View Full Version : Obscure Hiding Places

2018-03-21, 02:50 PM
What is the weirdest place you've ever seen a trap deployed or treasure hidden? Comic for reference (http://www.handbookofheroes.com/archives/comic/trapfinding).

2018-03-21, 02:57 PM
"You've completed the puzzle and evaded all my potential traps. However, completing the puzzle IS the trap! Only a foolish intruder would bother to solve the whole, needlessly complicated thing!"

2018-03-21, 03:31 PM
In a crook under a spiral staircase. Why would anyone go there? Well if they spot the easily spottable trap in the next room, which is an AoE effect, then they will go outside while the rogue tries to disarm it. And one of them is bound to squeeze into that tight little spot...

No brains
2018-03-21, 03:39 PM
I end up having to search for traps on toilets IRL. The pervasiveness of filth one can find AROUND a seat is mind-boggling.

2018-03-21, 08:12 PM
I end up having to search for traps on toilets IRL. The pervasiveness of filth one can find AROUND a seat is mind-boggling.

This is a sad truth where I work. You seriously never know what you will find when walking into the restroom.

2018-03-21, 08:35 PM
In the Hill Giant Steading, we found a magic wand at the bottom of a long drop. A currently-used longdrop...

2018-03-22, 09:35 AM
Here's a quick copy-paste from one of my group's session summaries. This one comes courtesy of Monte Cook's "Dragon's Delve."

Unable to unravel the mystery of this latest possibly-false tomb, but certain that something was off about that mourning lady statue, Fitzwilliam peered closely at her eyes. Was she actually a fountain?

"Move aside!" said the strangely ingenious Dardrik. What transpired next involved candle wax, a masterwork snorkel, and well-placed bloodragring. The big half-orc attached a makeshift wind instrument to the mourning lady's face, then blew on the thing for all he was worth. The party heard the ear on a nearby caryatid jostle. Realizing that this trigger was somehow connected to the statue you decided to rotate the caryatid ear. Dardrik blew again, and a stream of fluid jetted out from the stone lady's eye!

"It is magic? Is it doing anything? What's it taste like?"

"Yes, no, and brine. A puddle of mildly magical tears forms on the floor."

"Dammit!" said Dardrik. "It's like Monkey Island in this place. Rub the thing on the other thing until something happens."

"Rub the thing..." said Fitzwilliam, eyeing the puddle. "...On the other thing?"

The intuitive little knight scooped up a few of the tears, walked across the chamber, and rubbed them on an enigmatic and heretofore illegible plaque. Lettering began to appear. There was much rejoicing.

The engraving read as followings: “This is the true tomb of the Wizard-Priest Orr. Do not disturb his bodyguards. Rather, put your hand upon his coffin and ask for his blessing.”

You did as the instructions bid, each touching the simple wooden coffin and speaking Orr's name. Each time a booming voice rang out: "YOU ARE WORTHY OF MY BLESSING!" And so you gained a number of magical blessings, one to each of your company.

"Does that feel like a satisfying conclusion to this dungeon?" someone asked.

"NO!" chorused everyone else. And so you set off in search of more secret doors.

2018-03-22, 10:36 AM
How about "in plain sight"?

At a canyon entrance, I put a pile of rocks with some sheets of copper and a tripwire. The kobolds who put it together had some vague hopes that if something came into their canyon, the tripwire would pull down the pile and the metal clanging would alert them to the intruders. The pile was in plain sight and the tripwire was fairly obvious.

The PCs walked up, saw it, said "That's a trap!", promptly followed by "I knock it over!", shortly followed by "Hey, that's a lot of kobolds..."

2018-03-22, 11:55 AM
I gave my players a cursed +1 dagger, but it doesn't require attunement or prevent the character from dropping it, so they have no clue that it's cursed, and the effect is minor enough to be really tough to detect.

2018-03-22, 04:49 PM
I gave my players a cursed +1 dagger, but it doesn't require attunement or prevent the character from dropping it, so they have no clue that it's cursed, and the effect is minor enough to be really tough to detect.

Well don't keep us in suspense! What's the effect?

2018-03-22, 05:07 PM
Well don't keep us in suspense! What's the effect?

-1 to saves. It's pretty hard to notice, and the duel-wielding rogue has chosen the knife as his secondary weapon.