from one point of view. No kidding sherlock.

For me, all 18 is boring as hell. Call it uninteresting. Sorry to correct you but you might not get it.

I knew there would be one person to point out the so obvious that it doesn't need to be pointed out. Grats, that person was you.

Again all 18 is boring.

2018-03-22, 01:29 PM
Orc Enchanter

2018-03-22, 01:53 PM
No kidding sherlock. It is obvious from one point of view. No kidding sherlock.

For me, all 18 is boring as hell. Call it uninteresting. Sorry to correct you but you might not get it.

I knew there would be one person to point out the so obvious that it doesn't need to be pointed out. Grats, that person was you.

Again all 18 is boring.

So just to recap,

You said that you'd reroll to make a more interesting character

Someone pointed out that having all 18's isn't necessarily boring

you feel compelled to be insulting

You know, there are ways to make that point that don't involve being a jerk right?

2018-03-22, 02:38 PM
No kidding sherlock. It is obvious from one point of view. No kidding sherlock.

For me, all 18 is boring as hell. Call it uninteresting. Sorry to correct you but you might not get it.

I knew there would be one person to point out the so obvious that it doesn't need to be pointed out. Grats, that person was you.

Again all 18 is boring.


2018-03-22, 02:41 PM
You know, there are ways to make that point that don't involve being a jerk right? Now where's the fun in that? :smallbiggrin:

Half Elf MC Sorcadin (Divine Soul, to be thematic) would be tempting ... but go wild magic just because of the lulz. :)

2018-03-22, 03:06 PM
Half Elf +2 Cha, +1 Dex, +1 Wis
Drunken Master Monk 20
Take Stealth, Insight, Survival, Medicine, Persuasion, History and cooks tools,
Expertise in Stealth and Brewer's kit

4th: Max out Dex and Wis
8th: Prodigy: Expertise in cooks tools, training in herbalism kit and Deception
12th: +2 Con
16th: Mobile
19th: Tavern Brawler just for the heck of it, and using lots of improvised weapons.

Super Chef.

2018-03-22, 03:55 PM
Half Elf Oath of Ancients Paladin 7, Wizard 13, Resilient Con and Medium Armour Master to get Dex and Con to 20, Str and Int +2

That's funny, I have been thinking for quite some time a Half-Elf Oath of the Ancients Paladin/Abjurer Wizard build. I would play either that, or a greatsword wielding Ranger.

2018-03-22, 04:33 PM
For me, all 18 is boring as hell. Call it uninteresting. Sorry to correct you but you might not get it.

Yeah seriously bro.

All 18s is totally boring. I need way higher numbers than that.

Unless I have all 19s or higher, I can't even maintain an erection for the 4 hours that it takes to play out a combat.

2018-03-22, 08:16 PM
The simple and only answer is to play the class and race you like most to play. Seriously. Under normal circumstances I only play human casters, because that is what I most enjoy and, because I'm a stick in the mud, I prefer the traditional classes so I'd play a human wizard. Man would that be sweet.

So whether your preference is a Dragonkin Cleric-Sorcerer or a plain fighter. Just play the race and class you enjoy most. Think about it, no tradeoffs and you never have to be sorry when a low value in an attribute comes back to bite you.

Blood of Gaea
2018-03-22, 09:15 PM
A Monk Barbarian could be fun. Having all 18's would negate the extreme MADness.

2018-03-22, 10:56 PM
A Monk Barbarian could be fun. Having all 18's would negate the extreme MADness.

What's the synergy?

Blood of Gaea
2018-03-23, 12:10 AM
What's the synergy?
Less of a synergy, more of making the combination possible without being gimped.

With a Monk/Barbarian, you need 13 Dex, Wis, and Str, and you need good scores in all of those along with a decent Con score. Your AC must come from Con+Dex or Wis+Dex, and you can't use a shield. Having flat 18's across makes this doable. The only other way I see it happening outside of amazing stats is being a Tortle and using their natural 17 AC.

I would probably take 4 or 5 levels of Kensei Monk, and then put the rest in Totem or Zealot Barbarian.

Honestly, the best way to take advantage of 18 across the board mechanically would likely be a Sorcadin GWM build. Maybe a Cleric Gish using Strength.

2018-03-23, 01:40 AM
What's the synergy?

Is synergy mandatory for play? I think not.

2018-03-23, 07:54 AM
Is synergy mandatory for play? I think not.


Hence my long term goal to roleplay Mountain Dwarf in every class and a few MC builds. And no kilts or Scottish accents, attitude not always Grumpy. (Here come the Snow White Jokes!)

Make the character fun!

2018-03-23, 08:08 AM
I'd play a mountain dwarf 8lvl bear totem barbarian/ 12lvl scout rogue. Simple but very effective at what they do. Also only need 1 ASI to get all of their needed stats to max so 5 feats if desired.

