View Full Version : Is There a Cheap Suit of Mechanical Armor Out There?

2018-03-21, 10:58 PM
Yes, yes, I know about that clockwork armor from that online article, but (without crafting feats or the like) it's only within the WBL of a 9th level character (!), which is a little late for my Darth Vader build. I could also just go with a full suit of plate mail and refluff it as being mechanical, but I'm still interested to see if there are any other "mechanical armors" out there (magical (or mundane) life-support armor or magical (or mundane) armor that heals you would also work for my purposes).

EDIT: While I'm mostly just interested in 3.5 stuff, Pathfinder stuff might work as well.

2018-03-21, 11:01 PM
I recall there being some enhancements in MIC that healed you if that works. But it did it limited times per day not continuously.

Karl Aegis
2018-03-21, 11:08 PM
There's probably one on that layer of Acheron that turns everything into junk. It's probably guarded by something nasty and you can't wear it, but you might be able to make a replica of it with enough time. Maybe. But, by then the campaign would be over, so why bother?

2018-03-21, 11:12 PM
Mechanus Gear?

2018-03-22, 08:24 PM
Though a bit unorthodox, a suit of haunted armor might be a less expensive option, depending on what you're looking for.

Haunt Shift (clr 5, sor/wiz 5, Libris Mortis) can transfer the essence of an undead creature up to 8HD into an object (typically nonmagical). The undead can then possess the item and behave as if it was an animated object (so long as it has naturally moving parts).

As far as cost goes, you're looking at three components: a suitably high HD corpse (haunt shift has some CR requirements), a casting of Animate Dead, and a casting of Haunt Shift. Whether you do this via your own spells, purchased scrolls, or contracted spellcasting services, the cost should be significantly lower than 9th level wbl (circa 1800gp at most before factoring in the actual cost of the armor).

Providing any actual bonuses/hindrances to combat/skills would be at the discretion of the DM (perhaps you could consider it one creature aiding another? said suit would have its own bonuses, AC, and health), but, at the very least, you would have a suit with the capability of moving on its own.

As an added bonus, if the undead being transferred is intelligent, you've basically built yourself the necromantic layman's version of the Ironman suit.

2018-03-22, 11:25 PM
DragonMech had Clockwork armor. And mech (Hybrid) armors.