2018-03-23, 11:03 AM
A Monk Barbarian could be fun. Having all 18's would negate the extreme MADness.

What's the synergy?
1. Barbarian > Monk. Having Rage resistance covering the usual weakness of Monk, which is being kinda frail at low levels (although you would start with 18 AC, you would still be often in the thick of melee). Especially with Bear: you will less often need to use Ki on Disengage or Dodge.
2. Monk > Barbarian. Getting extra (Rage) damage and potentially improved critical on top of 3-4 attacks whatever build you go, instead of having to rely on feats of dual-wielding, is kinda a big deal if you also pick Elven Accuracy.
3. Barbarian > Monk: advantage on STR checks means you are now a very reliable soft controller, especially if not Open Hand: the chance of success means using Shove/Grapple on Attack is worth it, and you still get Flurry to try and Stun things.
4. Bilateral: Danger Sense + Evasion + 18 DEX + proficiency means you could act as a scapegoat to draw many enemies to you, then grin as your caster friends unleash Shatter/Fireball/Chain Lightning or whatever with you as the epicenter or relay (Chain Lightning), emerging unscathed, middle finger mocklingly raised towards the enemies, provided they survived.
5. Bilateral: extra 10 feet from Barbarian or Monk at lvl 5 means you don't lose speed progression whatever way you build it.
6. Monk > Barbarian: for GWM builds, extra base speed and bonus action Dash means Monk covers one of the main problem of Barbarians, which is reaching enemies that actively avoid him.
7. Barbarian > Monk: advantage on initiative rolls, on a DEX guy that has an ability that can crush a threat (Stunning Strike) means you have a much better chance of making allies engage under much better circumstances.

The synergies are really numerous, whether you go for a STR buid or a DEX build, and whatever archetype you choose both sides. ;=)

Blood of Gaea
2018-03-23, 11:28 AM
The synergies are really numerous, whether you go for a STR buid or a DEX build, and whatever archetype you choose both sides. ;=)
The beauty of having all 18's for this build means you can have Dex for AC, saving throws, and Initiative while still be able to make weapon attacks with strength, which is required for their bonus damage.

I wouldn't go with GWM, as it means you can't use your martial arts die on your unarmed attacks.

That said, a Tortle gets around this with 17 natural AC and a 1d4 unarmed attack, so you'd be able to run a Tortle Monk/Barbarian even without amazingly rolled stats.

2018-03-23, 11:41 AM
1. Barbarian > Monk. Having Rage resistance covering the usual weakness of Monk, which is being kinda frail at low levels (although you would start with 18 AC, you would still be often in the thick of melee). Especially with Bear: you will less often need to use Ki on Disengage or Dodge.
2. Monk > Barbarian. Getting extra (Rage) damage and potentially improved critical on top of 3-4 attacks whatever build you go, instead of having to rely on feats of dual-wielding, is kinda a big deal if you also pick Elven Accuracy.
3. Barbarian > Monk: advantage on STR checks means you are now a very reliable soft controller, especially if not Open Hand: the chance of success means using Shove/Grapple on Attack is worth it, and you still get Flurry to try and Stun things.
4. Bilateral: Danger Sense + Evasion + 18 DEX + proficiency means you could act as a scapegoat to draw many enemies to you, then grin as your caster friends unleash Shatter/Fireball/Chain Lightning or whatever with you as the epicenter or relay (Chain Lightning), emerging unscathed, middle finger mocklingly raised towards the enemies, provided they survived.
5. Bilateral: extra 10 feet from Barbarian or Monk at lvl 5 means you don't lose speed progression whatever way you build it.
6. Monk > Barbarian: for GWM builds, extra base speed and bonus action Dash means Monk covers one of the main problem of Barbarians, which is reaching enemies that actively avoid him.
7. Barbarian > Monk: advantage on initiative rolls, on a DEX guy that has an ability that can crush a threat (Stunning Strike) means you have a much better chance of making allies engage under much better circumstances.

The synergies are really numerous, whether you go for a STR buid or a DEX build, and whatever archetype you choose both sides. ;=)

You could also make a very scary grapple beast by going open hand monk and battlerager barbarian.

Plenty of Dex for ac and all the goodies
Str is great for combat
Expertise in athletics from Prodigy or some other feat
Advantage on Atlhetics from rage.
Will probably be unarmed anyway
GM will probably let you use their spiked armor as just spiked straps, that way they are not armor at all and you keep monk stuff with spiked armor barbarian abilities.
You could take Tavern Brawler but you don't have to.

Grapple>Flurry strike to prone>Flurry strike to disarm>Drag away from weapon>second attack